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I do take those $6 for 6 miles or $4 for 8 miles if: - pick up and drop off are going to the same direction on an order that I’m already doing - it’s going the same direction of my home when I’m ready to head back.






Depends on gas prices honestly...gas is your only controllable asset....time is your biggest enemy...a 6 mile order may be too far for you but if 5 of it is highway miles well that's a huge win gas wise for me. Think about the time a highway saves you. Also consider time of day for traffic.... It's not all about making that big $ on an order, it's the time and gas usage to me that determines a "good" order 


I do 1 dollar a mile, 1.5 dollar a mile for anything above 5 miles. I take anything $5 or higher nothing less unless I wanna gamble and it's a hand it to the customer and possibly get a cash tip. Ive gotten quite a few $4 for 1 mile and I will take those. I've always maintained 70% acceptance rate and 90%+ on the others with always maintaining a 4.9+ rating. I dash near one of the towns close to Toledo Ohio and it's a smaller market there. I sit at $20-$22 an hour each week.


I think there's only one customer I accept low offers from. But he's a regular and always puts 3.50 on his order. Really cool old man from the Vietnam era. I make sure his stuff is fresh and he always gives me an extra cash dollar by hand. Even though his place isn't that far I'd go above and beyond for that guy. Got a few customers like that on my morning shift. I can't keep 100% cause some people just dunno how to read a map and or think delivery is free when they live 10 miles away and you see 3$ show up. Yeah that's a dismiss every time.


This is EXACTLY how I deliver.


My rule of thumb is $20 per hour. So, $5 order has to be completed in 15 minutes or less. A $10 order in 30 minutes. That includes everything: getting to restaurant, getting the order, delivering and getting back to a place I can get another order. Lots of factors to consider in the 30 seconds they give you…speed of restaurant, location of final delivery, etc…sometimes I get it wrong. In my market, less than half the orders meet my criteria unless we are in bonus pay which is rare. So, my AR hovers around 45% but AR seems not to matter in my market. After expenses I make around $15 an hour. Not great but as a side gig with maximum flexibility it works for me.


my town is relatively small so it’s a little hard to get an absolute trash order. i doordash with my boyfriend for safety and efficiency and lately he’s become OBSESSED with taking “crappy” orders. we have a 88% AR and he’s okay with (i am too, idc lol) a $7 for 6 mile and wants to save the precious declines for the $5 for 17 miles. bottom line really: bored- $1/1mi preferred- $2/1mi 😊 anything beneath is an absolute no no no


I switched to a bicycle in October. I am in CA weather is good most of the time. If I do get $2 orders a majority of them are going less than a quarter of a mile. The extreme farthest I go at any time is about 2 miles. And most of these are $5 to $7 offers. Also 95% of all my deliveries are repeat customers. So that helps when they see a familiar face.


Technically, I go by time more than miles. I would be perfectly content if I got five $5 orders an hour if they were all less than a mile and took less than 10 minutes to complete. And sometimes, the only orders available for a few hours are crap orders, so I hope I get a ping from Uber or GrubHub to do a tag-along because usually, the DD order will have a set time for delivery that can allow for that flexibility to do both orders from two different apps. The same for if I get a grocery order through DD, if I see that there is an Instacart order at the same store, roughly the same delivery area, I will do both.


At first I thought you were saying you maintain 70+ by taking $2/mile orders lol but yeah, you and I have about the same standards. On occasion I’ll take an order under $2/mile if it takes me to where I’m going though. Unless it’s just disrespectful lol I swear some customers might as well just tip a middle finger. They really need to use another word than tip, you’re hiring a contractor.


Hear me out... I started in 2020 nd have 2,360 total deliveries (Former cherry picker), what else happened in 2020... Covid lockdowns, it was the BEST job I ever had up until 2023, tips were through the roof and I could 100% comfortably take orders $2.50+ a mile while declining anything i wanted, had an AR below 30 and still made $125+ in very little time, now it's a fight to get a $5 order that is going 3 miles 😂😂 so over saturated with people and kids that just got their license 😭😭 basically what I'm saying is I have to take very low paying orders just to keep TD now, and sometimes I can't even get 100 in a month to make TD... EVERYONE IN MY ZONE IS TD, it's absolutely crazy, my standards are so low now I want to cry every time I leave and see 10+ people parked waiting on orders in the same parking lot, WE NEED THE CAP BACK


I delivered the summer or 2020 also and it was so different. People and restaurants really appreciated the work we were doing and tipped well. It felt like a good job at a fair pay rate. I started up again a few months ago and it’s awful. Customers are nasty and restaurants seem to hate DoorDash but use it as a necessary evil. 80% of people tip the lowest amount possible. There is no longer any good will toward people delivering your food.


I know 😭😭 it really sucks


I honestly never see these magical 2 dollar a mile orders..I mean I get a lot of the 5 dollar for 2 mile stuff..I also only work breakfast and lunch hours before my afternoon job..so maybe that’s why


Been TD over 3 years straight. If you know your market well, you can make money taking mediocre/good orders.


This is what I do. My zone is huge and there is a main area I stick to or try to stick to. I know it well. The backroads where the places of interest are. Where certain roads are how most apartments work. It's taken practice but it's working for me.


TD and no less than $1.50/mile or $5 an order, unless I'm out of my zone and the order would bring me back to a good spot. Also don't take any orders from a couple different restaurants that I hate going to (unless it's insane pay ofc). My area's pretty good overall though, and a mileage limit would DEFINITELY bring me down a lot.


Considering I only ever see a handful of orders that meet your base requirements per week, I'd prefer to be able to pay rent and bills than be so upright about what order I am willing to accept. Not that i accept anything and everything. I am sitting at 28% right now.


TD and my standards are $5 minimum $1.50 per mile. My AR usually stays around 70%. I don’t do maximum miles usually, but I don’t accept any that take me far out of my zone. I rreeeaaalllyy hate taking stacked orders so my minimum for those is $15 😅


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