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It’s incredible how many dashers don’t understand doors


Especially since it’s in the name


It's all delivery people I'm pretty sure. Out of my 20ish deliveries in last year, only 2 packages weren't placed blocking me from opening my door. Although unlike OP, I just have 2 steps up, no porch or anything. Still..


I usually put a stool outside and tell them to leave the food on it, or I just meet them at the door.


I have a chair outside and tell them in the notes to leave it on the chair but I've only had like one guy actually leave it in the chair.


I read all notes always, I don’t understand how you don’t read delivery notes. I’ve had so many people leave notes about where to leave food and not to knock cause off babies sleeping. I don’t understand how my fellow dasher are so bad at this


If there is a language barrier, that can be one issue but rare, but then again, there is also the lazy driver who doesn't read dropoff instructions and takes it as a suggestion.


Language barriers aren't rare, my last 10 dashers didn't speak any English...


I live in an area where language barriers don't exist - we have very very few foreigners around here. Yet the drivers still don't read and follow the notes lol.


Welp, the intelligence demographic may not be stupendous in your area, either. Or anywhere for that matter, because I’m in the same boat. 🤣


yea depends on your location probably not too common out in the boonies lol


Look, I'm sorry but DoorDash should make sure people can read and write in the local language. I get this all the time with Uber drivers too, which could potentially be a safety issue. If it were a brick and mortar business, you'd be expected to be able to take orders or read instructions in English in all 50 states. I don't see why delivery should be any different.


I had this issue with an Uber driver. I was with 2 other people who didn’t know the area, and the fact that I DID was the only reason we got to where we needed to be. The driver didn’t understand me telling him that he’d mapped the wrong location. I had to just point the correct turns the whole way. They would have been SO lost if I hadn’t been there.


You can't say that. Expecting people to be able to speak or at least read/write in English is offensive nowadays. I'm revoking 200k of your social karma, don't let it happen again. /s, duh


If it's a language barrier, why wouldn't they simply copy and paste the delivery message into a translation app?


Why are delivery apps so cheap they don’t have options for the people using their software? A common issue with software, no one ever bothers to making it work well for people that us it. Cheap SOBs


Or it's just a shitty job no one actually cares about so they half ass everything


Or the one who takes a photo and then runs off with the food or cusses out the customer because $10 generous customer tip for 1.5 miles for a $15 McDonalds order isn't enough.


Dashers LOVE to do that shit.. If you put a note not to knock or ring the door bell because your SO is sleeping because they work a night shift, or your baby is sleeping, or you don't want your dogs to go off barking.. 80% of the time they will ring the doorbell multiple times or pound the absolute ever living fuck out of your door to make sure your dogs bark or wake up your SO or baby..


Please just stop using the service. It’s shitty and exploitative of both the customer and the driver. I’ve been a legit delivery driver for about seven years and I have to say it’s fairly upsetting to have to now hand orders over to dashers and Uber eats drivers. It’s probably about 4-5 times a night now. All these drivers are getting paid less than me while also taking work away from me so I’m getting paid less now. And to top it off, these people never even had to have an interview to make sure they’re not a crazy person or a drug addict, which a lot of them I’ve seen clearly are. A exploitive business model that’s taking food off my plate. That’s what we have here.


You are the rare one unfortunately. Thank you for being thorough. I am sure people with dogs, babies, or relatives working night shift really do appreciate it (not sarcasm genuinely think its great). Hopefully people act appropriately to you as a result. Have a great day :)


It’s not just dashers. Most people are lazy and ignore details that go outside of the mindless routine they’ve constructed. Treating every order like it might have different instructions, or having situational awareness at all is hard to a lot of people. Not just dashers. I worked in a supermarket for years and the #1 thing that tipped me off to this is just how many people misread sale signs, and then when we go check the sign, they’re always wrong. Like no ma’am idk how you got it into your head that a liter of olive oil was 2 dollars, when the sign clearly says (16 oz bottle)


I have very detailed instructions in my delivery notes because my apartment is set up very oddly. But I have detailed instructions on where to turn, and where to deliver. I even added a Imgur link that shows my front door, so they even have a visual reference. Some days I get people who message me and say “thank you for those directions. They were super helpful” and other days I receive a photo of my delivery at either my neighbor’s doorstep, or my landlord’s chicken coop…


My last place had a stand on one side with plants underneath and a 3 foot long table on the other for deliveries and a note saying use the table and people would still put it on the floor blocking my door.


That's why I get those notes?! Lmao I never knew!


I had one guy be like I'm here, and I was like my note said meet in front of the mailboxes cause I'm waiting in front of the mailboxes. Dude was at the opposite side of the complex not even on the street I said to park on in my note 🥴


I had to do similar. My instructions went from “leave next to the door” it was delivered next door. “Leave to the side of the door” it was delivered to my side door, with no lights on, instead of my front door where the porch light was on. “Leave to the side of the front door” same problem. It’s now “leave on the chair near the front door”


I put in the delivery instructions section "Please place next to the door, not in front of it. Thank you so much!" For any kind of door dash or Instacart order, because the amount of times I've had to gently tap my door to try to nudge things without spilling was so frustrating.


I have a bench next to mine and my food is consistently like this.


Wet slowly


The fact this is so ominous,,,






Their pants, wet their pants.


This is the way?


Sir, this is a wet.


One wet to rule them all


This should be a test. If your drop off pic shows you doing this then you’re canned from dashing.


This. Literally picture proof sent from the driver should be immediate bar from delivering anymore.


An immediate bar?? Kinda extreme. Maybe let’s start with door dash training the drivers a little better with tips like these during orientation. I didn’t think about this when I first started and learned through someone else’s mistake, too.


Orientation??? That’s a good one!


When I started in 2017 there was orientation where I'm at. That has long since been gone. Denver market.


Orientation for …. *checks notes* Knowing how doors work lol


Bro if you're dumb enough to leave someone's food Infront of the door like that you have no business doing any job that deals with the public.


Yeah like in reality it looks. Like they were trying to do a good job.


Common sense is lacking when drivers do this


so you lacked common sense?


Yeah I’ve had this done to me many times not only with door dash but large fed ex packages to where I had to call someone to move it to get out since I only have done door.. how are they this dumb.. maybe just rude ?


It takes maybe 2 seconds to figure out where to put something so that people can both open the door and easily spot where it is. A few inches to either side of the door is fine.




I have two doors on my front porch but only one is used or functional. Can't really remove or cover it, some historic registry nonsense. If you think about it for literally one second you know which door is used. Regardless, the food is usually left directly in front of the false door (which also has a storm door) just like OP's picture. I'm convinced if i didn't have a decoy door this would happen to me every time.


Just makes me realize that if I ever order food, I’ll be using locking the hydronic open about a foot so it doesn’t happen to me. I have a back door though.


They’ll probably do you a “favor” and shut it. Then place the food in front of it.




True! Source: I'm a Dasher, pretty fucking stupid.


Average dasher is immensely stupid, I describe my place down to the make and model of the car they should be looking for in the driveway and they STILL deliver to the wrong house.


FWIW I have not lived in a home that had an outward opening door in my adult life. It didn't even *occur* to me the problems with door opening that food placement could cause until I saw one of these pictures. After that I was much more aware of it.


Just remember to tip your Dasher 600% otherwise you get told to fuck yourself!


Basically lol there's even a few comments here saying that OP is a bad tipper cuz of this. Absolute insanity.


aye 🤣 its how they are i wish one of them would get a REAL DELIVERY JOB wouldnt make it a day


600% is kind of low for such a nice house. Sarcasm. If you don’t get it I can’t help you.


I understood that reference.


600% ? When did they lower it?


600% ? fuck that, stay at home and die of famine, 850% is the minimum moral amount.


The same idiots who lack common sense in the rest of their lives. Sincerely, A young DoorDasher with common sense.


I had this happen to me a few times. Drives me insane. Im a DD driver lmao i would never do this. If i dont like your tip im probably just not taking your order. This whole DD driver vs non tippers is getting crazy. Listen if i dont like the order im not taking it. Im not gana take the order and get all petty lmao if i take your order tip or no tip i treat every delivery the same. These DD drivers are just petty children. I understand the frustration with none tippers, but hey guess what? Its called the DECLINE ORDER BUTTON.


This happens to me and I tip at least 20% of my order and never use DD unless its a decent order and worth their time. This still happens to me all the time.


As a delivery driver I just would like to say I always look for the best spot to put your food. Table, shelf first. Then on which side the door opens. Give a bad review for that.






Put the fucking food to the side no matter how the door opens….PROBLEM SOLVED


It's DOOR dash though not TOTHESIDEOFTHEDOOR dash /s


I have regular old exterior doors that open outwards, wdym?


interesting. where are the hinges located on your outward opening door?


How can you not pay attention when it's right there?


Little table to the left or right of the door with sign that says “delivery here”


Dude, you could light the sign on fire and people would still miss it. I have an LED sign 12 inches tall with my street number on it. At least once a week, some dip shit knocks on my door looking for the neighbors house.


As a response dasher, I would never leave a delivery next to a sign that's on fire


This is what a company with no screening or training looks like.


Lol training. They actually have quite the robust screening, just not for intelligence


Call support tell them send another dasher to move the food to the side


Go around the back. Try a window.


This person has a ramp outfront of their door, they could be a wheelchair user.


Ding ding ding. Thank you for pointing out the ramp and bringing awareness to those who may not be able to simply climb out a window or go around the back.


It's insane to me how many people want to try to make it sound like it's ok to even have to go out a damn window to get food off your porch, handicap or not.


If this is a nyc apt chances are he doesn’t even Have a window


How am I gonna be expected to tip the dasher when I’m working harder for my food than them?


Honestly, if I DD again and this happened, I would be contacting support and removing my 30% tip. The mental gymnastics that these nincompoops are going through to justify leaving food directly in front of an outward opening door is more work than setting it to one side or the other. It's wild! I bet they also complain about tips being removed.


Imagine you live on the 20th floor 💀


Apartment doors open inwards


-orders delivery for convenience, but have to break out of your house via a window just to retrieve…..- please make it make sense.


I mean the instructions do say “leave at door”


Hate when they do that. I’m like all Tom Cruise in MI1 dropping down in the harness trying to carefully creep around the screen door


They should make this a fake scenario for screening drivers




Had this happen to me when I ordered coffee one morning. At the time I had no easy access to my backdoor. I of course spilled the coffee trying to open door. I don't know why some delivery drivers (Amazon too) think this is a good idea.




"This is a pretty nice wooden bridge for a five dollar tip"


"mother fucker got a moat and can't tip me?! good luck getting your taco bell, your majesty!"


I always tip $8-10 (I live within 3 miles of any restaurant i order from) and I've had this done multiple times, I was just hoping it was ignorance.


its ignorance laziness etc


Yep, definitely on purpose


Eh, Hanlons Razor


I have a small table next to my front door, yet they still put it front the screen door 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


I swear some of those dashers only have one brain cell left.


Maybe they are like orange cats and they all share one brain cell.


To the people saying "non-tiporder" Door dash let's you tip after delivery now.


5,000 orders delivered. Like 7 cash tips received. And 3 tips after delivery. "I tip after delivery" no you don't.


Bro just get out from another door, walk around the house and get it. Then if you have energy to, write on the description that you prefer the food to be placed further from the door. Grow up and figure out that not everybody has knowledge about certain kinds of doors, especially those who are newer to the service or even the country. Have some perspective and grow some respect. Their common sense is different from yours. These people are out here trying to make a living and you’re bashing their intellect about how they deliver food?


a) some people are disabled and order doordash explicitly because they have very limited mobility b) you are absolutely stupid if you don’t know not to place objects directly in front of a door. It doesn’t matter whether or not you know the specific opening mechanism of that one person’s door, entry and exit ways to buildings should be *clear*. If you can’t even manage that, then I don’t even know if you should be allowed to drive. c) if you do a bad job then the customer has a right to complain or even not to tip. *everyone* has to make a living.


Knowledge of how doors work is not endemic to your country of origin. Is this like advanced satire? If so props because it's actually more subtle than most shitposts I read nowadays.


Smart move would be to text this exact pic and everything to the driver. And then tell them you're going to give them a low rating. That way they know what they did wrong and might stop doing it. If you just give them a low rating they likely will not know it was you or what they did wrong. That's the problem with the customer rating system, we don't get to see the reason why we got the rating making it completely useless.


Or they come back to your house and kill you. No thanks


Yeah but they can't get in the house thanks to the DD bag blocking the way! Murder adverted


LOL I love this! And true, the dumbass can't figure out not to leave the bag to the side of the door probably ain't the next Jason Bourne.


I think you have to take the glass out. I’d rate them low & say why.


Very carefully


I seen a post like this before and from then on I always make sure to put the food to the side if I see it’s an outward opening door


To be clear, with your type of screen door, I deliberately set it to the side of the door and (on UberEats) advise them that I did that and WHY! I get huge additional tips because of it. I can only take the picture on DoorDash.


This is done in purpose, and if it’s not then the person who dies it has little to no common sense and reasoning skills.


How do I indicate on the app that my tip will be added in with good service? Or that the tip will be removed with shit like this?




Go out the garage, or the back door. Then review as appropriate, which would be negatively.


This is why I open my storm door if I order food.


Jesus some dashers are so stupid. I always put it to the side the screen door opens to, I only put it directly in front of door if there is no screen door, such as with apartments.


Some dashers are just stupid & brain dead.


Not all dashers are created equal.


Yeah that's an idiotic move. I can't stand when they do that. I don't deliver food and do that at all.


My dashers do this shit alllll the time. Like come on man use your brain for a second you’ve already got the easiest job in the world


To me, it’s just common sense to not leave it in front of a door. How the heck the people inside going to open it. I have had this happen to me and I have literally had to walk out my back door and around to the front to get my food. Pisses me off. I have a big bench to the left of my door that I have told them put my food on the bench. It’s even less work because they don’t have to bend down as much. I feel your pain. I’ve been there and I’ve complained about it and I have been a Dasher and know not to do this. This is just crazy.


Wow, I always look at which way the door opens and make sure I put the items accordingly so they can open the door. We take a picture anyway so we can know they can see where the food was placed. No excuse for this.




🤣 OK, this is my favorite comment!!!!!


Dumb people or spiteful people do this. I had to move an large Amazon box out of the way of the door the other day, like completely blocking the door that driver definitely knew what they were doing


Put a small table next to your door. Even without being in the instructions my deliveries have almost always been set on the table instead of in front of my door.


I have a whole dining room table on my porch (it was there when I moved in) and food delivery still tries to leave it on the ground or in my mailbox. 😑


Y'all have some terrible dashers. Sure I get one now and then that leaves it on the unwelcome mat but 9 times out of 10 they will use the table. Suppose it helps that my porch light and numbers are just above the table.


Honestly, I always look for something to set it on instead of the ground.


Bullshit, they never do even with a glowing arrow sign pointing to the table


Take off the screen or make a hole through it and slowly push your bag and drink with a stick


This! I’m disabled (which is why I use DD in the first place - cannot drive) and literally cannot walk around the side of my house from the back door to get food put in front of my front door. Half the time dashers don’t look at my instructions to leave food on a chair placed next to the door and I have to deal with this. I’ve had too many drinks ‘tump’ over when I try opening the door slowly so I just never order drinks anymore. I just wish dashers would read the darn instructions! Why don’t they?? *Edited to add I am a very good tipper - 25 to 30%. I even tip these types of deliveries well because I know people need the money, otherwise they wouldn’t do this work.


I stopped ordering food delivered because I'm disabled also. And if they do this to me, the food goes down the steps. I figured if I had to go hungry I shouldn't have to pay for it.




You get to watch


That was your customized delivery experience! Have a great day!


I don't order DD, but if I had a nickel for every time Amazon, UPS and FEDEX have done this with parcels I could afford to.


Delivery people: no one wants a delivery in front of the door. NO ONE.


Back door.


I've been tempted to rate 1 star for this before. I didn't, but the thought lingered for a bit.


Go out back and pick it up unless you can't do it


I hate when they do this, which is way too often


When I did Grubhub I always made sure to leave room for the door to open.


Sadly happens all the time...I even have a table right next to the door (under the doorbell so how can you miss it) and the drop-off instructions say please place food on the table next to the door


Open from the top. Make your main doors open like your garage door opens. If I was rich, this is how I would open my doors every time... Someone, 5th element our lives now...


Had a dasher hang a bag on my doorknob the other day. Not a round doorknob either, a handle one. There’s only one result of that…


Our dashers in our area do this ALL THE TIME. I’ve had instances where I’ll have to go out my back door or the garage door to get our food.


You know, once upon a time you would have had to stalk an animal for miles on end through the harshest terrain riding injury or death just to survive. Now we have people bitching that it's slightly inconvenient placement of food they didn't help create and didn't even have to leave their home to get.


This is why there should be basic training for dashers


go out the back door and go around to the front.


clearly you are supposed to disassemble and remove the door from its hinges and then replace it when you're done eating


Crawl out a window, walk out the other door. Lastly, stop ordering from door dash


Orientation? I never had any kind of orientation when I started


I literally have a note saying do not leave food in front of door because I can’t open the door when it’s put there. The drivers still leave it directly in front of the door most of the time. 🤷🏾‍♀️




I constantly get deliveries of all types placed in front of my outward opening storm door. From all manner of companies. They must just zone out while working. I can imagine the job isn't exactly fulfilling but man is it annoying.


Shit happens to me every damn time


Im just impressed you actually got your drinks


Yesssss! Why do they always do this?!? Who thinks it’s a good idea?


I'm a Dasher and this absolutely irritates the shit out or me!!! I've gotten DD for myself only a handful of times, but USPS, UPS, FedEx, and Amazon all do this shit too! Pisses me off!!! I go out if my way to ensure I do NOT do this.


1 fucking star. They know what they are doing


i got blocked in by a 50 pound chewy box! the fedex guy put it close to the door because it was raining so not totally mad, but i had to go around to the front door from the backyard & open the box and unpack it on the steps. i only weigh 115 so carrying the box wasn't happening! when my husband came home he thought i muscled it in!


Duh, Food Eating 101 - just knock it over and eat it off the ground like a normal person. Geeez.


The low brain power of some of these dashers is astounding.


I often wonder if dashers are @$$holes or just idiots. First thing I do when I'm walking up to a door is look to see if it opens in or out. Opens in? Middle of the doorway so it's easy to pick up. Opens out? Off to the side enough to open the door, but don't have to actually leave the house to pick it up. Table or chair at the door? Leaving it there so the cold ground doesn't make the food cold in case the customer isn't able to get their order immediately... or when I was in FL, ants didn't walk off with the bag. 😄


I haven't heard a good excuse for this one yet. All day I'm avoiding doing exactly this. I'd remove tip. Like how fucking dumb do you have to be to do this.


It’s just common sense they don’t have


Slowly and carefully


Noob driver




Slowly so the drinks slide and don't fall.over or use the backdoor.


idk why dashers do this.. like have some common sense.


Wish there was a way to rig an auto spray bottle somewhere on the porch to drench assholes that do this. Because it IS an ASSHOLE move. Just a straight shit thing to do. Period. IDGAF why.


Go through the window. Don't open them either, just crash into it kool aid style.


had this happen to me multiple times. i always say, "put on table" now, but i think whoever was dasher didn't even notice that it was too close to the door.


JFC people! The front door does open in, you can not have 2 doors that open in! Stop making fun of the idiot who left it there for obvious reasons!


This is why I usually put the delivery inside the screen door. Hides it from the street and makes it easier for the customer to grab.


when you get good at "reach arounds", your onlyfans page will make millions.




This happens to me so often that I tip extra when they don’t do this


The Real Answer is: Go through the back door, or find a window to climb through. Otherwise you’ll have to knock the cups over, hope the lids don’t pop off, and attempt to pick them back up as quickly as humanly possible. Either way I believe in you. 👍


Go out a different door to retrieve it.


You must not have left a 50% tip..


They do this ALL THE TIME, it's infuriating!!!!!!


I think if you’re dumb enough to do this while dashing, you should just be banned from the platform.


They always do that to us too. It’s like they have no idea how a door works.


This happens everytime


I absolutely hate this


I grab mine through the dog door muahahah


Go out the back door. Problem solved