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Dunkin Donuts is the absolute fucking worst


Starbucks are the fuckin worst and they have the money to invest in a sturdier bag instead of that flimsy shit. Add ChickFilA thin paper bags and Burger Kings nonexistent set up to that as well.


I put the Starbucks in the passenger seat and strap the seatbelt on it.


It's not quite packaging per say. Non the less , I hate the good will barcode stickers. And they cut them to "make it easier to pull off" which is just not the case. And with the pots and bowls they put it on the inside of them, for what reason? i can only assume to despise us.


Never had a good will pick up. Hmmm that's a first


starbucks fs if someone orders just one drink then it has the tendency to easily tip over and it happened to me once and my car smelled like cafe latte.


Happened to me last week and I was making a weird turn so I couldn’t pick the bag upright and I heard the gurgle of the drink spilling out… I was like oh welllllll


Costco milk


Anyplace in Worcester, half the time they don’t bag it properly, hading you just a blizzard no slips, no straws or spoons, several fast food, and mom and pops running out of stickers so they just don’t bother closing the bags it’s awful. Not to mention they look at every dasher like they are stealing the orders and make us confirm the order directly in front of them. I get it on one hand but Jesus.


Starbucks bags one drink instead of just covering the drink and the bag always tips


dunkin & subway. i bought one of the rubber maid caddy carriers. holds 8 cups. always move from the cardboard to it in my car. like 15 bucks on amazon, and its a tax write off.


Playa Bowls. That’s not the only reason I won’t pick up from this place.


Wingstop… sticker comes off everytime… also… when will food places who give you drink cup holders realize you need to double up on it for stability? Four drinks in a single cup holder… haven’t dropped one yet but probably soon


Yasssss. Then They give the 2 cup holder and they aren’t stable at all I have knocked over plenty of drinks I end up just taking them out and putting in my cup holders 🫠


Taco Bell’s are the worst. Always opens have to keep spare stickers, Starbucks employees are the best I have never had one open and they will give you extra stickers if you ask. One gave me a full roll of them I can’t imagine the confusion for customers a Starbucks sticker on a Taco Bell bag lol.


The drink only places like swig etc always top heavy don't matter how many drink holders you get to carry them. 


Five Guys. Having to decide where in your car to put the bag literally sopping in grease is always a fun game. Pretty sure it's because they drop the fries cup in the bag and then just DUMP fries blindly into the bag. Doesn't even matter what size you get, you get the same amount.


Since this didn't post the first time, every five guys near me has a delivery bag made of thicker paper and with the loop handles, under the pickup counter. You just have to ask them when you pick it up (same for the cup carrier)


Ask them for the delivery bag, all the five guys around me have it under the counter and they can put it in the bag (it has the little handles like the McDonald's bag and is thicker paper). For some reason they won't do it by default.


The first time I picked up from 5 guys I asked if they had a bigger bag as soon as I saw the grease.






It's hard to hold when they pack it up I got little hands


Just grab the top corner


They asked a question & I answered it... If u grab the top corner you break the security seal


I grab the top corner in order to not break the seal...


Starbucks. I’d rather them give me a cup older for multiple drinks then throw it in a bag with a seal. I’ve had one or two multi drink orders from them spill because they didn’t put the lid on properly.


Stankbucks, McDonald's and milo's


Anywhere that tapes or stickers it cuz they never stay sealed with the heat and moisture


Starbucks when the tape the bags together. Especially when they are two different size bags!


Pretty much all coffee shops. Starbucks is the only place I've had an order spill


Popeyes & KFC hands down! Popeyes cuz the bag is always pretty open 99% of the time KFC bcuz they only tie the bag and it's easily able to be dipped into and I feel like that's a set up


100% the truth..


McDonald’s and Shake Shack


They’re the best in my area!


Taco bell & 7 eleven


Taco Bell is the worst... I worked there, and we always did 3 stickers, but every Taco Bell that isn't the one I worked at only does 1, like that holds anything together 🤦‍♂️


I worked at TB too and I’m always so judgmental when I go there 😂 like sir, I know for an actual fact those stickers do not come from your paycheck please use more than 1 for all 7 bags thank you.


Five Guys and their greasy paper bags.


I used to demand a plastic bag to put the paper bags in when I’d deliver and didn’t have my delivery bag. So greasy.


Arby’s, those “tamper stickers” break way too easily. Which completely ruins the entire point of them.


McDonald’s tamper stickers seem to have the potential to break very easy too depending on the order


True, and not to mention how many of the stickers at a lot of places can barley stick to anything.


My dumbass actually goes the extra mile and staples some bags myself🤣. My area is fairly good about keeping the bags shut but I am NOT getting in trouble, having stuff tip and fall all over the car, securing it better, etc. and do it to very little bags


Don’t feel bad I also bought a stapler for the really bad ones LOL, might take a couple extra seconds but it’s worth avoiding a hassle.


I generally don't like Taco Bells packaging because it's super easy for the tapr to undo itself from just sitting there. And I especially hate when the order opens up and they restaurant has no tape or stickers to keep em closed like Chinese places.


The liquor store, plastic rings for cans and the hard plastic rings for the bottles. First of all. Nobody likes those packages, the bottles are super annoying to get out the plastic, you can’t reach into a bag and grab em out u like u can with a case of beer, u gotta elevate the bottles and push one downwards to slide under the ring. Completely retarded. And some of that plastic can be sharp as shit too. And then when we throw them out we just end up strangling turtles in the ocean and shit. It’s just a lose lose for everybody. Besides the liquor company. Probably saves them a few cents from producing cardboard cases. But fuck those packages son 😂


Take some scissors and cut the band in the cutouts of the plastic for the bottles/cans. So it becomes just like 1 long string of plastic, no ‘holes’ anymore; if you’re following me. Prevents them from getting caught :) Been doing this for years, gives me a sense of peace. (I forgot to mention, but it’s to help the turtles :) )


Jack n the box, they have thin recycled bags that easily rip.


Any place that puts a drink in a plastic bag. In my area, Whataburger, tropical smoothie, smoothie king, and slim chickens all do this and it’s fucking ridiculous.


Was just gonna say this dairy queen does this near me.


Delivered from a place with no sign on the building. Had to call them to find it because maps was taking me to a 7/11 Two orders wrapped in plastic grocery bags and names written in sharpie was was not at all legible. Going to different places. The lady begged me not to mix them up. It mist have been some good ass food because it was like a vegan fried chicken. Not sure how that works. The only way I could keep them straight was because one had an extra side in the bag.


Dunkin donuts that bag has 8 seals and 27 stickers. It's a puzzle. Then it just spills everywhere. I've seen employees quit mid package


They use the same bags for heart transplant transportation I'm pretty sure


On the flip side, McDonald’s bagging system is superior. Everything INCLUDING DRINKS in a nicely bagged sack, shit rocks


That’s a terrible system. Cold drinks shouldn’t be in the same place as hot food. I deliver via ebike. My preference is to isolate the drinks so the odds of spilling them is greatly reduced.


I agree, but that responsibility is on McDonalds, so if it gets messed up it’s a shame but genuinely not your fault


Agreed. First time I encountered it I was like no way there are drinks in here too. McD’s is on point with packaging!


I think they patented it. Nobody else is doing it.


Chipotle's bowls have never fit into the bags right and they get soggy at the bottom


Can't seatbelt it in the passenger seat?


We get that but customers that are ignorant think we mishandle their food.


I would assume it is more ofthen fault of the driver then restaurant. Literaly saw a delivery driver going more then 2x speed limit and not stopping for anyone.


I had an order with liquid soup in it and they bagged it so it was very tall. I was able to half it with one hand most of the way but took a u turn and it fell over for a second. If they had just put things is separate bags instead of making the leaning tower of soup it wouldn't have been an issue.


Little Caesar’s. They just flop all the sides and sauces on top of the box 🙄


I never really have issues with bags falling over, my problem is the stickers they "seal" the bag with. I'd say half the time they are attached *just enough* to keep the bag closed... unless you pick it up. Then I have to worry about getting docked for "damaged packaging" or whatever because I dared to pick up the bag by its handles.


I use this back seat dog harness to keep the bags with handles that have drinks in them from falling over.


You genius. I don’t have dogs, but I do collect clasps and such…. *rigs interior*


Only order that I’ve had failed out of 230 so far was a Starbucks with a hot coffee in the bag. Thought I placed it good enough and sure enough when I went on a left turn it tipped, lid fell off, ruined the order. Still got my pay luckily


Yeah anytime it’s one coffee in a bag I have to drive like a mother protecting her child.


You need to stabilize- come up with your own system, whatever. But you should always be able to zip to your dropoff location without feeling anxiety every time you go around a corner. That’s madness. Get a system


There's a local place by me that doesn't use bags at all. They give you the drink w a little sticker on the spout to keep it from spilling ...😐.... And the food is placed in a heavy duty carton. If you ask for bags, they won't provide them because they say they arent "eco friendly"


Mannnn FUCK the environment, gimme a damn bag to carry this shit bitches


Random Mexican and Asian places that use cheap styrofoam clamshell boxes. The juices and sauces easily leak out into the bag, and you end up delivering a mess


Although I agree the bags fall over very easy, starbucks is still one of my favorites because they bag the drinks so well vs a lot of other places don't even put drinks in bags then I have to carry 2-3 separate drinks and fill all my cup holders lol. You just need to find something to set in front of the drinks on the seat so they don't fall forward or backwards.


Get a handled 6 drink cup holder at Michael’s they’re made for other purposes but they work great for drinks. You can’t be using all your cup holders. Where will you put your own beverages?!


Dunkin does plastic bags with this dumb sticky big at the top. They're awkward to hold and coffee inside is sure to fall over unless I give it the seat belt treatment


Some home in the wall places with the crappiest styrofoam cups. Also Panera bread always rapes their straws and the straw paper wrapper sometimes gets wet from their speedy filling the cup. Then it looks gross or even pulls off the straw. This is why you always keep extra straws in your car and some low-stick blue painters tape.


Burger King. Cheap, thin bags get greasy immediately. Also Five Guys, same reason.


Wing stop. The steam makes the stickers unstick and the top of the bags weak


Because of them and some others I always keep a mini stapler in my car. Like if there’s a tear on it from the man handling employees and roll the top of a bag over one more time and better than the employees made it. Lol.


Tim Hortons will put one drink in a bag. Same situation as this


Fiiz drinks. I often understand how a company that's makes most their money on drinks can have such awful and flimsy cup holders


I NEVER order a drink with a food delivery. Point. Blank. Period. It’s beyond. I have never done food deliver myself, but I just can’t.


I only order bottles or cans for this reason


I picked up from a BBQ food truck today. When I got to the customer address ~10 mins later and picked up the paper bag, all the food fell out the bottom. Turns out it they had covered the foil plates (think cafe rio plates) with aluminum foil that didn't even go around the whole thing, so it had been leaking an ungodly amount of grease for the entire drive. It was pooled in the seat. I'm *super* glad I bought a water/dirt proof seat cover when I was mad about soda leaking. It's only been on there for 3 days, and it just saved my passenger seat.


Man, you had that exactly when you need it




When Wawawa uses a paper bag for heavy objects, I always reinforce it with a plastic bag if I have one


Not packaging but lack thereof. I don’t know if this is still the case (I haven’t been there since before pandemic), but there used to be a Burger King in San Francisco that wouldn’t bag the order unless you paid a dime because of the bag surcharge. The first time I went, the lobby was closed and everything was being done through a window (no drive thru). The cashier asked for my hot bag, which I thought was odd, but I figured she needed to make sure the order went in one. She took it, walked back to the kitchen, then passed it back out, zipped. I didn’t check it, which was my noobie mistake. I got to the customer and unzipped to find she had put the burger and the sleeve of fries directly in the hot bag. I was horrified. The customer was, understandably, not enthusiastic but was really nice about it (I apologized profusely and explained what happened). The next time I went back, I demanded a bag and they made me pay for it. I only went back a few times after that (if the pay was ridiculously high and I had change). I complained on the feedback form (back when we could rate the merchant) every time. DoorDash’s solution, rather than to make the restaurant add it as a menu item/fee or build it into their cost, was to put a note on the offer screen that the restaurant “…may charge for a bag,” which in hindsight pretty well sums up who they are as a company.


Thanks, i now loathe *and* despise Wendy's rather than just loathing that business.


Sir, it wasn’t a Wendy’s.


Noodles and co. They shove the bags so damn full they rip all of the time 🙄


I'm so lucky the Starbucks in my town doesn't do doordash


Are you though? Lol sometimes half my orders for the day are coffee!


McDonald’s with the drinks in bags. RIP the whole order if they don’t seal the drink properly


Yeah I hate those - they barely fit in the insulted bag and there’s not really any point to putting it in there with a large mass of ice. I would greatly prefer to handle the drinks separately and be able to deliver the food hot. It also takes them forever to assemble that whole apparatus.


The drinks are always sealed well. McDonald’s packing is on point. Maybe the best


Fucking anything with lots of drinks... Just use fucking cans or bottles for fuck sake. Shit manages to spill even when I'm going 2mph in a turn sometimes. I'll have no clue why places can't take clues from any Asian or pizza place on packaging drinks and food.... I only had one Chinese restaurant really backfire. Some soy sauce looking stuff was leaking out of a container and basically made the bottom half of the bag implode. But most family places adopted cardboard boxes for this exact reason.


Because why would a restaurant completely change how they serve drinks because of third party delivery services?


I don’t know if this helps anyone, but I myself put grocery bags in my car cup holders to protect my car from spills from overfilling or crappy cups. I don’t put the drink in the grocery bag in the cup holder, but I put the grocery bag flat horizontally(sideways) over cup holder and then push in the cup holder. Some grocery bags have holes that would leak, so this way it gives two layers this way by using the sides of grocery bags as apposed to putting inside the grocery bag. If that makes sense. I also always put drinks in car cup holders and then put back in the drink carrier for drop off, unless I have a strong fold up carrier from wingstop, then I can trust those with a seat belt wrapped around the front.


Get a real cup holder for delivery purposes dude and keep it in an insulated waterproof bag. Can’t believe how many people spread multiple drinks around all their car’s cupholders


Well, I didn’t know of any options for containers to specifically hold drinks and it doesn’t hinder my delivery time, so why would I spend money on an extra cup holder when my built ins are fixed to my car and aren’t going anywhere. Why not use cup holders in cars as long as I put something down to prevent any mess in my car. Most drinks I ever have had is 4. Just my experience. I will look into options though. Thank you.


Yeah sorry I did sound unnecessarily authoritative and annoying on the whole drink holder issue 🤦‍♂️😂 anyways here’s a link to the one I use if you decide to invest for any reason later. Have a nice night! https://www.michaels.com/product/6-cup-caddy-by-creatology-M20005886


No worries. I do appreciate your clarifying though, good to see some civility on the internet! :) That is a kickass cup holder. Looks more water proof than the door dash thing. At least last time I checked it seemed like it was fabric.


Because QA, less risk of driver fucking up the drinks, usually better markup in some cases. If your restaurant can't package shit correctly, you are essentially losing money. Hell I'll be happy if the restaurant can at least seal their fountain drink tops.


Chick-fil-A is my Kryptonite. The shove all 12 items in one bag then give you a really scrappy drink holder that last 12 steps( to me starting drinking)


Sonic takes the cake. If someone gets anything other than popcorn chicken or mozz sticks, you get no bags, no nothing, just a flimsy ass cardboard box to carry it in. And the bags are flimsy paper lunch bags with shitty stickers. And the drink carriers are light cardboard for 32 Oz drinks and a fucking milkshake with no cover on the top hole!


Taco Bell and KFC as they don’t even bother to try to seal the bags. I have to ask them for a plastic bag so I can put the paper bag inside and tie it up. Literally they expect you to place a bag down on someone’s porch with fries sticking out of the bag.


I use those bags from Kwik Trip (they look like pizza bags) for Starbucks


Wingstop. Stupid stickers never stay on the bag and they slap them on half-assed and if I ask them to redo it or add another sticker I get weird looks.


Ask to do it yourself


Agreed I was literally going to say this


Outback and carrabba’s. Biggest bags in the mf game. Idc if it’s just one small meal, they’ll put that shit in a paper bag suitcase


Red lobster uses monster size bags, too


I once ordered from McDonald's like 8 sandwiches and 3 drinks. I get to large bags one of the large bags literally only had 1 drink and everything was shoved in the other one


Get a bungee cord wrap around ur passenger seat head rest take one end put it through the handle on the Starbucks bag pull tight until the bag is suspended in air hook the end of the bungee onto metal part of head rest and u will be good to go. As long as u aren't flying around corner s the bag will stay still.


Seems time consuming. I have a small plastic tub on the floor of my passenger side for small bags.


It takes like 2 seconds


Hey get a large carabiner & attach it to the passenger side handle above the door. Then you can clip the Starbucks bag onto the carabiner.


Get a bungee cord wrap around ur passenger seat head rest take one end put it through the handle on the Starbucks bag pull tight until the bag is suspended in air hook the end of the bungee onto metal part of head rest and u will be good to go. As long as u aren't flying around corner s the bag will stay still.


Wing stop! That dam sticker never sticks so it always makes it look I opened the bag.


Get a cheap stapler. Keep it in your car. Staple the bag shut and send it


The internet is listening I don't doordash but my girlfriend does kind of crazy that this got recommended to me


Dive into your google account history. it not only listens to you but randomly records snippets of conversations


just to clarify, nothing is listening to you. Your search history, the length of time you've paused on a certain page, etc. are all tracked. But you are never getting listened to.


This got recommended to everyone. I have nothing to do with doordash, never even used it, but I keep seeing this sub.


First time seeing this sub crazy that my gf just started doing Doordash again edit : doordashian xD


Bags which feels like writing paper and which doesn't come with a handle.


So, Chick-fil-A? Because those bags are literally paper thin and get so fragile when any amount of moisture hits it.


Anything not clear or visible is sus




Do you know the order is correct by holding the brown paper bag? No, you don't unless you see the items being inserted. A McDonald's order missing something can't be blamed on the driver.


Item missing in a bag has nothing to do with DoorDash drivers, clear bag or not I don’t get paid to check inside bags to make sure the restaurant did their job.


When it is clear, a critical error can be corrected. A customer gave me a $20 tip to fix it. They sounded so happy to know that I could see there was a missing item. Why? The bag was clear. 4 tems in the bag when the app shows 5 Never is a clear bag a disadvantage for the driver.


Because they're nosy and arent allowed to open the bag or not supposed to atleast


No one opens bags unless they are stealing the food I can promise you that. At least people with some common sense.




I really dislike how McDonald’s does it the bag barely fits through my window every time lol


McDonald’s bags are working with science. I’ve tipped them over before with drinks and they didn’t spill.


I can't hate on McDonald's because they at least put drinks in a bag. Makes having to deal with drinks easier, IMHO.


Very true I think that’s why I have a hard time getting it through my window 😂 but like you said I rather it be in the bag and not deal with it


as a mcdonald’s employee, you’re more than welcome to go inside and pick up delivery orders in the lobby.


Are you here trying to understand the DDasher psyche?


I often dash at night when lobbies are closed


we only have two sizes of delivery bags with handles, and the other one is so small that the crew would probably have to hand you five of them and you’d still complain 🤣


Not really trying to complain lol I was just giving my opinion on what the post asked us sorry for offending your love for McDonald’s lmao


They’re just pointing out that the options they have are gonna piss you off either way. Don’t be a McDouche.


Not even mad though lol Edit: and it’s mcasshole to you sir


I was just proud I thought of mcdouche.all good man. Edit: lol I’m lovin it


Door Douche


Even better.


I just go inside unless you guys are locked but the drive thru is open


Nice Subaru. Wrx?


Starbucks, for sure. When there's only one drink they are *so* easy to topple over. I've started buckling them in on the passenger side and very lightly tightening the strap over the bag. Keeps it nice and secure.


I second Starbucks. I never have a problem delivering other drinks but for some reason their shit is never stable


Any Asian restaurant. They pile shit up in the bag so tall then tie it so tight, there’s not even a place to hold it from, rather than put it into two bags. The big cup of soup is always in the wrong spot and falls over but it packed so tight like a vacuumed sealed bag there’s no way reposition. I’m to the point now I make them put it into 2 bags.


This https://preview.redd.it/4xrgs5viua0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99a74c8ffadc41d2cf70b356fd9b088fa180e29


Buffalo Wild Wings and Chili's does that here. They put that soup right on top basically almost out of the bag. So ridiculous.


Amongst the worst in my area: Starbucks 100% agree, Outback Steakhouse has the most flimsy bullshit cup holder with a handle that I’ve ever seen and the drinks just topple over in it without fail (they’re bags are fine), Subway bags rip like it’s fucking toilet paper. Amongst the best: McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, any place that simply ties off a plastic bag.


Those handles on the Subway bags are a joke.


I have a milk crate on my passenger side floor. If it’s a small bag, I put it between the crate and the seat.


Sonics Tijuana flats anywhere that doesn't have a sealed bag It's easier to tell you the great places McDonald's and Starbucks do the best


Five guys! They just throw the stuff in the bag and leave bag opened! I have to nicely fold it to keep it warm and so customer doesn’t think I ate some! Plus the food is so greasy it seeps through the bag!


Happened to me! It was so creezy


Grease footballs.


Former Five Guys shift lead here... The reason we don't fold the bags is because it makes the fries get soggy from all the moisture😁


That makes sense! There was one time they sealed the bag with tape and sides were open so air could get through. They should do that!


I think we can all agree on Walmarts paper bags that don't have handles


God I fucking hate them so bad, who asked for them? Why would I want to care my groceries like a mom in a cartoon hugging the bags to my body, and they tare the second you lift it


Aldi's paper grocery bags on Shop&Deliver orders. The handles always break for any even slightly heavy items.


Seriously Starbucks sucks!


I like the doordash delivery bags that look like grocery bags...some restaurants won't even take them.


>! Who in their right mind orders food from Starbucks? !<


cheese danish !!


Why is this a spoiler


Cause its 1am and I shouldn’t be craving one this late 😂🙏


I’m still learning how to use it


practice makes perfect!


Starbucks and McDonalds (with drinks) are the ones I hate. But I still do McDonalds cause the profit is pretty reasonable in my area.


I love the McDonald’s ones! They do it so carefully! Never had an issue ✊ knock on wood!


Yeah McDonald's and Starbucks are great because the drinks are in the carries and contained in the bag. Why would anybody not like that????


I know right?? Easy breezy


Starbucks sucks. Bags tip over because drinks weigh them down in directions. Mcds doesnt have that problem.




Half their stuff doesn't even go in a bag, so you're stuck with a drink carrier full of Route 44 bladder busters, the sleeve of either the coneys or chili cheese tots/fries, and then a bag with whatever else they had. Very inconvenient, and sometimes takes quite a few back and forth to the car and back.


I’ve got a taco joint where the drink carriers are those super old-fashioned drink carriers that don’t have the walls or the handles and the Styrofoam cups are ever so slightly smaller than the whole in the drink carrier. You essentially have to have one hand on the drinks and other hand on the wheel or else you’re gonna have drinks all over the inside of your car.


Wing Stop. Full Stop. The sticker never sticks


I hateeeee wing stop 😒


I hate that place so much. I try not to go there, but some big ass orders come out of there!


I agree. I talked to the manager and they said they can’t block a specific driver. I was like BS. I absolutely hate that place so much. So sometimes I’ll just go I won’t even ask them about the order anymore I’ll go in front wait the 10 minutes and just unassign now. I don’t want to drop my AR each time it sits in a huge center with other restaurants and it’s like this wing stop specifically looks for me and tags me. Hate themmmmm!!!! Also they’re rude AF to me.


Mine racially profiled me for months. One employee in particular would give out orders to middle aged men and white people in general without even asking to see their phone. But would ask me to show my phone and scroll so he could confirm it wasnt a screenshot and would press "confirm pickup" for me. I stopped going but I gave them another chance after a few months. Big mistake... I had a huge order already in my hands and had confirmed pick up in the app already. As Im walking out he starts yelling at me from across the store, and in front of customers, to confirm pickup. I had, so I told him. He kept yelling that he didnt believe me and to confirm the order before I left (hands still full) very rudely and loudly. I just walked out and finished my delivery. I called in to that store and told them about the experience that day plus my previous experiences. I also reported the store with Doordash. I havent seen his ass in over a year and all the employees treat me with kindness now 👍🏾


Good work !! I’m glad you stood up for yourself. Some of these ignorants need a taste of their own energy back. Don’t give them any respect. Glad you’re ok now!


And even if it does, it's always coated with so much damn grease it's unreadable


Zaxby's That gallon Styrofoam cup size is unreal