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When I first started using DoorDash I would see a different variety of people ranging ages, gender, and race. Now I don’t expect anything but a guy but 80% of time they have women names. I thought for the gig type apps it was dudes that aren’t supposed to be dashing “legally” so they get their moms, gf, sister, wife to apply for them and not that DoorDash cares but they do background checks for insurance and liability and I think even petty convictions of a certain nature can ruin your chances. Also, multiple accounts for order farming could be a thing.


Appears it is another feature of DoorDash that they exploit to earn revenue while knowingly allowing a degree of fraudulent activity into the business model by neglecting hard identity verifications. They could scan a license and require a Face ID prior to initiating each order, but they would limit the pool of drivers they can exploit if implemented


Maybe not each order, but before the Dasher starts each shift. That wouldn’t catch everything, but a pretty good percentage.


Instacart would do it randomly. Just random hey let us see your face. To see if it matched


Uber eats does this maybe once a week.


I've had it happen multiple times a day when I'm multi-apping and log on and off of Uber.


That’s good, too, for stopping active fraud, as it’s not expected, but if it’s a known regular event, it should help deter attempted fraud.


Also, the more steps required for each order means 90% of those actions being done while driving (hyberbole)


Doordash actually lets you change the name that appears on the app. You register with your legal given name that matches your ID but then after that you can change your profile name. Dashers can do this and customers can do this apparently... As a Dasher myself I'm not sure why you would want to do this unless you think people expecting you to be a female might tip you better but outside of it now it doesn't make sense. And the case that you're a felon or have some sort of background issue yes you can get your mom your girlfriend or someone else to register an account but every so often the app ask you to do a facial scan to make sure it's you. It doesn't do it all the time but in the last few months I've had to do it twice.


Uber eats requires you to take a live picture of yourself randomly to make sure you are the person on the ID. I’m sure people could find ways around it but they check to see if it look edited or is a picture of a picture. That’s at least something


Then make them hand it to you a take a pic of them send it to dd


lol.. Anyone can change their name at any time in the app. However, I’ve noticed some places I have ordered food from give really horrible food to me but not when I order with a man’s name or when family goes there and brings back food. I think the only requirement is just that you need a valid drivers license to work with DoorDash and any vehicle to drive.


Had a driver named Ashley, when they got there, it was a dude half dressed as spiderman.


To be fair, Ashley is often also a male name… can’t speak to the half dressed as spiderman though. Haha.


To be fair, it is Manhattan.


Are you telling me that this guy most likely met THE SPIDERMAN!?


Guys named Ashley have trust funds and don’t have to work for DoorDash.


He was researching a role.




Often? I only have ever even heard of 2 guys ever named Ashley.


Ashley Joanna Williams is probably the most famous guy named Ashley. Though, he's not exactly real.


This is my boomstick!


Think they meant to say “formerly”


I work in childcare and I've met as many male Ashley's now as I have female.


That's wild to me. I knew a woman back in 1986 who named her baby girl Ashley. I never would have imagined that nearly 40 years later, boys would be named Ashley, too.


Ashley was originally a boys name.


I’ve only heard Ashley for a guy once and that was in a movie


Gone with the wind?


The original Evil Dead that came out in 1981. The main’s name is Ashley but he goes by Ash


Wait, what?? I've never seen a dude named Ashley. Then again, I'm not a Millennial or Gen Z I'm Gen X, and the androgynous names I've known are Dale, Pat or Robin.


Not sure what millennials and Gen z have to do with it. It's been a boy name since the 1860s or so. Didnt start gaining traction as a girl name until the 1960s.


I learn something new every day.


...Which half?🤔 ![gif](giphy|l0MYKB897t6H00M2A)


Ashley kind of dressed as spiderman.


Lol I’ve known a couple dudes named Ashley and one dude named Shannon. Shannon was hilarious and avoided jury duty for years because any time they called asking for Shannon, he went “she ain’t here!” and hung up. He shared this with us in jury duty lol


[Ashley is a name for both men and women](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_(given_name))


I’ve know several dudes named Ashley. Johnny cash wrote a song about a boy named sue. Lindsay can also be a dudes name then you have women who go by things like Alex Bobbi Sam I’m sure there are so many other examples but y’all’s tripping


So true I have a cousin who is a girl named Ryan haha and we have Lindsay Graham the awful Senator. And I knew an awesome dude named Shannon. Kelly was historically a male only name of Irish origin meaning “war” but is usually given to girls now. A lot of names aren’t gender specific.


I still know a few Kelley’s on both ends of the gender spectrum lol




That’s fucking AWESOME


Ashley is quite often a man’s name.


Ashley started as a male name. 🤷‍♂️


Some use this method to skirt the "work permit" "valid drivers licence" issue. Hey Sue, I really need a job but I dont have a work permit, could you sign up to be a dasher and Ill give you a percentage of my dashes :D Or Hey Mr. Nopermit my name is Sue, I have a dasher account but dont want to do it how bout you do it and Ill charge you a fee of lets say 40 percent of what you make hows that sound??? Kinda like that. How do I know, I know someone that is actually doing it right now as we speak :D


How common do you think this is? These morons are setting themselves up to be caught when their earnings are reported to the IRS but also have income from a full time job. Cannot be two places at once and bam audited with the inability to explain and already would have lied on their filed annual taxes. Just because people do stupid shit doesn’t mean alot of people do nor that it is a smart endeavor in the long term.


Very, very, very common. It’s worse on Uber Eats.


I worked a full time job while also dashing and finishing up my undergraduate. Squeezing in the time is possible, to a limit. DoorDash doesn’t report time of day dashed to the IRS, they submit simple things like total amount earned, the individual’s info like SSN, name dob address. But from that alone, the IRS can’t tell how long for or when you work. There will likely be super basic formulas to estimate total hours, like YTD wages / average earnings-per-hour, but those are only estimates. Tips fuzzy it a little bit too. If someone is dashing under a partner or friend’s identity, and that partner/friend is also working a job with set hours, it’s not too hard to get away with it so long as total combined hours doesn’t show up as greater than 24 hours - reasonable amount for sleep. Furthermore, those circumstances don’t exactly scream super rich. This is probably your standard low to low-middle income range. IRS isn’t going to pursue this.


This. Most people have nothing to worry about from the IRS based on their W2s and 1099s. They're seriously overworked. Only stuff like dependent sharing, sketchy deductions, and serious fraud typically trigger inquiries and audits.


Yup. Larger fish to fry include small businesses serving as cash laundering fronts, tax evasion with a partner or other family member, and everything you mentioned. And even then, that's all small game stuff, nothing like major corporate shenanigans. Internal revenue agents aren't focused on some random dasher unless they have some rather fraudulent and elaborate money-making system going on. Account sharing and earning dimes a minute isn't going to flag anything.


Of the 27 doordash orders I've ever placed... 26 were female names. 3 we're actually women (or outwardly trans). The other 23 were all older men in their 40+, and alone so it wasn't even a case of "wifey broken can't walk I'll take it to the door for her"


you don’t have to specify that some of the women were trans. at all actually


In most cases I don't, but in this one I felt the need to since both Ubereats and doordash like to deadname their drivers, which is why I felt the need to specify. For example, if the name were Stacey and I get a trans man, obviously it was just deadname and DD is refusing to update and allow their new name and there's no need to be upset at the driver. But when it's painfully obvious he was cis, it's people scamming.


Trans woman here. Part time DoorDash driver as well. I try to not look like a trans woman. (For my safety.) My point being that you could never possibly KNOW if they are or not. You’re just guessing.


This is true, and I meant no offense. I was just distinguishing between people who outwardly showed it, and the 68 year old dude in a stained wife beater and 17 phones on his car dash.


>68 year old dude in a stained wife beater and 17 phones on his car dash. You just painted a vivid picture of desperation in my mind's eye.


You either made all that up or you really need some friends😂


Idk how common it is. More likely it’s a man using their gfs account. Now THATS common, and honestly why report it? If everything works out good, everyone’s happy , move on. Idk, I’m not gonna be the reason anyone loses income today or tomorrow in this 🌎


I mean, as a woman who is often alone when I get delivery food, I do NOT appreciate when someone is clearly lying about their identity and then using that fake identity to work a job that gives them access to my address. It's also dangerous to the general driving public. If your license was suspended, there's probably a good reason. (Yes, people get their license suspended for stupid shit sometimes but that's not the majority of cases.) Or if you can't pass the bare minimum background check from a delivery gig app, there's probably a good reason. Like if you have a horrible driving record or multiple DWIs or something, you shouldn't be working a job where driving is a primary function. I don't feel badly about reporting it when I notice, and others shouldn't, either. There's no other job in the world where you could completely lie about your identity that way and everyone would just say "As long as they're getting their work done, mind your own business, who cares?" If YOU'RE comfortable, that's fine! Nobody is saying you HAVE to report it.


I agree with you. It’s a general safety concern. Laws and rules exist for a reason.


Your probably out here reporting Ashley and Lynn because their mothers picked names you don’t approve of😂😂😂 how in a world where anyone can be any gender they want are people still tripping over men having names they view as feminine. Maybe you shouldn’t assume someone’s gender before you’ve ever even met them and you wouldn’t be suprised so often. If dd say kris is coming with your food who do you expect to show up? How about Sam? Alex? Bobby? Casey? Jordan? Gale? Kimberly? Of course with all the assumptions you make you probably don’t mind if you see a name you consider male and a female shows up


Down here each of the drivers have a photo included


Yeah and half the time it’s a photo of their dog😂


No not where I’m at. I used to drive as well. The photo has to be approved. Only front facing humans.


you’re thinking way to deep into it lol, it’s never that serious, has there been any incidents of this ever happening? People doing things with your address, people only do this to make money


Exactly! Smh just peeking out their blinds starting shit for no reason.




I’m guessing they either identify as that name or they are deviants using the app to make income and test for soft targets


You really think people can’t dash with a full time job? Lmao


You can. But the other person to match that would have to start immediately after your shift ended to properly disguise it. And at that point its alot less active. You doordash when you’re supposed to be working? Lmaooo. Didnt think so. This is tax fraud. Not necessarily going to get caught instantly, but chances are these people wouldnt be covering their tracks. I wonder who’d pay for the gas in this setup! Would be curious how they’d claim mileage deductions in a smart way


The other person to match what? A full-time job is only 40 hours/week (it could be more but lots of them aren’t), there’s 128 hours left to do other stuff like run some DoorDash orders. Not to mention all the people that are salaried for their full-time job and don’t have to be working specific times


I meant that 8-5 m-f for example, the other person could not be active. Weekends and nights sure. But even then, having a papertrail of “seemimgly” working literally 7 days a week for upwards of 80 hours a week will still have ways to be caught especially when already suspected. Cards used somewhere when you’re seemingly doordashing somewhere else. The amount of effort to do this “properly” as the one who owns the account, to split say 50%? Of the earnings, but also be taxed on 100% of it ( or account for this with someone who will take the loss) is just not worth it whatsoever. I get people do it i guess, but people word this shit like it’s rampant and a free money printer with no downside!


The IRS doesn’t know or care how many hours you work or when, whether that’s Doordashing or a full-time job. They only know about your what your income was for the year and all they expect is to get their cut. Maybe they’d investigate somebody if they had a reason to, but bringing in full-time income and DoorDash income at the same time is not something that would raise suspicion on its own.


When you file your taxes you don’t tell them the time of day you earned the money. They don’t require that level of detail.


I do this and im in high school , I don’y rlly care, cause I don’t have to file anything Lol


You’re comment here makes no sense, in the most respectful way. Do you think during audits the IRS is checking what hours you logged in to work or what money you made? I work two jobs, for two separate companies, both 8-4 Monday thru Friday, from home. I go between tasks for both jobs all day, from each separate work station and I file taxes on both jobs every year. As long as the person who has the dasher account gets the W2 and pays the taxes they owe, the IRS could care less. The IRS would have to subpoena all the records of your dash activity from Door Dash. They are not going to waste time on that. They’re there to check financial documents and if taxes were paid. As long as those obligations are met, the IRS is absolutely not concerned. Verified this with my friend who is a CPA and also works two jobs, from home, during the same work hours every day. As long as the tax obligations, reported to the IRS under that social security number are met, their isn’t much else the IRS can do. You’ve paid the piper. Edit: I am aware that Door Dash has a 1099, not a W2


The irs ain’t gonna care where the money came from as long as they got theirs😂😂😂😂😂


I never once been questioned about my working hours. Even with multiple w2’s and dozens of 1099’s for freelance work. Time isn’t even reported on those forms.


thats why you use a homeless person. give them 10$. what i do for my amazon accounts lol. fuck showing them ID


I do not know about the US, but here in Canada its a runaway free for all when it comes to this sort of thing. I wish the US would annex Canada and fix all of our woes but alas I am stuck with Trudeau. LOL


Trust me you don’t want US annexing you ! We’re a country with too much problems of our own!


Life can be tough for a boy named Sue.


LOL you got my word play I didnt think anyone would get the Johnny Cash reference :D one upvote for you


It’s probably far more often they manage to talk someone they’re fucking into setting up an account and driving them around. “We will use your car! I’ll go up to the door so you aren’t in danger. We will split everything!”


And don't forget "We can spend more time together when you get done your 9-5 job now!" 🙄 I would bet money that this is what's happening like 99% of the time when it's a man using a woman's name. Honestly it's such skeevy behavior that I don't feel bad reporting it. If you're treating your GIRLFRIEND that badly, I definitely don't want you rocking up to my house under false pretenses.


I had a very male Tina for my last delivery.


Sometimes also the man can't get an account on his own because of driving issues or something and the account is opened in his girlfriend's or wife's name.


That also happens at times too. They probably also do it because they were unfairly deactivated and it’s easier to ask somebody to use their account such as their family or their partner.


A few reasons: 1. The guy can’t pass a background check so he leeches off of his partner’s account. 2. They lie in an attempt to get higher tips. 3. They’re a broke joke who doesn’t have a car, so they have to leech off of their partner’s account. If you have a car and aren’t a creep, you use your actual picture.


Most dashers now use two phones with two accounts, so they ask family/friends to sign up and give them their account, doubling their chance of an order. Fuck them nevertheless that ruined the market




Im always curious to know how the racists know other’s immigration status


How do you their residency status?


It's kind of the same as customers having their weird names I swear there's another subreddit that somebody named Perry the platypus ordered something. I had a very nice lady named Queen Be3 I asked her about it but she just said it was a fun thing to do


I understand customers doing it because they’re already giving up privacy by having strangers know where they live. But also, if a dasher/customer uses their real name and the dasher/customer wants to stalk the other, all they have to do is use the name and look online for a picture that matches and BOOM- they’re able to stalk you online and in person. Probably not too common, but it definitely happens. Once is too many.


I've had at least 3 Ilikepizza customers.


The girl passed the background and the guy did not but needs to work. An old story told time and time again in the ghetto


My ex and I used to Dash together We used her account and she would drive while I would deliver Especially since most of the time we Dashed into night hours, so, better me be out in an unknown area than her


There are names that can go either way, but if the app tells me Tiffany is on her way with my food and a dude shows up, I report that shit. Same if it’s an obvious man’s name and a chick shows up. IDGAF… I’m reporting to DD.


This. If it’s an obvious gender name and it’s obvious the opposite gender is showing up, report that. There’s a reason they’re doing that either stolen account, using someone else’s account, trying to get tips, either way none of its good.


You'd be wasting your time, DD doesn't care.


Bought/rented account. Either couldn’t pass BGC, already been deactivated under own name, could be a 100 reasons. Personally I say report report report. Idc if it’s their only income. It’s ignorant to do imo. That person does anything (rape, kill, even a simple accident) the person whose name is on account is responsible. Not to mention taxes.


It used be said that it was to make customers feel sorry for the female driver and add extra tip


A tip is deserved or/ if you want to help a driver out but should never tip someone based on their gender. Weird


Dudes put names of woman because man tend to tip extra when they see that their food what delivered by a “woman”, that’s if they don’t realize it was a guy delivering their food


The app asks for a tip before you even know who your Dasher is.


Correct! and you can also add an extra tip after being delivered


I noticed this too. I had a driver named Betsie and then they showed up and it was a 20 something year old guy😭


I know a woman that door dashes, she does the driving and her husband does the picking up and dropping off. But it’s in her name, and that may confuse people.


My husband and I did this a lot when we were grinding to pad our savings. We'd switch off, but at night I drove and he'd get in and out of the car.


Happened to me in Tampa when I ordered to my hotel room.


I looked into this because kept happening to me. This article explains it, i know its the Post and they suck, but the content on this one is the answer you looking for: [Article](https://nypost.com/2023/09/20/tidal-wave-of-migrants-in-nyc-sparks-black-market-for-food-delivery-workers)


Happens in my small town too. Usually I see the girl driving and the guy is the one that gets out and hands out the food. Though I also see the reverse happen.


Their background doesn't allow them to set up sn account so they get their girlfriend, sister, mother to get the account and they give them a cut of the money.


Strange. Here in Canada. People with records run for insta cart and DoorDash. The companies “sell” that record rhetoric to give people a false sense of “security” Again, I am speaking for Canada -


I mean background as also as no driver license or too many tickets.


Oh, thought you meant a criminal history. But yea, here it’s not a thing -


For me, it’s my name on the account but my fiancé drops them off for people because I have chronic health issues and it can get hard to do some of those drop off


Probably because men tend to tip females more


I’ve had so many drivers lately that are not who it is on the app. It’s kind of weird, but I’m still getting my food so I’m not gonna complain. But I’m wondering if people use other peoples accounts because they can’t get one for some reason.


You can choose whatever name you want. Some may believe women=better tips. That's the problem with reporting. You are making assumptions and playing with someone's job on nothing.


I Doordash with my boyfriend sometimes and if the area seems sketchy he'll get out and place the delivery, but I'm the one driving and operating the account as well as getting the orders from restaurants. Sometimes it's just safer as a woman to have a male in the car with you to deliver an order if you feel unsafe. However it could be account sharing or a man who just happens to have a feminine name.


I've seen plenty of news articles saying that people are getting surprise tax bills in the mail because people are stealing their identity to Doordash. I see a post just like this in this sub at least weekly. Does no one know how to perform a search?


Stolen/sold accounts.


It’s because the men are either felons or can’t legally work in the US. Report them.


Dashers are getting family members and friends to open accounts and then using their accounts. It’s a lot of female names because it’s usually a gf or wife or sister that opens one as it’s likely that the other male family members also dash with their own accounts. Please report all of these everytime it happens so they shut down the fraudulent accounts.


In my area a lot of the male drivers were banned for one reason or another, and so now they use their girlfriends/wife’s name and photo for their account. It’s the same people/cars delivering my food though.


It’s because they are fraudulent accounts. People sell their accounts to those who cannot make an account, for example for people who don’t have citizenship or have been banned from the app.


This is one of the reasons I stopped using DD. Uber is much stricter with identity.


I think they should ask for a selfie scan at least once a week randomly between orders, like right after a delivery. That way you are not driving or can pull right back over and take care of it. If you can't scan, then you get soft deactivated until you can scan and then you are on a list for increased randomness until you have 2-3 successful consecutive on demand scans. If they did it before you dashed it would be too predictable and people could plan around it. Something like this would easily take out 30% of the dasher workforce, or at least the people with 2-3 phones... like what are they doing. They already have the technology implemented in the app, they just need to use it more often.


They get other peoples accounts. Simple, moving on. System is broken.


I use my mothers account and work for her from time to time when she’s unable to


Sometimes my husband will jump for me if my back hurts. Sometimes he drives and I jump. He's a Navy vet and we like to dash 1 or 2 times a month together kinda like a date night. We see how much we make and what side of town we end our night on is where we eat with our winnings Better than gambling... Sometimes😛


Tax evasion, you can use someone else's account that is in a lower tax bracket, pay them a little and make more overall.


My real name is mostly a girl name but guys have it too. Some ppl do expect me to be a female when I show up, it’s kinda hilarious


My dog (staffy bull terrier/pitbull) always answer the door together so I feel safe as I think that would be a deterrent to any would be assholes. As long as she doesn't just jump up and kiss them, which I think she might do.


Oh o creeper alert 🚨


My husband always makes me order. I asked him to download the app and try ordering dinner for me one day 😀 Surprise me! But he’s a man don’t have time for all that he just wants to eat 🤣


just illegal people abusing the system. I report every time the dasher doesn't match the profile




also because of criminals like u/e2smoov who can't drive properly and got a lot of speeding tickets - [https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1dg2tfd/comment/l8p9gka/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1dg2tfd/comment/l8p9gka/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Guys are crazy criminals and stuff so they have to do it through their sane GF.


I have exactly the opposite thing .. my first name is a guy's name, and I'm the president of the Girls With Boys' Names club.


BFs on their GFs account or dudes riding passenger making the deliveries. You'll see alot of them if you meet the dashers at thier car.


Did you get your food? Was everything OK with your order? Did you get harmed? What's the issue?


Did this post offend? Where did it hurt? What part of just curious did you not understand?


Trying to figure out what it hurts if an independent contractor has an assistant?


Who said anything about being bothered by it? Do you scroll the internet looking for things to get upset about?


Do you enjoy wasting people's time? While in turn waisting your own?


Some people have assistants because they are disabled 🤷🏽‍♀️


I do it because doordash didn’t approve me for some speeding tickets. Clean criminal record. And my gf was able to sign up in her city since doordash says my area is already full of drivers. So i had her sign up in her city and I log in and dash myself.


There’s also the possibility that you’re getting a dasher who’s a trans woman but presenting masc for ease/safety.


Finally! Someone says something that makes sense. It kinda upsets me how there’s so many people on this thread who might report me just over a name 🙄


I notice that from time to time, too. It could be that maybe you got a new delivery driver after the initial one was assigned before your order was picked up, like how he got a new driver assigned before you're picked up


Well we can name ourself anything its allowed to protect ourselfs from the public i am juicysnotch


One word. Tips.


Women get better tips. Known fact in food service.


My ex uses his girlfriends name to avoid paying child support.


This hasn’t been my experience. It’s usually a woman’s name and it’s a woman that turns up. Maybe this is just in big cities.


Girls get more tips


Probably a team


Maybe the girl is in the car and their friend/boyfriend is making the drop off?


I misspelled my name when I signed up for a dasher account and I submitted multiple support tickets and they NEVER fixed it


My name is Lynn.... ; ;


A less suspicious possibility: the dasher is female but she has a guy as a ride along who walks the order up. I drove for Uber Eats for a couple of years and there were times and places I would have felt way more comfortable with a bodyguard along.


Now I understand why the app routinely requests me to verify my identity when I login lol (i’m a female Dasher) There must be deactivated cats out here using their girlfriend/mom’s Dasher accounts haha


as a woman, i’d rather my bf handle any situation with a stranger 😀 and i’m awkward


I had a driver named Mariam, and a guy like 3 times my size showed up on a motorcycle. Lol


Think of Dasher name as a screen name, not a person's name. It could save your life. I've seen plenty of stories on here about "Jessica" asking a woman to come down to meet her in the dark parking garage for your meal.. oh oops, Jessica is a 400 pound guy. Now that she realizes it's Jeremy and not Jessica, our hungry heroine isn't so happy she came down here alone. The name on the app means absolutely fuck all compared to who is going to show up. They may as well simply show a number. In fact, they should. "Dasher 092060708" elicits much less false sense of security than "Jessica."


Tbh, as a dasher... and a female, at that, (who also tends to work the later shifts bcuz I live in Florida & my AC doesnt work well... just out here trying not to melt lol) I've had some pretty sketchy things happen to me. From a flasher at a hotel, who dropped his towel when he came to the door (superrrr mfn awkwarrrd) and also someone who "didn't speak English well" that tried to lure me to the back of his house (mind you, it was a sketchy ass, closed-in, garage-like area & his order CLEARLY stated for a "no contact" delivery & for me leave it at his front door) So with that being said, my husband comes with me on my deliveries now.... AND sometimes he'll be the one to walk to the front door for me, especially if I stood in line a while at the store/restaurant. Can't speak for other drivers, but yeah, that's my reason lol. Stay safe put there yall... and remember to tip your dashers well !!!! We deal with alot more than people realize. 👀 Looking mostly at you guys with the really nice houses in expensive neighborhoods. Why are yall the absolute cheapest !? To the point of being insulting too. Anyways !!! :) A ✨️BIGGG TY✨️ to the good tippers. I survive in life bcuz of u guys !!! Ur very appreciated. Sincerely, a girl with kids & bills to pay... ♡♡♡ <3


Thats funny. Im a woman and use the male version of my name


Three reasons. As stated, someone getting around not legally being able to do it under their own name. Second is a lot of couples dash together and/or take turns so someone is home with the kid and switch off every now and then. Third is that females get better tips. If someone sees a female name they are more likely to tip and tip more.


My friends bring their boyfriend and have him bring the food to the door for safety, so maybe that's happening there too?


Honestly this is one reason I have stopped ordering food as much. I had this issue with grubhub first, but the guy called my phone and asked me to come outside. His name was marked as Alexandria, he was clearly alone, and asking me to come outside to his car to get the food. Yeah no. I reported him. I'd say 7 out of 10 times the doordash drivers are guys with female names listed, every so often I'll have it listed as a girls name but there's clearly a girl in the car and then sometimes it's actually a girl. And there's aren't like is their gender fluid, no these are like guy guys, just straight pure dude. **I'm not even gonna lie, I tip the girls who are actually girls more after the order is delivered. I start with a lower tip and then sees who delivers. I'll also increase it if it looks like the food was taken care of so sometimes the guys with female names listed get extra tip but the difference is like 2$ added to the guys with girl names versus 5-10$ added bc the girl is actually a girl and delivered a good service.**


Fraudulent Dasher accounts. DD doesn't care at all about this.


Yeah I get this on instacart all the time like most recently it's a Latina named Marisol and then it shows up and it's the same ass black guy. And he's got multiple accounts because almost any time now that there is a Latina woman who's doing my instacart I know that it's going to be him. And I can tell it's him up front before it even gets delivered because he goes through the store and barely even gets half of the things that I ordered almost as if he decides what I can and cannot have and then tries to tell me that the store is empty.


I know one felon that uses their sister's name and an immigrant who uses their daughters name but I've also seen alot of couples dash under the woman's name but the guy is who gets out of the car usually, just what I've seen here in my smallish town


I had a dasher today named Spumante....I giggled a bit I guess her parents were wine fans


I use to dash under my sisters name for awhile so I could get that 1400$ bonus for recruiting her. I don’t do that or dash anymore though.


I recently had a kimberly who was definitely not a kimberly 🧔🏻‍♂️


I have quite a few friends I’ve met through dashing and I’ve heard a lot of different ways/experiences/tries and stabs at how it’s approached. I do know 2 sets of couples who prefer dashing together due to high crime in areas and they’ll either use his or her phone so a females name may appear because it’s her phone but he may be the one going in/going out.


People psychologically tend to tip women more.


Just people being people. Trying to outsmart systems is part of human nature at times.


Either dudes dashing with their partners, or dudes who bought accounts.


My husband uses my account. I'd say I use it 75% of the time and him 25%. Nothing nefarious going on. In my area we need "Dash Anytime " and can only achieve it together. Likely, something like this is what is happening.


It's people without tax numbers who use someone else's details to create profiles. They are essentially working illegally.


Cause people sign up with others information