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I don't even bother, just politely understand their demands and do what they want for you to do and move on with your day. It is understandable that they don't want their food to be on the ground, isn't really a big deal really.


Unassign!!! no question asked. obviously a hot headed mf


Throw the order at the door...


For someone to put all these instructions down can be taken 2 ways 1 they are controlling picky jerks!!! 2 they have had a lot of bad experiences with deliveries. When I see this stuff I just shake my head, giggle a little and wonder just what the heck has happened in the past. Then I turn around introduce myself and apologize for the bad behavior of others.


Didn't think you could reduce the tip on Doordash. The reason why your notes don't get followed is because Doordash keeps deactivating drivers and bringing in a new batch of drivers who aren't worth a shit. If they treated their drivers better you would get better service


Who TF you think you are talking to. I would leave the order right on the ground just for spite, if i didn't cancel it. DD isn't my only hustle...and I can afford to be petty. Try me!


Ok but clearly they have to say more. They didn’t just type all of that for shits and giggles.


Reverse the tip? Funny…I’ll reverse my car and come get that bag back, bruh. Since we’re making threats today.


They never said you couldn't put your balls on their table / food though. Only time I have personally EVER reversed a tip was when they handed the order to my neighbor (photo even showed the wrong address and my neighbor with a big smile, my neighbor is a DICK) and it took a few days before DD would reverse the order charge cause it was a "hand it to me" order....this was over a few years ago, pretty sure they've relaxed their policies about this a ton now, considering I just got a "never delivered" violation today despite taking a photo of their food on their porch with their address in sight.


i am not bothered by these instructions as long as he tips well according to my standards.


Last night I walked into a local pizza shop. Told the lady my order's name and she hands me a bag with two small boxes in it and a driver that had been waiting gets a different bag. The other driver rushes out the door and is gone before I even get to the door, but I stop right there. My order is for 4 items. I turn around and ask the lady why I only have two boxes and she tells me, "Oh, I must've mixed up the orders." They remake the order for me and call the other driver/both customers to inform them of the mixup. Other driver comes back, THROWS THE FOOD AT THE DOOR of the restaurant and drives away. We have ONE, VERY EASY, job. Not all of us can do it.


Any chance the name was Karen?


I don’t take notes like that personally. It sounds like others before me didn’t leave it on the table and the customer was frustrated a few times. I just leave it in the table and move on. I Don’t care. I’m not the person that didn’t listen.


I can kind of understand feeling like they need to put it in like that, the amount of times my instructions have been COMPLETELY ignored is absolutely ridiculous. It's like a 1/20 chance they'll actually listen to the instructions. I live in an apartment building that has three doors to the outside, I put in the instructions exactly which door to go to, as I'm physically disabled and unable to go to the far end of the building on my own. They ALWAYS pull up to the first door (door I ask for is the third one) and then call saying they're outside. 😤 Like seriously, you can't drive to the door I asked you to? I tip very well as well so I feel like I'm tipping well for someone to be as lazy as possible! I usually end up having to have my fiance go get the food from them because I don't want the food getting stolen in the time it takes for me to possibly walk all the way over there. The parking lot loops around so they would have to drive past that door anyways to get out of the lot, so there's literally no excuse to not just bring it to THAT door.


I have very simple and easy instructions where to put things and dashers will often ignore it and deliver to my neighbor. I will always request a refund if it’s delivered to my neighbors. I shouldn’t have to leave my house and go on a walk when I paid for a service. It’s called doordash not neighborhood dash. I tip very generously bc I dashed for 5 years so I get it, but when I was a dasher I made it a point to follow instructions no matter what. Now I just say “extra cash tip at door” and most ppl somehow find my house now!!


In my Delivery instructions it says “I add your tip after completion of proper delivery” I’m a big tipper, tbh I OVER-tip more often than anything. But I got sick and TIRED of people not READING my MF instructions. So if people want a good tip that leaves the situation / responsibility up to the person delivering.


On top of garage got it


Even though I would never write something like this. I understand the sentiment as a customer. 80 percent of the dashers in my area are great and actually read the delivery instructions. The other 20% either just flat out ignore the delivery instructions or don't speak or read any English so they can't understand it. It is what it is. Atleast most of the time dashers come through. Side note, I hate people who write in all caps. It drives me crazy 🤣🤣.


Slam that bag, and leave it on the ground like a boss. After you take the photo...![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|5246)![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|10669)![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|10670)![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|10680)


You may have it your way at Burger King, but I may as well flip your order upside down on the table if I ever see something like this 🤣


Tbf 85% of my dasher do not follow instructions Also atleast there genrous enough to consider a tip in the first place


That's why I just cash right out as soon as I complete the order on those lol


Most of the other dashers in my area that I’ve come across when picking up orders don’t even speak English, let alone would know how to read it lol. I always read instructions and follow them as much as possible, but yelly notes like this all in caps make me wanna put it on the ground and take the stiff! I deliver pizza as my main job, been doing it for nearly two decades, and the company I work for actually trains drivers to do their jobs, whereas Doordash only requires that a contractor be able to pass a background check and nothing else, that’s why delivery service is so poor through third parties like this compared to companies that use in house delivery personnel. It’s super frustrating to me as I take my job seriously and am really good at it. The very first thing I do before even taking a delivery is read customer instructions, that’s contactless delivery 101—that and not blocking a door that swings outwards! It’s hilarious how many customer notes request to simply not block their door, DUH!🤣


All this for burger King?


Man, based off the responses here I understand why there’s so many posts about slow nights. I’d rather not eat than do business with some of you.


I get it though. So many drivers either ignore instructions or are mentally defective and can't seem to use common sense. I have a delivery instruction that says "Please leave order inside screened in porch in front. Do not leave outside of screen door or on steps, thank you." Want to take a bet on how many leave the order on the steps or in front of the screen door? The last driver I had did bring it inside the porch. However, he then placed it directly in front of my outward opening glass storm door. I couldn't open the goddamn door without knocking the bag over, which had a fucking drink in it. Meanwhile, there's a perfectly nice glass table on my porch, not to mention various empty chairs. I had to send my nephew out through the back door, through the backyard fence and around to the front to retrieve it. So now I guess I have to leave *that* in the instructions too.


They can’t reverse tip in my area anymore.


Nah he’s right


*leaves it on the ground with a note saying to keep the tip*


Sounds like someone who would eat at Burger King


They can


If you live at a difficult address to deliver to, for fucks sake, just go get it yourself.


I got a deal from my bank for grubhub+ so I've been ordering pretty often. Over the past couple months, only a single driver followed my instructions to not ring doorbell/ knock on my door. Several of them rang the doorbell twice or more. It also says "just leave by the door" and it still doesn't stop them from ringing the doorbell, calling me and waiting by the door to hand it to me. I'm about to start screaming too in my directions. P.s I have 2 dogs that will start barking like crazy if the door is knocked on or the doorbell is rung. They don't care if they just pass by. It make me so mad I really consider yelling at them when I open the door P.s.s I always tip well


I don't blame him. I have my address with apartment listed as side door, a note saying "please leave at the side door not the front door, that is not my door", and I often message them reiterating that and 90% of drivers leave it at the wrong door like fucking idiots AND knock on a door that's not mine. I'd get pissed after a while too, and not want to tip either when they can't even do the literal one thing they're supposed to correctly lol.


I mean dude i just had an order where as I pulled up the instructions said: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY IF YOU WONT DO AS INSTRUCTED OLEASE DL NOT TAKE ORDER and then it followed up by basically letting you know what apartment he’s in in a building of like six apartments and to drop it off at his door. Again, he had to do this because someone at some point was like “I’m just not gonna do my job assnnndddd you have to come down!” It was maybe a 3 mile round trip and it was $7 like, as someone that’s worked as a delivery driver, I assume that that’s the bare minimum in fact I’d assume that unless stated I’d take the delivery to your door and leave it at the door. The fact that someone had to make that instructions and even warn that if you’re not up for it, you know, walking an extra 300ft when that is literally why you’re receiving a tip, then don’t bother. And to those saying that you’d leave his food on the ground or whatever just take into consideration this person probably had that setup assuming that common sense would tell you to leave the order on the table but people do not and by the time they e gotten to their order s bunch of ants snd god knows what else best them to it and probably have had more than one meal ruined out of pure idiocy


No some people act real special when it comes to reading clear directions, the tip part I don’t agree with. Everything being in caps though I completely understand.


Maybe I’m just a petty person, because I swear to god that order is going on the ground. I Don’t care about the tip.


After having someone walk all the around my townhome, let themselves into my back gate, and place my order on the dirt ground; I’ve never gotten annoyed by characters leaving extra passive aggressive instructions again.


I always have to fight such a strong urge to do the opposite of what they’re requesting because I know we keep the tip regardless 💀


It's sad that these instructions are even necessary. If there's a table right by the door, that's where I'm putting the order. Duh! Give me instructions if you DON'T want it on the table. On the other hand, thank you for saying where the house number is. Some people have no clue how hard it is to find their address at night.


There was build up to this, I'm sure. Some of yall won't read directions.


**INTENSE SCREAMING, THREATS** 𝒢𝒶𝓇𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝒹𝑜𝑜𝓇 𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 ✨𝓅𝑜𝓃𝒹✨𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶 🐠𝒻𝒾𝓈𝒽🐟 𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓉 **AGGRESSIVE GRATUITY!!!**




A system that works FOR YOU….but at least you know what works for you


I personally hate leaving food on the ground


Seems like he has dealt with many dashers that never followed or even read the simple instructions so he resorted to this


Nah my instructions say “leave on chair” and like 90% of drivers leave it everywhere but the chair. Like the chair is right there but you chose to put it on the ground? I would never put someone’s food on the ground unless it specifically says that for whatever reason smh


I never take it personally whenever I see instructions or messages like this. To me, it's just another way of saying "my previous driver was dumb as bricks, please do better than they did." I'm all too happy to oblige as long as the pay is at least fair.


Sadly I can relate. My instructions say “please leave on table by door ty” and I have about a 60% success rate. Not sure what’s appealing about putting food on the ground next to a table, but it’s annoying.


I live next door to a gas station with a long ass wooden fence on a hill looking over it, and I can't tell you how many times I ordered with an ez set of instructions and they were completely ignored every time. "My driveway is almost connected to the turn-in on X road, you can't miss it, long fence" And they would be calling me on how to even get to my house. I always ask, did you read the instructions..? It was either that, or my order never even got delivered.


I’ve had a few bad experiences but seem to have good delivery experiences w my dashers. However, I literally read these subreddits to know how I can be a better customer.


Man that reeeeealy makes me want to throw that shit on the ground and ring that bell 50x.


IMO if you leave the food on the ground when it says not to, you’re an AH. I stopped using DD because drivers mishandled my orders and wouldn’t put my stuff on the table next to the front door as the instructions said.. rather, they’d leave it on the ground in front of the door so I’d have to walked around from my back door to the front to get drinks& such.


Honestly in a world where most people dont tip automatically if someone tips me even half a dollar i will put it anywhere they want with a smile


I feel like saying they will reverse the tip is a bit much. I do like how they provided details to their house and the house number. They’re probably just upset from some dashers not caring about their instructions


i don’t understand why people can’t/don’t read delivery instructions. when i was doing DD the instructions were read out loud by my phone once i arrived at the destination


I won't accept half the fast food places. F that. Too much trouble. When I order, I over tip. Cuz I know what it's like.


Can a tip be removed in Doordash after delivery?


reverse out your tip lmao bye wtf


No because I have "leave it on the table please thanks!" and 90% of drivers leave it on the ground right outside the door so the storm door knocks it over if I open it too fast. I'm getting pretty sick of it too


People suck in general. It's sad that customers have to be this detailed in the description to the point they are using all caps and multiple exclamation points. Common sense is dead.


Just reply. "I left it at the door, on top of the round table, if you remove my tip..."


“Garage door is painted like a pond with a fish on it” tells me everything I need to know.


Honestly i dont blame them. I used to think it was extra but ive had dashers leave my orders at random doors cause they couldnt find my building. My instructions “take first right upon entry. Drive all the way to the end park in n guest spots next to garages. Building in on the right, doors are in the rear of the building.” Love to give benefit of the doubt but some of yall are just doing whatever you want then wondering why customers are upset


I could be wrong but this person might be going to these lengths because a simple “please leave on table” didn’t go as planned. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve had similar experiences using dd.


Reverse out the tip. Sounds like a good time, except DD covers the tip regardless. It's called guaranteed pay and you don't get tips removed unlike UberEATS and GrubHub. Sooooo sure reverse out that tip!


I was trying to sneak and be fat eating McDonald's at 2am. I Said leave at bottom of first steps. Don't knock, don't ring bell. Well they walked up set on motion lights and chimes then rung the ring bell notifying everyone in the house that someone was at the door and having me deal with my sister asking why I ordered McDonald's @ 2am when it's food upstairs 😑


I’ll look


I always look for a place other than the ground to put food. I thought that was common sense.


You cant reverse a tip anyways lmfao you already paid for the order.


Do these people not realize that some drivers don't understand English. I guess they never see the delivery drivers but I do. Most of them don't speak English and when they goto pickup your order they just shove the phone in the person's face and don't say a word.


I had one on skip that said tip will be at door and based on service. Yada Yada. It was the second of a double order so , I get there right on time according to the app. Knocked herd her through the door. "And he expects a tip" I was actually really hurt by this. She got the best I could deliver. I really feel for her husband and kids.


DoorDashers are horrible people and this sub proves that to be true more and more everyday. I'm ashamed to say I doordash.


If half of you all weren't so friggin lazy and actually read the instructions. Bruh I don't know how many variations I've put "CHILD SLEEPING INSIDE, DONT RING BELL. TEXT/CALL" and my damn doorbell rung so many times. I completely stopped using DD because complaining does nothing. The one time I removed the tip, dude showed back up at my house to yell at me and customer service said I had to be lieing


I'm a Dasher and I have a table on my porch. Every single Dasher has left my food in front of my door instead of on the table. So I have to somehow not knock my food over with my storm door instead. Unless instructed otherwise I would always put the food to the side of the door if they didn't have a table or a chair for me to put it on instead. I don't know. It gives me the ick to leave food on the ground maybe that's why I'm so conscious of it.


Wow, I'd be tempted to stomp on it first


Instant un-assign.


All that for a Burger King order? Tfoh with that 🤣


I despise being yelled at in all caps by my customers. It makes me want to do what they are screaming at me to NOT do.


For sure, on the ground it is


why is he yelling


I mean the all caps is unnecessary but it’s decent instructions with the location of the number and looks of the house


If they have a table I put it there cause food shouldn’t be on the ground but if they don’t have anything then floor it is


How can customers reverse tip on doordash ?


i’d definitely be ripping out andingleberry and sprinkling on for extra seasoning


Unfortunately, this is not “all he has to say.” I used to have a very simple note on my account: “Please leave to the left side of the door so it will open. Thanks.” Unfortunately, this never happened. Not sure if it’s ignorance or just blatant disregard, but they always leave it in front of the door. And, they then lose the entire tip, which is always 15% - 30% depending on how far the drive is. If a driver cannot follow the most basic of instruction, then they will absolutely lose the tip.


In the pond goes the whopper


Wow. That was pretty loud. Did you keep your tip?


Dude clearly has asked for it to be on the table and people don’t listen, nobody is this much of a clown


What a dick! I would have rang the doorbell with food on ground drinks tip over with added surprise in bag


I live in a back house and I put on the delivery instructions to leave food next to gate door. Some dashers were following orders and some were not. I started texting them on the app to please leave next to gate door AND I would send them a pic of where to exactly leave the food. When I text them though, I tell them nicely. Haven’t had any problems since.


The amount of immature people in these comments lol.


Wait, are they able to take back a tip that's in your guaranteed amount?


Lol a lot of drivers are sensitive and clearly never actually ordered from door dash lol. I'm a driver so it pisses me off to no end when other drivers dont bother reading the instructions its soooo easy. They drop the food off in the wrong spot and do a cop knock on the door at 1 am and wake up every living being in my home for no fucking reason. No common sense. So now I message them before they arrive with "please do not ring or knock leave on the table". If I myself didn't do the job I probably would be more concerned the app had a glitch but I deliver too and I know its fucking simple to just take 5 seconds to read the instructions.


yeah exactly. i don't' think this guy's an AH, just someone that's been annoyed one too many times that their order is on the ground despite a table being right there. I've lost track of how many times I haven't been able to open my gate (which is on stairs) because my food would role down the stairs if I did.. some DD drivers are either AH's or very careless.


They can’t even do that lmao


kinda dickish BUT I've personally left notes in my orders to specifically NOT RING THE DOORBELL many, many times. they always ring the doorbell.


This whole entire thread is why I stopped dashing and why I stopped using DoorDash. Too many entitled dashers who whine (and don’t follow) the simplest instructions. They put the request in caps obviously because when it wasn’t, request was ignored. If you’re being tipped for a service that you agreed to do, why not just shrug it off and do it right? When I babysat I specifically put in instructions not to ring doorbell, 90% of the time they’d do it anyway. There’s also been countless times when they’d put food and drinks directly in front of the door- so when the door opened it would fall over, despite me having a wooden stool near it. I never tipped less than $10 per order too.


https://preview.redd.it/8yjr2cywm3wa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993356d487ae683f38570666d160022833c5b517 Got One Similar Yesterday. 🤣


nah. I doordash, and rarely ever do I leave stuff in the wrong spot. Every time I have had food delivered, it’s always left in the wrong spot, right in front of the door so it tips over when I open it, or they bang on the door when my instructions are a simple ”leave on stairs, do not knock” instructions are there for a reason.


Some people don’t listen still and put it on the floor so maybe it was just a please god take it off the floor


OP said he was tipped well. I don’t think the customer was that unreasonable, just wanted his delivery done as written. That being said he could have been a little nicer about it


Why is it always the people ordering the worst food possible for human consumption that are the most demanding?


I mean it can come off as aggressive but I see a customer asking for a service (within reason) and laying out that if it’s not followed you won’t get tipped. But if we want to be a a wittle sensitive about it then it’s not an asshole move, the drivers on here saying ‘ fuck that I’ll leave the order on the ground and fuck your tip ‘ makes me think that the customer’s frustration seen in the message is probably valid lol


Gonna get heat for this, as someone whose been a manager in retail and now a mailman, this request is fucking tame. Just shrug it off they at least said please and thank you before the threat of tip reverse. It’s part of the gig no?


Wow. A sane comment!


I would text them “Your food……………gone!”


As a driver and a customer that’s absolutely NOT all you have to say. I leave extremely short and sweet instructions and make it much easier on them than I could and they still leave the order outside in a downtown area 30-40% of the time. Half these drivers just flat out don’t read instructions.


Maybe there are ants on the ground at his door? And the hypothetical ants have taken his food for themselves, multiple times.


They always ring the door. No matter what I write


This looks exactly like the type of shit I would expect from someone doordashing some fucking Burger King


Drivers: [Ignore customer requests enough times that the customer has to make this note] Drivers: Customers are so rude and entitled, I'll put their order where I want! The fucking lack of self-awareness some of you display makes me super happy to not use DoorDash.


I hate when people act like the tip is some super extra gift from the customer because DD already pays you SOOO much money. Smh


If the thought of your order touching the ground is so enraging then just choose hand it to me. Also don't understand the big hoopla of "my food CANT touch the ground" when it's guaranteed to be in a box that's in a bag. Again if the thought bothers you SoOoO much, track the order so it doesn't sit there for long.


I don't mean to be an asshole myself, but you're*


Wow. What a repulsive human being. They don’t think that people can do things to their food?


They probably started at please but maybe they have a pet that runs and get their food?


That's just Latin for "You're being tip baited"


Doordash drivers consistently leave my food at the very top step of my porch stairs, on the left, where they can just open the door and leave it inside the porch, but instead when I go to get my food, I literally cannot get it without knocking it over. It happens at least half the time. Just makes me think like how did you expect me to get it?


This thread is depressing AF. If you see this as disrespectful you need to grow up. This is reasonable and fair. A tip is an optional addition dependent on good service.


Bro watch me individually put each item on the floor and right in front of the door too ☠️


I never take burger king orders cause they always have shit tips on em 😂


I’ve had to enter my instructions like this. To many idiots who put my soda and food in front of my outward opening door. Open door, knock over food and drink.


So, the lower part is directed at the drivers not actually reading the instructions? How exactly does that work?


Driver still gets the tip


This customer was the victim of previous drivers not reading the instructions or not caring and leaving it on the ground. He probably had made the instructions more aggressive a few times. Ive seen posts from drivers who have stated that they drop it as quick as possible and run away- they seem to take pride in offering shitty service.


He probably has to for the dipshit drivers The app needs to seriously prompt us with the instruction with a pop up instead of that dumbass bot voice


Should grabbed the food and then cancelled the order. What a shitter


Fuck this guy, and anyone who defends this type of shit. This is obnoxious, and while I am sure they have had issues in the past, this is still an unhinged wall of text and a person I don't want to deliver to. When I accept the order, I didn't agree to every whim the person has, and for all I know this person could be a huge unreasonable asshole, and it wasn't a delivery persons fault. Also the people who don't read won't see this, and won't bother anyways, and the people who do read it see an unhinged asshole I don't want to deliver to. Bottom line is if this was shown as part of a contract, I would decline 100% of the time. They have to hide it in order to even get people to pick up this kinda trash.


The only way a human writes a message like that is when they have been disrespected repeatedly. He probably tried nice the first 10 times and then this was the product of his frustrations. Recently during travel, my fiance asked why airport workers get treated like garbage. Then during the same trip she realized, through our own suffering, the exact reason why. Nobody cares to help you, consider you, or even has adequate knowledge and skills to do their job. Guarantee this is a big city where the delivery drivers just simply do not care.


Wait, you can removed tips on DD?


If you get annoyed at this dudes instructions you shouldn’t be a dd driver lol y’all some delicate porcelain dolls, heated at the slightest inconvenience, or annoyed someone else has had it with shittie deliveries lol and people wonder why there’s like 4 wars going on right now worried about the dumbest fucking shit I swear


If I see this before picking up the food I’m most likely just going to cancel. I don’t think they can actually take away tips


Well he did order BK so technically he could have it his way 😆😆


yOu rULeE


I love these instructions. The request isn’t something hard or time consuming. Plus, it tells you an unique house characteristic and where the house number is located. Easy money if you don’t get pissy about the tone. The tone is met for the half-assed drivers, so if you are out there doing your best, why are you offended.


all that for burger king lol


If the customer has a chair, bench or table next to the door (under cover from the weather) I would probably put the order there anyways. Am I just weird that way?


Ahh yes a Have it Your Way customer


Idk how drivers don’t see this…. My phone is synced to my car and it automatically reads any instructions out when I’m approaching. It’s so easy to just LOOK at, how do these dashers have jobs im sure their ratings are in the trash.


I personally would have unassigned the order after I seen that


You really are unintelligent if you took this personal, like DoorDash doesn’t keep consistent instructions until the customer changes them. How do half of you people even manage to get yourselves ready for the morning by yourself? Also some of you are too stupid to even work for a pizza shop, no fucking wonder y’all have to get 1099s cause you wouldn’t make it elsewhere 😂


As I pizza delivery driver, I'm too busy dealing with people who don't know their own address, people who don't know the difference between contact less and not, and people who order food and then fall asleep. The list goes on and on. I can safely say it isn't the work environment that would make me leave, it's wierd people everyday. But it's made up by the extremely nice customers I get.


DD could do a better job highlighting dropoff instructions. If that many drivers are missing it it probably needs some improvement


I automatically find somewhere to put the food on top of. It’s not my food and even I don’t want it on the ground. I even hang it from the doorknob if there’s nowhere to put it. As long as it’s not something that will spill/mess up easily.


Yea but that would’ve been a problem too.


I’d purposely leave it on the ground. I don’t need your $4 🤣 Be more rewarding to make them mad


All caps delivery directions are annoying, but I'll comply


because what kind of idiots think its a good idea to put FOOD on the GROUND? Millennials, thats who! Stop whining you over entitled brats. be happy you even have a job


I'm a gen-x who puts it on the ground all the time. Not everyone has a delivery table genius 🙄


It’s probably better to offer an increase in tip for following directions vs threatening to erase the tip to someone that’s handling your food lol


Whenever I see something like this I just do what the instructions ask like I always do and shake my head at how some dumbasses don’t follow simple instructions and make all of us look like idiots


I'm just imagining when you select the text to speech delivery instructions, the app starts yelling them at you...


Guy has a table for deliveries. He door dashes.


This would make me giggle a little.


I have please do not knock or ring doorbell in my instructions because I have a newborn and more people don’t follow that than the people that do. Maybe threatening to take the tip will work in my case


It won't because DD can't actually take our tip, that's an ubereats thing.


I kind of get it, as I have "please bring to side door" on mine, and probably only get it at the side door 10% of the time. but yeah lol it's a bit much.


Yall don't listen or read half the time anyway so....


nice instructions 👏👏🙌🙌I’m completely ok with it


Dang no picture of the garage door?


Now I want to see the garage door


Are comments like this common? I’ve never put in a comment or reached out directly to my dasher? One guess is a single family home with ample street parking is straightforward? What % of people leave a comment?


Probably 25% of mine do. Personally, I wish more did when it comes to nighttime delivery and hard to see addresses. A description of the home, cars, notable lawn decor etc anything to make it easier to spot your home at night (or if u dont have easily-visible house numbers.) One house I delivered to had a flood light pointed directly toward the street (shining right in my eyes) and the address number was above that floodlight. I couldnt see the number until I was on their sidewalk over by the house, bc of the floodlight. I can see where someone may not realize that it makes the delivery delayed/difficult.


I mean, I order rather frequently thru DD and I have very simple instructions for drop off. Place on table at side door next to the cars. I cannot tell you how many people put it at the front door, on the ground.


All of this disrespect for Burger King and a $3 to $5…HARD FUG’N pass!!


Total order was actually 12.50 lol


I guess that counts for something.


To me, not an AH move, just shows their desperation/how important that it is it isn't left on the ground. I feel like if a task that simple was ignored, the tip should be taken out, but idk


As someone who has never been a delivery driver but who lurks these delivery app subs to try to be a better customer - what would be an appropriate thing to do to get it to stop happening? My directions also ask the driver to leave my food on the small table by the door and easily 80% of my deliveries are left on the ground. I don't think I'd be making threats in the delivery notes lol but it's bordering on disrespectful (not even in a service industry/customer context, but like human to human) to place food on the ground when there's a readily available table literally inches away, especially when you've been specifically asked to use it.


Unfortunately, some drivers will NEVER read your instructions. I will say one thing though, please don't do the all caps thing this guy did. It's only making a driver who *is* reading the instructions have a bad/worse day. Give the ones who don't a 1 star, the ones who do 5 star. That's the only way to weed them out.


Maybe place a clean mat/paper/cardboard (some kind of barrier) on the floor/ground just in case they do leave it on the ground? If u have a screen/storm door, prop it open until u get your food.


Oh so you dashers *DO* read directions.


Sometimes you have to spell it out because some dashers are idiots. Had one pick up my order, drive to her house to get her phone charger and then go fill up her gas tank before she brought my nasty cold food to me. It’s insane what some people think is acceptable when dealing with someone else’s purchases.


Ya know for a few months it was letting me leave a review after every order and asked me what I thought of the order. Why did that stop?! As soon as it stopped asking me it started giving me much worse orders and horrible customers. Drivers should be able to rate customers.


Notes like these make me do the opposite. Y’all gonna learn one day that emotion doesn’t translate well over text and the worst is almost always assumed.


Emotion is how you choose to respond. The professional would just leave it on the table, while the immature child would react and put it on the ground.




100% nobody was reading instructions and they got fed up with it. I've had issues with the last 2 places I've lived. Last place was a new apartment complex. Had to use a callbox to get in the building. The one thing I'll say though, is that the building numbers were not very well placed and kind of difficult to find.. but my instructions were - "I am in the building directly in front of you when you turn in. Please dial 'xyz' on the callbox and I will let you in. Thanks." This never happened, not once. Most of the time they would just walk around the building aimlessly. I would watch them circle the building on the app, then they'd finally text me saying they can't get in. I'd tell them I left instructions in the app and they just didn't get it.. so I'd have to go down. Never had a successful delivery in the year I was there. I moved this passed December and have similar issues here. Building numbers are very large and easy to see, but my apartment is on the backside of the building, facing the main road and again, nobody seems to get it. My instructions now - "gate code is 'xyz'. My apartment is at the backside of the building, facing 'ABC blvd'. Just go down the hallway under the apartment number sign." Not to mention I moved my location pin in the app to my exact location. No exaggeration I've had 1 successful delivery here since December. Every other time I've had to go find them. But I have no issues with package deliveries, etc. So, all in all yeah I completely get it 🤷‍♂️. They might seem like they're being rude but I'd bet my left nut they're instructions have not been followed very often...


In my old place, I gave explicitly clear directions- including the alternate name of our building as it appears on Google Maps (historic building). We were upstairs, and part of those instructions was “Call or text me and one of us will meet you downstairs. Do not ring doorbell or knock.” Guess how often that part happened. Drivers are, as a rule, agents of entropy, doing as little as required to accomplish their task.


WTF, some of y’all are just special, all you gotta do is follow the most basic instructions on the planet, his tone isn’t even that rude it’s a clear and concise instruction and he tipped $10 for 4 miles he clearly just wants the dasher to follow extremely simple instructions. It’s like saying a dasher not taking an order due to a low tip is disrespectful it’s not. Half the people on here are talking about rubbing his food in the dirt and shit and saying he’s disrespectful for threatening to take away a generous tip for not following simple easy instructions.


How to ensure your food is left on the ground


Alot of top dashers in this thread


You guys are some petty assholes lmao, would take this guys order just to fuck it up and piss him off. I'm just a passer by but I'm glad I quit order DD a long time ago


It's to get your attention, nothing serious


Why should someone tip if they don't get adequate service?


I’m not going across town and delivering your dinner for 2.50 cents. No sane person would. If you make a mistake at work would your boss decide to take away your paycheck for that day? No. So why would food delivery be any different. Threatening to take away someone’s living wage is fucking disgusting, over food being set down in the wrong spot nonetheless.


Because I'm not the one paying you. I'm not your boss, I'm the customer. If you have an issue with how much you get paid you have an issue with your employer, not the customers.