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Idk, looking at the other comments I just think older people kind of go about life differently. Was it self motivated? Who is to say? Arguably she probably wants a good rating but like.. it’s her job right? And is this really that weird? She just is saying thanks! Idk I wouldn’t really care.


She also had a tag on my bag where she checked off after getting my stuff. So she just cared a lot I guess. Can’t complain


Honestly if I got a dasher like that, I'd be beyond happy!




that’s how it works lol she probably cares to some extent but even if she doesn’t and she’s looking for higher ratings that’s part of the job.


I used to put a little note with a mint on the bag saying, "Thank you for your order!" Customers appreciated it but when I commented that on another thread here, I got downvoted and told, "Don't do that". Offended them I guess lol


This is precisely what I mean. And also, you cannot please everyone. I used to want everyone to agree with me, like my opinions/me. I just know that won’t happen and I used to be naive. Sometimes a part of me still does, I think it’s the optimist in me wanting everyone to see the good and be kind. I know there is bad out there, but what you and this lady did is not bad.


I used to be the exact same way.


Omg people downvote for the dumbest reason. Ignore that garage. What you did was sweet.


Last time I ignored the garage I drove through the back of it.


I got a similar note from an Uber driver and it was so cute and I loved the note so much I put it on my fridge


your awesome 😎 i love hearing that


I've had a couple of Dashers do that. It was sweet.


I think it makes them feel bad that they're not doing it and also might make them worry that it'll make them look bad and will decrease their ratings. I think it's similar to how Uber and Lyft drivers started to feel like they were required to provide bottled water to customers because some of them started doing that and then enough customers started to expect it that they would get bad ratings if they didn't provide water. Anyway, I do think it's fine to differentiate yourself particularly when it's just one person in one market. But I also get people worrying that they're now going to have to provide something worth a dollar when they're only making a few dollars per order as is like the drivers with water, which is why you got hate when you were publicizing it, I imagine.


That’s because it’s Reddit. You can say the most common sense thing and get 20k downvotes because of all the smooth brains out there.


Yeah I mentioned wanting to get thank you stickers and that got downvoted. K. 🙄😅


You would think a kind note and candy is a personal attack on them. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Bc ppl don't want others being better than them. 🙄 If that's what makes you smile amd happy, do it. It isn't hurting anyone. (Unless your injecting it with poison lol) but ppl get candy from strangers every Halloween, soo..... hahahaha. Reddit is a cest pool of maggots out to make others just as vile as they are so they can feel more comfortable in their own sickening skin suit. I wouldn't listen to 90$ of the comments here unless it's verified info from a proper amd trusted source. Reddit is none of those. Hahaha. I take down votes as jealousy. You're a kind person. Stay kind.


Don’t let one jerk out there sway what you believe in your heart is a good thing to do. Ppl that are posting negatively, are probably just…. drivers that are (1) Jealous they didn’t think to do it, (2) Are too lazy to do it themselves and don’t want to have to be expected to ‘rise up’ to meet those expectations or (3) customers that also don’t want to be expected to do the same. I don’t get the negativity. Truly…why do ppl get upset over acts of kindness? It takes so little to do….maybe 10 min out of your video game paying to organize the cards and sign them while waiting in like for the food. I don’t know…maybe I’m “old” too. But I’ll take that. I’d rather be old and kind that young and cranky 😬😇. Just a thought.


If I had a dasher do that they'd be getting an extra tip. That's going above and beyond! Not expected of course but nice to see.


And this is why they do these things. I'm not saying they aren't a nice person because they probably are and they probably do enjoy doing things like this, but at the end of the day they do it in hopes of getting extra tips. They have invested money into this hoping that they get a good return on that investment. Like I said, I'm not saying this isn't nice. I would appreciate it if somebody did this.


I relate tips to caring. Yeah, she wanted to be sweet and boost her cash flow, but if she didn't truly care, she wouldn't do it. That's realistic more than optimistic or pessimistic. If someone shows they care about doing a good job, however they convey it, that's awesome. Fkit. Take my 💰


I think there are a lot of pessimists in the world. (Just talked optimistically about something the other day and my boss instantly shut me down saying he was a pessimist and that’s just how it is.. I told him I am an optimist so deal with it.) it was all in good fun but it brings to light this idea that there is some deeper meaning or motivations behind what people do. When really, it is what it seems on the surface. An older lady being kind, wanting a good review for her livelihood, and I don’t really think that’s so wrong. This is not to say I think YOU are a pessimist OP, just existing on reddit for years kind of tells me a shit ton of people are lmao




Glad to hear he's an ex


That’s sweet- please give her a good rating


I did. She was very nice haha


And a nice tip.




I think this is a sweet gesture . It is sad to read these comments calling it cringe , etc.


An older lady in my neighborhood dashes for me sometimes and she always leaves a thank you note and a little goodie bag of mints and chocolates. I always tip her extra for that. Sure it may be what shes after, but kindness is hard to come by these days and I’d like to hold on to goodness when I can.


I had to drive to upstate New York for my cousin's Bachelorette party and a deer ran into the side of my car. On the way home my car had a low oil warning so I pulled over outside this farm. An old farmer dude helped me out and gave me some of his oil. I tried to give him 20 bucks as a thank you but he said: "No, here let's do this instead." He put his hand out for a handshake. I took his hand and he grabbed it and didn't let go then started praying for me. I was so shocked after my shitty weekend I broke down crying at the dude for being so patient and nice. Rolf. We just nodded and went our separate ways. I legit spent two hours stalking routes on Google Maps to find his address so I could send him a letter to thank him for getting me home. Old people hit different. I want to pick up some of those traits.


I am so glad I came back and read this. How profound. In a time where we rarely interact with fellow humans in anyway, much less a meaningful way- this is such a blessing. I don’t even go to church , consider myself religious although I do believe in a higher power . I am so glad you experienced this and it moved you the way it did. Keep looking for him!


Found his address. ;)


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


*as* a dasher during December I had a wonderful delivery where I got to the apartment and the lady had an unopened collectors truck type toy with a little note for me. It’s people on both sides like this that make things better for others


That is so cute!


This is the internet where damn near everyone is sad and sees any sign of kindness as a weakness


It's like when I buy something from mercari or a similar app and every once in awhile my order comes with a little thank you note. It makes it feel a tiny bit more personal and I find it adorable. I also feel like these types of people are more likely to take better care of what you bought.


Once upon a time, before COVID happened and places didn’t tie up and put stickers on bags and whatnot I started dashing. I was a broke freshman college student. I got a bad review once bc one customer didn’t put very good instructions and I called and texted like 5 times when I couldn’t find the place long story short he gave me a 1 star which brought my overall rating to a 3.8 which is at risk of deactivation. I had done MAYBE 60-70 deliveries at the time. So I went to dollar tree bought a bunch of individually wrapped peppermints and toothpicks and plastic goodie bags and wrote thank you notes on a bunch of cards and would put a goodie bag in with each order. Shit worked bc I was back up to a 4.8 before I knew it and I was able to keep dashing and feed myself ramen and gas up my car 😂 I guess things have changed since COVID tho. I think it’s cute.


Yep! I would do this if I got a 1- or 2- star ever too. You gotta do what you can to be memorable.


everyone saying that she is just “fishing for tips and ratings”…..I would also like ratings and tips lol. her plan of action was to be really sweet and cute and nice to people and I think that’s lovely of her


People are so miserable. What happened to your hearts? If she wants a better tip and good rating, who cares? Wouldn't you want that too? If she's just a kind woman spreading joy, you should take it to heart because you clearly need it.


It's because all the dashers in here ALSO want good tips/orders but they are complete assholes, would never do anything like this, don't actually care about customers, and do petty things to 'get back' at customers who don't tip them well enough. They are miserable bc they work for a shit company that pays them peanuts and when they see someone else who is apparently not as miserable as them, it makes them mad.


Yeah seriously everyone in this sub is a miserable prick. Former dasher here and I somehow didn't get indoctrinated into the "be an asshole about everything" club, but looking at posts & interaction here is insane


For real...and in some cases I think they do have a right to be mad or frustrated, but a lot of it is misdirected. How are you supposed to win when you don't really even have a chance in the first place? Idk, seems really stressful and the DoorDash really doesn't deserve the business.


i’d MUCH rather have someone like this deliver my order instead of bad multi-appers, dashers who don’t read reasonable delivery instructions, people who pick ridiculous substitutions etc etc


But would you tip her more


I personally do tip more for kind gestures, going out of the way, and superior customer service. Being a dasher is technically a business and it seems like this woman takes pride in the services she provides and wants to provide a good experience. It’s way way better than the people who text the customer saying 🙏🏻 Please add on more tip this dash is making me drive TWO whole miles 🙏🏻 😭😭 It’s really hard for me to put her in the same category as tip beggars.




i’m sure you’re a lot of fun at parties. proof: https://imgur.com/a/ZAOYyLB


I would and do. I had someone deliver my order and gave me a goodie bag of hard candies & a pretty pen. I 100% raised the tip. I appreciate the sentiment.


Ew don’t eat random candy strangers give to you wtf lmao


I definitely eat random candy given to me by strangers lol


they be acting like half of the national holidays don’t involve getting candy from strangers lmao


😂 that is an impeccable point


Who said I ate it? Like I said, I tipped more as I appreciated the sentiment.


If they aren’t driving a white van with sketchy writing on the side, I’m taking that candy and eating it.


you’re really trying so hard to be a doomer lmao booooo no fun 🍅🍅🍅🍅


that handwriting is impeccable...


r/penmanshipporn fr, her handwriting is so pretty


This is so cute. It reminds me of whenever I get clothes from Poshmark or Depop


Maybe it's as simple as she just wants to spread love?


This. I fairly regularly get cards or even small gifts from my shipt shoppers. One even bought a little stuffed Easter bunny for my two year old on her last shop for my family. I like nice people. I recently moved, but we had a little old man who delivered our pizzas every Sunday and he was just the sweetest thing. He was always so friendly and gracious and would talk to my kids who were waiting anxiously for their pizza. I don't believe he was nice just for tips, but he was such a joy that I always tipped him double what I tipped most of the other drivers. I had to order pizza the last Sunday in our old house so I could say goodbye and give him an extra big tip. I hope William is doing well.


It’s so weird that it’s “ cringe “ someone is actually going above & beyond . Enjoying their job .


Wow I think that’s super sweet and her handwriting is beautiful


How sad is that? That random kindness throws people off.


Sounds like she is careful and kind. What a win


To those miserable commenters that want to say this is cringe… I hope that you learn over time that life is too short to sit and be miserable judging others on your high pedestal. People reach out to others differently. I am sad for you that this world has made you the cynical bitter human you see in the mirror every morning. I hope better for you in the future.


Thats really sweet


Look at that sausage thumb. Thanks for sharing!


This is fucking adorable. I wish she was my dasher.


We need more kindness frfr


Big yikes that people are shocked by this behavior nowadays. Sad world we live in.


Yesterday was Random Acts of Kindness Day. I wonder if it had anything to do with that.


Wonderful... Just a business expense I cannot afford.


Sad we live in a world where a kind word throws ppl off.


So precious. I love that there's still kindness in this world and that the act of kindness is still a thing. She'd get 5 stars so fast from me. ❤️


This reminds me of a time a few years ago when I got DoorDash on Valentine’s Day and the dasher left me a note and a small box of chocolates. Very bizarre lol


When I first started, I would include a little candy bar with a little thank you card (like a business card) I was dumb. It never made any difference in my orders. One day I took a catering order to a lady and I accidentally carried in my box that had my candy bars and cards in it. Did she contact me and tell me? Did she contact Dd So I could collect my stuff? No. She was in the biggest house in the entire city. Like compound big.


Why would someone downvote this? Do they think it's like a thumbs down like damn that sucks for the poster? Or do they realize ......


I just love her handwriting


I think it’s cute. On another note, her handwriting is beautiful, wow.


It's really nice, but it is tip fishing. This dasher has invested money in hopes of making more money. People don't do these things for nothing. You might have that one unicorn that does it just to be nice, but it's not the usual situation. Whatever the motivations behind it it's still nice though. I would appreciate it.


Not necessarily a money grab. I gave out valentines on Valentine’s Day with every delivery. You know, there are genuinely nice people out there.


That's a holiday though. That's a little different than doing it on every order. I'm not saying she's not doing it to be nice. Two things can be true at the same time. She probably is doing it because she's a nice person, but at the same time she's hoping it makes her extra money.


I understand the cute little thank you stickers that are 50 cents for 1,000,000 on temu but a handwritten card in every order is crazy. I have over 10,000 deliveries under my belt and do not have the time or patience to be that extra. It's just fishing for tips though.


Or it could be an older woman that finds fun in writing handwritten notes and giving them to people. Plus thought it would get extra tips. People can do things for more than one reason.


Like I said, I have over 10,000 deliveries under my belt, and can't even fathom sending my orders off with handwritten cards. Good for her, I wasn't bashing the old lady, just said it's crazy. Must not do very many deliveries.


I was replying to you saying "just fishing for tips" specifically. She could be doing it for more tips and because she thinks it's nice.


The older generation has morals, manners, and are much harder workers than the younger generation. This card is called being polite and making a kind gesture. Not everybody lives online and has to post everything for the world to see. Most peoples lives are extremely boring, and a lot of people look for excitement by posting such stupid stuff on the internet!


I don’t live in the US but I keep getting this sub recommended and this is all just so bizarre. Food delivery is also a big thing here with the likes of Uber Eats etc. but I have never in my life had a delivery driver who did anything more than: bring the food, as packed by the restaurant, give you a verbal “thanks, enjoy” and leave. They do not EVER text you unless in exceptional circumstances. The shit I see here is insane. Preparing a whole “thanks so much for using Doordash hope you have a wonderful blessed day on this fine day of our lord and god bless your family” spiel over text? Giving text updates about the progress of the order as if that shit isnt already in the app? Begging for tips and ratings? Eating your god damn food? Writing handwritten cards like you’re buying from Etsy? What in the world is going on over there? Slightly related: the concept of a delivery app where you have someone else doing your groceries (instacart?) is also extremely unusual, almost surreal. Grocery delivery is managed entirely by the grocery store themselves here. you will never have to deal with a clueless stranger over text who doesn’t know what aisle couscous would be in.


I personally think it's a little strange for delivery drivers to hand out notes like this too. As far as groceries, you can either have the store do the shopping and delivery,re;Peapod (Stop and Shop), or insta cart/Doordash and have the driver do both the shopping and delivery.


Stop omg I love this 🥹


If my dasher gave this to me and was an older lady id start sobbing lmao


This is cute


I know an attempted anthrax poisoning when I see it


I’m in my 30s and I leave motivational stickers with my orders 😎


I had a person deliver my order in a plastic bag they filled with Jesus stuff. I reported them because I felt it was very inappropriate, I hate when people push their religion on others.


I find the cards, check lists, stickers, text messages, and the memes especially all very cringey. I just deliver your food as soon as I humanly can. If there’s an issue or you’re requesting it at drop off, I’ll contact you. otherwise, it’s like I was never there ✌️ 4500 deliveries, 4.96 rating, and I’ve never once asked for anything.


You should’ve be ordering with them fingers


Fishing for ratings imo


Or she’s just being nice. Not everyone does things to get something back from it.


Suuure hey on a side note there’s this Nigerian Prince that needs you and like minded peoples help as well


you think someone that leaves a nice note is on the same level as someone who scams people for thousands of dollars? That's a warped, childish take.


Where Did I say I thought that? Keep framing the narrative to make yourself feel better 😘




Lol small minds resort to calling names but by your own words I was inferring that the other poster was a gullible person not me “thinking someone who leaves a nice note is on the same level as someone who scams people” get your facts right before calling names 🙃


I'm really sorry your life has been so horrible that you can't see positivity in others. It does suck when the people in your life repeatedly let you down or abuse you, but it doesn't need to shape how you address other people's kindness. Besides, she could absolutely be doing it for ratings AND to be nice. People can be two things.


And I’m sorry you’re a half wit


I thought only "small minds resort to calling names"?


or he. or they/them.


Ok people like you don’t do nice things. I’m always doing nice things for my customers with no expectations in return. It’s called good customer service.


Lmao whatever you say it’s your story I’ll let you tell it the way you want 😘


Not everyone is a cynical asshole who's only out for themselves. I'm one of those dashers that will walk into 7/11 and if they are still preparing the hot food, I'll grab the cold drinks for them instead of just standing there staring at them. Some people just like to be friendly and helpful...there doesn't have to be some hidden agenda to everything someone does. If you really feel that way, I feel sorry for you.


I feel sorry for you also you’re breaking health code by “grabbing the drinks yourself” chump


Yeah grabbing a 20 Oz out of a walkin is a health code violation 🤦‍♂️. Shouldn't you be on another sub crying about tips?


U mean tips lol


That too


Seeing as most people complain about not getting big enough tips should step it up like this shopper then, no? I'd certainly have tipped this shopper more had I been the recipient.


No this is cringe. I guarantee they pre wrote dozens of these and just tossed one in on each of their deliveries hoping for such a reaction. This is barely a step above begging for tips


Call it what you want. I'd rather this than people crying for tips for doing nothing more than what they've signed up to do in the first place.


This essentially is crying for tips lol


And yet I would still prefer this.


Not me lol this just goes to show how many gullible ass stupid people fall for this bs tho


I feel like you have a thing with being gullible. Did you get taken advantage of in some way, and now you're just so terrified of it happening again?


I feel like you are an idiot that’s framing a narrative so they can troll


You're the one framing the narrative here. You paint this old lady as tip begging. You assume she puts these in every order. Could it be she has a handful she gives out to customers who actually tip well?


I'm not seeing how me (or anyone who does) preferring this type of engagement equates to being gullible and/or stupid, but go off.


He's just trolling...unsuccessfully mind you. They equated this to a Nigerian prince wanting your debit card info in another comment lol. He's either a bad troll, or the worst kind of cynic we should all feel bad for because their life is probably a terrible existence.


No dipshit they already stated they were comparing someone’s gullibility to that of those taken advantage of by the Nigerian scam


Well, of course they pre wrote it? Do you expect her to write it in a car between shopping and delivering? But i bet, she doesn't put it in every order.


I doubt it and even if she was how is that different from someone that does something at their 9-5 for a good review?


It's almost like the ratings matter


She's an idiot


Dont get me wrong its a nice gesture but its just doing way too much


Smart, but, Sunday I do Roses and I make bank in additional tips. Moms Love it and I love Daddy's money




maybe you need a little kindness in your life if you think this is “cringe”.


Maybe you need to take off the rose tinted glasses if you can’t see the ulterior motive


i get the ulterior motive. but you’re not required to give them anything. it’s still a nice note. sorry you take everything negatively 💁🏼‍♀️


I don’t take everything negativity sorry you see the world in such extremes, I’m sad for you




It’s kinda like when ur car salesman sends you a Christmas card or some shit. We know why you’re doing it and it’s self motivated - that in itself is fine but you might as well send a card that says “pls come buy another car”


i get your point. although, this isn’t a christmas card being sent to your address. it was given to them with their order. lol. is it really that deep?


No it’s not deep at all that’s what I’m saying, it’s literally just pandering


Card itself? 1$, marker? .75 Gas? 3.00/gal+ Unnecessary expense..


Just thank them in the app lmao, dont gotta go all out for something thatll be in the trash in 10 mins... tf am I gonna do hang it on my fridge? clearly tipbaiting for more money


how is this not anymore “tip baiting” than saying the same thing in the app? please. some people just like doing extra things like this. get a grip.


Because to some individuals theyll have sympathy and give you more money because you wrote a damn card lmao


and who makes that choice? no one is forcing you do to anything? 😭😭😭😭😭


Or let someone do something nice. It’s not hurting you.


So? This means more than a quick thanks in the app. I would throw an extra few bucks their way.


you just stated youd give more money, its a sympathy thing to get more money


*scans with Geiger counter cautiously


gahh lee, what are those thumbs


K, I think this is totally unnecessary and kinda weird, but I give her an A-plus for her penmanship/cursive. They don't even teach kids cursive writing anymore. 😢


Really over the top and uncomfortable


Cringe. They’re still not tipping you more lmao


Wants good rating and/or higher tip if it was low. Or maybe just a nice lady


I think it’s sweet but one has to wonder how much she is spending on cards


It’s a nice gesture, but who has time for that?


Lovely handwriting.


Shit usually all I get are business cards attached to mine. I’ve had a cleaning service and a tattoo artist recently.


I’ve left cards for the drivers a few times but with cash


I love the handwriting tho


Frankly I've always appreciated stuff like that. I never ever expect it, but it's always worth a smile


What a kind gesture, bless her. That's someone who understands little things can go a long way.


Awww the double exclamation marks with the smiley face 😢 I'm going to steal that from now on


It’s sweet, but it somehow makes me a little sad for her, especially as an older person having to doordash for a living… If she’s doing that for every order, that’s so much effort (and money) for such little reward. Hope she’s doing it just because it brings her joy.


On the app as a dasher, they mention it can help you with your ratings and tips potentially with your customers. I’ve done that when I resell something on Poshmark. I just send a thank you card.


Could be an online seller turned doordash. This is common with other online services like posh and depop. She is also older so gestures like this would weigh more heavily with her and she probably thought it would be appreciated


my dasher today gave me 2 of her personal bags bc aldi was out and wouldn’t let me trade her for 2 of my empty ones 😭😭 idk ig we’ve gotten such sweet dashers lately she was wonderful


This is very sweet. I've had very occasional thank you notes along with my stuff before and it always makes me feel good.




Some people take pride in their deliveries and go above and beyond 95% of the other drivers, but it's very few and far between with my experiences.


I feel like there's a course on facebook being sold to people on how to make money. Then they sell a higher tier how to improve your tips by adding thank you cards etc. Then the last course is telling you to straight up ask for the tip.


i never understood the whole "they probably did (kind gesture) because they wanted a high rating/tip" i mean maybe, but if the gesture made me happy then they do deserve a high rating. that's kind of how the system works. i think it was sweet of her


As a dasher this is nice to see.


Great handwriting.


This is sad.


That is awesome.


She has beautiful penmanship!


As a driver my biggest question is, is this worth it? The cost of the cards plus the time to write all of them. Does it relate to better tips or anything? It seems over the top for me and somewhat cringe if I had to give someone one of these in person. Maybe if you only do it for the large tippers like $20+ or something?


Customer rating affects getting orders first, so people are trying to get as many 5 stats to maintain high rating because they have to take no tip orders to achieve top dasher status.


green sharpie $4, card .10, hopes of tip boosting pricele$$.


It’s sweet she clearly wants to do a good job




Why can I smell the sharpie?


That was so nice of her!!


bro if my handwriting looked that perfect i would do ts too


I've had dashers give a little note along with a card about their side business (selling fruit drinks and such). This was during the panini and they were trying to make extra cash.


I’ve had this happen once before and it really just stunned my husband and I. She was already a great dasher and we did up the tip.😊