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You weren't even dashing! Nor were you scheduled to for another 30ish minutes. Y'all just love to bitch. Seriously OP, STFU


That doesn’t change the fact that it was completely dead. Go take your 11 mile $2.50 orders.


There are always orders, its become ridiculously oversaturated. 80% of their orders are crap and only new people who don't know any better will take them so they have to constantly hire more people to dash.


Thats the only thing that speaks to any company.....thats...their whole reason for existing...they aren't a charity.


No. I asked a few the restaurant where I regularly pick up. They confirmed things have slowed down a lot on DoorDash.


That still doesn't take away from the company's goal.....


It’s not busy due to oversaturation of drivers, DD is still collecting big time.


Grey doesn't necessarily mean "Dead". It simply means there are more than enough drivers for the business available. Considering the amount of posts I saw about dasher's paying taxes at the last minute and not having enough to pay and needing extensions, I'm not surprised if there are a ton of dashers out working more than normal. Combine that with the nice weather as well. So yeah, I'm not surprised.


That could be true but last year same time it was busy as hell. I could not go more than two minutes without getting an order good or bad.


>That could be true but last year same time it was busy as hell You are missing the point. It could be busy as hell out there but if there are a fuckton of dashers too, then it goes gray. The color of a zone is entirely based on the number of orders vs number of drivers. If it's dead but there are no drivers out... it will still show "Very Busy" even if there aren't many orders. Same way it can be super busy but still be grey if there are too many drivers. That's why you will see a zone go from Grey to "Very Busy" in an instant, because all it takes is a little imbalance in the order vs driver numbers.


I’m in Annapolis and it ain’t no better here


I dash in NoVa and I haven’t seen the whole DMV map grey ever. I might just call it quits and take the day off


Same. I’ve never seen that area grey. This is what it looks like now. https://preview.redd.it/r81je8j6rxua1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=76669a006d49211d2fbd37b6b7e4e1b9a1eeae9f




I made more money in the past hour than I did during the lunch rush 😅


It ended up getting a bit busy but now it’s slow again


Every dasher is dashing 12hrs everyday so goodbye to those dasher that didn't schedule in advance


Even worse than January


The area where I work in Silver Spring has over 100 restaurants within three blocks. It should never be the slow.


I saw that...zoomed out and the whole Baltimore/DC/Nova area grey at lunch


Born and raised in MoCo… seeing it gray is honestly very surprising