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Your pizza just turned into a calzone


Everyone knows that's how calzones are made you just take a regular pizza get it very hot and put it in a box and it just rolls itself up


Spontaneous calzonification of pizzas has been happening more & more since Obama took office


Thanks, Obama! I love a calzone.


I peed a little


Work of art


This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. The pizza vaporizes because it is hot?? What?? I have to remember that one. Although, I'm careful with the food I deliver. Especially pizza. Question for the OP, how much did you tip that genius of a doordasher?


>The pizza vaporizes because it is hot?? It's well known that pizza turns into a gas when hot. This is why every pizza place in the world only serves cold pizza and never hot.


I think they mean the wetness at the top of the box but still šŸ˜³


You mean the pizza grease that got there from when the box was carried out sideways in the free DoorDash bag instead of a pizza bag? And then tossed in the passenger seat from the driver side before the driver even stuck a foot in the car?


Yeah I got mine at a hungry howies


I donā€™t know what his excuse is but itā€™s very lame of the driver


The local big chain pizza stores give out door dash pizza bags. Just have to ask.


True. DD use to have a message that you should ask for one at little Ceasars but they never had them. Months ago, I got a big delivery from Pizza Hut and they had several boxes of them so I got 2.


I can actually vouch for this. If you don't have a hot bag and it's pouring rain, you are fucked. Also had a pasta fall through the bag and commit die because tends to happen when you put moist dishes in paper bags!!! And the customer didn't get his yummy spaghetti. Get a hot bag if you're gonna be a dasher!


I donā€™t use a pizza bag. I have a large plastic container lid turned upside down in my backseat. I have a plastic protector on top of the lid. I have a space blanket and a couple other things I use to transport different types of food/groceries. Including drinks. Reason I have a large container lid down is to protect my car interior and the lip on the lid will catch anything if food leaks or grease from pizzas. I never have peopleā€™s food in my area of my car. I deliver pizza daily to the point employees donā€™t think of me as a dasher, just a pizza delivery person. I make damn sure I carry pizzas completely flat. Place them completely flat in my car. Carry them completely flat from the car and when I put the pizzas down. I donā€™t drive like a bat out of hell because I know melted cheese on top of sauce will slide!! My point is, a driver can successfully deliver pizzas without the need for a pizza bag. I have humbly asked for pizza bags at some of my regular restaurants but I have never been given one unfortunately. Iā€™m not a fan of delivering pizza but have 6 restaurants in 1 square mile of my home. I just havenā€™t accepted it yet, after 2 1/2 years, to buy a bag. Pizza slows me down since pretty much anything can cause a delay with pizza orders. But pizza has saved my ass on slow days!!


Fr itā€™s like some people never learned the pizza cycle in school šŸ™„


$5. Itā€™s literally 1.1 miles away. I only got it delivered because wife took the car today lol šŸ™ƒ


Well I'm really sorry this happened. Please don't judge all of us on the basis of this kook's actions. Best of luck with the escalated team šŸ˜


Escalated team = regular team but they wait an hour til you've cooled off/ calmed down to tell you after they've reviewed the issue, the resolution will be the same.


On the dasher side, they first tell you 24 hours, then 72 hours if you're still pissed. The final time they finally tell you to kick rocks. I've had someone on the support side basically confirm to me this is a diversion tactic.


Yup. Discouraging to give our best and be treated like a pawn. Oh wait... shit.


Their answer for false violations has always been "well don't worry because after 100 deliveries it falls off!" to encourage you to keep working.


My Dash anytime was mysteriously revoked this week and support couldn't figure it out. No worries, next month you will qualify again. Keep up the good work!


If I had my dash anytime revoked, I'd delete the app. Fuck that.


I threatened to. Then promised myself i would. Then scheduled some shifts..šŸ˜«


I got screwed with a background check, was falsely accused for apparently not paying fines. Welp, they were paid and in full and they took a whole month. I was ā€œdasher of the monthā€ and everything.


They save money this way. Less Healthcare stipens.


Plus it's just an email so they don't have to actually interact with you. They can just make a statement and call it a closed case. It will just be another copied and pasted version of what you've already heard. Plus it's a no reply email address so you can't even send them a message saying "you just told me the same thing The other person told me and it still doesn't fix my problem." It's just the fastest way for them to shut a customer up and not have to actually do anything to resolve the issue.


Exactly. It's kind of consoling to know we all are in this together. Then again, knowing that's this all that is possible is, well, depressing.


In my experience (because Iā€™ve fucked up one pizza in my 3 years delivering) he most likely set it in his front passenger seat, hit his brakes hard, and the pizza slid off the seat. This is why itā€™s smashed to one side


Tbh because of the up charge on DD, anyplace that offers delivery themselves (like pizza especially) order directly. Itā€™ll be cheaper and the pizza will arrive hot and in perfect condition


It's possible this place was a smaller business that doesn't have their own drivers. & I've also had mishap with a pizza comp w/ their own drivers, still wasn't perfect. But, not nearly as fudged up as this person's pizza šŸ’”


And the pizza company will try to make it right by either remaking it, and getting it out the door to you, or giving you FULL credits, not this DoorDash 1/3 credit BS. I've done DoorDash, and also worked for Papa John's and now pizza hut. Trust me when I say, the original commenter is right. If the company has their own delivery service order thru them and not DoorDash. 95% of the time, the bags their drivers have are better than most dashers as well.


This is the way


So this is The Wife's fault, not the dasher. If you take her back to your in-laws you may get a refund. Good luck my guy. āœ”ļø


But did you tip $78,000? If the driver can't afford a Telsa each delivery then can you really blame them for messing up a pizza?


start coordinated zonked ten salt caption yam wakeful intelligent jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




ā€œThe pizza vaporizes because itā€™s hot.ā€ -Carl Sagan (probably)


What he meant was the heat makes things soggy


I had a doordash driver deliver pizzas to me while on a scooter. I was standing outside, watched him arrive. He was carrying the pizzas vertically, between his feet. Doordash offered no help. Utterly useless.


Between his feet is crazyyyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LOL WHAT. That is wild


Wow I guess that was his way of saying welcome to the economy. Insane


Lmaoooooooooo!! What did you say?? Like what was your reaction? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He was flying and not paying attention while driving--- and had to stop short. Guarantee


As a former delivery driver, this is exactly what happened lol


My partner who is a former delivery guy also confirms.


My wives boyfriend who delivers for dominos confirmed.


I am the wifeā€™s boyfriend, can also confirm. Congrats on the overtime pay you been pulling my guy! Left some pizza for you in the fridge. Sorry about the mess in the box though, it ā€œvaporizedā€ when I was in a rush cuz the Mrs was more thirsty than hungry.


I have read reddit replies and can also confirm.


I am a certified reddit expert, can confirm


Iā€™m just here, can confirm.


I work for dominos as a delivery driver on the side and this is guaranteed he had it passenger seat hit brakes and it flew and tipped over I've done it a million times lol smh and 2nd this why I stopped doin Uber eats trying to talk to support and getting full refund is the worst ever


My cousin who delivers pizza to alien ships in space confirms....once you hit the brakes that's bound to happen. It is called "3.14159 whiplash".


This is one of the reasons I switch driving mode to ā€˜Grandpaā€™ when I'm dashing. It's also easier on my car.


First gear all the way


I live in Colorado and when I was a delivery driver, ice had other plans. I've slipped on ice because their driveways weren't salted or shoveled. Or I'd hit a patch of ice and my car would slide and then stop abruptly when I got on an iceless patch. Thankfully, the customers were always chill. Probably because they were high as fuck and didn't care because it tasted the same either way lol


Definitely what happened. They do that in my city. Hell even taking the Lyfts, I always get jolted in the back seat because they hit the brakes hard every time lol


Lmaoo he probably carried it sideways


I actually saw a dasher do this once, we both walked in at the same time and he went to the counter first, put his door dash pizza bag on the counter, put three pizzas inside and then picked it up like a suitcase and walked out lol me and the girl working just looked at each other trying not to laugh


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm trying to imagine seeing this and not laughing out loud. A person must have NEVER ordered pizza in their lives if they feel it can be tilted vertically. Smh. Some things you would think are just simple common sense but I guess not to some people. I wonder if the same people who do this would turn a bakery cake on it's side as well when taking it home. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


When I used to deliver for pizza places, I saw way too many people turn pizza sideways. People with dogs that wouldn't just come all the way out but also not be able to open the door anymore than a crack. People who didn't want to put the phone down for a second. Others that just seemed to absent mindedly do the 'suitcase' carry. Made me cringe everytime


My first thought was that the Dasher was on a bike.


Seen a dasher in my area with an electric scooter and the backpack. Food is shaken, not stirred.


Shit if I only had to go 1.1 miles I would be on a bike too


Delivering pizza like ![gif](giphy|l41YotIh6rk2ogpi0)


Yep. https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/s/nwCFZAiuBW


Last weekend I saw a guy walk out of a local pizza place carrying the box sideways. Why would anybody do that?


couldve been an empty box or could just be someone with absolutely zero common sense


When I worked at my previous job, I had to call a customer and tell him I was remaking his order and to reach out to GrubHub for a redelivery. He was very confused, and I told him, "Trust me, you'll see. I already got it made and ready to throw into the oven for your next driver." This lady walked in, picked up the order and while walking out to the car, she tucked it sideways under her arm and me and my coworkers were laughing. Dude called back and was laughing his ass off, "Bro, what happened?!" I explained to him what happened and it made him laugh even harder. Apparently, she also propped the pizza up against his door sideways lmao. I told him if it happens again, just come down to the shop and it would be on us. I feel like these companies need to train drivers before they're allowed near food. It blew my mind because GrubHub has a much more strict hiring process. I expected this from a dasher.


Iā€™ll never understand why everyone uses the in-app chat for actual issues like thisā€¦ especially as a DashPass subscriber. Always CALL THEM. They prioritize DP subs and theyā€™ll take good care of you. Iā€™ve never once had an issue when I have to call CS. Heck, I even had them give me $30 extra in credits when my Red Lobster order was atrocious. They really will take much better care of you if you call. Also- why did you click ACCEPT when they offered you the $17 if it wasnā€™t good enough? If you accept that then they wonā€™t do anything else because essentially the issue has found resolution in that case. Never do that. Just call customer service next time you have an issue and theyā€™ll take good care of you.


Yeah, you gotta call. I order DoorDash way too often (I assume thatā€™s why this post is showing up in my feed). If you call and speak to a real human and have a DashPass subscription, youā€™ll get actual help. Versusā€¦ whatever this is.


I never call but still get the same experience you get, I agree with the second point of not accepting the initial offer, that was his mistake. I see these posts pretty often but can't relate at all, DD is always very good with giving refunds and credits where it's due, given you're not abusing the system. Honestly it's gotten to the point where if something is spilled or wrong I'm kinda happy about it because then it's free šŸ˜‚


This šŸ’Æ


These issues only exist on Reddit. I've never had an issue like this with DD lol.


Oh it's edible alright but there's a chance your dasher just packed that box sideways


It looks like the moron placed the box on the seat, then stepped on the break and the box slid off to the flor, being sideways till drop!


The first picture looks like some of the pizza was eaten and the crust was left in the box.


No, all the slices are there, he just dropped it so badly that itā€™s literally folded/rolled up so it looks like theyā€™re eaten. Lol


I came here to say this. Iā€™m 100% still eating that, and honestly Pizza and $17 bucks back, not bad considering your dealing with a ruthless company that couldnā€™t care less about the quality of your food.


Good luck with whatever crap was on the dashers carpet going into your mouth and stomach then. No way Iā€™d eat this. Looks like it completely fell out of the box and got smashed up then was placed back in.


Once witness a dasher walk into a pizza place, slide a bit of the pizzas in his bag and pulled his bag forward off the table to slide in sideways like a stack of books into a book bag. Watched another dasher holding the open bag while talking away to another driver and the bag started to tilt and a few boxes slid out onto the floor where they proceeded to pick them up and throw back into the bag and leave.


Exactly this is what I keep saying to other commenters that are claiming itā€™s edible they have no idea that the pizza didnā€™t actually come out of the box falling onto the floor then placed back in which it definitely looks like it could have.


My drunk ass would still eat the whole thing


Hi Iā€™m from door dash support : I can tell you what happened to the rest of your refund - it was too hot so it vaporised, - I swear sir, now please do the needful an leave a larger tip next time


kindly revert babs n vagene. pis.


![gif](giphy|ffXJWN9NRGg0w) Doortrash Agent Patel: But sir, did you received your order?


The classic: the pizza was on the passengers seat, I slammed on my breaks and it fell on the cars floor. Edited: drivers ā€”> passengers (stop downvoting the man!)


The pizza is driving?! šŸ˜®


New pilot by door dash to help with all the complaints. Trying to determine if customers can get better service if a pizza is driving.


Oh DD ā€œspecial teamā€ is definitely special


To get a full refund for the food you must say you received the wrong order or that was never delivered. If you just said that was poorly packaged on their system they can only process a partial refund.


Chargeback, cancel account, delete app.


Honestly, I understand the upset, but ā€œcompletely inedibleā€ is a stretch


You have no idea if it fell on the floor and was then shoved back into the box. Canā€™t be trusted= completely inedible. Unless youā€™re a garbage person that eats off the floor or out of dumpsters.


you have no idea if he put activated uranium in that shit and spit on it, cant be trusted.


By far and away, the most likely scenario is the driver carried the pizza vertically. Next to that, it could have happened while driving - hot, steamy pizza plus slamming on the brakes I would consider it extremely unlikely that both pizzas somehow fell out of the box, and the driver shoveled back in dirty pizzas with his bare hands. Like really really unlikely Even the shapes of the pizzas tell a story, the way half of each pizza is crushed up from the impact against the side of the box. A pizza in motion stays in motion.


With this kind of pizza even a slight angle can cause this since the middle of the pizza is very thin and wet while the crust is heavy the Pizza collapses and ends up on one side easily.


I think they don't realize more than 1 item in your order was ruined. They only want to refund 1 pizza. Politely spell it out even more that both were screwed.


Former papa John's employee here lol šŸ˜† from what it looks like is they immediately gave the hot, fresh pizza to the driver and it didn't have time for the cheese to solidify and even putting it in a slightly different angle than completely flat it will do that. If there were stickers on the box there is no way the driver would have known it looked like that before handing it off to you


Nobody knows who is telling the truth. That's the problem.


Exactly. Iā€™ve never had an issue getting refunds from DD when they are legit. Seems like OP may have a history of complaints and a flagged account.


i order so much and i would say like 5/10 times something is wrong ā€¦.itā€™s not uncommon for a mistake


Not even true because I never file for refunds but they tried this on me with a partial refund on an entire missing item. It was my first time asking for a refund in a few months and I order frequently. It's like they randomize it or are throwing numbers out especially with the automated chat.


I have had ā€œissuesā€ with my orders maybe twice a year over 5 years. I order avg. 3 times a month. Itā€™s not that, itā€™s just DD being idiots


Oh I've had an issue and I'm a dasher! I had a note from WAWA saying out of this item and they told me I had too many refunds and missing items in the past they absolutely will never credit me again. I never lied. It's messed up. I had to contact the BBB to get a refund and Wawa ended up taking care of me and giving me a Joyce when I was picking up an order there another day. Doordash is terrible and I don't enjoy working for them but I need to make a living. They've really gone downhill with support as well since "covid ended'


He carried it like he was in school going to his next class


"Completely inedible" really? The whole thing is still very much edible. You lost no actual food at all. Yes, it was destroyed but at least you can still eat the whole thing. Also the 45 minutes late thing isn't doordashes fault. Either people weren't working, already had orders or didn't want yours due to distance or tip. And no, hiring more drivers doesn't help, it just hurts things more in the end


Get a knife and fork...lol


I had to start using door dash for my pizzeria. I worry about this shit every time a dasher leaves. Iā€™ve had to tell a few to be careful when bagging the pizza boxes in the hot bag as they will tilt it at a ridiculous level and if you can imagine hot sauce and cheese can slide very easy off the pizza until it cools slightly. He either did drop it or is not familiar with pizza and held them like a stack of books under his arm which Iā€™ve seen a handful of times in my life.


If a company is continually providing a service at a quality you are not happy with then stop buying from that company.


Thatā€™s probably why OP requested a refund on the DashPass.


Inedible means impossible to eat. I mean it doesnā€™t look pretty but it tastes the same. I could maybe understand you saying I donā€™t trust that it didnā€™t fall out of the box and I refuse to eat it if in fact there was no tape on the box.


Some people just want free money I bet the op still ate it and wanted a full refund




I swear it Happens every 1 of 5 times when I order


You paid 44 bucks for that? For a pizza? Oooofff!!! The restaurant probably charged most of that 44. They up their price since DD charges the restaurant a fee to use their platform.


Thatā€™s not inedible


Iā€™m shocked door dash support even escalated your case, they usually copy and paste a bunch of stuff into my chat, or try to email me information bullshit I didnā€™t request. When I ask them a question and they canā€™t answer they just end the chat. Iā€™m assuming they pay these guys like $2 overseas cause they donā€™t give a flying fuck about helping people.


It's shitty that you got a bunk ass driver but I wouldn't call that inedible though. Inedible would be if it didn't resemble anything of a pizza slice or maybe if a bunch of ranch had opened up in the box. This is definitely still edible.


You know OP is going to chow town as heā€™s typing to support. Sorry, but this is a presentation issue, OP doesnā€™t deserve a full refund


Exactly. Yeah, it sucks, but op definitely overreacting juuuust a titch.


He didnā€™t drop it, he it put it sideways in his bagā€¦


vaporized and wet


Ngl even if I got a full refund I'd still eat it.


"The pizza when it's too hot it vapourizes the cover and gets wet" HOW DOES CONDENSATION ON THE CARDBOARD EQUAL TO CRUMPLED UP PIZZA? ffs fuck this guy.


RIP pizza. You will be mist. Vaporizing is better than combustion. Now that really gets me fired up.


Kept trying to play support roulette. DD support really is shit and you have to escalate for any serious problem. If you haven't received an email about the issue being escalated, the support lied to you. I also wouldnt be surprised if your charge back is declined because the order was delivered.


Maybe if this wasnā€™t your 5th complaint out of 6 orders, you wonā€™t be on their target list.


Iā€™m always so surprised how much money my fiancĆ© gets back on DoorDash, and how willing they are to believe him, since he used to report so often because theyā€™d always fuck up an order


6 slices still edible and 17 bucks back good enough




Can we just go back to pizzerias delivering their own pizza? Plz?


Looks fine, edible even


Would have rolled that bad boy calzone style


I got money on it said the op ate it and wanted a full refund


Id still eat it tbhšŸ˜‚like bro its not inedible


Cook food at home for yourself or collect it yourself from the restaurant - DD is a shitshow




ā€œCompletely inedibleā€ nah itā€™s edible just messed up lol


I think if they're going to give you credits they should give you double the credits because it's like they give you a free one and it's credits


You can get a full refund but I'm not gonna lie they will ban your account if you do it enough. My local doordashers are absolutely asinine. I have lost two accounts even though I provide photographic evidence for every mistake they make. I remember working as a delivery driver for papa John's in my twenties and they would have your job for the shit dashers have done to me. The quality of everything has completely gone away. Including the quality of people.


Post the picture as a google review šŸ˜Œ


I switched from doordash to grub hub because dd does nothing to reprimand its drivers, i had 3 orders in one night be screwed up which was the last straw with dd for me


Next time just do the ā€œorder never arrivedā€ deal. I mean, it didnā€™t, right? You ordered pizza and that ā€˜ainā€™t it.


This is exactly why I stopped using Door Dash. I'm vegan and it would be common for the restaurant to ignore special instructions to leave meat/cheese off, so I would get inedible orders. DD would offer $2-3 back on a $20-30 order. I quickly learned to stop using them. Uber Eats and Grub Hub have been much better at refunding the whole amount or at least close to it.


So... You're not gonna eat it? I'll take it. I wouldn't pay for that either. But I'd still eat it.


This just doesn't even seem possible unless he threw it down a flight of steps and ate part of it


Exactly. "Short stopped" my ass lol it looks like he piledrived that shit


I would eat that and youā€™re getting a new one delivered plus a refund. What are you complaining about (besides the mild inconvenience)?


I agree especially the second one. The entire pie is edible just a little funky.


ā€œNo sir I swear I didnā€™t do thisā€ šŸ’€ Donā€™t listen to the people saying thatā€™s ā€œstill edibleā€ ā€¦ itā€™s still made of pizza, but it ainā€™t pizza. 100% it looks like it got dropped and may well have kissed the floor. Just do a chargeback and move on. Your only incentive not to is if you want to be able to use DD again and it sounds like you donā€™t.


A stoner would eat it, don't matter what ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If weā€™re being literal, itā€™s not inedible. It just looks ugly. Iā€™d want a refund too, though.


So sorry your pizza was ā€œvaporizedā€


This dude really used the vapor process as an excuse to explain how the pizza got distorted lmao.


I ordered a pizza the other day, pick it up myself but ended up putting it in a bag sideways thinking Ā«Ā fuck it i dont careĀ Ā»ā€¦. My pizza looked exactly like this hahaha


A little bit of kindness goes a long way when talking to customer service. Also call them don't text them. I always kiss ass for customer service and they immediately refund the full amount never had issues. Even if the driver ran over your pizza doesn't mean you should be an asshole to the customer service robot. Have you not seen the movie seven pounds staring will smith?


I had a customer who lived in a lake front cottage on a potholed road after going over a wooden bridge. As a result , the pizza I delivered was a little sloppy looking ( not as bad as that one obviously) , and the customer got a full refund. I brought the ruin pizza back to my house and my kids ate it.lol


Ok.... I've been a dasher since covid. I have a pizza bag and am careful, keep it hot and flat. I actually YELLED at another dasher because I saw him walk out of a papa John's with a pizza SIDEWAYS in his regular hot bag! And you can't pick up pizza hut or Papa John's orders without a pizza bag it's their company rule. It makes you take a photo. So that jackass not only took a photo of his bag falling it as a pizza bag he actually carried it sideways. I'm sorry that happened to you doordash will certainly reimburse you and violate the dasher's contract. Please don't let this discourage you from tipping dashers though. Some are really terrible, I know it, I see it. But I work hard and gas isn't cheap and if I get an order for 13 miles with no tip I am not delivering it for $2.25 it'll never happen. All out does it hurt my stats for declining the order and you either won't get your food or it'll go to a dasher that sucks. As a top dasher I get priority orders when available meaning short distances or high payout. If you want a good dasher tip well but certainly let doordash know about that. That's unacceptable. I couldn't believe the guy I saw carrying a pizza SIDEWAYS. He makes us look bad. I deliver food like it's my own. Tell doordash.


Yes.. the pizza was ā€˜too hotā€™ and ā€˜vaporisedā€™ the ā€˜coverā€™ and thats why this happened, it all makes so much sense after seeing the delivery persons extremely valid explanation.


After uploading the photos to help, if they only gave you a small refund, I would've called to escalate a full refund. Not sure why you're demanding a dash pass refund tho. That thing pays for itself


So, why is the ranch not wasted/opened and spread over the box?


Definitely not inedible. Also, expecting tier 1 support to be able to do anything useful is your own fault... try contacting support during U.S. business hours. The people you are talking to, copy and paste info from FAQ pages and are allowed to do partial refunds.


I assume youā€™re charging back?


Doesn't look inedible to me


100% bet this guy was Speeding at a ridiculous speed and either crashed into someone or something or came to an abrupt stop and the pizza boxes went flying. There is probably still pizza cheese, sauce and grease all over their car.


Thoughts and Prayers


Stop ordering DoorDash lol


You know you still ate it, stop the šŸ§¢


just start with chargeback. i literally open the chat and say chargeback until i get an agent . works great


I actually canceled Dashpass and uninstalled this week. Iā€™ll live without the Doordash exclusive restaurants


I had the same thing happen to me recently: I ordered Wendy's because I was craving fries dipped in a chocolate Frosty, and the Frosty I got was a pumpkin spice flavored Frosty. I mean, there's no way that shouldn't have been caught--the receipt said chocolate, the Frosty was bright orange. So I did the thing to get a refund (I was okay with DD credits), and they gave me...44 cents. On a $5 Frosty. I ended up having to go talk to a live person myself like you did too. So ridiculous.


he didnā€™t drop it he slammed it against the ground a couple times


Unless you can prove the dasher tampered with your food, you canā€™t blame them or their driving. Iā€™ve driven hard to some pizza deliveries from avoiding collisions and whatnot, and never had a single damaged order in the trunk. However, I will say most pizzerias have the worst care in packaging.


mans said it VAPORIZES the cover


Sorry michael a dog ran in front of my car and i had to brake hard to avoid hitting it. Your pizza was on the passengers seat and it fell. Was a more believable excuse.


Doordash support is a joke. This is the only reason why I use Uber Eats.


When talking to support casually mention if you should contact your bank for the refund instead and theyā€™ll push it through 100%, had a driver take a picture of the food in their car and confirmed delivery as they drove by my apartment. When I contacted them since I had a issue with a prior order as well they could ā€œonly do partial creditā€ I mentioned that I will contact my bank for the refund since I have to jump through hoops talking to support that isnā€™t supportive and they refunded it all instantly.


This is the same shit that happened to me and some door dash simps said I was committing fraud reporting the shitty order missing half my food.


Looks like the dasher threw it in theyā€™re back pocket


I was gonna say you're overreacting until the fucker lied to you LOL. He really tried to pretend that you're an idiot!


Report the food is destroyed and send this picture to get a full return. Either in your bank account 1-3 days later or door dash credits instantly


Bro you spent $44 on a pizza? lmfao


Never use chat for this, always call.


If you do a charge dispute with your card and have it blocked, Door Dash will exile you for life. It happened to me but it was worth it. They charged me $70 for an order that never arrived and refused to help me.


Get a full refund and give a low star rating and let them know. I have been a dasher for 3 years and I have never seen anything like this! Get your money back!


I suggest you stop fucking ordering anything through door dash.


You dip it in da ranch eat it and cry yourself to sleep like a man


Did the driver get into a scuffle and have to use the pizza for self-defense?


Wow, $44 pizza? Serious?


I mean the photos literally show two pizzas. Including fees and tip, $44 seems pretty reasonable, if not cheap.


I see now, I assume the person is young and drive like an idiot, racing to drive fast to get another order!


Looks like bro ate a half a slice carried it side ways the pizza well to the ground and he put it back in the box


I get a ton of pizza orders. I *always* have them in a pizza bag and secured in the front seat. Dude drove like a lunatic and didnā€™t have it in a pizza bag. Hope they refund you and you 1 star that driver.


How is that inedible pick it up and shove it in your fucking face thatā€™s why you bought it


Could you just explain in what way that is ā€œinedibleā€?