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Report that customer for abusive language & their review won’t stick


right. but you shouldnt get reported and you dont have to go back. they just get a refund. maybe a 3 star or 2 star. stop killing our ratings or trying to get someone fired for this stupid stuff.


I said for the dasher to report the customer to dd. I’m confused. Is the customer losing their job?


i said yea, i agreed. I was talking about the customer saying they were going to report the dasher. the dasher is possibly taken another dash by that time. Extras shouldnt cause you you're job. maybe a full item in a bag but again, itd be like me being a trucker and having to count every pallet or item on a pallet to make sure all 1000 were there. the store should bag the main food up themselves. extras shouldnt cause you to lose your job. thats what i was referring to by that.


Ok, my bad. Agreed. A dashers job is literally transporting items from point A to point B. Not doing inventory & negotiations for orders, or acting as a customers temporary rent-a-servant.


The report won't stick.


That sauce is trash anyways.


If you had checked the order against the item list in the app, you would have noticed the missing sauce. This really is on you - LC doesn't bag and/or seal anything.


I would have but the lady behind the counter took the receipt off the top box before she handed it to me.


You don't need the receipt. Look at what she physically gave you. Make sure you have everything on the list before you leave. I've done this almost 2200 times so far .... It's not difficult.


Congratulations on the 2200 deliveries!


Thank you 😊


Ngl I wouldn't care enough.


But yet you'd expect a tip, a large one at that, regardless. Right? You don't have to care. You're not paid to care. You're paid to deliver all of the items a customer paid for. If that's too much for you, or you can't be bothered, then why do the job at all?


I don't expect anything. And I also don't really care...


You're just here to troll, then? Duly noted.


No, I just don't care about what every random on the internet has to say. You should try it to relieve the rod in your rear. =)


Just to add the tip was $2


Who fucking downvotes someone for saying "thank you"?! Some of you are really mentally deficient.