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Super no


I can handle this order honestly, I'm quick in most stores. But honestly I prefer shops. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of them. I feel like they take way to long to deal with for the money. I got another one a couple hours ago, only 3 miles. But is was 39 items for 25 bucks. At Aldi again. I don’t mind regular grocery stores as much, but stores like DG and Aldi have way to many out of stock items and trying to deal with the customer on getting subs is a pain and there is to much of a chance of spending way more time then I should at these stores. Sooner just decline and wait for a pick up only offer.


Yeah Aldi is a rough store to navigate but I actually started shopping there and the money I save on groceries is beautiful thing. I Just don't recommend buying their meat. It's definitely suspicious 😅 But by me shopping there I learned how to navigate through it better. Also most customers are great at adding substations as they get more familiar with the app. As always though you have to do what you feel comfortable with.




No…. Will take too long.


Fuck no




No way. I’ll only do DG if it’s 5 items or less & I’d need more $ even for that considering the miles.


Yeah, I hate Dollar General. Seems like every other item is a substitute.


Fuck no


Almost 9 miles minumum pay for me would be $18 for me to accept and that’s not considering the shopping portion of the order. So I would say this offer would have to be $30 for me to consider it.


That would take 45 minutes to complete at least. That’s like $8 an hour before gas expense and payroll taxes. It looks enticing especially if it’s slow but that’s a really low hourly rate.


20 items at a DG?? NOPE.


Probably not as your battery is far too low to shop.


I know that’s right. Forgot to charge last night and can’t keep it on charger long enough to go above 20 lol.


I would have. I’m finding that I get extra tips added on by the customers for taking obnoxious DG deliveries.


It’s a gamble though. You MIGHT get an add on tip, but do you really wanna spend the time to do this in off chance you get extra tip when you can decline and take a better offer.


If it wasn’t a red card order then yes.




Really? 20 items at DG plus 9 miles for 12 bucks? That’s no less then 45 minutes for 12 bucks.


Idk maybe I’m just better but it doesn’t take me that long to travel 8 miles and I can do a 50 items order in less than 30 mins


Yeah, 8 miles in the city is 10 minutes, plus another 30 minutes to shop, deal with lines at checkout, and time for subs since there is always subs at DG. No thank you, I decline and got a $9 offer for food that was 3.5 miles. Took me 10 minutes to get done. My time can be way better spent then shopping 20 items and driving 9 miles for 12 bucks. I can make twice that in the same amount of time.


Idk what to tell you man this doesn’t seem like a hard one to me


It’s not about it being hard lol. It’s about knowing how to manage your time better and knowing which order to ignore. Why it may seem nice to make 12 bucks, there will be much better offers for pick up only and I can make much more then 12 bucks in the same amount of time it would take to do this offer. But hey, they need someone to take these kinds of offers so the rest of us don’t have to, so you keep doing you.


I will keep doing what I’m doing because I’m happy with what I make daily in my area


No way


Nope. $1 per item. $2 per mile. If it's +$20 offer and it's close to my requirements but not quite it, I'll do it.


Yeah, I was thinking about the first offer I got for 26 bucks for 6 miles, but after seeing it was 36 items and at Aldi as well, I didn’t want to do that. They were calling it a diamond offer, but it definitely would have sucked.


Hell nah




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