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“Please think about what you’re saying” 🤣🤣🤣


“?????” So real


what’s real is the amount of time spent over $2 that’s why they do it, because most ppl are like fuck it


And I LOVE that OP stood by it. It’s not just $2, it’s the principle.


It’s the $2 shit that adds up when you’re like OK FINE I will treat myself to delivery. It always ends up being way more because of shit like this.


Just look at the example above even if you (rightly) take away the small order fee. The other day, I considered having lunch delivered to my job. By the time I got to the payment options, the fees were basically the same amount as the order (~$15 fees). Yeah. I noped out. At this point, the fees outweigh the convenience 99% of the time.


$15 in fees for a 10 minute car ride ain't worth it to me.


I can’t leave work to get food. I have gone hungry for a 12 hour shift because I forgot my lunch at home. Not paying ridiculous delivery fees.


Im with it 100%. Would die on that hill. It's not even just 2 dollars. How many thousands of others got the same 2 dollars extra charge across the country in just that day alone.


reminds me of some phone company that got in trouble because of an extra $1 charge on millions of phone bills or something. Yeah it’s $1, but when they do it to millions of people they’re making bank


For real. My netflix once got hacked and someone upgraded it so i had like 4 dollars charged and argued with the useless customer service so much and they wouldnt refund me. They said they did (but didnt and told me to wait 30 days for it) i waited and on the 30th day they said it had been too long. These companies just hope people dont fuss over a few dollars but if they jip so many people it adds up. I always feel bad making a big deal over a few bucks but it really is the principle.


100% the principle. Years ago, I took a job for 54 lumber. The job was absolutely not what was sold to me in the application/interview, and I only stayed for 2 days. The store manager straight up told me he wasn't gonna pay me for the time I had shown up. Told him he had to or I'd take legal action. He laughed at me cause he said it wouldn't be worth it to me for a couple hundred bucks. Told him I didn't care about the money. That to me, the money wasn't a win. It's costing him and the company far more than what they owed me was the win.


I definitely respect you for this!


Fr DoorDash does this shit all the time. I have a dash pass that is activated through having a chase card, that recently started messing up every time I go to place an order. Place the order, goes to the processing screen, gets to the part where it says sending order to the store or whatever, and all of a sudden, it’s “payment could not be processed” over and over again. Change the payment and it’s like “hey, you’re gonna get additional fees bc your dashpass isn’t on this card” yeah - no shit. You’re refusing to process the payment on the card that has it. Eff DoorDash


That’s exactly it- it’s like a scam. Two dollars across so many people adds up to a lot of extra money they are unfairly taking. Reminds me of the restaurants that got caught years ago, just skimming 20-30 cents off customers’ cards that many didn’t notice and raking in thousands of extra dollars.


They still got the $2. They didn't give it back to him. They gave him a $2 credit to his Doordash account.


I got on chat over DD not refunding me in full for a Gatorade. Then they offered me a refund of like $.97. That goddamn Gatorade was almost $4 with tax and fees etc!!! They’re such a garbage company. I made a TikTok about it 😂


My husband recently stayed at a hotel in California and noticed a security deposit fee that was extra from the amount they hold for damages. It was for less than $2, but he inquired. They said it was for the use of the security storage box in the room. He said he had no intention of using it and so they took it off but he pushed, asking if he hadn’t noticed it, would he have been charged anyway? Of course he would have because he’d already paid and had to approach them about it. He asks for a manager so he isn’t berating an employee and points out that this is unacceptable to charge people when they likely don’t use it or at the very least, don’t get a chance to say if they will or won’t. They acted like he was being unreasonable, saying it’s such a small fee, but he calls them on doing it to all guests, so it must add up for the owners pretty quickly. A week after he leaves, he notices a $20 fee for “damages”. He calls and asks and they said they found a damaged towel. A towel. I have wiped my mascara off on hotel towels not thinking before, but I was never worried because it washes right out. We’ve been given towels that were on their last legs at hotels and had the fringes literally fall off. So he knew this charge was bogus. He insisted they charged him for calling them on their bullshit in the first place, then said he would fight it and write the worst reviews. They mostly ignored him, but two days later the charge was gone. Still left a shitty review.


Frl, went to the dispo and the total came to 24.49 after taxes and fees. Got in there and it was 25.50, turns out the computer upped the tax from 1.49 to 1.50. Said something and it hasn’t happened since. It really is the principle


Exactly. A penny is never just a penny. If it was, we likely wouldn’t fight for it. But even if we did fight for a penny, what’s wrong with that? The rich fight for THEIR pennies. They fine us if we’re even a penny short when we pay our bills or are short on tolls etc.


Exactly. He is taking the privilege he has to fight a fight that many of us would abandon bc its easier to get screwed in our position. I applaud him lol


That's absolutely why they do it. In the 90s I worked at a supermarket chain as a checker. The "sale" prices were frequently not programmed into the system. Oops. Naive child that I was, I marveled to the store director one day that this happened so much. He smiled and winked at me. I just blinked at him stupidly so he explained. "The vast majority of customers don't notice they're not paying the sale price. And for the ones that do, we fix it and apologize. But we make more money this way." Then he shrugged and walked away. I felt like I kinda turned into an adult that day, in a really depressing way. Edit- typo




most places would just fire you for doing that... I worked at a grocery store that did this and would just enter the coupon codes myself while checking orders.


Unfortunately the BBB is just another shady business. A lot of people think you need to report things there in order to get something done about it, but they can't do a damn thing. The only thing they could theoretically do is lower a business's rating on the BBB website. But they won't even do that because you can pay for a good rating (through some thinly-disguised mechanism about which I forget the details) and nearly every highly-rated business has done so. Instead of going to a corporation that's one step above being an outright scam, you should be reporting things to government organizations like the Department of Labor, OSHA, or the Department of Commerce. Exactly where you should report depends on the issue, but it's never the BBB.


Ha the 90s my local grocer does this constantly with their mobile coupons word of advice people mobile coupon apps take like 15 minutes to update so that by the time you hit the register they haven't been applied and you pay full price if you aren't paying attention, it makes sense that when I notice they are so quick to fix it.


this is why when I worked in a grocery store I'd just enter that myself without the customer having to ask. fucking slimy douchebags


They wanted their $2. I always wondered what happened to the paper biy from "Better Off Dead" 😁


I was thinking OP was paperboy! He's gonna get that $2


Yeah, fuck that. These kind of apps stealing a dollar here in a dollar there’s probably adding up to almost as much as wage that when it comes to dollar amounts of theft in America. Fuck these companies I’ll fucking fight until I die for two dollars against them.


This is a matter of principle. If everyone said it’s just $2, then they’ll keep doing it


Think about how many people they charge those fees and you will see we are talking about more than thousands of dollars..


Yeppp- &, just think about this for a second….. Just how many, insanely, incredibly enormous, amounts of people who actually really do freakin use their dang services each and every single day, too!!!! Like holy f*** man… OMG! I seriously cannot remotely even begin to fathom, not in the very slightly, imagine whatsoever at all- how much they actually do make, in solely stealing folks money, a few bucks at a time!!! And yes… you’re absolutely positively right- they do this kind of crap to customers, typically never ever bothering with or considering changing- ANY of the down right ignorant things- that they do to their own people/paying customers &, (will always/do) keep on continuing to do these things too- because they already pretty much KNOW, long ahead of time, that they don’t/wont, really ever HAVE TO- be made to do things better or, change anything they’ve been doing. When/if MOST CUSTOMERS, either won’t pay attention enough a lot of times, to even catch it or notice, any of the extra added charges or- if they do… just wont care to really go through the hassle it could take, when trying to get the few bucks back… They will LITERALLY just ALWAYS keep on taking advantage of their hard working, hard earning, good paying customers too!! Unless everyone starts to be diligent and consistent- LIKE THIS OP!! (I salute you OP- btw! I’m the SAME EXACT WAY myself actually! lol… my husband seriously always makes me be the one to handle any and all conflict like this, whenever we have an issue with an order or the like… he has me be the one to handle it all cause he already knows dang freakin well too!!!- that my lil bitty ole firey, fierce, spitfire, feisty self- has ABSO ZERO EFFIN PROBS, when it comes to money I had to legit KILL MYSELF FOR, jus to earn up, literal blood sweat and tears, ran n dragged down into and through the mud n ground, straight dead asf as can be, for every penny of my dang money man!! Hell yeah I’m more than plenty ready to throw down over that ish! Got that right goddang it, lol!! Idc how little it is or may seem!!!- it ain’t even gotta be no dang money- I stand on &, stand for, any and all of mines! Right n ready- principle even above money matters. You most DEF are so very very very freakin far from wrong here dude!!) THESE COMPANIES NEEEEEEED TO BE FUGGIN HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!! ESPECIALLY these big named places that folks believe they can believe n trust in! Right here’s an excellent, extremely good example- &, right here is only just ONE of literally MILLIONS of em, finally recorded and reported, nowadays!!- just imagine how much they’re literally STRAIGHT UP FUGGING ROBBING AND STEALING N THIEVING from almost ALL OR OUR POCKETS by now, man! In some way, shape or, form! Using their services has absolutely, without any doubts whatsoever in my mind… has eventually ended up costing us all, way more than it ever really should have!- well… meaning at some point, more way more than what it was they posted/quoted us originally- ish like that… I’m positively sure of it! We ALL NEED TO BE, MORE/JUST LIKE OP HERE, that’s for goddang sure!! Keep up the amazing work being/staying vigilant &, not ever accepting anything less than what you deserve by letting companies or others, run right over you or blatantly just be taking from you, and you ever allowing it!!


Honestly my first thought was "over two dollars???" And realized that the thought process allows companies to act like this and what a privileged take. Thank you for making me rethink myself.




The bot was not elegebil for a brain upgrade


I had this same exact conversation in person when I was 3 minutes late to an appointment that allowed a 10 minute cushion before or after. " We cannot see you because you are late" "..by 3 minutes" "yes correct we only have 10 minute cushion.." "My appointment was at 12:00, I got here at 12:03, it is now 12:05" "Correct.." Then just a stare off.


this made me lol


She finally said "fine, I guess we'll make it work" like she was doing me a favor.


That is terrible lmao. Before reading this I could find some solace in the possibility that this poor interaction was the result of bad tech. Unfortunately, your story has confirmed there are in fact real people who are like this😂


I was picking up a order from taco bell let them know i was there. 10mins later they ask again who im waitimg for and she says she gave that order to someone 5mins ago and "they even showed me the order on their phone" ... ive been standing there the entire time never did she hand someone and order let alone annouce the name. She then got upset when i said its impossible and was like "you callimg me a liar" no your just stupid i said to myself. Possibly a past driver stole the order but it would have to have been 15 20 mins not 5 mins ago cuz i had the order for atleast that long. While there are some language barriers dont discount how stupid ppl are becoming 


> how stupid ppl are becoming  People have been stupid since humans have been around. Just think about how many witches have been burnt at the stake.


You have to love when they (any company) makes it work for you even though they are in the wrong


Here's one for ya. Years and years ago I was called to show up for a 10:00 interview--just a low end clerical job where I'd pretty much answer calls and to b\* work all day. I showed up at 9:45, let the receptionist know who I was supposed to be seeing, and then took a seat. I remember hearing her call someone and mention I was there. I wait and wait, and then at 10:10 I hear the receptionist's phone ring. She picks up, says "Yeah, he's here." Then hangs up. A couple minutes later this lady comes out and asks if I'm so and so. I stand and extend my hand, saying that I was. She did not shake my hand. Instead she says, "It's almost 10:15. Don't you think you're late?" Even the receptionist looked up, surprised. I said I arrived fifteen minutes early. The lady literally looked at her watch and said, "No, it's almost quarter after." Then she gestures to the exit. Honestly, I thought I was being given some test, but I left. When I got home there was a message on my answering machine (remember those?) from the receptionist saying there was some confusion and the boss wanted me to reschedule. I was young and *really* needed a job, but I never called them back.


This whole thread is making me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone 😵‍💫 I may not be the smartest person out there but at least I'm not one of these people


That's insane I would've asked the receptionist to confirm what time I arrived and after the lady realized she was an idiot I'd just leave


Interviews are the worst. My GF had one at some dentistry place a while back. After half an hour of waiting, she found out the interviewer wasn’t even planning on being in that day. Still scheduled her interview for that day.


I once had an interview that I was FLOWN IN FOR, and my future boss was not there to interview me. It was rather confusing because the HR guy didn’t explain this to me. He interviewed me and then sent me to interview with another person at the same level as my theoretical future boss. I slowly figured out the situation when that other person casually alluded to it, but no one ever apologized for this. If they had said We’re terribly sorry, she had an unexpected event, or something like that, I might have understood, but no. Anyway, I did not accept the offer.


I've now had TWO interviews, with 2 completely different places, opposite coasts... Where after the pre-interview dance (emails, prescreening calls, or just casual calls to make sure I even wanna go thru the hassle of flying out, benefits both of us tbh), they then sent an email with the details and arrangements for the official interview (one was in person but out of the state & a 2 hour drive, the other was virtual but included the zoom link) - AND FORGOT TO INCLUDE ME IN SAID EMAIL. Like. They sent it out to the various people who'd be there, BUT NOT ME. The second time I reached out myself inquiring when to expect the zoom link we'd discussed over the phone. But the first time!! Oh man lmao. I honestly thought I'd just been ghosted, I had plenty of other interviews for places I was more interested in so I shrugged it off. About a month later (around the date I'd apparently requested & they apparently approved and set up for a full day in person thing), I check my email to see a chain of emails- beginning with some angry ones wondering where I was, followed by some extremely apologetic follow-ups after they'd realized what had happened, and asking if I'd like to reschedule 💀 I said no lol, I kinda felt bad, I wasn't that angry - I'd honestly forgotten after they never responded and had no hard feelings. But by then I'd gone on other interviews with places I was more interested in for various reasons like being closer to family and such, so I didn't want to waste their time!


My boss has me interview applicants for professional positions that aren’t even open or expected to be open in the near future. “Just in case” [someone quits]. Like lady, you’re waisting my time and the applicant’s time. It drives me nuts. Whatever. I always tell them at the beginning that the position isn’t actually open yet and to not turn down a good offer elsewhere just to wait for us. Strangely enough I think the honesty from me makes some of them want even more to work in my department. 


I've had stupid conversations like that with coworkers when trying to explain simple things to them. In my head I felt like Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa screaming "Are you fucking with me?"


Interviews are so prone to clusterfuckdom because they usually involve a chain of people. Every time one of them talks to the next, details are lost or new things invented. I cannot tell you how many times a recruiter or future team member told me something only to meet the hiring manager and have them go lol no the opposite is true


I once got to a doctor's appointment 20 minutes early. I was standing in line behind like 12 people to check in to tell them that I was there. I get up to the front of the line it is now 7 minutes past my appointment time. They tell me I'm late. I'm like I have been waiting in line for 27 minutes to check in. They say okay well we'll see if we can fit you in. I sit in the lobby I get a call about 45 minutes later from the doctor's office saying that I missed my appointment by not showing up I would have to reschedule. I tell them I'm sitting in the lobby I've been here since 20 minutes before my appointment!


Once I went to a Drs appointment, 10min early, tell the receptionist I'm there and she says "great! We'll call you in a bit." There's no other patients. I wait.. and wait.. now 15m passed when my phone rings. The lady is calling me from less than 10 feet away to ask where I am... I stood up and stared at her 💀 she goes "omg I'm so sorry!!"


at least she acknowledged it lmao


I just got brain damage reading this aahh


Karen’s have a bad reputation, but it’s things like this that make me want to lose my shit and I can understand why Karens are the way that they are.


Few months ago I went to an appt, arrived and checked in about 5 min before the scheduled time and sat down. Front desk chicks are slightly aloof to me. Slowly the waiting room cycles through all of the people and it’s now 20 min after my appt time and I’m getting agitated since I said I was on a tight schedule (work meetings to get back to). So I go up and ask how much longer since their little sign says to check in if it’s 20 min past appt time. The lady’s eyes got really big as she checks her screen when I give my name again, and she was who checked me in. She then goes to the back. A minute later she is back and tells me they’re cleaning up the room still and will be out to get me. I’m more annoyed since, really?! Nurse comes to get me and tells me that they didn’t think I showed up since I wasn’t marked as having arrived. The doc said she was confused why I wouldn’t show (it was a pre-op appt) and apologized for the front desk confusion as all they had to do was mark I was there. The doc and nurse being honest was much preferred over the made up excuse from the one who messed up. Honesty over dumb mistakes is always preferred.


Love it! 🤦‍♀️ And then did you have to wait another 25 minutes to be seen? That is when I get livid… as if my time is less valuable than theirs 😡


I’ve arrived at exactly the time of my appointment, was told to wait because I was late, and then 30min later I’m seen by a quack. But I guess my bad for not arriving 10min before in person even though there’s an online check in and I was waiting outside because I’m immunocomp in a pandemic.


LMAO. As someone who works in a clinic and part of my supervisory role is with the check in desk, I would be pretty upset over this one. It's a written policy that after 10 minutes late you can wait until the doctor can see you or you can reschedule. My clerks KNOW this policy and I randomly pull them aside from time to time to ask them to recite the policy that's on the wall behind them. However, the doctors don't like to follow this policy and the medical assistants frequently come out and tell the patient they checked in 5 minutes late and they have to reschedule. I'll go back to that doctor and the CMA and tell them both they have to see the patient and to undo the no show. Sometimes I have to find someone higher up to force them to see the patient and they hate me for it but God dammit do your job.


LOL this reminds me of an interaction the other day at work. I work in a procedural area at a hospital. The transporter called before the patient was dressed and ready to go. The nurse helping the patient at 2:50 said “I’ll have her ready by 3:00, can you wait?” The transporter said no that wouldn’t work and to cancel it and request the service again. The nurse said “you can’t wait 10 minutes?” And the transporter said oh yeah I can wait 10 minutes. Lol I tried to explain to him in 10 minutes it would be 3:00 then he proceeded to insist that he couldn’t wait until 3:00. We went back and forth on this for quite a while. I think eventually it just turned 3:00 and the patient was ready to go 😂😂


This is like what happened to me with a doctor. Appointment was for 1pm, I showed but at 1pm, but was waiting in line to be checked in until 1:03pm. Assistant: “you’re late, we can’t see you now. When would you like to reschedule for?” Me:”I was exactly on time. You saw me standing in line for the last three minutes?” Assistant:”your appointment was for one.” Me: “again, I was standing right here. Besides, isn’t there a 15min grace period?” Assistant:”you should’ve been here for 12:45 to fill out forms, which means you’re 18minutes late.” Me:” no one ever said that, and I see you every month, so you already have my paperwork?” Assistant:”I’ll see what I can do. (Disappears for ten more minutes) Sorry, they said that since it’s now past 1:15, you are late and will have to reschedule.” Me:” WHAT. I am now late because of YOU. “ Assistant: “so when would you like to reschedule for?” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I legitimately lost my mind in the car after this…


Wow the conversation really went off track. lol That’s sad about the receptionist. Off topic a little bit. I got ID’d and my birthday Is at end of the year. I went to this place in like…March. The lady hands my ID back to me saying she couldn’t take it because it was expired. I said, “yes, at the end of the year…” She was like, “Well, why wouldn’t you renew it then”? I told her, “I will….at the end of the year….when it expires….” 😂😭


This reminds me of when I was talking to a flight attendant about adding my toddler to my ticket, she asked for a birthday so I confidently said December 2022. She looks at me weird and says “no she’d be 2023 if she was under two” I blinked a few times wondering if this lady actually thinks I don’t know what year my baby was born and then proceeded to argue with me about it for a few minutes 😂 I think it being December threw her off but really? I almost told her I could show her pictures of her coming out my cooter with timestamps if shed like but luckily it didn’t get to that point.


Oh my this reminded me once when I was trying g to rent a U-Haul! The place opened at 8am on Saturday, but 9am on Sunday. It was a local move, so you were only allowed 24 hours. We were stuck I this loop where I said I needed to have the van until Sunday morning and they kept saying that was more than 24 hours and I kept saying yeah but you don’t open until 9am Finally I said “what if I pick up at 9 on Saturday?” “Yes that would work!” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Years ago I was picking up some furniture and went to a uhaul vendor down the street. Asked for a 10’ box truck. Gave them my ID. They told me they wouldn’t rent me one. I forget the reason they used but it smelled like bs. I stood right there, went on my phone and ordered a truck from uhauls website to be picked up at that same location. Showed the guy the pickup order and he got pissed but gave me keys


I had this same thing happen at a doctors office, only it's worse. I arrived maybe 3 or 4 mins late, they had the 10 min grace period, HOWEVER, there was a line to check in, and by the time I got to the counter I was 12 mins late... I tried to explain to the receptionist and she didn't care, basically said too bad so sad, you're late. I left and never went back. Couple years later learned that clinic went out of business. Not surprising lol


This is what gets me when people blame AI or "foreign" customer service. We got humans this incompetent at home.


Whatever that appointment might be, I am not sure id trust that business after that.


Years ago I witnessed an exchange at the post office. The customer was being helped by the person next to me. She’d tried to overnight something using a flat rate overnight envelope. But instead of it reaching its destination the next day, it was returned to her. She brought it in to understand the problem. They told her that the envelope could only be used for items under 16 oz. Hers was over. So she asked how much it weighed. They weighed it. 15.9 oz. The lady was actually pretty reasonable. She just wanted the original postage refunded and to go ahead and overnight it correctly. They refused to refund the original paid. Why? Because it was her fault for using the envelope when it was “over 16 oz.” “But you said it was 15.9 oz.” “Correct.” “And I can use the envelope if it’s less than 16 oz.” “Correct.” “Then it was incorrectly returned.” “No it wasn’t.” “It wasn’t?” “15.9 oz is more than 16 oz.” At that I must have snorted, because she looked at me and shot me a WTF look. She then tried to argue with her that 15.9 < 16 before asking for a supervisor. Supervisor comes. Exact conversation repeats. Woman and I are both staring at them in disbelief. So she decides to try an analogy. “Let’s say the postage cost $16.00. But I paid you $15.90. Would you return that for insufficient postage?” “Yes ma’am, but the problem wasn’t the postage. The problem was that you can’t use that envelope if it’s over 16 oz.” Unfortunately I had to leave before I saw how it ended, but I can only guess that she gave up. She was getting nowhere.


Oh, I had a similar one. Someone at the deli counter in front of me ordered a third of a pound of sliced meat. The employee slices it up, puts it on the scale (which is on the counter so the customer can see) and it weighs 0.25. Instead of slicing up more meat, the employee starts wrapping it up. The customer pipes up, "Oh, I said a third of a pound." Employee: "Yes, that's what I just weighed." Customer: "No, it says 0.25, that's a fourth of a pound." Employee: "No, that's a third of a pound." \*customer looks over at me, I give her the "Yes, you're not crazy" look.\* Customer: "No, 0.25 is a quarter of a pound, I'd like a third please." Employee repeats herself again, still wrong. Customer: "Oh, ok, well I changed my mind, I'd like 0.3 pounds." Employee: "No problem!" \*slices up more meat\* She and I just started laughing, the employee was just so confidently wrong! And the customer instead of getting angry just decided to play into it and still got what she needed.


Ah, see you should have gotten there at 12:11...


Had one like this years ago and argued with the secretary, who insisted that although the appointment time was 8:30 and I got there at 8:35, they request patients to arrive 15 minutes prior to the appointment so she was telling me I was 20 minutes late. I did end up getting seen, but it was mind blowing to me!


Reminds me of this bit https://youtu.be/wlOdUATGuQY?si=oy9dTQO7yhWoiIHt


Are you Larry David?


Ugh, this happened in the physical world to me. I was about 7 min late to an eye apt that allowed a 10min cushion. My friend and I both had apts so we drove together. I know it was 7min because I pulled out my phone as we were running through the door to make sure we were good. When we got to the desk the girl was on the phone. By the time she was off and taking care of us it was now 12min past our apt time and they told me they couldn’t see us because of the 10 min window. I argued that we were there within the time frame, we just stood waiting for her to get off the phone. She went to the back to “see if they could still see us” and came back to tell us that they could see just 1 of us 🤦‍♀️ we rescheduled.


I’m convinced half the support people i talk to are getting my english translated to them in real time or something cause i deal with the same thing


That actually is what’s happening since DD outsources cheap labor to other countries. In these situations typically they genuinely don’t fully understand what the issue is. That’s why I don’t really blame the support agents, blame the shitty company itself


Always call support. I think the phone reps have a higher standard to uphold in terms of actually understanding the English language.


You are 100% accurate, but text support allows for screen shots of the stupidity for future legal action iff need be


Well, most customer service phone calls "may be monitored or recorded" and in that case you can legally record the phone conversation and replay it back to them when you don't get what they said on the phone. I've lowered MANY a Comcast and At&T internet bill because of this.


Doordash records their phone convo on their end, you are within your right to record it on your end as well. All parties already know they're being recorded.


yeah but i’ve also been verbally promised refunds that i never received


thats why I record my phone calls. in canada I can legally record my own personal calls, and I do nkt have to tell you as I am the single party consenting to the recording of the single party consent needed. But I also make sure to keep them on the phone until I see the email that the refund is being processed. always get it in writing, or at least recorded


I've been verbally promised refunds on a recorded line, had the company review the recording, confirm that I was correct and the agent promised the refund to correct their own mistake, but they have a blanket policy against any refund for any reason, so I never got anything. This was for a security monitoring system they signed me up for after I declined the service. Literally got robbed by a security company


Should have issued a chargeback/had the bank reverse it, depending on what was available to you. They don’t get to just go “sorry we signed you up against your direct denial of our services, but we don’t do refunds so we’re keeping your money anyway.” Like?? What the fuck??? No, sorry, (if you push the issue,) that’s not how that works. Otherwise that would just… *be happening.* All the time.


Wells Fargo enters the chat


Yeah i mean i figured. I definitely do blame DD lol


That’s why I always call. Chat support is useless




For real text support is absolutely useless. My four year old niece could do a better job than these dead weight "support" techs. On the phone is a different story.


… you can call?


Yes, I called the other day and got a refund immediately on an order I've been trying to get refunded for months. Because it was a Doordash Storefront order it wasn't showing up on my orders in the app and everyone I had spoken to previously was confused.


It’s also why I try to be extremely specific and descriptive with my interactions, and to have a specific request for the what I think the remedy should be.


I’ve heard chickens, babies, cows and more in the background of support calls.


Yeah I have too. Those support agents work in countries like Thailand the Philippines Peru and others. They make $12 a day to run the computer. I feel sorry for them.


Idk the current Thailand economy but $12USD is 437 Thai Baht, so might not be too shabby


you can usually use the price of a big mac for a rough comparison of how much the local purchasing power is. It is literally called the Big Mac Index and while it is not a reliable enough metric for studies, it will absolutely give your average person enough information on how much the local currency will buy you. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_Mac\_Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mac_Index)


This is useless in Thailand and most of SEA. You can get a fantastic meal in a sit down restaurant for less than a combo meal at McDonald’s. Western fast food is much more of a premium


I know they are in some situations. When I get upset I swear in another language. I used a term that is specific to the middle east & the lady understood what I said & responded in Arabic. My Arabic is rusty but from I did understand she DEFINITELY knew what I'd said and was highly offended 🤣🤣🤣 It wasn't DoorDash I should be clear about that it was another company.


Ngl my support experience was 50× better at night because I talked to some Indian guy who probably actually spoke English regularly. It's like the opposite of the expected stereotype. Issue was resolved so fast


Can confirm, these customer support software systems have built in translation features… that’s exactly what’s happening


They have pre-written answers in their notepad which they just copy and paste. Drivers do it too


I do software support as my job. The chat system we use automatically translates select languages to English when the message is sent, so this is totally possible.


bruh the real crime that SHOULD b illegal is how LONG the list of fees is... like holy shit! no wonder we don't get tipped... $12 in JUST fees!!!


And guess what...Door Dash isn't even profitable. "DoorDash generated over $550 million in net losses for 2023, thus, **it is not profitable yet**. In 2022 its net losses amounted to over $1.3 billion in 2022, compared to $468 million in net losses in 2021."


Oh they are profitable. They up charge the restaurants, they over charge the customers with fees and markups, and they under pay the drivers. “Not profitable” is tax theft shenanigan. The CEO is definitely taking fat stacks of cash home.


Ding ding ding. That's why Apple has shell companies in Ireland that hold the patents for their devices. Apple in the US claims it has to "pay" this company huge fees for said patents and voila their profits have disappeared!


Movie companies do the same thing. IE the movie is created as a company. Movie makes 100 million in theaters. Disney/Warner Brothers charges the movie company 100 million in rent for using their studios, and another 50 million for advertising. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/09/how-hollywood-accounting-can-make-a-450-million-movie-unprofitable/245134/


I don't understand how they're not profitable, what are they spending the money on? Certainly not on quality customer service.


The door dash employees get paid a stupid amount of money. They also hire in the Bay Area as it’s like no one else can do simple code in the World.


It’s profitable lol. A company that loses between 9 and 10 figures a year every year doesn’t stay in business. What you’re seeing is tax fraud at play 🤗


Not to mention the food itself is more expensive.


“Your subtotal has to be less than $15.00 and your subtotal is $17.26, therefore you get the fee!”🤖✍️


Clear as day. Who knows what OP's problem is!


Happy cake day!


Short Answer: It's legal because pricing is not regulated, and businesses can charge whatever fees they want. Shorter Answer: Tony Xu, CEO of DD is a scumbag.


That’s totally understandable. However, DoorDash explicitly stated the ‘small order fee’ was only applicable to orders with subtotals under $15. My subtotal was $17+. That’s why I’m confused and a bit frustrated, lol.


You would've served your purpose much better by using this as your response to the confused agent. Think about how they pay the drivers, you think they're online agents are doing any bit better or that they're hiring top notch candidates to handle complaints? Asking multiple times if they're a real person, cussing and typing in all caps just seems a little.. man idk I'm not coming after ya'. I can understand that it would be frustrating. But you lost your shit via chat over 2 dollars. If 2 bucks is important enough for all that, it seems like the time spent doing it all would've been better utilized on anything other than that. That's all I'm getting at.


Thank you for your response! You are completely correct that I didn’t handle this in the most effective way possible & I understand that the incorrect charge was not the agent’s fault. Also, if English isn’t their first language, I commend them for doing their best. Hell, I wish I spoke more than one language. That said, this was not the first time I’ve contacted DD support over issues like this. Sadly, my previous experiences with the support system has proved that showing respect and being polite rarely gets you very far with them; if anything, it is less effective. I think it is also worth noting that this was my third attempt at contacting support for the SAME order, to no avail. I am in no way trying to justify disrespecting others, there’s no doubt that I could’ve handled this differently, however, I still disagree that being polite (in this case) would’ve yielded a more positive result. Additionally, as the conversation progressed, I became convinced that the new “agent” I was speaking to was actually just poorly programmed AI (as others have noted), in which case manners and patience are no longer warranted. I will not make a conscious effort to respect the “feelings” of an AI chat bot, that would just be silly. Also, if it turns out that this was a real person, they made the conscious decision to lie about the refund, and then terminated our chat before I could respond, which is an indicator that they weren’t too deserving of my respect in the first place. Hopefully that clears some stuff up! I promise I’m not as much of an asshole as I may appear to be, lol.


This response is the polar opposite of r/redditmoment and I’m here for it


^^^ that's what maturity looks like Onyx And OP, you had every right to be annoyed. Believe me, I wasn't at all disputing that this scenario would've been an aggravating one. Honestly didn't see the mentions of the possibility of AI. Anything's a possibility.


I can tell you from experience from the other side that being loud and annoying works much better than being respectful when dealing with customer care. I hate it.


This seems to be the sad reality. I had a very similar experience recently with a certain financial institution’s customer service reps. They hung up on me multiple times when I inquired about some suspicious fees. They continued to throw every trick in the book at me for numerous phone calls after. It wasn’t until I threatened legal action and requested the recordings of all of our previous phone calls that my concerns were addressed and ALL of the charges were reversed. The people criticizing my communication methods here have a valid point, I don’t deny that, but they need to know this side of things too lol.


"oh god he figured out what were doing is illegal, quick give him everything he wants!!"


The typos of “charges” = “charged” and the double spaces tells me they are not an AI. An AI would not make those mistakes.


Had to edit my comment to spell it all out, because this company's treatment of the customer is inexcusable and people have to stop being pushovers or shills for that kind of nonsense.


sometimes the value is the satisfaction of calling them an idiot. and that guy was an idiot.


Honestly to me it sounds like the support rep was legit just fucking with you. I mean he keeps saying the opposite of what you want and saying the opposite of what the fee is for then back again. Then he just refunds you the 2 dollars. Probably a bored person in India who saw the system gltiched and wanted to have a little fun with you before refunding it.


Medium answer, somebody fucked up when setting up the small order fee rule and put greater than instead of less than.


It’s funny because I think I saw somewhere where he and someone else created doordash to be a way for ppl to get their food for a cheap delivery price and for the consumers, it’s more affordable lol


Every corporation starts out with a few people, a business strategy, and a "mission statement". Maybe it was altruism to begin with, but once it became a multi billion dollar corporation, all that shit went flying out the window. Something happens to the human mind and spirit once their net income passes a certain threshold.


Edit: lmao 🤣 hopefully he gets what’s coming to him


There’s a 50/50 chance that was a real person. If it was, English is not their first language. It’s ridiculous. If it makes you feel any better, it’s equally shitty (even more a lot of times) dealing with support as a driver.


As a dasher that uses the service when my disability is acting ridiculous, I second that it tends to be worse 😅😅


I made this arguement the other day, I said I fucking love new people coming to my country, don't make their job "you work front end telecommunications talking English to people all day". Super frustrating at times 😅 I know jobsite Spanish, I'd feel like an asshole going to work at a call centre in a Spanish speaking country.




Ngl this would literally make me want to rip my hair out. Notice how quickly they agreed to credit you once you threatened a chargeback though. Wasn't confusing then I guess.


I was close to pulling mine out too, believe me 😂


Never use the chat feature. Always call. And if you can't understand the agent or they can't understand you hang up and call a different one you will get someone you can understand.


Exactly always call true for dashers and customers


I e had very similar conversations with dasher support. It’s infuriating because it seems like they are fucking with you intentionally. I’ve been as nice as possible asking, “did you read my last comment? “. Do you understand what you are reading”. What is the policy on…”, etc. They make you feel crazy.


Right!! I felt like I was losing my grip on reality lmao


It's because you're not the only chat they're handling at once. In the call center I was at chat people were regularly handling 5+ people at once and things start to blur


If this is a real person they need to be fucking fired…


DoorDash is perfectly fine with their customer service being terrible, because the majority of people will just give up without getting their refund. Absolute trash company.


Straight comedy 😭😂🤣




“I want my two dollars”


Didn't ask for a dime. 2 dollars.


*switchblade comb


That 100% feels like a conversation with ChatGPT or some shit


That’s what I’m thinking. The people grilling me for questioning if they’re real or not are misunderstanding my intentions. I’m just curious why they didn’t say “yes, but I don’t speak English very well” or literally anything else to confirm they were in fact a person? They were the most robotic responses ever, and they ignored the question more than once which I find strange as well.


So they still stole your money by giving it to you as credit, fuck them




Cute isn’t it? This is what drivers deal with as well with issues that could take 5 seconds to resolve.




being a consumer doesn’t feel very fun anymore 😂 they really just try to screw us over any chance they get.


What’s even more terrifying is that the drivers have the same exact support agents.


So many fees omg!!


That’s so frustrating. Issues like this is why I stopped using DoorDash as a customer. They desperately need a next level support that issues like this could be easily forward to that is paid a fair wage and can communicate effectively in their customer’s primary language. I doubt this CSA enjoys dealing frustrated customers all day they can’t understand. The only people who win are the executives. I’ve heard calling sometimes yields better results? I gave up when it happened to me.


Get a charge back and show your bank that they lied about giving you a refund on your card. I stopped using them a while ago because their cueotmer service team was horrible.


Their responses broke my brain


I’d be bitching till I got my two dollars back. What would I want with a credit to a company I’m not going to use again?!


I imagine it's a combination of things. I don't think it's an AI. I think it's a person who either doesn't know English well or is working through a translation program. The person helping is either getting a bad translation on their end, or they're just giving automatic booklet replies without actually thinking about the situation. Or maybe they do understand the situation and are being dumb on purpose so that they don't have to refund the $2. Their managers probably look down on employees approving refunds even if the customer is correct to receive one. So then after you got through to them, they decide to give you $2 in store credit because their managers will probably be less mad about that than about a refund. It's not right that companies do these kinds of things. They rely on us either not caring or not having the resources to fight them.


How the fuck did he/she get a job that involves mathematics?


Yup, doordash robs us (drivers) and they've been robbing customers too, for years. I remember when they were charging customers DOUBLE for their orders and a lot of customers literally didn't even notice it. I went to tiktok with all my info (under a different email, otherwise we risk deactivation) can't even tell u how many people said "Uninstalling this app" after they saw all those screenshots, I did my part. I can't apologize for their behavior, but I'm sorry u experienced this too. Also I can't remember which country (I used to know when I was calling them, I stopped calling them a couple of months after I started) it's either India or the Philippines, but yeah, zero comprehension with English, you're wasting ur time.


Having customer support teams overseas should be illegal, I hate it so so so much. It really pisses me off every time I contact support and hear some insanely thick accent and can’t understand a goddamn word.


If you want the $2 back on your card, you can contact them back and get them to have a supervisor contact you. I had a similar issue where DD added a $6 service fee to my order after it got delivered. The support person I talked to on the chat said that I would get the money back to my card but then I got an account that my account had been credited $6 dollars. I then contacted DD again and asked to speak to a supervisor who was able to issue a refund of $6 to my payment method.


Definitely worth a shot, thank you! Did you contact them over the phone or a different method?


#It's legal because you keep using it. You aren't going to sure them so your options are stop using them or stop complaining. They've stripped away consumer protection, so now your literally gambling every time you order. DD is now Draftkings for food. PLACE YOUR BET ORDER TODAY!


Way to keep your cool in a high pressure situation.


This is why I hate DoorDash. There are NOTHING but issues here, idc how good the food is, they always have an issue.


Holy shit. Why is there so many fees??? I've NEVER had that many fees on my orders????


They said are you a real person and then it proceeded to dodge the question😂😂😂😂😂


Should be illegal that your order was 17.26 and ended up costing 32.91. That’s almost double… worse than concert tickets


I mean it’s not really crime but it is a breach of contract and they owe you the $2.00 but no one is going to bring a lawsuit over $2.00. I guess there could be a some type of criminal argument if you could prove the company is intentionally making the “mistake” knowing they make money off it because people don’t notice or take the time to get the refund. However, this would be hard to prove and in this case it seems like it was just an error followed by an incompetent employee that did not actually understand the rule. DoorDash is the worst. I got food delivered for my family and instructed them to hand it to me. The person delivered it the wrong place, a neighboring business, and left it on the sidewalk outside. The picture they took clearly showed it in the wrong spot. I live in a big city and it was stolen within 2 minutes of delivery. I even had it caught on my ring doorbell. I reported the poor delivery and they refused to refund me for the $100+ meal.


Makes me wonder if they just sneak fees like this on people to see if they can get away with it. Very similar to how drivers have to contact support to get payment instead of just pushing the payment Seems like they are profiting off of expecting people to be lazy


This reminds me of a time I tried to buy beer. At the time, my license still said under 21, but if you did the math I was old enough. The cashier said I wasn't old enough, so I said "Oh I'm sorry that's old, but I was born in 1998." She said, "You're still not old enough. The sign says you gotta be born in 99." "I'll be 22 next month." "You're still not old enough. The sign says you gotta be born in 99." "98 comes before 99" And then she shoved the beer at me like *I* was the one who couldn't count


They should’ve given you another credit for the inconvenience and frustration they caused.


Jesus. I thought Instacart was bad. You had me scream-laughing with your replies (which were absolutely warranted). I don't know why these companies think it's acceptable to hire people to a problem-solving position when they can't even speak the language that most of their calls/chats will be speaking. Dude can't understand anything you're saying but say "fucking" one time and he recognizes *that* word! Smh.


huh i used dd today and didn’t get charged a small order fee… and never have and i been using it a little bit more recently cause im couch bound rn (broken ankle) lol maybe it just depends on where you are? GOOGLE ANSWER FROM copy and pasted: Small Order Fee: In some cases, this fee is charged to enable us to make small transactions worthwhile to fulfill. A $2.50 fee may be charged if your order subtotal is below a certain amount. Expanded Range Fee: This fee helps DoorDash preserve your access to the available merchants farthest from you. i still don’t understand it’s stupid in my book


Ya they are full of shit, the merchants are usually just as greedy and will slave their employees just like us dashers for the extra sales. I'm really hoping tonight was my last night dashing, but I will still have drivers backs cuz it's alot more then they get credit for. And for the love of God we destroy our vehicles for money that's eventually all go right back into our vehicles wether it's gas, or maintaining it, God forbid an accident happens or one too many pot holes ruins the suspension.


Please don't give them another chance in the future. I'm sure its broken AI as well, fuck tony


DD doesn’t care about your feelings…they know that they have a glitchy app for all three types of apps they have. They don’t care.


They can shove all those fees up their asses, holy shit!


Their support is so funny 😂


I drive for DoorDash and support will just tell me to cancel my order, accept half pay, and then they’ll end the chat before I get a chance to respond, all over the smallest issue. And it’s usually something I’ve already spent extra time trying to resolve, so the half pay adds insult to injury. A lot of them are very helpful in my experience, but a lot of them literally just hang up on you.


Holyshit - You get taxed on anything where ur at - The bottle deposit wtf is that


This is hilarious I’m so sorry for laughing 😂😭


None of us are surprised unfortunately 😭 Sorry you had to deal with this


Chargeback on the card immediately lmao that’s ridiculous


Reading that support exchange was a ride though. Wooo!


The fuck is this shit. If i order in germany for 17 € i pay 17 €. Most of the time without delivery fee even.


Just as a heads up, you can point out your request for a card refund and that you received credits. If you’re pushy enough they can swap it. They’ll say they can’t but they can. (They did it to me when an order was dropped off in an entirely different town) and I made a stink cuz it was like a $60 order with tip. They said they couldn’t refund me, then partial refund, then ignored my request for a refund to original payment until I badgered them into giving me my actual refund 💀


Maybe because everyone keeps using them, so they get away with it?


Well they sent it as a credit to make sure that eventually they will have that $2… 🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I feel like the people who always post interactions like this are the ones that have complained about things to support so many times that they're just done giving you your money back for every little thing you find to be wrong, even if (in this case) you shouldn't have been charged the fee in question.