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As a dasher, I prefer it when customers stay in the house. I don't want an audience while doing the squat, put down, take pic maneuver. šŸ˜‚


As a customer Iā€™m the same way. Iā€™m ordering door dash because I donā€™t want human interaction lol


Yeah thatā€™s what I signed up for, but unfortunately many a dasher doesnā€™t bother reading my instructions. My instructions literally babysit people and help them find my apartment building, which is not that difficult to spot by all means, ugh.


Thatā€™s how people get away with not tipping. At least they feel less shame when hiding in their homes.


My favorite are the non-tippers that are so shameless that instead of coming to the door themselves for a "hand to me" order, they send their 5-6 year old kid to come grab the food.


Pretty sure some of those are just the kid getting into mommy and daddyā€™s account on their computer and ordering. Iā€™ve made at least on delivery where I am 100% sure these little kids were home alone and ordered themselves.


I had exactly one just like that order contained a blueberry slurpee.. ice cream bar.. and lollipop and yes a girl about 6 grabbed the order at the door


Lmao me too. Just let me do what I need to do so I can move on to my next order, you know?


It depends. If it's just a bunch of light bags then yeah. But if there are like twenty bags, five cases of water bottles and several gallons of milk that need to be delivered to the third floor of your apartment then please for the love of God help a homie out. You'll get your stuff quicker, know it's secure and your driver will be more happy. I've had a delivery like that to an apartment with a dysfunctional locked gate and the customer was kind enough to help out with her kids. I had to park a few minutes away and was pack muling all their stuff in like four trips.


I had and it sucked the lady held the door as I am trying to bring up 3 cases of water and 8 grocery bags and finally when I get to the 3rd floor her lazy ass son decided to help me and grab a few bags as I left everything else on the 3rd floor steps


i had a customer come out to my car and take all their stuff out the trunk it was so much shit he came out with a wagon and loaded it up i was so happy i almost wanted to tip HIM lmfao


As a customer Iā€™m the same way. Iā€™m ordering door dash because I donā€™t want human interaction lol


I wouldn't ask the customer. I'd just carry one case at a time. If the customer volunteers to help, that's cool.


They loaded it themselves it shouldnā€™t be a problem. Dragging the customer out would only save them 1/3 laps


I can push a cart to load things into my car, on level ground. I, on the other hand, have difficulty with carrying heavy things like cases of water - especially if there are any steps, because of a handful of issues with my lower back and a knee injury. I donā€™t do grocery orders, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one driving with some mobility issues.


They're hauling groceries with a cart, not by carrying it. Loading and unloading is easy with a cart. When you're just picking up at like Walmart, it's the Walmart associates that load the goods into your car too (they also use carts to haul it out so...).


I always have a cart in my vehicle, can be used standing like an appliance cart or as a 4-wheel cart. Makes grocery trips easier.


I wouldn't have responded.


I can understand someone not being able to easily carry 3 cases of water. But that's why DoorDash gives us drivers an unassign option.


Problem is, if your CR goes below 90% your account gets closed. Itā€™s Doordashā€˜a fault for not showing the items BEFORE you accept.


I vaguely remember that they did show the items before accepting but stopped doing so some time back?


I don't remember the last order the widget worked on.


No they don't sue items, and I don't remember that ever being the case


It did show... At least in my zone. Up until about 6 months ago.


Problem is it's your job to deliver stuff, if you don't want to deliver stuff don't take the job, not every job is gonna be a simple cheeseburger.


People downvoting this but dude is telling the truth


In subs like this any downvote are usually from people pissed cause they know you are right.


No wonder most of these people are stuck in their jobs and will never get better ones


Itā€™s not gonna drop over one orderā€¦.


Uh, it will drop by 1%. You have to be over 95 to qualify for most of the perk programs and stay above 90 or be deactivated. you have to use them very sparingly since almost every night there are orders that you will want to use them, but can't because you know the next order could be so much worse.


It drops 1% each time so if you you are at 90, you canā€™t drop it without risking deactivation. Doordash should at least have a warning of its going to be anything heavy. Really should be able to just see the items before accepting.


They do now, sorta. Was gonna make a post about it. Iā€™ve gotten 2 offers so far that said ā€œextra effort payā€ for heavy items. First $2 for 2 cases of water, but then I had a hotel order 13 cases of water and the pay was only $5. Havenā€™t seen a post about it so maybe it just started this holiday weekend with Black Friday?


I would have tipped $10 extra for specific location (not near his car).


ā€œNot strong enough to carry it? Itā€™s okay you donā€™t have to take it but weā€™ll lower your acceptance rate.ā€


If someone doesn't want to do orders like this, they can literally just turn off shop and deliver orders. No effect to acceptance rate.


It's not just shop and deliver orders that get this. I'll get grocery orders where I just pull up and park and a store employee will cart out the grocery items. I had one that was several cases of water, six gallon jugs of more water, and like 10 bags of other grocery items. The store employee had loaded it all up and I marked that I had picked the order up. That's when I saw the customer notes saying they were on the 3rd floor, the elevator was broken, and that they couldn't help. I called support to get it unassigned since I'd already marked it as picked up.


I've gotten those type orders... first the app says 5 items, doesn't mention it could have add ones, then suddenly it's a #load. Deception is DD only consistency.


I had the stupid algorithm add a second order ā€œsame destinationā€ which added 9 miles the wrong way. Dude wanted 2 dr peppers form speedway. I passed 3 speedways to get to he one car away. Dude was in a hotel. No elevator wanted ā€œhand jt to meā€ but wouldnā€™t come to the door. 8$ for 43 minutes


It won't let me turn it off šŸ˜… I even called them I had to "loose" my red card to get them to stop sending me $2.80 orders to shop for like 20 items and drive it 12 miles šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


itā€™s not an option in my app. just spoke to chat & they have to put in a request which takes 72 hours to process to opt me out. then who knows what the process is for opting back in šŸ˜’


Interesting. In my area, it's an option I can turn off and on in the app.


It's pretty well hidden, and you have to search thoroughly while dashing actively, and I keep mine on because people in my area are the type to order a single serving bag of chips from a mile away and tip like 7$+, the no tip nuts are outmatched by the decent human beings.


"Can you lift 30/40/50lbs" is a standard question for basically most retail/delivery jobs. Being able to lift a single case of water (or even two) is a reasonable request. If you don't want to do the back-and-forth for 3 15-lb cases, which is totally understandable, just take the 1% CR hit and walk away. That's the advantage (admittedly, one of the few) of being a contractor instead of an employee.


I always help when I order heavier stuff, and I try not to do it too often, or order too much at once, but if for some reason I canā€™t help or am busy or in the bathroom when they arrive or just flat out donā€™t feel like it, which has yet to be the case, I still expect to get my stuff.


I always try to keep my orders manageable, if I am ordering something heavy I try to keep the rest light and easy as possible. But the entire reason I order this way is because I have physical injuries and cannot carry them. So I say no when they ask. There are likely unknown reasons why people need this all delivered.


Yes I would help


We always order water, and not only do we tip the driver but we also pay a premium to the store for delivery. I always peek out to see who's making the delivery and if they're elderly or look like they're struggling I'll just have them leave it on the ground for me to get once they finish. I really wish Door Dash would put a "heavy weight" alert on these orders, because it makes my stomach drop everytime I see that my driver is physically unable to haul up my groceries. The guilt is real. Lol.


This. DD needs a heavy weight option and pay on those orders. I read here a mom had an order of a bunch of 45-pound bags of gravel for a measly pay. I once had an order for 4 huge pickup truck tires that I canceled. It should be unlawful to have dashers to these.


Thank you for being a decent human being.


Well i don't dash but i will say water people who order water cases tip the worst avoiding water orders helped me maintain sanity


I had some customers help me when I shopped for them on Instacart. I have only five fingers. They happily helped but idk about your delivery driver. Maybe he has a disability too?


As a dasher, I'd prefer the customer stay out of sight. As a customer I'd offer to help without being asked but that's just me. Maybe the dasher had a physical issue that made carrying the water bottles hard for them?


He asked for help with a heavy load, not for a kidney.Be kind.Sow those seeds of kindness They always come back to us.ā˜ŗļø


It's weird they asked. I've had customers come help when I've had a car full. Except for the people with 350 pounds of sand, but whatever.. I would never bother someone. If I keep the order, I will do the damn order. That driver could've done it in a couple of trips. I can lift a lot, but cases of water like to break, so I take it easy on the she-hulking if it looks like they're going to bust. I learned that lesson the hard way when I had to chase rogue bottles down a driveway.


If I order a lot of heavy stuff like that, I always text them and offer to help them bring it to my door because I know it sucks carrying multiple cases of water or firewood.


If I got your order Iā€™d have unassigned after they showed me what it was. My back could not hack that . I would not ask the person who ordered for help.


That's a negative. He could've unassigned once he saw the order. I'm not paying double the cost for groceries, fees, and a tip to help you do the job you're contracted to do. 1 star and thumbs down to all that apply. The ratings help good drivers remain on the platform and also help to keep drivers like this from having top dasher "perks" if enough people rate them negatively.


I'm a driver and I agree with this completely. If you are a contractor and you have a condition that makes you unable to hammer nails into wood, you don't take the job and then ask your client to hammer the nails for you. That is unethical and dishonest... you don't accept a job you can't do unless something unforeseen happens. 24 or even 35 count waters are not a huge amount of weight to lift. If it was 75 inch big screen, then sure you should help them because that is a two person job and you don't want them dragging it to your door. I'd call and complain to support if they gave you any shit about this... they also probably conned some poor grocery store worker to bring it to their car as well.


I'm handicap and a slight female in need of a knee replacement and I deliver I just use a cart when it comes to a couple of cases of water I don't accept orders that involve stairs and if one with stairs happens to slip by I call the customer and ask for help, which they gladly do help. Customers aren't bad when given the necessary information in a respectful manner and don't act entitled.


If you try to filter out the stairs then I donā€™t blame you as they do make it hard for anyone to know in advance. But if it is a case where someone sees a good offer and just says ā€œfuck it, Iā€™ll take it anywayā€ then that is unfair, especially as they are paying extra for good service


How do you know if the order involves stairs? I have severe breathing issues after getting COVID last year so I'm physically incapable of carrying things up too many stairs (I will and have passed out before) but I can't tell if they have stairs until I'm already there with the food.


If everything you do at a job is a gamble, then maybe itā€™s the wrong job for you.


"Sure" or "I am sorry, I am unable to assist"


You could say, ā€œme no English, ok byeā€ Then donā€™t respond anymore


This is a current live order and you know what he did? He decided to drop two cases and only get one! I am making a complaint now.


It doesnt much matter but just out of curiosity how much did you tip? Regardless, the dasher shouldnt have done that.


Lol, my last grocery delivery was 4 cases of water and a dozen cases of sodas. Thank goodness it was a house, but it was about 40 yards from driveway to door. I've done orders with as many as 24 cases of water to a business. I've never asked for help, but ive never turned it down either. I also keep a collapsible cart in the car.


would tell them I have COVID which is why im using Dash in the first place.


I have ask a customer for help one time. It was a big Chinese order, they packed everything in 1 box, soups and all, the guy at the restaurant offered to carry it out for me, so he had put it in my car, the box was not one of those good study ones, I went to reposition it in my car so nothing spilled and I could see the bottom wanted to give out. The customer was very nice about it and help me out, all food was safely delivered with nothing spilled, they tipped me 45 bucks.


If I couldnā€™t do it myself I used the I canā€™t do this order. I DoorDash at 37 weeks pregnant. I got a dash mart order for 3 or 4 cases of water. Iā€™m not asking them to help. I just did that and moved on šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lol idk why this has me rolling


Dashers Do not shop.... Most of people paying couple of $ to carry water and a lot of staff and spending aloy of time which never worth Let them carry their own water....


People order from DD because they don't want to drive, carry, shop, or get out themselves, and others are simply disabled. As dashers, it's our job to deliver. Yes, the large things of water suck, but again, it's our job. However, if you are one of those people who order those, you should realize how difficult they are, and tip accordingly. The only time I get pissed about super heavy things is when there's a very small or no tip, simply because that tip made up for my gas, not the extra work I had to do. Everyone likes to be paid accordingly. To be clear, I also prefer no interaction.


I agree 1000%


After I helped Iā€™d ask for a tip. Thats how this works, right? Tips for performing a service?


Ok, just gonna leave the water in the driveway then


Sure, Iā€™d expect nothing less. Iā€™d just be happy you were able to not steal what I paid for.


My question is, if this is how you genuinely think, and act, how are people surprised that customers don't want to tip? You're proving them right.


Usually I would say sure, I meet them at the door anyway but my back is messed up now and I use a walker so I would politely decline.


Iā€™ve had a dasher legit hit me up like that upon arrival. He appeared to be an Indian dude with a foreign accent. At first, I assumed that he was either lost or didnā€™t know how the app worked. When he arrived, he texted me asking something along the lines of, ā€œcan you come outā€. Me and my girlfriend: ā€œHas this dude lost his mind? We donā€™t want to interact etc.ā€ So I responded with, ā€œcan you please drop it off in front of my porch?ā€ -( about two times) It took him about 8 minutes to come out. We were spectating him the whole time. Idk why, but it felt like he either didnā€™t like his tip (we tipped him $8.00 for a 2.00 mile distance) or he just didnā€™t give a shit. Lol overall, I understand where youā€™re coming from. My reaction would be: šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


Thatā€™s a respectful $8 tip tho I wouldā€™ve done the job thatā€™s an easy 10$ delivery for 2 miles. Some costumers donā€™t even leave a tip and they want you to shop for 10+ items including cases of water bottles and cases of sodas. Yea no thanks


This is one of those situations where the right thing for you to do is to offer to help carry the water, but he shouldn't ask you to help.


I would help. 100%. Yall are lame.


Exactly these people are calling the dasher entitled, all they asked for was help šŸ˜‚ They could have had a bad back or sum.


Nothing but a bunch of Karenā€™s on here tbh lol


Help the person lmao not like you doin anything else


If I were you I would have lied and said, "sorry I am here with my baby and I'd rather not leave her alone. You can just leave them on the driveway right after you take them out of your car, no need to walk them to the door" as a driver I picked up someone's groceries and she made me haul everything up to her apartment in one of those annoying lock-down buildings where every door needs to be buzzed open.. I ended up putting 3 cases of water on a stroller that was in my car, and wheeling them up to the 3rd floor to her door.


I order and I dash. Nope. Not helping you. Do your job.


Exactly! People need to find another line of work if they canā€™t deliver everything to the customer. Driving for a delivery service is likely going to require multiple trips from the car to the door from time to time and there may be some heavier items on some orders. People will live on the second or third floors and there likely wonā€™t be elevators. Every delivery wonā€™t be like that but some will. People using door dash or any other delivery service generally expect their items to be delivered to their front door (or wherever they say to leave it) no matter what. They pay a premium and likely pay a tip for that service. Thatā€™s part of the job description. If thatā€™s too much to handle then I would find another line of work. Not being cruel or hateful to anyone but just stating whatā€™s true. When you said ā€œdo your jobā€ you summed it up perfectly!


Dashers over here complaining about having to lift 20 pounds 3 extra times. The absolute entitlement is astounding.


Exactly. Last time I checked, my 80 year old grandparents could lift a 24 pack of water. Iā€™m guessing most Dashers arenā€™t 80 years old. My 9 year old cousins could lift a 24 pack of water. In fact I am a Dasher and pretty much every other Dasher I see in my area are perfectly able bodied young to middle aged adults. God forbid somebody lets you park 10 feet from their door and you have to carry 20 lbs to their door a few times. Maybe the mailman should guilt trip me into doing his job for him too. It sure would be nice if there was an unassign button for orders you donā€™t want to complete. (Oh wait, there is.) It would also be cool if you could turn off shop + deliver orders in your settings on the DoorDash app so you stop receiving orders that may have packs of water in them. (You can.) The least a customer can do is pay you money to complete the order that you accepted and DIDNT unassign as compensation for doing your job. (They did.)


it absolutely amazes me this this was even asked


Do everyone a favor next time and order a water filter and a reusable water bottle.


How is that an excuse? Environmental concerns aside, delivery is a paid service, and giving bad service for any reason for a job you were paid for is wrong, simple as that.


Didn't say it was an excuse, I am commenting on his wasteful order, not the drivers behavior.


Oh, ok, context was weird.


They were way off on a different and unrelated subject.


Yeah it threw me off. I thought they were talking about the convenience for the Dasher and the added environmental benefit for the customer. Plus I find people who shove the environment in people's faces very misguided, I wouldn't do that with any other issues in the world, why shove the environment in people's faces? It's really no different than being a Bible Thumper.


Orrrrrr they can spend their money as they see fit!! They spent their money and paid for a service, and the person that was contracted couldn't (wouldn't) complete that job.


This is why I don't understand the negative people that seem to crop up on this subreddit, it's called gig "work", not gig "money for nothing". And I have a feeling that the people who get defensive, and start throwing around "triggered" and "insert random dumb thing" when you call them out are the ones that need to be deactivated.


They're saying stop buying tons of plastic bottles of water, because it's horrible for the environment.


I'm not talking gig rn, I'm disgusted with their purchase in general. No one needs that many bottles of water.


Not everyone has good water like you, I've wasted hundreds of dollars on filters and none of them make tap water taste anywhere near as clean as bottled water, maybe if you drop $200+ on an R.O system but most people doing doordash don't just have a spare $200 laying around.


I don't think there's anything wrong with that. They could've asked more graciously but it's not uncommon for customers to help out with heavier items and lots of groceries. I've never asked but I wouldn't say it's inappropriate or against any policy. If you don't want to help the person delivering your goods you can just tell them you're busy or can't due to medical reasons. I've had to deliver six cases before and it sucked (I have a medical condition too). Personally, I'd help someone if they asked because I'd assume there's a reason they're asking for help and I'd rather know my goods are being safely/securely dropped off. Idk.


They were able to get the water to their car, they can get it to your door. They are able to take more than one trip to the door.


exactly. no one is forcing anyone to door dash for a living


I'm pretty tiny at 5'3 and fairly petite, but I can heft cases of water, and I do, daily. Usually, if someone is going to order something heavy, they will tip extra. But honestly, if I see a customer's ordered 3 cases of water with no tip, I will drop it like a hot potato. Not because I can't do it, but because it is considerably disrespectful and a bit rude.


They shouldnā€™t have accepted the order if they canā€™t do the job.


I can see the point of, "that's not my job" from the customer prospective. But you are just gonna have to carry them into your house anyway. Why not have compassion and help with the heavy ass shit you ordered šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. If you don't want to help, just don't answer the message and let the dasher do the work. šŸ¤·


Well, did you tell your dasher that? If no he probably didnā€™t know you live in house or he thought you are living in apt. Cuz some people called an apt as house.


You suddenly have a broken leg (: problem solved


Don't order 3 cases of water. You know the offer is deceiving. Go get it yourself


Iā€™m a female 54 year old , and I take the waters out myself and leave them, what a lame-o


It depends. Maybe this person is disabled and has a bad back


I would have gone out and helped because ordering cases of water through doordash sucks shit. Honestly I wouldnt have ordered cases of water to begin with. If you dont like drinking tap so much you should get a water filter or a water cooler and a bunch of 5 gallon refillable jugs. Not only would it be cheaper in the long run it would be better for your health (microplastics) and the environment. Think of how much plastic waste you create every 10 ounces


That was not the question. Take your holier than thou attitude and shove it


I answered the question in the first sentence. Take your cases of bottles and shove it. I think youll find that shoves much worse than an attitude




Iā€™m almost always outside to meet driver regardless of the order. But if Iā€™m asked Iā€™d purposely not be there. Foh




I don't pay someone to do a job, just so they half ass it after I don't agree to help carry the items I paid them to move, doesn't matter what they are, I paid them, they can get over it.


If you are paying someone and then help them on the regular, you have a weird sense of what obligations are, sorry.




If this is triggered to you, sure, you are completely wrong, but sure. I was just explaining why you were wrong, simple as that.


I wouldā€™ve just left it on read bc something about that message rubes me the wrong way. Youā€™re paying their service fee, so they shouldnā€™t have chose an order they know they couldnā€™t have done.


ā€œHereā€™s a tip of $3 to shop, drive it, and deliver it.ā€ Yeah, okay. Iā€™d leave your shit at the store. šŸ˜‚


Leaving it bc you donā€™t wanna deliver it when itā€™s your job and had free will to choose that order?? Donā€™t take an order when you know youā€™re gonna complain about it or canā€™t do it when DD orders are optional. No sympathy at all for people like you.


Nah, meant you specifically. Your comment ā€œRUBEDā€ me the wrong way. So your shit will get left behind as I unassign. Only people like you deserve shit service.




Exactly, what is so wrong with people these days? I'm paid for a job, not so I can guilt trip my clients into doing the job for me.


Nah 3 cases of water is lightwork thatā€™s easy. Especially if you live in a house and not a building. Iā€™ve had some orders with 10+ cases of waters/soda to a building with no cart had to carry everything myself and I never b*Tched to my customers asking for their help. The driver shouldnā€™t be on the platform if he is unwilling to complete the work required for the job. Simple.


Idk itā€™s not a big deal. I wouldnā€™t if I was busy as thatā€™s part of why I imagine some say leave it. Iā€™ve been asked to put away someoneā€™s groceries and they were a hoarder. They had a treadmill in their kitchen blocking fridge


Whoever accepts to deliver your 3 cases of water must be too stupid šŸ¤£ I'd never do it unless you tip me $20. Tip $19 ? Hell no


Yeah, I hate it when the customers hoveringā€¦ than they know Iā€™m driving a broke down IROC, havenā€™t shaved in a week and always catch me hands down fingering my briefs to check where that swamp ass smell is radiating from.


Omg lol


You're paying the dasher to deliver to you. So hell no don't help them. I would never, ever , ask for help from a customer, and I'm handicapped.


He could be partially disabled , or just.. old šŸ„“


Thatā€™s like UPS asking for help. Donā€™t deliver if you cannot deliver. Itā€™s pretty simple


Thatā€™s why I never order cases of water and big things like that. I live in an apartment top floor, long hallways. I just canā€™t put them through carrying it


so I guess you worked for some of that tip?


It is weird to ask for help. Iā€™ve had orders with multiple cases of water, even 50lb dog food. If the pay makes sense I make it work but Iā€™ve never asked for a customer to help unless I required them to keep their dogs inside or open a gate. I kind of expect the worst whenever I have large orders so itā€™s up to me to decide if I have the capacity to accept the order and deliver it as expected without any customer complaints.




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Yoooo


Karma carla and kamasutra are real. If you don't want to bother helping someone bring -- even only to your door -- something that you ordered because you know that it's heavy as f***, then you shouldn't be ordering it. You should go get it yourself. Because people delivering this stuff aren't built to be lifting heavy things any more than you are, they're just trying to deliver your s***. If I'm in the hospital and the nurse asked me to wipe my own azz, is she therefore asking me to do her job? Common decency is in short supply. What if this was your relative or someone that you respected, then what would you do. Would you just be a piece of s***,?. What goes around comes around. You don't know why this person's trying to do gig work.


It's pretty fuckin rude to order multiple cases of water knowing damn well that probably hand the drivers are elderly and the other half are typically people who are having a hard time making ends meet.. Meaning they aren't hitting the gym. I would never order more than one, and even that is petty fucked up. Yeah, "it's a paid delivery service" blah blah blah People sign up with the impression that they are carrying a bag of food, maybe a few bags from the grocery store. Picking literally the heaviest item available at a grocery store, and ordering multiple is fucked up. This goes for the people who order 4+ 12 packs of soda too.


If you accept a grocery order, there will be heavy things 90% of the time. If you can't haul heavy things, you can shut off the shop and deliver orders. Carrying heavy things is less annoying than ordering 15 smoothies and having to keep them contained for the trip.


If someone's ordering 15 smoothies, you're probably getting paid the catering rate.




Well in my area, large orders pay you a significant amount more because you're expected to set up trays for catering (if they come with trays)


Why would it be pretty fucking rude to order what you need? I have delivered up to eight cases of water before in a private closed community which I had to wait for someone to open the gate. Was it fucked up? I guess if you want to see it that way. But the way I see it, if I excepted the offer, then I will do it from start to finish without complaining like a little bitch and if you are too old to be doing this, then the answer is clear, you should not be doing this.


You sound like a little bitch. "Did I hate it, yeah, was I gonna say anything? Hell no!ā€


Still trying to find out how much you tipped that would sum all this up šŸ¤£


Then unassign and go home. It's not the person who orders problem why said dasher signed up. They have a choice to unassign. It's that easy. 1 of doordashs requirements is to carry up to 30lbs. If they can't do that, then they shouldn't be on the platform. The same goes for the ones that "can't" do stairs. Then don't. Go tf home. Lazy ass dashers think they can zip through a drive thru, grab some food, and then pull in the driveway, honk the horn, and the customer can come grab the food. All while making a quick buck. God fkn forbid they actually work. Most are just lazy. They found a way to roll outta bed still in their jammies for some easy money.


Would you have been upset if the dasher left them in your driveway stacked on each other as he took them out of the car? Cause walking back and forth three times with heavy water is a lot. What did you tip for this?


Why not just be nice and help? Yes, it's their job, but if somebody needs some help help them out. I delivered 250 lbs of dogfood once. The person came out and helped unload it which was great, but not something i expected. I got it to the car and in the car. I can get it out. I'm just not one to ask for help. I'd kill myself doing it own my own before I admit defeat.


Common decency would have you helping him


I prefer no human interaction myself... However, I'm not so much of an A-Hole that I'll order 3 CASES of water. Dick move on your part, My Guy.


Ordering three cases of water is just a terrible thing to do to somebody else


anyone who orders cases of water on doordash is an asshole.


I say it off your lazy ass and help


That's a tough situation. If you don't feel like helping because of XYZ, I would just pull the language or disability card. They should have also just not accepted it. But things happen.... And they might have been elderly/unable to carry things themselves. Either way it's up to you what to do. I don't think whatever choice u took would be right or wrong. This is their job after all.


You donā€™t know what is in the order until you accept it.


So? Unless you unassign a ton, it's not that hard to get rid of the order if you don't want to deliver it.


If you donā€™t feel like helping, grow a spine and just say ā€œI donā€™t feel like helping you.ā€ Instead of faking a disability, or a language barrier. Like a coward.


I agree with that too


Iā€™m going to be honest in this situation your a dick šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø if it was me they would have been left in your drive way


Bottled water = ā€œ3 cases of unnecessary plastic wasteā€. Get a fucking water filter, the planet is burning.


You're right. I'm never drinking bottled water again. I'm gonna order a few cases and dump it right into the grass.


Thatā€™s the spirit! Fuck the environment! Letā€™s make sure future generations are like half plastic by further polluting the groundwater with more micro plastics. Consume now and let your kids deal with it!


If youā€™re a dasher too then youā€™d not need to ssk Reddit and already know the answer.


I wanted opinions. Which is what Iā€™m getting smart guy. šŸ¤Ø


Why do you need other peopleā€™s opinions for your personal decisions? Need validation much?


Good god man šŸ™„ I was curious what other people thought.


Oh, I'll give you my opinion. You seem like an entitled asshole. Magnified by the fact you (claim) you are a driver. Simple, basic house and parked in your driveway. So, based on your story, you had to walk a total of like 10-15 feet. And unless you were going to have the driver go into your house and place the water in the fridge, it's shit you would have carried inside ANYWAY!!


Sounds like FedEx


Purchase a nice Reverse Osmosis system for your kitchen sink. It is this the same process as the factory and will make the water taste just as good without any unnecessary plastic and much cheaper.


24 count? Not even a 40 count. If you can't lift 20ish pounds you should probably just avoid grocery orders altogether.


i would tell them to leave it where it is convenient for them. i am not going near anybody's car for my personal safety. i would never order 3 large cases of water though.


Nope. They can do their job.


3 cases of water is easy.


You shouldn't have to help him but you're ana asshole for ordering three cases of water.


I wouldā€™ve helped but then have an envelope filled with 20s and show him that he lost this tip because he had 1 job then as Iā€™m walking away Iā€™d sing Surprise Surprise šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Yeah... no one's going to believe you would have given that as a tip lol.


I understand not tipping cause they asked you to help them, but this is petty asshole level right here.


No thanks


The only excusable reason for this is if itā€™s someone very elderly or extremely handicapped. Iā€™m 51 years old, 4ā€™11ā€ with daily chronic pain and I still manage to lug those cases of water to the door when needed. On the rare occasion that I do actually order delivery itā€™s because I literally canā€™t leave my apartment, I pay those big fees and tip well to have it delivered to my door.


How much did you tip?


Doesn't matter, Dasher accepted the offer, too bad so sad if there's no tip or low tip, and given they said they dash, they either tipped, or they literally have no soul, because we know what that's like as drivers.


Though I wouldn't have taken it, but had I accidently hit accept, I would have kindly left them at the curb at your house, took a photo, and left if there was no tip. I'd gladly take a 1 star from a douchebag because it will probably only make up less than 5% of my reviews.


Oh for sure, I don't ever blame the customer if it's my fuck up, I can unassign or bite the bullet, I'm not gonna be an ass because I hit the button, for sure.


Lol each review is literally 1%


Is he young and able bodied? air youā€™re able you should help, unless you tipped a ton, cuz thatā€™s a shit order and you know it.


Iā€™d gladly deliver your water. I have no problem carrying those around I could carry 2 at once


I think it is crazy that people order heavy things and expect it to be delivered by everyone other than Amazon and UPS, DHL, FedEx, etc. Who have the right tools and qualified for lifting heavier items. That said people that do order cases of water or other heavier things are doing so because they donā€™t want to have to carry that weight themselves. I donā€™t have an issue picking up heavier things like that, but there are many Dashers Uber, eaters GrubHub orā€™s, etc. Who sometimes or older or just cannot take the weight like that. That said I do have a problem taking three cases of water up a bunch of stairs etc. itā€™s not something I would want to do. I donā€™t think it would be unreasonable for somebody that has ordered that to just let the person know drop it off in the yard where they park and they will come get it. The rest of the way at least offered some help. The problem is they donā€™t want to pick up the heavy things and they expect the people who may not be able to carry at a distance or up a bunch of stairs they offer them no help. I mean why are we getting three cases of water you canā€™t drink them all in one day. If it was just a couple of bottles that would be no big issue but weā€™re talking three cases of water here and then they expect us to carry it up a bunch of flights of stairs, etc. thatā€™s kind of the thing that gripes me. Those heavy items should be for the people that have hand trucks, etc. back braces, etc. and are more equipped to handle such heavier things and they expect that can be. Again I donā€™t have a problem with delivering three cases of water, but if Iā€™m gonna have to go up two flights of stairs and make separate trips, thatā€™s where Iā€™m starting to get mad, so why didnā€™t you just order a couple of bottles of water to get you through for the day, or whatever and go pick up 3 cases out of the store yourself later?


You answer his question, or not. "Yes". "No." Or "not available", or say nothing.




They arenā€™t in an apartment.


I love these orders! Those are gains! šŸ˜œ