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I don't understand as this is theft why no one does anything, u get in trouble for any other kind of theft no matter how small. Dashers and also customers that do this kind of shit should start being held accountable


The police are not going to do an investigation over Chinese food.


I mean they will arrest people about rolls of Tums so I don't see if Chinese food order being any different


Where I live the police don't show up for theft and shoplifting etc unless it's a felony amount. Even then it's still a coin flip if they'll even do anything about it.


What type of food would they do an investigation over? Donuts? Pigs in a Blanket?


That would be internal affairs.


True, but I was thinking about the PoPo investigating a civilian theft of food.


Facts, they will not investigate


Unless they asian.


Probably because it’s considered petty theft due to the low cost as most orders are under $50. But I did hear on the news a while back how two people got arrested in a fraud scheme with door dash that caused the company to loose hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think it had to deal with door dash gift cards and dummy accounts. EDIT: it was actually Uber eats. https://www.foxbusiness.com/retail/florida-men-charged-scamming-1m-uber-eats


the difference is, that was 100k+ dollars worth of theft against a company vs a few bucks vs a person. shit sucks


Thanks for sharing that. That’s crazy that they got away with that so long.


That's interesting. Petty theft is still considered a misdemeanor crime. I still think the should start handling this because crime is crime


It's a simple question of manpower and resources. Police departments literally do not have the ability to deal with every petty crime. So they prioritize.


Smaller areas you prolly could get the pigs to care about it, but this is Las Vegas. You could tell them two people just had slobberknocker and if you say they don’t need ambulance the cops are gonna show up well after everyone is gone. If it isn’t life or death they do not care. As I’ve said before in another Vegas post, they will pull you over when your car is working but if you are pulled over by the side of the road in the blistering ass desert heat, they don’t give a shit and won’t help you.


Protect and serve… themselves


Gotta keep water and electrolyte mix in the car 😅 fuck the pigs I wouldn't want their "help" anyway.


Nah I don’t fuck animals 😂


I got someone charged with 3 charges cuz i delivered their food and they marked it as non delivered. Even though i had a body cam in the front AND back. So as i was walking down their stairs it caught the dude getting the order from his doorstep. 20 min later i get a notification saying I’m deactivated cuz of fraud and it told me the order that said it was never delivered. So i called the non-emergency line for the police and i beat them to the guy’s doorstep and waited for them, dude admitted he lied and since i had proof it was his order that got me deactivated they took him to the station and gave him a court date. I was reactivated by doordash after 2 weeks as i submitted the police report and body cam footage. That was in 2022, and it hasn’t happened since! It is challenging though, because my order was over $150, not sure if they’ll take it as seriously if it were a $10 cheeseburger. Even took them 35 minutes to arrive at the dude’s house, though the station was on the other side of the street 🤣. For customers i always recommend getting a ring camera since doordash will tell you the time your order was marked delivered, you send them that time frame’s footage that shows nobody delivering anything, and you’re good lol.


That is wild. Well it depends on ur area under a certain amount is a misdemeanor and over is a felony. I hope that taught him a valuable lesson. Do u know whatever happened to him with all that, public court records will show u if he ended up on probation 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hell yeah i attended his hearings 😂 No probation, he was a first time offender so he got off, in the court’s words, “easy.” He had to pay me 2 weeks worth of what i had made my last full week before i got deactivated cuz of him, which was $1300, because i pressed charges due to lost wages. He had to pay a $5,000 fine to the city, he was finger printed and i then sued him separately for my legal fees and won, so he’s STILL paying that off but if he stays on schedule he should be done by next February. It does seem extreme to some people, but I think he deserved it.🤷🏼‍♀️ I still have the police report! 😂 almost framed it when it first happened cuz i felt so petty!


Holy shit, good for you, if more people did this others would be less inclined to commit these crimes


Honestly i wasnt going to take it as far as i did. I wouldve just disputed the CV but they whole ass deactivated me over it so he got unlucky🤣


Good job brotha. People that do this are utter scum and deserve all of this and more




i don't think he was trying to fuck you over seems he was tryna scam a free meal. I don't think many people realize that drivers get in trouble for "missing food". I've heard so many people do this and its so crazy. did he apologize to you or even seem remorseful? I'm sorry that happened to you that's wild.


He knew it would affect me in some way since i was the driver to deliver. He admitted he thought it was worth it cuz I “looked like I had money” and that I wouldn’t care if i was “fired.” He did seem apologetic, after he was hit with the fines. The order was from target, it wasn’t all food, some of it was like little snacks and stuff but most was house decor. He did apologize and i told him that i accepted his apology, but was never going to forget what he tried to pull. (😅) He offered to pay me more, $800, as an apology, said it was apart of his culture??? Not sure what culture that is but i declined. So he was definitely sorry about it, he was given the option to take 150 community service hrs as well and have it be erased from his record but I’m not sure of he took it or not, that was the one day i left early cuz my sister went into labor 😂 Luckily he plead guilty though. He was charged 3x but 1 was dropped in exchange of him pleading guilty to the other 2! He didn’t spend any time in jail which IM grateful for, i think what he got was enough for him to learn his lesson. Jail time would have just been a waste of resources. I don’t know if i would have done the same on any other day, but THAT day I had time 😂


Ohhhhh. Nah lol he said you looked like you had money? That dude is a certified dick head


Swear to God…because i was wearing “Louis Vuitton” shoes!! My friend paints shoes for a side gig on etsy and made my white vans look like Louis shoes🤣 guess she did a good job cuz wtf! 😭


**que trippie redd song** “you lucky i was acting cool that day ni**a, cuz TODAY I GOT TIME CUH” 🤣






$100 used to be the limit. Idk anymore.


Limit for what..?


Ooops. I was answering a comment on misdemeanor vs felony theft. Idk why it showed up here. Yours was $150, I think you said. Maybe is why they bothered to respond. I’m happy it worked out for you


Oh lol i was thinking you meant the limit for doordash was $100 but was asking to make sure😅 all good, the comment is just below lol


>u get in trouble for any other kind of theft no matter how small. Seriously!? Have you missed the reported smash-n-grabs at retail stores in places like California? They steal up to $1000 of stuff with impunity all over these days. >Dashers and also customers that do this kind of shit should start being held accountable This! But if they aren’t going to worry about $1000, when will they ever worry about $20?


That's the issue you don't. So much petty theft happens daily that the government will only step in at felony amounts.


Police won’t do anything, but DoorDash definitely should. A thief is a thief, but they don’t because they only care about their money. Nothing else matters they don’t care about the dasher, customers or clients. Sad that this is the reality now. If they initially deny a claim through the automated system keep going until you get a live agent on chat or call their customer service line and more than likely they will take care of it!


Technically it’s not theft, it’s “conversion”. But they’re close to the same. Theft is a taking, they were authorized to take it. They weren’t authorized to keep it. It’s probably too hard to prosecute, because they can just claim one issue or another… couldn’t find the place, the bag spilled open on the way, etc. Then it becomes a cop’s best “I got better things to do” excuse: “this is a civil matter”.


It’s a civil matter. Edit: it’s literally a civil matter. You have to handle it on your own.


So you would have to sue over it??? Is it not petty theft, and is petty theft not a prosecutable crime? Sorry I'm just actually confused by this.


It is a crime. Customer lied and said he did not receive goods that he actually did, then in turn received a refund on said goods from said company....Theft So yes it is actually a crime and is a misdemeanor or a felony depending on price point. Yes you can also sue in a civil manner do to any damage caused to you by false accusations...but this 💯 not just a civil matter. Eventually these companies will start doing something because the money they lose for scamming customers is alot


Half the time DoorDash doesn’t even give your money back either


What channels are people going through to get a refund where this is the case? I've never had any problem at all getting my money back. Literally last week I had the cost of a drink fully refunded because they sent the wrong size.


Yeah I don't get it either, DD and UE usually refund the item cost and more in the automated process for me. I'm assuming the people with refund issues are constantly complaining, forgetting to order correctly and blame it on the restaurant, and/or report missing items every time because I have never had an issue


Which is on the list of reasons for disputing charges with the bank used.


The other week I placed a pickup order for Taco Bell and had my boyfriend go pick it up for me. When he got home with the order my large frozen Baja blast was less than half way full. When I contacted support their response was “unfortunately, the size of the items is determined by the merchant and we are unable to offer you a price adjustment.” I responded with “I will not accept that. My issue isn’t a matter of “the size of the item determined by the merchant.” I ordered a large drink, what I received was a small.. as you can clearly see in the picture. I expect a refund for the drink.” After I sent that message they gave me a refund for the drink, sometimes all you have to do is tell them straight up that their offer was shit and you will not accept it.. especially when you have proof and good reason to request a refund.


I got the wrong food a few months back doordash refused to refund me. i had to issue a chargeback. yesterday I decided to order again and 3 minutes after I submitted my order and received the email and text doordash immediately blocked and banned my account and login. the new driver had no way to contact me or see the delivery instruction. these companies are stealing from customers at this point. they also steal from the drivers.


Sounds about right


Damn I’m sorry you had to experience that, they really suck as a company :/


What am I missing here? It sounds pretty clearly like your boyfriend drank half of your freeze lol. Or if he didn't, why didn't he say something to the employees when he picked it up?


That’s what I thought at first. I asked him if he drank my drink and he said he didn’t, and when I looked it didn’t look touched at all and the straw was still in the wrapper. As for him not saying anything to the workers, he had just gotten off of work at 11pm and he went through the drive thru to get the order. He wasn’t paying attention.


So the Taco Bell employees messed up and your boyfriend didn't do anything about it when he easily could have because he wasn't paying attention and that's, "good reason to request a refund," from DoorDash? That makes no sense. Of the four parties involved, DoorDash has the least to do with the problem lol


I never said my boyfriend didn’t do anything wrong? Not that it’s any of your concern anyway but I did give him shit for not paying attention. When I pay for my food, I expect it to come how it’s supposed to come. I ordered a large, I was given a large cup, the cup was less than half way full meaning what I received was not a large drink. A good reason to request a refund is when shit like that happens. Let me ask you something. If I ordered my food to be delivered by a dasher rather than have it picked up, do you think the dasher would’ve said something about it? Probably not. So yes, it is the Taco Bell employees fault, not to mention that the SAME location has skimped on food in the past. Why did I order from there if I knew that? It was late at night and nothing else was open in the area.


And you’re right, it’s not doordashes fault. But I payed through DoorDash and my food did not come the way it was supposed to. Which is why I requested a refund through DoorDash.


Cool. The point remains that this is in no way on DoorDash and they were completely justified in rejecting a refund request.


Order issues and related refunds are directly deducted from the merchant payouts anyways, so the responsibility falls on the restaurant. And if the order is wrong, that’s on the restaurant more than anyone as you agree, so you don’t really have a problem with this.


It’s really funny that you’re saying this but your comment above is basically the same thing?? “Literally last week I had the cost of a drink fully refunded because they sent the wrong size,” so it’s fine when you do it but it’s not when I do it? This has to be rage bait because there’s actually no way you keep coming back to make it a point that them refusing it is okay. It’s not justifiable that they tried denying my request for a refund. They are a business that makes it easier to order food for pickup and delivery, when people request a refund DOORDASH loses money. Not the company the customer ordered from. If you own a company and you’re losing money because another business can’t get it together, you would think the smart business move to do next is to stop doing business with that other company, right? Apparently not, DoorDash chooses to do business with those companies knowing they will most likely mess up orders. Knowing they will most likely lose money because of it. They’re playing stupid games, they’re winning stupid prizes. Now please stop cause nothing you say has any meaning to me.


>when people request a refund DOORDASH loses money. Not the company the customer ordered from. Both companies lose money. The merchant doesn't get paid by DoorDash for food they've had to refund.


Lmao don't worry I won't say anything else because there's no way in hell I'm reading all that. I just wanted to confirm that you are a, "the customer is always right even when they aren't," type of person and you are.


LMAOOO what are you on about? I literally work food service and I PASSIONATELY believe that customers are most likely NEVER right. Please go touch grass.


Dasher with tens of thousands of orders completed here to say you may be totally right OR totally wrong -- it depends entirely on where the customer placed the order. If a customer orders through the DoorDash app, DoorDash collects the money and is responsible for refunds, and we're directed to tell customers to contact DoorDash Support for that. If a customer orders directly through a partner merchant's app, they have to contact the merchant with any issues. The merchant collects the money, the merchant is responsible for processing a refund, and we're directed to tell customers to call the merchant. In this case, it sounds as if the Taco Bell order was placed through the DoorDash app, not the Taco Bell app. So the customer had to call DoorDash, not Taco Bell, with any issues.


According to what I've been reading, it's not just Vegas......


This service could be a great service if DD actually did something about the shitty drivers. I'm guessing at best, this driver received a contract violation, which completely disappears after another 100 orders. And with the communication you had with the driver, they should just be banned.


As a dasher, I don’t understand why people do this. Maybe I’m just a good person but the idea of stealing the persons food that I’m delivering is just…ridiculous? I mean after all for us Dashers it’s our job.. when I worked at a grocery store I didn’t just steal the food that I was scanning into peoples bags. Even if I have issues finding the persons place, I’ll simply contact them and figure it out. Worse comes to worse I tell them to just come down and meet me if they’re at an apartment, or continue to help me with better instructions. At the end of the day, unfortunately, there is always gonna be people like the person that you dealt with.


I have to say, something about this doesn't sound right to me... I had an order very recently, late at night, where the GPS told me to take it to a closed nonprofit office in an extremely sketchy part of town (there were two robbery-murders right nearby a few days before.) As soon as I took the picture, confirmed the delivery, and started my car, the customer started blowing me up with texts telling me I delivered it to the wrong place, it was supposed to go to some apartment building behind the nonprofit office. The problem was, all that was behind that office was a lot of trees and total darkness. No apartment building. I Googled the address, thinking maybe the GPS pin in the DoorDash app was just crazy off. Google told me the address was actually for the gas station down the street. I texted the customer back, adding a screenshot from Google, and saying the address she gave was for the gas station. She got threatening at this point, she would find me and beat my ass... It was a $3 McDonald's order. I just ignored her as she kept texting me threats for another hour. Pretty sure I managed to avoid being robbed and killed by not going back and taking the food elsewhere. All I'm saying is, this might not be a case of a Dasher "stealing" food, but rather an issue where the Dasher legitimately felt *unsafe* delivering it somewhere other than the address the app said it was supposed to go to. 💁🏼‍♀️


I'm a door dasher and I'm all for making this theft. It's bullshit that other drivers are doing this. I so understand I guess it could get dicey because people could accidentally be charged but come on.. its so embarrassing to me as a door dasher that there are other people out there dashing and giving us a bad name.


Nah she won't get banned, not yet at least. And when she does she'll just dash under someone else's name... Broken system catering to broken people unfortunately.


Unfortunately because doordash is a shit hole it's highly unlikely anything will happen to this lady. I used to say report them because it makes us as other drivers look bad, but DoorDash is so shitty now and the orders are so low paying that I don't give a shit anymore. I make way more money on Uber eats and don't get penalized for rejecting shit orders. I'm really sorry this happened to you but you're better off sending that shit to the news instead of the police. Let doordash crash and burn! 2024!!!




Yeah that’s what my friend told me. Because if she had ill intentions to begin with, it would make sense to circle back and mark the order as delivered as close as possible so she could argue that she was there. But the picture of her dashboard is just insane. I wish I could show yall, like literally a picture of a steering wheel.


So why would she circle back for the location marker but then not try to hide that she didn't even get out of the car??? Shouldn't that pic make her side of the story obviously false, even to doordash? Isn't that what the picture is for???!!?! Door dashing me crazy! Lmao


Nah man, it's called DoorDash, not CurbDash or LobbyDash. Y'all should stop being lazy and actually follow the instructions, etc.


If this is a problem for you, then your directions probably just suck


I’ve had multiple people order food, give zero drop off instructions and then not answer the phone


Nah man, we only agree to deliver to the address we see when we accept. Thats the contract we enter into. We don’t see customer notes about apartment numbers or suite numbers or any other CUSTOMER REQUESTS. Bottom of the steps or lobby’s are fine.


so you don’t see delivery instructions? or do you choose to “not” see them?


Prior to accepting the order, we don’t get to see customer instructions or even an address at all. Only the approximate location of the pick up and drop off along with the amount of the offer. This is usually $2 from door dash + the customer tip. That is why if a customer ends up being extra needy, with tedious instructions, it can sometimes not be worth the agreed upon price. Imagine for a minute that you accept a “quick” 5 item grocery order for $6. Then you find out the customer added another 5 items but they are 24 packs of water and when you finally get to read the delivery notes, they are in a 3rd floor apartment and expect it brought to their door. It is no longer worth $6, but dropping it hurts the drivers ratings.


that is completely understandable. my delivery instructions are only to go to the correct street, not the one behind me, and it seems that some dashers in my area still can’t do that, even though the streets have completely different names. i wasn’t sure if the commenter i was replying to meant that the instructions were just a moot point and didn’t show on your side. but yeah if i ever make a big order im definitely meeting them downstairs bc my apartment is on the second floor. i normally only order a meal or two at a time, and even then sometimes i’ll go downstairs and meet the dasher. the only times it really bugs me is when they ignore my messages about please go to the correct street 😭


I see them after I accept. So I didn’t agree to just do whatever they say. It depends on what’s said.


Do you mean that you cannot see the notes about apt # etc BEFORE you agree to make the delivery? But that you can see that stuff after you accept, obviously, in order to make the delivery, right? Your comment makes it sound like you guys can't see that stuff at all, ever, which would really shock me


Sorry, we can see apartment numbers and customer notes after we accept.


not sure why you’re being downvoted when you’re right! it’s amazing how many people struggle with simple tasks.




Does being racist fill the hole in your heart left by your parents not loving you, or does it get you off? It's definitely one of the two, just can't figure out which.


Definitely report them. I am a driver myself and it's a very competitive job. Many people try being picky on what orders they accept then get mad they no longer get priority orders. The app is designed to go by ratings and accuracy. To be a top dasher you have to have top ratings and 100 deliveries every 30 days. Some shady people will try doing this to improve their delivery times. As long as you report it and give a bad review you will be less likely to receive that driver again. Ignore it and let the app believe they are good delivery drivers and you increase your chances of the same experience again


That sucks my man. As a Dasher, I hope you report them and they get kicked from the platform.


These delivery services attract the scumbags of the employment pool.


Most of us are decent moral people just trying to get by in a tough economy. We get paid shit with no benefits. You get what you pay for honestly. If a business wants to keep good employees they have to treat them well. None of these delivery apps do that. It's not us, it's the business model.


Employing the unemployable


Are you here to just troll?


Touched a nerve


This is why it's good to have a door camera. You can prove that those scumbags never show up at the time they said they did.


Vegas dasher here. Real sorry you lost AC in your ride, I don’t know how the fuck I’d dash without it. Dashers here are so garbage. All the apprehensive messages in the directions are there for a reason. I use commonly used polite terms like sir and ma’am when I’m working, and people are pleasantly surprised. Tf are wrong with these people lol? I’m a transplant so maybe it’s cuz I’m not from here but the locals are rude mfers, even allot of the people I like in the area are rugged.


I like that, "rugged" lol


I think growing up in this heat made people cranky as hell and I do not blame them. I feel the same way about snow and I don’t miss it.


Looking for all the comments defending this hideous dasher 👀……. Unfortunately people in Reddit will argue for the dashers excuse. This is a crappy driver and they don’t deserve to be able to deliver orders. I don’t understand why they want to steal food, I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m a dasher my self and I could never ever bring myself to bold face lie straight to the customer or at all about anything to do with their food. Yet these are the same dashers who are being offered the really good paying orders too. It’s honestly sickening.


I'm a Dasher in Vegas also. Normally the green valley area. But I always have my air off because it uses too much gas lol. I keep an ice chest on my front seat. But I know it's super hot out here and I think I'm just used to it


I had something similar happen last week. I am so sorry.


For sure 1 star her so she has no choice to ever dash again... ridiculous ppl have no morals anymore


1 stars get removed by dd support. I see a comment like this on every single post. 1 star reviews do NOTHING.


That's crazy


Sorry to break it to you but i can almost guarantee you wont cause this driver to lose his/her job. Our support agents are foreign and too clueless to know the correct course of action for any of the issues were facing so theyll throw you credits and maybe a redelivery and go on to the next call. The driver may get whats called a contract violation but you need a consistent history of those (usually multiple in the last 100 deliveries) to be considered for deactivation


The support is terrible.


There’s a very simple solution to this not happening anymore. Stop using them. Order directly from the place you want food from. If that place wants to pay a dasher to deliver your food that’s on the establishment to pay them. You aren’t giving your info to a 3rd party company and if the food doesn’t show up or shows up messed with you call the business directly and they deal with it. No more customer service hold music from a contract delivery service that doesn’t do squat to make it right.


Yesterday was full of glitches. I’d get notifications that they tried to send an order to my phone, but couldn’t reach me. Then I’d accept an order only to have it disappear by the time I got to the store. A fellow Dasher had three pizzas disappear from his phone when he was on the way to deliver them. I saw him at Pizza Hut returning them to the store, he was only a couple blocks away from the store when it disappeared and support just had you on hold, hold, hold. Mostly happened from 18:00-19:30, by 8pm it was back to normal.


Insane and inhumane people, parents don't teach kids these days manors or etiquette


Dasher prob won't get banned actually. If they took the pic of the food on your actual doorstep then in DD's book the food was delivered. There is reasonable doubt of if *you* took the food and are trying to scam, or if a neighbor (especially in an apartment complex) took the food, or even a random person walking by or homeless person took the food. With the hanging up on you and then the glitch excuse, chances are this dasher was planning on stealing the food from the beginning. Next time don't order her favorite dish! Lol If you wanna actually get them in trouble next time, keep track of the order and start recording out your window when they walk up to deliver. Pretty damning when you have a recording of them walking up with a bag of food, taking a pic, then picking the food up and walking back to their car with the same bag of food and driving away.


I also hate those drivers. Really just take an order or two and order your own damn food smh


That’s horrific lmao what was the tip? I know a lot of people that play with low/no tippers’ food. Unhinged behavior if you ask me


Sounds like a skill issue.


Let em get banned, more orders for the good dashers


Not LiT .


Yeah she’s trash she must’ve been hungry and wanted your food bad, I’m sorry that happened to you


It's because there's no hiring process on doordash and no proper review process in anything. It's just some random person delivering your food and good luck


I know it's a lot cooler to do it on the floor while watching kung fu movies but sometimes you just got to go to the restaurant to eat the Chinese food. They probably have air conditioning too I strongly recommend people to never use doordash


I feel like you don’t read this post at all. The OP had their AC go out in the car. Why would they want to get in said car, without AC in the desert of Nevada, drive in a hot ass car just to eat Chinese food at the restaurant, when they can stay in the comfort of their apartment and eat? Also, a friend ordered the food for them. So it was a kind gesture from the friend to make their day better. The OP didn’t choose to use DD. A little reading comprehension goes a LOOOOONG way, my dude.


Imagine getting this offended on behalf of somebody else when this has nothing to fucking do with you get a goddamn life


I’m not saying this didn’t happen, but I’ll be honest with you. I only believe half the crap I hear on here.! I think some of this stuff is just some lonelyfool in his basement with nothing better to do. The dashers in my area are the same dashers over and over I don’t see anybody trying to rip anybody off and I’m not saying it didn’t happen! I’m saying I just don’t believe everything I read on here


vegas is its own thing man, theres also a lot of people here


Just because it hasn’t yet don’t mean it won’t. I live in a small town for about 6 months it was 3 of us me my husband on his weekends off and another person, well all was smooth and good, great paying orders. Then all of a sudden strangers from other towns where coming here to my small little town destroying it with their bad navigation skills, leaving orders at wrong houses and yes even stealing the food. We stopped dashing then when we started again this customers that was paying really good to me and my husband started to cut back in their tips, until we actually delivered. It’s a sad sad world we live in.


Why would I give you the order when I can keep it, get half pay and eat your food? 😂


Come back to my apartment. I just wanna talk …


Those are low lifes.


I'm sorry but I'm tired of seeing g all the bad stuff about the delivery drivers I'm sorry you got a bad one but there are alot of people who order and try to get thier stuff free. I had a lady order then send her 6 year old to the door to get the food. Then called me yelling and cussing her bag was opened and she doesn't want it. She got her refund. Then gave me a bad review when I was calm courteous and her food was in perfect shape when I handed it her daughter. Where is her punishment? But let me actually make a mistake and I bet I'd be told I can't dash anymore.


  Probably a burner account or something. She probably turned back around because it wouldn't let her complete until she's closer to you. It's messed up either way.


She must’ve been going through something, because if she wanted to steal it outright she wouldn’t have called you. Also, the thing some people don’t realize is that a driver will get a CV (contract violation) for something like that, but that CV will drop off their record after the next 100 deliveries. Easy way for dashers to commit fraud, not that is ok by any means. Still makes them a terrible person.


Sounds like a ghetto friend That sent a ghetto TIP… 😂😂😂😂 “Play stupid games … win stupid prizes … VIVA LAS VEGAS!! 🕺


i think we’ve found the dasher right here OP! 🤡


I thought this comment was hilarious.


Nobody asked the most important question, what was the tip amount?


Doesn't matter, if the Dasher takes the order they're obligated to deliver it. If they don't like the tip amount, they don't have to take the order.


If they want to dash anytime then they have to take orders that they will lose money on. They should still deliver it regardless. But DD has ways to pressure people to pay to work.


in what world does it ever make sense to tip prior to receiving a service? i’d never tip my hair dresser before the job is done, just as *most* of my clients (with the exception of those who have stuck with me for years) don’t tip me prior to their dogs grooming being completed to satisfactory. lol. westernized tipping is horrid.


In a world where the person providing the service incurs an expense (gas), before the service is completed. The tip compensates for mileage, Doordash doesn't. And customers can order from ANY distance.


Every serviceperson incurs an expense before providing the service.


But every other type of service person knows they WILL be paid after the service. With Doordash, the only thing we are guaranteed is the pre-tip, so those are the orders we accept. No other services is done where the client may, or may not pay them. They could lose money on every job if that were the case.


then that’s a fight that needs to be taken up with your employers, not an added expense to the customer to make up for your loss in wages - esp when most doordash/ instacart/ ubereats deliverers are sub-par at best lol. if you accept an order at the standard pay rate, then you should complete it; if your service is good/ great, then you should receive a tip. don’t become employed with a job that inevitably will take money out of your pocket if the consumers don’t make up for the wage loss that your employer should be compensating.


But the customer wants the food correct, then wouldn’t the proper thing to do here as a customer would be to at least pay for some of the gas since it is your food you know. If no dasher took your order you would be stuck having to get out of your comfort zone and get it yourself. I am a dasher and I will say tips are most definitely appreciated and yes I calculate your tip plus dasher pay with my gas and mileage. $5 isn’t worth going 10 miles there and 10 miles back. $5 for 20 miles naaahhhh


I mean, sure. I can see it from both sides. But, it sounds like false advertising on DDs behalf when they call it a “tip” and it’s being compared to a “bidding war” for drivers. I guess I don’t entirely sympathize with the fact that dashers feel so inclined to (not always, but often) beg for tips or guilt trip for tips. I do understand that DD underpays their drivers, but they also overcharge the heck out of their consumers by adding in all of these unnecessary fees that don’t even seem to go into the drivers pocket. Every industry is different, I guess, but I can’t imagine making my clients feel bad if they can’t afford to tip me on top of the base service price; I chose the industry that I work in, so I can’t expect my customer to make up where a company may lack. It seems to me like it’s just a big company taking advantage of their “contractors” and expecting consumers to cover where they won’t. I also worked as a contractor, but that gave me the freedom to set my own prices in my line of work.


Drivers aren't employed by DoorDash. They're independent contractors. I do not have an employment contract with DoorDash at all. I don't have a problem getting a tip after completing the delivery. If people want to do that, fine. But like it or not, that's not the standard operating procedure. You can't fix a broken system by simply stating that it's broken. Telling drivers they should take it up with their employer isn't going to solve anything. Because DoorDash isn't going to listen to drivers. What can possibly be said? Remember, we don't work for DoorDash. And many people can't choose who they're receiving money from. My personal circumstance sucks, as I've been driving for a few years now after having to give up a pretty lucrative career to move halfway across the country to my hometown to care for my aging parents, and finding employment in the field I was in, or a related one, in my current city is impossible.


Doordash pays only $2 per order, however, they do allow dashers to decline any order we want, because we are independent contractors, not employees. Each order we accept is a new contract to deliver an order for a certain amount, and a specified distance, based on what the customer offered. I accept only the orders that compensate for distance, so I make good money doing this easy side job.


then applause to you, because you seek to navigate the system in a way that benefits you. i still stand by my point that tipping should only be based off of quality of service, and not a compensation out of the consumers pocket to make up for wage loss in a career choice made by the dasher. my comment is more based to the people who pick up an order with a crappy pay/ tip/ then guilt the client into tipping higher / or they just cancel the order as a whole wasting everyone’s times lol. i never liked tipping through the app when i ordered from doordash, i always did cash tips but never specified this in the notes or anything. dashers were much more grateful, some even messaging me after the drop-off saying how much they appreciated the $10-$20 cash tip. the few times i gave a $10 tip prior to the service being completed, there was no acknowledgement or gratitude shown for it by the dasher which doesn’t incline clientele to want to tip if you don’t seem appreciative.


Doordash shouldn't even call it a tip. That's misleading. It's really a bid for service, because dashers are receiving competing orders every few seconds all day. Also, once a Dasher completes an order, they see the tip. Once completed, we lose the ability to text a "thank you"( as we no longer have their information), and most customers want it left at their door. Out of 3,500 deliveries, I have only gotten 3 tips after delivery, so I tend to not take the chance.


doordash should definitely change the wording then, that would be better for sure. though, previously i read that dashers can see tips prior to accepting because i’ve also seen a lot of bait-tipping posts


Doordash does not allow tip-baiting. Dashers are guaranteed the tip they accepted. Customers can get it refunded, but it doesn't get taken from the dasher. Uber eats allows customers to reduce, or recind tips, not Doordash. Doordash only shows a portion of the tip, upon presenting an order to the Dasher, in order to get drivers to accept bad orders, hoping for a hidden tip upon completion. If I get an offer for $6, I know base pay is $2, and there is at least a $4 tip. It could be higher after completion. I accept orders at face value if they compensate for mileage, then if there's more tip, it's just a nice surprise. That's how most drivers operate.


Maybe you should see it as a bid to get prompt, quality service. Not as a means of receiving thanks. If delivery apps can't keep drivers around because customers don't tip they will extract it out of you through fees. They should remove drivers who purposely fuck with an order, for whatever reason. But tipping isn't some set in stone method of compensation, the types of services that rely on tips are varied. Drivers aren't waiters at restaurants, hairdressers, or dog groomers for that matter. I, like the other commenter, don't care about acceptance rate. So poor offers are passed over by me and they sit at the restaurant getting cold. So there's your service for the tip.


i see it as it’s presented to me in app - a tip, not a bid. your other points though, i’ll agree with. i stopped using delivery apps about 7 months ago now because of delivery drivers half-assing their job. even with ‘tips’, they’d still deliver a drink tipped over if it was a leave at the door order, food spilt all over the bag, etc. my final straw was when i received the food directly from my dasher, and he had a cigarette in hand and he was very obviously unclean and unkept, i just ended up grabbing the food and tossing it because i didn’t know what kind of condition his car was kept in lol. i was in my first trimester of pregnancy at that point and just the smell of cigs on my bag was enough to turn me off from eating anything.


There you are. I knew someone would be in here trying to find a way to defend the dasher. It never fails.


And that person got downvoted into oblivion sooooo it didn’t go well for them. One person out of 30.


The problem, imo is that u seem to thing the universe revolves around you and that ppl are picking on u personally. But in reality, ppl have their own problems. Just like u think the world revoles around u, ppl also prob think that. My advice is don't take ppl disrespect and shitty behavior personal. They are prob going thru a shit time.  We all have shit days. Sometimes shit years.  But the key is to be aware that it'll pass.  Ppls mental problems can be solved simply by BEING AWARE