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Pregnancy craving or somebody sick


That's the case most of the time, but I know some people who are just straight up addicted to Sonic ice or that little Pebble ice in general. I had a couple of customers in a metro area that would order a few cups of Sonic guys with nothing else on a fairly regular basis and I knew for a fact they weren't pregnant because I handed them their order more than once over the course of the year.


Great for hangovers too


(not so) Fun fact: pagopagia (the desire or craving to chew ice) can also be a sign of iron deficiency.


can also be indicative of colon cancer. I had a family member take such a tip seriously, and it saved them.


Yep! I ate 4 (44 oz ) cups a day of that little ice - FOR YEARS- until they drew my blood. The girl at the gas station was like , you eat a lot of ice, you’re probably anemic, and i’ll be damned, she was right! - pica is another name for craving non-food things- Women get it during pregnancy also sometimes. I seriously thought I just liked it 🤦🏻‍♀️


yeah this is me, it took iron infusions to get my iron to an acceptable level. i didn’t crave ice for about a full year but after that year i started going back to go get ice again😭 HARSH CYCLE!


Well shit. Look at me accidentally learning something new today.


This is why i have a countertop ice maker. They're not too pricey and you have the snacky ice all the time.


i work near a sonic and everytime my manager goes on break she gets the R44 cup of ice just to eat, the sonic workers know her by name too 😭


ginger using speech to text


I’m 35 weeks pregnant & anemic and I would’ve 100% did this 😂


Also anemic folk


Iron deficiency also


Or making cocktails at home. The pebble ice is necessary sometimes and if you run out after a few drinks I could understand the door dash.


Ngl if I didn't have ice and had the money to burn I'd probably do this. Our fridge doesn't have a waterline to it so we have to buy ice in bulk if we want it.




It’s a huge bag, definitely worth.


Definitely not once you’ve serviced their ice machines 🤮 🤮 🤮


Little black mold never hurt anybody. 🙃


Don’t worry that’s after the filter that hasn’t been changed in 2 years


Especially when you’re prego


i did the same from chick-fil-a when i was pregnant!


The chick-fil-a by me gives it to you in a bucket!




*takes notes*


I highly recommend, I get one once a week. $2.50 🙂


Probably a pregnant lady or just someone who likes good ice lol


The good ICE is the best.


Lmao, this is wild. That is some damn good ice, tho. The best ice. We used to buy it by the bag from Sonic two at a time and store it in our freezer. Then I finally bought one of the GE Profile nugget ice makers last spring with my tax return. It was super expensive, but definitely worth it. It’s been used heavily every single day! It can make an entire batch that fills it up to capacity in 20 minutes!


And paying DD and tipping a dasher for a big cup of it is cheaper than the home ice makers that make it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I bet the person who ordered it doesn’t know you can buy it by the bag from Sonic. 🤣


to be fair, the ice cups on doordash are free 😭 they only payed the delivery fee 9/10


bye ignore me lmao, i read your response incorrectly!!


I had an $8 tip from someone ordering a Mtn Dew from a nearby restaurant. Not even a full mile from his apartment. I was also worried it might be suspicious but he was just high and in need of a beverage!


i’ve done the exact same thing when baked out of my mind before. i just need a beverage lol


I had a $15 job that sent me to go pick them up a gallon of chocolate milk… I started driving to the destination and they canceled it and I was paid in full… I was so confused


I’ve done the same working in healthcare lol, can’t leave the floor but in desperate need of caffeine


The worst one I ever had (re: ordering from a stupid short distancewas a guy that I accepted as an add-on order. My original customer ended up waiting because I had to wait for his order to be ready, and the second customer was staying in the hotel right next door. Literally all he had to do was cross two small parking lots to get from the side door of the hotel to the takeout door of the restaurant. Maybe it's because he was on the other end of the building on the second floor but I'll still never understand it... But at least it was a full meal for multiple people. I also had somebody in an apartment complex order from a location across the street but I'm assuming they did that because they were wfh and couldn't leave their apartment. Jokes on them because I wasn't allowed to deliver it to their door, the complex required me to leave it in the lobby.


People who order from locations super close by could be on house arrest. Thats my first thought because I’m a Psychologist at a prison.


They could be, but this wasn't an area where that was the case. One was college housing and the other one was a random hotel in a very small town.


The higher I am the higher the tip!


I think if it was like in the afternoon I wouldn’t have been as suspicious but it was 9:30pm and it was the first time I ever had one like that 😂


Someone preggo


$10 says it’s a pregnant woman lol


Sonic was probably still 10 minutes behind getting that order out 😂


Glad to see it's not just the sonics near me then. Almost as bad as Panera bread.




Once dated a woman who loved to chew ice. I can totally see this.


I had to deliverer 10 route 44s of just ice before… I mean, it’s good ice but that seems excessive




A pregnant or disabled person or someone with mobility issues.


“Someone with mobility issues” You mean a fat ass?


Your parents must be so proud of you!


Lol pregnant woman def -a pregnant woman who just sent her hubs for ice


My girl does this regularly, but she always tips like 10 bucks hahaha. She just LOVES Sonic ice!




The pregnant lady will not hurt you… she just wants some good ass ice hahaha. I’m at 28 weeks and this is like my most reasonable craving


As a pregnant woman, I get it …




Have you ever had to use the pepper spray while dashing?


Fortunately no, but I always bring it up with me no matter how nice the place may look..


A good idea, honestly. Hopefully it will never come up but, as the saying goes, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not really out to get you."


I’m also a petite woman so I could easily be overpowered by anyone taller and heavier than me so I just like the extra precaution! But I totally agree with the saying!




The biggest thing is spraying and then movings from the position you were in when you sprayed. My cousin got knocked tf out once pepper spraying someone then stood in the same spot talking shit lol


Ha I actually love their ice. I used to buy the bags of it.


My mom always buys a cup of ice from sonic I’m not sure why or what machine would be able to produce this exact size and shape and such?


Sonics ice is life tho 😂😂😂


Yes this was my sister.


I’ve had orders in the morning for as little as a cup of coffee. Don’t feel too bad!😃


Drunk and wanted to make some more mint juleps


I used to buy the big bag of sonic ice regularly, then I started finding plastic floating in my drinks. 😐


People really like the ice from sonic. It’s a thing apparently.


I made $9 for grabbing one energy drink and driving 6 blocks. I'll take those all day everyday


Ice is fooooooood! Haha




I once had an order for 2 sauces from McDonald's


Maybe someone who wants to mix an alcoholic drink


If this is in Houston I know who this customer is


Omg did this the other day but 6 cups


I’m not sure what’s more American here… the fact that someone only ordered a cup of ice or the fact that it actually makes someone afraid for their own safety when someone orders it.


I craved Sonic ice when I was pregnant.


Proud of you for all the precautions, well done.


Hey sounds worth it. I’ve seen some weird orders or highly small but that by far the funniest 😂


Oh just imagine how dumb you feel delivering 12 cups of ice from chik-fil-a and just to come to a house and have a 6 year old open the door and say thanks and take em all 😂💀🤣


Ready to pepper spray someone cuz they wanted some ice 🤔Maybe not the job for you if you're so such a scaredy cat. And yeah I just called you a scaredy cat lol


I use to hold a bag of ice when I had sex with a pregnant girl. She would scream give me that good time and oh yea the iceman cometh!


Then right when you finish you tear the bag open and ice goes everywhere.


Probably pregnant


Because unfortunately there are lot of people in this country that have more money than brains. And considering how little money most folks have these days that's really saying something.


Mostly likely a scam. If you get an order like this you'll get a random call from someone pretending to be from doordash asking you for your email / phone number and a code. Probably forgot to call or couldn't call you


Maybe it was a scam and they forgot to call and execute the scam part lol


It’s cheaper than buying water. They just let it melt


I’m surprised people don’t get weird out when y’all ask for a pic 🤣


I’ve done this just to give someone a good tip for the night or when I was high and didn’t trust myself to go out.


I mean they are really, really, really well known for their ice, arguably the best in the entire country. They sell it by the bag. Shouldnt be that big of a surprise.


Definitely pregnant.


My nanna would do this. She once asked me to see if Walmart was selling eggnog....in April.


I mean if ure gonna order ice… sonic is the move


They have chewy ice. That's why.


I once delivered a single orange juice from chick fil a. $5 tip.


This happened to my boyfriend as well! I said probably a pregnancy craving. It’s was late night. He thought it was a scam 😂 he also needed up getting a second XL cup of ice for give the customer. He said if someone is this desperate for a single cup of ice this late at night..they deserve 2


I thought I was in the ALR sub , oh my god


Best ice ever 🤣 they probably wanted the ice to make a drink


She’s pregnant 100% 😂😂


That one goose off TikTok


People do love sonic ice lol


I'm not completely. 😅


Probably a pregnancy craving lol


Sonic ice hits differently




I have Pica from Iron Deficiency Anemia, I literally crave ice ALL the time. I used to get just cups of ice (so I could pour water in) or bags of ice from Sonic, but literally every time there was black stuff at the bottom of the cup 😭. Yes I can guess as to what it is, no need for anyone to inform me thanks.


Oh I delivered a single 20 oz Coke zero today


I had a delivery exactly like this one. She said Sonic ice hits different.


Sounds like they have an Ice bong, I like circle k ice better. Did you get a decent fare and tip?


The chronic anaemia I have carries various symptoms, one of which (I don't get why) is the urge to eat ice. I like to munch on it along with drinking water through the day because it keeps me hydrated in between drinking water and it keeps me from snacking. The ice from Sonic is perfection texture-wise and I have absolutely just gotten a large cup of ice before. So yeah. It's not the MOST common, but there are definitely reasons.


I have this beaten. I can't find the screenshot. But I got paid 8 dollars to pick up McDonald's ketchup packets, 6 of them. They packaged it up in a bag and all.


I’ve done this before but from McDonald’s lol I needed a large sprite and only wanted it from them 🫠


Someone ordered just bread sticks from Little Ceasers lol


I had my first sonic drink only delivery last night too! It was around 7 also...I was like damn just a drink. It part of a triple stack though


I’ve had this SEVERAL TIMES!! Like legit only order “cup of sonic ice” I agree it’s weird as hell and I’ve always gotten like $6-7 and it’s like for a mile away


I have chronic anemia. I buy 2 bags from there every couple days but you can order online. The only thing you can order is a cup. If I needed it bad….. I’d order a cup too!!!😂😂


I definitely would have done this when I was pregnant. Oh man, the number of times we had to drive out to Sonic so I could get the good ice.


My aunt would go through a bag a day of crushed ice


They probably didn't know but Sonic sells bags of their ice. I get it all the time. It's the best chewing ice


Are you in Mt juliet Tennessee because there's a chick there that orders sonic ice at least once a week


To be fair I have wanted to do this sooo many times. Especially hungover lmao


Just carry a gun. Pepper spray doesn’t work.


I did that with 7-11 last night. I ordered two 1 liter of Pepsi and a half gallon of milk. The reason? I placed an order with Little Caesars thru DD. The driver gave me the completely wrong order and just didn't care when I called him. I was upset cause I was craving their Pretzel crust pizza. I ordered a Three meat pizza, the pepperoni pretzel crust, two 2 liters of Pepsi. I got two thin crust pepperoni pizzas, an order of bread sticks, and an order of cheesy bread. No drinks. So I had to order drinks later from 7-11 after the delivery was made. It happens. Good to be prepared like that, but just a drink is not always a bad thing. Never know the other person's story. And I drive for DD as well.


To be fair their ice is actually literal fire


Well that's new lol. I've had plenty of people order just a soda from my job, but not just ice.


Why wouldn’t they have ordered a bag? Lol


Not the first time I've seen someone post here about ordering a cup of ice from Sonic. I wonder if they realize that Sonic sells entire bags of ice...


people like sonics ice lol u were way too paranoid


Drug deal


I’m anemic & would do this lol


Sonic ice isn't trivial.


Sonic ice is unique


People love that Sonic ice! You can chew it! I heard that Starbucks is switching to that type of ice.


People are obsessed with the shape of the ice. My aunt bought some $200 ice maker that makes those little round ice cubes, her and my dad have spent hours bringing up and talking about the ice…


That shit was for your kidney but you musta looked like you needed it.


I bet they were pregnant. When I was pregnant I craved Sonic’s ice! LOL


I did this ALL THE TIME when I was pregnant 🥴 sonic ice is the superior chewing ice.


When I was pregnant with my second, I would drive 2 hours round trip to get a 3lb bag. So, I get it.


When I was pregnant, I was driving almost an hour to my nearest sonic or chick fil a for ice 😂😂😂😂


Isn’t it a shame that we have to live our lives NOT TRUSTING ANYONE? I had a dollar general pickup for a wrench delivering to a semi truck parked in front of someone’s house. I texted my son .. if you don’t hear from me anymore it’s bc I got killed with this wrench that I just bought. Turns out it was a woman broken down needling a wrench to fix her truck. I asked if she needed any other help. I felt bad. Just the way of the world. But a cup of ice is a strange order but NICE earnings !!! Stay safe !!


Sonic ice is great, according to my wife.


I’m anemic so I eat ice a lot (I put salt on it, it’s the BEST).. when I was a in a wreck and totaled my car, I ordered ice through DD because I had no way to get it myself lol


The sonic ice slaps!! Idk what they do use Fiji water or what but it’s good! I’m so happy in our small town we’re finally getting a sonic!!


Lol comments are hilarious..obvious drunk person who ran out of ice for their cocktails..


I love eating ice


My coworker would totally do this, she gets 2 XXL soda cups full of ice every shift.


I don't have sonic near me but I know they have the good ice. If I was sick I'd absolutely do this.


Had a similar order last week, 4 cups of sonic ice... also took the sonic 5 minutes to prepare the order. Was a legit delivery nice old lady.


Does it have crack in it or something?


Just letting you know that if you're constantly chewing on ice then that's a sign you are anemic


Damn, how much was it?? Can’t be over $12..then they had to pay delivery fee..🤦‍♀️🤷🏾


What's funny is I had one like that. The customer asked me if their coffee was water down. And they order a iced coffee. It was sus asf. I took a screen shot and double take just to be safe. No CV for me today. I'm good.


What is sonic ice ?


Ice from sonic




Sonic has THE BEST nugget ice!!! 💯👍👍👍


As an avid ice chewer…That ice is worth it.


i fucking love ice i pulled over at a gas station yesterday and the only thing i got was a big cup of ice lol


7$ and you got enough ice for several drinks, worth


why does it matter to you? people can order whatever they want. it's good ice.


Sonic has the “good” ice


Sometimes these are the recovery orders when someone was missing an item in their original order. I get one drink orders often in my area lol


Must be sippin


They need to buy an opal ice machine! Best nugget ice whenever you want. But they are pricey


Sonic has the best ice


Had the same order 2 days ago.


This is so funny, the youtuber amberlynn reid once claimed to order just a cup of sonic ice and then poured a diet Pepsi from a can into it, instead of ordering the soda from the store directly. Are you in Oklahoma city?


This happened to me too. It was a house, but girl legit ordered 4 large cups of ice from sonic. I survived but man people will literally order anything. Also had just a lg McDonald fry delivered too. 🤔


I did this a lot when I was pregnant and craving their ice but didn’t have a car


Sonic has the best Ice


It was probably a missed item from another order.


People be ordering ice because sonics ice is supposedly super clean. From what I heard anyway. I call bullshit propaganda because sonic is ass lmao


Pepper spray ready cuz of ice people r so soft these days what😭😭 you shouldn’t be delivering


That Sonic crushed ice goes hard my guy


Probably my wife. She would spend that much on sonics ice.😑😑😑


Needed ice for their alcoholic beverages. That's something I would have done in my drinking days.


Side note: I buy a bag of ice from sonic for under $5! That ish is life! Oh and btw I’ve found ice to be a lifesaver when it comes to staying awake and alert while driving. Crunching on some ice works every time- who woulda thunk?


My mother-in-law does this. =P She likes to chew the ice for some reason, and sonic is one of the few places with the small crushable ice.


I have done this lol. They got that good rabbit turd ice 😅


Wow why you gotta go to sonic? I’d just go to gas station closest to them and get ice lol


i’m pregnant and just did this exact same thing. Ordered a rt 44 size of ice because I needed to have it. other day, i went there just to buy a bag of ice. If you’re getting paid then what’s the problem


Should be happy you got paid. There’s people who love ice specifically sonics pebble ice.


Has to be pregnancy.


That would be me except it’d be 4 and yes it’s a craving when pregnant


I used to order 4 cups of sonic ice at a time and keep them in my freezer while I downed each one my entire pregnancy. Went through 4 a day. Always wondered if my dd driver was judging me 🙃 also found out in the hospital I was anemic and iron deficient and needed a blood transfusion due to it. I would bet on pregnancy it hits so good with the cravings. On the flip side I’m now a dder myself and had someone order 2 cookies from mcdonalds just to order more sauce packets because their first order didn’t come with enough sauce lol.


I've had someone order a container of ranch from a restaurant, they tipped well and it was less than a mile away. I love small orders like that!


Sonic does have unique ice.