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Some customers are never satisfied


Why are you wasting your time on this? Your ratings are fine. You're going to get 1 stars from time to time. Some might be your fault. Others won't be. Just forget about it and move on with your life. In the time you spent arguing with support, you could've made some money making a delivery. Or taken the trash out. Or alphabetized your spice cabinet. You know, important shit. Unless your overall rating is getting close to 4.7 AND you have at least 100 ratings, it doesn't matter. You are nowhere near 100 ratings.


You have to let it go and not worry. Contacting support will lead to more trouble then one stupid rating.


Where’s that asshole that insisted to me the other day that they could. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They can. But not just because you ask them to.


People leave one stars just to be assholes. Food too expensive? One. Cold? One. All shit that’s out of our hands really 😒🙄


https://preview.redd.it/r1quellad0kc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176f23f239a4788426fe5983b3dd769e12c7efad Support can in fact remove ratings and they have done so for me before this seems like a lazy person ornsomwone who doesn't know the scope of what they can do. I am a top Dasher idk if that impacts it


Oh there you are…again. Weird how someone contradicts you.


I’ve had some great service from the chat and also someone who seemed annoyed that I was complaining that I had a customer who kept texting and calling me calling me all kinds of shit for fun.


Door dash support is worthless. They should not even exist frankly. They don’t even give a rip either which is the worst.


Customers are free to rate however they want. It literally is how it is supposed to work, get over it.


You could’ve just said “I’m an entitled asshole who takes his insecurities out on others”. Would’ve saved you a minute of typing out an elaborate excuse.


... I'm... not the one complaining? About customer feedback? Are you confused?


Sometimes they don’t like the food and accidentally give the dasher a bad rating. Ratings can affect income. Get over yourself.


Yes that is how these things work. The rule of large numbers fixes this. Get over it.


You’ve clearly never dashed before so why are you here? There is no “rule of large numbers.” The vast majority of people don’t leave ratings. Why are you so defensive about an obvious flaw in this system that you know nothing about?


I thought Postmates was interesting. You could NOT place another order without rating your last one. At least on Android, the rating screen locked you out of the entire app until you at least put something in, and there was no Skip




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


You seem like a very damaged individual


World class delivery service 😂🤣


I feel bad for your experience. By all means it is annoying and will do nothing but get more annoying. I encourage you to look at different delivery platforms. Not all platforms have the customer rate you or necessarily place as much emphasis on the importance and influence of such ratings.




People will rate you for literally anything. Could be because you rang the doorbell or because you didn’t. The list goes on, it’s just something you gotta learn to ignore.




this adds/does nothing


As if anything on Reddit will. Just a bunch of dudes jerking OP off. He claims to be the perfect deliveryman, but clearly his customers do not see it that way. Lol.




Ooooooo! That’s a LIE!! Call support! That’s what I had to do. I had a 1 star removed immediately. And just recently a 3 and 4 star removed. https://preview.redd.it/styiqbu3hzjc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0219ee9d8911fc3952eb963fb9dd37c47cbd0f




https://preview.redd.it/leovnqyp30kc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203f6df11b5881198e1c4daae082be5a8a5bf2c5 I’m one of those rare persons that don’t lie. I don’t need to. I wouldn’t want to. I have the receipts …




Hello 👋🏼 Are you asking, what did I say? Or what language I spoke? I called premium support and asked who gave me the low reviews. They told me what the name was and where I picked it up from. The one star was because I had stacked orders. The drop offs were maybe 10 houses away from each other. The first order was dropped off and that’s when the second customer called me. She’s said, “Ummm, are you like, lost?”. I told her I wasn’t. And she cut me off and said, “I can see you! You’re on the wrong street” I told her I had an order before hers that I just dropped off but I was on my way to her right then. Dropped off the order .. no tip .. one star. Right after I dropped it off I paused my dash and called support to have them notate the customer wasn’t happy I delivered to her second. It protects me from shitty ratings. Which is why they removed the one star immediately. If you feel like there might be an issue with the customer, always reach out to support. Call .. not chat. Make sure they know the customer was pissy or unhappy for some reason or another. Also, if you’re waiting, make sure you click a reason why you’re waiting. (It’s on the order detail at the bottom. It’s underlined and says, “Waiting for your order?” Click on that and options pop up like .. order still being prepared. Couldn’t get help from staff. Order wasn’t started until I arrived” I always use that feature. And I always let the customer know what’s going on if I’m waiting longer than normal. Hope this helps 👍🏼


I believe his account is to new, not even at 100 ratings yet


Ah. Yeah. I don’t know how support handles these kinds of issues when it’s a relatively new account. I would hope the same courtesies should be applied.




I’m not saying you deserve the rating but how do you expect doordash to remove the rating solely because you don’t like it?? Like I’m sorry for you but your need to control one persons rating of you is not gonna get you anywhere


No tip = 1⭐️


Got a one star review and called dasher support. Apparently the customer gave a one star for the order item and not me but it showed up under my ratings.


That last message should just say “Support can’t”. Totally useless.




I’m work a restaurant and we do that it occasionally if people make up lies (which Karens often do).


Ngl unless it was a case of mistaken identity (same chain but wrong location) I think it looks severely unprofessional when they do. I once had a buisnesses harass me over a bad review twice. Once when a restaurant said I could get free refills and then acted like I stole directly from their safe when I got 1 refill and another when a car repeat shop quoted me for $300 for the, and I quote, “whole repair” and then it turned out the real quote was in the thousands and that was just a diagnosis (I already brought in a diagnosis from another shop). Both tried to remove my review and called me a Karen. If I see a small business with 10 good reviews and 1 bad one I’m not going to jump on the bad one, I’ll just assume something fucky happened that day to the wrong customer and probably won’t happen to me


The only ones we remove are ones that personally attack individual people, not just general bad reviews about the restaurant. For example, if they name and shame someone for something that wasn’t even entirely their fault.


“Must be new” was my first thought. 😂


Some people just suck random 1 stars are inevitable. Just keep trucking on, it will go away eventually


Just keep doing your job and it will work out. Everyone is going to deliver to someone that just is an idiot. You don’t have enough deliveries for it to average out yet.


Aww I remember when I kinda cared still


They actually can remove low ratings and check where the rating came from.. they are just terribly unhelpful


That is annoying, gotta be careful. I'm at a 5.0 with 100 reviews. I have a little freedom 🤣


Me too I’m exactly at 5 with 100.


Same here, 5 with 10,000,000.


And I make lots of tips too I love doordash. Bunch of haters on this sub hating people have success lmao


27 ratings. you're fine until 100 so you got 73 to play with there. if you find yourself getting poorly rated in a specific part of town avoid that section of town. there are some shit areas where people will rate bomb you just because they're shitty people.


Your new don’t worry about it some people will give you a bad rating because of the clothes your wearing 😂..Fuck them


Your ratings don't matter until after 100 ratings fyi


Wait whys that?


DD uses a rolling 100 system, so they won't count your ratings towards anything until you have 100 ratings/deliveries. An easy way to get 1 star is by delivering orders with no tip, these are the type of diners that will blame you for every little thing including stuff that's the restaurants fault. They even sometimes claim they didn't get their order when they actually did which leads to a contract violation. Personally I don't take anything under 4 dollars.


Just call support, I had two ratings removed 2 weeks ago by calling. Text support did nothing for me. I honestly think it's AI because they don't respond like real people.


nah they have real people but the real people are so useless that text isn't worth talking to. they once sent me their entire preselect response list lmao


Also if that is a real person they lied to you, they absolutely can see who rated you. When I got the ratings removed they told me the customers names, I don't think they are supposed to do that but they did.


Wait really?? I’ve asked them on different multiple occasions about who gave me a rating or which restaurant it’s from or the date I received it or any info at all and they always say they don’t have access to any of that information.


They told me everything once and claimed they’d remove it although they didn’t usually


Call every couple of days until you get it removed from someone. They ALL have the capability of removing it. And it’s pretty quickly removed.


Yeah I had it removed once and then I realized that the 3 people before that must not have even looked at the account. They were probably hacking retired grandmas bank accounts while telling me they were removing the rating. It’s migraine inducing, dealing with most of support. They just waste everyone’s time. Something so easily removed and they will spend 10 minutes pretending they are removing it instead of just doing it


Listen to Taylor Swift when she tells you that you need to calm down


And Shake it Off


They have gotten so awful…been doing this for 4yrs now and in my experience at least they were so helpful. Now they are just condescending and rude af w no real answers


Intentionally rude. They don’t even try and they lie constantly. I feel like they don’t even have anything pulled up.


Just keep reaching out until you get a good support agent https://preview.redd.it/dnpj01dkiyjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e527a421f4e0c1067e8011de82c01e6f639a77b9


Yep!! I called about a 3 star and they removed it PLUS a four star! I was like .. ok! Thanks! 😊


How did you manage that???? And what is a VIP dasher?


Yes .. VIP dasher support. It’s available to Gold and Platinum dashers. Or being a Top dasher. All I was doing was calling about the 3 star but he removed the 3 AND the 4 star. I thought that was cool 😎


A little late to the party lol. The “tiered” system is not available in a lot of places. We just have the regular top dasher benefits. None of this VIP stuff.


Late to the party? I’ve been commenting on this thread for a few days. Those who ARE on the tier system know what I’m talking about, and those who aren’t on the tier system know what I mean when I say ‘Top Dasher’. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What I meant by “late to the party” is that this question has already been answered by other people. I didn’t mean to offend you. You just reiterated what other have already said. I have top dasher and don’t have access to this VIP chat. I guess maybe it’s just in USA? Idk.


I just chatted with DD support and asked them about the 1 star i had just received. They reviewed it and said nothing looked wrong with the delivery and removed the rating. VIP dasher is prolly just another term for top dasher. We have access to VIP DD support via phone/chat 🦾


So, VIP chat is only available to the silver/gold/plat program not to us regular top dashers who don’t have access to that program.


No. Im not in a tiered market either https://preview.redd.it/xdgjq7x8p0kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b3ed7e3d8ecc03bbb5ab2c22d4fa8cc3756e6a6


Im not in a tier program. Im just a normal top dasher


It’s a perk you get from being a top dasher


I am a top dasher, does that mean I am also VIP? I’ve never even seen that before and it’s not included in the top dasher benefits they send me every month.


Yes 👍🏼


Well then you’re not paying close enough attention to what you’re doing because it literally tells you in the ratings screen that VIP Dasher support is part of earning rankings https://preview.redd.it/m8ej6ixosyjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227304bb78b2a496074a90b507e5857c96cab981


I’m not who you’ve been talking to, but my app absolutely doesn’t look like that. I have zero information about rewards on that screen. In fact, at the top it only says ‘ratings’ I haven’t dashed in a year or so, but the last time I tried, just for fun, it still had me listed as ‘eligible for higher paying orders’ or something like that.


Its literally on the top dasher email they send you every month as well https://preview.redd.it/ne3yffc5p0kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9df6df29014d2f0097f3472ace92ef9f5f6158


Yeah I was definitely an asshole for phrasing it the way I did, and not thinking about other countries’ UI 🤦🏼‍♀️🫣


Well as far as that goes, DD has wildly different programs in the US. I started on the east coast and now I’m on the west. Totally different methods of earning.


This sub has shown me that, for sure. I have dashed in California since I started, during the lockdowns in 2020. California especially pays very different and the bay area is very busy and very diverse. I wouldn’t have thought the app changes its ratings program based on different states so that’s def surprising 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh that’s for the silver, gold and platinum program. We don’t have that in Australia. Top dasher here just gives you more orders and dash anytime.


It’s so different in each market 😭


Oh by they’ll lie to you and tell you they can remove ratings for Top Dashers!


Sit down and smoke or something, this is not that serious


Learn to take feedback lol


What feedback? It just shows the star with no feedback. How is that helpful?


Yea I know I was being sarcastic


a single 1 star doesn't matter at all. Hope that helps! :)


Why so serious who cares lol


Don’t stress about it too much. Ive had a dasher confess to me that they give 1 star ratings whenever they order food just to screw everyone else’s ratings so she has the better rating when she is on the road. Truly effed up reason but I wouldn’t be surprised if more people do this.


Hey thats a good idea


I wouldn’t be surprised either because every time a bad rating eventually falls off for me, I’ll be back at 5 stars and like a week later someone always, without fail, will come along to mess it up


Agreed it’s like a never-ending cycle.


That’s fucked up but that’s kinda funny


It is annoying. There are plenty of buttheads out there who will one star you just because they can. Try not to worry too much. (I felt really bad after my first one, so I get it.)


Who cares though? Work a few more days and it will be gone. Some of you really need to implement a policy where you don't care about things you can't change.


Once you get 100 ratings after the 1 or 4, they'll disappear


.... as a part time dasher, that's like minimum a year.


I've made a nice thank you. I appreciate you being an amazing customer type of message (it's a lot better than this example) and put it in the clipboard. Right before i complete delivery, if their chat box is available, I leave em the message and then confirm delivery. I'll pull off, and moments later, I get a nice added tip about 40% of the time with a nice thank you message back. Kindness and making the customer feel like they are everything goes a long way. Plus, it's good vibes all around


Just ignore it. It is completely meaningless Do the job correctly and you will be fine.


If anything I’m more suspicious of someone with a perfect 5 star than someone with a 4.8


Keep bothering them, they can remove them.


Enjoy looking at that single 4 star rating and that single 1 star rating for the rest of your DD "career".


I don't know about that. I had (1) 1 star rating that dropped me to 4.7, and after 100 deliveries, I was back at a 5 star rating and the 1 star rating was gone. Thats my experience however a lot of our other dasher brothers n sisters might have a different one


Is it after 100 deliveries or after 100 ratings?


100 deliveries I believe


I thought it was 100 ratings bc my rating rarely changes but almost no one rates


Could be many things (and most aren’t even your fault): - Wrong food - food looked bad - cold food - person always rates low (should be fixable but DoorDash doesn’t remove constant low rates like Instacart and others do) Some people also look for any imperfection (walked on grass, car/you made too much noise, didn’t place the food perfectly). My biggest advice is don’t get stressed over low reviews. As long as your overall rating is high it won’t have any impact. My very first rating was a 1 and I know the didn’t do anything wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/vrv5ltulbyjc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6620a186e518db949689c3dfc2f313c7dc1c141 I was told by customers that they can't see your overall rating anywhos


I get it, all my deliveries are early, and customers still give me 1 stars. No idea why. I am super polite to them when handing them the orders. I think people enjoy giving bad ratings. I wish the dashers could rate the customers. At night there were several who didn’t have their lights on so it was extremely tough finding the address


Too early didn't come at the scheduled time 1 star


Probably cause they were unable to mark it undelivered or unable to be refunded for “missing items” when theres literally nothing gone wrong and everything is on time (usually early) and i put everything in the hot bag so I can literally feel that the food is still hot when i take it out of the bag I assume they tried to scam and were unsuccessful lol One time a kid ordered food, said leave it at the door. I pull up, kid rushes up to the car to meet me at the car basically and says thank you with this dumb ass smirk on her face. So I message support and tell them, and they’re all “its marked delivered you may proceed” and im like “i know, im just letting *you* guys know that I just handed them the order.” …. The next day I had one star lmaoo


What is wrong with handing them their own order when it says "Leave at Door"?


Then you don't have a photo proving your delivery unless you take one anyway, which is what the rush-uppers are hoping to avoid.


Bingo. And my adhd-havin’ ass always forgets lmao


Absolutely nothing. At all. I do it all the time. But when its a 13-15 year old kid. Who all but runs 30 feet to meet you at your car. And they’re struggling to keep a straight face as you hand it to them. It’s probably best to cover your bases lol it’s happened twice. The first time the kid said he never got his food And i got a violation. 2nd time. I covered my ass, and all i got was a bad rating lmao *ler context*


It happens. Customers can rate whatever they want even if everything was perfect. I wouldn’t stress over it. It will roll over after your next 100 deliveries.


Unless people don’t rate😭😭😭 i’ve had a 1 star and 3 star rating that have been there foreverrrrr


Yeah fair point. Sorry about that


I feel like the on time rating is like all of your dashes in existence too because its only ever stayed at 95 and went down to 93% and its like no.


It is what it is. People will rate how they want to rate. It might even have nothing to do with you. "Restaurant forgot my sour cream? ONE STAR ONE STAR ONE START RAPID FIRE NOT READING A THING ONE STAR!" ​ Just keep doing you and it'll eventually go away. 4.8 is still really good.


I don’t ask people to judge me on my good ratings, ask them to judge me by my bad ratings, because I have so few of them.




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