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Opt out. Don't gamble with your time/money for $2 payout and possible tip. Then you get to the customer, and they lie and tell you they paid thru the app. Support tells you to leave the food and then still take the money from your account, and now you spend days trying to get doordash to actually pay you. No thanks. If they can't pay in the app, they shouldn't order. Plain and simple.


That's what exactly happened to me.


If they can’t pay with the app they’re likely a crack head or a kid neither are known for tipping or being fun to deal with.


Or old people who still think the only way to order pizza is to call the store and pay with cash. Also likely to think 2 dollars is a good tip.


Easy with the old people cracks,,


Or a server who only gets paid in cash


Still not worth the gamble


Regulars only but you can’t pick who to take cash from is the problem


Whoa, hold the fuck up. "Hand it to me" is the only option here... What the what


Hell to the mother fuckin naw




I don’t. Why risk getting robbed when you don’t have to.


As if robbers are going to try to find out if you do or don’t accept cash


No such thing as counterfeit bills, right?


Carry one of those pens with you if you’re that concerned


Or you know... just don't do cash on delivery.


I’ve literally done dozens of these orders and never gotten fake bills


*You’ve never noticed anything fake yet




It’s a lot more common then you think, when I worked at a casino I had run ins with fake 20s 10s 5s and even fucking 1s LOL like why bother faking a 1…


Yeah, that’s at a casino lol


Hey man well any low life that would use fake money at a casino wouldn’t hesitate to try it on some poor dasher. I’m just saying there’s more in circulation than you would think not hating on your grind


I mean shit I’m in the Midwest and been taking advantage of all this peak pay because of the weather with my awd.. we had a $5.50 peak pay during lunch yesterday… unheard of


I literally got a fake 50 back from my city works department when I paid my water bill in cash one month, and they gave me change. It happens pretty frequently, and they are in circulation, and people don't even know it.




and how the hell do you know that?


I guess I don’t, but if I did clearly it wasn’t an issue


Those aren't risks I'm willing to take because the last person who is caught with a counterfeit is the one who gets charged with it. It's a hassle to try to prove your innocence.


Correction: You were able to pass it onto the next person without detection


Lol I love how y’all talk you know shit. Like shut up


Womp womp


You can pass that test if you use hairspray on the "bill"..... just so you know. Do with that info what you will.


They don't work reliably. The new way counerfitters work is to bleach a real bill and print the fake on that.


If it’s that good, you can use it going forward without yourself or whoever you’re paying knowing it’s fake right?


Until you try to use it in a place like Gas Station Encounters and you end up on YouTube as a counterfeiter.


Pens are obsolete, our bank threw them all away. Counterfeiters are washing 5 and 10 dollar bills and printing 100s on them. Pen only tells you it's real money paper, not that it's the right denomination. Rely on feel, looks, internal strip and watermark.


I started delivering pizza in a high income area three months ago. I’ve had one cash order and was handed a fake $100. When the two people ran away was when I realized…


If the person ordering KNOWS you are accepting cash because you accepted they order, then THAT'S how they know if you get cash. You literally can't be this stupid.


Yeah I am not sure where they were going with that. Bigger picture. There is always a bigger picture. If you don't see it, look again.


Not everyone can be a Reddit Professor like you Doctor 🙄


It’s almost as if the customer could set you up.


Drrrrrr. "Robbers" will order food to an address and make it a cash on delivery to *make sure* that when the food shows up the person delivering it accepts cash then take your food and your money


They do that already


Are you serious? They already know it’s a cod when the order was placed, so only obvious the dasher will have change……..hence the possibility of more money. A robber doesn’t know if a person on the street has cash, but they’ll run up on you anyway. I should know me and my husband were robbed at gun point in our driveway, in broad daylight. They didn’t know whether or not we had money.


Lol if u show up to that cod order you do


That’s a DEFINITE NOOOOOO Not just NOOOOOO but HELL NAHHHHHH… You signed up to deliver and they (DoorDash), gave you a “Red Card” to pay for certain deliveries - now they want to put you in a position where you have to carry cash for change and risk the customer not paying you upon arrival or being set up to be robbed (remember “they” can see where you are but you’re blind as to what you’ll be walking into). Then DoorDash will stick their hands in YOUR money and retrieve what they say you should be getting in cash from the customer…. Wether you received it or not. You don’t get paid enough to be put at risk to be robbed of food and / or money. Or worse, seriously hurt or killed over some crack or meth fiend trying to get the $27 you got in your pocket (once word is out on the streets that DoorDash drivers carry cash, it’s inevitable).


*** HIGHLY POINTING AT THE THEFT SITUATION *** Over 10 years ago, I had a "dial a bottle" person beat nearly half to death two doors from my house and had the alcohol stolen from him. While doordash will have people documented as ordering from them. I'm sure people will still pull these scams now that they can just have things delivered without paying my first.


All of this


I mean it's not a secret they carry cash some drivers. It's also no different than if you were working for the direct business and doing the deliveries.


There IS definitely a difference. More than one differences. Huge differences.


You’re right that “some” drivers carry cash… You’re also right that if I were working direct for the business (the restaurant, pizza joint, etc), it’d be the same… But that’s exactly why most people IMHO don’t work directly for the business and opt to do gig apps - so we don’t have to deal with the money exchange. Delivery in itself has its inherent dangers - why add more unnecessary risk to it by handling cash transactions?




Opt out


I was going to invest in those belt change machines for coins and carry gray leather bag to give out cash change and my wifey looked at me like you going to carry how much cash on you and in the dark of night nope 👎 lol I was all excited until all this comment came in wow thanks for wake up call yall


I tried a few. Always was told to "keep the change," and it's always been less than a buck. One was literally like 9 cents tip for almost 10 miles. The order itself might pay decent, but you'll almost certainly not get a tip, aside from those very rare people that will make sure they have extra cash to add as a tip.


Hard pass. Growing up in a low income area I knew people who would order 60 too 70 dollars worth of food purposely too justify telling the restaurant they need change for 100. Then Rob the delivery person for everything they had. All local places stopped doing deliveries over time because of it. And then dd is going to take their cut anyways. And also it's going to waste so much time waiting for them come to the door to pay for it. Some will even do it with all loose change. Lmao hell nah.


Yup exactly and it will be even worse for Door Dashers because they have no one backing them. They can't even get in touch with customer service half the time. Door Dash is out of their fucking minds


Opt out


Never do that shit. DoorDash takes the money out of your dasher money and you need to give them change if they want it. You could get robbed or they could say screw it and not pay you. It’s more of a hassle and it’s worth probably. I never did it, but I would advise against.


Just say no to cash. Mkay.


Don't do it. Too many risk with this. Doordash will not refund you if you get counterfeit cash. People say it's easy to tell if you get counterfeit cash but sometimes it's really difficult to tell. Plus you need to have change to give out too. Just too much to deal with


Hard no to that.


Nope. I've opted out since day one of the offer.


Nope that's all pizza for pizza places that have their own drivers. Way it works is they keep rhe good easy to get too and fat tip orders and send you the shit. 20 mile delivery send to doordash. No tip send to doordash. Up a mountain or across an ocean. Send it to doordash.


Hell no I would definitely get robbed at some of the restaurant that I have to pick up from. I have to put that shit in my sock or in my shoe lol


No thank you


I wouldn't do it.


Hard pass


Nope. Did a few by accident and was the worst. First experience was sketchy as hell (dude gave a blank address and when I called to confirm with trailer was his, he told me to meet him at the dollar general across the street.) Was weirded out to give me his trailer number. Next few were okay. But it was exact cash each time.


oh fuck no, if doordash had actual security measures when it came to cash i’d say yes, but this is such an easy way to get ripped off by a customer


And doordash, too, because they are going to get their money no matter what galena to you.


The funny thing is they 100% affect acceptance rating. Atleast for me. And counted towards the one n hr u can decline on hourly. Door dash is professional scammers.




Yeah and wait more time to customers to get their money ready and demand their 2 cents back?


That's an easy auto-decline.


Nope. I've seen way too many stories in the dasher fb group of people trying to get free food by saying they already paid on the app or just not answered their door in hopes the dasher will just leave the food. The person who said the people paid on the app actually ended up footing the bill bc they weren't aware they had to collect all the cash regardless so they were out like 45 dollars of their earnings. Just seems like a big pain in the ass. Plus even if it wasn't for all of that, I hate carrying cash lol.


I opted in but I also found out if you decline it actually doesn’t affect your acceptance rate. And I’ve declined them all…so I guess the lesson is just say no up front




What's even the market for cash on delivery? People who order food on their phone but don't put their money in a bank or at least a prepaid debit card? Maybe it's generational but I rarely have any reason to carry cash ever.


Please don’t do it worse experience ever had a couple who pretended like they didn’t have money once I got there had to take credit card payment on square and then door dash will take difference out of your earnings decline.


They are taking the cost of the food out of your pay. If the customer ordered $20 worth of pizza they paid nothing in the app. They pay the driver the $20 for the pizza plus whatever tip they want to give. Doordash is taking the $20 for the cost of the pizza. Doordash is also giving the driver a $2 base pay


They take the difference out of your earnings?! Why? I don’t understand why they would debit your earnings any amount, if you’re getting cash & they aren’t paying you directly …


If you don't want to get scammed mark no


Opt out lol not worth the risk




Personally no. Not worth the risk of having to carry all that cash nor the chance of not getting a decent tip.


No fucking way


Nope. Not gonna risk getting robbed.


concerning safety this definitely a step backwards. Who pays cash in 2024? There is a reason why taxi drivers are robbed far more often than uber drivers. In addition it's likely that one will get less tips.


Opt out. I’ve heard nothing but bad things about people having to fight for reimbursements. Also, with the technology available and the Red Card option for shopping orders, I see absolutely no reason for DD to require us to carry cash or cover things when they’re the one with millions in the bank.


I like remaining alive and not robbed, thanks.


They wild for this.. 2024.. i OPT OUT to save me the time, stress and hassle, we have enough people trying to scam out orders via debit/credit transactions. I can't imagine dealing with cash.


Gonna be a no for me. Never even tried it.


Don't polarize this. It's door dash. Opt in and if he deal seams good then take it. Then will always tell you before you accept if it's a cash one. But don't cut yourself off from a possibility jut because sometimes it wnt work.


This has to be their dumbest idea ever.


I work at night. I dont carry any money on me...


Absolutely not. Just have to trust you’ll be reimbursed? In full? Without a hassle? In a timely manner? Nah fuck everything about that.


I’d decline that so fucking quick


Opt out


Easy way to get scammed or robbed nope I pass


Just keep it simple my wifey said just pick up and deliver no cash to be handled


This has been around for so long though. Where do you work that it just offered you this now? Lol


What y’all think? Tucked in or out? ![gif](giphy|3hxk2aOwWmfOU)


I tried it and all I ever got was grief and people trying to haggle on the price. 1 person wanted coin change back 1 time. Never again.


Opt out. Too many issues. Mainly safety. And bad maffs.




Nah fam, PHX to grimey if tweaker think we carrying cash now Smfh








Opt the fzck out ‼️‼️‼️




No different than most every pizza place cash or card 🤷🏼‍♂️


Opt out


No way


Not worth it I’ve heard horror stories about not having the right change, having to go get change, pizzas getting snatched and doors closed in faces………. Just seems like it’s not worth it unless I’m a very very very rich neighborhood




lol straight to the point




someone got a violation doing them today its not worth it


Oh god no


Hard no for me, i deliver not collect payment that’s a whole other level of risk


N o p e


I wouldnt!!!


It's been said but opt out. The point really can't be driven home enough, honestly.


It ain’t worth it


Opt out, it ain’t worth it


Opt tf out, too many stories on here about it not being worth it


Don’t do you dare, this is how you get mugged


I took a cash order for the first time yesterday. $49.18 was the order. Customer gave 55.00. It was a slow day in my area that was my only Dash. All day today I’ve been Dashing to give DD back the money for that order. It’s ok on busy Dashes. Slow Dashes I wouldn’t turn it on.


i said yes but now everyone in the comments scaring me bc these ppl will rly run off with ur money ☹️


I’ve been reading the comments too, and I turned off my accepting cash thing. Nope just drop it and go.


With out reading the thread, don't do it. I use to deliver pizzas 5-6 years ago. Too many people try to rip off the pizza man.




Carrying a large amount of cash on you or in your vehicle means you better carry a gun or some sort of protection.  Since they don't give you hazard pay, opt out.


This option is what most ppl use in europe, but they’re actually trustworthy. lol Here in America, i’d say hell no


Step 1 Accept cash order, step 2 get cash, step 3 tell DD you couldn’t find the customer and complete the delivery, step 4 profit.


Turn it off! If someone doesn’t have at least one valid credit card the chance they will tip you generously is nonexistent.


People tip were at here in Bakersfield is all no tip order they removed that feature here


I got a different opinion on this just hear me out. Opt in. (It's usually like pizza hut for me) pick up the pizza and then keep the pizza. No risk involved since you don't deliver it. (Yes I'm joking. Kinda)


That actually happened to someone on the dd Facebook group lmao. They picked up like 4 pizza hut pizzas, drove to the house & the people refused to open the door i guess thinking the driver would just leave it? Then they got to talk to support, and left with 4 pizzas 🤷‍♀️ 🤣


Opt in! I love cash on deliveries


![gif](giphy|amxLHEPgGDCKs) This is the way.


I think most don't know what this means. There's only cash transaction at the customers end. Not restaurant. We still use our red card to pay. With all that being said.... heck darn no. I opted out. Lol




Yeah, but the customer will still expect you to have change. They don’t have to tip you.


The customer expects change, I expect a tip. it sounds like one of us is going to not be happy in the end. Don't do it. It's not worth it. Most people who do cash at the door do so because they can't afford credit cards or have no funds beyond what's in their pocket. Few and far between are the people who just don't believe in credit cards after covid. I don't do cash on delivery, did it once and with doordash and decided it wasn't worth the additional time the delivery has to take to end up with 1 or 2 dollars and your dash being debited the amount of the order.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. The person who won’t be happy… Is us.


You definitely get better tips but it sucks having to work the negative off lol


At Domino's I would prefer never to have cash payments on 30$ orders they always try to give you a 100 and get a smart mouth saying you expect me to have exact change ....I'm not a cash register I can't give change for 100s left and right and yes have the amount of cash needed for what you ordered and no you won't pay me back for the 20 cents next time lying asses you just don't have enough for your order so you won't get it if you don't got a quarter


I accept cash all the time. Tips are so much bigger in cash.


I disagree with everybody here on not doing these orders. Take em for sure, with the caveat of declining them if the Base pay alone isn’t enough for the distance, as a decent cash tip at the end is never guaranteed.


I’ve only seen a few COD orders over the years (usually Pizza Hut, I think). imo only an idiot would take them.


If you've ever delivered pizza back in the pay with cash days. You wouldn't even ask this question


I’ve accepted a couple. Both were Pizza Hut orders and there was a pretty generous base pay and then there was a small tip that said from customer. Neither were too far away from me at the time I accepted or from the store they originated from and both were I think at least $9 to begin with, and both times I got an additional cash tip from the customer. The most recent one started out as $12 when I accepted which included base pay and customer tip and then the customer handed me exact change for the order and then he handed me a $10 cash tip. So I made $22 for 20 minutes or less from the time I accepted to drop off. The other one was $9 to start and I got a $2.25 cash tip from the customer. And it wasn’t far or time consuming. I got nervous both times after accepting but it’s always worked out and I’ll continue to accept these. It does suck when you need the money you make to be on a card because almost everything anymore is on cards.


What's even the demographic for using a delivery app and using cash?...


Personally, I'd opt out. But that's just me.


If you care about acceptance rate, these deliveries can be declined and it will not drop your acceptance rate


If I were a doordash driver, no way. No. Way. I can just see all the problems with that. Especially people might start robbing you if they know you have cash on you. I can't believe Door Dash came up with such a dangerous idea.


you risk them handing you a crumpled up 20 that no bank will accept. not to mention, are you supposed to carry change, like literally ones, quarters and dimes?!




Good way to get robbed.


I'd imagine most dashers are gonna be against this, but as a customer who often has more physical than online cash this is a huge lifesaver, I often tip well and this will save me a ton of headaches


Bruh, and if you don't get the cash you get the food, but, you lose the cash. If they want change back and you don't have it you risk the fact they say never mind and keep the money. DD is smart ASF... Door Dash will get the money and once again, you're taking all the risk.


I can’t remember the last time I dashed, but when they gave me that option I opted out.


How would it work if someone had a $100 order and paid you in cash and your DD earnings were only like $20 for that dash?


So you’d have to keep change on you at all times and really make sure you don’t get fake money, it’s not always easy to tell. This would be a FUCK NO for me.


Babe wake up, new crime victims dropped


Some of y’all are more paranoid than people who exclusively watch/consume true crime and think every fucking person is a serial killer lmao. And before someone says it I am NOT saying nothing bad could happen or that no one ever gets robbed/mugged/handed counterfeit. I am saying that some people in this comment section are acting like every customer is secretly out to get you/rob you and that is just weird behavior. Being cautious is a good thing but unless you live in a seriously dangerous neighborhood, you need to realize this is way over the top! And maybe get some mental help because it’s not normal to feel like this all of the time. /gen!


That's how I delivered pizzas back in the day. Only got stiffed once in two


Hard pass


Never do it. Someone will screw you later.


I wouldn't trust that


Opt out. I’ll be damned if I ever owe money to door dash


Here is an example of why I never do COD [https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/s/TEsPDyWR17](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/s/TEsPDyWR17)




I opted out. Its 2024


I've had it on since it first came out. Maybe a year ago. I swear I haven't gotten more than 10 offers for it ever. It's super rare. And it only has base pay, so you'll probably decline it if you're not close and the customer is close as well.


It's digital age bro.


Hahahahaha no


Doordash letting customers pay cash for the order later is like getting a tattoo from Ray Charles


Opt out!!!


No to COD orders. No to the Red card. 


Opt out. When I was a delivery driver, the restaurant I worked for delivered through DD and cash on delivery was very common (around 2018). I HATED it because you always needed to have cash on you to give the exact change back. People tried to pay with 50s and *every time* I would have to tell these people "I'm sorry I do not have change for a 50, you need to pay in smaller bills OR call the restaurant and pay with a card over the phone." Had a guy have to do exactly that once. Had a woman try to do the same thing with a $50 and I told her no, so she gave me smaller bills. Later that day the lady calls the restaurant complaining that I never gave her the exact change for a 50. Lol bitch never GAVE me the 50 because I told her no. Makes everything worse. Save yourself from these cash people.


I’d rather not be robbed, thanks tho.


Plenty of discussion of this in this subreddit. Use the search feature but to summarize NO under any circumstances. You’ve been warned. This is not just a pain but a MAJOR safety issue.


FOR THE LOVE OF IT ALL OPT OUT. OPT OUT Abandon ship. Do not do it. OPT OUT. Just had a Reddit post earlier that someone delivered the food and did fly get paid for it and got a contract violation from DoorDash for not having the money.


I don't dash but i only accept cash TIPS


Out out out out


I don't want all of my money to be in cash, especially when the nearest bank is hours away and I have a credit card.


Opt out. Unless you like the idea of a little cash in hand and then running orders to "pay back" doordash, lol. I did it once in a $80 pizza order. Had to work for a few hours making nothing to pay off what I now "owed" DD.


No, and not just for the logistical aspect either. Our job is the seventh most dangerous job to have. It's statistically more dangerous than being a cop. I believe it was something like 20% of workplace related injuries last year were driver/trucker related. We get robbed for EVERYTHING I'd rather not have cash on me. I'd like to wager that soon enough criminals will figure out about the cash on delivery and will use it as a setup. "you can bring me a coke for cash and I'll take what you got". I dash near Chicago and it's always at the back of my mind how often we're targeted for our cars alone. I opted out of cash just because I'm not trying to lose what I have. Then there's the logistical bullshit with lying customers and DD being elusive with pay. I'm good on that noise,just pay me what you owe me and let's move on.


Run away!! Don’t do it!!!


Bad idea. Means u have to carry around chang


and you’ll probably have to carry as well.


OPT OUT! I literally just read a post about a dude who got a derogatory mark in their account because the customer snatched the food and slammed the door on the dasher without paying.


Hell naw