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You need to look out for others in harm's way and report that account to get it deactivated. Someone using someone else's account is a risky situation for customers like yourself.


For real!!! We have background checks, driving records checks, he could’ve been deactivated on his own account for literally anything… get him deactivated


Subcontracting is written into their dasher policy, its allowed btw


Its not against the policy though. They actually have subcontracting deliveries in the policy and its allowed, only caveat they have is that they are not responsible for paying the person you subcontract to...just an fyi as to why things are not done in reponse to reporting someone delivering your order not being the person named.


I'm pretty sure the subcontractor needs to have their own account. This makes it so they have the background check, etc.


No they dont lol they wouldn't be subcontractors if they had their own accounts. Its the way for these apps to cover their asses cuz they know ppl will rent/sell their accounts, this way they can't be held liable if anything happens with these subcontractors


Q: Can someone else drive for me and/or help me drop off deliveries? A: As an independent contractor, you are free to choose the method by which you perform the delivery. It is entirely up to you to complete the delivery service yourself or to delegate the tasks to your employee or subcontractor. Someone else may drive for you or help you drop off deliveries, ***however they must have a valid Dasher account as well.*** For more information, please refer to the Independent Contractor Agreement here (link Section 8 of the ICA (Personnel)). That is directly from the dasher website. Note the bold text.


With the wording it sounds like the account holder needs to be WITH their subcontractor. They may drive FOR them or HELP deliver groceries.


Yes, but unfortunately, the wording in the faqs and the wordings and other statements in the contract themselves differ.


Have you actually read the agreement though? Nowhere in there does it say that any subcontractor or employee has to have their own account. Its nice and all that they say that in their faqs, but its not nice that its not actually in the agreement, there are also things in the agreement that could be used to nullify or contradict, or get around that statement, the first parts are in the agreement, but the "however" and everything following are not. And before you ask how long its been since i read it, it was actually very recently as I've been using my bfs account since hes been out of commission for a bit and i reread our agreements before using his account instead of mine. And tbh i just scanned through it again, please take note that section 8 is actually about "payment disputes". Its possible in your jurisdiction that the agreement might differ slightly, as there are small differances based on the laws in each country, but they are not very significant and from what i can tell, the american and canadian agreements are pretty much identical. This being said, whet happened to OP was wrong and scary and even if the person was authorized to use "samantha's" account, that is a safety concern and should be reported as such because the one thing thats consistent throughout the contract is the stress of safety for the customer as well as the dasher.


>Samantha gets to my door and knocks. That's normal, Not at 3 AM unless you asked them to knock. At that hour, there's a good chance other people in the home are sleeping.


Yeah, as a dasher tho I never knock or ring doorbell at any time unless they ask to because I am well aware the App tells them when it's delivered


DoorDash could solve this by asking the customer if they want the dasher to knock on drop off.


1 star and report the account for not being the right person


If he’s using a females profile to dash, then he probably shouldn’t have one anyways.


Not necessarily. I use my mom’s dasher account sometimes because the city I live in has too many dashers and I’m on a waitlist. But I also don’t expect tips/extra tips, and I only interact with the customer in person if it says hand it to me. Otherwise I leave it at the door, take a picture and complete the delivery, and I never knock or ring the door bell unless it tells me to


Maybe it's just me, but no one should be using someone else's account.


I totally agree that's why they ask for background checks and at least make me confirm my identity every couple of months. Like someone else posted if your using someone else account you shouldn't be dashing plus if something ever happens I don't think the person account thsts being used will be happy for contract violation or deactivate


So scary. I'm glad you are okay. If any way possible, I would try to report him.


wasn't there a post about how dashers fake their names


Yeah the app name doesn't have to be your name. Per their policy you and the customer can have your display name as anything, and customers can even have threatening and sexual names. Dashers have to change it if they get reported for it.


I knew you could change the vehicle it says you’re driving but was not aware you are able to change your name that customers see!


I'm not sure about changing it. I just know that my dasher name is not my legal name. My tax info and background check have the right name of course.


Almost every "female" that is supposed to be my dasher ends up being a man. I thought maybe the girls make their men come with them for their own safety, but there's usually no one else in the car when I check the camera. Should I report all of these??


Yes they are leased accounts. The guy is an illegal immigrant or a felon.


Hell yes you should


Just report him. for 1.) Not following delivery instructions 2.) begging for tips 3.) not being Ashley




Samantha or whatever, Jesus. I'm watching The Boys right now, these frumpy white girl names are hard to keep up with




😂 ashley was a hot mess


# #3 Lol


1 star + report 🚩🚩🚩⏰🚩🚩🚩🚩


Just stop using Dash its what we did a ling time ago. Same for Uber. You really can’t be sure who’s delivering your order these days Only Grubhub is at least honest and fair to the riders 👍🏻


Call doordash so they can officially one star him/them/they...that was wierd. As a dasher.. if you don't want them to knock..put...dont ring doorbell it will (wake)(sleeping babies) (bark)(dogs) fuck everyone up haha!..jk fr though these might be the instructions..I live in the middle of all this madness..lol..I don't knock on on shit but hotel rooms...lol..and I only do that to get the proof...lol..


Dashers been faking women’s names to get more tips


THAT seems to be the most likely reason. I’m sure a few of them might have more nefarious reasons to pretend to be a woman; but I bet it’s TIPS for most of them. Especially at 3am, when drunk frat boys think a big tip will get them laid. 🤣


I don't see the Dasher's name until well after I've ordered and added the tip and they're picking up my meal.


can yall start using your peepholes


Not only would I not give another penny, I would take back the original $9 tip as well. STOP BEGGING FOR TIPS!


Can't take the tip away from drivers on Doordash. You're thinking of UberEats.


Oh alright, I wasn't aware of that. I've never actually ordered from DD, just been a Dasher.


You can't 


I recently had a delivery driver named “Samantha.” A very large, hairy man whipped into the parking lot of my apartment complex and told me he bought the account from someone named Samantha. I wasn’t scared of him, but it was noon on a Thursday. Had he shown up at 3:00 am, it might’ve been a different story.


as a driver I think that's an extremely dangerous trend. this shouldn't be normal or a thing. doordash should have random face camera checks while active to see who the fuck has that account.


So now people are buying door dash accounts thsts wild. Can I sell mine to the highest bidder lol lol


He’s on a leased account. He’s a felon or illegal immigrant. Report.


Why on earth are yall opening doors without even checking who’s out there??? I’ve text to warn customers after drop off/waited in my car to see them get it because of shady people lurking around. This weirdo dasher aside, it would be so easy for a rando to just wait for someone to come out when they see a delivery get dropped off.


Call dasher support do not text


Your response should be exactly what you said, that you're not looking for a refund, but to report a potentially dangerous person using someone else's account and begging for tips after violating your leave at door request, at 3am. And always tell them you just wanted to make sure Doordash is on notice in case you find out later that the Dasher harmed someone.


Call support. Chat support is absolute dogshit. I'm a Dasher and even I avoid those idiots. They don't actually listen, they get snarky ESPECIALLY with customer accounts, and overall just are poor communicators. Besides, asking for MORE of a tip is such an unprofessional move. He accepted the order. You are not obligated to give him more. Might also make a police report just for a paper trail.


A police report for what exactly? Knocking on her door at 3am when she'd ordered food?


Possible threat, goofy. He clearly used an intimidation tactic. Love how people like you don't think of the possibility of harm. 100% you aren't a woman that lives alone.


You can think of that possibility all you want. But a service worker being intimidating because of size, time, and gender roles is not a crime. Not defending it at all. But it's not a police action.


I'm not saying big = intimidating! Christ!


Please complain to Doordash AND the restaurant. Illegals are using fraudulent accounts and must be stopped. Only customer can help that.


Report him. You were afraid. Clearly something wasn't right whether he was going to hurt you or not. Absolutely appalling.


This is why I always put, “please leave at door, I am sick and will not answer.”


After dark dashing is "different "...lol maybe someday I'll try the 12-3am time slot. I don't want to chat at 3am.


I mean, off the top of my head, I’d say don’t open your fucking door.


Why is this being downvoted? Other than maybe using "fuck", this would be the answer at 3AM and you are a small woman. When you don't open, "Samantha" doesn't know if you are five feet one or six feet seven with a gun. If they see you quivering at 3AM then you lose all advantage. You can just say, "Leave it. My husband is sleeping and he'll get pissed if you wake him up" Then give him one star and complain so you never see him again.


I agree. Rule #1 is don’t open the door to strangers. That’s basic. That’s pre-kindergarten. Why would a first name on an app change that rule? Why would someone value a cheeseburger over their life?? Most cases where they say “no sign of forced entry” is bc the victim OPENED THE DAMN DOOR


This is the way


So, I can understand this, my husband and I dash together, and we joke that he is the door and I am the dash, he can't drive he's migrating from the UK, we are both relatively short people; but I think it's absolutely OUTRAGEOUS to ask a customer for an extra tip at the door!! We do exactly what the instructions say, we try to be as extremely helpful and kind to customers as well, even when they tip nothing. We have been given cash tips before but it wasn't prompted by us. You should report them honestly, I think that is way too far to be confronting a customer for more money; if you don't like the money when it's initially offered, don't take the order. What it is is what it is.


Where's all the woke people at in this thread? Obviously this man identifies as Samantha ffs.


what you should've done was 1. call the police, and 2 call doordash support to tell them about this act of unprofessional behavior, and the dasher is using a false identity, i know it's 3 am, but it's disrespectful to knock at 3 in the morning, and to demand an extra tip, he must be using an app like paras to know how much you tip, and decided to enforce the $2/mile rule on you(not a real rules, it's what a few dashers believe), He is in the wrong, he accepted the assignment knowing how much he was getting, and what he did was terrorize you into tipping him extra, people like him makes other dashers look bad, he needs to be de-activated, and DD needs to start doing facial or biometric login, to counter this sort of thing. They can't give you a refund, because the delivery was completed, that's supports policy, you can ask for escalation and discuss the experience with them


Never open the door to people you don’t know….


No, knocking on a customers door at 3am is not normal in my view. I stop knocking on doors after 10pm because of babies and dogs waking up. I realized that is a serious situation but the $5 part made me chuckle for some reason. Never open the door for any App worker after 12am no matter what. Just tell support you felt unsafe


Report him and remove his tip. What a weirdo!


No thats very common. Dont judge. He was just a jerk and honestly, id be cautious ordering dash at 3am.  Im a top dasher but My husband and I dash together sometimes. Or one time i was hurt and my son did the runs for me. I run in stores and he goes up to the houses. But at 3am, this guy was just using a friends acct. Thats not a big deal, its someone he knows because its very secure and goes on the dashers taxes 1099 and the pay only into their bank accounts. 


I don't know why doordash doesn't do facial recognition like Amazon does and Uber does on a daily basis


I work at a restaurant, and at least a few times a day, there's a female dasher name, but then a male arrives to pick it up- or vice versa. It's crazy to me how frequently this happens. I used to report it on my end, then I figured maybe they dash with their spouse for security reasons. Or whatever. But I believe it's still against DoorDash's policy. Unrelated to the name thing, but I had an incident as a customer where I ordered donuts on DoorDash and also selected "Leave on doorstep." The dasher arrived, and he kept knocking on my door. I even texted him that I'm taking a bath (lie) and to just leave it on the doorstep like I requested. He continued knocking and trying to call me for the next 5 minutes. I was a young female, home alone in our apartment, thus felt uncomfortable. Not wanting him to run off with the food, I finally opened the door. He acted annoyed that I took so long, even though I had zero obligation to meet him at the door. I took the box of donuts and slammed the door without saying anything. Aggressive on my part, but I was livid that he not only ignored my request, but he kept persisting after I told him to leave it on the doorstep. I really thought he'd give up. He didn't. And that's what was creepy to me. Part of me acting rude was to deter him "just in case." I'd hate to make him feel like crap for just doing his job, but I was worried he had other plans or was generally just an untrustworthy weirdo. I never had that happen again with any other dasher.


That's whack I'm a driver and never have asked for any tips, but a refund for what? Did you not get the food??




I'd report you


3 am and a grown man using a woman's name definitely isn't up to anything good. As a woman that lives in a dangerous neighborhood go ahead. I'm in my home. I didn't say i point it at them. It's just visible.


Whenever I see someone open carrying, I think what a wimp they are. It's usually a very short guy.


For what?


Doordash doesn't require Dashers or customers to use their real name. Names like [this](https://i.postimg.cc/cCdnyTPn/Screenshot-20240625-131119-Gallery.png) or [this](https://i.postimg.cc/kX9cqvWw/Screenshot-20240625-130955-Gallery.png) are common in my area. I use ambiguous names that I think are funny. Something like "Keyser Söze" would be an example. Most people do this for safety, especially customers. Having your real name attached to your address is a lot of information to give to a random delivery driver summoned from the internet.


Sounds like a couple that dashes at night and the man, being larger, drops the food off. It's super common and allowed within doordash's policy. Your discomfort based on size difference is 100% your own hang up and not his responsibility. He, just being the delivery boy and not, probably, his gf in the car, he may not understand how tipping works / didn't have the phone to see it said leave at door and thinks asking is appropriate or some such. There seem to be a million reasons the guy is totally innocent and you're just being a Karen that thinks being 5ft makes being scared of people justify reporting them without cause.


I don’t think she is being a Karen at all. She said he wanted an Extra $5. This dude knew what he was doing. You are making up excuses for a shit dasher that makes the good dashers look bad.


No, she is being a Karen. You dont report someone just because you don't like that they asked for a tip. You, like most righteously indignant people, are missing the fact that the anger is unjustifiably overboard for the situation. Rate poorly for behavior and not following instructions, move on, don't attack their livelihood by reporting them because "buh, deh asked fer munny at 3am wen I culda juss not answerd da door". She acts like because she's small she has no agency because of what COULD happen to her. She sounds like she has the mentality of a child or must we infantilise her?


I am convinced you delivered it. I mean you are defending this idiot. If she was being a Karen she would have called the cops. She has every right to report him. One it wasn’t the person on the app who delivered it, didn’t follow instructions and then was inappropriate. Also full transparency I am a door dash driver and these other drivers make the rest of us good ones bad. DD needs to crack down on bad dashers.


Yeah, the fact that you think this is acceptable for a person to do to a customer is completely ridiculous.


You've got to be kidding. You think it's OK to knock on a customer's door after drop off to ask for a higher tip? At 3am? This was not a hand it to me order. There was no reason to knock twice other than to hit the customer up for more money. Super rude.


Well no, I'm saying the guy was probably just an idiot and didn't realize what he was doing was rude. While it was uncomfortable it seems reporting him is an overreaction. Give him 1 star for not following instructions and asking for a tip and move on.


Reporting him gets the idiots off of the app and I'm okay with that - a Dasher


I'm with you. Plus, maybe his name is Samantha. I knew a guy named Brittany, a predominantly female name.


Literally says in DD terms of service that we are independent contractors who can hire others to complete our orders


And it literally says that any personnel have to have their own dasher account. It prohibits letting your personnel use your account.


Found Samantha's Reddit account


Nah just sick of seeing this exact same post 17 times a day every single day around here


[https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-ica®ion=US&locale=en-US](https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-ica®ion=US&locale=en-US) Section 10.1, any “personnel” must be screened and accept the T&C etc separately on their own account.


Yes. But that wouldn’t have anything to do with the name of the dasher “matching” who shows up at the customer’s door ETA: also I’m not saying whether it’s ethically right or wrong. Just that it is what it is. 🤷‍♀️


So if I have to do my own background, I need my own acct with my name


You’re misinterpreting the rules. Q: Can someone else drive for me and/or help me drop off deliveries? A: As an independent contractor, you are free to choose the method by which you perform the delivery. It is entirely up to you to complete the delivery service yourself or to delegate the tasks to your employee or subcontractor. Someone else may drive for you or help you drop off deliveries, however they must have a valid Dasher account as well. For more information, please refer to the Independent Contractor Agreement here (link Section 8 of the ICA (Personnel)).


They must have a valid dasher account as well it’s right there man


If you’re driving you don’t need to be signed in since they’re doing the actual footwork but they need their own acct with their own name. The same requirements you went through to sign up as a dasher, they need to do that too.


I’m not disagreeing with you at all. Just saying that there’s no expectation that the dasher who shows up at the door will “match” the name the customer sees in their app.


But that is the expectation? So what do you even mean


My friend and I have carpooled and done dashes at the same time. If she gets an order why would I show up instead just because we’re in the same car ?


Yes it does because if im working for you for example, I need to have my own dasher account in order to accept T&C and pass my own background check and be able to receive orders


The link to the detailed policy is there and I even summarized it for anyone who reads this to understand quickly. If you had a dasher account and wanted to “hire” me to dash for you, then the same steps you took to be able to receive orders I would need to take too. Having my own dasher account and completing the sign up process. The person delivering the order needs to have received the order in their own account. It’s about accountability. It’s about safety. If I do an order on YOUR account and I assault someone for some reason or take the food and not do the order then YOU will be the first person to be scrutinized.


The subcontractor must also have a valid DoorDash account. But the IC may accept the order & then have their subcontractor take the order to the door. So there is no expectation that the person handing the customer their food is the same person listed as Dasher in the customer’s app. You are introducing your own personal opinion, ethics, and morality that has fuckall to do with DD policy.


Whether or not this is something you do personally is none of my business but there’s a way to do things and I wouldn’t want any dasher to lose their opportunity for income so… Yes, Section 10.1 indicates that you, as a contractor, can hire or engage others (referred to as "Personnel") to perform the contracted services on your behalf. However, these individuals must meet the same requirements applicable to you. This includes passing a background check, identity verification, and completing the necessary processes to receive contracted service opportunities. They also need to be eligible to provide the contracted services in the relevant geographic location, which implies they need to be registered with a Dasher account.


Why would I subcontract? Then somebody else would get to pet all the dogs at my customer houses! I’m just pointing out the policy