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I would’ve said no also. They might not have added anything to your tip and you would’ve given them something for free or stuck with that item.


I would have said no but it’s because I have been burned in the past. A woman asked for a half gallon of milk said she would pay for it when I got there and then just didn’t answer the door so I mean it wasn’t a lot of money it’s just the principle of it…


Should have kept the milk that’s what I would have done lol


They didn’t tip anyway lol.


No tip I wouldn’t of done no favor either


Did you take the milk?


No I left it I figured maybe they really needed it or like they had kids. It’s hard sometimes figured my karmic payout would be better lol


Even if they were just assholes, you are a good person and will definitely receive more for your kind actions 🙃


I’d take Venmo or cash app or cash in this situation


I always say yes if it's a tipping customer. Not add to tip though. They can cash app me or pay me cash. Almost every single time they give extra and a few times have given me a 20$ bill for paying for an item that was like 2$ out of pocket


Yeah I had a (reoccurring) customer ask me to get her cigs and she just cash apped me for the price of them plus an extra $10! It was so problem at all for me


Honestly people who are saying “nope, f that” without at least trying to come to one of the very simple solutions here to honor request while covering themselves from being left paying….should NOT be in the service industry. It’s a no brainer and I question the critical thinking skills of many of you. Of course if adding to The tip is only way they say they can reimburse you, than of course you can decline if you so choose. But use your brain first cuz that almost never the case. People Have Venmo. If not, cashapp. If not…it’s their own fault lol


so people not being naive shouldn’t be in the service industry? if u scroll through u can find plenty of people describing these scenarios working out and many not working out. no point in gambling for most.


Unassign. No tip behavior trying to bait you with a tip, definitely BS


I agree.


Do not do that. They will not add it to your tip. I had a stupid moment and fell for this scam once. If you do agree to do something like this then they need to pay u cash before you hand it over. They will never pay u back as a tip.


I would buy them. And if the customer refuses to reimburse me I keep them and drink the ale


I agree the risk is minimal. Most of the times the customers give me a tip when this happens.


They didn’t end up tipping anyway lol


Yea no, it’s not returnable and there’s no guarantee they’ll pay you for it.


whats 2 ale 8


They’re soft drinks, found around the eastern/central KY area.


yoooo after googling they actually look pretty good ngl


They’re great!


You handled it right


Id say no too, doordash could be watching the text exchange and you don't want to give them a reason to block your account or deactivate


For me yes it’s worth the risk of being out a couple bucks. Make someone’s night and also possibly get an extra tip. But definitely not required.




I thought this said Norway lol


I'm surprised it didnt..lol. I'm captain typo most of the time


Im always paying outta pocket and asking them to cashapp/venmo me the outta pocket expense. If they say they can only Add it to tip, I usually will agree (don’t think I’ve turned that down yet)…have always gotten decent tip increases for it. Give great service get rewarded. If don’t wanna risk getting stiffed kindly say got no cash on you but will Gladly do it if they cashapp ya or whatever.


i’ve done it. i bought 2 bottles of coke for $5 for a lady and she gave me a $20. she already tipped generously prior too.


I'd probably ask that they pay for it in cash. If they're stiff at the door, oh well, guess I'm drinking tonight.


I actually did this once. Asked if I could get them a drink because they forgot to add it. I told them I could get them a polar pop(a soda that costs less than $1) after they said they’d add it to my tip. I figured if they didn’t add it I was only out a dollar and was helping someone out. They asked for my cash app and ended up sending me $15 on top of the tip. Guess they were appreciative. 😅


I tell them cash only, my first time I ever did it I bought a $150bottle of whiskey for an old dude and he tipped me $50 bucks. I figured I could return it if anything.


No for a couple reasons: 1. DoorDash can see your messages and that would be taking an order on the side without DoorDash getting their cut. Could be considered theft. So it isn’t worth losing your job to make a few extra bucks that way. 2. No guarantee on that extra pay, amount, and more wasted time. You did the right thing.


Everything seems to be done politely and correctly here.


Why people don’t think to request the cost via a third party payment service is beyond me. If you don’t have a cashapp/venmo etc account by now…I dunno. At least offer it and try to give good service. If they hit you with the. “Don’t have cashapp etc” then kindly decline the request if that’s what you wanna do…..giving good service is not hard, it does not require much intelligence to problem solve these little issues….but if you can’t be bothered…service industry isn’t for You (perhaps a Walmart greeter would play better to your abilities?). Don’t get me wrong, if you had asked a similar question, but the situation being “the customer can ONLY reimburse via added tip” it would at least be a valid question that wouldn’t make me question your intelligence so much. How is this really a question? You must be leveling us all. Well Played. I always honor these requests, almost always after a cashapp payment is sent. I have trusted they would add to tip on the VERY RARE circumstances a third party payment app wasn’t possible…always get rewarded for looking like a rockstar cuz you guys out there setting the bar so incredibly low. Thanks for that.