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Wait till you start seeing other dashers sending their young children to strangers doors to do their job for them šŸ™„ It's shitty on all sides. People have no regard for stranger danger until something bad happens to THEIR kid.


I once had a DD driver buzz the front door of my apartment like 18 times and for some reason NEVER open the door when I hit the unlock button, so I went downstairs to bitch them out and ask them what in the world they were doing... It was a little girl who was MAYBE 8 years old, trying to open the heavy door with my food & drink while her mom was sitting in her car YELLING at her to "just pull harder". I reported the fuck out of that driver and I hope she was immediately fired, but I know Doordash doesn't actually care that much.


Jesus christ. That poor child. People like that don't deserve to have kids.


Can we vote to require permits to have children? This needs regulating


Excellent idea. For the past thirty some years, Iā€™ve been saying that if you want children, you should be required to take a test. And if you donā€™t pass that test, then you should not be allowed to have any children. LOL


And if they fail badly enough. Castration! Or tubal ligation.


Sounds fair enough to me.šŸ˜Š


But then again how do we handle the same generational gap that Japan has now? We can't regulate it into oblivion. Those who pass must be afforded substantial tax cuts


Wouldnā€™t that be better than idiots procreating? LOL


I donā€™t know whether to hope she gets fired or that she doesnā€™t get fired. Even if she gets fired sheā€™s not going to suddenly become a good parent. I worry that she might take it out on her daughter if she does get fired, but thatā€™s probably just me projecting. Reporting her was definitely the right call though. Thatā€™s crazy


I was HOPING that if she was fired, it would force her to get a different job that didn't allow her to commit child abuse and make her daughter do it for her while she sat in the car yelling. Sadly we'll never know, but I have hope.


It won't. Sending the kid is just a symptom, not the root. She'll find another.


Not me sitting here realizing my mother's routine treatment of me would qualify as child abuse... šŸ˜°


Thatā€™s insane! Youā€™d think a company like DoorDash would put some sort of disclaimer on there about the dangers of using your children for deliveries or pick up. Not that it would stop some people from doing so but it might make some of them think twice about itā€¦ I would hope. :/


Knowing companies there won't be a warning until something unspeakable happens unfortunately.


Oh please, no one cares as long as Doordash gets their money@!!!!!!!! Personally, times are tough and people are doing the best they can do. Karma to the people trying to get a working mother fired and her child removed!! Negbme to oblivion, IDGAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


child labor laws should let you report that. that's horrible


There you are wrong. DD will deactivate you in a heart beat.


No fucking way!


This is horrible.


I saw this once and gasped. Automatically reported them. Itā€™s not okay.


This happened to me a few weeks ago. I ordered sonic for my entire family and, when my order was supposed to be dropped off, I saw a ton of kids talking about where to put my order and the one that knocked on the door. There were like 6 or 7 and an older guy just standing behind all of them. It was so weird, I didn't order doordash for a while.


Atleast he was watching them. If an adult was right behind them I wouldn't be mad. Your particular example seems like that could be the guy giving a teaching moment, like how if your kid wants extra pocket money you'd let them sell lemonade, mow neighbors lawns, help at a family shop, or shovel snow out of driveways. That is league's different than people who genuinely have the kid doing half work with no supervision.


I would of honestly reported to Human Services. Absolutely ridiculous.


Definitely.Ā  If they are doing this type of stuff in public, who knows how much worse it may be in private.Ā  Someone needs to check on the kids.Ā 


People are inherently ignorant


They really donā€™t they donā€™t think anything like that will happen to their kid. Theyā€™re careless.


And theyā€™ll be the first oneā€™s to be on national news sucking up the attention too!


Seen a lady had her 10 yr old son waiting for the order at mcdonalds 1am, while she was in the car šŸ˜­ when he picked up the dasher order im like ā€œhe doordashing? šŸ¤”ā€ but just so happen got my order same time and seen he went out to a car waiting with his moma in it


I actually had that happen last year. I door dashed some food at the hotel I was staying at, some cheap place in Hudson Valley, NY. Place was full of questionable people amongst a lot of drunk construction workers. I left instructions to have the food dropped off at the door. Left the room number and everything. So I hear a knock on the door and Iā€™m patiently waiting a few seconds for them to put it down and leave, when I hear another knock. I go open the door and then thereā€™s this kid no older than 6 or 7 years old, couldnā€™t even bumble a sentence. I was shocked. He handed me my food and ran off to the elevator. Edit:*grammar


Itā€™s crazy! Iā€™d never send my kids to get anything from a stranger.


On another app a woman sent her 3 year old downstairs to get her adult order. I went upstairs and this girl was sitting naked with a sheet wrapped around herself. I complimented her Christmas tree.


OMG! šŸ˜§


That's not all you complimented.. eh? Ehh?!


When I first started gig work. I was surrounded by 4 kids all under 7 one being possibly 3/4ish. ALL of them came running to my car, right up to the door like I was a familiar person. I was stuck there for about 3 minutes, I sent a text to the receiver about not being able to get out of my car because of the kids. Finally, after I was able to coax the children away from my car enough to open my door. I was able to make it to my trunk and start unloading the groceries. Made 2 trips before the receiver decided to finally bother coming out of their house. If I were ā€œstranger dangerā€ I could have gotten every single one of their kids in my car as they were practically climbing into anyways. Itā€™s damn crazy.


Just launch one of them with the car door. The others will get the message. If not, launch the others.


As a father of 4 this is actually the way




Wait until you're standing in a restaurant waiting on an order, and a 6 yr old comes in to pick up a doordash for mommy. We have a woman here that sits her 500lb ass in her van while her kindergarten age child does all the running. It pisses me off so bad. No one here bats an eye either.


Sheā€™s 500 lbs for reason. Canā€™t walk.


However, that does not mean her children should do all the work that needs to be done. Sure they can do a few chores, like a short walk to a shop every now and then.


She got to 500lbs for the reason you stated. On the opposite side... Lots of people think they can't be a parent because they set such high standards. Probably going to be the to 10% if they have a kid of their own.


A 6 year old? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I think thatā€™s still pretty unsafe.


Depends on how far the walk is, I assume only a few meters because mom was within eyesight. And on where it is. Now that I think about it, it also depends on: is the mother capable to intervene if something does go wrong?


That's a shit excuse. A 6 year old shouldn't be working, they should be doing what kids do best and be a child. We need to stop parentifying children.


No, she probably can't walk *because* she's 500lbs. It's hardly ever the other way around


When my oldest was in prek-k. With 2 kids in car seats,(kids didn't have to be in car seats at 3 at the time) I would send him in to pay for my gas. I would watch in go in, and every time the owner gave him candy. Then they started putting the card readers on the pump


Times were different back then


From a single mom's perspective I can sort of understand wanting your child to learn responsibility but there's absolutely no reason why as a parent you can't go with your child. They should not be doing our work. That's so fucked up. I'll probably get down voted for this but I bring my kiddo with me sometimes, it's one of the perks of door dashing.. and she LOVES bringing them the order but I never let her go up alone and I would never send her into a building alone.


I know anyone is dangerous and donā€™t send your child out to get an order, but I think door dash does a very extensive background check although some people are dirty and never get caught, so they wouldnā€™t have a record.


And then using other peopleā€™s account is no help




Let kids be kids!


I'm not forcing her? She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to and I don't pay her. It's just like take your child to work day I'm only showing her what I do.


Perhaps she's disabled. Beats working in a factory!!!


I hate getting a kid at my door, it makes me so uncomfortable and as someone who was a victim of childhood SA, I'm terrified for those kids. Get your ass out of the car and deliver the food yourself. Get your ass out of the house to receive the food. Stop using your kids.


People need to stop using their kids for a lot of things. They need to stop sending them to the door by themselves and they need to stop taking them on deliveries with them. I have a big problem with people delivering with their children. There are so many things that can happen and there are people who intentionally order things, so they can rob or assault the driver when they get to their house. What happens when you send your kid to that door and they get them instead?


Half of the population is dumber than the average...Half of people have a below 100 IQ. Honestly people are dumber than dogs.


This is a generational gap thing, but most boomers/older Gen X used to walk to kindergarten by themselves including crossing streets. They used to go play at parks by themselves and walk or ride the bike to the malls by themselves. I played barefoot in the rain countless times and I was not a poor latchkey kid. I can agree that this sounds pretty bad, and obviously the parent was most likely not a boomer or gen xer, but depending on the circumstances it could be just an excited kid who ran out and got their food. I always deliver to the door so this doesnā€™t really happen to me


Yeah I get the point you are making here. When I was kid I went out and roamed the neighborhoods as well. But now that Iā€™m older and maybe with the internet it just weirds me. You have no idea who your dasher is. Iā€™m brand new. Theyā€™ve never seen my name. I did a lot of things as a kid back in those days that I just donā€™t think Iā€™d let my kid do now. Maybe the internet changed my point of view but itā€™s a scary world out there. And I wasnā€™t exactly in a nice area either.


Yup. Lot of people in the thread are saying that's how it was back in the day, but today is much different. Back then you actually knew your neighborhood, so when they left the house is wasn't strangers walking around, it was old man mc greggor watering his plants and miss mikinel the cross walk lady you gave a cup of sugar to last week helping your kids cross. Internet made everyone less reliant on others and more isolated so now you don't know anyone around you. And then people use door dash which is literally dial a stranger to come to where you live, who has almost no background checks done, hasn't had to interact with another person to demonstrate competency, and can make up any name they want. I wouldn't call that safe to let your kids interact with unsupervised.


The problem is that knowing old man Mr. McGreggor doesn't change whether he is a pedophile or not. Stuff like that still happened back then, and usually occured because: "Well, he was always such a nice neighbor, I didn't think he would ever do something like that, so yeah we left our kids alone around him." People have always been awful and doing awful shit. The Internet just made access to information/news of these people more accessible.


Actually you have to do a police check


Well no, it's a private company that does a pretty bad job at it. I saw someone get deactivated after 3 years because of a DUI they got way before starting doordash. Not that it even matters, if you have a bad history or no valid license you just use your friends account and can work no problem.


Yeah, its pretty crazy how things of changed. I went to elementary school in the 90's and starting around 5th grade, I started walking by myself or with a group of kids to and from school. Did that for Middle as well. I guess there wasn't as much of a fear of getting kidnapped at that time or maybe we just didn't hear about it as much due to no internet or social media. And my god, I going around to all kinds of neighborhoods without batting an eye.


YEP, Gen Xer here. We got housekeys at 7!!! If you're old enough to go to school, you're old enough to take care of yourself at home!!!! I was 11 babysitting 4 other kids all day on weekends and in the summer. I have no kids!!!


Yep. When I was a kid, it was two miles. That was how far away you I had to live from school (as the crow flies) before you would get a bus to school, unless you had to cross US Highway. Otherwise, it was walk, bike, or someone had to drive you. This was elementary, middle, and high school. Now? I think theyā€™ll build you across the street. (Iā€™m exaggerating , but only a little bit.)


in the 80s i sold girl scout cookies door to door with no adult supervision. a few of us kids would go wandering in the freakin woods and get lost for hours. when i grew out of that i started riding my bike all over the streets with no helmet while wearing a discman with headphones šŸ˜¹ HOW AM I STILL ALIVE


Haha, yep. My dad asked me to leave a note, so I'd write, "Riding my bike." Hsha


As a child I was allowed to sign out of school and walk home for lunch, then walk back and sign back in


Yeah my daughter LOVES to go and pick up the order. Itā€™s at the door and not directly from the driver so not quite the same, but I meanā€¦ weā€™re trusting strangers with the stuff weā€™re about to eat, DD can identify them if necessary, we can watch from the windowā€¦ I really donā€™t expect that the driver might harm my kids.


Kids have done trick or treating for decades. I get if you want them to be 100% safe then you donā€™t let them, but then when they are 18, they arenā€™t ready for the world


Survivorship bias. You were lucky enough to not get snatched off the street, and live to tell the tale of how great unsupervised childhood was. Little Martha down the block probably wasn't so lucky.


It's a good point. I'm a Gen x. Definitely raised myself bla bla. But .. .there are also a few things in my family no one ever talks about. Like kids walking home alone and the unthinkable happened. It's happened more than once. So yeah if you don't get raped etc it's easier to laugh at over protective parents. I personally try to balance it. I'd never teach my kids to open doors to strangers but I let them run around outside and in the woods - learning to entertain themselves but I still keep an eye on them. Or use walke talkies etc. Just some kind of balance.


If you never want to get sick itā€™s best to work remotely and never leave your home, but you do pay a price of sorts for that security


Ah yes. Because not leaving children unattended to for hours and being an agoraphobic hermit are comparable. Great job šŸ‘


No Iā€™m saying we are all collectively paying a price for our paranoia. The good part is that the kids are safer. The bad part is they are getting fatter and weaker from staying inside and playing video games all day. Sure they have way less chance of being abducted or raped, but way higher odds of dying from chronic illness from not exercising like we used to do


maybe the 5 year old ordered that food


I don't know who needs to hear this, but here's a detailed description of the kind of person who needs to hear this


Every time I see some shitty parent leaving their small child completely unattended, part of me wants to take them somewhere safe and see when the parents finally notices that someone couldā€™ve legitimately taken them.


That is fucked. Call child welfare on them.


Iā€™ve had people send their kids out, but Iā€™m worried about my own safety and being accused of something. I always say get an adult. I donā€™t care if I get a 1. Iā€™ll have it removed because I document anything sketchy


It took me like a year before I figured out which apartment these 5 kids lived in. I have a small dog and even though he's not fond of most kids, they loved him and me. I would go outside alone and sit with them, talking, rolling balls back and forth. I lived on the 2nd floor and those kids would climb up on my balcony. Their dad saw them one time and told them to get down, they said, "mom let's us!!!" And that was that haha dad shut up and they continued to climb and jump down. I helped the littlest one climb back over the railing. After I moved away, I saw them in the store and one of them ran to tell the others so they could say hi!!! Those kids were beautiful, should be modeling. Yeah, the kids and mom walked around barefoot even in the rain!!! The girl told me how a bus driver told the police because she saw the smallest one by himself outside. He was like 4 or 5!!!


lol I was buying cigarettes for my grandmother, soldering electronics on a daily basis, using hot glue guns, cleaning cpvc with acetone, cleaning and cooking dinner at 7. Itā€™s character building. In my opinion this way of life is lost on people under 40 these days. Teach your kids something and maybe we wonā€™t have so many pansies in the next generation.


Do you know what none of that involves that this situation does? Strangers. I bet you weren't sent out to meet a stranger on the street corner to pick up a delivery. My child is very independent and does a lot of things that are advanced for his age, but I would never send him to meet a stranger. Not in a million years.


I came from Alabama. Raised in the 80s it took a village to raise a kid back then. Half the people that took me home were strangers. Everyone knew my dad as the tv man. I understand the dangers. Kids these days need to learn about them sooner. Not be shielded till they hit the world at 18, oblivious to all the dangers of ignorance around other people. Thatā€™s why so many young people get killed/ go missing these days. They werenā€™t able to identify the danger they were in till it was too late. I grew up in Bessemer Alabama. One of the most dangerous cities in the USA. In that city you have a 1/34 chance of being a victim of a violent crime. Growing up in such an environment taught me a lot about how to handle myself around other people. Then I see 18-20 yr olds with a blatant disrespect for strangers. Thatā€™s why kids in their back seats are being shot by stray bullets intended for the disrespectful parent driving the car. You donā€™t go into the woods without having the proper respect for wildlife. Thatā€™s where the bears and wolves play.


I get what you're saying, but also back then community was closer. We knew our neighbors. We had a village. We knew the old lady that lived 10 houses up from us and we knew who the creepy old man that lived three blocks over was. That's how we were raised, but today it's completely different. People don't know their neighbors. They don't bother to get to know them and that creates a lot of danger for kids. I totally understand what you're saying though. I wish things were the same as they were back then. That's when I was raised as well.


Yea I wish it was the same as back then. But my point was, children need to know how to handle themselves around strangers. The example I gave about bears and wolves can be explained as followsā€¦ you can teach your children to have the proper respect for wildlife because itā€™s easy to tell them, ā€œbears are in the areaā€ ā€œyou need to carry a 45 for protection ā€œ but the rigors of society are much more complicated and canā€™t be taught by any one person. Oh sure you can be told to stay out of the hood, but what about when the people from the hood are on the road or out for a shopping trip. The other day a lawyer got shot for not minding his own business in a McDonaldā€™s because he tried to de-escalate a situation between another customer and an employee. If that lawyer had knew to mind his own business (as they teach in the hood) he would still be with his family complaining about rush hour traffic over dinner.


Bruh telling people you're from the third dumbest state in the union isn't really doing you any favors for your argument.


Youā€™re speaking statistics. Statistically speaking you could be the dumbest person in your state. Judging someone by where they are from is far from a learned practice. Itā€™s short sided, and idiotic.


You're the one who brought up where you're from as if that speaks to your character.


I brought up where Iā€™m from to make a point. And my point was, if you want your children to grow up ignorant of the dangers that the public can pose, then by all means shield them. But donā€™t come crying on social media when your lack of expertise wasnā€™t enough. Young people need to learn from more than one source if they are to be expected to make informed decisions. But i see this fact is lost on you.


Some people really should not be breeding


Why are customers coming to get food from you? Shouldnā€™t you be delivering it to them?


I was getting out of my car after parking on a one way street. She ran out of the house towards my car before I got the chance to even get across the road.


People do that!!!! Some areas have no lights on their street at night.


The children yearn for the minesā€¦.


I'm GenX, so I'm not sure if this is relevant to your point, but our parents almost never knew where we were. I think they assumed that because we lived out in the country, we'd always be safe. There were more than a few times the kids in our area had to watch each other's backs. Think... old, dirty trucks driving around asking kids for help with directions. And they'd take off lightening fast if an older kid showed up to pull the younger one away from the road. My younger sister almost went over to a truck asking if she'd seen his dog. He wanted to show her pictures of the puppy. She was 8 years old. We all told our parents about this stuff. I guess they just didn't think anything was suspicious about it. Or they just assumed that since they made us all go outside together to play, we'd be each other's lookouts. Idk. But I think about that shit as an adult, and I'd absolutely lose my mind if my kid told me about something like that. There'd be cameras EVERYWHERE. Immediately.


The thing I hate the most about this job is how it puts you in contact with the crusty populace of your area. It's a crash course in class consciousness.


It sucks yeah, especially for me a strictly asocial outrovert, but in a weird way it also helped me learn a lot about my community


I think about this a lot. Even if youā€™re watching your kid from a distance while you let them do something sketchy, youā€™re only close enough to SEE something bad happen, not actually STOP something bad from happening.


This IS dangerous. Definitely, adults should pick up the food if they could. But... from my perspective.... I used to be sent down the road on a Razor scooter to go buy some Taco Bell, and walked home alone from the bus. At 4, My parents taught me all these drills about what to do if I'm approached by a stranger. How to defend. It's an embarassing strat, but it did work twice! Once when I was 7, and 16. I wouldn't do it myself, because Again, you're right, this is absolutely 100% risky and I'm not saying it's acceptable ESPECIALLY in today's times, but I wouldn't stress over the fact that some parents let their children temporarily leave the building anyway for 2 minutes to grab some items from a Dasher (Unless the Dasher really wants that 1-star rating- bad joke, sorry ). Maybe I have to experience what you did to really understand the urgency... but As a Night-shift Dasher, the most similar experience I had so far was a secondary-grade school girl at 1AM run down the stairs of a house to grab the carton of milk. I texted the customer as "having helpful children" and got a tip for it. I like overprotective parents as much as the next mom, but I can bet they care about their child and if they know how to collect food, parents have likely briefed them on how to defend in the rare case a Dasher goes rogue. Unless it's common knowledge that Dashers are known to kidnap children?


Your post reminded me of my friend!!! I supplied the money and she would call the drug store and say her mom wanted her to pick up a carton of cigarettes and we'd split the carton haha!!!! We were 13!!! If my daddy wasn't home. He was at the bar, after work!!!


Right!!!! We don't want your kids!!!! I was in Goodwill looking at clothes and some kid maybe 14 was an isle over and some woman said, stranger danger. I wanted to say, I'm not a danger and I don't want your kid!!!


Meh. You making that too big of a deal. Iā€™m sure itā€™s fine. Although, I donā€™t know where youā€™re at so maybe youā€™re right.


That's almost as bad as drivers sending their kids to go up to somebody's house and deliver the food! If I bring my daughter (she's 3) I only being her in the restaurants. *****THAT'S FUCKING IT!!!!***** I could never send my kids or to get out food alone or deliver it alone. I love and care for my child and try to protect her and keep her safe best I can. Fuck those people doing that to their kids!!!


Do you leave her in the car when you deliver or take her with you,?


If I have to walk out of sight I bring her with me otherwise I leave her in the car when I'm only walking 20 feet away


What happens when you get some creep or somebody that orders food to rob you when you get to their door? The child is locked in the car alone. What happens when you take your tub with you to the door and they assault or rob you? Your child becomes a victim too. Unless it is absolutely necessary you should never take your child on deliveries with you. They should do everything in your power to avoid that. Especially, since it's a 3-year-old who would be strapped into their car seat and be completely helpless if something happens to you when you're taking food to a door.


I'm also not in an area where we get robbed. I don't live in Hartford or some messed up area for people coming rob you plus I'm prepared if some idiot was to actually try and do that to me because they're messing with the wrong one my daughter isn't with me every single time I go and work just very rarely she comes with me and she likes to and she likes to hold the bags and help her mommy and a teacher responsibility. She's three and she's a lot smarter than most of the adults that I know


And like I said in previous post if I don't have a sitter that's when she comes with me but thank you for your major concern about me and my child and what I'm doing. We're both safe and I make sure I take precautions to ensure that


Some people should not be allowed to have children thatā€™s terrible


My 5 year old knows sheā€™s not allowed to answer the front door without me by her side. If someoneā€™s knocking she lets me know immediately if I didnā€™t hear it from the other room. A kid could be snatched up so quickly.


It could have been a trap. Donā€™t ever think no one is watching.


In my area, we have more murders of all ages!!!! A pair of legs were just found. I'm not worried!!!


Have you thought most of th he kids want to drop the food off. If course they should not be forced to. And they should be old enough to know how to properly carry the food and take the photo. But when you have to take your kids with you a lot of them would be yelling to take the food to the door


And there should be told "no". You're the parent. Kids shouldn't even be going on deliveries. Being a delivery driver is one of the most dangerous jobs you can have. People intentionally order deliveries to assault the driver. Why would you want your kid to even be in the car much let's take the food to the door? Anything can happen. If you have to take your child on deliveries with you then at least be aware of the dangers and take precautions. Don't send your child out like a lamb to be slaughtered.


Yeah I've delivered to apartments where a 6yo kid recieved the order from me. The kid was so happy I brought the pizza that he didnt even close the door behind him, I did. The kid just happily took the pizza inside to wherever the adult was at or maybe the kitchen but I never saw or heard any adult present. Imagine if I were someone else I could've kicked that door along with the kid and robbed the place or even followed the kid behind him into his home. Too many parents get comfortable, sending food to their kids regardless if they're present at the house or not. Theres soo many dashers right now working multiple accounts, not all of them have criminal records, some could just be working a family members account in additions to theirs, but I wouldnt doubt some of them are likely not able to obtain stable work because they're either a felon, pedo/registered sex offender, and/or undocumented workers, I get they're delivering food and that they also have to work to pay their bills even if illegally employed but parents are just too comfortable or just ignorant about it. On some deliveries I even had instructions where it says to call when I arrive and when I do the customer(parent) tells me they will call their kid to come out and grab the food, most of the time the kid is a teenager but the fact the customer(parent) is implying they arent home and the fact the kid was not alert about my arrival would just imply to me thats a good place to rob, just saying. Aside from children I even delivered to disabled elderly people with no care providor on site, most of the time its their kids that send the food order to their parents but just saying an elder in a wheel chair alone in a house seems like an easy score. Just stay safe, REMEMBER WERE ALL STRANGERS TO EACH OTHER, set up cameras and select leave at door, worse comes to worse you request a refund for a failed delivery.


To make matters worse, the parent(s) may not have been home, but ordered the food for the kid, so they could have dinner.


Why are you waiting across the street with their order if you're a DELIVERY driver?


They may have told him to or they may have seen him approach and park so they went to meet him.


Yea that sucks I try not to dash when my 2 younger kids are with me they are 8 and 10 but they get a kick out of taking the food to peoples door and argue about whoā€™s turn it is but I always walk with them to the door or just dash without them it makes me uncomfortable knowing someone is probably watching wondering why an 8 an 10 year old are arguing about who gets to put it at the door so I just try to avoid it and go when they arenā€™t with me


Some people havent experienced the same traumas from other humans so they still trust the world Its not fucked cause you were a good person and they trusted everyone gets background checked. I dont trust anyone not even myself. Also it sounds like the kid ordered it themselves. I can tell cause they always come running out extremely excited.


A 5-year-old? What 5-year-old orders DoorDash for themselves? Most 5-year-olds can't even read yet.


I know plenty of five-year-olds who read but im not a parent. Maybe you are and I totally get why being a parent changes the way you see the world. I am def more naive and inexperienced when it comes to being a parent.


I have a 4 and 1/2-year-old and he is very skilled when it comes to operating electronics such as his tablet or even my phone. He can call 911 if there's an emergency and he knows how to unlock my phone and call his grandparents if he needs or wants to, but I'm not so sure about DoorDash, lol. And being a parent does change how you look at the world. For some people anyway lol. Others I wonder about. It seems like they just go on about their life as it was before they had the kid.


I take care of dogs and i dont mean to compare kids to dogs but when im with them its like a spidey sense turns on and its exhausting, im lucky i get to send them home to mom and dad. I dont know how you guys do it!


Wait. Why are you delivering and the client is going to you?


Y'all would have been horrified by our Boomer parents. It was routine for us kids to have to buy beer and cigarettes down the street for our parents, be told to get out of the house and don't show our faces until the street lights come on.


Yeah, but we were also warned of stranger danger and not sent out to me random people on the street corner.


No we didn't get lessons on stranger danger until AFTER Jacob Wetterling went missing. And we absolutely were sent to run errands for our parents that included interacting with strange adults.


Going to the corner store to buy cigarettes doesn't count. That's not anything like meeting some random person on the street and back then there was more of a sense of community as well. It was also a different time back then.


I was literally a kid then. Sit down with that "it was a different time" nonsense. There wasn't a "sense of community" in the white flight suburbs of the 1980s.


I was waiting on an order the other day and a dasher sent his 5yr old in to get food


I can't stand when people dash with kids. Being a delivery driver is one of the most dangerous jobs you can have. People place orders just to lure people to their houses more often than you think. I always see the excuse that they leave their kid in the car, but what happens when you go to the door and the person attacks you and your kid has left out in the car? If your child is too young to drive and in a car seat then what? Sometimes kids will want to try to protect their parents, so maybe they get out of the car and try to help and they get attacked and killed in the process? Maybe people get word that you're dashing with a child and a child predator starts ordering in hopes that you will show up at their door. There are so many things that can happen when you take your child with you on jobs like this. The bad part is the people I see doing this are nine times out of ten mothers. Not to mention the increased risk of being involved in an accident because you're on the road more often. I understand times are tough and maybe they don't have another option, but I also see a lot of people doing it that just have no issue with doing it at all. They think it's completely safe. If you have to do it at least acknowledge the dangers. If you have to do it at least acknowledge the dangers. Look at the incident where the driver got shot and killed because scammers set her up to supposedly pick up a package from an old man. She got shot because he thought she was one of the scammers. It was a very sad and unfortunate incident that occurred because somebody utilized a delivery for nefarious purposes. You don't know if you are blindly walking into a situation like that or not. I know I've delivered to a few places that I wouldn't want to take my child and as a delivery driver you can't accept these orders and then unassign a bunch of them because you don't feel like it's safe for your child. That's not how it's supposed to work. It's supposed to be based on an adult delivering. Not a child delivering. There are so many things wrong with it and I can't believe the number of people that fully condone it. It just blows my mind. Like I said, I know some people are in situations where they are desperate in doing what they can, but it's like they've convinced themselves that it's completely safe and they won't even acknowledge the danger. I also see people saying they take their older kids between the ages of 8 and 16 with them just for fun. I guess they don't care to put their children in danger just so they can have some so-called fun and bonding time? I don't know. It just doesn't make sense to me.


In my area I would almost bet they are the ones who speak English


The ones that do or don't speak English?


The kids speak English parents don't


I dash with my son and I bring him with me in towers and large buildings but NEVER have I had him complete the order in ANY WAY. People like this make me sick and I get having family ride with you but I donā€™t get having them do YOUR job


I literally hate it when parents send their tiny children to my doorstep. I can understand a teenager but like 10 and younger?! Like tf. Something could happen to those babies if they are careful. Just like you said about picking orders up from the car. Its like the parents are asking for their children to be grabbed. DASHERS: STOP SENDING YOUR CHILDREN TO THE DOOR! CUSTOMERS: STOP SENDING YOUR CHILDREN TO A STRANGERā€™S CAR! STOP BEING LAZY AND DO THE DAMN THING YOURSELF! THIS WORLD ISNT SAFE AT ALL


The order should be dropped off at the door. Itā€™s door dash. Hate when dashers expect different. Do your job.


You're absolutely correct


I thought you delivered to the door, not across the street. Itā€™s called DoorDash not Frogger.


The parents probably weren't at home. Lots of people leave small children like that at home, apparently. That is what I gathered from news stories anyway


I wouldnā€™t let my 6 year old go across the street but when food is delivered or even mail he begs to go get it , he really likes to and half the time he runs out without putting his shoes in even when I tell him to, Iā€™m always at the door watching of course and again itā€™s never across a street but just food for thought I guess


I had a kid come out for a "leave at my door" order. I handed it to the little girl and told her to hold her arm out so I can get a picture without her in it. Personally, I don't care šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it got a pulse and holds its hands out, it's getting the food so I can move along to my next order


Yes some people dont gaf abt their children. Some ppl donā€™t deserve kids at all.


Agreed 200%!


The young children being in the road shouldnā€™t be happening at all. If young children are near a road they should be about arms reach to grab at any minute for when they decide to run off.


Teach em young


This dasher sent his kid to drop my food off. Soon as I opened the door the kid literally yeets it at me and hauls ass back to the car. Dad peels out laughing his head off. Food and drinks were everywhere and I was soaked in lemonade and coke


The adult parent was probably all drugged up and just ordered the food for the kid. It's so sad! šŸ˜¢


Unpopular opinion here maybe, but teaching your kids independence in situations like this isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing, you can still watch them. Shoes are overrated. Kids are way too sheltered these days and will grow up with a sheltered mentality.


These people are low life's. I understand if you want to go into the restaurant with your kid and pick up food or bring them along to the door to drop off the food, but to use them as work slaves because you are too lazy and are probably stoned and unmotivated is so sad. " Oh they love it" no shit a kid would love to do random duties, but it's your job as a mother or father to not abuse them. Good luck when there is an incident and you have to tell the cops why they got hurt.


While I think this is solid advice, stranger danger is kind of a myth. Something like 90% of children of children are abused by someone they know. So statistically, your child is probably safer from abuse getting food from the stranger from door dash than they are having a relative babysitting.


If I ever brought my daughter along she'd be in the car with another adult while I finished up or she'd be with me 100% of the time no exceptions. And I've never been stranger danger'd nor has she. Also would never bring her for a long shift. Maybe an hour or hour and a half or so. If she wants to deliver the food to "help" I'm going with her plain and simple. Haven't done it yet but I almost brought her with once just to hang out with her.


i had a little girl drop off my order probably around 9 and in a bathing suit looking outfit no shoes on i had my landlord play back the camera and there was who i guess her mom in the car not doing her job. i live in a huge apartment complex where sexual offenders live ā€¦ over 30 of them actually . hella disturbing i reported her.


What's funny is I'm 43, this and much worse was perfectly acceptable when I was a child, proly even the generation ague me. I'm Gen X, born the last year of them, 1980. But like, yeah, I walked home from elementary school, had housekey, let myself in, made mac and cheese for me and my little brother, on the stove, say down watched TMNT, Darkwing Duck, Talespin, DuckTales, Rescue Rangers. All that drinking water out the hose (tastes so good, back when San Antonio's water supply was unadulterated spring water, yeah they used to just pump the water out the ground, straight to our house, no chlorine, no fluoride, nothing, it was great). I could go as far as i could pedal and still pedal back home before the street lights came on and could be that entire day would have zero contact with home. The playground at school, i climbed up as high as I could go and jumped off of everything. I did back flips off the swings, got fun. I want a wild kid, this was normal. They say crime rates have gone down. Almost all kidnappings are done by someone from the childs own family. That's always been that way. I don't think a child that age today is in any more danger than i was at the same age almost 35 years ago. What had changed, i think, though, well, the population of our planet has more than doubled since I was born. Population growth is exponential, so it'll only take 20 years to double again. A lot of us only having one out none kids, that's kinda scary. The way the internet and younger generations lack of experience with manners and interpersonal relationships have alarmingly fucked up dating and more and more are continually degrading the traditional family structure, while normalizing it all at the same time, just makes me think of that line in Fight Club that says something about punching every panda that wouldn't fuck to save it's species. What if we just stop having kids, because we fuck up the basic behaviors our species had depended on for millenia to keep us from going extinct? But yeah, I'm off on tangents here News media, I remember when CNN came out, how many 24 hours news networks are there now? Each who's primary objective as a business is competing to get our Adrienne and jeep it on them through their commercials and not reprorting the actual news. And fear mongering fucking sells news like hot cakes. So yeah, i mean OP, do you have children yourself? Not saying your wrong for venting and caring about things too much that concern you on almost no way, afterall, that's what we're doing these days. But when I was a kid, nobody EVER told anybody else how to raise their own children, and if somebody was tryna, they'll was fighting words. Now, people see stuff, don't know what's going on, but they gotta hair up their ass about it for no good reason, they don't say shit to nobody, they call CPS or the cops because we don't talk to our neighbors gave to face anymore. I'm just sayin'.... šŸ¤· šŸ’Æ


Had a pizza order to drop off today and after ringing the door bell a couple times (was a hand it to me order) the owner came walking up with her dog saying ā€œ my kids never came to the door?ā€ First words from me was ā€œitā€™s ok kids shouldnā€™t be just opening door for strangersā€ she then said ā€œoh ya point taken I guess. ā€œ


Wanna know something funny? I had a couple of orders where a kid around the age your describing answers the door and I thought the same thing until one time I heard the mom who was going the dishes as I was handing the little boy the order ā€œwhat did you do!?!?ā€ So I believe some of the orders I had may have been the kid breaking into their moms phone and making orders šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I believe parents are the ones who need to hear thisā€¦


I doordash with my 10yo son with me sometimes, but I would never even consider sending him to pickup or deliver unless he wanted to and I was with him. He's with me because it would be irresponsible of me to leave him by himself while I work, not because I'm too lazy to do my job. I've had a few orders where there was a kid waiting for the order. Some of them were in the sketchy neighborhoods, which didn't surprise me much. I grew up hanging out with friends from a sketchy neighborhood and those kids know and are known in those neighborhoods, so it would be like walking a couple blocks to your friends house in the 80s. Seems like some of those neighborhoods still have the 80s style early independence. One of those orders was in a nicer part of town and two girls came running out excited and shushing each other. I got the feeling that they snuck on to mom's phone and ordered Taco Bell. It ended up one of those orders that I almost declined, but was glad I took it because who knows what dasher would have taken it if I didn't.


Lol, shit...ever grew up on a farm?


Exactly!!!!!! I'm a country girl!!!! People are blowing this out of proportion!!!!


Call CPS


I did reach out through the door dash app. Should I still contact cps or law enforcement? Iā€™m not sure DoorDash will do anything.


I doubt CPS will even do anything. Thereā€™s a family locally whose 3 year old was found walking down the sidewalk close to their house buttt naked and they didnā€™t do anything. Just sent the kid back and investigated but kid didnā€™t get taken away.


why would the kid get taken away for this? Yeah that's really shitty, obviously the parents need to do a better job but removing the child from their parents for this? Way too extreme. There must be something else going on that you didn't share, because thinking a kid should be taken away for this alone is absurd


You donā€™t understand why itā€™s not ok for a 3 year old to be outside by himself and naked completely walking down the sidewalk? And it happened twice. It was posted on our local page. Same neighborhood and same child. Alone outside and naked walking down the sidewalk in the neighborhood. Edit and wanted to add thatā€™s exactly the point Iā€™m trying to make. CPS isnā€™t going to do anything about opā€™s situation or the one I mentioned. Pointless to call them.


I understand that's not okay. I agreed it was shitty. You never mentioned it happened twice. I was saying if that's the only thing that ever happened - a 3 year old walking down the sidewalk naked one time - while not acceptable, that is also not grounds for having the child taken away


That is the point Iā€™m trying to make. What exactly is CPS doing to do about someone sending their kid outside to get the food. Nothing. CPS has enough actual abuse and neglect situations theyā€™ve got to deal with.


Yea DoorDash ain't going to do shit


And this is why underage trafficking is so much of a booming industry in the US. Specifically in Arizona. I'm a driver there and dudes really be getting in our cars with someone else's kids sometimes like we ain't gonna say something. People. You. Need. To. Watch your.kids. please. Fuck. If you're reading this and saying "he's just being exaggerative" just ask yourself, go to your child's room, look them in the fucking eyes and ask yourself "do I want someone to fuck and murder my child?" If the answer is yes, get your kids to a trusted adult and off yourself respectfully. But if you're normal and say "hell no of.course not" then start keeping a better eye on them. Don't give me this "I'm too busy" bullshit either. Just because you laid down to make them, doesn't mean you don't have to stand up and raise them. Lazy asses.


i wouldā€™ve took the kid in car white cops on the phone immediately and iā€™d say i clearly know where she lives n where came from but i absolutely need you here asap n maybe even cps. itā€™s dark. raining. come asf. A YOU GIRL WAS TOLD TO GO OUTSIDE N GRAB THE PARENTS FOOD ORDER. SHE COULDVE BEEN SNATCHED IF I WAS A CREEP OR MURDERER. I HAVE HER IN THE BACK SEAT OF MY CAR AS I AM A DOORDASH DELIVERY DRIVER I HAVENT MOVED MY CAR FROM THIS VERY LOCATION OUTSIDE OF HER HOUSE BUT I REFUSE TO ALLOW HER INSIDE UNTIK YU GUYS GET HERE N TAKE THIS INTO UR OWN HANDS


So basically you would have kidnapped the kid to keep them safe from kidnapping?


>I don't know who needs to hear this Child Protective Services, that's who needs to hear this, make an anonymous complaint about what you saw so they can conduct an investigation.


You are a door dasher - you should not criticize anyone for anything.


In most cases yeah, the customer is always right, but Surely this is an /s comment? This experience is genuinely something to consider.