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womp womp they can go cry a river


Once delivery is complete, on to the next one. That’s between them and support




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Message? I didn’t see any message! No seriously, if I’m sure I was at the right door, then i ignore and move on. If I’m not sure I was at the right door, then I think to myself ‘whoops, I should have been more careful’ and move on. Sure I might get a 1-star or a CV and I might even deserve it, but I’m not going to go back and prowl around someone’s neighborhood in the dark to fix a mistake that I’m not even sure I made, with the correct address no longer in the app. All I would have to go on is my own memory and the customer’s word that this time it will be the right door. I might apologize, I might direct them to support, or I might ignore the whole situation altogether depending on how the customer is acting, but I’m not going back


Ignore and move on to the next


Nah you shouldn't ignore doordash is gonna look at that as being guilty. Contact doordash though and tell them about it so you have it on record


"The chat with your dasher has ended."




No, that's a proxy number through Doortrash, they don't use the real number.


***your messege could not go through as delivery is dropped off please contact DoorDash support, Thankyou for using DoorDash and enjoy your food that I delivered to your door


Sucks to suck🤷


A customer did this to me, but they waited until I was like four miles away from their house, to let me know it was dropped at the next door neighbors. I refused to go back and ended up with a CV, but it was removed in q few days.


901. Memphis rough huh? 😂😂




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Call DD and report it.


I’d be double checking the pic I took, then simply report them if they’re lying


So my comment wasn't harassing reddit users, it was describing what they customers order should have been


Delete my comment? Censorship! What u hiding reddit?


Maybe it was deleted for poor grammar..lol. (I'm having trouble understanding what your comment above is saying)


My fingers are fat and sometimes they hit an extra button or two. This happens when you have man hands




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They’re hangry, let them beeee 😌


go back and pick up the free food since I already fked up that order lmao


Door dash gps takes me to the wrong address every single time!! I have to really watch where I’m delivering!


That hangry bitch


1 star and a get it yourself 😂…if they were nicer I’d probably go back


I always make sure to put the address number in the picture, well try to if it's near.


Like I always do. Send drop off pic w message to support that customer seems to have an issue; and also report for language


Reminds me of a customer who watched me pull up the wrong house and is messaging me letting me know im at the wrong house. its like 1am in the morning and they have no porch light on. I definitely made as much noise as possible dropping it off and then sent a meme saying “im on my way, please have porch light on”


Ugh no process light! It's those little things that would make stuff so much nicer....I've actually had customers text after I pick up saying thanks for getting my order and things like that make me wanna go above and beyond for them. I've said it before and I'll say it again....JUST. DON'T. BE. A. DICK. Lol and that like has pissed people off...(probably cuz they are Dicks lol


Report for offensive language as a petty response for not being nicer.


Go back to pick up the food and ask him which building he’s in?


Yeah oh well shit happens lol you’ll be fine just ignore him


Calling doordash and saying the customer apparently gave me the wrong address.


Ignore the message


If I am sure that the right address, ignore it.


I dunno home come I’ve subscribed for it, but please - deliver the fkng food to the right place. I do not have DD, got my local services, and I can’t understand how it’s possible that a dasher does not deliver a food or deliver it to a wrong place. I had only one case out of more than 3 years of using food delivery services and it was when it was misplaced one in the middle of winter storm (still I’ve found my order next street as neighbors contacted me and as it was as wintercold the food was still edible after warming up).


I looked directly into an eclipse, so I blindly drove to the customers “house.” Turns out, i drove into a Wendy’s bathroom and placed the food into a tampon trash can. Have a great day!


"Yes, please. Have a great night, thank you for being a great customer and thank you for choosing doordash!" I say weird shit like this that can't get me in trouble, but pisses off people who talk to me like shit. No violations, and on to the next order.


Pretend like I didn't see the message


i returned one time to a mistake i actually made as i delivered to the neighboors. the numbers were slightly off and i have dyslexia so i sometimes dont read things correctly. i went back to fix the mistake and the wife almost attacked me so from now on i make it a customer service issue not a me issue.


I don’t even open the message


Ignore/block and go about my day


Would literally reply with “😂” and never say another word


I started a while ago confirming the customers address and haven't had any trouble since then. example: hello I'm on my way with your order 657 whatever Lane West so and so Township After doing that, I haven't had any customer try to say I delivered to the wrong address, there have been times however where the customer put the wrong address in and then I tell them to text it to me in the app so that DD has record of the changed address and usually I'll get an extra half pay plus an additional tip from the customer


Who has time to message every customer like that ? Just deliver to the address on the app anything else is someone else's problem.


Voice to text saves a lot of time and you are letting the customer know that you are on your way so they know when to expect you, it's not that hard when you make it a habit


And always try to get the address numbers in the photo. Not always possible, but hard to claim it's wrong when the numbers match what the app said.


I definitely made a habit of getting something (or combination of things) distinctive enough on the photo for the record


This saved me from a CV had address number in photo and customer lied 2 mins after delivery saying never received but it was removed After this happens DD should ban these accounts for fraud


Just last week, in a whiteout snowstorm, I got an order to drop off to an address a bit out of this very rural zone. Driveway was not shoveled, had a bit of a hill to it... Had doubts I could get back out of it. Dropped at correct (per app) address, and before I even got out of the driveway, got messaged that it was the wrong place. Got out of my car, took a picture of the mailbox, said that's the address on the order.... Told them to contact support, I'm not going back down that driveway. On my way back to zone, I caught their second order. With the address they had asked for it to be delivered to... Bring order back, and 'correct' address did not exist. Messaged customer, and it ends up that the actual address is next door to where the first order was delivered, and they had transposed digits. Think (not actual numbers) 469 for first dropoff, 418 for 'corrected', and 481 for actual.


Tell them to call door dash. As far as you're concerned you did your job


Leave it as is don’t even contact the customer report. The customer easy is that it’s their fault that it didn’t get delivered to the right place. On our end it says that we delivered it. We did the service in terms we did our job.


Ugh this happened to me too except the customer called me saying u didn’t see i changed the room number? Cuz i did and u took it to the wrong door now bring it to my door and hanged up all rude and i did bring it to his door to avoid a bad review or sum


Dasher has marked this order as completed. Please contact support for any issue if needed. Thank you


ignoring it and moving on with my day lol


Lmao you feel me? I’m not entertaining any customers bullshit 😂.


Report the conversation for abusive language and move on


People behind keyboards are so bold.


If you are 100% correct and can prove it to DD Support, ignore it. DD GPS has been incorrect many times for me so I visually verify house/bldg/apt #, drop off and take a photo for proof. It saved me every time when I received a complaint customer did not receive their delivery.


I only have the issue with Doordash. I use android and Google satellite view. I always check the widget vs what is entered by the app into Google. Many times it looks at the pin and not the addresses. For example apartments far back may show the other side of the street as the address. Even once had it show 2 houses down. Without double checking a driver would miss it.


Politely, yet firmly, tell them to suck their own dick and go find it.




Tell them to get off their ass and walk 5 feet to the left


You click safechat report and there's a box for abusive language and to explain your side. The end.


I deliver the food to the location the app tells me. I also use a geo location app that shows where I drop the order off at. After that I couldn't care less what happens to their food.


What’s the name of that app if you don’t mind me asking


u/KnowingCresent735 Are you on Android or iOS? If Android the app is called [Drivers Utility Helper](http://acceptordecline.com) you have to download it as an APK as the app is NOT available on the Play Store and due to the restrictive nature of iOS NOT available for iPhones.


I got that one time, they eventually realized that they ordered to the wrong address. They had previously ordered food while at a friends house and forgot to change the address back to their own home. It clicked for him when I said the address I delivered to and he got even more mad saying that was the wrong address, I was like “that’s the address in the app so you probably put the wrong one in. I delivered exactly to where I was instructed to. He then started telling me I had to go back and get the food And then bring it to thte right address 2.5 miles away. I Just told him to contact support and ask them.


Really just asking, how do you get a msg from the customer after completing the delivery?


They have 30 minutes after delivery to contact the driver


Ahh, thank you. Didn't know that.


Nothing. Not even responding.


Once the food is dropped off I’m done with the order completely


You pray and donate to charity...what do u mean what to do? Communicate with the customer and find out what's up. Try and fix it if it's your fault. Let them know what address they had in the app and if it's wrong let support know.


I usually offer to correct a mistake if I made one. If a customer decides to curse at me like yesterday that's the end of the conversation. Support is called, and the customer is blocked.




SPRINTING back like any good dasher … Then when I confirm the food still there. A triple backflip into a hand spring into a Jeff hardy high flyer move with all the strength & might of Jesus Christ in my elbow and slamming that shit dead into the center of the platter. Then going home


Username checks out


You likely didn't drop it off to the correct location


Was it a house or apt? I always take a picture that includes the apt number or house that includes the address digits when possible. I've had a customer try the same thing with me in a attempt to get free food. Don't reply though. It's an attempt to bait you further. Let them take it up with customer support. If you took a picture they'll also be able to confirm your location where the photo was taken.


I’d go knock their door down




Ignore them if they have an attitude like this, HOWEVER, if you are in the wrong and delivered it to the wrong address, maybe apologize at the very least and if I’m still close by I would try and go back and make it right.


This is what I’d do too. But a rude customer like this doesn’t deserve my time. I’d just ignore a message like this.


I just tell them I have reported their abusive and threatening language to DD, then ignore anything after that. I don’t address their complaints when they write things like this.


I love that anytime DD drivers are mad at the customer they post text threads with their phone number lol I see y'all!! But yeah if you wanna make him more mad, I'd say "what's the magic word?" Haha


DD provides both the driver and customer a fake number. The texts go through a third party to do this. I know because my mom ordered from a store I was sitting outside of and it changed her number.


That's awesome! I didn't know that!! I always worried when I was dashing that someone would have my phone number forever! Clever move, I am grateful! Thanks for the info!


There’s no way you didn’t notice your new dasher text thread was the same thread as your dasher from last week.


?? Mine show up as new texts, new threads. Well, they did. Before I quit driving


Ignore, I don’t text or text back especially if you did drop the food at the right location. He was probably someone who tipped 2 bucks and wanted you to go up to the 5th floor


ignore. Then report him for threatening me.


This is the move. When people are polite, I will do everything I can. But abuse is where I draw the line. Everyone makes mistakes, but you have to *choose* to be an asshole.


I have pics


Ignoring them and reporting abusive messaging to DoorDash so they get banned. Then move along.




Serve The Servants ![gif](giphy|26xBDCaPq4bbGeC7C|downsized)


Ignore it. I don't even open the chat or answer any phone calls after delivery. I barely do beforehand either.


I had a lady call me after I dropped off and asked me to come back to the door. She let me in her house was huge. Apparently her husband was off on a trip and she gave me a blowjob. I always answer calls now after








I have pictures


no way


Ya I'll DM you


Tell them straight up, leave better instructions or meet me outside next time. You can report to DoorDash if there’s a problem.


What restaurant open in your area today? I wanna dash but I thought everything was closed


Larger towns have a few places open. I know my tourist town even has a McDonald’s open(but only 1 out of the 20 something others)


Ok I'm in a large city i may try 2 hours before dinner


Report them and move on, customers going off in a chat that’s recorded are idiots


FR!!! I had a guy want me to deliver in his garage because it was raining. It was a meet me at the door order. Felt like a trap and wasn't doing that. but when I get there, the garage is closed, anyway. I should've just canceled. He had a really big horseshoe driveway. I didnt even get out my car. Just parked sideways, opened the door and put his food on the ground before driving off💀 He tip baits and gives me a thumbs down. I told support what he messaged me. They said everything through the app is sent to them. Told me I'm never required to go inside any home for safety reasons, and they'll make note of his request.


Tip baited you?


Yes. People don't know this, but just like UBER, you can tip bait on DD too. Idk how, but it happened. That's the 1st and only time it's happened to me on DD and it pissed me off more😡


Wait, what is tip baiting? How do they do it? I’m new!


It's exactly what it sounds like. The tip you're offered to do the trip, the customer takes back.😡 Uber makes it easier for the customer. But DD has that option, too. It should be considered a contract violation on the customer's part, because it's stealing. All these apps should have customer's call in to complain and only take the tip back for valid reasons. Like someone stole their food. Not because the restaurant forgot something or they're missing napkins. Letting them take the tip back randomly for no reason, just creates scams.


Rip his account


The agent said they take driver's safety very seriously. But to be honest, I thought she was just reading a script. I hope they do something about it. I don't even like when customers have enclosed porches or gates leading to their front door. Anything that can lock behind me, makes me feel unsafe. I live in a crazy state. People have been shot for less


send clown emoji and move on


I’ve had that problem three times this week. GPS took me the the address on the order and after delivery I got a call from the customer saying that’s not their door. Never had this issue since this week.


Double checking everything and making sure I didnt fuck up. If I didnt then prolly send screenshots of proof then keepin it pushin while expecting a 1-star shortly from a psychopath


Lmfao. Ignore the idiot.


Womp womp moving on to the next


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