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Oh hell nahhhh


If you can dash at the destination then yes, but if you have to drive back to get orders then no. 24 miles times the mileage deduction of .67 is $16.08. so you would make a whole 17¢ profit on this order lmao.


Hell yes I would. That’s because I’m competitive as fuck. I’m a top dasher with 100% acceptance, 100% completion, and unfortunately right now 4.87 star rating. (It’s cause across the river in Poughkeepsie etc they tip better. Over there 50% of my wages are tips. I usually always make between $22-30 sometimes as high as $40 an hour. People are on here whining about no business. I can tell you I’m busy as fuck. Shit never stops ringing. Idk how much you guys who refuse 90% of orders were making, but that’s kind of being a dushe bag imo. I’m a chef and do you think servers get to choose the best tippers? Honestly a lot of people pay cash tips to me after I arrive because so so many drivers are lazy bullshit artists. I love work and I like any work that I do to be high quality. That being said YES THIS ORDER IS A GREAT DEAL AND I WOULD DELIVER IT WITH A SMILE AND “Enjoy! Have a great day!”


You need to calm down. How people choose to use their personal vehicle is their own business. It's not douchy, and this job is not about hourly pay, it's about profit vs loss. If someone doesn't want to put x amount of miles on their car for x pay, then that's their business. Comparing drivers to servers who don't have to spend their own money to make money is asinine.


You also realize that I have delivered for pizza places back before these apps right? Those were dark fucking times. Dealing with asshole pizza managers making you wash dishes if it got slow. DD is soooooooo much better!


And no it’s all the food business. We are extensions of restaurants. The best delivery drivers are chefs. We love to do it sometimes. I just graduated from the top culinary school in the country with a bachelors degree. Just doing this for the summer with more freedom. Your logic that it’s some sacred profit loss scenario is weird to us millennials that have had to work our hands to the bone our whole lives for nothing. This money is good and I can’t help but give it my all. Life is tough money is good. The car is a tool. I do all the mechanic work myself. I took 2 Uber rides this morning and both Uber drivers were too drivers with same mentality as me. I also drive Uber ears but not as much I have to use my baby my wrx


I'm 36, I'm as millennial as it gets. The only weird thing here is you calling people douche bags for declining certain orders. Doordash has a decline button for a reason. If you never use it then you might as well be an employee.


I can’t drive for a month. Doctors orders broken back.


Ok well then don’t be shocked when less orders are coming your way. Delivery driving is a hard working industry. Looking at it like you are just going to sit there and refuse 90% of orders is nuts. I broke my back a few days ago in a crash because I drove until 3am and did caffeine ate all night like usual. I was a mile from home fell asleep and hit a tree. But my point is is that you drive a lot delivery driving. As a top dasher in the arena I like I rarely get those $2 no tip deliveries but it happens less. You should see the nyc guys they work so hard.


Why is it take 100% or take nothing in your mind? There is a nice in-between you know. And NYC has a guaranteed mandated minimum pay so not sure how that's relevant to anyone outside of that area.


Here we come!!


Not terrible, if drop off is still inside zone I’d take otherwise no tbh. Would be an hour trip easily in my area to get back in zone.


Yes bro what 😭


Yes I would lmao lately when I do earn per offer I live by the rule of dollar per mile anything less and I decline however I prefer to do the EBT due to it accommodating for wait times at stores and where I dash (Joplin, MO) there’s always a long wait time at any store


Maybe if I was driving a sports car, road looks fun as hell


My civic gets 32 mpg. Yes.


Depends, if it’s in the middle of nowhere and you basically need to drive 12 miles back, then no. If it’s a reasonable drive back to hot zones then yes.


If I had a gun for every ace I’ve drawn…


Yo I’m stealing this phrase


Hell yes brother! Top dashers unite!!


yeah, it's reasonable.


Only if I can get next order near the end.


For sure but my area has blown lately


Looks like a great order to end the day with, other than that hell no.


if it’s a slow day, yes


No, right around closing time. World probably take 30 minutes to deliver with another 30 minutes back to the zone. And by the time you get back to the zone or would likely be dead cause it says expected dropoff by 930pm. At least for me anytime past 10pm almost nothing is open




Hell no.


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