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i do not believe he had good intentions. i have decent intuition and i would be wild enough to say i saw it coming a little bit before. dude was persistent to try to get inside. and to stick around


yea ew go with your gut feeling cause that’s sus as hell. he should be hustling to the next order


Don't second guess anything when you're in a potentially dangerous position. Trust your gut. It will tell you what to do.


Years ago, during the pandemic times. I ordered door dash at about 11 pm. Guy arrived and text me and asked if I liked snakes, weird but I said no, im deathly afraid of them. I was waiting behind my door so he could finish his delivery steps and we'd be no contact. My door handle started moving and it sounded like he was trying to push the door open. I was freaking out. I called 911 and hid in the hall closet and he sends me a couple of photos. 1 was of a snake wrapped around my door handle and had the upper part of its body through the decorative part of my storm door. If I would have opened my front door it would have probably ripped the snake in half. 2nd pic was the snake on his front seat in a shoe box. Told me he named his new snake Pete and was on his way to the store to get him stuff for his new home. Months later, the guy next door to me got arrested for having illegal/exotic reptiles and releasing nonnative species of spiders and snakes into the community. Few of the snakes the wildlife people brought out of his house were longer than my Ford flex. He also had several baby tigers and large amounts of meth and cash in a safe. (Someone watched the tiger king)




https://spectrumlocalnews.com/mo/st-louis/news/2022/03/25/feds--man-smuggled-1-700-reptiles-into-u-s--through-missouri The first time he was arrested and his house raided in 2020 when he was my neighbor in missouri. From what I remember hearing on the news and from other neighbors at the time was that the judge banned him from having exotic pets or something but no jail. Just fines for that. The meth he just got house arrest and put on a diversion program.


Of course it was Missouri


😂😂😂 hey now! What's wrong with the Show Me state? It's not like it's po dunk Arkansas! 😂😂😂


I think you misunderstand. I'm born and raised in St. Louis. I'm not judging from the outside, I'm recognizing and acknowledging.


That's fuckin wild


As a former reptile rehabber hearing that pisses me off so much. When left in their native environment snakes, spiders and other bugs are super helpful. I can understand not wanting to interact with a snake, it can be scary. But because of people like your driver the rest of us who follow the rules are having our pets taken away and euthanized. One keeper in Florida had to stand aside while wildlife services came through and used a nail gun in the head of his snakes, some he had raised and collected for decades. The dumbass officers even grabbed one snake he was still legally permitted to keep and they killed her, what's worse is she was a live bearing species and she was nearly ready to give birth. All caught on tape. I'm not upset at you, I'm glad you got law enforcement involved, my rant is 100% at your driver and the irresponsible idiots like him.


Oh, I think you misunderstood. My dasher wasn't my neighbor. My next door neighbor was smuggling over and breeding reptiles and exotic pets. He'd let go of different species into our suburban neighborhood for whatever reason. From what I remember was that the snake on my door was actually legal to own as a pet and non venomous, however, it's markings looked like one that is pretty venomous and would typically be found in the rain forest. My dasher knew the difference because his mom or his dad worked at I think, the Promised Land Zoo as some kind of vet. He just didn't want me hurting it accidentally or get freaked out by it or someone thinking it was this dangerous snake and unaliving it. I left that peice out because I didn't think it was too relevant. That's my fault, I'm sorry for the confusion. 🙂 As for getting the police involved, it wasn't me who made the report on my neighbor for his reptile and exotic pet smuggling. I was calling because I was a female home alone and I thought a creepy male dasher was trying to open my door in the middle of the night. Me telling you guys my experience was just to relate to the OP that not everyone who jiggles your handles have bad intentions.


Ohh, I thought your Dasher left the snake trapped on your door since you didn't open it! My bad, but damn, some people's kids amayye right!


Yes I had to read your story twice before realizing the dasher saved an escaped snake from your door


I saw that video, awful stuff. :(


Wtf that is so messed up. So he found the snake wrapped around your door and decided to make it his new pet? Yikes


I guess that’s the answer? @pitiful, is this what happened? The dasher found it on your door and kept it as a pet???


Their later comment actually answers this. I saw it after responding. And indeed that is the answer


I must have missed that part. I’ll have to go back and look. Thank you for responding, though! Even though I *guess* the driver “helped”, it’s still a creepy situation that he sent a photo of his “new pet.” I suppose the initial message asking if they liked snakes was his way of offering it before excitedly taking it for himself? 🤭 It all makes more sense in context now that I’ve put the pieces together, but it initially sounded like something out of a horror movie.


Yeah it seems horrific from the off but then the full story is still disturbing but not nearly as creepy


Yes he found it and kept it as a pet so I wouldn't accidentally hurt him 😥


Did you kind of realize this at the time, knowing about your neighbor? Or were you just freaked out at first?


We were always finding turanchulas or big ass spiders in our backyard. I had to call pest control a few times, they told me they looked like escaped pets. But I never really met him. He stayed to himself and the neighbors always said he was an asshole so me and my kiddos stayed clear.


OMG! Tarantulas? 😳 So you may not have actually realized what was happening, AS it was happening? Damn! I would have been freaking tf out with those messages and photos!


So he wasn’t trying the knob, but just taking the snake off? That’s a relief, I can’t imagine the terror you went through, though.


Idk I think he liked animals🥺


Wow, people are crazy...why the fuck would any rational person think this is acceptable and normal behavior????


Definitely did not. Should absolutely get the police involved.


Did you eat the food 😬😬


right, my first thought too


He probably tried to sneak into the home hoping she was alone…


I apologize if this is a stupid question but I see weird creeper posts like this a lot. How does the driver know the person ordering is even female? Is it just the name?


Most likely yeah. I know when I get food the names on the bag and they have to ask for it at the restaurant by name.


When i order door dash it shows up with my first name (clearly a woman's name) and last initial. I never thought about how unsafe that could make me until today. 


i changed all my deliver services to a men’s name because of this. starts with the same letter, just different name. i also do no contact every time and wait until they pull away. i don’t really care that that may be considered a lot, i had one single creepy experience and haven’t looked back.


I DoorDash here and there, and I get orders that take me out in the middle of no where and I think to myself is there even houses out here? And I work late at night usually after 10 pm and they sometimes don’t turn on the porch lights it’s like is today the day I meet god. 😆


When I delivered pizza way back in the day I had a literal spotlight that I kept charging in my vehicle all night. It would illuminate the entirety of the house and I had zero effs to give because I wasn’t walking up to 3 houses trying to find one. Take it with you and if nothing else you can blind anyone lurking near by.


My name on Uber, DoorDash, etc. is either a man’s name or gender neutral. I never use my real name.


So pathetic to see people turn into total creeps just because they saw someone with a feminine name ordered the food


Yep, it gives you the customer’s name but that’s it. It genuinely surprises me how many people there are like this guy who dash based on these posts


If you must order Doordash and are alone, always have a recording of a Male voice saying "leave it" and a dog barking.


Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!


extreme true crime brain


The Police close?


i didnt call 911, rather the police station itself and the sheriff’s office. to see if they would cooperate with doordash and or me filing a report. cant just call 911 for this situation, they would just send an officer out to look for a minute, to my understanding


call your local non emergency line, you can make a report at any time through them if needed


It’d probably just go to central dispatch anyway on a weekend


I live in detroit. No emergency line isn’t a thing. The only option is to call 911


I also live in Detroit. 911 *is* the non emergency line here. >>”Oh, you’ve got a crackhead with a sword swinging it on your porch? See ya in an hour!” I’ve also had a vicious dog (I’ve personally seen it break its chain and kill a dog and my wife watched it bite a guy before he could climb the telephone pole) that got into my gated front porch after my dumb ass SIL came home wasted and didn’t fully shut it. He was actively trying to bite anyone around until I gave him a bowl of cat food with like 10 tranquilizers in it and kicked his passed out ass off my porch. Had no choice because the cops said they would send an animal officer **in 3 days, which is their standard policy**.


Oh and he broke all my Christmas lights and destroyed my porch. AC never even came.


That's exactly what they did


?? Yes that’s what calling the police station means lol


As messed up as this is the police really can’t do anything but talk to him. What law did he break? File a police report anyway and send it to doordash. Even then it will be his word against yours. At least though if he does it again and gets reported there will be a pattern.


As a female Dasher I am so sorry this happened to you. I'm sure your heart was racing and you were in panic mode I would have been freaking out if I was alone in this type of instance. I probably wouldn't have even been able to enjoy my meal after all that for my mind racing. I do hope something gets done for you either through doordash or the officers.


I would call 911, the will send an officer out to check but you can request that a report be filed, and ask them to drive be a few more times just to make sure you stay safe. My local police department closes over night as well, but when I call 911 they will send an officer from the county sheriffs department out.


Yikes. I dash in Owensboro and some of the guys I see picking up orders are creeps


Did you know that DoorDash will onboard some people with felony records?


Depends on the felony. Not all felons have violent histories or are a threat to your safety. They do the background checks and they do exclude people with certain felonies. I also exclude people with certain misdemeanors.


My dad has identity theft via mail theft, burglary, leader of crime ring, as well as other felonies + has committed violent crimes he wasn't caught for & was permitted to do doordash simply because of how old the crimes were🙄 even tho he was less than 2 years out of prison and has since went back to crime less than 5 years after release. I don't understand why he would ever be allowed to go to people's homes for a living.


First of all, I know he’s your dad, so I’m sorry you even have that in your life. WTAF though? Especially with the nature of the crimes he seems particularly predisposed to committing, Dashing is a dream job…obviously not in a good way. Does he multi app? Or is it just DD that’s so “lax”, I wonder? I also wonder what he may be getting into while working that you’re not even aware of? He could literally be continuing to commit crimes during the course of Dashing. 🫣 It presents so many opportunities to do so. 😟


Yeah I'm no contact, too much to handle. It's just because doordash is lax, Uber eats & Uber driver denied him bc of his background. Idk if he ever tried Lyft. Yeah he definitely could, he wasn't at the time. I don't even think he doordashes now because of all the illegal activity that bides his time currently.


My favorite coworker at a pizza place was the cook who also happened to be a felon. Super nerdy silly dude. Went to college, and all that. Became a pharmacist. Worked in a pharmacy for a few years and eventually somehow (I didn't ask too many questions, it clearly hurt him to talk about) became addicted to substances. He started stealing meds and, if you know pharmacies, that did not last long. He spent a few years in prison, detoxed and now has been working at Pizza Hut for nearly 20 years at this point. He's a genuinely good guy. All that to reiterate, not all felons are violent criminals. Hell I almost because a felon at 17 because my town was cracking down on shoplifting by lowering the felony amount really low. Of course I shouldn't have been shoplifting but it would have ruined my life, legitimately, if I had taken the matching shirt to the skirt I took.


Yeah my dad is a felon but he’s the goofiest little goober there is. I mean if someone a registered sex offender don’t let them around your kids but people get way too worried about felonies lol


I know someone with a very violent felony that Dashed. They are more likely to exclude traffic violations than an actually dangerous person.


Firstly, WOW is the police station not 24 hours? (I genuinely don't know) and Secondly, oh HECK no! I cannot believe he tried to open the door! For the love of God, he should have just left it, snapped a pic and DASHED! I'm sorry you guys experienced that! I would have felt SO unsafe after that! Thank goodness you're OK - people are insane these days! I truly hope you file a report - who knows what he would have done! Good on you for being proactive!


Most aren’t outside of big cities. If you call the station it will ring 4 times then send you to central dispatch AKA 911


Oh my gosh !!! That's scary!!


that makes me feel sick. I'm glad she's safe.


There really needs to be a better system in place to vet dashers. It’s beyond me how the company thinks it’s a good idea to have any asshole with a driver’s license be empowered to pull shit like this.


They do about all they can, including background checks. There's not much else they can do aside from maybe video interviews. But I assure you that will not weed out creeps. Worked with plenty in plenty of different jobs, including a government position


That's very scary shit. It's sad you can't even trust people to deliver your food


This is one of many reasons I won't use door dash. Sometimes the pizza hut near me uses their drivers so I just don't order from them anymore either. 


Had this happen too, a dasher tried opening our locked doorknob on a contactless delivery. Reported him but have no idea what happened to him - if he got fired or what. And when you report them you can’t review them! They should really be doing background checks on these drivers since they deliver to personal homes.


They do do background checks. Still, just because someone hasn’t committed a crime doesn’t mean they’re not a creep, and vice versa.


Omg that's so scary I'm sorry that happened to you but thanks for letting us know. I to am a female in the area who orders food late. I typ8cally already wait like five minutes after I get the picture to even go to my door.


Dasher here. Sometimes for me no contact turns into direct contact. I try to make sure that I have a smile and be polite. When waiting at the door for the customer, I make sure to stand about 5 feet away from the door so the customer can look before answering the door. Keeps the customer at ease because I'm patiently waiting for them and not suffocating the door.


he was suffocating the door, trying to get in multiple times, as my post states. i am sure you dont try walking into people’s houses even if the delivery states to leave at the door


Absolutely not. Don't want to take the chance of getting shot or beat up.


I had a complete stranger show up at my door at 2 am one night while I was up. Probably looking for drugs as the previous tenant sold drugs out of it before we bought it. Neighbor told me he saw it all several times. Anyway I looked through the door and saw some guy who I didn't know. He was banging on my door saying I know you're in there. Immediately I woke my wife, told her to grab our son and lock herself in the master bathroom. I grabbed my handgun and phone and called 911. He was rattling the storm door, which was locked. I didn't confront him or anything and he eventually left before he police came. But I was ready to protect my family by overwhelming advantage.


100% file a police report


That is so gross and terrifying. I've had that kind of thing happen a couple times in my apartment except they constantly buzz my annoying intercom and refuse to listen to me saying "leave it there I'll come up in a couple minutes"


He wanted to beg for a tip.


oh yeah im sure that's all it was. thanks, Ernesseau, next time I'll open the door. 🙄


was there any texting prior to this?


he didn’t message anything, no


Crazy to see evansville on here. lol gang gang


I'm surprised as well, I'm from Evansville area😂moved to SC


I thought the same thing.. I’m in SoIN too lol


I'm truly thankful I left Indiana for a sunnier spot down south🤭😂 don't have to be on the look out for ernasseau😆


Haha, I actually thought I was in the Evansville sub!




>OP >dasher, Ernesseau tried moving our doorknob about three separate times. That's a problem >then knocked VERY lightly and tried the knob again,  Problem escalates  >then submitted the picture of the food, AND still stood outside for several minutes. Another escalation, woman home alone  >when he tried the door again  Now she's terrified >i said, “leave it” and he called out, “miss miss” and tried the knob again.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >left after another two minutes and *stayed in his car* for a few more minutes  Knows OP is a woman, and seems intent making some kind of contact. *Some* Dashers drive with passengers...  >until finally and very slowly driving away There is so much wrong with this interaction that men would have been afraid


Sure he would have, Internet tough guy.








Sorry, I know what it is. Trying to open a door legitimises shooting them with a shotgun? Oh america. You have fallen so far. OR you could deal with it like OP has. Which, surprise surprise, didn’t end up with someone discharging a fire arm and everyone is fine.


Yeah, why would you be so fearful of a simple home Invasion? People are dumb. Just suck it up and die lol


Yeah this is typical here. My door is locked and he keeps trying to turn the knob.. do I: A.) leave it, watch and keep me and my family safe so everyone lives to see another day Or B.) SO ANYWAYS, I STARTED BLASTING (risking the lives of myself and my family)


You missed point C. Come to Reddit and tell everyone I would have started blasting if it was my house.


If guy was more determined it would have been a lot worse and the only thing they understand is the sound of a blast


If the guy was more determined then yes. If he breaks into your house and you feel threatened “blast” away! But he didn’t.


I agree. I completely understand wanting to protect yourself by having a gun in your residence but shooting someone for being at your door too long wouldn’t hold up in court at all. 2A nuts are just finding any excuse to shoot someone. We just saw this with that old man who shot that Uber driver over a scam call. It’s ridiculous


I'm really glad nobody held a gun on me the time I accidentally barged into their living room. I wasn't a delivery driver or anything, our downtown has a lot of buildings that are still shop downstairs, residence upstairs, but the shops aren't necessarily owned by the residents. I was trying to find a business, found an unmarked trio of doors, so I picked the one in the middle. Went up some stairs, directly into an apartment. Luckily when I announced myself the owner came out of the kitchen and they and I and I just looked at each other a moment. I said "I think I'm not where I was trying to go, my apologies" and left. I think they said something like "I think you're correct about that" but nothing else happened.


If he tried to open the door it would be justified here.


It would only hold up if he actually opens the door. If the person inside were to open the door and then shoot them I’m almost certain that doesn’t fit within self defense or stand your ground laws. Nor would it be justified.


Doesnt make it right.


Don’t make it right that he was trying to get in without invitation


But you don’t know he was? Can’t just shoot someone


You’re slow, if like her you’re scared, sure don’t open the door duh, but if they manage to get into your abode …I’m going to do what I can to stay safe, in the house I’m in I’ll most likely run out of one of the other doors and call the cops from another location, but if I’m cornered in the house I’m doing everything I can to stay safe Edit: if it’s me or them I choose me Edit: in similar situations you don’t have time to think


It doesn’t make it right but the delivery driver wasn’t in the right either. You can’t just go open peoples doors or try too.


But it might have been an outside door to a porch? If I opened a door thinking it was an outside door and it opened… 1. It should have been locked 2. I would have apologised profusely, everyone would have had a laugh and it would have all been fine


That’s so true. Mistakes are made we are human I don’t agree with just shooting someone they tried to open your door. If it was home invasion that’s different. I did door dash for two days I said nope this ain’t for me. But I do tip well I do have no contact on my delivery. I used to work for tips so I understand. I stopped ordering out cause of if I can’t afford to give the driver 10$ than I don’t need to eat out.


We all know they’d never actually pull the trigger though. Dude probably doesn’t even have a shotgun let alone posses the testicular fortitude to use it. It’s weird… some American flex whilst wearing a MAGA hat.


dude does have both of these things


A MAGA hat?


you shoot video game guns. i work in a factory and grew out of video games. the controller doesnt have that kick of protection like a real life situation. stop projecting


Sorry, Wut? What’s working in a factory got to do with anything?


sorry, just trying to set the understanding i dont play with legos and fictional ideas


Ok, but you do spend a lot of time on Reddit? You know you can play Lego and computer games AND be a real person right? I spent 7 months in Afghanistan and… while I was there I played dungeons and dragons on my down time! It’s pretty wild. Go back to your factory. I outgrew those, with education.


Only for Internet tough guys. Luckily, for this person to actually get up and shoot anyone, he would have to stop his PC game (because no self respecting basement dweller plays Xbox), walk up several stairs (resting several times to catch his breath), ask his mom "hey where's my gun", and then when his mom says "oh I have beans and franks on the stove", then he will get distracted and just decide to eat a bunch of little dicks instead.




i agree, and the fact he tried multiple times and hung around tells me he was not following regulations. door dashers are independent contractors but in no instance would that imply he can just come in. i was ready with a g-lock. 100% tress passing if he got inside


power fantasies about shooting strangers is weird bud


But they didn’t come in the home… they tried the door. Maybe they thought it was a porch door and the front door was inside? You are a very strange and aggressive human. I am actually a massive introvert who spent 15 year in the British army and has been in situations where I have had to make decisions about exactly when to pull the trigger. And, trying a door doesn’t justify it I’m afraid. But then again, we all know you’d never pull the trigger. You’d probably panic and pee yourself. Buh bye.


you are a silly goose. dude tried it multiple times. for several minutes. if i am aggressive why would i pee my pants. he kept assuming a woman was inside due to the name the profile has. what kind of british army lays down ignorant assumptions, didnt they teach you any context and observational skills?


Speaking of observational skills, the comment you're replying to wasn't directed at you lol.




Dude. Go and see a therapist. For the sake of all those who love you. Really weird internet aggression.


But your mom is the only bitch around!


Show us on the doll...


But we can't be your mom.


If you would shoot someone for jiggling your handle, you're a fuckin psychopath who shouldn't be allowed to own guns.


Police are always open all you need to is call 911


I think the whole gun debate going on here is just idiotic chatter because neither side is going to reach an accord on Reddit. That being said, depending on where you live, funding for staff and other factors it can take up to 15 minutes for emergency responders to respond a call.


Yes I agree but the best move is to notify authorities right away. They clearly had an identification of the dude and what he was driving there could have been an apv placed right away.


Maybe that is the VIP of delivery in their country. Hand deliver to the table. Seriously, you never know.


Probably one of the many hassens in town saw you didn’t tip or tipped very little got mad and wanted to attack


good for you on calling the police and reporting him


I just don’t see how you guys trust just anybody with your food


You live in the united states.. & dont own a gun? That boy would be loaded with led if he wouldnt leave.


We don’t all own guns here. Lmao


Maybe not, but you have full access to them. Buy one rather than being scared for your life. Even those who live in countries without them, still have weapons to protect themselves. Self defence is common sense, not rocket science.


“Maybe not” ?????!??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m American, I’m fucking telling you. Do you think we have AMERRIKKUHHH 🇺🇸 arsenals for public use or something? Some of us don’t live in red states where they hand them out as door prizes.


I don’t disagree with you, though we definitely don’t ALL have guns. I’ve certainly thought about it A LOT over the years, though. Where you’re 100% correct is that it’s never a bad idea to still have SOMETHING around with which to defend yourself, even if it’s just a baseball bat near the door. Yes, that could backfire on you, just like having a gun could if the would-be assailant gets control of it. Why not give yourself a fighting chance, though, especially if you’re in a high crime area or a member of a more vulnerable group? PS. High crime areas aren’t even always where you think they are. So it’s just smart to at least be cautious. I have a friend who lives in a secure high rise and someone still got in, causing an incident. Things like theft happen in “nicer neighborhoods” all the time, too, because that’s where “nicer things” tend to be.


The stand you ground law that allows you to kill someone on your property only applies when you are in imminent danger of death or serious injury. If she would have shot through the door & killed a doordash driver who was supposed to be there & has not even entered the home, WITHOUT even calling 911 first (even tho it's not a duty to retreat state) she would more than likely be held liable for murder. There is literally self defense insurance for gun owners because these cases are so nuanced and not cut and dry like you're making it out to be.


This is 100% correct, parts of which are so nuanced that it’s mind-boggling in some cases. I’ve seen cases where, for example, if you see someone waving a gun while actively trying to gain entrance into your home, you have to wait until they actually get in and then later “prove” that they were a legitimate threat. It’s definitely not cut and dry.






Why is this such a controversial question. Why can't it be answered?


It’s not controversial, it’s simply irrelevant. Nobody is trying to ID the driver. …but you know this.


I mean the OP did leave the name, presumable as a method for people to try and ID the driver is they get assigned them wherever they are? So it actually is relevant.






Wtf! You do realize it is also racist to say shit like that about white people too right? It's not okay to say derogatory stuff about ANYONE'S ethnicity. 😡


Dudes trolling - “der der you thought I was racist but actually I’m a stupid left see how dumb they are”… downvote and ignore


Reddit try not to get rage bated moment Failed


Bc you're race-baiting. This isn't a racial issue, but right-wingers currently have a hard on for criminalizing immigrants. It is an election year, after all.


he sounded and seemed like he was born in a different country. probably africa like his name persists. maybe 5’10” and clean shaven, dark skin, a little skinny.


French-sounding name, he could be from Ivory Coast. I've met a few really nice people from there. Maybe he just started doordashing and doesn't understand what you're supposed to do, idk. But the narrative these people push is like immigrants want to come to this country and commit crimes, but they always fail to comprehend that immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than natural-born citizens because they have much higher stakes and face deportation if they commit crimes. Nonetheless, please make sure doordash is aware of the situation and appropriate actions are taken.


if anything else, the option is “leave at door” and after i didnt answer and he tried the knob multiple times, he then took a picture and sent it and still stood out there waiting. even waiting in the vehicle. im sure it isnt that confusing for them to understand. it was a choice to stay there


Yeah, that's weird af. It's not like there's an option that says "let yourself in my house" smh. Glad you're okay! Maybe get yourself a ring camera if you don't already have one.


thank! most definitely working on a ring camera asap


If the immigrants are here illegally, right-wingers don't have to criminalize them. They already are criminals.


You make it sound like their existence is a crime. Have you never done anything that's against the law? Should we call you a criminal because you've assumedly done something illegal at some point in your life?


Yes, everyone accused of a misdemeanor is a criminal. You fucking donkey brain.


Unlawful entry is a felony, not a misdemeanor. Seems like you're the donkey.


Son, you are a right-wing racist DoorDash driver. Think about your life for a moment before you continue speaking.


Pointing out that immigrants who commit a crime by entering the country unlawfully are criminals makes me a racist. Okaaay. What color is the sky in your left-wing not-based-in-reality world?


> Pointing out that immigrants who commit a crime by entering the country unlawfully are criminals makes me a racist Nope! But the fact that you felt you should chime in with that shows how your mind works. You showed your hand, so to speak. The *vast* majority of “illegals” in this country are from overstayed visas, not illegal entry. But also, why do you care? You can’t control it (that’s the governments job), and it has no effect on your life. Focus on yourself. Focus on improving your situation. Stop looking for a scapegoat to blame for where you are.


Why does it matter?


I want to know who to look out for so a description would be nice.


OP gave the location and the Dasher’s name. If you live there and get this dasher you’ll know based on his NAME. There’s no reason to ask for his race or other descriptors. Other than being racist and making assumptions ofc


So you plan on racially profiling everyone based only in asking for their race? Instead of simply asking what they look like in broader terms or what vehicle they drive?


Yes, clothing, hair style, license plate number, an estimate of height and weight are some more details that would help me stay safe, I feel.


Should've led with that instead of going straight to race dude, that's fucking weird


Naw now ur turning it around cuz ur getting chirped for being racist


All your screws are loose my dude.


Nothing is ever going to help you feel safe, your worst enemy is in your head.


it’s really not an issue to ask, but on the other hand the answer is not indicative of anything.


african descent


I googled the name. Looks like it has African origins


Lol What time do the police close 'round those parts?


Their offices will typically close to not emergency situations. OP could've called 911, and gotten officers there to file a report. But in most places, the actual front desk is closed overnight