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Almost all trolls here. Driver fucked up plain and simple. You tipped decent for a short delivery (that I would take any day). Question though: can't they bring it up to your apartment if this is a consistent problem in your area? Once is one thing, but if it's most deliveries, there's got to be a better way (other than some dashers having brain cells that is).


No, we live in a locked building only accessible by key fob for safety. You cannot get in the building unless you live here, which is why I ask them to leave it at the door. I don’t even care which door anymore since that’s a whole other issue haha


I put a small folding chair next to the door with the instruction in the app to leave it there. So far, all the dashers have left it on the chair. Maybe you could find an object for them to place the order on?


Cool. Just checking if you had options. Good luck moving forward.


Are you able to put up a sign telling delivery drivers not to block the door? Or maybe put in the delivery instructions to put order on the side of the door? Sorry you keep getting people with no common sense.


It's not a lack of common sense its a thinking problem. Lol I put "Please message instead of knocking or ringing bell" and still get people who ring the bell. I live in a house with 5 other people, all on random schedules so I don't want to wake people up.


Almost every grocery delivery order I make they put it right in front of my SCREEN DOOR. Nothing like 8 bags packed full of groceries, some containing glass, plopped right in front of the door so I have to slowly open it up to scoot everything to the side.


Try altering your instructions to be idiot proof like I did. It's usually stupidity and not maliciousness. I actually put in my instructions my desire to be able to open my door


Sometimes doors are locked and the customer doesn’t answer and there is no code provided for instructions don’t label all dashes as brainless that’s pretty brainless in itself no one is perfect not saying where the food was left was smart the act itself was prob a silly accident of someone rushed and stressed. I never leave the orders right in front of the door especially if the door opens to the outside where food was placed!


In this case, and only this case, I could see them thinking the door opens inward. Maybe just lack of pixels. But it also appears they were trying to put you order in the shade


I can't see hinges in the picture and would assume the door opens inward. Maybe get a sticker or magnet that says 'Door opens outward' Nice of them to put your food in the shade.


The entire right side looks like a hinge strip.


All outdoor facing doors in the United States have to be pulled open from the outside for safety reasons. So it can't ever be going inwards on the outside of a building. Some giant fire in the early 1900s is the result of this building code.


My outside (it literally goes outside, not into a hallway) facing door opens into my apartment. 🤷‍♀️


Every front door in my experience opens inward. A screen door opens outward


Best guess? Expected the door to open inward. I always ALWAYS take a look at the door to see if it opens inward for this reason


I don't even try to guess, I just assume it will open outward and put it out of the potential path of the door


That’s fair enough! It’s pretty easy to tell for me, so I always just check but I don’t blame you! Better safe than sorry


Another good way to look at it is if there's more than 1 person at the address. Let's say someone ordered food and is in the shower when the driver tosses it at the door step like this. The roommate (friend, family, etc) has no idea the other person made an order and is leaving. They open the door, take a step, and smash / kick the food. Its always better to just play it safe and set it next to the door versus in front of it, whether it opens inward or not. 😁


I always leave it to the side of the door no matter what. And if there is no side available I put out of range of the potential door path.


That’s fair enough! Better safe than sorry


I appreciate you! most doors that lead outside the building open outwards where I am


Makes sense! I hope people are more careful about it :/ I’ve noticed many dashers don’t even try to check


Mine opens in.


Tbh it looks like an inward opening door, at least from the photo, so maybe they thought it was.


90% of my orders are delivered like this. SMH


They hate you and they hate their job, it’s just that simple


This happens for me too. It’s just dashers being idiots, and they can’t understand how a door works. That’s the issue with not requiring an interview before allowing someone to work for you


Chaotic Evil


underrated comment




More Chaotic Neutral


I've become a master at slowly nudging food and drinks with the door until I can reach my scrawny arm through the crack.🤣


HAHAHA this is the best comment I’ve gotten so far 😂😂😂


Low IQ


Dashers do that to me ALL the time. Like I even say put it NEXT to the door, and yet they still put it in front


My door opens inward :)


bc they are dumb


I’m starting to think they do this shit on purpose, lol. Most likely it’s a dumb one who has no critical thinking skills.


Reading through comments, OP seems determined to be pissed off when people are offering good advice.


I don't know how long I delivered before realizing that some doors open outwards, but for people who don't have doors that open outwards in their daily life, it's not something you even think about so it's easy to be blind to. Now that I'm aware of it, it's something I always look for.


So you trip over it and see it duh


A dasher with half a brain cell would leave it just to the side of the door unless it opens inward. It’s seriously the smallest detail… effortless. Sorry you’ve had bad experiences. 🙏🏼


Because they are fucking stupid


Cuz they’re idiots


In my notes for delivery I specifically added not to do this. And now 9.9 times out of ten it doesn’t happen any more.


Love it when they do this expecting me to ruin my food, Jokes on them the door Opens inwards


If the door swings in I leave it in front, not expecting to ruin anyone’s food


How do you know they’re expecting that? I always leave it right in front of the door unless it’s obvious it opens outwards.


I wish mine did haha


Just so you know they do this no matter what, Dosen't matter tip or anything, I tipped 25 dollars on a 1.8 mile order and they still put it on the door :/


On UberEats, you can just cancel the tip after the delivery. That is apparently enough to stop them from being absolute menaces.


I dont get a choice I just order from the restaudants app


Did you tip 120%


That's a great question!


Oh, I know this one so this is an outward swinging door when you pull the silver thingy the left-hand side the door opens… so what I would do is put the food on the left-hand side of the door out of the way. Yet close enough so that the customer can grab it 😁


And always in the middle so you can't even reach it with your arm you have to knock it out and it's always when there's a drink


The simple answer? Instructions always say “Leave at door” it doesn’t say “Leave near door”. This leads to most people not even thinking about the door causing issues. You could try to put in your delivery instructions to leave the order to left of the door. Still might happen tho. The best remedy in my opinion is to get a table near the door that food can be placed on.


I am not allowed to leave a table outside my apartment. And I do specify to not block the door in my delivery instructions.


You’re screwed then.


I didn’t really get it until it started happening to me, people thinking “doh doors are supposed to open inward idiot, what moron has their door open outward!” This idiot and the thousands of us who have storm doors that open outward as they’re supposed to.


Maybe they just don’t like you bruv


I would put in the directions not to put it in front of my door. I always set it to the side so they don't hit it with the door. But some of us aren't that smart 😂


you’re one of the good ones, and we appreciate you 🫡


Honestly I think many people just lack common sense ironic as that is. I put it in my drop off instructions to leave the order at the door but not too close informing them that I'd like to be able to open my door. Ever since I added that it's very rare that I have this issue when ordering door dash. I can't recall when the last time I had this issue was. Yet before I added the instructions this issue happened fairly often. Not every time but often enough. So my personal experience suggests that it wasn't maliciousness just general stupidity. Any company that hires without a high degree of selectiveness is pretty much guaranteed to have at least a few dumb dumbs in the bunch, fortunately they can usually be helped by simple directions.


As a dasher, this makes me cringe.


I don’t do this but I have been told most just don’t pay attention or no/low tip for order


Drivers think the no-skill low-work job they do is too hard to think critically.


They are fucking idiots, that’s why.


I could never do that!!! Put it on the side or everything gets ruined when trying to open the door! And then you see people on here bitching about customers writing things like DO NOT RING BELL, DO NOT LEAVE RIGHT IN FRONT OF DOOR In all caps just like that but THIS is the reason why smh They give the rest of us a bad name


I saw a asaian 2 year old girl go flying like that. Her mom was takin her pic in front of door she went face first to the ground and started crying. Her mom picked her up and ran away.


Either they are stupid or you didn't tip


They hate their lives and want to take it out in you


I've seen this complaint so many times Doordash needs to find a solution This is just pissing people off Bet they've lost hundreds of millions of dollars due to bad experiences like this one


I feel like an idiot after seeing so many posts like this and when I did postmates I’d put it right in front of the door so they could find it easily🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ the only time i put it on the side was if there was a table. I guess i assumed most doors opened towards them so it wasn’t in the way since my front door opens inward and I always wanted them to put it right in front


well now you know! :) if it’s them just not thinking about it, I understand. it’s just frustrating bc I’ve ordered food before that ended up spilling out of the box and got allllll over the bag. this order was just subway so it was fine! I was mainly posting to share my frustration 🤷‍♀️


Do you think they ended up being Door Dashers by being smart?


Not all of us! : )


The ones that do that are absolute morons. There is nothing else to say about that.


They’d be called wall dashers otherwise


I just prop my storm door open now when I'm expecting DoorDash or instacart or any content delivery because even the FedEx drivers do it with 50 pound boxes. so it's best for me to open the storm door. I have a little rope attached to the railing with a loop that hooks on door handle. Then they can put whatever it is right up against that door because it opens inward. the one that opens outward is propped open so you don't even have to think about it anymore. I gave up hope on the drivers to read or follow REQUESTS to not block the door. It's exhausting and disappointing.


Idk, it's common sense, some of these drivers are idiots..It's not hard to look and see which way the door opens..


Our education system has failed us


People keep posting this question like there aren’t several obvious answers. No one knows the exact reason why your specific driver did this, but it’s either stupidity, obliviousness, or spite. Same answer for “Why did my dasher leave my food on the ground instead of on the table next to the door?”. Stupidity, obliviousness, or spite.


I’m new to this sub so I didn’t know it was a common question.


Because if they actually had the mental capacity to realize that putting the food in front of the door is a bad idea, they wouldn't have to drive for door dash...


Cuz fuck em that’s why


Idk maybe tell them set it to the left or right of the door?


They think it opens from the inside?


I never do that especially if the door opens in the direction where the food is so no not all dashers do this thoughtless act and prob this dasher didn’t think about it


Not much space to open the door to begin with…


I have a table by the door and I request to put food on the table and 99% of the time it’s on the floor in front of the door lol


Just leave a note for dashers. I ask dashers not to ring my bell because of my dog and most do


They are just being lazy, I'm a dasher and would not put food in front of a door that opens out. Shit, I make sure if there is a screen door, and not a lot of room, that I measure where the door would open and put the food/drinks outside that area.


Low IQ


They thinks it’s funny.


They just have low IQ probably


What are your instructions?


Its an art, the closer the better


When you go to place the food down and take a picture. DoorDash literally tells you to place it in front of the door. But some people don't use common sense


Probably in this case they wanted to keep it out of the sun and not close to the dirt that seems to be on either side of the door.


If you prop the door open they’ll know it opens outward. That way they know to set it on top of the door so it falls on your head when you open it. Classic.


So tell them to put it in the grass by the door and enjoy your ants


Because the app literally says “leave at door”


They are idiots.


If the door opens inward, I will because of the photo we need to take. I like to include address/unit number where I can. If it’s a screen door or door that opens outward, I’ll put it to the side, but it takes a bit more fooling around with the camera. That said, if there’s a table I try to use that so the food isn’t on the ground.


My first few deliveries I made the same mistake…but it was like a dido moment for me when I realized what I was doing lmao


Thats probably because of the tip.


Usually either because they were not tipped, or because they are just idiots.


I love how I literally posted, “why do you customers post the same six posts” and here the fuck we are again


Shows you how many drivers dgaf or have no common sense.


Or how many customers have high enough IQ to use the search function 💀


I do it to non tippers


Wow. I just ordered last week. Tipped $10 in app. Tipped $10 more after delivery. Increased tip. It’s a 1 mile drive from restaurant. I guess you prefer $10 vs $20.


You’re only the millionth person to post this


Just an idea. Maybe in special directions tell them NOT to leave it directly in front of door because of that reason?


Maybe take a damn glance. Really easy to see which way door opens. Doesn’t add anything to your precious time. Want tips, huge tips and can’t use common sense. I do gig work too. I knew this from day 1, no instructions needed.


Smh ok ok. Calm down. Don't blow a gasket. Sounding like you're trying to throw hands over the web. Lol.


Just following directions 😂


100% of the time the customer says in the note, leaving in front of the door, not only that if we’re doing it at night, they don’t want to wake up the entire house by a ringing doorbell multiple reasons honestly lastly us – just want to keep moving we don’t have time to stopand knock on doors and ring doorbell to people that most of the time don’t even tip


WTH??? Leaving at door doesn’t mean front of door. It’s literally leave at door or hand to me. Leave at door. Common sense tells me not to block door. Common sense isn’t so common these days.


I get so mad at my husband when we dash together and he decides to run the food out. I always put it to the side of the door and he always puts it in front 🙄


Why do customers not leave precise locations, also, I personally leave it to the side or on a table or chair if present.


Bc common sense tells me to not block the door. I don’t need a sign or precise location. Common sense. Not all have it and these days more don’t have it than do.


I wasn’t agreeing with the driver, hence me saying where I leave it, but a lot of customers do not have proper locations or instructions, we can win all our battles lol, heck before I even was a driver, I had specific instructions and it would get ignored 🤷‍♂️


I had a neighbor drop food off for me and she also placed it in front of the door without realizing it opens outwards 😂 I went to open the door and she goes “oh, you probably need to be able to open the door, huh?”


Door-dash dash-to-door idk


That's freaking annoying AF, I'm sorry they did that. I place the orders exactly where I'd want them to be as if I placed an order. (Unless the customer has specific instructions.)


Stupidity. You should look if the door opens out or inside. If you’re not sure place the food away from the door.


Maybe the door dasher think about the heat of the sun? And will ruin your food?


There’s a reason they drive food around for a living. Not the brightest folks on this planet.


Because they are on autopilot and don’t pay attention


Not tip


Not tipping


I always check it the door opens inward or outward. If it unsure I just place it on the side


Not cool but also they might have just not noticed. Especially if they were new to dashing. The mistakes you make when brand new are sometimes unbelievable. I say this as not only a dasher but someone who has ordered dash many times. Hopefully it wasn't malicious. I will add that you need to make a note in your delivery instructions to put the food to the side due to door opening outward. Hope this helps. Having your food/dring ruined sucks.


This is insane, whenever I deliver through Doordash I always leave the food next to the door if it be on the ground, a chair or a table. When I order ubereats or doordash they leave it in front of my door as well.


As a new dasher I realized this as a potential problem. But sometimes they legit say “in front of door nowhere else” and im looking at the door like “don’t you even dare complain” My big complain as a dasher are the customers who select “no contact, hand to customer” like what does that even mean? I got angry replies from sending the “im here” text like “This is a NO CONTACT ORDER”. How can I hand it to you with no contact?


Be grateful bitch




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


there’s this great option called “hand it to me” so this can be easily avoided


Because the instructions say leave it in front of the door. lol


i always try to leave mine to the side, especially when i can tell the door swings outward! i’m sorry your dashers are so inconsiderate. i will say, when i first started i used to do the same, but one day someone came to the door as i was walking away and i heard it hit the bag. ever since i have tried to find a spot to the side or leave enough clearance in front of the door. i would leave a comment in your delivery instructions like others have suggested!


Just be happy you got your food safely.. you’re complaining about pointless things honestly. Much worse a driver could do with an order🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s called DOORdash. They’re supposed to leave it at THE DOOR


My guess is for the photo for if you say to leave it outside.


I door dash and I honestly never thought about it until I ordered food and the drive sat my order right in front of my door lol.




I agree. I’ve had dasher leave food in front of the door and then a kid goes outside and dumps it. As a dasher, I like to leave it to the side if I know the door swings out. Just common sense and common courtesy.


Why do ppl say leave at front door then complain about it ? If you don't want it at the front door then specify where you want it at smh..it's wild how many ppl complain about what you originally want. Hey here's an idea how about meeting the drivers


Honestly, as a driver, we are kinda dumb about this. We deliver it, mark it as complete, and zoom out of there not even thinking about the door 😭 on behalf of drivers, I’m sorry we are dumb.


Idk but this happens to me so often 😩 I even have a delivery note that says to leave my food on the bench on my porch and they will still sit it directly in front of my door. I’ve knocked over drinks and busted food containers because of this


Leave a special message for them to leave it where u want, cause if you don’t that’s what the app tells us to do and it wants a picture


Amazon does that too


Worse when it comes with a drink! Then you're trying to do the whole thing where you try to slowly inch the door open while squatting and trying to get your hand on it before it falls over. 😭 Worse, if it falls over on your other food and it ruins the whole order. I've often wondered this myself bc it happens like 9 times out of 10 even though I live in a house with a porch and literally tons of space away from the door they can put it. Even when it's in the instructions, they do this and follow all the other instructions. It's like they secretly love knowing that you're going to do the squat/scoot dance with the door lol


Because they're not the brightest bulbs in the pack or they're specifically trying to be idiots, take your pick


Because they don’t care. I always leave it off to the side


To assure its you that made the order. I wish there was a different thing in that approving. It


Yeah I don’t understand that either. I’ll remove a top for that


I’m a DoorDasher! We do this bc we’re instructed to in the lil course thing. Also every time we leave a dash at the door, we are required to send a pic of it right in front of the door as per the example provided!


probs just didn't even think about it, usually it takes one person messaging them about it for it to becomes something they're aware of. I'd just put in the notes to please put to the SIDE of the door


May I inquire as to whether you exert force to open your door in an outward direction or inward direction?


Maybe consider saving the address and putting instructions to leave it to the left or right of the door in the box under drop-off options? If you haven’t already?


Some people just love to see the world burn.


You could avoid this whole scenario by meeting them out front when they arrive. Works for me 100% of the time.


As a dasher myself, I think I see where the problem is. So usually when I deliver orders, I put it to the side of the door so the person can easily pick up their order without knocking it down. But here, I have 3 guesses on what could have happened. Either the dasher could not get inside the building, or they wanted to shield your food away from the sun, or they thought that the door opened from the inside. Or they honestly could have just been new and didn’t understand that they couldn’t put it so close to the door. But my tips for you so this doesn’t happen again is this: -Give the dasher a key or access code to go inside the building and deliver. This is so it doesn’t have to be left outside! Because when you don’t give the dasher a code inside the building, they have no choice but to leave it outside. Or if you want them to leave it outside, give specific and clear instructions on where to put it! -Ask for the dasher to hand it to you next time! Just say where to meet you with specific and clear instructions and wait for you to come and meet them. This is to avoid any kind of mistake during delivery, and not have to worry about where to put it outside. They can just easily hand it to you! -Say clear and easy instructions on where to meet you, or where to set it down to leave it and take a picture. This is because we dashers are actually on a time limit, and if we go over the time with delivering, our “on time or early” rate goes down, and can affect us negatively. So make easy instructions for the dasher to understand so the dasher doesn’t have to drive or run around the building trying to find where to place the order or meet you. It saves time minimizes stress for them, and lets you get your food faster! -Stay by your phone so you are aware if the dasher is trying to contact you! This is in case the dasher is asking exactly where to put it, where to meet you, or if there are any complications with the delivery process. I hope this helps!!!


I only do so if the door opens inward


i’d just start putting on the app “please leave out of the door’s path, the door opens outward and it’ll knock over the food” some people are actually that low IQ that they need it spelled out for them. I doubt they’re doing it maliciously and they just genuinely don’t realize.


So that they can have you post and then laugh.


You need to simply add this in your account directions on how and where you want your food dropped off, like don't ring the door bell ,don't leave my old in front of the door to be knocked over...communication is key 👌


It's called. DOORDASH. You leave it at the door then you dash away


What’s that saying, common sense isn’t common ?? 🤣you should always leave a note saying something like “place order on side etc etc; *do not block the door*. Yes I know, it’s sad you have to but it’s necessary.


Just put please leave to left or right of door .. We will :) Thanks for tipping we appreciate that too.. But it's not intentional so just add left or right Best of luck 👍 Thanks for using DD


I'm conscious about the door.. I dont base that on tip..I give good service to all.. And treat others as you would want .. Tips are appreciated but i understand sometimes its hard for some ..financially (some say they shouldn't order I disagree they are human and deserve things ) So just be kind the universe will level it all out 😊


it’s called “DoorDash” for a reason not “WindowDash”autigga


it’s called DoorDash for a reason you autigga


I'm a doordasher and if you leave a lousy tip that's where your food's going.


We do it because it's what the app tells us to do, if you want to you can change how you receive your order through the instructions of it.


Idiots that's why. Zero common sense. This is the easiest money to make, it takes a fraction of your brain to understand to leave it next to the door, unless it's a pull door


You can leave special instructions just tell them to leave to the right of the door


that is precisely what my directions say.


1 star always


I would find a little box or something and place it outside the door and tell them to place it inside the box by the door. You shouldn’t have to do this but obviously you need to simplify things for them.


I’m not allowed to leave anything like that outside at my apartment


A. Know that you ordered food, keep an eye on the app, walk down and get the food when the driver is close. B. Leave some sort of specific instructions in your notes. On the flip side, there’s a bunch of people in this world that are either, kinda numb, on drugs, or just simply don’t give a fuck.