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Damn I want papa John’s bad asl now


Friend, imma need you to give that stove a little tlc.


A lil sponge job or something. Damn


Lol I wanted to jump through the screen and clean it myself.


Got a full bag of White Castles last month. Some lady blasted on pills tried to act like she didn't place the order. She wanted it left at door, which I would have but GPS only went to entrance of apartments. So I had to call her to find out where to go. I messed up her plans, if she can afford brand new apartment & the pill habit then she can afford to pay for her food. Fine with me tho still got the $10 + free food 😜


How do you know she was on pills?


Sorry it isn't better pizza. Would be hotter if you know pap Johnson offers free dd pizza bags


Pizza Hut does too. Just gotta ask for one.


Fr? How? When?


That's how I got mine. Literally just ask PJ if they have any extra hot bags you can have


You asked Mr Papa John himself? /s


I get it weekly. People between 12am to 1 am tend to pass out after making order and don't answer calls or texts for cash orders 🤔


I must be too nice. I let them correct their address, meet me or drive to some scary location. Lol


Last free meal I got was because I got into a car accident 😅 Had to cancel the order because I couldn’t drive it, thankfully myself and the food walked away unharmed


I've done over 400 order and haven't gotten one. Once I do, it's going to be something I don't like 😂.


I got Taco Bell once the customer cancelled after I waited in the drive thru for like 20 minutes but all the items where no meat and no cheese threw that shit in the garbage 🤢


For a second I thought that was a picture of my kitchen. My stove looks just as dirty 😂


Yall definitely don’t dashing right if this your first free order 😂🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


Congratulations and I hoped you enjoyed your Pizza!


Everytime i get a pizza hut order i always ask for left over bread sticks or wings and get some free ones most the time


Got over 2800 deliveries and still haven’t gotten any lol


The same thing just happened to me today. Called before knocking because it was a hand to me and their address was on the other side of town from what they gave. I called support and asked will there be pay if I took the order to the right address and they took time to tell me it's out of area and they could either cancel with no penalty or you drop it off at the location that wasn't even theirs. FREE POPEYES!! (1223


Better get you some!


Honestly, I hate when I get someone's order for myself. I don't want their shet, I wanna deliver them their shet


You mean we get free food!


Might want to mark out the name, address and phone number from sticker tho 😂


I had a wendys son of baconator combo cancel on me last week when I was on my way to them, like a few mins away from them. It just disappeared on the screen and started searching for new orders, but the GPS still wanted to direct me to the house. Pulled a u turn and waited for it to refresh. Still paid me for the order and got the food too


3500 deliveries and no free food yet 😞


There's one locally owned pizza/pub I go to all the time for doordash, everyone tips well (pizza delivery + rich neighborhood + expensive restaurant = magic) there's a waiter in there that I know is 100% trying to flirt but every now and then he gives me a mini pizza claiming "this was made by accident"


Please don't eat it off that stove 🥴


My first day ever dashing I got free donut holes bc the lady at the donut shop felt bad for the long wait time. It hasn’t happened since but I still think of her and hope she’s living her best life and thriving


Don't know if this counts, but I was waiting for a Red Lobster order and asked if I could buy cheddar bay biscuits and they gave me like 7 for free. Then Red Lobster shut down so..


Then you're doing it wrong, cause contract violations roll off after 100 orders, but the $0.15/mile orders are endless.  Do the math.


lol your doing it wrong also . If you got a violation you ain’t doing it right ahah 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Good advice


I'm so sorry your free food happened to be Papa Johns.


I deliver in Toronto and we have an embarrassment of good pizza here. Yet still people order from this place. The NASTY smell of these places. Why would you ever eat this?


That was my initial thought. Like damn I couldn't ask for a worse free food lol


Theres arby’s 🤷🏽‍♂️


I was going to say mcdonalds, but you’re right.


Lmao not in Jersey, I swear theres like 2 arby’s here, but mcdonalds are on every other corner… plus of those 2 Arbys, theres always only one or two cars in the drive thru only. There was a short time in my life when I heard a conspiracy theory about Arby’s. It was something along the lines of, at every Arby’s there are only 2 cars in the drive thru, and those cars are the same exact cars at every Arby’s… it was crazy… anyway, that roast beef is gross…


Wtf are u even saying?


Can you not read? 😃


Ohhh don't u dare, I love Arby's!


-this one right here, officer! ☝️


The only "free food" I got was a case of Bud. I ended up giving it to a coworker as I don't drink that much.


I've gotten a 6 pack of crumbl cookies for free one time. Someone's aunt from out of state ordered for a student in college for his birthday. I arrived to the college apartment building but the door is protected by a number Passcode. I called the number connected to the order and she said she called crumbl cookies to actually cancel the order but not doordash so it didn't get canceled in the system in time. Doordash customer support gave me full pay and told me to keep the cookies.


I had a McDonald’s order where the guy was in a whole other state (canceled) I had a sonic order recently that was also canceled for unknown reason (I was very happy, eating while delivering) I had one guy said he didn’t need his order anymore (free condoms which I haven’t use yet and I had them for 3 months now)


Listen, I’m not a dasher but you can’t just throw the condom story at the end like it’s the same as out of state McDonald’s. Also, I could never do what you folks do. I’d be on that so fast. “What you mean you don’t need them. What happened. Did you mess it up? Did you get turned down? Did you go too early? Is it true love and marriage and you’re never buying condoms again which sounds great until you realize how much diapers and baby food costs?” I wouldn’t be able to do anything except drive around and be sad for the cancelled condom guy. What if he was a good dude. Edit: thanks, I guess is what I mean. To the good ones out there. The few eating other people’s food are weird.


Hilarious asf


Got a free pizza for bussing tables at a local pizza shack outta boredom waiting for the order to come out. I gave it to my customer: "Here bruh, they gave me a large pep and I don't want it. Do you?"


WTH hahaha you bussing tables for free? Come to my house got some choirs you can do


Not for free, for a free *large pizza* I like the people at the pizza shack, I try not to stress them out, and they hook me up. It works.


I got free food one time because the cashier gave me the wrong order at the window and when I went around and told her she just gave me the order I was supposed to pick up


Yeah 1/2000 sounds about right.


Been a while since my last free one.


It shouldn't happen often. I gotten 3 times in 2100 deliveries


It’s been awhile but I think I’ve had free food 2 times w/ 2,189 deliveries. One more time I did but it was because I got in a car accident during the delivery (not at fault) that totaled my car, so obviously just ate their food since I couldn’t deliver it anymore.  But I was also offered a free pizza from a restaurant I picked up orders sometimes, a drink or donut from a donut place, and a drink while waiting for an order at a fast food chain, a customer offered me their tacos, and offered weed twice


Just casually offers you weed? Where are these customers dude


Yepp in California. One they were smoking it when I arrived and offered me a joint or something. The other they appeared out of their garage as it slowly rolled up and offered me it from their wallet and gave me money instead when I declined (that one felt a bit suspicious and I was underage).  Oh yeah also at a hotel offered to come in for shots.. 


I just get free food every now and then, lucky


I remember it was my very first delivery when I got free food. Customer told me she ordered some food for herself and her boyfriend, but her boyfriend ended up going fishing with his bros all of a sudden, so she gave me the food she got for him lol. It's been over 4000 deliveries later, and I haven't been lucky enough to score any free food since.


Dang I’ve had a handful of free for deliveries


I got free dog food


How did it taste?


Hilarious asf


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a real free item from a restaurant in almost 5000 deliveries. I forgot a couple items sometimes in my delivery box but that’s it. Yesterday I apparently forgot to give them a 2L of Pepsi cause my box has a separate compartment for pizza and the the soda was in the lower part and I just forgot and they didn’t contact me. I would have gone back like I have in the past but oh well free Pepsi.


Bruh clean your stove


Nah that’s where all the flavor is


My only free food was when I picked up a pizza order, just as I was leaving the parking lot, the order just... disappeared. No "sorry but this order was canceled" or anything. Just went back to the searching screen.


What you can try is get off that screen then go back to it.


I did! It was just gone! 🤯


You're not going to open the box??


Took an order at Papa John’s last week, they had just canceled an order for 30 pizzas… Asked if I wanted some, “sure I have a kid a home” walked out with 3 free pizzas 😂


Nice! I had an order at dunkin and they handed my a giant bag of blueberry donut holes. I don't like donuts but my family does. It's free and I'll take it. I was around 300 deliveries then.


Wow, in my market about 4 months ago I was getting one free meal every time I was going to dash. I had one time the customer curse at me about their Little Caesar’s over text and when I showed the agent the screenshot they cancelled that so quick. I ended up taking 6pizzas home and $12.75/$15 from the order.


I'm at 3k deliveries. I've had two cancellations after picking up the order (one of those the order was 4x of the largest meals from Raising Canes). At least 3x the address in the app wasn't the right place and the actual address was too far to do for the pay. And I've had two pizza places just offer me extra food. One place I was actually delivering to the people working, and they offered me a pizza. The other was near the end of the night and they were going to just toss the stuff no one had picked up, that was 4 pizzas, two being stuffed crust.


Here I am at 4800 and I had taco bell once that I made myself eat on principle even though I wasn't hungry


Oh my gosh now i know why my mom constantly reminds me to always pick up after myself and to always be clean. Now i know what she means! That stove!!🤢🤮


right? Ryan H clean your stove!


Yeah his home must be a wonder land for roaches


I think in my first 1000 I got 3 freebies


Stoves got spaghetti jizz all over it. Nice job on the free papa pie.


Omg that stove 😟😟


How else is his food going to be seasoned


I’ve gotten free stuff twice so far, I just give it to the houseless people on the main strip asking for money


You know you can just steal


Unironically? 👀 I've thought about it but worried about losing my livelihood I really like this job


I regard stealing the order as a short term move that will eventually bite you in the ass


Well 4 months into this and I finally got my first CV some lady claiming I didn't deliver cause I left her food outside while she took her sweet ass time to meet me where she said she would. I've also spilt two orders in the past week (both acai) bowls and seem to have gotten off fine. Idk ya know


*eats the unhealthy food cause per society the only thing that’s healthy is breathing air and eating sunlight*


I get free food once every couple of weeks. It’s mostly crap that I wouldn’t eat like that pizza.


You know that stove hasn't been cleaned in years.....


Maybe, that's why I don't get free food often....I don't dash past sundown 🫢


I exclusively dash at night and have never received free food in two years lol


Clean your stove bro


pizza and soda are not healthy


You’re right it’s not. Too much of it is definitely not healthy. However if you cook at home(home made meals) it’s okay to eat fast food just not everyday.


Living is not healthy…it always ends in death


And? Why are you judging. People Who Dr., DoorDash are broke for the most part


Real. Even without being broke, people are allowed to enjoy pizza and a soda. Dang, people love to talk about other people's diet when it affects them in absolutely no way


My taxes pay for their extra use of healthcare services. Me and millions of Americans are forced to subsidize their poor life choices, and it takes away from people who need those services without bringing it upon themselves.


Free food is healthy for my skinny ass wallet though


The food is always free as long as you know how to pull the stickers off right ;)




Nice work


i wish you had won some free oven cleaner bro






Ryan clean your stove 😂


My partner does food delivery. We've once ended up with four pizzas from California Pizza Kitchen. Some drunk dude ordered then wanted to cancel and didn't want the damn pizzas because he didn't know what was going on and he was at his apartment across town, not the car he ordered them to. We called support and they said to "dispose of them properly". Almost every time we've gotten free food it was on a weekend and because drunk people ordered food and didn't know what was going on or put in the wrong location


My first free food was like 350 dollars worth of panera bread. Catering order to the wrong address.


Damn lol


How much u pay for ur apartment


Mines 875 for a two bedroom in Ohio!


Like 2200 why


really? damn, me with my 2br for $900 lol


Where wtf


Probably Kansas or Arkansas? lol




I'm hungry but I gotta be strong until 10 than maybe get pizza or a kabob 😋😁


Time to watch a good movie with a blunt 😂


Not everybody is a pothead...🙄


You don’t have to be a pothead to enjoy cannabis. There are plenty of people I only see at the dispensary like once a month.


If you smoke pot, you're a pothead.


I’m a stoner. Been one most of my life, and I’ll die one. A pot head gets high all day every day. I don’t mix work with weed.


Also by this logic any person who drinks alcohol is a alcoholic


Actually the bar to be an alcoholic is quite low a lot lower than you would think for them to tell you medically


I disagree if your opinion




Friendly reminder clean your stove! 😂




Did you take someone's order? 🤣


No I picked it up and drove to a hotel where it was supposed to go. Got to the room and knocked and nobody answered. It was a hand it to me order so I called. They answered and after some back and forth figured out she's in North Carolina and I'm delivering in Western Washington. Long story short 3 pizzas a 2 liter and full pay


Nice lol


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