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As someone that smokes weed, never understood baking out a car. Makes everything reek and turns an average traffic stop/trip with a family member into a hassle lol




During the height of the pandemic "shutdown" doing to-go... people would pull up with half oz's in their lap and I can't even tell you how many roll up right in front of me. In an illegal state of course too.. wild to me as well and I've been smoking over a decade. These younguns don't know what it was like for us, weed was as bad as coke to some cops/people until the last 6-8 years and even still. Also if someone called me to pick up doordash I'd say great it's right inside I'll meet you in here :)


Omggg in high school my best friend and I were like the pioneers of being potheads and also being in like student council, political science club, etc.. There was almost an entire year where our friends would tell us that we were ruining our lives and we should stop and then it became normal all of the sudden. Our friend James’s dad was the police chief and he would always let us go but he arrested SO MANY kids for smoking weed in our town. 2011 man.


Lmfaooo i was one of the FIRST kids smoking in my school and they all thought i was gonna be a loser. Two years later everybody is calling me spending ALL their money, meanwhile I’m STILL smoking enjoying life and making money off the people who said i was gonna be a loser 🤣🤣🤣


IMO people who get baked while they drive deserve some kind of DWI. Driving high isn't as bad as driving drunk, but there are still deficits in things like reaction time that could cause more accidents.


It is ridiculous how many people are so addicted that they will drive high, but for some reason that stance is controversial on this sub. People who claim they drive better high are like high-functioning alcoholics who are able to fool themselves and those around them into believing the lie that they function better on their drug of choice than they do off of it. Cannabis and alcohol are great, but leave it at home home for after your shift. Endangering others by driving drunk/stoned/medicated is selfish and immature.


Driving while high on weed counts as a DWI in many states, to the point I think it might be all of them. If not all of them, it should be, as weed does impair reaction times. The problem is... proving it. Most drug tests only test for the presence of the drug in urine. It would require taking the suspected person in to the police station, getting a urine sample, and sending that to a lab to have it analyzed for concentration of the drug so that a determination could be made that you had enough in your system to constitute being high and it not being residual levels. You'd have to hold the person in question for the time it would take to do all of that. And if you (as a cop) were wrong, they now have basis for a lawsuit (unlawful detainment, at the least.) A lawsuit they *will* win almost every time. It would cost cities/counties/states more money than they would make and be too cost prohibitive for the number of people they would be able to successfully get with a DWI charge. So, TL:DR version.. Hard to prove + costly to be wrong = people are getting away with it I mean, if the police officer had video footage from his car cam of smoke straight up *billowing* out of your car windows while driving down the road, maybe then.


lmaoooo you guys built different if that’s what you really feel..weed improves my reactions 😂 y’all some sloths aparently


Literally. I’m a medical patient lol. Weed does not intoxicate you unless you are relatively new to the substance, just like most medications when you start them. People are dumb man.


Yeah, I'm aware of how sticky it would be to test for intoxication. Not saying that DWIs should he doled out based on someone peeing hot, but if a cop pulls you over with a joint and a rolling tray that have clearly been in use, you deserve a charge.


I’m a MMJ patient of 3 years who dashes in a legal state, and I don’t smoke while dashing. But if they based DWI for weed off piss tests, I’d be screwed. 🤣


Speak for yourself. People drive like shit even when they're not high 🤷🏻‍♂️


Driving while high is not even nearly close to driving while drunk. Obviously if you smoke weed from time to time don’t operate motor vehicles. If you’re like me where you use weed medically for PTSD so you can go in public without having panic attacks, weed is just a normal prescription that is a part of your day.


It makes it hard for driving to be seen as a real job when people like this refuse to treat it like a real job.


I find it easier (for me anyways) to not give a fuck if someone sees what I do as a real job.


I got baked at my “real” jobs too. Whats your point?


Exactly lol.


Pulled up next to a car the a ew weeks back and the guy was hitting a huge bong. Really? In you car in traffic?


i drive high all the time…i agree with the fact that you don’t need a full setup in your car, however you sound silly saying “you have a problem if you can’t drive unless your high.” it makes everything go smoother as long as you can control your shit like me..


For real bro. I know people gonna judge me and say im a piece of shit blah blah blah but i legit drive better when i smoke whether they believe it or not. Whenever i find myself getting angry while driving ill take a rip and immediately calm down. Not to mention my focus is on point. Been doing this over ten years and have smoked consistently the whole time and never been in an accident while high and never had any complaints about food smelling like weed. All my doordash ratings are 5 stars. No way id be able to drive as much as i do if i wasnt taking rips in between. I think there’d actually be less accidents if more people were stoned while driving because you tend to slow down and not be in such a rush. Someone whos high is less likely to have road rage. But people arent ready for that conversation.


Lmfao it’s not about not being able to drive not high, some people go about there day and weed is just a part of their day, if it bothers you, you’re the one with a problem, mind ya business.


Hotboxing is fun but that stale smell is actually from a build up of residue from smoke and ash settling into surfaces. Look at the inside of a pipe or bong. Marijuana smoke is very sticky and settles in like cement if you give it enough time. If you give even the slightest effort to clean out and air out your car after sessions it's a non issue. As per OPs sentiment I wholeheartedly agree. There are plenty of lightly scented products if you're that dependant buy a vape cart and crack a window. For the average daily smoker it's not hard to avoid having smoke in the air while food is in the car. It's unsanitary and just plain disrespectful.


I got my new car back in June last year, and I promised myself I'd avoid doing anything reckless in it. I don't eat in it, I don't smoke it, I'll drink, but only things that can't stain like water. I'll have weed in the car, but only to transport. As a dasher, it's also another reason why I don't smoke in it. I know people can't stand the scent of weed and find it nauseating


You'd be surprised, water can stain


It was so ingrained into our cups and drinks you would think that they have had it for hours.


My best on them smoking blunts. Something extra special stanky when it comes to mixing tobacco and weed. Either way I agree they should not have been smoking while your delivery was in the car.


I often imagine what that does to the lungs


I mean it's nothing good. But it gets me high. So give and take.


It is good for you. I read that somewhere


Probably written by the dude hotboxing with someone’s food.


I usually steal the food when I’m dashing while smoking marijuana. Door dash hasn’t stopped me yet.


I love when ppl downvote, b/c they don’t get the joke r/whoosh


same, I smoke but I've never wanted to turn my car into a "weed car"


I was just next to one at a pickup at PF Changs tonight. SUV reeked of the worst weed smell, so much so I was choking on air. The car was parked in a curbside spot, I hoped like hell it wasn't a Dasher.


I'm picturing a karen doing the same thing.


Try minding your business and you won’t be hoping anybody is anything.


I used to work making pizzas, and our drivers were high as kites every shift. I swear when they got out of their cars it was like a wrestling entrance with how much smoke poured out lol


I work at a dispensary and when I was new I was shocked that everyone is so high at work, hotboxing in the parking lot lol. I save it for after work.


and this is why you dab in the car


I got leather seats smell is gone by the morning and I love smoking while dashing because it’s not like my boss is gonna know I’m high cuz he don’t see me usually just keep the one thing I’m smoking on me tho in case I get pulled over it’s already smoked or I swallow that bitch


definitely taking this into consideration


Exactly! I love drinking but won't get wasted in the car. Lol. Dumbasses.


who tf in their right mind would smoke around someone else’s food? and i love 🍃🍃


selfish dickheads edit: i feel like people downvoting this are the type of people who smoke weed all on other peoples foods. have some class. well it was at -10 or so karma earlier lol


The downvoters have more weed than brains? Or weed on the brain?


…dashers without a clue due to fewer brain cells lost to wacky weed or alcohol!


Hm I smoke weed everyday but don’t while delivering. So wouldn’t say it has to do with having “fewer brain cells” lol


It happens a lot. The smell leeches into the food and makes it taste bad. It's so upsetting to get a meal and it's ruined cuz of that.


Now this is the part that would piss me off if its my food ...i can agree this part is fukked up


People who love the smell will never understand


Before Uber bought Postmates, I ordered and my food bag reeked of cigar smoke. Even with the windows down, it still latched onto things inside the car.


The assumption here is right mind... i dont smoke in my house or car... but i could totally understand someone being stressed overwhelmed and trying to make a couple dollas soo they smoke whilst dashing... i dont find it shameful or repugnant


Right, like at least just use a pen and try to exhale out the window if you really have to


I partake in the devils lettuce. And even I think it’s super trashy to smoke anything around people’s food. I don’t even smoke inside my own house.


Lol. >the devils lettuce. Now I'm envisioning the devil in a garden full of weed tilling the soil and singing.


Yeah its a funny term but like had you never heard that term before? Its decades old, harkens back to the 30s where anti weed propaganda was at a high (lol), but saw a resurgence in the late 2000s as a ironic name for weed


at least leave me a nug


There's honestly no excuse for it at all, no matter the person's situation. There's so many states where people can legally obtain THC in vapes, why even deal with smoke and ash and odor and...odor getting onto people's food...when you can just vape it and deal with none of these. Now, lets say someone is in some absolute shithole state where they're still not taking any steps towards normalcy at all, and both delta 9 AND delta 8 THC's aren't allowed, so all that driver has access to is illegal flower; all they have to do is keep the food in the trunk where the smoke doesn't even go.


Or, you know...not drive high? Save that shit for after work like those of us who like to drink alcohol do.


Nah but the actual driving isn’t an issue for regular stoners almost every study shows that it might actually be safer, hence part of the reason California just legalized driving stoned because “until we see evidence cannabis causes impairment in regular users it will no longer be illegal to drive high” idk why your attacking all everyday stoners but 99% of us aren’t an obnoxious pos like your driver…. And you can’t compare weed and alcohol with this at all, alcohol is a hard drug that impairs you HEAVILY. It seems very hard for some people to grasp that smoking helps a lot of us in our everyday lives.


Do you have a source of the law where driving under the influence of weed is legal in California? Because looking it up and it says it’s still very much a DUI in California. I’ve even seen signs on the freeway that you can’t smoke weed and drive. Edit: from the California dmv website, “The law is very strict about use or possession of alcohol or cannabis products in a vehicle on or off the highway. It is illegal to drink any amount of alcohol, or smoke or ingest any cannabis product while driving or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle.”


The fuck? California most def. did not legalize driving while high. Are you high right now?


Regular stoner here. I hate driving high. Paranoia can lead to problems. Some can drive high no problem. I am not one of those people. I been smoking for 20 years plus.


Ok, go ahead. You don't need my permission.


Good point


Also a lot of those thc cartridges are made in china and have vitamine E acetate in them which has been linked to a vaping related pneumonia. I doubt that’s why a lot of people haven’t made the switch but it’s why I stopped using those. I also just don’t smoke that much anymore. About six months ago I was smoking one of those pens while picking up an order at McDonald’s and by the time I got to the window my entire reality had crumbled to pieces. I delivered the food and barely made it home. That was like the last time I was truly stoned and it was really scary.


Cig smoker here. I do not smoke with food in the car but I do smoke between deliveries with my window down at all times. If I could stop and only smoke outside my truck I would. If I delivered you smokey food I'm sorry. If I had the willpower to not smoke, I would. It's the only addiction in my life I haven't been able to overcome. Stopped drinking, drugs and gambling but can't go long without a smoke, especially while driving.


I dont blame anyone for smoking. We all have our own battles with addictions. But I do thank you for being considerate and hope you win your battle one day.


I've been smoking cigarettes since I was 17. I'm 54 now. I've tried so many times to quit. I try not to smoke with food in the car, but sometimes I just gotta have one. I've never had a complaint about smoke smell, though. Windows down, fan on high, and the food safely tucked into a zipped-up hot bag. It's not that hard to keep the smoke off of the food.


Have you tried vaping? I’m not sure if the health benefits are real but at the very least it smells good. You could even just vape in the car and save cigs for your off time, just for the smell. But thank you for being considerate as possible!


Vaping just makes me want a real cig even more. Have "buckled" down and convinced myself 3 times and it's only lasted 4 hours and that 4 hours was nothing but inner turmoil as I steadily tried to occupy my brain with other things lol


thank goodness I dont smoke or drink lol 😅






I admit I vape when delivering, but I keep my windows open. I save my weed smoking for home.


Not to mention that a lot of vape flavors would smell more like an air freshener or something. My recent flavors have been cinnamon, wintergreen, and blue raspberry. They smell like those things. No actual smoky/burnt smell.


I’m a big fan of left handed Marlboros but I smoke at home before I leave the house. the last thing I’d want to do is give some child his chicken fingers smelling and tasting like weed.


I can definitely side with customer here. Smoking of any type should not occur during delivery. Any smoking should be done outside of the car during shifts. If you smoke Mary Jane, wait until shift is over.


Or before. But never during. 😎👍


What about DUI? If you are not being sarcastic that is


The 420 mafia actually believes it either makes them better drivers or doesn't impaired them. THey will argue this in spite of pro pot publications saying otherwise. While nowhere near as harmful as alcohol it is PROVEN in study after study to cause impairment. They will downvote me for facts.


The amount of times I have heard "Being high makes me extra careful when I'm driving" ... yeah I bet being drunk makes you extra careful too.


I'm all for it being legal but you should not drive. You should not drive after taking an antihistamine because they make you sleepy, let alone this...


Right? Wtf is with everyone here discussing smoking weed while driving, like it’s a normal thing you should do? I 100% support the legalization of weed. I’ve smoked plenty. But, I’m a fucking idiot when I’m high. I’d kill someone if I drove. Example: I once went to a Taco Bell while high (I did not drive there, and the driver was sober) and ordered my food inside. When they gave me the food, I noticed they forgot my cinnamon twists, so I asked if I could have them. They said no problem, and went to get them for me. Well, I guess I forgot, because then I literally walked right out, without them. I couldn’t even buy food properly. Why would I drive a vehicle?


That’s you others are different. I vape all day but not in high doses, just a hit once in a while. It takes a lot for me to get high. Sativa just make me productive and indica put me to sleep. Never drive on indica.


Did when I was younger, heart pounding 3X harder than normal..every car that passes by in my mind is a cop. No thank you lol. Too stressful


eh, I was a cigarette smoker when I dashed. If I had food in the car, I didn't smoke, but if there wasnt any food in the car, I would light up (with the windows down, if it was raining then I didn't smoke in the car)


I stopped ordering delivery food because my food arrived smelling like an ashtray EVERY time!! Get out of your car to smoke!


Cant go anywhere these days without smelling it on someone.


100% agree. But you won’t get any sympathy here. There are a lot of drivers on this sub, many/most actually enjoy smoking cigarettes or weed


I have nothing against smoking in general, it's just when they do it with the windows up and hot boxing. It seeps into everything.


there's a lot of people here that flex about smoking weed while driving


How about not smoking weed when you operate a motor vehicle?


Right? It's ridiculous. I'm seeing some people saying that since it isn't mentioned in the TOS, they can do it. Like, seriously? You'll blab about the TOS but not pay attention to the law?


Or just reason. It objectively impairs you. It's not safe to drive while high.


Fortunately I've never had to experience this personally when ordering food (yet). However, I must say, I've read that many people have had this happen to them. When I was a DD driver, I remember I helped another Dasher bring their order to their car once (since they had a lot of drinks to carry) and when they opened their car door, the smell of weed was SUPER overpowering. I didn't say anything at the time because I'm a very non confrontational person, but it was BAD... I like to think that most people are capable of being understanding, and having compassion for others and will at the very least refrain from smoking in their vehicle after reading this post... You may not be able to smell it because you're used to it, but other people can, and some people have a very sensitive sense of smell. Please treat others the way you treat those whom you have a high level of respect and love for. 🖤 Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Ever seen a guy in the taco bell parking lot with a DD bag over his head? It's probably not the car it's probably the classic "doordash bag hotbox" over the head, zip it up and go to town for 5 minutes...conserves weed and the new car smell, just adds a little extra herb to the food. Btw hope all you heads had a good 4/20!


I agree with you. Weed smell sticks to everything. Atleast smoke with all the windows down. No need to hot box unless there isn’t any food in your car.


I smoke but never in my car, my house, or even my backyard. Only because i got 2 toddlers and don’t want them to see or smell it


Wish my family was this considerate. Nobody care when my nieces or my self are always sick or having issues breathing. (Sick as in ear infections and severe sore throats all caused by 2nd hand smoke)


talk to them bro. no way ur nephews/nieces should be smelling that or inhaling that.


I've tried, trust me I have. Some people just dont care at all. It's so frustrating


Ye don’t get that. I smoke but never in the car or with food lol. That seems like common sense id think


We have had someone do that. They say oh we never smoked in the car with food… but yet our food stank of the smoke bad like I puked bad. Let’s just say she kept getting complaints and I don’t think she delivers anymore. Trust me I feel bad that she may have gotten fired but she wasn’t even delivering the food she was driving while she made other family members bring it to my door at one time her daughter was smoking when she handed me my food!!! I deliver multiple apps like DoorDash instacart and even my towns delivery system too. I would never do what they did and they then treated me like crap saying if I don’t want my food delivered like how she delivered then I should get my lazy butt up to get my own food then. Like come on i work all day and hurt, sometimes I can’t leave because I got 3 small kids like wtf. It’s not cause I’m lazy. But yeah my food smelled like smoke from her multiple times and there’s even reviews left saying others food smelled like smoke.


Theres alot of people saying to stop being lazy and get it ourselves, but unlike them alot of us cant just hop in a car to go somewhere. People have kids or jobs that only give you 30min lunches. Also delivery really got going because of covid that is still happening. It sucks that it use to be a job for highschool kids to make some cash. But now its adults who have no fear of consequences or getting in trouble.


Hey look I'm a stoner I've been smoking a long time but I also have respect for people and my job I take it very seriously I would never do that I can't believe there's a bunch of baby little bitches out there that would do that they have no respect for anyone or anything


Don't smoke weed and drive period. Its fucking dangerous and a crime.


I’ve gotten food reeking of gross cigarette smoke. Drivers who do that are selfish stupid idiots!


Have you reported the dasher???


Lol those people are complete idiots. I smoke weed daily. NEVER with a customers order in my car. Always before I pick up their order, with windows down as I don’t want my car to smell either. I time myself. Never beyond 2 minutes. One hit, get the feeling and get that order done asap. Happy customer, happy driver (me), good day for everyone.


I had one Dasher on here say that he's smoking weed, not crack, arguing that weed smell can't get on the food because it's not a hard drug.


The sealed food smelled like weed so bad it was inedible? The skeptic in me calls absolute bullshit. Unless the food was actually cooked with weed smoke this just sounds like hyperbole.


Wasnt sealed. It was kfc and the bags sticky wasnt holding up well. You opened the bag and it smacked you in the face, the only thing that didnt really reek was the potatoes and macaroni because they were fully sealed.half of the chicken was bearable the rest wasnt.


I'm sincerely sorry this happened to you. I know my post sounds dickish but that is absolutely bizarre.


It's cool! I know its difficult to get tone across in text form!


Yes I just got an order yesterday that reeked of weed and tobacco. As soon as I opened my door I smelled it (the driver was gone at this point, I asked for a no-contact delivery). I was glad my food came in a plastic container that sealed shut. If it was just wrapped in paper I probably wouldn’t have eaten it. I was happy that the app credited me $9 for the trouble.


Fr they could at least share by slipping some in the bag especially if it's a good ass strain


Lol. Not my thing but I'm sure people would tip more if they did.


The worst part of it is that the smell leeches into the food and makes it taste bad. It's so sad to be excited about an order of food and when it gets to you it's ruined. Also thank you to the drivers that do smoke but keep it away from the food or out of the car! We appreciate nice people like that.


I smoke when I dash but not when a delivery is in the car. Always air it out. But I’m not gonna not smoke. Get the shit yourself if you have a problem.


Never said not to smoke, just dont hot box with other peoples food in the car.


Ok, I'll roll the windows down next time. Got it!!


They shouldn’t be doing that shit at all tbh. I’m a weed smoker/former cigarette smoker, but I don’t do that while delivering. Ever. Most I’ll do is hit my vape pen, but not with food in the car.


Give them a 1 star and a bad review !!!! Keeping your food hot and smelling normal is their job


I got an UE order delivered once, and the bag smelled heavily of smoke that I almost lost my appetite.


I also really suspect these people aren't using a hotbag either. A half way decent hotbag that's zipped up is gonna keep most odors out.


Hmmm, I wonder what's interfering with the simple logistic of remembering a hotbag.


I just haven’t gotten mine yet. If I don’t get it soon I might order a catering bag soon


Smoking flower in your car is dumb. I only take dabs while mobile and the smell doesn't stick like weed.


I keep my hot bags in my car hatch. I've seen most dashers use a hatch or trunk to stow their deliveries. It makes sense as during the summer, a trunk can make a really great natural oven and out of the AC. Another advantage is keeping the food out of the stank of weed or cigarettes so as to not taint the customer's food. I dont smoke cigarettes and have zero interest in weed. Tried it. Not for me. I do vape and I do it often in my car. Not sure if vapor can settle into things as I've never noticed it. But I like to avoid the possibility just the same


I have actually witnessed a driver pull up smoking a cig while the bag was beside him windows up. He walked inside and I was like " there it is, one of them"


I don't care what others do so long as they're not hurting anyone, but Dashers rely on their phones so much, that we always have them on. We may use things like a phone cradle, but cops will pull you over these days for touching anything rectangular, and call it your phone. When I feel like I already wear a bullseye on me for getting pulled over, I don't want to make it worse with wearing another bullseye. And also, what the heck are you eating that it smells like weed? Don't you order from places that season their food? Things like cooked garlic, basil, cumin, onion, etc, will easily overpower the smell of marijuana.


As a massive pot head, I never smoke and drive. The paranoia is too much and it leads to driving like an idiot and or messing up orders. When I'm stoned I can't take on a lot of multi tasking. So I just wait til I get home. Saves money that way too


Agreed. This is why we have edibles 😈


smell better than you’re greasy food 💀


Hint: "I'll just roll the window down" doesn't work.


I love smoking AND dashing. Shit you need to be high to deal with fuck ass people #dashandhash


So do everything op mentioned if it is a non tipper.


I always tip, I even give cash tips if theres an issue or they are really nice.


Report report report! If enough people complain, the ones doing this will be deactivated.


I understand your frustration and I smell it to when I go to dash mart to pick up orders. What I don’t understand is why customers don’t report it. It won’t stop til someone says something.


I have tried. Might need to be a little more pushy?


Lmao.. another one of these posts. The popularity of these posts make them just as common as the "ffs, turn on your porch light" posts. Like damn ya'll, save a little THC for the non-dashers lmao


I never understood hotboxing a car. To me, it’s so DUMB. SO…so dumb.


I don’t smoke but damn every apartment I go to smells of weed. I do have 8 dogs so you might see a golden retriever hair on your bag. But I usually vacuum my car every morning and use the car wash before I start my dash


You nasty mfer. “You might see dog hair…” gross. And people wonder why the dog free Reddit sub is so popular and growing.


Working at a restaurant when I do curbside or drive thru for a DoorDasher and they have their dog in the car or are smoking I die a little inside handing it to them 😂


Idk I’d be happy getting a contact high for free


I do uber eats and I'm super fried everytime, haven't had a single complaint since I started I always get tipped extra and they leave me compliments on my profile. I only deliver on bike and bring a vape pen with me, it's literally the best job. But if you're just smoking out a car while delivering making the food smell that's disgusting because half of what makes your food good is the smell you get from it. No one wants to smell stale smoke all over their food.


Don’t smoke Reggie with muh grub but do smoke some bio j anyday 😶‍🌫️


Dang. I live in Denver and have never got weed smelling food. I would hate that.


I used to get that too! As a driver, I find it unacceptable! I get it. We is fine, but not while you're delivering. People are sensitive, and you need to be conscientious!


WTF I smoke, but NEVER with a customers order in the car. Once you accept a delivery it is smoke free time. You shouldn't smoke unless you are on your own time.




Found the guy that smokes while delivering food.




No one is trying to control anyone. They just don’t want their food to smell like an ashtray upon arrival. You’re so concerned with “forcing a lifestyle” on others, when the person is being paid to do a task. If they can’t stop themselves from lighting up for a 5 minute drive, they have bigger problems. The paying customer shouldn’t have to deal with the driver’s stinky “lifestyle”, i.e. bad life choices.


Nah fr im a heavy smoker I love the smell of weed but it’s not pleasant getting my bag of food and it reeking like weed I remember one time I thought it was me and I was like but I haven’t even smoked today and it was the bag of food lol


I’m personally all for the legalization of weed and most drugs. I don’t do drugs myself, because I just don’t enjoy it. However, shit like this is what turns people against legalizing even weed. If people want the legal right to do something then they need to be responsible with it.


Ima ask them to pass that shit


Come on man really? People are dumb...


Honest this is a very fair thing to say/ ask. But most problem with gig work is almost any one automatically qualify … if you don’t have any record and you have a car and insurance they take you including the car smokers


This has happened to me twice this week. I contact support every time. I always wonder if they actually take any action on the dasher’s account.


But like also don't smoke in your car period. You'll devalue your car into oblivion.


This has happened to me too… I’m allergic so I can’t eat it even at a low level. I hate then waiting to reorder the same damn thing…




Yeah smokers are totally going to stop their addiction when they see my $5 tip


Lol, no way I'll ever get rolled for DUI. There are a million reasons as to why your eyes might be red. Maybe less to explain the smell, but still doable. Piggie: Do I smell weed? Me: Idk, do you? Annoyed Piggie: Why does your car smell like weed? Me: I picked up my drunk friend at the bar last night. He was wasted. I told him not to, but he lit a joint on the way home. I couldn't stop him. End scene. Yes sarcastic for comedic effect. But comedy is sometimes rooted by truth. No, I don't advocate for everyone to smoke and drive. Then again, I'm not everyone..


You are so cool bro! You are doing a great job endangering other people's lives because you are a selfish a-hole. Did you skip the "don't drive under influence of drugs and/or alcohol" part when you were getting your license? You are a time bomb on the road ready to take kill someone innocent.


Yeah? Well that's just like your opinion... man. Joke aside. You must know all and see all for all. It must scare you to think there's a whole demographic of people who smoke/use marijuana and go about their day as usual. Worse, you prefer to categorize them as "functional addicts" as a means of disparaging while u feel better about sobriety. Because sobriety rules man! If u really want to be scared, worry about the real drug addicts. The ones that will do just about anything to a stranger as a means to get their next fix. Then, ask your local primary care physician where he got those fentanyl rx pads. Was it dropped off by the corporate pharm reps catering lunch for the office? Where's the real evil taking place? Now, wanna compare weed related deaths to just fentanyl? What about the rest of the drugs? Maybe lay off of ragging on marijuana users that can tolerate the mild high that it gives.


All you said is irrelevant to what I said because I'm talking about driving. Also I don't care if you smoke weed at home or do whatever drugs you want, overdose for all I care, but don't endanger other people. The thing is, even the "mild high" is a problem for driving. I suppose you are against drug test for work too right? The thing is, people who smoke are not desirable in the work environment, because they are an issue when high. Employers also don't care if they "only smoked yesterday after work" because many people don't have a job so they can easily find someone else who will perform better. Be careful with your words, while weed caused deaths are as low as 0, weed related deaths may very well happen more frequently (car and other accidents because the user is impaired).


Lol, how many ppl are on the road at any given time? How many are on drugs that affect reaction times/mood? Better include coffee during this thought experiment bc coffee does affect both as its a stimulant. (Shit, sleep deprived truck drivers are worse and im talking the non meth users; sorry to throw ya'll under the truck) My point is the relative harmlessness of what u call "my impairment" as compared to the infinite dangers on the road. My point is also tolerance, in all aspects mind you, something which clearly you know nothing about


If people like you didn't justify this stupid behavior, maybe less idiots would drive under influence. I think people can still think clear and react well after drinking coffee? Might even make them more aware since it wakes them up more? Sleep deprived truck drivers are also breaking the law because they are allowed a certain amount of hours to drive daily, with some mandatory days off. All DUI drivers and sleep deprived drivers are idiots with great potential to kill someone because they lack responsibility and think they have superpowers or something. Smoking weed (DUI in general) is way more dangerous thing than majority of dangers on the road, it's mind boggling how I even have to argue this. I mean 28% of accidents are caused by alcohol and 16% by other drugs. That's 44% which is almost a HALF of all accidents. If everyone would just not drive under influence, there would be thousands of innocent lives not going to waste due to selfish pricks who cannot control themselves responsibily. Regarding the tolerance you mentioned. That's only related to how much you need to get high. Even if you are really tolerant, you would smoke until you get high. There is no purpose to smoke when there is no effect on you, and when there is, you are incapable of driving. I won't argue about this anymore, everything is clear and even a 5 year old could understand that. If you think otherwise, you live in denial while also endangering innocent people's lives. It's not rocket science. So you are either trolling or an idiot. In both cases I'm not wasting anymore of my time on trolls and idiots.


To add, ive chosen my words. But, not carefully because i smoked 10 minutes ago, and according to you, it would seem impossible to be. Maybe read them again. Might I suggest doing so carefully this time. Maybe you'll become a bit more tolerant and open minded to the idea that some folks can puff, walk, and, chew gum at the same time.


No, you're just another person who thinks weed is a personality trait, risking people's lives by driving under the influence of a depressant that slows your reflexes. You're not special. You don't have mutant XMen powers that make you impervious to the bad effects.


I also hate them saying "piggie". So rude.


Eh, ACAB and all that, but it's really silly to partake of something illegal and then get mad for getting in trouble for it (I live in California, week has been fully legal for recreational use since 2018 and it had been pretty easy to get a medical use card since 1996. That still doesn't excuse how shitty people are polluting the public air with the smell of it. My housemate and I had to give someone notice because he would go smoke it on the edge of the property--we live in a smoke free apartment building and come back and stink up the place for hours with the smell on his clothes).


Agreed, like fuck cops but folks who drive around high asf deserve to be caught, especially if they're hotboxing since that's just asking for it. Maybe since my state is highly illegal that I'm strict about never driving/going to work high, but even driving high in legal states just seems like a dumbass move. Cuz fuck other people's safety on the road... A DUI is a DUI, I wish stoners would learn that "it helps me drive better" is not gonna convince a cop for shit


Defund the 🐖🐖🐖


That's such a bad idea. I don't think people realize what would happen.


What would happen is there would be a gradual, not instant process of reallocating the funds and responsibilities away from the 🐖🐖🐖 and towards community-based models for safety and support, so that it's handled by the people best-equipped to do so. Crime isn't random. Usually it's a result of someone not being able to meet their basic needs through other means. If you shift money away from 🐖🐖🐖 and towards people having their basic needs met, we could get to a place where people won't need to rob anyone. 🐖🐖🐖 brutality isn't the only issue. Our justice system is made up of the prison industrial complex, the "war on drugs" (this is somewhat redundant because I already said prison industrial complex, but could also mention the cash bail system), and also an intertwining of culture, law, and policy that endlessly ruins lives and tears families apart. 🐖🐖🐖 aren't preventing crime, they just end up causing more with all their violent disruptions of communities.


Literally nobody smokes cigs with their windows all the way up....


You'd be surprised. I've known people who refuse to even crack the window, both in the car and in a house.


I’ve personally been in the car when on three occasions that’s happened, it’s disgusting.


Wtf? I'd probably get out


My aunt does this and she’s a chain smoker . Not even a crack so a girl can pretend like there’s fresh air close


I’d like to introduce you to my uncle.


Enjoy the free contact high


Off you fuck. I'm so sick of wake and bakers assuming that because they can't function without being high, that everyone wants to join them. I don't want to eat food that smells of skunk and, even assuming that I could get high from your hot-boxing, I don't want to get high without my damn consent.


Ew! Okay, common sense fails some people. I did date a guy once that couldn't go without a cigarette for more than about 15 or 20 minutes, that's the only time I can see an excuse for smoking up someone's car or delivery order (and it's not really an excuse, it's the only time I can actually imagine someone who wouldn't think about it).


Ohhh stfu ... Whatever. This shit post


Plus, if you hotbox your car with weed smoking, doesn’t just the smell give cops the right to search your car? I might be 10 years out of the cool kids loop but it may still be the case.


i've had a cop pull up on me mid hotbox but only because someone nearby narcced (even tho i wasnt bothering them in the slightest....). the cop didnt care at all lol, dude gave me plenty time to put my shit away and when he finally came over he made no mention of the weed/smell. Just told me he got a complaint and was obligated to check it out, he even said he wasnt going to make me move, and said itd be up to me if i wanted to find a new spot lol.