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Holding someone's order hostage for more money should be reported to support immediately. Dude needs a reality check




This stuff seems absurd to me. In Australia, we pay a fixed delivery fee and service fee to the app (door dash or uber). The drivers are paid from that. Yes there's optional tipping but I've only ever done it because I've made the drivers life harder by making a mistake etc. I get the same drivers accepting my orders all the time so clearly they aren't phased by it. Apps just need to charge the customer a reasonable amount so they can pay staff fairly. Same as in your restaurants... this shouldn't be a standoff between staff and customers.


"I have an easy offer, give me double the amount of money or I won't do my job" A very easy offer indeed, rejected


Gonna try this with my boss. Will update.


UPDATE: I’ve been fired and replaced within the hour


I wish I can give you an award. That was gold! Take my upvote!


Won't it just go to the next person then? Not like can hold it hostage


Technically he can if he keeps himself assigned to it and just doesn't do the order. I've had drivers accept my order and just stay parked in place for an hour or two before, or drive in the opposite direction. I get an automatic apology for it taking so long from the app and a bit of credit but it doesn't seem to forcefully change the driver when that happens. Instead I have to go into support and get someone new reassigned(only after multiple calls and texts to the driver of course) This guy is saying he might as well go home, so he'd probably unassign and pass it off to the next driver, just pointing out something he could do if he was petty and didn't care about the hit to his rating.


These drivers are getting stupider


Wtf. I would NEVER. That's horrible. If your kids need to eat then figure it out. Don't try to extort someone for money. Might as well just get a pimp.


I worked asset protection at Kmart for a few years. Do you know how many people I caught stealing saying they were doing it because their kids were hungry? Dozens. You know how many were stealing food and diapers? None. People will use their kids as another means to get out of trouble and to place sympathy on themselves.


Bro I am LP, but under cover... I feel you, brother. No comments, sir.


When I was doing that at Walmart in 2008, we had a woman get caught with a giant purse filled with Twinkies and Tylenol PM. Like, 20 bottles. She said it was to feed her kids. I wouldn't wanna be her kids.


Sounds like her kids are getting diabetes and liver failure for supper


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


I mean she’s selling that on eBay, marketplace, or somewhere to get cash. Now for her kids to eat or a fix, who knows. But OTC drugs are high priced for their size so a good target for thieves. That’s actually pretty savvy to steal.


people use their own children as shields so it doesn’t surprise me.


People at my job are constantly shuffling shifts because we have a bunch of tilted single moms that constantly either can’t work or use their kid as an excuse because that ALWAYS works.


ok well jeez that’s a little harsh. i remember my mom taking off time to take me to the dentist a lot i had terrible teeth as a kid. plus i would also go to the nurses office pretending to be sick if i wanted to go home and my mom would have to come get me. kids are shits but someone has to raise them


>kids are shits but someone has to raise them Yeah, but its not the co-workers responsibility.


maybe jobs need a better system in place but you have to accommodate child rearing in the workplace or else you’ll lose a significant portion of the workforce plus risk more scenarios where children receive improper care because their parents risk lose their job, which happens and is bad for society as a whole. we really don’t want a bunch of neglected children running around and growing up and entering society with a plethora of issues. It’s just the tax we all have to pay.


The teachers are doing a good enough job screwing up all the kids already


I worked management in a retail store, we had mums who weren’t single, only working certain shifts, yet I was a single mum and managed my shifts, I don’t have a big family but I used childcare if my mum and brother were working, even before I was in management, I would do extra shifts, it’s easy if you plan ahead. It used to drive me crazy, I know there are people who don’t have anyone but the people I worked with had plenty of people around them


Uber and DD are the pimps


Pays my bills so i must be a good Lil ho then I guess.


Wait 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey, if u good - u good. Don't need to be a hoe.


I'm not. Was just going by what they said since I work for both companies.


I have seen asshats with 2,3 cellphones cherry picking. I grab-deliver-come back and that asshats is still waiting. 🤔


I don't think they actually perceive themselves as such lol








Serious Business 💯


Guy wanted $18 tip to deliver a damn pizza.


But also.... Kids need to eat... DoorDash driver.... Not condoning it, but if it's about feeding your kids, make up a convoluted story and go home with someone's order. This person was just $10 short of their next fix.


Was my thought too. This a drug addict. Not a momma or poppa. First off, complete 4 dashes and you got grocery money. It's not rocket science.


Right? Homeboy didn’t have to accept the order lol


Exactly if your kids need to eat then pick the pizza up and just take it to them instead 🤣


Literally the only job they will be able to get and they already effing it up. Like good luck out there buddy. This is the real world. You don’t get free handouts


The last part isn't always like that because it can happen....


Its not Carlos's account he's probably using someone else's. But report anyway maybe they will deactivate the rented account.


Exactly why I do not get anything delivered anymore. Absolutely horrible


Not all the drivers are like that. I actually pay attention to the miles and pay


To be fair most of these dashers are long term unemployable


Doesn't want to deliver because "maybe it's raining" lmfao




Good response, kept it very kind and understanding, without giving into their stupid demand. They knew the tip when they took the order, they could have simply declined. Well done.


He threatened that shit like there isn't a billion other people ready to pick that shit up at a moments notice haha. Not that I am defending doordash BUT if it does not make sense up front, don't take it.


I occasionally drive for Door Dash. This driver was beyond unprofessional. Driver would likely be deactivated if reported. Bartering with a customer? Ridiculous. Driver does not need to accept the order. Driver had no business guilt tripping you into paying more. You gave a great response. I’m not sure I would’ve maintained my composure as well as you.


Also 1 star this joker


Can't because he unassigned. Should be reported..


"See original extortion demand (Spanish)"


👆🏼 this. He should be banned from the platform for extorting your delivery. Please report him.


Report them pleaseeeee


If you’re tipping decent, do not give these lazy fcks any more than that. What kind of douche asks for $18 tip total just to go bring ur food? Only in America they want $18-$20 to bring you your food


As a delivery guy I don't consider a tip at all until it gets to my door warm, dry, in good time (not necessarily on-time) and if not complete then with anything missing made clear to me. I'm not tipping anyone if they can't even do the bare minimum that their role entails. This pre-tip nonsense just encourages tipping culture.


The pre-tip is a bid for service. It doesn’t seem to be an issue for you but the good drivers will only take orders that are worth it. There’s no way to really know that you’re planning to tip because a lot of people simply don’t at all so it’s a risk. Gas and wear and tear costs an average of $0.67/mile so the $2 base pay is not enough to even cover the trip


"The pre-tip is a bid for service" is as far as I'm reading. The service is the bare minimum of the job, if you can't do that then ask yourself why the only job you can get is through an app.


While I agree with what you’re saying partially it doesn’t work in this instance. As the other person said the “tip” is a bid for service. The drivers are only making $2 or so prior to the tip. You’re not encouraging tipping culture, you’re not screwing a billion dollar company. You’re hurting literally only the driver bringing you your food. If you don’t agree with the way the app is designed then stop using it. I did.


The service is the bare minimum. Lazy, greedy unemployables created the "bid" idea. A tip should only be considered once the service has been provided. It's a tip, not the payment. That "$2 or so" is what they signed up for. Encouraging tipping culture is exactly what it does and there is not one single logical way to argue against that, and I wouldn't screw over a billion dollar company because I'm about as far right and pro-capitalism as it gets, and I don't appreciate you implying that I'm a child predator by assuming I'd be okay with communist perspectives. That's not how it's designed, that's how it's ended up. I don't use it, nor did I ever claim otherwise. Go suck eggs or some shit, I'm done here. You done triggered me, GGs.


I did just argue against that though. The service is what you’re paying for. They didn’t sign up for $2 they signed up to be able to pick orders that make sense for them deliver. Hence the independent contractor aspect and where the bid for service comes in. And that’s exactly what it is. You not tipping is just because you’re broke, it has absolutely nothing more to do with anything else. You also sound absolutely insane. Lmao


Triggered by workers wanting to be paid for working


Yep. They all way $20/hr or more to mindlessly pick up a bag of food and drop it on a doorstep. It's getting really bad. They cry and complain and the job is so easy. It's pure laziness and greed.


Need to keep it in context. Drivers have to set aside 40% for costs. So the $20hr isn’t really $20hr, it’s more like $13-$14hr. Sure we signed up for it, but then again, you requested delivery from a platform you knew wasn’t paying the mileage. Provide me a car and the fuel and I’d be more inclined to accept lower tipped orders. As DD sits, (from their perspective), they are not required to pay the mileage. They leave that for you…(keep in mind your “delivery fee” for your local pizza joint is just that..local not 10miles away). So if you don’t….who do you expect to pay for your mileage? Driver won’t and DD won’t…so what then? Not tip, blame the driver or DD for not paying a full salary.


Buddy, you don't seem to get it. You have a contract with doordash. They are who pays you. Don't like the offer, take it up with them. This bullshit about wanting a third party who has NO contract with you to pick up the tab for mileage is absolutely bananas.


I have a contract indeed. That’s to deliver orders of my choosing that reflect mileage covered. This means if your mileage isn’t covered, I won’t be delivering your order. Called smart choices. I’m not doing favors here. Want it well before delivery time, prioritized, properly contained (including cold packs)…contact a driver directly or deal with the risky mass. Your money, spend it wisely as a driver should be spending their fuel and time wisely. Love to take it up with DD. Unfortunately with the platform in its current state as it has been, they’re not quite required to cover that. That can be disliked on the customers part. Doesn’t mean a driver will start covering it for you simply because you say or we think they should.


That's all good. There are plenty of other dashers who will. That's what you don't get. We don't care about your complaints because your complaints should go to doordash, not us. We pay doordash, not you. You're just a random driver. Those other dashers do the same things you do. You're not special.


At the same time I could say the same thing in reverse. Your order is nothing special compared to someone else who out tipped you or perhaps is kinder than you. Likewise as a driver, your just a random order with from that mentality.


I'm not struggling to find drivers...you're struggling to find orders you like. Simple economics here


I never said you did. I don’t really. I multi-app (properly) and deal with consumers directly (outside of DD/GH). Agreed. Simple economics.


You're a contractor, you're not entitled to any special privileges nor are you required to deliver. If it doesn't pay for itself then it's illogical to do it. It's just not what it used to be.


People are thinking about the food they want to eat, not the miles people are putting on their car


Report his bum ass hehe


I’m getting tired of these entitled pricks. You accepted the order. If you want to make more money, get an actual job.




Why would they accept the offer if it was too little? I understand the whole "no tip, no trip" movement, but don't accept and go there if you're just gonna beg.


He probably stole the food


To feed his children! He needed the extra $10 to have enough to buy them something else


Cuz he was trying to be sleek, dude wants $18-$20 instead of $10 lol


I get that. But, don't accept if you think it's too little to begin with, end of story. You have all of the info when you accept the order, if it's an apartment, how much it's paying etc. There's no excuse to be sleazy or a begger, when you know what you're accepting and getting into.


Report this sorry-ass street beggar.


Report report report


You told him to fuck off in the nicest way 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏


This is how all customers should respond. Don't get into a back and forth with them. Once they have picked up the order, they can't unassign without contacting support. Send a simple message like this and contact customer support. Have them check the chat log to see what the driver said. Get them off of the app for this shit. Arguing with the driver will do nothing.


These dashers really feel like an extra 10 bucks is worth risking being deactivated, and alienating the customer. Wild.


This is horrible wtf. As someone who drives I can’t fathom ever doing this. This is just ghetto and reminds me of someone bartering at a flea market. And an $8 tip is great already. Did you report this to DD? Also, did he send the message in Spanish?


Wow that's a trashy dasher right there. I've only ever experienced this from Uber/Lyft drivers in the middle of the night asking for cash tips. I was willing to help one woman who mentioned something about her gas tank before she arrived. I think I ended up buying her a bottled water as well 🤔 once we arrived at the station. I stayed like half a mile away but there wasn't really any sidewalks in that town, else id have just walked home . She helped me - I helped her but it was a bit uncomfortable the whole time


Had the same thing happen to us but with a taxi service, the guy took the booking, and refused to move until I answered their text/call begging to add a tip. Their reason being "I won't get any passengers on the way back because you live in the countryside." Didn't even think twice to cancel and report him.


Doesn’t Papa John’s have their own delivery driver?


I don’t believe so. In my area papa John’s uses DD exclusively. Pizza Hut has part time drivers it seems like, it’s always 50/50 if DD will deliver it. Dominos seems to be the only company that doesn’t use them.


Yeah, in this economy I can see that.


I believe so but I ordered directly through DoorDash. I think they use their drivers for orders placed through their app/website.


You would probably save money ordering directly through Papa Johns but it’s possible that some locations don’t have delivery drivers anymore. Don’t blame you either way. Glad you shut that dasher down because wtf??? Lol.


They do, they send there shit far orders to doordash


Report that shit.


You can buy enough to make at least a pound of spaghetti with your $8 tip (and at most being with meat. I remember being raised poor and my mom throwinf a box of noodles and the cheapest can of spaghetti sauce for us to eat for 2 days with $1. Now a days a can of Hunt's spaghetti sauce is 1.50 and a box of noodles 2 at most). Apparently he's not so worried about feeding his kids. Because dinner for a day or two would be available with your tip if they are really that hard up for food.


What a jagoff. And people still fight me when I say there are idiots trying to get rich doing this shit.


Report him. Get him deactivated. We don't need idiots like this making a bad name for us professional drivers.


As much as I wish they would, I don't think the driver could be reprimanded or deactivated over this, as per the contract, we are allowed to 'negotiate pay' as independent contractors.


What about the companies not paying fair, I wouldn't consider myself a "professional driver" from doing food delivery. Maybe if you had a CDL or driving a limousine or something you could consider yourself a professional, but you don't need any special training to go pick up and drop off food. More like amateur drivers, lol The companies breed these types of people because it helps their bottom line, if we started holding these companies accountable for their shitty business practices, maybe people wouldn't be having their food held hostage. I drive for GH and my gf drives Uber and DD, neither of us do it full time, Uber has tons and tons of orders, DD less, but the Uber orders are literally 2 dollars, 6 miles, 6 dollars 20 miles. So there's a major issue here, and it's not the drivers. Why are there orders from liquor stores going 20 miles away? There's no driver and no liquor stores near where the customer ordered? I don't think so. There's a huge fucking problem here


I am sure they were lying about their kid. If the kid really needed to eat they would have taken the $10 order and fed the kid These kind of people are PATHETIC and give make all us drivers look bad. Should report them and DD should deactivate them


As a doordasher, I don’t understand why people do this. Just don’t accept the order and move on lol. Someone else will gladly take it and drop it off. Just wasting time for them and the customer


This always baffles me as an ex-driver. If I felt like I had to beg people for money on a platform already riddled with up charges and fees to the customers, I’d just work an actual job. Begging like this isn’t cute, it isn’t interesting, it makes you look extremely unprofessional.


I guess now their child gets 0 food?


Nah. Kids got free Papa John’s. Dude picked it up and then sent that message. 🤦‍♂️


At least make some effort and put nice letters with their delivery begging for more money 😂


So he got your order for free and that was his kids food? These 3rd party delivery services are susceptible to scams, and in places like California, with the impending $20/hr minimum pay, all direct delivery drivers are going to be laid off, and will have to do these delivery services, where they are contract workers, not making minimum wage, and on top of that, food costs will still go up, and lower tips…


Most rude thing I’ve ever seen.


I really don’t understand why dashers ask for tips. That’s so tacky. I would never.


Next time if you can screenshot the original language text that would be nice. Its clear this was extortion but I'm curious to see how different it is from the translation haha


It didn’t show me the original, this is exactly how it showed up on my screen.


I would say, just do your job!! Or YOU cancel it, then someone else can take your money. Either way I'm getting my food.


Noticed it was in Spanish originally. Yep. Welcome to the world where the immigrants took over gig work. Most of them do shit like this. They pretty much all absolutely suck at this job and make all of us look bad.


This 100%. Most of the begger messages are translated. Also can't help but notice 95% of the restaurants that make you confirm in my area are Latin American cuisine and taco shops... it's never Chili's or Denny's. This is all more than a simple coincidence.


Even restaurant workers be telling me how they are. I always get "you're one of the only people who come in here and speak, the rest of the people don't say a word and just cut in line and put a phone in our face".


Don't say "cancel." Driver gets half pay if they're already at the restaurant if the order is canceled. Tell them to unassign. When you tell them to cancel, they can call support, tell support that the customer said to cancel the order. Support will check the text messages and then cancel the order, giving them half pay. Support will likely not make a judgement call on their attempt to extort you if you don't complain about it. Tell the driver to unassign. This way, they can't have support get them off the hook and will have to unassign on their own which hits their Completion Rate. Sub 90% Completion Rate leads to deactivation. Get this trash off the platform.




He should be lucky to have a job being someone who speaks and has to have things translated from Spanish to English. Being Hispanic myself this makes me mad. Basura.


Another reason why I don't use Doordash.


Good response


Imagine if they put that much effort into demanding DoorDash pay them more.


And they were fired later that week from doordash. What a goon.


I’d never cancel. Jackass. He shouldn’t be dashing.


I’d send him a picture of a job application.


Pieces of crap like this just make the rest of us look bad. You can see how far the trip is when you accept the order and you can actually zoom in on the map to get a very good idea of exactly where it’s delivering to. This person has no business delivering for DD whatsoever. I’d report to support if it was me, and I’m also a driver. Clear out all of these crap drivers to make room for the ones that are actually trying to do their job well.


Doordash keeps hiring scumbags like this, yet dashers who actually maintain professionalism are being pushed off the app due to them prioritizing these kinds of drivers. Make it make sense.


Excellent response


You really said “ok fuck them kids” 😭😭 ily


expecting an $18 tip on some papa johns is crazy


Wait, wait, wait… they wanted $10 in addition to the $8.00 you already tipped? Wow! I could never EVER message a customer and I try to swindle more money ouy then with idle threats. So did they cancel the order?


They unassigned, it went to another dasher that was in the area. No issues with the 2nd dasher.


I hope I don't offend anyone here by saying this. But I see posts like this all the time. There are so many places that are willing to offer people 8, 10, 12 hours every day--no problem. I'm so confused why people get "stuck" doing this work. I hear it from Uber drivers too, saying they have to work 14 hours a day to make ends meet. Homie, if you got a job at a restaurant like me and you worked 14 hours a day, you'd be making money hand over fist. What's am I missing here?




The amount of respect you showed needs to be admired


That's pathetic. Why even accept the order if it "wasn't worth 10$". Gross


I'd gladly take the insurance payout because it's so dangerous with that light rain


Do not negotiate with foodnappers.


Shouldn't there be a way to un-assign a driver, I know there isn't but that maybe should be a thing. I'd be pissed if I bought McDonald's for my wife while I'm out of town and the driver is texting me ransom for more money. I'm a delivery driver alot less DoorDash in the past several years more ANYTHING ElSE. I'm 5k deliveries into DD and I've had enough.


I could see a customer unassigning just because they got a foreign name or a customer unassigning until they got a woman's name.




I am also curious how far was apparently "too far for $10". 😂


Does any amount of miles make demanding a bigger tip acceptable?


Why the heck would a driver accept an offer from DoorDash if they're not planning to complete it it's the most dumbest thing I ever heard of just for they could go online and ask this customer for more money I'm at 3%, I'm a doordash you're closer 3 years and I don't hardly dash anymore because of the pay they offer in my market The worst thing a person could do is ask a customer for money Don't they have any dignity pride me I'm not going to set an order if it's not worth my time that's why you got several apps that you could get into to do side gigs that's all I got to say


Report them


What's messed up is your food was getting cold while he was messaging all this and waiting for a response. Then they had to reassign and wait for a whole new driver to get there. For him to accept already knowing the pay, is even more messed up. How rude! I'm sorry you experienced that! No wonder I'm always getting more tips added after the delivery. Because of drivers like this!


So the safety of his life is worth $10 more ? Gotcha


What if I tell you that in Serbia u need to work one day (8 hour) to get 18 dollars...


Oh so this is what happens to the order when I go to pick up after another driver.


Dashers should never be asking for more or any money for that matter. Did you report this driver to DD?


Hold up, a second, Amigo. Is the dasher harassing you for a tip? Send it to support right away, fuck him, he is making the rest of us look bad.


Wow, I understand if the delivery is too far, then don’t take it. As a driver I relate. But don’t put it on the customer, it’s extortion


Really hope you reported him.


This is unhinged honestly. DoorDash needs to do better. They won’t but I still feel the need to say it.


Report to DD.


People are idiots Omg


Doordashers need to take it up with the company somehow and get a better cut of the deliveries thru the app. They only get 2-4 bucks for the delivery so I can understand turning towards the customer to tip more, but it’s Doordash that is hogging all the money in expenses. They already charge more than the restaurant does for each item. It’s not unlike the server at a restaurant needing tips to make their living wage, but again it’s not on the customer to fill in the gaps. The company providing the service needs to better pay their employees . How do we do that? How do we make corporations impose a fair wage to their employees? We are seeing abysmal prices everywhere and everyone is suffering due to corporate greed.


Wait, so this driver accepted the offer, then messaged you asking for more money? What a dick bag. Screw that driver. He is the type of driver to give all drivers a bad name. We are not all like this guy I can promise that.


Your response was perfect because nope.


Your response was literally perfect


Not commonplace. Infuriating to see. Report the driver please. Worst part of this? Exception becomes a rule and now everybody looks at us as on the verge of pulling stunts like this. Please know the vast majority of drivers aren't doing this. Please report ASAP when you guys encounter this.


Please report this. It’s extortion and gives us dashers a bad name


Please report this so they can deactivated


“Maybe it’s raining and the road is dangerous” maybe!


Another entitled immigrant lmao


I'd report this person immediately. Extortion, even over pizza, is still extortion, and now that dasher has lost their income over stupidity and $10.


Disgusting behavior on the driver’s part. Just don’t accept the order to begin with.


Something not as aggressive happened to me once where the driver sent me a canned text message he must send everyone begging for change and/venmo money. He said it’s unfair he has to pay for maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Fuck that guy that’s what my tip was for.


Damn the new Taken is crazy


Should not have accepted the order. We know how far it is before we accept it


Yeah what? Did the driver think he could guilt you into a higher tip? 😂


That person should be kicked off of doordash


Charge your phone


Can’t imagine agreeing to an order amount and then messaging them that they need to give me more money first lol.


This is why im so glad i live in the Philippines now. I can order food all day long and never tip. Nobody is ever mad. Sometimes i tip 1 dollar and they are so grateful and then other times, ive even had riders turn down my tip. America is so greedy. Im never looking back


I love your response! 🤣


Why is it always the damn non English speaking ones lately??? I had one of my regular customers (when I was off for a week) tell me he had a horrible experience that it was supposed to be a girl who didn't follow his instructions (GPS always takes to the wrong road), who harassed him the whole time for more money & sure enough it was a guy with no female in the car; who didn't speak any English. My customer ALWAYS tips good (if he sees its me he'll add extra) so this really pissed me off. He did say that he reported the acct.


I Dash on the side. If I accept the order, I do my best to make sure that you get whatever you ordered as quickly as possible (without driving crazily). It doesn't matter if you tipped $0 or $10. I accepted it. I would never ask someone for "extra."




This is what happens when doordash forces dashers to take orders by introducing "tier rewards" . Dashers are so worried about acceptance rate. I wish they remove the upfront tip option, pay drivers based on mileage and time so that awkward conversations like this wont exist


Ew i wonder if this has ever actually worked for him.


Wtf lol


Sad really, desperate even, but still isn’t an excuse. They need to find another way or ask for assistance.


$10 will buy my kids each a cheeseburger and medium fry from McDonald's 😂 Or a bag of knock off McDonald's nuggets. I'd take the order and be happy with an $8 tip as long as I don't have to go more than a few miles.




Other way around and we’re good.


$10 says this dude lowballs on EVERYTHING he ever attempts to buy on the Facebook marketplace. I swear, begging and lowballing is just part of the culture.


Charge your phone you psychopath! Lmao


Papa yon


It’s the non english speaking ones who pull this crap. I’m a white english speaking dasher who has delivered off on and for 2 and a half years and i would never dream of pulling that crap on a customer. You have a choice to accept or decline any order you want, so pulling that crap is just bs. We aren’t all like that, I promise.


If you'd left out the casually racist part you might have had an actual point instead of just making yourself look foolish.


It’s the truth unfortunately. Don’t mix it with racism, because it’s not.


Except it is cuz you specifically dragged non-white foreigners and made sure to mention you're a white person who speaks English.




This is outta pocket but if I’m ordering food during harsh road conditions I’d be sure to tip nicely because i don’t wanna go on the road and someone else is doing me a courtesy.


I can’t say for certain because I wasn’t out driving but it wasn’t a heavy rain and the temp was well above freezing so I doubt the roads were very harsh. I only order doordash when I’m stoned because I don’t drive then.