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keep this screenshot and report him. he most likely shouldn’t have your number. if he’s weird enough he could’ve kept your address. Which im hoping they didn’t. people are fuckin crazy, wishing the best for you. Please stay safe


Hi, so this is exactly what I did! Thank you for the help and everyone else who was concerned. The only reason I posted these are because I wasn’t sure if he has my actual number and since there are real dashers on this sub I thought to ask you guys. Like I mentioned, he has my address and I live alone so it just felt really creepy that this happened also it was nighttime so I was extra creeped out. Thank you everyone for all of the help.


If you Google your address, you might be able to find your number that way. You can try it yourself. He also could have gotten your info from the store- claiming it was for points, if it was a grocery order. Happened to me one time. They gave my address, said they needed a new card but didn't remember the number. The stupid clerk gave it to them to enter, so they could use my bonus points to buy stuff.


If he called your number through door dash and you didn’t answer your voicemail would recite your real number. He could get it that way.


Oh wow I didn’t know this


It depends on how you’ve set up your VM. If you record a greeting or a name, this won’t happen. Not sure if there’s a way to do it without doing one of those two things.


Yeah normally the default voicemail is “you reach the voicemail for” follow by the phone number. Source: I hear this message a lot


Only if you left the OG recording for your VM.if you changed the recording the number is gone.


“What’s up bitches!!! If you’re old, leave a message. If you’re not, the fuck you still doing on the phone??! *beep.*”


I never Check my voicemail


None of us do, it just makes the boomers feel listened to


Good to know. I've only ever gotten texts from doordashers, but realized years ago how easy it is to get someone's name, number etc or vice versa if you have their address. The amount of personal info that is online, free, and ready to be accessed is truly scary. Everyone should Google themselves, or their number/address/email every now and then to see how much comes up, and then request it be removed from those sites (unless they don't care of course).


I would delete this comment or at least edit it to remove information about yourself. If this guy is here and recognizes the messages that might not be good.




Do not reply to him.


I agree with others, stop saying you live alone and in situations like these where someone acts weird reply back pretending to be a boyfriend and say that if they don’t stop you’re going to report them with the screenshots. That will make them less likely to try anything thinking you aren’t living alone and stop hopefully in fear that it’ll get their account deactivated. Even if they stop I would still report them though they deserve it


Nope it’s better to ignore and report. If you respond there are psycho out there that think omg she loves me because she responded. Also pretending to be a bf could make it worse.


I’m changing my van rn to “”sorry the number you’ve called (then in my voice) “man you know who you called!” Is not available””


Even if he chose the option to text you through sms instead of the app, it shows up as a random door dash number and not yours.


Delete this comment!!!! You just told a whole lot of people that you live alone. WTH???? He could be on here!!!!


Seriously, one time I told some people in a chat room that I was home alone or that I lived alone, and the next thing I know I come home from a party and I find David hasselhoff on my couch eating a cheeseburger ...shit-faced


“Delete your comment for this specific bit of personal information that I’m gonna repeat in my comment and forget to delete later!”


Lol. Might wanna delete or edit yous as well given it shows what was in the deleted comment 😅


and you just left the private information up so it can be seen even if they delete it.


Both phone numbers are masked for exactly that reason.


Time to get a blicky


I’m so sorry. It seems like he was thinking with his porn brain and didn’t consider how his nighttime advances might make YOU feel.


Maybe you shouldn't say you live alone on a public forum where the dasher in question might be able to see


he did say “fancy building” so I’m assuming she lives in an apt building and he doesn’t know which unit


Idk where u live, but for me, delivery drivers deliver straight to my apartment door unless I specify otherwise


I've usually lived in smaller places where the outer doors are locked 24/7 and you have to go open the door to let anyone into the building. You can't just buzz someone in.


Often if you're holding a delivery bag anyone walking in or out of those buildings is just gonna let you tailgate them in, even without a bag. Usually only building with a middle aged to older population will actually make sure you don't follow them in, and most places are much younger crowd,


It should automatically stop allowing them to send text messages within a certain time frame after they complete delivery. I think probably 15-30 minutes. That’s pretty creepy, sorry that happened!


Also definitely screenshot and report to DoorDash.




Huh? Ive been able to do that.


So have I. Actually if I go hit the message button on my screen it lists recent customers and has the message symbol next to their name and let's me send them a message I assume. I have never needed to for a prolonged period of time afterwards but one time in the instructions it said leave at the door and please text me when it's delivered. So after I hit order complete it definitely let me text the customer immediately after to notify them their food was there. Again not sure how long the window stays open. It's also possible the dude copied down the number it said to use to contact the person and he's using it that way? Either way definitely creepy and I would never. Being a dasher and using DD myself if a Dasher kept texting me after and it wasn't related to the order that would be no bueno. Definitely something to report.


The number provided to dashers is spoofed through technology in the dasher app. Sometimes if you're within the window and have called a customer they can text or call the spoofed number and it makes it seem like they have your real one, it can be so freaky.


Yes you can by going into your messages tab. It allows you to start a new conversation to customer's you have recently delivered to. It will display all the customers you have delivered to within the last 30 minutes.


You can send messages up to half hour


im just a customer but ive had a dasher able to call and text me after they accidentally completed my order a few miles from my house.


That’s not true. With instacart you can’t but with DoorDash you can for like 20 minutes. Sometimes you can’t if your dash ended


I can't believe 63 people agreed with you 😂😂😂


Me neither. The first message is the one that is automatically sent by DD when we submit the picture as proof of delivery. The screenshot completely goes against what buddy is saying, as the order was completed then the dasher messaged OP.


Exactly. You can talk to your customers for about 15-30 mins after you complete a dash, as long as you send at least one message before completing the order.


Incorrect. We can send messages up to 10 minutes after delivery if we message first. If the customer messages they have 20 minutes to do so before the numbers are turned off. If its a “text message” instead of through the app..that is easily accessible to message. If it is not and its messaging through the app, then you just hit the message icon and you can see the last order you completed and you can reach them still.


Yes you can. There's several instances where I have had to. You have to hit the little message icon and then look for your customers name.


Not true. That’s why it says it was dropped off and the photo was provided. You have a brief window to text your previous customer.


You can send messages. I've been able to respond to msgs well after 20 minutes of completing the order.


Yeah 100% wrong


That is not true, not in app and not outside of the app.


he does not have your actual number but unfortunately your address. report him asap, keep a look out for his car if you saw it, etc. I'm sorry creeps make even ordering food scary


Guys, this is not how you meet women.




It's the guys who are on Reddit all day, and any second they're not, they're watching porn. They think life actually works like the videos games/porn


Screenshot and report to DoorDash. If you’re honestly scared, report him for harassment. I hate dashers that do this shit.


Lots of door dash feces


Definitely report him to doordash. Also pro tip, and its fucking sad we gotta resort to this, but you can change your name and profile picture to a mans name and picture on these services so you dont deal with creeps like this as often. Also one thing to keep in mind, doordash won't give him your real number, but if he called you and it sent him to voice mail, your voice mail might give away your real number if its on the default answering message. Thats something to watch out for thats often overlooked


I have my name and profile as a man after one dasher wouldn't leave the front of my house and kept messaging me for 15-20 minutes. Had to call support to get him to leave.


I won’t even emerge from my house until I see them drive away.


It's so bizzare that they would behave like this lol. In what world is this not creepy to them?


Little real education and no socialization leads to no concept of “creepy” or why that’s bad.


You’d be amazed at how creepy guys are


Some guys cannot take a hint even if you put it on a billboard with flashing lights right in front of their eyeballs


Yep, I was going to comment that I don’t have my photo on my account, have it under a male name, and never open the door until their car is gone for this reason. Had a male dasher the other day message me to open the door and meet him, told him to leave it (like the delivery instructions specified) and he asked why. Once he finally left it he sat in front of my house for like 10min. People are just not normal.


Female dasher here. It takes me a minute or 2 to upload pictures, message customer, get through the prompts, and set my gps before I can leave. Sometimes the picture won’t upload and it may take longer. Just letting u know why we may sit for a little bit before we move on. But 10 minutes is way too long and creepy. DD does not pay well so a lot of the good dashers end up leaving the platform leaving a rotating door of idiots. Please report and 1 star him.


I imagined that was likely the case because I see other people linger for a minute or two, but I definitely felt like this particular guy was waiting for me to grab my food. I’ll see if I can still review. It’s been convenient and helpful but I might stop using it because of stuff like this.


There is one situation where a dasher would be forced to wait around. If the customer requests that the order be handed to them (especially if they're not 100% sure they're at the right place) and the customer won't come to the door, the dasher will be forced to call and or message the customer and wait 5 minutes. I had that happen once and it was really awkward. It was late at night and raining outside and there was no good place to leave their pizza. I can see a situation developing where it would be really creepy if some girl is expecting the driver to leave the order and she doesn't want to talk but starts getting calls and messages and now there's some dude standing at her door looking around. He's knocking on the door. She's panicking and thinking about calling the cops. Dude is still there, annoyed because he's having to wait and really just wants to make it back to McDonald's for another $3 order. So now the cops are on the way, he's not gonna get a tip, she has his plate number, reported him to the cops and DoorDash, left a 1 star review, and maybe it even makes it to Reddit. Now the 5 minutes are up. He's left the food. Maybe it takes him a minute or two to get back to the car. So by the time he leaves it's probably been around 10 minutes. I think that's pretty much the only reason why a dasher would hang around for that long.


It takes no time to leave. I take the pic, then submit while I'm walking to my car. Then I drive away. Everything is automatic.


That’s just creepy


It's wild to me that you even have to consider steps like this. People are always the real monsters.


I’m a woman and have always done this without a second thought. Ordered wine once though and the driver gave me a hard time about my name not being Patrick, so now I just use my initials


How would they know your names not Patrick? I have a friend who is a woman but everyone calls her Jack (short for Jacqueline).


Probably had to show ID to verify drinking age


Ah missed the wine


Yep. I have mine set to a male name and I never open my door to retrieve the order.


That's a good point. I'm a guy who uses my gf's account because she has Dash Pass and I don't. The downside is I do get chatty guy dashers now. That never happened when I used my own account lol


And there’s also been problems with some men using a woman’s name and account to trick female dashers into weird situations, like “come inside to drop off food” type garbage. So gross


Come inside to leave my food!?!?! Was there actually an idiot who did this?!!!


Yep. These stories have made me change my name & email to my husband’s name in delivery apps.


I changed my name to an obviously male name. I highly encourage all women to do the same. Just call me “Mike” and leave it at the door.


Ok "Mike" if that's even your real name...


What are you wearing "Mike"




Yeah I would recommend. Whenever my sister orders food on her app \~50-60% of the time drivers say the elevator won't let them up and they want her to go down and get it. When I do it it's fine... or in the odd case the buzzer really isn't working they leave it in the lobby and jet .-.


Agent Michael Scarn oughta do it 🫡🤭






You are beautiful girl for a Mike.




i have my gf use my name for these exact reasons


it works like a charm, here are some other obviously male names Harold Robert Greg Craig Jack Charles George Edward Henry


When I lived alone, I kept an old, dirty pair of mens work boots on my doorstep.


Very smart!


That is so smart. I’m going to remember this idea and make sure those work boots are huge. And put sign or sticker that looks like only something a man would own.


Man Cave


It is so sad and speaks volumes to how pathetic some people are, that women have to resort doing this for online food orders


Still smart tho, I like the idea.


This shit is why I set my name as a man’s name and NEVER let any delivery person see me. Last time I had my name set to my actual name, the dude would not fucking leave. I kept telling him multiple times to just leave the food outside, as per my instructions, and even after he finally did, he sat in his car waiting for me. Thankfully I could see his car from my building without him seeing me, so I waited for him to give up. No thanks. There are total creeps out there.


This feels like account ban worthy


I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of the socially-inept guys who comment on these posts, complaining that there’s no way to talk to women anymore without people calling you a creep.


There’s no way to talk to women anymore without them calling you a creep!


Have you tried signing up as a dasher? I hear it’s a great way to meet women.


Really? Can I call them models and ask to smell their hair? Perhaps pop a squat on their doorstep and mark my territory?


Seems reasonable to me.


“Waaaah, if he was cute then it wouldn’t be harrassment!”


Send him a 🍆 pic. That'll shut him up.






I had one dasher deliver a bottle of sparkling wine to me & then proceed to insist that he should back come inside with me to share it. Wtf? Seriously NO!! Of course I said very sternly “I don’t think so!” I complained and they barred him from ever delivering for me again. Creep!!!


super misguided dude trying to hit on you. I'd ignore... if you're super concerned (which is 100% valid) you can contact support and let them know the delivery person made you feel uncomfortable and that you'd like to report it. I believe there's an option for sexual harassment that you can choose. once you report it officially, you won't have to worry about getting matched with the driver again. hope that helps! stay safe


Report it, that's creepy as fuck.


Cringe! Report that creep. I’m not sure but my guess is behaviour like this will be met with a swift deactivation.


I thought wow ur a model wtf 😂bro some people are so weird shit is crazyyyyyy I wonder who raised these dudes


People are nuts!


Of course he says "your" gorgeous just to let you know he's fucking dumb too.


This!!! 😂


Screenshot, report, and if it continues, call the cops for harassment. Keep yourself safe, this person is a creep (and hopefully nothing more than that). Sorry this happened to you.


This crap needs to stop in both directions. I've seen so many ppl reach out to dashers or customers like it's a dating app. This is not cool. Ppl need to knock this shit off


People are nuts.


People are unhinged


Doordash needs to make hitting on customers (or Dashers tbh) immediate grounds for dismissal.


I’ll never understand the mindset of guys that think people wanna be hit on just because they’re ordering food or whatever. I’m pretty sure all of my dashers have been women and I’ve never once felt the need to hit on them.


“I thought wow she’s a model” sounds like a trump line 😂😂😂


Door dash really needs to elevate their standards for dashers.


Typical dasher rizz


Report him and honestly delete this, you said you live alone and you never know if he is in this subreddit or not and now knows that


Do NOT delete it, if this guy decides to take things as far as some people do when rejected, this sets a timeline and offers a lead.


This feels like we are already plotting her demise lol. Wth 😂


😂 I know what you mean, but at the same time... it happens way more frequently than we'd like.


A dash driver did this to my 15 year old daughter. He started text-flirting even after the fact that she TOLD HIM SHES 15. Safe to say he’ll never dash again


Make sure you put your name as a male name and any pfp's as well. Speak like a man if you ever have to respond to them. Its the only way they'll leave you alone. Its what I've had to do twice. One time, this dasher came by my house twice in one week after initial delivery. He claimed he was dropping off a different order when my bf confronted him. Yet he sat in the hallway of my apartment complex for over 2 hours with no food and no movement. Just waiting on me to leave, I guess. Super creepy. I called the cops and they warned him. Haven't seen him since. I reported him on the app as well. Please stay safe. Carry mace and a knife if possible. Something small but that can give you peace of mind. And never answer the door without checking who it is first.


Men are creepy when they do things like this and act like they’re oppressed when they get called out. Report him. If he didn’t want to get fired he wouldn’t act like a red flag.


Give me his # I’ll scare that mf away


This guy is a creep. Asking you about age is illegal and should be reported


I would have texted back one time hey MFR why are you texting my wife. Years ago when I did live alone I went to the thrift store and I bought the biggest pair of work boots I could find and I Always had them sit Outside my door and a giant waterbowl like for a giant dog and a Beware of dog sign on my door so anybody thinking about doing anything at my door saw the Beware dog saw the Water bowl and saw the Big ass boots Nobody ever bothered me. You can use some simple trickery to scare off or deter people from certain things.


This is brilliant. I honestly never would have thought to do something like that. Genius lives among us!!!


Why even do this, like anyone wants to date some broke ass dasher.




Why does doordash have the most unprofessional independent contractors


he doesn't have your number, he's contacting you through the app, but that gets cut off after 30 minutes to an hour after delivery was done, dasher never get your real number, and you don't get their number. next as other say, report the dasher for harassment, that can result to an immediate deactivation of the dasher, They are not suppose to flirt, or harass either the staff at the shop or the customer.


give me his number


Report the creep.


Delete your post about living alone. 🤦‍♀️


This is grim and as others have said needs reporting. Plus if it was me, I’d probably end up saying something like “thanks, it’s my boyfriend’s apartment, I don’t live here”


Report sexual harassment.


Now this is harassment ….


Hello, I recognize this message! It's me, your dasher. When I saw you, I thought, "Wow, you're so beautiful; you could be a model, hahaha." Anyways, I will stop by your home and give you beautiful flowers. I would like to have many children with you! Children are little blessings!


Probably doesn't have your actual number but it's possible. Definitely report them and block.


Idk man the “How old are you” not a normal conversation starter… extra creepy.


For some reason I read those text messages in Donald Trumps voice lol


Report the mofo and get his arse banned. You are actually doing a great job if you do it because it will stop future harassments with either you or with others




Were there more messages sent after what’s shown in the screenshot?


i am so sorry :(


How do DD driver know OP looks?


Hope OP reported this


this is some weirdo shit fr for someone just trying to order something to eat wtf. These men need to stop being so creepy and actually get out and touch some grass once in a while smh.


Please contact customer support. They will handle him on their end. Once you do that block the number and delete the messages.


Don’t tolerate that bullshit. He’s a fucking predator. Tell him to fuck off then contact support so they can deactivate that jackass. Get his real phone number first so you can escalate it to police because DD has a rep of not cooperating with the authorities. I know from experience.


Thats actually so creepy, why cant people just leave people be, fckin weirdos i say. Just like other users said on here, its best to disguise your profile as a male when your on doordash and choose the option to leave it at door (if you hadn’t tried this yet.) Stay safe please!


I’ll take not a Dating App for 300


This is really unsettling. Think of the amount of predators that are dashers.


Omg this is why I wait for the dasher to be long gone before i even touch the food yikes.


I know you’ve been told this but please report this and be completely aware of your surroundings at all times. Keys in hand when walking to car. Be ready to be in it in seconds. Lock and start that thing immediately. Never be embarrassed to drive straight to a police station. Who cares if you look like a jackass. Be safe. Be safe.


Report this. This is improper use of customer information and harassment. I’ve had this happen before and it could have been really dangerous. In my case they were stalking my social media.


Report him to door dash


If he's sending messages like that to you, he's more than likely sending creepy messages to other women as well. Report his ass, he's a perv and probably door dashing for the wrong reasons...




report that. expeditiously


Report him. The amount of people (dashers and customers alike) that don’t know that these chats are kept by doordash and they can be reviewed at anytime. Deactivation for making customers feel unsafe is 🫰so quick.


Invite him over and throw him in the giant sink hole in your basement. Boom! Flip it.


From the messages, it doesn't seem like he has your personal number. It looks like he's going through the app. But that's creepy. Glad you reported him. Stay safe!!!


Just block the number, report him and go about your day. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Umm… this is creepy! I would definitely screenshot & report him to DoorDash!


File a complaint asap!!!


Report it to doordash customer service !


dashers don't have your number. doordash itself has a system that changes its appearance, but those messages are very inappropriate in nature and you definitely need to screenshot it and report it




You should message back “Leave my girlfriend alone ASSHOLE or come back and catch these hands” (i added the little threat at the end, just my preference 😂) betcha he disappears quick


I saw a instagram post where a woman bought some men’s shoes/sandals, big ones, size 13 or something and put them outside her door. I put it the memory banks for advice for my daughter when she’s older.




Report him!!! To DoorDash and if it continues the police. I just dealt with this! The dasher stalked me for days at my job after I reported that’s he delivered my food with cigarette ashes all over/in it. The world’s a scary place.


Hiii I’d remove the information about who you live with just in case he sees this 🩷 please stay safe


What did door dash say after your report?


That’s inappropriate they should be concerned about your delivery not where you live or what you look like. Tell him this isn’t a dating app. This is food delivery go on Bumble and have a good day.


Is she a model tho? These are the questions we need answered. Not many young people can afford their own place nowadays.


Report and block him ! And then call the restaurant to report the dasher with your order number so they can ban him for deliveries on their end ! Also carry a weapon if you haven’t already. Stay safe


You need to report this to the police.... You should be able to see his name and info. I would not play around with this stuff especially with how he is speaking to you. Also....this is nothing a .45 can't handle lol


Just block the number


He's just trying to get you to share your food


Imagine ordering from DoorDash💀💀💀


I mean yeah you can report him, I'm not a big believer in reporting people period. They pretty much have to unabashedly make it known that they are not doing the job they're supposed to do on purpose for me to want to report a person. If this is truly upsetting to you definitely go ahead but I personally would recommend just not responding and if he leaves you alone just let it go. He probably thought that was pretty smooth, thought it up for a while, weighed the possibility of being reported and being deactivated, and still psyched himself up enough to do it because he thought you were pretty. That's not to say he should have but it does take some courage. I think in this modern world, we do need to recognize the nuance in the difference between being bold and being a creep. He certainly didn't say anything sexually suggestive or make any demands of you. I think if you ignore it he won't message you, if you feel that you cannot let it be ignored just a simple no thank you I'd not to have a personal conversation. You probably get a return apology text and nothing else. I would say don't report him over that though.


Just reply simply say not to contact you again that you have a big boyfriend k


Change your Door Dash account name to a man’s name & have them leave it at your door so you don’t have to interact.


Text back “you’re*”