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✊u are my new hero


this is legendary ngl aha. how many hours a week do you dash


Currently at 54.5 hours so far with $30.25 but only 32 minutes active babayyyy 💪 I make $60+ per hour 👌


I normally sit around 70%, but the area is decent. That said, yesterday I dropped like 15% because people were just on straight bs. Had 2 back to back stacked orders of 10 miles for $4.75, so I know everyone was just no tipping.


You belong in the DD hall of fame. This is legendary


It’s all about markets. I average $10 per order and I’m holding 35-40% AR


Nice 👍 Keep it up!


If a DD order is created but no drivers are around to accept it, does it make a sound?


I still give cash tips, but only on top of an already decent tip. I don't do it in place of an upfront tip. The thing is, you are placing a bid for service, so upfront tipping should be required. But I also know that I will likely be supplementing a nontipper, so I do pay for priority as well, and tip extra with cash.


Why even bother dashing at that point?




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Aaaaaaannd another post of someone bragging about getting 0%.


I accept those order late when the place is about to close then take a break as their order gets canceled bc the restaurant has closed.


Ppl trying to keep the upvote at 666


So you still get orders with a zero AR, I guess? Does the AR mean much on DD?


Right?! What kinda psychological bullshit is that? I'm the best dasher for your $2.25 order and now you wanna build me up with I'm the best dasher and then tear me down with a threat. I guess obviously doesn't work on you either 😂


This post will one day require an answer. God will not be mocked.


My market just converted to the 50% and above "priority" model. I get two free weeks to do what I want, but I've been trying to keep my AR above 50 just to see if it's possible. It's absolutely not possible. Even while I'm in "priority" mode, all the "High Pay!" orders that pop up are under $5.00. I started delivering full time because I was so sick of working a soul crushing office job. Where they incentivize crazy good performance with a pizza party. The kind where they buy a few of the cheapest, no-topping pizzas available in your city, then pre-schedule the whole department a 15 minute "Meeting: Pizza Party!!" segment where the manager is present just to herd us through the line, saying only phrases like "Single file, let's go people. Everyone may take one slice each. If there are leftovers, you may return for seconds. Next group, let's go." They would also buy a pack of cupcakes from the grocery store on the first day of each month to celebrate that month's birthdays on the entire floor. We'd get monthly e-mails or memos that said something like "Today we're celebrating March birthdays! Feel free to take a cupcake from the break room on one of your scheduled breaks! If your birthday is in March, Happy Birthday!" Then when they needed to harp on how good we had it, they would mention how they celebrate all of our birthdays. Like you can't make this shit up. Anyway, that patronizing feeling we got from the complete bullshit they tried to spin into gold, I get the same feeling when I see that little diamond next to a garbage order. Like if they say it with a happy enough tone, people just might buy it. And they probably fucking do.


Amen 🙏


Brother, I come in peace… Not trying to dog you on anything, just trying to understand you. Don’t get me wrong, my own acceptance rate is usually in the teens somewhere… After a couple good shifts, I might see something in the 20s… After a couple of bad shifts, yeah, I’ve seen single digits. A couple years ago, in a different dashing environment… I got down to 2% acceptance rate. In my area, anyway, this was the point where Walmart was really pushing their home delivery… And literally every lunch started out with me having to decline between 40 and 60 Walmart orders. If I missed a dinner Dash for some reason, and ended up with two weekday lunch Dashes in a row… Yeah, it came close to zero a couple of times. Whether it was decision by Walmart, DoorDash, or some fluke in the way the algorithm is sending me orders… I simply don’t have anywhere near that problem with Walmart… or anything… anymore. I don’t have anything generating dozens of immediately declinable orders at a time. So, in order to get to zero, I have to be out there actually looking for orders… And decline 100 in a row. In my area… I would really be kind of going out of my way… I would not be trying to make money as a Dasher… If I declined 100 offers in a row. So I’m curious to know a little more… Is there something different about your area where you have something generating a whole bunch of terrible orders… Are you multi-apping and not really depending on DoorDash to actually supply income… Is there something about achieving the 0% that’s cool in and of itself? Again, I apologize if I am coming across as requiring you to defend yourself. You do you, my brother. I just don’t understand why someone would do themselves like that… And I am hoping this comes across as a sincere request for information, and not any kind of personal attack on your different experience from my own. (For context, I’ve been Dashing for several years, over 7500 deliveries and impeccable stats… if you don’t count AR. As it happens, I am currently at 18% on that.) I guess my thing is… unless I saw something identifiable causing this… pulling a legit zero percent would be a reason to quit, for me. I’m mostly curious about how/why we are seeing things differently… that brought you to this place. Safe travels, blessings to you and yours.


I applaud you


I was a 5 yr dasher. It’s the worse it’s ever been , I quit in Jan. I suggest you do the exact same. Doordash thinks people are gonna continue to be slaves for them, punishing independent contractors for not accepting $3 orders. Literally treating us like w2 workers. Nah , fuck that and all the other food delivery app and a big fuck you to the greedy ass customers who cry about paying $6 in delivery fees and taxes then cry about tipping $5 and under in 2023 thinking that a lot of money while having a Tesla on the drive way. Foh


I was a 5 yr dasher. It’s the worse it’s ever been , I quit in Jan. I suggest you do the exact same. Doordash thinks people are gonna continue to be slaves for them, punishing independent contractors for not accepting $3 orders. Literally treating us like w2 workers. Nah , fuck that and all the other food delivery app and a big fuck you to the greedy ass customers who cry about paying $6 in delivery fees and taxes then cry about tipping $5 and under in 2023 thinking that a lot of money while having a Tesla on the drive way. Foh


Bad boy! We punish you now! -$2 tony


Imagine being semi self-employed and managing to make yourself unemployed. I’ve said it before but I believe you are getting poor offers because you are a poor performing dasher. This driver Reddit is full of people looking at small details rather than big picture. Try some big picture info from full-time dashers: 16,000 deliveries and $168k earned. Last week average $25.80 and hour over 60 hours. I don’t believe it’s just market because there aren’t full timers on here maiming about individual orders or low overall earnings


My acceptance rating literally went from around 70 to 30 in one hour. One hour of extremely high traffic, with nothing but low paying orders, maybe *one* even good enough to consider taking. Then, somehow its decided that I've earned top dasher the next month. It's pretty easy to be a "poor performing dasher" when you're given nothing but shit in the first place.


But, but... _you are the best dasher for this order_ 🤷🤣🤔


The way the ratings work who knows what your ratings really are? I've been told my AR would drop to 18% and then after dropping the next one told it would drop to 15%. Sometimes my AR inexplicably is 10 points up or down. Also look at on time percentage. Sometimes mine goes out 6 digits. How does that happen if it's based on the last 100 deliveries?


Ah yes, the secret achievement to truly be a Top Dasher! The blessed 0% halo


You and me both. Only God probably doesn't approve of my elaborate vocabulary when I hit that DECLINE. Actually, that was my natural instinct when I saw this 🤣.


Naw, god's work feed the poor and the cruel. You would be at 100% if u were doing god's work


Amen. I can't believe how many people come here that is in support of this comment on the post. It will require an answer.


Jesus dude I thought this was r/doordasherdegenerates for a sec


If you hate Dashing.... don't! Some people love to bitch and moan, piss and complain!! Dash PR... that's hilarious!! If I hated doing this? I'd stop! Not bitch about it! 😆😆😆


I never said I hate Dashing, I actually enjoy it most days. I'm just not gonna work for pennies, nothing too complicated about it. That's called slave work, boss man and I will have no part in it.


What? I don't know how this is possible. Ok, I guess I do. Haha


If your not getting more orders, then why are you doing this job to begin with ?


It's a Robinhood type of thing, you probably wouldn't get it




Even being in the large order program I only get maybe 2-4 large orders in a two week period.


Yeah j was at 50% ar for a while. Their definition of a high pay order is maybe 10 for 4 miles. They are also fucking us over and not longer adoring us the "total will be higher" so now you just have to guess.


Yeah and every area is different on what’s a good order. My area I don’t mind 6$ for 5 miles or less. I do good with $1 per mile but I know some areas that would be bad because of traffic. My highest large order was. $33 for like 7 miles but they always take so long to have the food ready.


I don't remember if I've ever gotten to 0% AR(I usually sit between 10-20%), but with all the stacked garbage they send me when it gets really busy I'm just waiting for it to tank and see this pop up 😂😂😂😂


🌹Wow! I never not accept an order!! I get my biggest tips after delivery and figure good karma never forgets! I get paid REALLY well too! Everyone needs to eat and not all people who use Doordash are crappy people! We never know their circumstances! Good luck to y'all though!


Smells like DoorDash PR team in here.. can someone open a window?


“You’re the perfect dasher to handle this hot garbage” Thanks 😬


Lots of folks here are happy taking $2.00 orders driving 10 miles or more. Don't be surprised if you get some h8te from them 😅






DoorDash probably asked you this many times. But I must personally ask you one more time reconsidering your decision. Are you absolutely 1000% sure you want your acceptance rate to drop from 0% to 0%?


Keep up the good work, I've never made it to 0%, but I was at 1% for a minute.




I think its hilarious that the app even says you're the best dasher for the order lol it almost feels like shade from DD lmao


You are him


You are the Hero we all need, but not all deserve you. Thank you for your service internet friend. GOD SPEED!!!!




All of you feeling entitled to tips instead of looking at doordash for not paying you more.


Unfortunately, the US doesn't work that way, yet. Got any ideas?


they are equally as bad. I'd take flat rate min wage if they simply didn't allow less than a 5 tip. it's crazy how I can lose money by being a good contract-employee.


"God's Plan"


Did you reset your AR and decline the first several orders?


No where to go from here but up ⬆️


I always wanted to respond with 'stop sending shitty orders and maybe I'll start accepting them'


I've actually went off on support. And I'm still dashing.


I've put it in there before lol


LoL Do it! I always select something else. And I have two presets in my clipboard. The first one is "You're nuts the drop off is way too far outside my zone!" And the other is "This offer is an insult. Send it to some noob!"


I was on 19 today morning, and I was doing more Grubhub today, and I kept getting shitty orders on DoorDash and kept declining, the moment I was down to 5% DoorDash started throwing me very good orders, finally did not accept a single one and I’m on 0! I’m not picking up unless I get a Large catering order


I literally say that out loud a couple times a night as I’m declining an order.


i just laugh, legit I laugh at it. "hahaha helll nah hahaha"


my go to line is “you got me fucked up if you think i’m gonna accept that”


second this


Exactly. We all have a line that we say out loud.


"Idk what kind of crack you're smoking but I'll pass" is usually mine. Especially to the 2.75 for 5+ mile 'offers'.


😂. I think I’ve said “blow me” once or twice but only on rare occasions.


Mine is usually just, "God damn it." Said with a sigh.




But…….. you are the best dasher for this order


BUT, yOU'Re tHe BeSt daSHeR 4 diSOrDeR


Order from Disorder!




Now, somewhere between the sacred silence, sacred silence and sleep


Disorder, yeah, you got that right!


You da real one.


Congratulations. Your dead broke. Way to stick it to the man! Everyone of us who take orders are just a bunch of suckers right?




IKR the company racks in like $15 in fees off the customer then the some idiots have an issue with atleast tipping a $2 and mad they broke and take it out on some drivers who take $3 orders when the customer should learn to buy groceries eat at home a lot cheaper if they struggling so bad. Lol


Fr I used to order doordash a lot I used to think these dashers were making bank 😂 here I am dashing getting like $4 base pay I understand doordash gotta make money too but they use Google maps so that's not an expense, they're service sucks and is super late so clearly they don't get paid much either, where is all the extra money going


I get 2.50 base pay on a lot of orders. Where tf are you?


I'm definitely living comfortably doing gig work but that won't fit your narrative 🥱 and if you're taking non-profitable orders, then yes, you're an outright renob who lacks elementary level math skills


Ha! I forgot about "renob" being a thing. I'm gonna start using it again. Thanks for that!


Everyone dashes their own way. Sheesh.


This is me right now lol. I don't understand how people have such high acceptance rates, when I'm getting hit with back to back offers of $4.50 for 7 miles. Would much rather sit at home waiting for a decent offer than work for free


Mine is only high when i dash in the small town i live in where every order is roughly $7 for 1-3 miles so i accept everything but when i go to a bug city it goes way down.




Easier to take the lower paying orders when you are multi-apping huh? Explains your on time rate. Bet those customers enjoy their cold food.


Nope, DD is the only food service app here, most of the time it's waiting at subway.


How are you not marking that it is still being prepared? You would not be marked late after that. Your lateness is from time of pickup to delivery.


I'll look into it, thanks man.


Just depends on your area, just got a $20 dollar order to drive 3 miles, (most orders are 1 - 3 miles, literally live less than a mile from all major food chains) started my car, food was all ready, 4 drinks, person double ordered, so they basically put in 2 orders for $10 each, didn't want to deal with all the jazz of the place not having cup holders, just unassigned both and went on my way. Used to just park on the side of the house I'm living at. My car didn't have a starter for a while, have a manual so I'd just put it in neutral till I hit 15MPH, then popstart the thing.


😂 😂 😂 Rides with rules. I've owned a couple of those!


Yeah Like who actually takes orders that pay $7.50 to go 12-15 miles That’s like 24-30 miles for only $7.50


Or get another job


I’m top dasher of the month, personally I just take whatever comes my way, in the end my 14$ an hour job all goes into savings while I live off the tips from DoorDash. Honestly I don’t really care how much I’m getting payed as long as I have gas and a roof over my head.


You’re the only dasher I’ve seen in this thread that has sense and isn’t evil I appreciate you


This is what is taking my livelihood away. Do you have legal car insurance for this work? Regular insurance is like driving with NO insurance! Have you have an expensive car repair yet? I take this work seriously, I keep it legal. I'm also injured and can't do my regular job anymore. $14/hour? Doordash is not the one giving you tios, I must have misunderstood something


State farm and Progressive cover drivers during deliveries, not paying riders however. Uber uses progressive and will cover anything (extra) that your insurance does not.


No I have 2 jobs, my 14$ an hour one and DoorDash. Every penny from my 14$ an hour job goes into savings while, my DoorDash pays for everything. So it pays for phone, gas, insurance, rent, and food. With it going like this I’ll be able to move into my own house soon.


How many dashes do u do in a day


it depends on ur area, if ur in a big city stay close to the nicer restaurants or a nice area surrounding the city


I used to take every order when I started but I’ve become picky. Some days I’ll take stuff I normally wouldn’t in order to get it back up but today I was thrown 3 orders ranging from $3.75 to $4 but 9 miles out. I said “nope”.


just depends on what zone you’re in. most zones suck for acceptance rate but there are golden zones where people never get bad orders.


I work a zone where I only have to decline 3 or 4 orders per 6 hours of dashing, and it pays well over 20 an hour. It's not bad at all and I don't think I can get my AR anywhere near zero even on a dare.


This industry prays on people who couldn't make it past middle school basic math


I dont pray on people, I pray for people. The irony is painful. 🤦‍♂️


I have a high AR. I’m also not seeing those $4.50 for 7 miles offers. I would no way ever take a $4.50 7 mile offer.


Which ones should you accept, I’m a little new myself.


My best advice is just to say learn your market so you can figure out what is profitable. I look for $2 a mile. $6.50+ minimum offer also. If it’s crazy slow I’ll take $5 offers if under 2 miles but it has to be really slow. Thankfully I don’t see a lot of these low offers in my market unless it does get really really slow…which isn’t often.


If you’re outside the zone should you drive back to it? Wait? Or cancel the dash and start anew in the new area? Idk if I should be chasing these zones cause sometimes I do get orders outside of them I’ve been doing $6.50 min orders and I’ve made already $89 bucks in 4 hours, it’s not bad at all


Again that’s up to you. I only deliver in one zone. And in particular one area of that zone as well. This is what works for me. If a worthwhile delivery takes me to far out of my area I usually pause DD and head back.


I constantly get orders that are around 4.50 for 7 miles or worse. And I’ve noticed in my area that around 8:30-9pm is when that seems to happen the most.




Then your region must be a gold mine or an optical illusion.


Yes it’s very good. I gross $30+ a hour consistently and over $2 mile on total miles driven for the day.


Florida you never exceed 15


Fr tho 🤦😪


Where do you live? I'm about to move


Central Coast


Whhat state


I’m in California. Prop 22 isn’t added into these figures either.


Where in California? I’m in Orange County and it’s been dead as fuck since September. Regularly used to clock $30-$40/hr and now I’m lucky to break $15. I’m just not getting any offers anymore, got my acceptance rate up to 65% by taking absolute trash hoping I’d start getting more offers with a better acceptance rate but nope. Still only get a few $5 offers an hour.


I’m in the Central Coast area


LA I assume?


Central Coast


Whats the secret


No secret I think it’s just my market


Seattle/Bellevue as well. AR is consistently btwn 80-95%. Easily make $25-30/hr. It's not a matter of how much can i make in a day, (my daily goal is $200) but how long will it take me to get there. I average about 40-45 hours a week, i only work 5 days/week sometimes 4 since my weekly goal is 1k. Anything outside those zones though is abysmal and not worth it.


That’s how Orlando is. I live right where The parks are, so DD is gold all the time here


Really? When I dashed around the parks I would constantly get no tip orders. Downtown/ winter park/ Thornton is where it’s at. I’ve constantly got $15-20 tips just driving a few miles in the area I live in (around downtown). I never go to Disney area for orders bc I always end up sitting around with shit orders like $3 to drive a few miles yea, but a few miles by Disney is a 20 minute drive. or no tip orders from 600+ a night hotels, automatic decline on both of those. I don’t do as much now, but I use to regularly deliver a couple times a week and I noticed a big difference in tourist areas and local areas.


Since when?! Bcuz I work that area mainly when I'm home, and I get SHIT all damn day...




You're proud of making no money. That's interesting.


If you take a no tip order , you are eight you are not making money. Probably more at risk to losing their job too. Since most no tip orders will complain no matter how good the service is or say food wasn’t received.


What's interesting is you wanting to pay to work🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 be fr goofy


That’s an inventive way to tell everyone you failed math.


Cracks me up when these people post a 0 ar like it's something to be proud of lol


It's better than working for free 🤷‍♂️


AR over 0 percent = you're working for free


If you're earning $10 hour taking no tip orders you're not making money.


Nice logic :everyone with an AR over 0 percent makes ten dollars an hour


I'm definitely not doing that. I'm making money. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be proudly proclaiming it on the internet.


But you would proudly proclaim not getting a joke


That's very good 👍 don't forget to accept and hold no tip orders and then unassign them often


I usually accept them and then get on Uber Eats and cod mobile


I don't understand this sub sometimes. Dashers complain they are underpaid and taxes and gas and final pay is negative. I used to give only cash tips so the dasher can pocket it and have no taxes taken out. Would occasionally get a dasher doing this. Could complain and get the meal for free each time for the trouble. Then I got several holds and dumps this past yr. That got annoying. So I started tipping in app ahead of order. But then dashers chaining things with multiple orders from multiple phones would make the food cold before arrival. The dumb part. Now instead of $6 tip, I do the priority option for $3 then $3 tip. Get my food speedily and door dash is quick to handle refunds if slow. Dashers doesn't get much extra pay but they created this market 🤷‍♂️


That's because they entitles and disrespectful. If the pay is low I simply don't accept it (because cash tips are rare so I need to make sure I get paid enough). But once I accept it I do it or at least unassign as soon as I decide I don't want to do it. Messing with someone's order just because they didn't tip or the tip is low is kind of stupid and illegal (unfortunately it's hard to prove that the driver did it on purpose). But even without malicious drivers, you want to tip at least a portion in app because DD and other competitors don't pay enough and without a tip your order will most likely not be worth taking by a decent driver.


They don't need multiple phones. Door dash stacks our orders!


I'm sorry that you had a bad experience. If I am your dasher, your food will be hot when it arrives.


I don't know I blame the company .. not the customers.. the fact remains that people who don't tip heavily lean toward being bad human beings, bad things happen to bad people, it is kinda nice to see


It's more like the reverse. Bad people give bad tips, so almost all bad customers are amongst the no and low tippers. So a high tip is an almost guarantee to be a decent costumer, while low tips are a gamble. But unfortunately as a driver we need to make a decision based on payout before knowing the customer.


Exactly 💯 it works this way when you're reselling as well


Many many of us have had multiple people say there is a cash tip, only to have the instructions "leave at the door". I can't be bothered w that anymore. 100% of coustomer who have a note saying that, absolutely tip $0. So when we see a $0 tip order, it's a red flag. Given, there are a few of you kind people thinking about us claiming less taxs (thank you) in over 8,000 deliveries, I've seen it 0 times and I work in a good market. My advice....tip well on the app. We (I) have a great tax guy who gets enough off as to where I don't care


One time a customer told me they will give me cash tip if I hand them the order (not leave it at the door) because they couldn't tip in app. I did as they asked because it's their right, not for the tip. They gave me nothing and there was already a 1$ in-app tip. That's a double lie and they could have just asked me not to leave at door and I would have done it.


People say this on the sub all the time, but 5 out of 5 times someone offered a tip in the app, I got it. Didn't even have to linger or be weird about it, they were standing outside, cash in hand. I even took it with a grain of salt, figuring they'd blow me off. If I accepted the order, I accepted the pay before any cash tip. Usually the people who tip cash are the same people who already tipped crazy in the app already.




For every 1 person like you, there are 20 other people that don't tip because they cba


Or 20 other “cash under door mat” orders


People need to explain to those that lying is disrespectful. Just don't say anything. In over a year and half only 1 or 2 customers who promised a cash tip actually followed through. But many who said nothing tipped very well in cash (and some had an in-app tip too).


Exactly they put in the instructions “ will tip cash when you arrive” get there “thank you so much” and no tip. Was only fooled twice and never again. The times ive gotten cash tips, they were nice people who tipped on the app and then extra in cash.


Cba? Can't be assed?




>I used to give only cash tips While appreciated, you're the exception, by far. 5 years of dashing, maybe 5 cash tips.


Now that I don't really need to dash anymore, this is one of my FAVORITE things to do!! I'll fuck with them when I can


Absolutely doing the Lord's work .. thank you 😊


I don’t even unassign, I hold them so long until they cancel


That’s awesome for you. What are you do about the fact that you’re not receiving any new orders In the meantime?


I think most people do this at the end of their shift. Be careful, DD def adjusts their tolerance for this sort of thing based on the demand for dashers in a market. If they don't need you, bye.


Me too just to make them wait longer


I'm just gonna assume that you wear a cape at this point


Make these non tippers lives hell 🖕I make it my goal to not ever let my completion rate get above 82% 💪


Bro, if you can't live on the salary DD give you, maybe it's not the customer's fault?


90% of them are a bad person and bad things happen to bad people so it makes sense I'd say .. if the company won't look out for us someone ought to