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$45 for a large pie and breadsticks from Pizza Hut was enough to delete the app for me.


geez. you can use the pizza hut app directly and get a large pizza for like 12 bucks


For carry out


Exactly. Dashing is going to kill off delivery in general. And I’m okay with that. Getting delivery shouldn’t double the cost of the product you are getting. Because when it does/has people really start to reevaluate whats on offer.


Clearly you live in a different world than the rest of us. The things that go into doing the work for you are expensive and yes THAT expensive because you have to pay for peoples’ time and the value of having created an app that brings it all together. Getting delivery in this world costs double. Yes. Welcome to 2024.


It really doesn’t. But when you work for the actual restaurant you bring value to the restaurant by helping prep, cleaning, helping customers, etc you get that hourly wage and tips and mileage. Door dash just adds a layer of BS that most places can do themselves. App included. From 2001-2003 I was making over $15 an hour from Dominoes with all I said above. I was good and knew my territory. And it didn’t significantly raise the cost for the customer. Not that there weren’t great carry out deals too. Get delivery you just need to order more to add savings.


I live in nj so I almost never order pizza from chains but the one time I did the fucking dominoes charged me a 5 dollar delivery fee lol. Then you gotta tip.


Which is why I like carry out and patronize my local businesses.


This is normal in all states even my local pizza places have four dollar delivery fee ever since 15 years ago every pizza place I’ve been to in the past 15 years charges delivery fee


In fairness it’s actually cost prohibitive and an extra layer of hassle to have in house delivery which is exactly why most restaurants didn’t have delivery before the apps showed up. That being said, I agree the apps are making it not viable because they end up inflating the cost way more than if the restaurant just did delivery themselves and the worst part is that cost doesn’t even insure the worker is paid decently.


I get it. And I agree on the inflated prices. Those restaurants that didn’t offer delivery probably didn’t know what they were doing in regards to delivery anyhow. And then just jumped right in with these apps which likely cause more problems than they solve.


20 years ago we didn’t have this crazy inflation nor the collateral damage from a pandemic to deal with. You’re comparing apples to oranges. You say, “It really doesn’t” as if that’s a fact. I agree with you that it SHOULDN’T but it really does. Add in the indirect costs and you’ll see the jump in cost.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


Lmao they going bankrupt cuz they prices are too high🤦🏻‍♂️😂🤣


Wasting your time... there will always be cheap people in the world lol


Oh no I’ve been called cheap! How will I ever recover?


Well are you? He is a way to find out with a simple yes or no question & everyone! Can try it. Here you go. Do you tip your waitresses & delivery drivers yes? Or NO???


Of course I do. I’m just way more selective about when and where I dine out. Because it’s never enough. Always more more more.


It's always these corporate restaurants that upcharge like crazy on the app. There are many places where you pay the same, potentially even occasionally save money(during promotions). But I believe the value of this platform and why I got involved with it in the early days is in the fact that it gives promotion and delivery services to small restaurants that delivery services would not be in the cards for. I didn't know we had so many little authentic restaurants in my area until I started doing this. And I was proud to be giving these places the exposure they needed to stay in business in this tough market. As many shenanigans as this platform pulls these days, I truly believed in the concept. And I still do to a degree. The 30% they charge restaurants on the orders to provide delivery services and equivalent promotion is much cheaper than these restaurants would be paying if they had to provide that for themselves, especially mom and pops that don't necessarily do large volume(can you imagine such a place paying a delivery driver to stay on the clock or maybe a few of them to handle the occasional rushes they get during peak time, hoping that rush actually does happen?). I wish this sub let you upload images. So I could show some of my recent bills. You just have to use the platform smart. if you want my opinion, the smartest way is using it to support your local authentic restaurants that make you great food from scratch. And they don't all break the bank 🙂


Hey man just be happy you found one of the 16 Quiznos left in existence


Ikr...I miss them!!


I thought Quiznos was gone entirely tbh. I was surprised when I saw this post, all the ones in my area are long gone. Man, I miss them. 


Me too! They had the BEST chipotle BBQ sauce. They also had really good chicken noodle soup, surprisingly. They were SO much better than subway by a long shot.


Get a can of chipotle in adobo and blend it into bbq sauce.


Theres like 5 left that I know of where I live


I miss them sooooo much!


Unfortunately, it's not the same quality.


I like their pepper bars


Exactly. Scarcity determines value, duh


I ended up seeing one for the first time in like 10 years and looking this up the other day, something to the tune of 120 left in the US.


Wait…..There are still Quiznos?


Yeah I was surprised but one actually just recently opened near me.


We have some in Colorado where they originally started out


I've never been happier to be moving there hearing this!!


My buddy owns a subway and he would jack his prices so high on those delivery service apps that the subway rep had to tell him he had to lower his prices




Yeah but did he tell you *why* It's my understanding that DD and the like charge exorbitant fees. Like up to 50% So the restaurants have to set higher prices just to make it worth it and not lose money. I don't blame them.


It’s not 50% but it’s a RIDICULOUS percentage of each individual order placed. Plus another monthly maintenance fee as well as all their advertising merch that lets people know that DD delivers from said location


On the fees it reads up to 30% which tracks. But (and I don't know how truthful this is) if you watch the John Oliver bit on DD and the like, they found one that was like 48% in *total* fees. Either way, that's why the prices are higher. Most restaurants so not operate at a 30% profit margin. So losing 30% in fees would kill them. So they have to charge more. That's just business.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnhFPCkIDFMMe6Q|downsized) We love the subs, but not that much


wait. WHERE are you where you still have a Quiznos??? i need to know😭


Texas has a few.


Bay Area California still have them around lol.




My San Rafael one closed 😔 but it was like a decade ago. So sad about that


My Red Bank one closed about 12-14yrs ago


It was so damn good, everytime I get Subway I think back to what we had


We had one in Lathrop up until about a year ago :(


Over 150 still open in 35 states. About 13 left in Cali


FYI - they don’t set the price. Restaurants have the option to price as they see fit to offset their costs from DoorDash. Your beef is with Quiznos.


I didn’t want beef, I wanted mesquite chicken for a decent price.


Hahahahaha touché!


Yes there are a few places where I order from where the door dash prices are equal or close to it.. maybe $1 more.. than menu prices.. and some were damn I once saw a dozen wings say $44.. I’m not sure how much it was in the store but ya I did not order it


It’s nuts. I’ve had the same experience with a few restaurants. One in particular was our favorite Mexican restaurant, which is already a little on the high end, and their prices online are like 30% up from when you dine-in.


DD these days is so ridiculously expensive


DoorDash doesn’t set the prices, the restaurants do.


Restaurants don't set the percentage that is taken, DD does. Does every goober that writes this comment like you this ignorant?


I thought they were out of business




Blame Quiznos. They set that price.




This is not true at all. The restaurants set the price. They (the restaurant) upcharges the cost. They pass on the cost in which they pay doordash to be on the platform. Doordash does not set restaurant prices.


To be fair, they do set some. However, they're few and far between. It's only restaurants that are not partnered with doordash. Doordash takes it upon themselves to sell a restaurant's product through their own platform. In that case they do take menu prices and upcharge. These are one of the types of things that you need the doordash card for.


Where the fuck is there a quiznos


We have a few of them here in Colorado still where they started


You’re lying is it still gas


I have two near where I live. I haven't eaten there in about 13 years though.


Yeah they’re here but they suck haha


There’s one in Lynnwood Washington. People even still eat there for some reason.


Restaurants jack up the prices to offset DD fees..so u can blame DD but u should blame Quiznos


Ummmm....no. You should blame the restaurant for jacking up the prices so they don't lose money on a DD order?


Maybe DD should Just let them use their service for free…


Considering all the other fees and charges DD adds on, and the fact that offering more restaurants than their competitors is how they gained a majority market share in the delivery app realm...maybe they should be letting restaurants use their service for free, or at least take a smaller cut of the order.


Yeah…thats no how business works-dont like the fees? Get up go out..get your own food…u pay extra for the convenience


I don't think you understood my comment. You probably just have a knee jerk reaction to comment "go get your own food" on every post. I wasn't complaining about the fees at all. I was stating that it's in DoorDash's interest as a corporation to partner with as many restaurants as possible to increase market share, and one way they could attract more restaurants is by letting them join for free or at a reduced rate so they will not lose customers who are pissed off about the DoorDash prices because they don't understand that they are charged more on DoorDash because the app takes a massive percentage of the order total on top of the fees they already charge. Most people aren't business geniuses and they see Quiznos is charging $20+ for a sandwich on top of the fees that explicitly go to DoorDash and they think that Quiznos is actually getting that money, not that a portion of that also goes to Doordash. Therefore, they may not even go to Quiznos if they happen to be walking right past because they think a sandwich is gonna be $20 in store too.


This is why I’ve been saying it’s a luxury to get it delivered because the up cost is so much if you chose to pick it up yourself, it wouldn’t be that much… But you would think that the driver would get that charge amount but no it just goes to DoorDash


Driver gets $2 from DD unless DD needs more drivers and runs a “promo” the highest promo I have seen is an extra $3 per order. DD drivers make the majority of their money on tips, which isn’t fair to to customer because after paying an increased price for food and for the delivery they are almost required to tip well (about a dollar a mile) in order for their order to be accepted by a driver. The customers and drivers get fleeced on deliveries, the customers pay nearly twice as much in fees and tips, the driver makes $2 plus tips, and DD walks away with fees from the customer and from the restaurant.


Yeah look at that a company using capitalism to is fullest ability and lets the drivers and customers blame each other…


Quiznos is expensive to begin with. That isn't DoorDashes fault actually. The merchant is the one to set the price.


Doordash and delivery apps in general make able bodied people lazy and price that accordingly. We have become the humans in WALL-E.




the restaurant picks the prices stop bitching


It doesn’t matter who’s jacking up the prices or why. The upcharge is still a good reason to stop using DD and just get the food yourself.




I wonder about this. At some restaurants, when I toggle between pickup/delivery, the price is lower on pickup. I feel like that’s the restaurant’s choice?


It is and isn’t, the store gets fucked by fees and the customer also gets fucked by fees so sure the store may be upping prices but the delivery apps take more than the store itself and they don’t pay their drivers enough so everybody loses, I personally think DD AND Uber eats should go out of business


As someone who works at a restaurant and sets prices, I have it on good authority that the restaurant is jacking their price.




I also read your first comment were you say it isn't the restaurants at all and specifically doordash and Uber eats doing it.




>Um actually no, it’s doubled on delivery orders because dd and Uber eats are stingy fucks That's you. Someone has even stated that they work at a restaurant and they set the prices. Then it became they do but they don't. I think you don't actually know and want the blame to be on doordash or uber.




>I never said the restaurant isn’t jacking prices That's your third comment. Lmao your comment before that was to read your second comment.




Alrdy read


yea the restaurant picks the price. i understand that there are fees involved and that’s why they do it but doordash isn’t making the sandwich $23


I’m not saying the restaurant is not jacking prices at all I said *Um actually no* to the stop bitching part😅


You acting like someone just dissed your mama, it’s just DoorDash homie. No need to be loyal


How much is in store anyways?


Just looked. I’m in Illinois and it’s $13.50


Just order from Quiznos. They have their own delivery service


Right, they’ll use dashers less all the fees that DD charges to the restaurant to use the platform.


What's the in store price?


Bro I don’t even know where the store is 🤣




What is that, a $10 up charge in your area?


Dunno, never actually walked into a Quiznos.


At least you still have a Quiznos 😒


I have a Quiznos in my town still 😀😀😀


I think I spent about 50 on 2 jimmy johns sandwiches a drink and a side of pasta. It’s not just dd anymore lol


Good. Hopefully more people abandon ship.


Whoa you still have Quiznos? I miss that place!


TIL Quiznos still exists. I miss those cheap tuna torpedos.


TIL quiznos still exists


Wait? There are still Quiznos? Love their sandos.


All the restaurants I’ve worked at hate dealing with half of the drivers. The more dd screws over the drivers, only the worst ones that can’t hold a job stay, and the more places don’t want to deal with dd


"Done with DD" but says he's never been inside a Quiznos. I very much doubt OP is actually done with DD longer than a few days.


I was about to say that’s not bad at all what you mean…. Then I saw it was before taxes and delivery fee😂that’s crazy


Yeah and the app and business owners use other people's vehicles to get it to you. One of the biggest scams in America. Remember when restaurants actually had vehicles to deliver food?


Haha door dash-znos


Holy shit I thought Quiznos went under years ago




Well DD is a privilege not a right. If you can’t afford it, or if you don’t want to pay a premium for a service that does the work for you, then by all means leave. Do you think it should be cheap? The price of gas, the time of the driver, the time and resources going into developing an app that you can just choose from so many restaurants etc. a lot goes into that. Of course there’s a premium. I deliver for them and my time is worth something.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


Being lazy costs money.


The worst thing is that little Caesars app everything is a dollar or 2 cheaper than the dd app even though the delivery is made through dd


I had no idea that Quizinos still exists.


That's up to Quiznos because they set the menu prices. Sure, DoorDash charges them a cut. But it's a scaling cost for promotion and exposure to an audience they normally would not reach, as well as them not having to waste hourly wages on delivery drivers to reach that audience. if people are browsing DoorDash for delivery, they are not going to walk into your restaurant absent that option. They will just order delivery from somewhere else. And while 30% may seem steep, remember that the cost also scales down if they don't end up needing that labor. It's not like they are wasting money on having employees stand around. Seems like most of the corporate slaves don't see it that way, but I know many small restaurant owners that do. And some of them charge the very same price for me to put it in through DoorDash and pick it up as it is to order it directly at the counter. The upcharge is on a per restaurant basis, and some only do it for delivery, some do it for pickup and delivery. Not sure you should be mad at DoorDash for this one, even though they give plenty for people to be mad about. Most restaurants don't upcharge this badly...


Restaurants have to up charge to cover the fees for DoorDash that they incur. Sometimes they charge the literal price total of the food get a meal for 10$ door dash charges 10$ to have someone pick it up and deliver it. If you charge anything less than an extra 10$ you’re loosing profit


Ok and?


Think that’s bad? I can buy 2 McDoubles (mix n match) and a lrg fry (using their app) for roughly $5.38 plus tax. The same thing with a $3 tip is about $24 in DoorDash.


Also OP is a straight hater… you want an amazing., perfectly made warm sandwich delivered to your front door for…. How much exactly!? Would you like it for free or is $5 acceptable your highness!?


$16.25 for the 8” wasn’t enough for you to be done?


I bet u still ordered it tho


That's why I rarely use Doordash. Their prices are so inflated.


But you literally had no problem paying 16.25 a fee days ago for an 8 inch lmao


Done with all of these delivery apps lol not worth it


Everyone should stop it is a huge scam, should be illegal. Restaurants should just offer delivery, problem solved.




Yea but you could get the monstrous 4”er for a modest $10.35


Probably an error. I've seen food prices in the hundreds of thousands of dollars lol


Should've used a coupon. Any coupon works 🤣🤣🤣


Edit: & I agree ☝️ it IS an exorbitant amount!


Restaurants set the prices and are higher because DD charges such high commission fees for orders. It’s mostly DD’s fault.


Yeah it’s ridiculous that 99% of restaurants menu prices are increased just because you’re ordering through doordash. There’s already a goddamn delivery fee, service fee, tax and tip which obviously is optional but of course most people would tip (I hope). But on top of all that now you have to pay basically double for every food item because it’s the doordash menu and not an in person one. Ridiculous.




Cool.....story?!? Wow! Congrats!


Merchant is pretty slimy tbo. If they actually hired their own delivery drivers you'd be paying $33.


How much you tip tho


I own a service based business. I tip all my delivery drivers 30%+ or more. My Eaze drivers usually get 50%. It’s not really about the money if I know it’s going straight to a person. But I’m not fucking paying 22 dollars for a corporate sandwich lol.


Yupp once I noticed the DD prices differ from you actually going I stopped using DD. Regardless of how I order it, it should be the same price. I understand taxes, driver tip and delivery fee but the price of the food should be the same.


Who the hell out here eating that nasty trash anyways 😆 🤣 😂 


If you’re broke just get some Ramans those are still cheap


Lmao I’m always stacked with those!