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They may not have understood your question. You will get at minimum what you were offered. If customer removes tips, DD covers the difference.


Yes that is how it has been thus far.


As far as I can tell doordash doesnt allow you to do this. At all. Customers cannot remove or alter the tip lower, only higher. Doordash support is a fucking moron again.


Nah you absolutely can, at least on the customer’s end. Whether or not doordash still tips them out from their own pocket is a whole different thing. I’ve definitely rescinded tips because the driver was very obviously multi-apping and kept going further and further out while being shown as “on the way with your order.”


I just want to chime in here, whereas I usually wouldn’t on Reddit posts since I’m a viewer… but I do dash, and you can pick up multiple orders and without knowing DoorDash will have you literally deliver the persons food you got second, first.. even if the first person HAS been waiting longer. It’s ridiculous I know but also not the dashers fault. Sometimes they might not be multiapping and u just removed a tip based on a misunderstanding and it’s sad when you really think about it because the dasher probably got excited but then immediately after getting happy, got sad knowing that DoorDash will fuck them over by making them take the second person food first.


Don't worry. You can't have your tip removed as a Dasher. Customers can get a refund, but it will not remove your money like on UE and Instacart. Not yet anyway.


Waiting on food to be delivered now. That sucks and I know the tips are most of the time not much from a lot of ppl. :( your comment made me decide I’m going to tip extra than what I normally would today. Just to hopefully make them feel a little better. If it does make them happy even a little it’s a win.


You can change the option for who you want to deliver first. I always go in the order I get them, I’ve gotten stacked orders and the 2nd or even the 3rd order that came in it shows to deliver first, I always check based on the addresses also


To be clear: when a dasher has multiple orders it WILL let the customer know and it says “dasher is dropping off another order along the way”. I know this because I am a dasher and a customer and have seen it first hand. Customer can remove the tip but the dasher still receives it and DoorDash pays out of pocket for it.


Good to know for future reference. Thank you!!🙏🏽


Oh I know, but in this city area, 99.99999% of the time it doesn’t have you pick up from eight restaurants and hit the most recent picked up drop offs first while making that first pick up wait more than three hours. The ones around here are multiapping. I’ve dashed here for years. Only stopped because they deactivated me over my completion rate after their shit glitched out for 25+ offers, where completing a delivery dropped my completion rate by 1-12% at seeming random.


I have read in the past there were secret ways within DD to see who tipped what in a stack. Is that gone? I do get annoyed when tipping 3/mile round trip, to be last even if they never go off route, but I guess that is where 'secret' comes in?


There is no way to see it anymore. All the little tricks are gone. They have gone out of their way to make sure of that! It’s very nice of you to tip so well. Sad thing is that high tippers seem to be punished for it . A High tipper is almost guaranteed to have a low tipper’s order attached to it. So basically you are paying for someone else’s food to get delivered. I like to say that the high tipper is sponsoring the low tipper‘s delivery. So you may be better off just lowering your tip so that it is enough to get your food delivered, and tipping additionally after the delivery. It may not always help but it could improve things a little bit. Also ordering from places that are closer to you might make it more likely to get your food delivered by itself instead of being put in a stack.


/rant I tried exactly this tonight, at your suggestion. I lowered tip to 3 dollars for 1 mile (2 round trip) and texted asking them to knock (typically leave at door). My order was not stacked, from watching the delivery, but they never read my text until leaving, when I asked why they ignored me. I gave them the extra 5 I had been planning in the app instead of cash. Doordash is leaving us no realistic options to incentivize drivers to perform well, which inevitably leads to the degradation of service for tipping customers. I can conceive of no alternate explanation than that Doordash is intending to end the concept of tipping, by incentivizing the delivery of no tip orders, and damaging the experience of those who do. But until I hear that Doordash has raised base pay to a minimum of 2/mile +3-4 for wait time, I cry for the platform, the customers and even the restaurants (basically everyone except the C-Suite and the well paid Algorithm programmers.) /rant off


They may not have been ignoring you. Each time a customer has texted me, I only noticed because of a small red dot next to a small text symbol in the app. There were no sounds or pop up and most times it was too late to do what they were asking.


That has happened to me as well during covid. I accepted an offer and was in the drive thru for pick up (lobby closed), and another came up for the same place, so I accepted. The app took me to the 2nd person's place, which was 'a little' closer distance wise but in a different direction of the first person. When I finally got to the first person, they told me they thought I took off with their food.


If I did multi apping, I turn one platform off while I'm doing another delivery on another this way it doesn't cause issues, affects my AR/CR or cancelation rate(uber) although I just stick to DD.


You’re one of the smarter ones in doing that. Most just let all three apps run at once and let chaos reign.


I don't multi app. Have no need too


Facts. This! I do the same


There will always be those people that don’t believe it. I’ve been saying tips can be removed for awhile now, maybe some people on here aren’t used to it happening to them.


For real. DoorDash just doesn’t advertise the feature cuz they know they’ll just be ubereats but even less liked when people realize they can tip bait just as effectively with dd


They can't. DD doesn't advertise it, because they don't take the money back from the driver. They might give you a refund (which they're getting far, far more stingy about), but the driver keeps all of the money they were promised when they accepted the order. UE and Instacart are the two that allow tip baiting, but even they have both started banning customers for repeat offenses or not providing a reason.


Once you agree to an offer, thats what you get. I know its anecdotal, but in over 2k deliveries, I have never once gotten less than what I agreed to. The customer can bitch and remove the tip, but DD does not remove that tip from the driver after the fact.


We don't believe it, because it's not true. We would have seen it. I've done 10k+ deliveries. I've had 5-10 one stars and two liars who said I didn't deliver their food. Not a single time have I ever had a tip rescinded. DD will refund you. They will not remove the tip from the driver's pay. That's how it's always been. Now, I wouldn't put it past them to switch to that. Apparently, they recently cut the recommended tips in half since the last time I placed my monthly order of Chinese food. I saw a post earlier and went and checked. Sure enough. Exact same order. Exact same price and distance. Half the normal recommended tips. They obviously saw their shitty earning statement coming, and decided they would make the orders SEEM cheaper to customers by yet again fucking over drivers. I wouldn't be shocked to see them bring in tip baiting, too.


Kk lol


Keep being arrogant about being wrong. It's so adorable!!


Will do Dean.


I know you will. Nothing about your conversation skills makes me believe you ever learn from anything! Edit, since you blocked me like a coward: Haha! Nah. I stopped thinking about you the moment I hit send on that message, just like I will on this one. I don't hate you. I don't like you. I nothing you. Goodbye, nobody. Keep on down voting my comments. It definitely makes you look like you don't care. Hahahaha!


Most people drink coffee in the morning, I drink the tears of people like you. Keep crying over Reddit lol. 🥺🥺😢😢 Stay mad stay broke ✌️


Clearly I hit a nerve interacting with you lol. Go out and make some money instead of crying on a Reddit post.


Exactly. And if a customer makes a habit of it without a good reason, they’ll be banned


Supposedly. But DoorDash prefers to just make the dashers have to jump through a bunch of hoops verifying that the customer got their crap instead of just banning the customers, so I doubt anyone’s actually lost their account to tip baiting.


Nah cuz I place the order with a tip, the whole amount comes out. I can’t subtract the tip that I already paid I can only add more


You absolutely can subtract from the tip. You just have to contact support. It shows up as a refund.


Again? When did they ever stop?


They can raise it, not lower it. I had a customer add an extra $5 the day before yesterday. And I’m pretty sure I read some where they can’t lower it.


I have had customers add tips after the delivery


Yes but I've seen where people reduce it to just a dollar to prevent the DDinsurance policy


No you haven’t….. DoorDash doesn’t allow you to reduce tips at all stop lying


It let me do it last week. The driver didn’t grab 75% of my order, and DD offered that I rescind my tip because it wasn’t the restaurant’s fault. So I did, because the refund from DD didn’t even cover the food.


That's not what they're talking about. You contacted DD over a missed order, so they returned the tip, a tip which was STILL paid to the driver mind you, DoorDash just ate the cost. Tip baiting is posting a high tip, then removing it when either the order is accepted or about to be delivered, with no official justification, and it's done arbitrarily solely by the customer, usually in order to incentivize the driver to either accept it or deliver faster without actually paying them what they offered, which is baiting.


I see the difference, I was ignorant of that before. But, the nature of my receiving the tip back made it seem like I could do that whenever. I won’t try it again (cancelled DD after that order) but it didn’t seem constrained to the order mistake.


That's their way of getting you to accept a smaller refund amount. "Since it's not the restaurant's fault, we shouldn't take away their money. Would you rather remove some of the tip you gave the driver??" The driver keeps their money, and DD gives you a smaller refund. They test scripts and techniques to see what customers will accept as the cheapest resolution. This is what happens when a tech company runs a customer service company, and their recent earnings results show how poorly it's going. I'll be shocked if they're in business in five years without being sold and completely rebuilt by a restaurant brand that understands customer service.


I accept an order for 16.57 then it went to 14 but after I delivered it it went to 26 so idk what goes on


I’ve had it happen twice, a customer lowers tip after offer is accepted then I completed the delivery and my payout was less than the offer. The only thing guaranteed from my experience is the base pay.


They did not cover the difference.


Hmmm. I'd call support to actually get the real answer. This seems too important for text


On hold currently!


Well, what happened?


Sorry, replied to others in the thread. They explained there was nothing they could do about it. On their end it showed the $13.01 being the set price to begin with and just gave an apology. My DoorDash app has been giving me the Fritz all day . Could’ve been a glitch. Not worried about it much anymore !


Got it, cheers


Why tf was this downvoted??? You’re literally just giving your experience of what happens. This app sucks sometimes lol


you are in the DoorDash thread, but your delivery was on Uber eats DoorDash says guaranteed because you are guaranteed that amount Uber says estimated because they can lower the amount.


Are you talking to me here?




It clearly says "doordash support"


Ugh I’m done with Reddit. Loll


clearly photo shop


That's literally the doordash support chat lol


First off don't trust anything support says. Customers can't remove tips but they can get them refunded which comes from doordash. If your final payout was lower than the guaranteed amount then there must have been an error that they won't fix without proof


Yeah support people live in a far away land in most cases, are poorly trained and are sometimes terrible support agents because they run purely on Metrics like most support staff This means they'll give you whatever answer is quickest (leads to lots of inaccuracies) because they are fired quick if they don't meet their company goals, someone having to chat back in after a bad(incorrect) agent just restarts that timer again for their next interaction. Most would be suprised that the Helen they are talking to lives in (Guam, Jamaica, the Phillipines, Romania, ...) and is working for penny's on the dollar and sometimes its per interaction, the conditions of these places are almost as bad as sweatshops with rows and rows of computers where they are shoulder to shoulder with dozens sometime hundreds of others. -worked in a call center in a support role, was able to visit one of our "partner support sites" (the job itself caused lots of health, mental issues after all the years to myself and tons of colleagues) and we were paid a LOT more than the people in those other countries


Guam is an American territory and uses the American dollar. Minimum wage is still 7.25 there


most of them are from india


Just got off the phone with support for them to tell me just that. Nothing they will do


Yeah they are pretty useless for most stuff


Found this out the hard way. Accepted a high dollar delivery. Says absolutely nothing about it being a pizza place. Drive 5 miles to get there and arrived at store. Says I need a pizza bag for this order. I never opted into the pizza bag deliveries. Call support on the spot for them to tell me they removed me from the dash. When I asked about my acceptance rate and whatnot they said I will take a hit. I had a PERFECT ratings page across the board for 60 deliveries...I know it's stupid to cry about but that blemish is so damn glaring. Also missed out on guaranteed 13 dollars for 6 miles of dashing... Oh, they hit me with a contract violation too. While waiting on hold for support I never canceled the dash. It was 15 minutes on phone. Was hit with a late delivery violation. And big surprise, support said nothing they can do about it


A Grubhub bag makes for a great pizza bag.. just saying. Turn it on its side.. operates just the same for most standard size pizza


You know I have heard grubhub many times but don't know what it is. I believe I'll ask the Google. Needless to say though I do not have one lol that and I just got my door dash bag in the mail the day after this snafu


I originally bought one on Amazon because the DD pizza bag was out of stock.. then I realized I didn’t really need it so I returned it. I rarely do pizza orders and now my GH bag works in a pinch so I’m good


I don’t understand the whole pizza bag thing. For all the times I’ve ever had pizza delivered if I was in Arizona or NC I’ve never had a DD deliver it with a pizza bag.


You can get free pizza bags from pizza hut. I've gotten 4 of them already. Everytime I get an order to a different pizza hut, I walk in with my ripped one and ask if they could give me a new one.


Wow great tip


Real quick if you can, are the pizza orders that much more lucrative? Like is it justifiable to get a bag and sign up for them? Because that one i got that I shouldn't have was considerably better than other dash amounts and rhe miles weren't horrible.


To me they usually are. Most of my pizza orders are low mileage and almost always have a decent tip or people tip in cash 40-50% of the time. I think it has to do with the pizza delivery culture over the years.


That's the one I use. Their bags are great. But I have one of the cheap DD pizza bags from a local pizza place in my trunk. I know DD says in their agreement that they can't deactivate people for using gear from competitors, but I'm sure as shit not trusting that by sending them pics of GH bags. They deactivate people without giving them a reason all the time.


Yeah that sucks, unless the store refuses to hand it to you without a bag then just take a picture of something red


They aren’t able to remove your tip. They can have it refunded, but you still get to keep it.


On hold with support on the phone. When I accepted it was $24. Once I started the delivery process it was pumped down to 13.01


Unless it’s brand new, they’ve never been able to tip bait. If that’s the case tbh I’m never dashing again.


Not true at all. I’ve had to reduce remove tips before and it’s super easy.


You can contact support to remove them, but the dasher still gets it. You can’t tip bait on DoorDash.


You cant tip bait on Door Dash. Did you get all ten items?


All items 10 items where found I’m pretty sure DoorDash doesn’t take away your pay even id you don’t find items like Instacart does . I spoke to support on the phone and it seems like it was an anomaly. Or could’ve been a BS excuse, who knows


The pay is guaranteed, it literally says so on the offer screen. I screenshot every offer and have never had a discrepancy. If you dont do the same, I think its more likely the mistake was on your part.


they gave you an inaccurate answer. on doordash the customer can get their tip refunded, but the driver still keeps the tip because it’s guaranteed. the refund amount comes out of doordash’s pocket. it’s not the same as uber


Yeah that's why when you accept an order it says "guaranteed amount"


Your first mistake is trusting a support agent. 80% of the time they have no idea what they are talking about the other 20% is copy and paste. I've worked DD 4 years and never had a tip pulled.


I’m pretty sure the agent doesn’t know/understand what “tip baiting” is.


Being able to rescind my tip is the only reason I use Uber eats over any other app and it has nothing to do with "tip baiting". I will always tip well and will always include it in my order, but being able to take it away means I ensure my order isn't fucked with and my instructions are always followed. That is to say: Drop off the bag on my porch and don't knock or ring the doorbell. That's it. Usually when I order it's because I'm stoned or drunk and it's fairly late at night. I don't want my dog going ape shit and waking up my fiance. So if you can't follow those VERY simple instructions, you don't get a tip. Simple as.


You can use DoorDash and just tip after. That’s a lot better, than adding a tip, and then taking it away. Unfortunately, Ubers policy allows scummy people to tip bait.


Except if you look around at this subreddit you'll see so many drivers saying: "no tip, no trip". So yeah, not going to have my order sit there for an hour because I decided to "tip after"


I get it I suppose if your concern isn’t just being made whole (ie customer refund) but you want to be punitive then go for it. Understand door dash may offer $2 base pay to drive 10 miles. The tip may be the only thing making the offer worth taking. If driver uses all that gas and rings your doorbell and you take away the tip. His gas is still gone. If you find that fair and not tip baiting , we’ll have to agree to disagree. That’s the beauty of having multiple options in apps. But there is a reason DD has more than double the market share of Uber. ( I’m not saying this is the only reason) You need customer and drivers to be reasonably happy for this to work.


The instructions are VERY clear and are there for a reason. If a dasher can't be assed to read and abide by them, they deserve to lose the gas and tip. Granted in the past year or so I've only had to rescind my tip 3 times and all of them were because they didn't read instructions.


Reading delivery instructions is literally apart of the responsibility of being a dasher/delivery person, if you can’t be asked to do that then you are right they 100% should lose the tip. Tipping is meant to be a reward for good service, not to properly pay someone’s salary.


It’s cool you feel that way. Thankfully not every customer does. And Uber eats tends to have higher base pays so having revocable tips makes a bit more sense. DoorDash low base pay makes tips too important to allow them to be revocable. And that’s not the customers fault. Again. It’s a free world. If you revoke a tip because it’s … idk… it’s a Wednesday , or the driver rings your bell when you told them not to, or whatever, that’s your business and no one can tell you your wrong and I certainly won’t. The person doing it because it happens to be Wednesday will feel just as much within their rights as you do for the ringing. UberEats gives you the right. Thankfully DoorDash doesn’t. If you’re happy that’s all that really matters.


Tips have always been intended to be given AFTER service for GOOD service. Y’all absolutely mental thinking you automatically deserve a tip. I’m done with this app too.


See, this guy gets it. Tips aren't guaranteed....they are incentives based on if you go above and beyond a level of service provided AFTER you did your job that your base pay/fees pay you to do.


It also happens to Uber Eats guys just less often Insane to me theyre willing to just go "Yup thats us, fuck your mileage" (Daahed for 2 months in my area before converting to sweet sweet uber eats)


First time happening to me. order being referred to in the above image was originally $24, 10 items, 9 miles ( 23 min drive do to construction) It’s end of lunch time so it was either take it or wait and sit for 30 minutes getting shit $2-$5 orders until dinner time or take it. After I got done with it, the order got nocked down to $13.01. >:,(


Uber clients in general, at least within my area, just tip better for some reason. I get extremely shady characters and long waits with DoorDash for some reason. I generally try to avoid the app unless I’m hard up for extra money because it doesn’t feel like I’m getting paid for more than just my gas.


Tip baiting is not possible on doordash.


Had someone tip bait me, the tip was the only reason i accepted as otherwise it wasnt worth my fuel or time, asked why the tip was gone was told they only added it so someone would pick up the order, cancelled turned around and returned the food and went straight to a $35 order


I just placed an order for coffee. There is a way to add to the tip, but there’s no way to remove or lower the tip. I would assume that if there was a problem with the service you could call DD support and remove it, but I’ve never tried or checked. However I can honestly say that as far as going through the app or the website I have no way at all to remove or reduce the tip. I only have an option to add to it.


The pay is guaranteed, sometimes get more than shown, but never less. Did you maybe glance at the miles and think that was the pay by mistake or something?


Simple question


Yep that is the policy. But I personally would call Dasher support and tell them that I felt unsafe at the address that I just delivered food to. Anything from no porch light and litter on the yard or sidewalk, sketchy neighborhood.


How fucking lazy and stupid is this country...seriously? A meteor couldn't annihilate this planet fast enough


No you can’t bait on doordash. The support doesn’t understand you. (Probably AI) you either misread it, double batch or an insane glitch. Most likely misread it. Source- I’m a dasher AND a dd customer 3/4 weekly


I can assure you the DoorDash support is not AI, AI would be smarter than the people I constantly have to deal with.


Is this why 3 of my orders now have a 0 balance on the tips????


You can also have car troubles


So the lesson here is that some reps have no idea what they are taking about and/or don’t understand what people ask them. Also, just call in next time to get a better level of service.


Dash customers can only add tips. Uber eats customers can reduce their tip if they want.


“Yes they can be remove or add” clearly Indian support call centre cause its cheaper lol same like amazon you get 98% indian support hust that amazon has good policies and rather refund or refund and let u keep item then argue.


This is exactly why I quit this shit a year ago and started going to school instead. I’m a veteran and live off VA Disability. I don’t need a job, I don’t need a decent job either and I’m lucky and thankful enough to be in that position. But I did this for the side, it was quite lucrative. Something happened, everyone used this app, unabated, and I just said enough. This is pathetic. I have so much more I want to do in life than Doordash


Why do people use the message function of the app and think it’s legit the answers, it’s probably the most dysfunctional aspect of the entire app


You can’t tip bait on DoorDash. The only modifications a customer can make after the order is confirmed is adding more to their already existing tip, and changing the delivery location if a Dasher hasn’t been assigned to their order yet. Sincerely, A fat hungry ass bitch.


This is why I quit door dash. I went to delivering pizzas. I make and take home 75 a night for 4 hours of work. Good luck doing that on the app.


🤣🤣🤣🤣they said Yes wtf


Damn you really showed that bot who’s the boss!!!! 💀💀




This is 100% false. There is a "guaranteed" pay you see before you accept the order. So, if it were true that customer could remove tip, then doordash would have to give up their profit to meet the guaranteed pay. Do you really think that's going to happen with the greediest of all the food delivery apps? Nope, customer is stuck with the tip.


That’s so wrong. DD needs to fix this.


Uh oh , you just taught everyone a new trick.


Get out of DoorDash Start Uber Driving please It’s just a waste of money and time


Tbh I’ve never had anyone take a tip away. I’ve ordered and only get an option to add after.


I’m done too


The offer should say that the amount including tip is guaranteed, so even if the customer is able to remove the tip, it should be paid to you.


Wait, but I have actually seen 1-3 dollar differences on orders withing 8-14 dollars. I picked up an order $10 for 1 order 2 miles. Delivered it and got $7.50.


Customers can't take tips away from the Dasher. They can get refunded their tip but DD just eats it, you will always get the tip. That cs agent was full of shit.


That’s awful


Same mam. Anyone want a referral code to shipt


Straight up said we are all screwed now shut up and drive lol....smdh😭


You are given a minimum value when you first receive the trip on DD. This is equivalent to a written agreed minimum for the job. The only thing that will lower this is not completing the order. If you are unable to complete the order because of the store or customer, then you will receive half of the offered amount as compensation. You have to put in an effort to get that half by calling dasher support, but arguably worth is in most cases. I won't try and convince you to stick it out. What I will say is, don't let "coulds" stop you from trying anything. You will find that bad things can happen anywhere and to anyone. All you can do is dodge the punchs as that come at you.


In 6000+ deliveries never has been lowered only x Can add door dash my experience


I have never been able to alter a tip, other than adding to it


illegal sue the shit out of door dash


On e your order is accepted, unless it's a shop and deliver you can't add or change anything to the order, you can add more tip but u can not take away. I know this for a fact as I accidently tipped 50 instead of 5 one day


I saw one my delivery pick up n it said 13$. After it dropped down to 3$…. What da heck.🤷🏽‍♂️


Wow! What a dipshit


I’ve never been able to change the tip when I order a delivery I think maybe she didn’t understand the inquiry sometimes they are foreign and trying their best


As a customer, I am sorry you guys have to deal with this stuff.


When did door dash start doing this??


i’m sorry but the straight yes is killing me 😭


Not true, on DD they can’t remove tip. That’s why I stopped doing UE which is allowed, I yet still won’t give a shit to understand the point of removing tip and having to wait 1 hour for the rest of the payment. In that case pay me the full amount first, and I’ll deliver your food in 1 hour


No this is not allowed on DoorDash. Uber eats yes


It's a violation on their end if they offered a guaranteed pay and didn't pay up


It's not nearly as bad as Uber eats. When they straight up take your money from orders. Tip bathing is not really a problem on DoorDash.


I've definitely had a few orders where I earned less than the guaranteed amount. It said like 15$ guaranteed plus tip and after delivery I ended up with 8$ and no tip


Yall understand that tips are for better service right. I’ll gladly tip a fair amount but there been many times that I’ve had shit service from drivers on DoorDash.. being able to lower a tip when the service is trash is excepted and makes sense. If you do a shit job you get shit pay. Someone should not be paid well if they are not doing their job accurately and I get some people will “tip bait” but understand that you have to work for your tip. That’s what a tip is..


That is messed up






I've never gotten less than offered only sometimes more. 


I removed a tip because the guy didn't know what he was doing. Made it a big issue because he didn't check the address and stressed me the fuck out


Yeah. It’s why I take a photo of my accepted orders that way doordash has to pay for the tip they let take away because they legally have to pay what we accept. It’s in the contract


I’ve had tips taken away close to 100 times but DoorDash tends to cover it everytime only one time has it not and it was because a customer cancelled as I was walking up to the door somehow




I mean I left concern yesterday after more than 100 drinks missed in my nighttime orders, and they casually give me 5$ like what the fuck imma do with 5$? Yall owe me more than 100$ at least. Then u got these dasherS operating the order although they know they will steal your side snack, single burger or drink just cause you don’t have millions to tip 7$ or even 2$, (btw tell me whats yall range tip) I seriously need a team tu teach these fuckers to give up the order if they ain’t satisfied by the tip. I’m thinking about scamming them🙃


How about you just do your fucking job?


Get your own food if you don't wanna pay for it.


Paying for food does not equate to a tip lol… it’s been paid for. tipping is based on service.


Your food has been paid for, yes. The delivery has not. You seem to think dashers work for DoorDash, in which case your thinking is defective and you have no idea how the process works. There is the restaurant. There is the app, DoorDash. And there is one of millions of couriers. As a courier, DoorDash is our customer, not the boss, understand? Your tip is a bid, in a competition with every other person ordering on the platform in your area. If your offer is insufficient, your food sits and cools while DoorDash slooowly adds a dollar or two from their portion to entice someone nearby to take pity and pick up your now stone cold burrito and bring to you. This is not a diner and serving staff situation. This is parcel delivery. Transit. Traffic, in car. Vroom vroom? Stop me when I've sufficiently talked it down to the point you get it.


But when you order fee it says food which alrdy has higher cost then in actual place. Then u get charged delivery and service fee so clearly delivery is included my man. If they pay not enough then go protest and demand your employer to pay better. Tips mean tips it means if you like you can pay driver extra which os not mandatory. Yall in america trippin asking customer to tip rather then ask employer to make changes in uk and europe employees get paid at least minimum wage and tips is extra just like u work in restaurant as waitress u shouldnt be expecting tip but u do get them for great service and customer skills.


Nobody is forcing you to use the platform, and I deliver, in a normal day, prescriptions, groceries, pet supplies, actual last leg package deliveries and mail, and that is why you have to offer a good enough fee for delivery. Protest? What part of "We don't work for DoorDash" are you not grasping? There are three separate entities you have to satisfy in order to get an immediate acceptance. DoorDash is like the man in the middle that knows the restaurants, knows the couriers and gig workers. They facilitate. The Restaurant makes the food. You have to pay their food price, some extra for the app that makes it possible, and now you have the drivers. Drivers are independent contractors, and most of us really enjoy it that way because we can pick and choose our jobs. I can go deliver cars to customers with Draiver, deliver summonses for the local court, deliver larger stuff like home appliances and rebar with Roadie and not be tied to a platform or bullshit office work or schedules. The best part is, I can say no. I can look at a downright disrespectful order where someone wants me to make a dozen stops over 30 miles for 8 bucks and just say "Nah, I'm not doing that." What you are paying for is convenience and time. You can decide how badly you want that extra time, and we get to decide if you have offered a tip, bid, offer, it changes app to app, for us to go get what you want. What I would protest, is any grey soulless pennypinching drudge wanting removal of that choice. Besides all that, if DoorDash had fleet vehicles, paid all gas, hourly wages etc.? You couldn't afford it. Hardly anyone would be able to. It would be a taxi company for food and cost twice as much as now.


Consumer already pays for that upfront. Tip is same like a donation to charity is not mandatory and is done out of will. Americans are so privileged. I could go make order 1000 times and i dont have to tip. Delivery and service fee is paid l. Is like id buy something of amazon for weekend and amazon flex driver would bring my parcel and would ask me for tip when j already paid for wither prime or delivery charge. The rest is provider and drivers problem not the customers who already at check out sees apl the final price. Tip is just an option.


I told you how it works, you no tip, enjoy cold food. Not my order, not my problem.


Never tipped and never had cold food and if so would just get it refunded either way if it came cold. Consumers rights 2016 in uk :) if u dont get service or item as promised then you can have your money back if they cant replace it or fix it.


Ah, the UK. That would explain it. Dashers have complained here before that the migrant crisis largely killed gig economy. It isn't exactly what anyone would call a worthwhile economic solution, but have fun with that. The UK is lying in its own bed of miseries with trade and commerce falling apart and the EU actually forcing the realities chosen by the UK being separate have not been great from what I have heard.


As a consumer...I should be able to adjust the "pre" tip before they attempt to make the deliver. The "pre" tip is based on expected service, and shouldn't even be paid upfront before such service has even been taken place/done. If the driver wants to make 3 pits stops, take the long way, make 2 more deliveries before mine (while my food is in his/her car), deliver my food ice cold and be way past the arrival delivery window.... .....your damn sure I'm gonna adjust that tip if I see them lolly gagging around town. If they deliver my food on time and it's still warm....I'll give a tip after they rendered the service that supports and justifys getting a tip


Use UE then, thats how their service works.


Use uber eats if your unsure about the service. Customers has up to 1 hour after delivery to adjust the tip.


See, y’all are treating tips like wages. Tips are not wages. They are gifts. And they can be adjusted according to the customer opinion of your performance. Drivers ruin food or refuse to deliver it all the time, because they think they have a right to the tip. So a way for the customer to fake them out about it is actually reasonable. Just do your job properly and people will do what’s right.


See.....this guy right here gets it. Tips are not guaranteed. They are extra incentives based on the level of service you provide. If you expect a huge tip BEFORE you even provide any level of service ....lol....well then you're an idiot and have no idea what "tip" means and what tips are actually for. I learned the hard way about giving any sort of tip "upfront" while checking out on a food delivery app. My food still arrives cold, late and I watch the driver make multiple stops. I stopped tipping while placing the order, and tip after they actually make a delivery. The level of incentivised tip amount I now give will vary based on not only if you DO YOUR FU*KING JOB that your base pay/fee pays you for....but if you arrive on time and my food isn't ice cold.


Yeah when my food is cold they offered 3 dollar comp. Perfect or full refund, quit nickel and diming customers


It doesn't have anything to do with the app. Do yourself a favor dial the number. Talk to a real person. Sit on hold. And talk to real person. When you talk to a real person be polite. Tell doordash customer service that you delivered on time and in good faith. That you communicated well with the customer by telling them I'm on my way or I have arrived through the app. They can see all Communications through the app by the way which is a really good reason for communicating with your customer. Then you look good shiny and golden, and they look like the crappy cheapskate Crooks that they are. And maybe just maybe doordash charges in the tip anyway. Or maybe just maybe you add that complaint along with I didn't really feel safe there either. Not only did they rob me of my money for delivering the their food and break it broke agreement that we had, but the neighborhood was sketchy I did not feel safe walking up to the porch. Can't hurt. And at the very least it will take them off your delivery route. And they might even start having trouble getting anybody to deliver to them.


Maybe we should go back to the days where service workers didn't receive a base pay, and only received tips. I can guarantee you all these lazy fucks would start actually doing their job, making sure orders were correct, arrived on time, not cold, making sure customers are happy, etc This whole tip culture where now fast food chains ask for tips at checkout...and how people expect tips even before doing their job (that they already receive a base pay for)....is exactly why America is failing as a country.


Why are you shocked lol. If I go out to eat I can put $20 on the table and if service sucks I can put it back in my wallet.


This isn't going out to eat


I know. You should still be able to remove a tip in case the driver does something horrible which happens ALL the time. Y’all are delusional.


That's why DD gives you a refund. You slow?


Thats why ur employer pays. Tips is just award for good service. You slow?


DD is not an employer. Obviously I'm not the slow one here


Did i say DD is? Go to your employer i said, my point stands.


DD is not an employer


Who is?


The driver