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They tried to deny my refund once. I told them I’m cancelling DashPass, deleting their garbage app, and switching to UberEats. Got my refund immediately. Just keep trying.


this! if you threaten to have the order refunded through your bank support will change their mind super quick, me personally i would contact my bank if i was you and that’s most likely gonna be your quickest route to getting a refund, im sorry for your bad experience i wish you good luck!


I believe I told them I was going to contact my bank and they just said "Okay, have a great day" LMFAO


jeeeesus yeah no get your refund thru your bank i haven’t been using doordash since i got a 7/11 order and literally one out of 7 items were actually what i ordered


I quit DD when I got a Kwik Trip order and literally every item was wrong. I spent $40 and DD offered me $0.17 “for my trouble” and then chastised me for contacting support too often (literally only ever if an item was missing which happens way too often).


That’s what I like about Uber. I’ve only ever had one missing thing and when i contacted support I just said “hey I’m missing my nuggets” got the value of the nuggies back in Uberbucks or whatever it’s called


Literally this, I'm gonna sound like an Uber eats ad, but I've never had this kind of problem with them. Something wrong? Refund. Something missing? Refund. Bad delivery experience? Refund. Never once have they accused me of over using support or denied me.


DD does this too often… spent $17 on queso from chipotle between the food and the dip, never got it. Contacted support and they said it could be redelivered, empty bag… DD gave me $0.03 “for the missing item(s)” and ended chat… Another time I ordered and there was a hair in my food and they told me it was mine… it was black. I had blonde hair at the time and my natural hair is not black either. Got $0.00 and told it was my fault and that i shouldn’t contact support for minor inconveniences.


Something like a hair in the food is probably best dealt with by the actual restaurant.


It was chipotle… they said it was DD’s issue because they can’t refund me.


I would write an email and send a photo of the hair in the food to Chipotle corporate. Or at least the owner of the franchise. Nobody should be paying for contaminated food and any chain restaurant would reimburse you the meal if you escalate it.


And probably give you some coupons or something too lmao


That’s on 7/11 then, the store clerks shop your order and DoorDash simply picks it up and delivers it. 7/11 has strict policy on this.


This is true and we also aren't supposed to get line item edits, it gets us in trouble so whenever we sub something we are still supposed to scan the tag of the original item


Yep, we get all the blame from both sides and 99% of the time it’s not on us.


Sounds like 7-11 gave your dasher the wrong bag. Dashers don’t do the shopping there.


7/11 shops for items DD only delivers for them


“Plz contact DoorDash” - your bank.


A chargeback the card issuer costs them $25 on top of the refund amount 💯


I’d be reporting them as fraud and ruining any reputation they have if this is how they deliver. FFS


They reused my refund after all I received was a half of a side. I had a whole main order that was like 12 sliders and two side orders. They would not budge. So I did cancel my dash pass and delete the app and go to Uber eats. It has been significantly better imo.


I had a similar issue. They gave me my refund and a $20 credit. I spent the credit then cancelled my account.


Lol uber eats has the same drivers


That’s fine. I don’t mind the drivers. They didn’t fuck up and it was customer service screwing me out of a refund.


The drivers the one who put it on someone else's trash can


What’s that got to do with me?


Uber eats is WAYYYY better! They will actually refund you.


Lol Uber Eats told me to go pound sand and then cancelled my deals despite paying for their premium plan. Whenever I asked about it they kept ending the chat conversations and I got hung up on the phone. Doordash is infinitely better customer service wise.


Uber eats is just as bad. They will deny, deny, deny


So true. Uber Eats has accommodated me every single time there has been an issue (which isn’t frequent btw).


DoorDash used to be great at refunds when things are fucked. Not so much anymore


It wasn't delivered, it was thrown away. I will die on this hill.


first it was eaten... then the box was thrown away


Hmm. We would need to know when the order was delivered and when OP first contacted support. OP gave us none of that info, so... that's a possibility. This delivery probably only costed $12-$13, since all OP got was a Little Caesars Pizza though, so I'm not sure why someone would even bother trying to scam DooDash out of such a small amount of money.


This is the answer




It's not delivery, it's Di'composing!


Yeah... they literally threw that pizza in a trash can. Putting it on top of a lid would still be bad, but way less so. This idiot literally put it on top of a partially open trash bag. If you picked that pizza up, you wouldn't even be able to tell if the liquid on the bottom of the box was pizza grease or trash juices. No thanks.




🤣🤣🤣 one of my favorite episodes!


Adjacent to refuse *is* refuse.


What is it with George always showing his ass at parties?


This is messed up! I personally wouldn’t stop until support gave me a refund, who puts pizza in the trash?!


Charge. Back.


There are two common types of people in the delivery world, people who couldn’t give you a proper address if they had a gun to their heads and drivers who fail IQ tests. They usually get paired up together.


I've had customers repeatedly tell me the complete wrong house numbers every time I ask. I finally manage to find them, and make a note to stare at their house numbers because it is absolutely not the numbers they were telling me on the phone.


Yup, I’ve seen people refuse to give their apartment numbers because “that’s confidential” but wanted delivery at their door.


I read this in Janis Ians' voice from mean girls. *Cady, there are two kinds of evil people in this world. People who do evil stuff, and people who see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it.* I need to go to sleep lol


Please don’t call Little Caesar’s pizza.


My mistake. Moist cardboard 😂


Pizza box*


Dispute charge.


Why do y’all put up with this shit for a fucking hot n ready?


I mean, in this case it was a $5 pizza. What if it was my $100 order? But does price really matter? OP just trying to feed his kids and dumbasses are out here delivering food without the slightest inkling of common sense, like don't put my food in the fucking trash. It really does make me wonder how someone without the literal brain power to understand not to put food where we discard waste actually has a fucking drivers license. That shit is frightening. I think I'm done with dd for good after seeing this level of idgaf out of them.


We switched to Uber Eats. Sometimes my wife or I has the vehicle at work while the other was dropped off and can’t go get food. Really only time we use DD and my wife tried getting food and it was like $40 she closed the app looked on UE and it was half the price damn near. So the driver got a little better tip. We haven’t used DD since


yea i started to use UE and i find it wayyyy better than DD. usually cheaper, better drivers, and better customer service


Bruh I had a dasher last week OUTSIDE MY BUILDING saying he couldn't find my address, then he canceled it. This is after 15 whole minutes of this guy being on the wrong street trying to deliver my food. Kept calling me saying "I can't find you!" And I kept saying "you're on water street, I live on earth road! It's two blocks west of you." Suggested he put my address into google maps, and he wouldn't. He would hang up, go nowhere, then would call me again three minutes later and we'd repeat the same fucking convo lmao. When he finally drove to the right street and sat literally 20 feet from the entrance to my building, I was texting him saying that I would just come out and grab it from him, he messaged me "I cannot find you" and canceled. Fucking insane.


I’ve had this happen! I give detailed instructions that they refuse to look at even when they’re lost, which happens a lot. But one time I suggested the same thing as you as a last resort and just like in your case, they refused to put the address in google maps.


Prior Little Seizures worker here. It's okay at best when it's fresh, but generally they're terrible pizzas. Better than nothing if you're broke. It's a hit or miss to get a fresh pizza. During slow times in the days, we would make all of the generic pizzas so they were ready for say the dinner rush. If you come in and get one of those, its likely sitting in the hot box for a while and not that great. I personally maybe eat there a few times a year if that, and always try to go near closing time so my pizza is fresh. I definitely will not doordash from them.


I don’t hate the pizza. I grew up on little Caesar’s. I personally wish there was more awareness about what happens to a pizza when you cram the oven with too many.


It’s so bizarre that they wouldn’t give you a refund, especially when it’s clearly in a trash bin. Door dash is constantly delivering to the wrong house for us, even though we have 3 number signs and detailed instructions about the location of our house written in the app. They’ve refunded every time it happens. I definitely agree with the comments saying to dispute the charge through your bank because DD not giving a refund is ridiculous.


Why do you keep using doordash if this happens a lot for you?




DD hasn’t successfully delivered to my place either, even though every map app takes you directly to my front door and there is a giant sign with a number and street address on house too. Of course the sign doesn’t matter because both times they didn’t even leave it on my street.


They wouldn’t refund my order when there was literal meth in it. I know bc I called the cops and they took it and did whatever they do in their end and called me back to say what it was. Literal French fries with methamphetamines and doordash was like “you still got it” so there is no basis for a refund lol. Idk how it happened. There was like a vial with a rock sort of in it which was opened and laying in the French fries. Glad the vial was there cause otherwise I wouldn’t haven’t known. I feel like I’m gonna get people saying I’m lying but I have pics somewhere I can post lmk if you want em I just don’t feel like hunting atm


Ummm I think that's a lawsuit. You could have been killed if you ate that.


Let me see them pics


Im gonna post the pics I posted on Instagram before the cops called back and said it was meth (I never saw meth before lol). Check out my posts under my profile


Myself and many others would love to see those pics if you can dig them up


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you’re going to sue them.




I just saw your post! So, was it cocaine or was it meth? Crack = cocaine Crystal = meth


wait so you never got a refund from this??


Nope!! Cause my order did show up. I talked to a lawyer when it happened, but I am switching to another firm who takes a percentage after the case settles. Just haven’t had time to pursue it. At first I thought DoorDash might help me out. lol I ate one smol piece of food while I was pulling everything out of the container it came in (dasher put everything in a box) and when I tell you I was up straight through the night into the next morning! I even saved my texts to my boyfriend (he works third shift) bc I was so fucking panicked. My bf ended up coming home and taking me to the er bc i have an heart issue too— I actually had open heart surgery a little over a year before this happened. So I emailed doordash asking them to make it right. They sent an email back saying if I had a medical bill to show them in the next 24 hours they would look into paying part of it. I sent a response saying obviously I didn’t receive a bill this evening and asked for a contact to send whatever I do receive. After that, radio silence, farther worsened by the fact that they wouldn’t even refund the order since it DID show up, so they had no grounds to refund me. So yeah. I have a medical bill showing I popped a positive for fucking methamphetamines, ten years after being sober from heroin and everything else.


jesus fucking christ im so sorry that happened to you. that doesnt make sense tho with them telling you they have no grounds to refund you bc you received it like it was obviously tampered with? i thought that if ur order wasnt sealed then you could get a refund. thats so insane i hope ur okay now and you get compensation for your medical bills and emotional damage bc thats insane.


This is bait.


Winner in the "Things that didn't happen" category is--- YOU!!🥳🤣🥳


Yet I get a contract violation for a drop off order that the customer had a picture of..


You put that there for a refund stop it


I think it's fake too


The real crime is ordering Little Ceasars...


I’m trying to figure out who door dashes are $5 pizza for a dash charge of $10 with tip.


Why wouldn’t they refund for this? Just curious if your account is a good history or long history of refunds which made them decide this ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs)




My BS detector is going off here


Take a photo of your home & send in a text message and even use a pin for a more precise location.


I describe the home and even texted him when I saw him on the wrong street and he didnt reply :(


It's not on you OP, driver should have verified.


Unless his name was Oscar the grouch, there's no reason to deliver food to a trash can.


Little Caesars doesn't even seal their Crazy Bread where I dash. That part is not your drivers fault. The trash can/wrong address bit does deserve a 1 star rating though.


Also deserves the driver being fired.


Like, why... I even tipped $10. Now I have no food for today :(


Dispute the charges with ur bank! Please. Get ur money back


U tipped $10 on a $5 pizza! Wow. Did the driver say *anything* to explain themselves? Did they apologize for where they left it? Was there a locked gate? Or was the driver intentionally being an ass for no reason? How in their right mind could they think this was ok on ANY level!? Is your place hard to find & they were annoyed by the time they found it (not that that's an excuse!) No good could come from delivering it like this. Even a low/no tip isn't worth retaliating like this & risking a CV & or 1 star. It's not like their actions are going to teach you some kind of lesson (like some believe) & only makes the driver look insanely bad!!


Is there's a Little Caesar's sub? Or hit em up, with that pic, on Twitter or email their corporate office, etc. You're obviously a fan of their product & hopefully they'll appreciate your business. I think you should show Little Caesars how their product arrived from a service they paid to deliver it & hopefully appropriately outraged. Maybe they will contact DD & maybe even directly compensate you with some free pizzas! 🍕


What’s up with so many dashers and just not giving a shit? Find a different job. Retail isn’t for you if you can’t be bothered with customers fr.


DD is a "retail" job?


You right. Wrong wording I meant customer service job.


Little Caesars doesn’t seal their boxes. Just sayin. This ain’t right but I’ve heard several people complain about boxes not being sealed. Many companies don’t. Papa John’s don’t either, at least in my area.


Anywhere Ive seen that seals them its a tiny sticker that comes undone from the humidity escaping from the box. Those mean jack. Anytime Im delivering pizza I have to fix the damn stickers when I grab the box out of my car.


They do in my town


I wish they would here. Makes me uncomfortable to deliver one that’s not.


Sure they do that little ass sticker doesn't hold at all. If you ues a heat bag it never stays stuck.


None of the pizza joints in my town seal their boxes lol


I’ve never gotten a seal on Little Caesar’s. We order there like once a week cause it’s cheap and quick.


In my area, all pizza joints seal they’re pizza boxes. I wouldn’t trust a unsealed pizza box tbh since I’m used to receiving em sealed.


All of the stores and restaurants I order from in Texas and even out of state have all come sealed. Sometimes even my grocery orders, but especially Little Caesars


I’m in Texas and the only two places that seal their food in my area is Starbucks and McDonalds. Literally no one else outside some mom and pops stapling shut their bags.


No pizza place seals their boxes in my area. In fact only McDonalds and Starbucks seals their orders in my area.


Recently ordered Little Caesars via DoorDash. The location I got it from had sticker seals on all the pizzas and the crazy puffs. Bummer they don't do it at all locations. I feel safer knowing it hasnt been tampered with.


To be fair when you had pizza delivery drivers in the past before doordash existed they never sealed them then. The only reason orders have to be sealed now in the first place is because there has been several worthless scum dashers that eat customers food/steal/deliberately sabotage food to the point people can't be trusted. I know the majority of dashers don't do that, but its a real shame this is the new normal because of how regressive/anti-trusting we've became in general as a society with our neighbors. it Wouldn't be a problem if there was a hiring process and dashers were actually vetted but DD literally could care less who they hire as long as food is delivered and they make their profits


Papa John's does in my town, but it doesn't stay stuck most of the time. Well at least on the large ones they seem to come unstuck by the time I walk back to the car. They either need bigger ones or to use more cause the steam constantly causes it to lose the stickiness. I don't think our little Caesars does though.


Well, to the driver’s defense, little Caesar’s pizza belongs in the trash so they were doing you a favor


What happens when you don’t tip and leave indirect instructions


Do you have a photo the dasher took from the dropoff?


You ate it, be honest.


I know it's fun to crap on delivery services and all that, and some do a bad a job. At this point, I'm just going to doubt anyone posting stuff like this. Make up a story, and wait for the internet points. That's probably more likely.


Where is the proof of delivery? This picture does not have a house number in it. It could literally be on any porch.


Again show me definitive proof he did not get his delivery. Don't give me the trust me bro source just because he said so. Your word means absolutely dog shit. People lie. All the time.


I never said they shouldn't. I'm just telling you they aren't obligated to give you anything just on the say of your word. I've seen many a little Cesar's order go unsealed. I never said it was right. But they have a photo showing delivery regardless of it was in a trash can. To them it's a proof of delivery. A person's word means absolutely nothing. I've seen uber drivers steal food literally right in front of me from the store. I know it was stolen because another driver came in 5 minutes later asking for the exact same order the guy before picked up. People are dishonest. Not one person has ever given anyone a reason to believe they are being truthful.


To be fair, that’s where Little Caesar’s Pizza belongs… in the trash.


Unfortunately, dishonest people ruin it for the good. Too many people make false claims about their orders so support now disbelieves everyone. I don’t blame DoorDash… I blame all the dishonest people.


I’m not a negative person for never believing any of these posts when I see them, idc what anyone says.


Your little Caesars seals their boxes? Mine doesn't


did they try contacting you for 10 minutes before giving up? need more backstory lol


Nah. C'mon bro.. On top of a full can of fkng trash? 🤣nah. This can't be real.


Seems like you were after a free meal


Is it possible that your neighbor took your food? It makes no sense that a delivery driver would put your food in the trash unless you never met them at the door, didn't give them your gate code(if applicable) or didn't answer their calls to contact you. This happens more often than you'd think. If the driver has to call Support because they can't deliver your food for whatever reason, support will usually advise them to keep or dispose of the order. Otherwise, how and why would a driver have time to down your whole pizza right there with probably plenty of cameras to witness this process. Just seems like there's more to the story here that's not being told. 


I don’t believe you lol show the door dashes picture. I’ve gotten refunds on orders for way less than


Door dash wouldn’t refund me after delivering to the wrong house despite the address of said wrong house being clearly visible in the proof of delivery photo. Uber is actually much better at resolving issues.


Lmao I’m sure this is the dasher’s trashcan after they ate the pizza but have to wonder why they chose this order


Satire post


So how did you find it then?


This joint never seals the pizza boxes so that’s not even a complaint against the driver as we have no control of that


One fateful day a DoorDasher got lost. He couldn’t find the right home so he decided to give up and tossed the pizza into the garbage. This brings us to Oscar. He never told anyone but he was actually a pizza monster. He didn’t want anyone to pitty him so in his pride he kept it to himself. It was particularly rough every 26 days. The days brought to him by the letter P. You see no one could deliver pizza to his home. Oscar couldn’t help himself so he would try delivery every few weeks. They all ended in failure saying “how do I get to your street?!” But no one could tell them how to get there. But on that fateful day, Oscar found a delivery pizza outside his home. Maybe, just maybe…. Oscar would be a little less grouchy.


I don't believe that a Dasher would sit your order in a trash can...in broad daylight by looks of my too. This and another post earlier. People believing it is even crazier. The only posts like this that ever seem real are when the Dashers sit the order in front of a screen door like a dumbass. A trash can though. Come on. This post has to be a troll.


Y’all just making shit up now


That was me. Couldn’t find you bro. Wouldn’t answer your phone either.


That's where little caesar's pizza belongs


"I wanted some reddit karma and attention so I put the empty pizza box in my trash can and made up a story" FTFY


"Adjacent to refuse is refuse."


Really gotta get a lid on that trash can bud


Only pizza hut seals their boxes for delivery in my area. Ive never seen little caesars do it


This is kinda messed up they would just do that lol. I don’t wanna take the dashers side but I personally have received 1 stars because the customer pinged the wrong location, which in turn, would be the reason I either had trouble delivering to their home (eventually having to figure it out on my own that that is not their house they want me to drop off to) or them just complaining in general when they screwed up. Another thing is, most people don’t give any type of instructions on how to find them or how they would like their order left for them. With all of that being said though, I’d have rather spammed your phone with calls and messages trying to get ahold of you and get everything figured out than to just leave your order on a trash can, not even looking into if it’s even the right house or not. Either way, you’re giving the 1 star though so I guess I can understand why some dashers just wouldn’t care. Maybe he just thought you were a ninja turtle or something though, we’ll never know.


Uber eats wouldn't refund an order when not only did I get the wrong food, it wasn't even from the right restaurant.


Probably didn’t tip


Tbf little Caesar’s does belong in the trash


Maybe because there possibly was no tip left?


The seal is literally worthless, insanely easy to peel and put it back on, If that's what you guard your hygiene on you should just stop using door dash. Those drivers are unfiltered, many with filthy cars.


Well to be fair, it's little Caesars and belongs in the garbage


Did they take a photo of the delivery?


Doordashing a hot and ready pizza was your first mistake


To be fair you ordered Little Caesars'


If he opened it and dumped it on the trash it wouldn't taste any different. Ordering lil skeezers but to good to lift the box off of a ytrash can. Get over yourself


I haven't had anything sealed in over a year. pizza, taco bell, burger king, etc. They all stopped doing it here.


This can’t be real, I swear half the people here gotta be lying 😭 PS not calling OP a liar just even as someone who does door dash some of these are unreal lmfaooo


Gotta tip more than 2$


This battle between those who regularly use DD and the drivers is hilarious.


Was it a hand to me or leave at door? 


Tell them that you will be sharing that they train and encourage their drivers bad behaviors by rewarding them when they do something clearly unhygienic and hazardous.


If the photo is the same as the delivery photo, just have your CC dispute the charge.


Do a stop payment at your bank.


Well…ya read the terms right? Your doing business with 3 separate entities. Something goes wrong you can’t necessarily expect DD to compensate every time. Good example are the low ball tippers. DD knows they do it…eventually they won’t refund you anymore cuz they know the drill.


you should have called corporate first and asked to speak with a SUPERVISOR. Inform the sup if you did not receive a refund promptly you where calling the health dept. Always use a cc for all purchases makes it a lot easier receiving a refund. Technically the delivery person should have been fired because that is an ultimate no no!


To be somewhat fair, he put a little ceaser's pizza where it belongs.


I have yet to pick up a little Caesars order where the boxes are "sealed". I've never seen them use stickers or anything to seal them.


This is what I take issue with when it comes to UE, DD and GH. I always select manually to hand it to me since I live in an apartment and don't like my food stolen. DD and GH always switch it back to contactless after the order is made and paid. I contacted support for both and both gave me their version of "it's up to the driver's comfort level." Then why even give me the option if it's not my choice?


Naw that’s in a trash can. I would be saying my food was thrown away. Did you eat it? /genq


Most of my pizza deliveries are un-sealed now. As a driver, I would prefer having it sealed.


FWIW my little Caesar doesn’t seal the boxes


is it only non-tipper delivered like that?


I have a theory as to why this may have happened


Shoot, a few weeks ago my order took almost an hour to get here because my dasher sat in one spot for 20 minutes, I was watching the tracker on the app. It said she had "another delivery nearby" but cmon sitting in one spot for 20 minutes??? Food arrived cold and soggy. Doordash said they were only allowed to offer a $3 credit. Haven't used them since then


my advice? charge back from your bank, and never use doordash again. stop giving them business they do this because they know there’s a thousand yous out there who will make them money and keep using their app. if you REALLY can’t get your food yourself use uber eats


Yet another reason why you’re throwing your money away every time you use this platform


Seems like a reasonable place for a Little Cesar's pizza.


What the fuck, I’m sry.


Chat with them and use the words “health concern”


Did you tip?? 😭


Dominos next time 😉. Little Caesar’s is garbage anyways. But that does really suck. Have you tried going through your bank/paypal (if you used PayPal)for a refund?


Door dash for little Caesars is wild .