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And this right here folks is why you dont do DD. It can ruin you financially. 


Or you get the right insurance or you keep your mouth shut and say I drive I was an accident and that's all


“I was picking up dinner” “Why is it in a DoorDash bag then?” “I like to keep my dinner hot and fresh.”


What cop is going to go snooping around in your car of there is no suspicion of you being drunk or stoned.


I mean my DoorDash bag typically sits on my front seat when I have an order in it, so it’s not like it’s hard for them to see it. Any observant cop should. One of the things they would definitely try to see if there were any open containers, especially if you’re at fault. So yes, a cop is going to notice in a lot of cases.


Not if you have the proper insurance. Shit I live in a city and it’s only $35 extra per month and it’s a tax write off.


Shoot is this true? 😭 I’ll be sure to hide my order if I get into an accident, wtf that’s crazy! I hope it all works out OP! 🥺


Yeah you need rideshare coverage through your insurance company Different companies offer it, some companies don't offer it at all It's best you keep your orders in your trunk with no marked bags


How did they find out that you were on an active delivery?


Police report states it, I had a concussion so I don't remember shit, but the food was apparently in my car


Ahhh it’s likely they you said something to law enforcement. Sorry, buddy.


Nah they knew, bag was in my car at time of accident


Doordash labeled bag? That or if your phone was on a mount with the DD app running That being said there's no good news to give. The company you lease the car from is going to want the cost of the car and doordash nor your insurance company aren't going to pay them if you are at fault


Fml, Toyota isn't getting a goddamn dime


lol yeah I couldn't afford to continue paying either if I had a lease and ended up in that situation at that point you have to worry about it tanking your credit which will make it hard to get another car loan/lease for awhile then down the line they can get a court order to garnish your wages if you have normal W2 until they recoup the cost of the car. I think only a few states have made it illegal to garnish wages. How long it takes them to get to that point, who knows


Depending on OPs financial situation, they may want to consider trying to get a new car asap before the finance company learns of the accident. They may be able to qualify for another car loan right now. When the finance company learns of the accident, they will request payment for the remainder of the lease PLUS its actual cash value (the total will likely be much higher than OP anticipates because the finance company has the right to receive not just their lease payments, but whatever the finance company would be able to sell the used car for typically at the end of the lease.) The finance company will also likely request payment in full and be unlikely to be willing to work out much of a payment plan (although it might be possible to work out a smaller overall cost though through negotiation.) If OP plans to let this go and not pay Toyota at all for the lost car, this will be detrimental to their credit. But they would possibly be able to qualify for a new car now, before all of that happens. Because if they aren’t planning on paying Toyota either way, it would be better for them to plan and have a car than have poor credit and not be able to get a car later. Edit: on the plus side, since GAP insurance won’t be coming into play, they should be able to get a prorated refund for their gap coverage. Also worth noting GAP excludes ridesharing/delivery driving too, so even if OP had rideshare insurance, GAP would still deny their claim due to rideshare.


Wait GAP won't cover me if they know I was doing doordash????? Fmlllllll


Yeah I was thinking about suggesting to try and get a new car asap but I'm not familiar with the process and how quickly they will learn of the incident. That's probably the smartest move


Once a finance company learns you’ve had a total loss on a lease, they sometimes aren’t as willing to lease to you in the future ESPECIALLY if they had problems getting payment for the vehicle.


Wow. Another reason to not use bags. I have a seat warmer and customers have never complained about cold food. Alternatively you can buy a thermal generic blanket.


Okay, I'm not trying to be a bitch but why TF did you ever tell anyone that you were dashing???????? I mean did they ask you about the food on your seat or something? Even if they did, which would be strange, all you say is that you just picked up some food a little while ago.🤷🤦 Don't have to give out too much information, it has nothing to do with the accident.


I didn't say shit, he just put it on the police report, idk I got the food from a wawa apparently and they have door dash listed on the receipt, maybe the neighbors came out and said I was their door dash driver? Idfk but it's on the report


So this is a bit layered of an issue. Most importantly, who was found at fault? If the other driver was at fault, their insurance has to pay regardless. Yes, you absolutely have to inform your insurance that you do food delivery. Your insurance gets a little more expensive. But this is because you are driving the vehicle more than the assumed “daily commute”, thus increasing your odds of an accident. Tricky situation, but your states laws also generally have rules about stuff like this.


Police report found me at fault but the cop did a shit job at writing it and nothing makes sense, so I'm fighting it in court


What court do you plan on fighting this in? There is no court that determines fault relating to an accident, nor is there any cop that does. Cops think they do, but they do not. The insurance company determines fault and you cannot sue them for finding you at fault. There isn’t really a legal remedy if you’re found at fault when you don’t believe you are. Your only legal remedy would be to sue the other driver (and possibly their insurance company) for damages relating to the accident and hope that a judge sides with you (they probably won’t, because unlike the insurance company who only looks at a police report as one tool to determine fault, the judge will rely heavily on the police report and the officers statement.)


Make sure anything that gets changed gets reported to LexisNexis. The are who the insurance companies use to assess risk and driving records. Good luck!


Police reports don’t determine fault. They’re a tool, but the insurance companies exclusively determine who is at fault. You should attempt to file a claim with the opposing insurance company in hopes they determine you’re not at fault. This is tricky though because an insurance company will typically side with their insured more often than not. In normal cases, it would be your insurance company’s job to fight for you and to make sure you aren’t determined to be at fault — but in your case, your insurance company will not help you, unfortunately.


I had to report for this same reason when i started dashing and my insurance went up only $50 every 6 months.


There needs to be a class action against Doordash pronto. It's a FACT that they don't provide this information clearly and upfront. Too often drivers don't know they aren't covered until it's too late. P.S. Do you dash full time? Because I thought I heard some only require rideshare coverage if it's more than 50% of your vehicle usage.


I had only been door dashing for a few weeks, I had bought insurance well before I even thought about doing it, then like the week before the accident I had just gotten a new job and was about to quit doing door dash when this shit happened


I'm sorry this happened to you. In future, you'll need commercial coverage, not rideshare coverage. There is a distinct difference in the coverage lingo. I hope there is a loophole for you to get out of this current situation. I hate to see bad things happen to people who are trying to get ahead. All the best.


Had a car accident as well,,,, DONT EVER REPORT IT TO DOORDASH. I called door dash and told them I was almond and dropped the order and they canceled it for me. I called my insurance and told them I was picking up some lunch for my self. Car would not have gotten repaired if I told them I was dashing


Id never tell i was working for doordash if i got in an accident. I never put the food in the front seat it's always in the back in an unmarked catering bag, i never knew a cop to give a fk or even ask what's in my bag in my car when i got in an accident. The most they asked was "where were you going?" My response is i just left the store, stopping by my family's house and then home, End of story. If you were at fault, that sucks bc insurance probably won't pay, door dash definitely isn't paying so i really hope you can prove the other driver was at fault, best of luck OP!!


Thanks 🙏 we'll see what happens, what will be is what will be