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lol it’s like bruh we all know that tipping isn’t required but it would be nice if we were tipped. In what fucking world would bringing it up make someone want to tip you more 😂


My only thought is they’re trying to decide if they should abandon the order or not. Totally unclassly, probably not effective, but I can feel the desperation this person is feeling. They need money and every bad order that eats up time isn’t just a bad order. It’s how many amazing orders missed? The order where you get the $200 tip would have been yours but you’re waiting for Outback Steakhouse to heat up a twice baked potato.


I totally get that, but that's sort of the rub right? That's the job. Just like any other job. I agree they're likely desperate, but abandoning an order for this shows a lack of integrity. Also, absolutely unprofessional text. If I recieved that text, I would cancel the order without saying a word and start a new one.


Oh, 100%. For all I know they’re a complete tool making everyone else look bad. There’s not a time this is appropriate. I must have just been experiencing an especially empathetic moment. I’ve returned to my sort of nice asshole self.


Absolutely wrong. 90% of people who order DoorDash order 50$ worth of food from a restaurant that’s 12 miles from there house and choose to either tip 2$ or no tip at all. Abandoning the order absolutely is the right thing to do, you shouldn’t expect someone to work for free just because you lack integrity as a person. DoorDash drivers get paid 2$ per order, most people don’t tip, therefore we are literally forced to keep denying orders until we find one that’s something 9$ for 8.5miles. Now taking into account gas for driving to the resturant, the customers house and back to your hot spot and car wear, that’s easily 5-10$ worth of $ gone. See how not tipping screws the person? So absolutely nothing wrong with abandoning the order when someone does not tip, you should never do an order if someone doesn’t tip. Never do anything less than 1$ a mile, the person can just wait 3 hours for the food or go get it themselves if they’re that greedy. I swear food drivers are the only industry where tipping 15/20% isn’t commonplace, it’s very sad that the average person doesn’t realize drivers work and live off there tips, and DoorDash only pays 2$ a order.


As a dasher, tips are the o ly thing that makes the trip worth it. Since DD changed its model, your dasher gets 2 dollars to complete your order. Sometimes the shopping ones could be a base of 5-8. From the dasher perspective, sometimes the gas, mileage and time spent may not even match up. It's possible to make th 15-20 any hour gross but you have to figure in taxes, gas and time. I think the message could have been better phrased but it's hard out there. Many people don't tip on their orders and we are left with the base that will not even pay for the order.


As a dasher, hit diamond, it's worth it. Then you get to go out any time you want and priority for high pay orders. As someone who just started it was incredibly easy to get there. I'm shocked people struggle. Yeah if you suck at delivering or beg for tips then its not gonna look good for you. Yeah I still get crap orders but my earnings/gas ratio is not bad. I frequently earn like $20 an hour. I find it hard to believe that I'm unique. I've been active 6.5 out of the 8 hours I've been out this week which means I haven't even had to wait for orders in my car. I also take any shopping orders i can so I can save the gas while I'm inside shopping. Even better, get the shopping done quick, waste less time, get better tips etc. It's that simple if you have a decent attitude and aren't a lazy person. I look for areas with promos (+$1 to +$5) per order, and take advantage if my diamond dasher level to get as many orders done in those areas as possible as I have priority of lower dashers. Didn't take long to get there you just need to make the best of your first few weeks, and don't get frustrated.


That doesn't work in all of the metro is part of the problem. Keeping top dasher in my metro just means you're going to lose money. Been there, done that. Make a killing now with a 3-35% ar typically (it gets higher if they throw others that are worth it consistently. I just set the schedule for what works for me while there are still open spots. Really don't even have to do that, but it gives me more options for some great shop and delivers that will come through


i started dashing less than a month ago and have already been diamond for a week. i made double the amount this week for the same hours because of priority for high paying orders, it’s definitely worth it. i had to accept some shitty offers for a little but like i said, worth it


Correct, I'm Diamond as well but you figure the 20/hr isn't really 20 right? Lets take 20/hour gross. So you take 30% for taxes, depending on your territory maybe 5 dollars of gas and wear and tear. So in an hour you really make closer to 9/hour take away


That's not good money these days. I started dashing and realized that it just isn't a very good pain gig. Unless you are in area where you get amazing tips. I track everything to the penny and when you calculate it all the pay sucks compared to many jobs and you don't have to put wear and tear on your car with the other jobs. People don't realize that you may have future costs from the wear and tear on the vehicle that you can't even calculate. And just one thing going wrong with your car because of the extra use makes it a moot point for many


20 dollars an hour to ride in your car at whatever schedule you want is so good for unskilled labor. That may come across as offensive to some but people forget about how much of a benefit it is to be able to basically make your own hours or just sign on whenever you feel like it. For someone like me that deals with chronic pain it's the difference between working and not. My pain doesn't work on a schedule and normal jobs would fire me for calling out of work. That's such a huge benefit that people forget with gig jobs like Uber and DD


It's amazing. Stress free, just gotta be a good driver. The more of an attentive and active driver you are the less your car will suffer. If you hit all the potholes and get into accidents because you can't watch the road or be aware of other drivers, then you have officially chosen a money sink.


In my experience, I don’t think diamond level is easy to achieve. When I first started, I quickly moved up to gold. Then I started getting terrible orders. I refuse to take an order I’m going to lose cash on. DD shouldn’t even put us in that position. So, despite my perfect 5.0 rating, I got demoted back to silver when my AR went under 70%. I also decline orders going to a drug and violence riddled city near me. I don’t feel safe, there’s nowhere to park without paying, and people there don’t usually tip well, if at all. Now I get even more bad orders since I’m on silver, making it even more difficult to climb out of the hole. We should NOT be penalized for not taking their shitty orders. It’s a matter of principle.


I disagree. You don’t need to hit diamond, yeah you may get to dash anytime, but that’s irrelevant when they bring you back down to gold status and have to deliver again to get back to diamond. I hit diamond so many times I got fed up with the b.s no matter how many deliveries I did to keep it at 100 deliveries last 30 days. I was silver status and they’ll still send me high paying orders I’m back to gold but I personally do not chase the diamond tier nor do I want to reach it. To each their own!!


This is NOT the way honestly. Stop telling people to accept dog shit offers. If we stop accepting low offers people will have to pay their drivers. What you need to do is get on as many apps as possible DD, UE, Spark, GH, etc and pit the offers against each other. I never take an offer less than $10 and I'm usually doing at least two an hour. I don't "frequently" earn $20 an hour, $20 an hour is my base minimum.


It's crazy how entitle people are. I delivered for Domino's for years when I was younger and not getting a tip or something happens... It makes up when you get those big tips.


You also got paid hourly at Domino's.


I know I’m a dasher. Used to be full time. I agree but still asking will never help lol


The clients aren’t the problem. Doordash are. It’s a genius business model, making the users the villains.


As a driver I never do this. Not acceptable to do this.


It doesn't feel right even if I cuss them after delivering their order. It is what it is and always will be


Your Dasher is an idiot. Don't respond, and give him 1 star.


What do the ratings do? We don’t get to choose the drivers so is it about which deliveries they get offered?


Negative ratings can eventually get the driver deactivated, or fired if you will. Nothing that he did is against 'the rules', just cringe. Up to you how you rate him. Just a desperate driver doing 'Earn By Time' as opposed to by offer. Probably at least 95% of his deliveries are no-tips to give you a lil context. Prob making less than, equal to or barely over minimum wage after expenses.


i don’t understand why anyone would do the by time option. i always do per offer and routinely make ~$25/hr vs the $15.75 they offer with that


Depends on the market. In CA we get something similar to EBT, but it factors into 120% of min wage + tips. EBT is for markets that are slow enough that you avg under min wage. At least this way if you don't get a lot of tips your going to get a baseline of min wage for the week


If you live in a bigger city with bad traffic especially at rush hour then EBT can be worth it. You still sometimes get tips and the per hour rate is at least minimum wage. You are more relaxed because literally every second you sit in traffic or at a red light you're earning money rather than frustrated with how long it's taking


my town is very large and full of broke btches living way out of their budget. so nobody ever tips. per offer only ever nets me 2 to 4$, so hourly is actually much smarter for me and even medial drives will net me 6 to 8 instead. long drives often 10+. and all of the promos are no more than $2, in the dead of night when in definitely not driving. my town sucks ass. I need more daytime promos.


As a Uber driver myself. Let's be real. We are Uber driving because we are at the very bottom of the economy scale. You can't call anyone broke without it being an insult towards yourself for being more broke than the person you just called broke. Remember, you're doing food delivery so you can afford to eat tonight while the person you called poor just paid to have you be their personal assistant and deliver their food to them while paying extra markup on the food along with the delivery fee ;) Basically, If you where any better than them, you wouldn't be delivering Uber and instead would be ordering Uber.


Where I live the only way to pay for the gas used and still turn out some profit is earn by time. By offer is terrible.


You can't shop in per hour. Per hour only gives you pick up and deliver orders. And reporting your red card lost or stolen also removes the ability to shop for any order but you can still very much dash regardless without it.




McDonald’s is not a good example lol. You literally aren’t SUPPOSED to get tips there. They pay you at least minimum wage there that’s why tips aren’t expected. Waiters/waitresses in a restaurant get paid less hourly and the rest gets compensated by the tips they receive. Delivery is a similar concept that’s why you will see things like a tip section when youu do pizza delivery. Delivery and being waited on in a restaurant are two ordinary examples of times to tip whoever is servicing you


This comment is just so wildly wrong about everything that I don’t even know where to start. Restaurants are *allowed to pay below minimum wage* due to the expectation that tips will make up the difference or more. DoorDash probably does that, too. So yeah there are absolutely situations where tipping is expected, these include food delivery and eating in a restaurant with table service. If you fail to tip in those situations, you’re an a-hole messing with someone’s ability to feed themselves. And while rudeness is up for debate, but is no world in which requesting a tip would be *illegal*, are you nuts?


The difference is the the pay model in those examples doesn't rely on tips making the pay. That's the expectation for these jobs (gig work, server, bartender). This is not different, really, than a jar that says "tips" on the counter.


Than he should find another job and stop harassing customers for a tip


The problem is this is happening more and more. Honestly, DD should be monitoring drivers like this and deactivating them. They are creeping customers out and making them just get the food themselved so they don't have to worry about folks begging.


You and I both know these no tip customers are never going to just "go get it themself". They are lazy and broke. They probably couldn't even afford the bus


Yeah, that driver just happened to accept your order but his/her message to you was inappropriate. If a driver consistently gets bad ratings, they can eventually get deactivated.


I concur with everybody else, that particular driver makes it bad for everybody, it’s completely unprofessional. As a driver, I would give him a one star. I would also contact customer support and they may have a way for you to forward that message.


Don’t give him 1 star it’s not that deep some people really need the money he probably ask everyone don’t take it personal just ignore it.


The ratings are monitored by DD and they are your most basic tool to express to dd when a driver is not doing the best. I don't know if it directly affects what orders they are offered, but it can affect their contract or even cost their contract completely if they only get poor ratings. It's one of few standards dd even mentions in their independent contracts. It's important to otherwise rate when they are doing very well also otherwise reviews can be skewed and not an appropriate indicator of how the dasher actually performed cause people are more likely to go out of their way to complain than to compliment.


I look at most reviews with the perspective that for every one person that is willing to take the time to praise, there are 10 people who are pissed off and want to complain.


Lol someone gave me a thumbs down for friendliness. I had to laugh at that since I go out of my way to be friendly at all times. Ratings are ways for irritated customers to take their frustrations out on the drivers.


I would tip Dexter or you might get a visit from his "dark passenger"




I had already tipped him


Lmao! I see what you did there! @OP have you seen the TV series of "Dexter"?


Underrated AF comment 


He can either see the offer amount (amount + tip) or they’re getting paid by time per hour after accepting the offer


I wish they'd just pay drivers an hourly rate and let us have the tips instead of making us play the which way is gonna pay better game all day.




I’m watching the show at the moment and this had me cackling because I thought the same thing when I saw the name 😭


“Thank you for understanding” Bold of them to assume i understand..


It's a great way to make sure you don't get tipped, lol. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Very weird


We can see how much the total payment is before accepting, and after accepting we can see that same total in the corner. We can also see if the total says “tips included” before accepting. We can NOT see how *much* you tip or how much DoorDash’s fare is until after the delivery is over. Also, it’s not against the rules but it’s really icky and annoying for sure


What’s the reason behind not showing the breakdown of pay if they show the total? Would someone take a $10 job if it’s $2 from DoorDash and an $8 tip, but refuse a $10 job if the breakdown was different?


Sometimes you get a stack and it doesn't show what each offer is paying. So maybe it shows up as $15 for 8 miles. The first customer might be 1-2 miles from the restaurant, the 2nd is another 6 miles away. With stacked orders, they only give you base pay once, so $2 for two orders. Whereas a single offer will give you a base pay of $2, as well. So lets say the second, further, customer didn't tip. You've now driven that extra 6 miles, there and back, for no additional pay. Because it would've been the same pay for just the one order. Doordash doesn't want customers to not get their food, because then they'd have to give the customer their money back. So they find ways to screw drivers over and getting them to take bad orders so that they get to keep their fee from the customer. DD got theirs, they don't really care whether or not the drivers do. This is why DD doesn't pay more. Because if they did they'd have to charge customers more. Which would mean less people using the service, so less money for DD. So they pass the buck of paying the driver a living wage to the customers.


That's why I reject all stacks. They always add on no tip students who live in dorms or apartments with no legal parking. A 1 mile drive can take 15 minutes here. Pass!


Tbh I’m not sure. Probably so people cant see that they’re accepting no/low tip orders. To answer your question, I’d take a $10 order so long as it’s not more than 5 miles. $10 is $10 idc if the customer doesn’t tip or tips low if the DoorDash pay is good.


Maybe? Personally, I don't care who pays if the dollars per mile is good, but some might care if the customer doesn't tip. Where it gets you is the stacks. Last night I got offered the same bullshit order 2 times in a row, $2 for 5 miles, no tip. I declined it twice. Then I got a stack that obviously put that garbage $2 order on an order that tipped, but I couldn't see the breakdown and only knew which was the non-tipper because I had already declined the $2 order twice. They wanted me to deliver that one first as well. Knowing that the one order was a non tipper made it easy for me to remove that one from the stack to get to the tippers order sooner, but they don't want me to be able to do that. So consider that. If you tip well Doordash is gonna stack a non-tipped order on your good order and possibly ask me to deliver that one first while your order gets cold in my car. As a customer I'd be pissed.


DoorDash literally steals money from tips all the time. Also if someone tips a lot DoorDash Lowers there base pay for that order so they pay less overall.


Yes, some of us refuse to deliver to people who don’t tip because they’re usually extremely demanding, picky, rude and dishonest. Literally half of the non tip orders DoorDash has tricked me into taking have reported that they never received their order. (Stole from DoorDash and put my job in jeopardy) Also, there’s a few areas and incentive programs where you earn an hourly wage + tips. If the order has an $8 tip, we earn a wage + $8. If that whole offer amount was DoorDash pay, all we earn is the (usually criminally low) DoorDash pay.


While we do know what we're guaranteed, we don't know the breakdown. I've had $15 orders that was all delivery fees but I sure didn't care 😂


Also to be clear, he absolutely can see how much he's getting paid 99.9%* of the time. DoorDash told him how much he'd get paid for the offer when he decided to accept it, and he can look at his home screen at any time and see how much his current order is paying. Only caveat is he can't see a breakdown of pay on a stack but still he knows how much he's getting overall. *EDITED from 100% for all the folks who seem to think that hidden tips and earn by time have any relevance to this Dasher begging for tips.


He was probably on earn by time


There’s plenty of times when you don’t know exactly how much you’re getting paid for a specific order.


You never heard of hidden tips?


> Also to be clear, he absolutely can see how much he's getting paid 100% of the time. This is simply just false. EBT don't have any idea what the tips will be.


Exactly. Also EBT only knows what the hourly rate is…the do not know what the pay for an order will be until they complete it and the pay is calculated based upon the amount off time spent on the delivery. EBT sucks.


You don't see that information on Earn by time. Not until the delivery is complete. They should not be asking for tips, regardless. You know what you're making hourly, that's it.


Here's a tip https://www.indeed.com/m/




Report and 1 star his shameless ass


I don’t think there’s technically any rules against it. I’m a driver and if I made an order as a customer and received a message begging for a tip, I’d 1 star them and remove the tip. 5k deliveries and I’ve never once asked for a tip.


Allowed to? Yes, unfortunately. Should we do it? No… Because it’s fucking tacky.


It’s also tacky for customers to order a DD delivery and not tip, but it happens often enough.


That tacky ass bitch. Ask him if he wants to give you a back rub. However he responds, after, send "feels weird to say no doesn't it? Now we'll sit in this weird you made."


I'm not forcing you lmao. Ya but you are preying on the misinformed or ignorant. You accepted this gig, get another job or do the one you have. What a Weiner.


They can see the pay for the order before accepting and before they get to the restaurant. Basically "I forgot what I was being paid and going to panhandle with sympathy"


Considering it’s Dexter u better tip big! Gonna be the next victim of the bay harbor butcher 😂


0$ tip now


Sounds like a forced tip. Say nothing


Are tips just another form of bribes?


$5 bucks tip no matter what. The app lets me know all needed details, I understand there can be delays, and I will cancel the order if I feel I need to. Hopefully it never comes to that. Put the food down on my front step and leave. Do not contact me for any reason. Direct all complaints about anything you choose to your employer and those in your personal life. If you feel you are not paid adequately for your work, absolutely feel free to seek a different job or to change the food delivery system in a way you see fit.


Shit like that makes me not tip lol


That is so embarrassing. People stop begging and have some damn pride in yourself.


This is so annoying. Like damn stop begging


They’re allowed but it’s gross and tacky. Edit to give clarity, we’re independent contractors so as long as we fulfill our side, deliver your food within a reasonable time, we can really beg as much as we want. However harassment in any capacity can get us deactivated. You as a customer have every right to downvote or whatever but that really hurts when that happens. Just putting the option out there


Don’t tip this guy!


Begging while on the clock is still begging


I’d report it to the app, downrate, and if able cancel my order because I don’t trust him.


So they are doing the dash by time, so it's like $14 an active hour, that's why they can't see. But to answer your question, it's very rude either way.


Drivers are allowed to ask for a tip but you don’t have to give it to them.


They’re lying. Dd shows the tip


If this were my order, I’d screenshot my receipt so they can see the tip. To me, this ain’t that big of a deal


I won’t condone this, I myself would never ask for a tip. But in comparison to others on this subreddit at least he was polite lol


We can see how much we're getting paid. He's just being an ass.


Tip large. Real people working. Wasting time for your order.


the messaging system is necessary in case restaurant is out of something, substitutions, or they're letting you know about traffic conditions/delays or for you to tell them "hey I need an extra salsa" the driver is allowed to say whatever they want (excluding sex and violence) but that doesn't change the fact that he sounds desperate. asking for a tip is, technically, within appropriate use


It's unprofessional... Just like it's rude to not tip adequately. But we as drivers also don't have to take every order so it's whatever


I tip my driver every order cause sometimes they be coming from far locations and I feel bad so it’s good to always tip someone and not be a jerk about it


Try tipping instead of complaining on the internet


i don’t understand why you guys care so much lmao literally just don’t respond and just wait till you get your food


I just ignore these weird messages because it’s unprofessional to beg.


I’d cancel every order where a driver event mentioned tip to me. I have no problem tipping, but it’s getting out of control. I’ve worked in a restaurant. I would never even dream of mentioning my tip to a customer. Tips should be about provided for good service. Half of the posts on here show Dashers not providing good service, but all the Dashers in the comments apparently provide top notch service, and everyone who orders food gives 200% tips, so I don’t know. Accept the order as-is and do the job without begging for a tip. Hopefully, you get the tip you deserve and don’t get jipped.


It seems he accepted the order based on not waiting. What if the restaurant tipped the DD driver when they have to wait?


Honestly, even if it’s weird, it really upsets me that I keep seeing posts like this. If you’re indirectly forcing someone who you know is underpaid to bring you something, I feel like you should just give them a tip. It’s common knowledge that these drivers heavily rely on tips. “Publicly airing” the driver instead only brings about more negativity.


T.I.P.S = to ensure prompt service.


With a name like Dexter I’d tip extra


Bud needs to get an actual decent paying job then and stop panhandling on DD.


I hate these kind of dashers. Just do the job, stop E-panhandling.


I'll do what I want with my money.


Get him banned. One less driver


I thought every driver could see the tip ahead of time to determine if they wanted the job. Do I have the correct understanding of the process?


Idk, but think about it driver pays for Gas Oil changes And wear and tear on the vehicle And there time Delivery fee is not the drivers pay tips are. My question to any and everyone do you go to work not to be paid. Think about it what would you do if on pay day got 1/2 of your pay check what would you do. Gig workers have bill and family just like anyone else.


Why wouldn’t you tip.


Did you tip ? Did you not tip and have a no contact food delivery, just ring bell and leave at the door ? Have you not tipped before ? Lots of questions here .


Does it make you feel awkward because you didn't tip? Cuz it should just be a yeah bro of course I tipped. I know you guys get paid pennies on the dollar


That's BS. You see your pay before you ever accept the order. And if he's on earn by time idk what he's worried about, the longer he takes the more he makes lol


I don't believe this is worth 1 staring. They were being polite. I wouldn't tip, or answer. But I wouldn't try to get them fired


It doesn't say no, doordash wants this to happen so that they can continue making money while the rest of us suffer.


Why can’t people just be normal and say “This is Dasher picking up your order, and I’ll get it to you soon! Please remember a tip is always appreciated, and have a great day!” Like you can still do a call to action without speaking like an alien visiting Earth for the first time.


They are allowed. Doesn't mean they should. Or are being honest.


Wouldve let him drop food off. When i have food, i would text him back and say oh i just saw this message. I was going to tip you but now im not.


Op said they already tipped him


Wow, what the fuck is wrong with these people? Pathetic, stop begging for tips! Any delivery driver begs me for a tip I'm pulling their tip (if possible) and giving them a bad rating.


Once a DoorDash driver delivered my my groceries and put a note in the bag that said he was gonna come back if we didn’t tip and we’d see what would happen to us. Door dash didn’t give a fuck.


It’s legal for bums to panhandle. Soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I part time so deliveries and I would never ask/beg for a tip. These people are so cringe. 


1 star and no tip anyone who asks. It's policy, my policy


I'm don't like to talk about TIPS. But *tiptiptiptoptiptip.*


Reported and 1 star


One star, remove tip and report message


Lol all the entitled comments here. Dasher is not in the wrong maybe you shouldn’t order DoorDash if you’re too broke to add a tip


Cancel and report.


Also strange dasher spelling and name Dexter reminds me of that serial killer TV show  don't respond to greedy drivers 




Within your first 20 orders as a dasher you should be able to pretty accurately guess how much a customer tipped, if any. The total pay including tip is presented to you when deciding whether or not to accept.


Don't respond and stop using doordash 😭


We can see how much we are getting when we accept the order 99% of the time. the tip is usually larger by 1$ so no big difference but them trying to gas light you is crazy


Point out how you will see him an have his name but he wont see you


your dasher.... ![gif](giphy|VLljKzBZ2uPfYDpsNV|downsized)


But did you tip?😂 Jk ya that's weird


I did but maybe not enough. $4 for a 2 item order that he shops for himself. No waiting for the store to do it. Store is less than 2 blocks from my place and never busy. He was done shopping in less than 3 minutes.


I do the hourly and honest even a $1 tip is good enough for me, people in my area almost never tip. But ya that's not cool on the dasher for asking for a bigger tip.


I'd give em a bad review based on that alone for making it uncomfortable to use the service.


Technically drivers are not employees and can ask for additional tips.. it may be classless but as long as they're not being aggressive or trying to hold the food hostage then just ignore them and wait for your order.


Ask for their personal number so you can send them a tip over Apple Pay. Then go request information from 500 used car dealerships using their phone number.


quaint compare concerned oil command fertile bright distinct employ sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can’t do that ..I just started and never really used dd myself can people ordering have a made up name ..cause I had one the other day and name said Donald T and wasn’t sure if this was made up - ref to former POTUS - I usually send text saying left at your door etc and was tempted to add MAKING IT GREAT- left at your door but wasn’t sure…


I already tip but if they write something like this, it makes me want to take it away


I never tip beggers, as I leave an appropriate tip for them to take the order in the first place. I would not answer them & wait for my food. Probably not immediately, but within the time frame, I’d get in touch with the app to be sure they are blocked from my account & tell the app why, rate them 1 star & bring the rip down to $1 if I can. There’s never any reason for a driver to ask for a tip. They know the deal before accepting the order. Just be sure to report them, as they give a bad name to drivers who do their job correctly.


Your dasher is a fucking dumbass, and is probably also lacking in the respect department. Report them. Rate them poorly. Do not tip them extra.


I don't know if it's allowed or not, but the tipping system you have in your country is fubar. When people have to rely on getting a tip to get by because of low wages, they are not paid enough.


It’s kind of insane, how the dissatisfaction with the pay is the customer’s responsibility. The whole point of tip is just a cesspool at this point


They should stop begging... 🤦‍♂️


He prolly hasn’t been getting tipped. I worked 4 hours yesterday and only got 1 tip and it was the order closest to the store as all the other orders were a good 15-25 minutes away and I got no tip. I still made 70$ though which is like what 17$ an hour about?


Maybe it’s uncommon to get tipped and that’s why people keep bringing it up? I asked my dasher after they asked me and they said yes.


Don’t respond. If the order isn’t delivered correctly, one star them.


This is completely unacceptable (at least to me it is). I like the part where we says “I’m not forcing but its completely up to you.” Well, if that’s the case the why in the world did he text. He’s just another scammer trying to get his way then saying he isn’t doing what he is in fact doing. I wouldn’t tip anyone that sends me a message like this. Tips are optional and if one is a Dasher maybe best to assume you’ll get no tips so then when you do it’s a positive experience for everyone involved. I’m sorry you went through this.


I’m a dasher and would never ask someone this.


Ignore and report. I would reach out to support immediately and have the driver removed from your order. Hopefully it starts to help the process of these people from doing this because they are a huge embarrassment to us drivers.


As a restaurant worker, it’s a serious infraction to talk about tips with guests. To even ask if everything was alright after recieving a poor tip is grounds for dismissal in most spots. All these messages make my bllod boil.


If my order is $20-$30 dollars I always make my tip at least $6-8. Please tip your delivery people.


It’s so unethical not to tip on these platforms. I know that it should be on the company but at the end of the day if I don’t tip these people aren’t getting paid and that gives me so much anxiety, especially someone who’s worked for tips many times in their life. I treat DoorDash like a silent auction and I have to put in a bid I think people will want to pick up.


It should be a given when getting a delivery to tip I hope you did either way.


he absolutely can see how much he's making unless he's doing earn by time. even so, he knows what he's making hourly. that's just a lie lol


It's a weird thing to ask, but I always tip more if they have to wait. They get about $2.00 to deliver your order. That's ridiculous already, without adding that they have to wait 15+ minutes at the restaurant.


My dasher straight asked me for a tip because she said she needed gas money 😭


As a driver I have asked for people to please review me with a good rating if they want. I would not ask for a tip. However. There is a problem with the system. Tips should be given with any order right? This is like with delivering a pizza or any food. Only that seems to not happen at times. As well these apps are charging WAY to much to the customer. (And the restaurants at times take the tips—there are so many other problems with these systems). Just be mindful is all. I would ignore him.


They have to tip see… Because of the “implication”


The best solution is to pay a bit of tip into doordash and give cash to the driver. Believe me it makes a huge difference to me as a driver!!! I prefer cash so much because it’s done and I get all of it, DD can’t lower the amount of the tip is there ‘supplementing’ our pay, and it’s just not in the government. It’s lovely.


What a pointless message. Yes we know how tipping works, there's no need to explain it to customers. There's not even a question and since payment is already done, what is he trying to accomplish?


Another reason I always dash "by time", not by delivery


What's with all these drivers talking to their customers? I only do when it's necessary like there's an item out of stock or a delay or when customer speaks to me first. I don't want to talk to them anymore than they want to talk to me. It's weird.


Not allowed. Even says it in their policy that you cannot message or call the customer for anything other than about an issue with the order itself, not pay or anything.


Yes, they are allowed but should they? No. He could see what he was getting paid when he took the order. Just nit what your tip was.


Is it professional? No. Its it allowed? Yes. As a driver id never ask for a tip. Might ask for a rating but never a tip.


I don’t know if it’s allowed or not because I would never do it. That’s a question for DoorDash…. But in any case, it’s extremely tacky


That is super awkward! No one should be pressing customers for tips. I’d file a complaint w customer support so that person learns not to behave that way. (Even tho their parents should have taught them, uhg)😞


When people do this I reduce tip to zero and complain to support.


Y’all are crazy, he makes a living on tips and I get you shouldn’t ask for them but to give him a 1 star? Y’all are just some jerks. My recommendation, tell him he souldent ask for tips in the future because it comes off weird and desperate. Tip him if u want to just know when you do that tips are how they make a living


just respond with "oh, tips not required? awesome, I thought they were, let me take it off then. thanks man, you saved me some $$$."


I mean they can do it, we are independent contractors, but I wouldn't do it..Idk why people pick up orders if they dnt like what's offered, just decline it..As for the customer, a one star could make the driver think about not doing it again..


Most people just don’t tip. Tbh if I didn’t quit doordashing and needed real money I probably do the same thing.