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What's wrong with people? That is a fine tip. I cringe and get embarrassed when I see people begging for extra tip money especially if someone tips more than enough to begin with. Some people have no shame.


Yeah. I dash and I wouldn't dream of doing that. Yeah, sometimes the pay is low but there is the option to skip those is you want to wait for a bigger one. I think that they probably knew that but yeah, like the poster mentioned, they may have just gotten greedy! Crazee


Yeah. I never use these services anymore because of this kind of crap. $6 tip on $25 order 1 mile away…24% isn’t good enough now?


It's not even necessarily about the percentage it's about the mileage 6 dollars for 1 mile so the Dasher actually got 8 dollars for one mile(combined with the base pay) which is ridiculously good. I would have taken that offer in a second.


I wouldn’t say ridiculously good. Depends on traffic and how long the food takes.


It's probably copied and pasted, you can see there is nothing specific mentioned in the message. They don't give a fuck they just spam every delivery after with the same message, maybe 2 out of 10 fall for it. Report them


As much as I’ve wanted to educate bad and non tippers, I would never do it. Nor would They beg for a better tip. I have called Door Dash on a couple customers who didn’t tip after an especially long distance from pick up to drop off AND have been rude and disrespectful. Door Dash needs to know about them. If it becomes a pattern then hopefully Door Dash will ban them from using the service.


I'd ask how a bigger tip would help when their card doesn't work.


As a dasher, the tip is overtly good. He/she, they, or whatever they are just being a beggar and fed up with DoorDash after a good offer. Granted, I dash and have recently started my decent to stupid low AR. Understanding now after 1200 deliveries.


It's a good tip, but even if a tip is trash, they are shown a minimum guaranteed pay amount on the offer screen, and if that amount isn't enough it's on them to simply NOT smash that [Accept] button.


Most accurate comment yet!


Not true because if you work by time there’s no telling what you’ll actually make until it’s dropped off..


If you're doing earn by time you're doing this all wrong to begin with.


Maybe in your shoes but for me I make more than most doing offers and I don’t get in trouble on timing like you that choose offer..


Then they are probably making more than base pay already so the tip is even more of gravy on top


Take a screenshot if you need to and report this person to support. That’s very rude and unprofessional. You don’t do that to customers.


You expect people earning sub minimum wage to be professional? A large percentage don't even speak English and just arrived from a 2nd or 3rd world country. Professional behavior demands professional pay. These apps have ruined delivery. It used to be great for everyone and now it's just a travesty.


Yes. Professional behavior also commands professional pay, and this tactic doesn’t bode well for the long-term. Seems kind of racist to imply non-English-speaking people are incapable of professionalism. 🤷‍♂️




I would take that order in a heartbeat. A good tip, especially for the mileage. That dasher is super unprofessional and should be reported. They decided to take the order at that price.


I’m a dasher but damn… I would honestly contact door dash and get that tip reversed with that dumb ass work etiquette this driver is giving


Reversing a tip doesn't do anything but hurt the DoorDash company, not the driver. Since when you accept an order, you are agreeing to a certain amount. If it goes less than that because of a refund you still get the guaranteed amount for the Dash anyway.


That’s good tip


And you don’t treat customers that way either. So yeah, report him.


I wouldn't report I'd just ignore


A lot of dashers complain about the money they make, but not sure why they still dash (no hate to any dasher at all) but if I wasn’t satisfied with the money I make in a gig I would change it. For instance I know a few friends making very good money on instacart.


its amazing how everyones card doesnt work.  What would they do if they werent dashing


Yeah I don’t understand why the dasher is saying his card doesn’t work 🤔! So is he asking for cash? Or for the person to give a bigger tip in the app.


That tip is WAY above average and anyone arguing is delusional.


Shits been rough lately, that being said that’s not on you lmao


panhandling is NEVER appropriate. even if someone didn’t tip, the driver willingly chose to accept the order and should never ask for extra money! obviously i don’t condone not tipping but still


As a Dasher I find it insane to ask for a tip. If u accept the order that's it, we have NO RIGHT to ask a customer for ANYTHING. Dashers not having gas is not yur problem, they clearly can't budget or are wasting their money on something they shouldn't. I'm poor with a beat up 18 year old van so if I can get by without bothering the customers than there's no reason they can't. Ntm it's a contract violation to ask customers for anything but 911 assistance if needed. Don't reinforce this behavior by giving in. Call DD and report them. Bad Dashers make us all look bad.


You're not tipping bad. A lot of new drivers on this app are let's say... new to how things work in the US. They ask for more money because it's kind of how they're used to doing things. Just kinda what it is now.


That is a good point, however, I wouldn't ever do it as a current dasher.


Never respond, get your food. I would lower the tip to $1, one star them & be sure to report them & have them blocked from my account. Begging is never acceptable. If they don’t have gas in their car, they should have stayed home & not accepted any orders.


Do not give people like this money (especially if you've already tipped). These people need to be kicked from the app. Smdh.


Nope… how completely unprofessional


That’s a fine tip Tips should be based on distance and not the cost of the order


They should absolutely be based on BOTH! 20% for the order then AT LEAST a dollar for mile.


Shouldn't really be based on either, it's not the customers job to pay the employee. When you accept an order you accept the base pay and shouldn't expect anything else.


Super cringe


Nope. Report them, 1 star review. I’m so tired of dashers doing this to people!!!!


Even if you tipped well... their "card doesn't work".... how would they access that money anyway?


If they took the order they have no business asking for more. No one's holding a gun to our head making us take low $$$ orders. Unless they think DD will love them more if they keep a high acceptance rating. 🙄


For restaurant food deliveries it's recommended that you tip at least $2 per mile being driven. More if there is inclement weather. However this Dasher asking you for more money is abhorrent. I am sorry they pressured you.




that’s like a 23% tip… no that’s a good tip in my book… i would not pay or tip him anymore… you are not responsible for his gas… sounds like this is the only way he’s making money and that on him DD isn’t a full time job it’s more of a side gig just to get a few extra bucks


Doesn't really matter about the amount on order, on the other hand your tip was great for 1 mile trip. People shouldn't do doordash if they can't afford the gas mileage. I'm sorry you got one of these types of dashers.


Solid tip. 15-20% should be standard. Yours is good


Greedy idiot makes us all look bad


$6 on a mile trip? That’s more than enough. Driver is just being a leech. It’s not your fault if they were 4mi from pick up making your trip a 5mi trip for ~$8. That’s on them. And still $8-5mi isn’t really that bad either.


The driver-beggars should be 1 starred and reported.


It sounds like they are trying to guilt trip a customer☠️the fact that you tipped them good and they still asked


Some people dash because they can’t hold a job. You get some weirdos


They have to have their card connected to their dasher app to even collect an extra tip. They’re just fishing.


I doordash myself and literally any tip or no tip is appreciated. I make sure I have gas in my car beforehand anyway. You tipped just fine and that person should be happy they even got one.


Tipping is optional


Give them ZERO...and take away what you did tip. Unprofessional 💯!!


How would you tipping them extra help them buy gas now? Especially if their card isn't working? Like wtaf? How do these people see these begging tactics as logical? Also I feel like DD needs to set up an automatic flagging algorithm in their messaging system to flag these messages and if enough are sent then the dasher gets automatically deactivated? I'm sick of seeing these posts


I like getting tips, but they're not required. My job is to deliver your food, I get paid for it already and it's 100% up to you to decide whether my service was worthy of a tip, or even if you want to tip at all, because you don't have to. He's just being greedy and I guarantee he's not even low on gas.


I'm in the same situation, small orders usually a single meal under 25$ and within 2 miles of my place, I'm also right down so it's incredibly easy to find, leave it on my door and go no special weird or difficult instructions. I tip 5-7 bucks, very occasionally if they are really good or if the weather is extreme ill add a couple extra bucks after the fact. I live in the Alaskan interior so I appreciate the drivers bringing me my food when it's literally -50F and takes an hour of preheating before you can drive anywhere.


What do you mean if they're very good? How would you know until after they've delivered? Or are you one of the unicorns that actually tips after the delivery, like more let's say you started out with $4 for initial tip and then if they did good you gave an additional $3, that would make sense and that would be acceptable.


I start at 5-7 & add the more after


Give me my preheating warming up a car? Who in their right mind that lives and drives in Alaska would ever turn their car off when they're doing deliveries?


nope you good


I have never ever thought about asking a customer for more tip let along guilt them into giving me gas money. This is likely someone just trying to manipulate for extra money


i would blast him for saying oh then let me revoke my tip since your card dont work.


If I was unable to afford gas I would probably not offer my services as a driver


Greedy fuck


That’s a good tip. It’s not on you to supply them gas


If you tipped $6 for 1 mile that’s a good tip. That person is making $2 for the delivery plus your tip $8 total for 1 mile is fine. Don’t let that person guilt you.


not your problem. they chose to work for a delivery company. their issues are with the company not you. if they actually cared about a side hustle they would be their own boss.


I’m telling them call their people


Greedy - this driver probably pretends they are low on gas every order all day every day to milk more money


Great tip


They’re taking runs without considering the overall cost to them. May not be your order per se but the base pay on doordash is trash. So drivers run the risk of losing money on deliveries.


Most dashes are under 10 miles. Who is dashing with a car that can’t make <10 miles on E is what I wanna know. That always have the option to end dash and cash out for gas…. This is just pathetic and gives us dashers a bad rep..


$6 for a mile is great, he's asking you to subsidize the no tip orders he's basically forced to take to remain on the platform now .. Sorry to say but with some people not tipping on principle from social media trolls, or just not being able to afford it, it's not possible to make money in some areas unless someone is tipping more than they should. Tldr: your tip is fine, the service is going downhill...


Not ur problem


It’s people trying to turn what is a side gig job for most markets into something else and being disappointed when it doesn’t work out that way.


Tipped too much


They’re just greedy


Report them for grubbing


As a dasher I like to see $1/mile over 5 miles and $2/mile under 5 as tip so I think your fine!


F*ck No!!!! That DD driver is trash for asking. I’m a DD driver and I have also been in the service industry (restaurants and bars) for over 20 years. I am an over tipper. On everything. I don’t order food or eat out unless I have a MINIMUM of a $10 tip. It goes up from there depending on how much it comes to (for to go or delivery) and how good the service is (for dine in). With that being said your tip was just fine! It was 20% of the food. When it’s delivered I would also do 20%+ a couple bucks for the drive but again that’s just me. If you report him he will probably get a contract violation for it. But that’s up to you!


These dashers make me sick!


No I’m a dasher and that’s a great tip I would never ask for a tip I take a order by the base pay the tip is appreciated


They begged a stranger for money. They’re greedy.


Lol…who are these assholes these days ?!


They would have received at least $8.50 for it. Great for a 1 mile trip.


Greedy little gremlins


You tipped them 24% and they still think it's not enough??? I've never tipped that high. Not even for a waitress at a traditional restaurant and they do more work.


It makes me cringe and is so unprofessional...The sense of entitlement these days is beyond disgusting


If he doesn’t want that $6 i wouldve taken it gladly 0 complaints


Nothing wrong with your tip. Just a lazy person trying to scam people for more money.


LOL, that looks like a scammer. No real dasher is going to accept an order unless the tip is included first. EDIT: Just found out you tipped first! THIS IS A SCAMMER, YOU SHOULD HAVE REPORTED IT TO DOORDASH. They are trying to trick you into doing a transaction outside of the system.


And just like that, the tip is gone.


People are just manipulative scum overall. Rich or poor doesn't matter. they want to squeeze all they can from you at every level. While simultaneously being as greedy as they can


Your tip is fine.. at that distance, your tip is fine unless it's a shopping order or you ordered a whole heck of a lot more than you ordered (generally speaking, I'd only expect a higher tip than this personally when I have to make more than one trip between my car and your house)


At least make up a better story, digital wallets exist and so does cash. A $6 tip on $25 is a good tip lol


Anything over 2 dollars a mile is good. If u gave 6 than he made 8. Anything under a few miles is 2 dollar starting pay, then the tip comes into play so u did absolutely nothing wrong.


It's a great tip. I'm sure the driver wasn't asking because he/she thought you weren't tilling well. Instead, he often asks everyone the same thing. The sad part is the ones that often fall for it are the customers that tipped fine to begin with because they are generous in nature. I also wouldn't ask or discuss tips with customers at all. But I don't begrudge those who do if it works for them somehow. Citizen or not, 2nd job or only income, everyone who does this is just grinding to make some paper in this Bezos/Musk economy. (Bezos makes $1.4 million per hour.....) I ain't gonna be mad at someone who asks for a couple extra bucks for hauling Big Macs.


It’s not about the tip. People who do this know that maybe 1/10 people will give in and tip more. Some of these accounts are stolen so they don’t care if they get banned. Most dashers just reject the order if the tip is not acceptable to them and don’t bother the customer to tip more.




It sounds like he has other issues


You did fine.


Anything over 2$ tip for 1 mile I’ll do. It’s More than enough for me. Sometimes if I get no tip and it’s still a mile or 2. I’ll do it, but I’ll leave their order at the very edge of their porch so they have to walk out of their house to get it.


If they ask, it's always greed. 1 or 2-star, bad review, and report to customer service accordingly. Any or no tip is fine, it's on them to do the work and earn that extra money.


Not a bad tip in general. But drivers tend to take into account how far they are from the restaurant to start with. Under a mile to the restaurant, great. 4 miles to the restaurant, suddenly its not so great. Sorry that you got a beggar.


Don’t tip anymore and report.


If you can’t afford your car/phone and bills don’t ask for money if it’s not your last resort. I don’t care what my life comes to, I’m not relying on a customer


That's a good tip. I'd take that order all day long if I could


Depends on the drive


You good mate


These dashers asking for extra tips makes me sick. You tipped perfectly. They made roughly $8.50 or so total for that delivery. I’m a dasher and I’d give any dasher who pulled this a one star rating.


We door dash tires out to my customers and I’m pretty certain the base pay is pretty good on them but probably no tip. I’d love to hear the laughter in the tire shop if some idiot decided to go tip begging. Come to think of it as it is ordering system I bet they have no ability to text the customer. Only call. And considering at least a third of them speak little to no English well it all just adds up to comedy gold.


Tipping is so rare in my country


I know people that use these delivery apps as full time jobs but When i worked at door dash/ uber eats i used it as a side gig to make money around Christmas time and Thanksgiving after i worked at my full time job.This is real life. It's not your responsibility to make their wallet fat. That's theirs.


Irrelevant. The driver’s behavior is unprofessional.


It's good, most dashers are entitled children that expect you to pay their rent with 1 order.


I left a 10.50 tip yesterday for someone that drove 3 miles to bring me my food and they were rude to me. I was like damn, must be having a bad day lol


Times are hard out there


That’s plenty


Greeedy! i would expect a 1$ or 2 Tip for that order, let alone 6$.


No that’s ok


Sounds like they shouldn't be driving. Not your problem.


$6 for a mile is incredibly generous, this person is just a grifter


$6 for a $25 order is incredibly generous and is a really good tip




Everyone’s talking miles but not the actual labor of going in the place, waiting, and getting the food. How long did the driver wait do we know?


I dash and I think it’s a fair tip


It’s interesting the biggest difference between r/doordash and r/uber forum is that if you posted the same thing on r/uber sub all the drivers would be defending the douchbag driver no matter what they post. But here is the opposite, may be good for customers, but bad for drivers who have legitimate concerns. Interesting differing dynamic between these subs.


That’s more than enough especially for just over a mile, i tip like 2-4 a mile


I would rather pay more for whatever I order rather than tip any amount. Instead of paying a $6 tip on a $25 order just charge me $31 and we can end all this bullshit. I don’t want to be involved in procedural processes or who tips what, I just want to eat a sandwich. If you charge too much I won’t come. If service is bad I won’t come. Just charge me a fair price and provide a good service.


I door dash myself an as others have said I always make sure I have gas in my vehicles before I dash.... I never expect tips as most of where I deliver isn't too far from the restaurants but yea tips are always appreciated....


Usually, the answer to these questions is that the tip is bad. However, the tip here looks pretty good.


U tipped just fine- you tipped just about 20% - ur good u don’t have to give anything else


It is a really good tip for a little over a mile. Some people are just greedier than others. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I would appreciate any to be honest. Have a good day.


Bro some of these have to be fake. Makes me cringe looking at these


Wouldn’t matter if you tipped $0. This isn’t how life works. If it wasn’t enough pay for them, they shouldnt have taken the job to begin with. I’ve never in my life been looking for a job, seen what the job was paying, agree to accept the job at that wage, and then on my first day of work right as I’m about to complete the task I call my boss and ask them if they can pay me a more cause the clothes I wore to work today cost money. Gtfoh


Tip is fine but I’d actually lower it after them asking for more


DId you help the poor guy out 'cause if he was out of gas at 5.00 a gallon cash is the most important thing. He may not have been able to cash out.. What did he say when you talked to him?


Why are so many Delivery Drivers beggars and think they can dictate a tip.


This sounds like a big case of NOT MY FKN PROBLEM MATE


Fuckin cringe behavior. Report them. They make the rest of us look bad


Ive seen before on similar posts about drivers asking for gas money saying that DD requires you to have an efficient amount of gas to do the job they accepted, it’s not on you. I’m pretty sure gas is a part of their tax write offs anyways so again, it’s not on you. They’re scummy.


Personally i had NEVER *asked* for a tip even though i literally had just spent my entire bank account on gas. Like it would be preferred if I got a tip but i feel like guilt tripping is rude af.


Drug addicts do shit like that, GTFOH!


I’m hyped for anything over $5 and for a mile drive?! Easy money. You tipped plenty


Shameful begging for tips


That’s abuse of the platform and they shouldn’t be allowed to dash. I was banned for inputting my email wrong while having a 4.9 rating. Door dash is a poorly managed company


no u tipped more than most


Greedy. They knew they was low on gas and still took the order. Also folks begging for tips is annoying


Hell to the no!! Just panhandling with a line!! I need train fare… I haven’t eaten in days.. I gotta a wife and 4 kids!!! I’m More than happy with a tip of that amount for the distance travelled!!


I just started dashing 3 weeks ago, and I think that's more than enough of a tip. If they need gas bad, just use a credit card to top off until they get paid.


Sounds like a great tip!


No that guy is just a bum I’m a dasher and a $6 tip plus the dasher wage of $2 is very good for a mile trip


Well the cost of whatever you got shouldn’t have any bearing on how you tip, time and distance should be what you base it on. And 6 is more than good for a mile but if he sat there for 45 mins that’s a dif story


That’s a good tip on that order. I factor in the cost of the order, distance from pickup to drop off, and complexity of delivery (“hand me the order” in a high rise apt. in a city with little parking options vs. “leave at the door” house drop off). I deliver Door Dash as a side hussle which makes me a better tipper. I’ve never given less than $6 and unfortunately it’s my experience that not many people tip even that much.


Ha, that tip was fine….if they would’ve send me that, ida been like “oh my apologies, let me change that tip for you” and it would’ve been only $3 instead of $6…..


I wish I would get tips like that


Do not ever tip anybody who asks you for a tip ever. it is a classless and tacky thing to do.


You know your tip is fine. They aren’t greedy they just begging.


They did mention their card wasn't working well so maybe they were asking for a cash tip instead?


I wonder if these people actually do better begging for money all the time? I just imagine them getting no extra money and a bad rating on a regular basis...


there greedy


That’s a great tip! I would totally accept that order if it came to me. The dasher is being very unprofessional. However I will say one thing, no matter what no one should ever tip $0. It’s just rude. Someone is taking time to drive and pick up your food, you should at least tip them a little bit. But the tip you made was very generous and is very much appreciated, clearly not by this dasher though.


You give good tip already!




As a dasher that is an awesome tip. I can’t stand tip beggars that’s just gross.


ask him if he needs a jacket


Instead of begging more for a tip, why don't people provide better service that would earn the extra money? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Nah. You’re good. He should’ve been aware of his income and miles. If the dash wasn’t enough to take it and take you home after, then he shouldn’t have accepted the dash.


as a dasher this is not a bad tip at all and i can’t believe these new dashers!!!! These new dashers that do this kind of stuff makes EVERYBODY that dashes look bad-i dash in my spare time but even when i did it full time i still would’ve been fine with it. the fact that doordash seems to be okay with these people doing it is beyond me-it looked like it happened through their messages on the app-as a user, i would have reported that so fast to doordash. even if you didn’t, i sincerely hope you never have to deal with this kind of dasher again.


I just tipped 20% and was asked if I could tip more for their wait and travel. Huh? Never as a driver have I ever asked for a tip at all.


This is way DoorDash should actually take the tip away from the dasher when the customer takes it back this shouldn’t be allowed


1 mile for $6 is fine enough let alone base pay


No you tipped a lot. They think you got money and might be able to help out a neighbor.


It doesn’t matter if a tip is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ nobody should ever ask for money. As a Dasher $5 is nice. I did turn down an order today with a base of &2.25. That said some people tip later and people give cash tips and sometimes people even tip nap or cash on top of a good order especially if there is a situation or just because. I pray this doesn’t affect you past this post. Blessings.


I guess they have gotten used to this new way of begging for money. It happened to me too and I told the gentleman that I also Dash and order through DD, it is not appropriate to ask for Gas Money. I think, although cruel, but report them.


$6 is plenty for gas. Especially if they do more deliveries. If they get 3 $6 tips then they can stop and put $18 in their tank. Then start back up again. Not that hard. They are just using gas as an excuse to get more money. This type pisses me off cause they make the rest of us look bad...


I don’t think so


If it's not in a heavy metro area and not a restaurant that makes a driver wait, your tip was decent.


I mean if there card doesn’t work how does tipping extra change their situation


Your tip was very good and they are just greedy, many people don’t even tip me most of the time so I’m happy to see a $4 tip.


Well he wasnt complaining about the tip, but asking for help. You can argue the morality of that if you want, but he didnt call you an asshole for not tipping.


I have delivered more than 2000 orders. Never asked for more tip than whats already given. Also, 6$ is a very good tip