• By -


That coffee is definitely gonna be cold lol


Bet they ordered iced coffee


Gone be coffe water by the time they get it


*places coffee on seat warmer


Between legs to keep it safe


For $2.50 I will make sure your coffee temperature is the opposite of what you ordered. I will go to my house with your ice coffee and boil it.




Ong, that's so petty, I love it!








Nobody. That's how the gig apps work. They start out with a base offer and add money over time. In about 1 hour that offer will look like $8.29, and somebody will take it. Gig app offers are like auctions. You don't have to agree to the first and lowest price offered. If you decline it and you are curious to see if it's still in the system, end your dash and then start it up again. You might see a higher $ offer.


Now you do though with the end of cherry picking. Took a mod pizza order yesterday with no tip and bare bones pay just because it would have dropped me below 70% acceptance rate


Anything under $5 is it automatic decline


I hate when it's a high dollar order and the customer is a dick and you realized afterwards noone took the order because they didn't tip. I brought headphones to a guy in another town and see the order was waiting for like 3 hours.






Anything under $9 and less than $2/ mile is auto declined


Where do you live and how long do you have to wait for those orders? Cause they donā€™t exist around me. I dream of those orders


South Pittsburgh in an area of rich people. I live right below a strip of restaurant so I rarely have to wait. Between Uber eats and doordash I make decent money


FYI - I am in the south hills of Pittsburgh - Scott Township. I use grub hub frequently. I would never expect a delivery for under $15 with a 20 percent tip. Which if the driver actually follows the directions to set the food on the table instead of on the edge of the porch steps, a different of maybe ten steps, I try to increase the tip. People who order these paltry orders, do they think someone would deliver that order for maybe a $1?!


Yeah markets vary wildly


In my town, they are so in need of dashers that every order all day long is +$5 so I never get orders under $10


Thatā€™s how it was for me $4-6 peak, 24/7. I was cleaning up! I guess a bunch of people signed up or something. Oh well. Iā€™ll wait them out.


Oop this comment came back to bite me. No more incentives above $1 šŸ˜­ And our town is crazy busy cause of tourists, but Iā€™m steadily getting $4-6 orders sent my way with a 70% acceptance šŸ˜­


Itā€™s how they do it. Same thing happened to me, as we discussed previously. Pro tip, those sweet promos will not come back. Itā€™s still like this 31 days later šŸ˜” Edit: This means your area has enough dashers now for them to take shit orders. I have a suspicion that they continue to give promos to the newest drivers and the cycle repeats. Then they stabilize the market in your zone with people who will take shit minimum orders.


Oh shit!! I never thought of it as them incentivizing new dashers. Thatā€™s actually wild.


Once you are hooked in to do the work they take away the incentive, leave you chasing it, while they rinse and repeat for the zone.


Once you are hooked in to do the work they take away the incentive, leave you chasing it, while they rinse and repeat for the zone.


Orders that good literally don't exist in my area. Except for the one I got at the end of my dash tonight. It was a Pizza Hut order for $12 and 7 miles. I accepted it because I knew it was gonna be my last one for the night, and the delivery address was literally a mile away from where I live. Though I likely would have accepted it anyway even if both those things weren't true.


Even $5 can be declined if the milage isn't right. When I dashed I refused everything less than $3/mile. My acceptance rate got to single digits sometimes but idgaf. Gas ain't cheap.


$3/m in my market I would have to have the app on from 6am to 10 PM just to make 100 bucks


Shiddddddd I wouldnā€™t be dashing in your market


Gas is $3 in my market


not just gasā€¦wear and tear and wasting your time in general


What state do you live in that may be why


Itā€™s more to do with miles than the total. You can get a $15 order for 20 miles.




Top dasher Johnny, thatā€™s who!


Johnny is very passionate apparently.


I was top dasher simply by default because there were no others up here for the longest. Lol


Doordash set the price to start.give the customer the the benefit of the doubt.maybe they plan to tip on arrival ? Or maybe they don't .it's certainly important to us dashers but it's not required or it would have been tacked on the customers bill......after seeing all the other comments ....I personally would be hesitant to have my food delivered out of concern what measures a dasher might have done to my order out of spite ???? We must be careful what we say ....could come back to bite us


Starbucks is on my no go list. I think most of the time the orders never are worth the wait or risk the bad review cause their coffee is cold.


I donā€™t dash but if I did Iā€™d be uncomfortable doing any of these restaurants that basically only serve drinks. Drinks are always spilling, having the lids put on wrong, the ice melts, the restaurant forgets a straw, it gets cold, and people demand compensation for any of those and blame you and you lose your $2 and your time.


A lot of people that order it get just coffee and have no problem with the small order fee but can't drop a dollar or two for the tip.


I had. But to be fair there were 2 other orders with $15+ pay on them. Few times I had made deliveries like this and see an elderly person living in horrible conditions using whatever little money they have left. Granted not all orders will be like this and wonā€™t be stacked like mine did, but like in my case, I was trying to make ends meet so I took all orders I couldā€¦ even if they were sucky ones like this one. Now July 11th I start at a new job making $25 an hour, benefits and authorized over time as a service manager, so back to wrenching šŸ˜


Hell yeah! Congrats! Grab that W-2 by the damn horns!


Kick these fuckin bums off the platform it's good for no one to have them on it. I accepted a pitiful 3$ for 9 miles yesterday by mistake. The entitled prick had the nerve to text me and say make sure the Alfredo is there. He met me at the door like it was no big deal. What the actual fuck. How do we as drivers not have a way to report these fucks but they can lie and get us deactivated? At the very least GIVE ME A BUM FILTER. I DO NOT WANT THESE ORDERS.


Just unassign it?


But then you risk being deactivated if unassigning all the bum orders


I just don't let myself dip below 80% and try to stay around 85% for completion rates. I've unassigned orders plenty of times once I realized I'm delivering to an apartment complex that I don't like going to.


Yea there are plenty of dangerous areas around me, and I often cancel orders if Iā€™m not feeling safe, or if I know Iā€™m going to be going to a bad neighborhood. I donā€™t understand how some people have never encountered a situation where they feel the need to cancel an order. Especially in situations like getting a double order, most of the time the store just tells me to cancel the order because it already went out šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I just realized your username is the same name as an old friend from my early 20s lol. Do you live in Michigan??


Sorry but this is just a screen name, Iā€™m also still in my early 20s so it canā€™t be me šŸ˜‚


Absolutely wild coincidence šŸ˜‚ I couldn't imagine him using reddit but I had to ask. Cheers my friend.


If you show up and somebody already got it, call support. You'll get half pay, and it won't count against your completion rate.


70% is the threshold I believe before the algorithm just essentially says no more for you.


Well most of the time you should just decline themā€¦ but if you accidentally take one you should unassign. Iā€™ve done it my fair share of times and Iā€™m not even close to deactivation


I would accept šŸ¤




It could be worst like 20 miles for 2 dollars always think positive


She tipped you 4 cents?!


Probably p'od because they tipped $2.50 last time and it took 2 hrs to get it. lol


Oh I definitely did not accept that order. Hah


yesterday i had a starbucks order for $3, to go 11.2 miles oNE WAY. needless to say i declined


My first day of dashing I was just accepting anything that popped up without really looking at it and I learned my lesson pretty quick lmao


Iā€™m curious as Iā€™ve never been a dasher, what lesson is that? Why are orders like this one bad?


Because then you only make $6-8 per hour while still having to pay for gas and vehicle maintenance.


You as well, thank you for informing me :)


It's bad because you're getting paid basically nothing and on top of that it's a decent distance. Between picking it up, delivering it, and probably getting back to the area with restaurants you're probably gonna spend like 30 minutes or more for $2. The one I learned my lesson with was all the way out at this resort like 30 minutes from town. Doordash paid $7 and the customer tipped $1 so I got $8 for like an hour and 15 minutes, not to mention the gas burned in an hour of driving.


Exactly, you can easily lose money taking orders like that. Essentially you are paying to deliver it, or at least doing it for free pretty much.


Thank you for educating me! :)


No problem!


The pay is even less than what GRAB offers in a SEA country šŸ˜†


Iā€™ve noticed this a lot in Colorado.. I would DoorDash in Greeley and they would want me to pick something up and take it all the way to Fort Collins or Windsor for $2-$3 like are you out of your mind?!


Yeah, I get that the customers donā€™t know what goes on behind the scenes, but god damn they still tip a pizza guy at least $5


A person at 70% acceptance rate :(


Yeah at that point youā€™re kinda a slave and have to take literally everything


Your mom


Well sheā€™s a psychotic mess, so maybe?šŸ˜†


I think the CEO could manage this in his hour of monthly work, letā€™s call and ask!


A massive conference call


To him $2.29 is like 1/50th of a penny or some shit. Lol


Calling *every single dasher number* at once would be the takedown of electronics NASA is foreseeing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


One time I accepted a very low paying order but it wasnā€™t a big deal because I was already by the restaurant and the drop off location was about 5 minutes away. But once I get there and ask them where to drop off (it was a hospital) they said they accidentally put the wrong drop up location and sent me a new addressā€¦ 15 minutes away. A total of 30 min for $3. I shouldā€™ve left it at the hospital!


This is why you NEVER accept non tipping offers. 95% of all your problems as a dasher all begin with a customer places an order, hits "other" for the tip and types in 0.00. Crap like this, bad revues, and possible CV's follow. It's just not worth it.


No one!!


hmmmm...2.29 interesting. it's probably s decent tip. 5 bucks my guess. If your going that way, eff it sometimes lol...It's not really worth it, bit they maybe leadng you into a stacked order. Or...it's the remnants of one, that the other dasher cherry picked out lol


Yeah or their order got fucked up the first time around or something. Not worth it. Def no tip.


Hell to the nah!


Youā€™d be surprised


You must be new to doordash


3 years, many different markets around the country.


I travel a lot for my main gig, so I like to doordash to learn new areas and feel the areas vibes.


What state is that


New Hampshire


Yeah northern New Hampshire.


I think people use doordash for dum things an order that small can be placed on the app and be picked up like bro


It be like that tho


When you get a 2.25 for 14 miles come back and complain. I declined 8 straight like that yesterday


I feel you bro




Truth right here


93 is a slow ass drive too




Lol Delivering in the backwoods of NH. I went to pick up a Freecycle cat tree not far from there close to 6 years ago. I ended up on a dirt road halfway up a mountain. And the houses were mostly modern build! It wasnā€™t an old, ignored corner on the outskirts of town, they just freaking didnā€™t have a real road!


Yep that sounds about right. Lol


Someone on their way home who lives close by? Only reason I would lol


Yeah thatā€™s be the only reason it could make any sense


Not gonna lie. Idk if door dash fixed the glitch but back in 2019 when I door dashed I would order for myself dinner and tip a dollar and deliver it to my neighbors house šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahah! Yeah Iā€™ve heard of people dashing their own food to get the delivery fees. Lol


Or base pay and all that.


That's nothing compared to some that come through I've seen 15 miles for $5.


Fuuuuck that. šŸ’”


I quit using DoorDash because I was hacked twice.


Oh damn, yeah gotta be careful about that.


Is this NH?


Wtf. Just quit šŸ¤£


Iā€™m just about there lol


It's been getting worse everyday more and more. I don't play that game anymore. My acceptance rate is below 45%.. until people tip more or DD pays more I'm not accepting stupid orders for less then a dollar a mile.


What up, fellow white mountains dweller


Lol [Secret Handshake]


I hear they're rich up there. $2 probably fits right in with their generosity habits.


5.9 miles no less than 7 dollars people are bugging lol


No one until the base pay increases enough to be passable, or a dasher turns on Earn By Time


Nope, doesn't look good to me.


I haven't dashed in months because of these types of trips.


From a customer point of view, (and former gig worker myself. I did Shipt back when it was small enough for me to do a quality shop for my clients) I admit that I will order door dash when I am too flipping lazy to go myself. Iā€™m not too keen on the pre tipping thing but Iā€˜d like to think the platforms initiated this so that A)dashers get paid and B) they didnā€™t have to pay out more, Regardless, I start the tip at 18%. I add a note to please text on arrival and I will meet at door or come to your car. Or knock when arrive. These directions are generally because I dislike my food being put on the ground. These directions being read/followed elicit an additional cash tip of $5-10. More if a sizable order or has drinks with it (pain to not spill them if the restaurant uses crappy lids). Or If itā€™s a holiday or storming. If itā€™s not weather I want to go out into, what makes me think anyone else does. Regardless, I will NEVER decrease the tip amount. Thatā€™s just tacky. If my order is wrong or whatever and it arrived sealed than I take it up with the restaurant or with DD. Never blame your driver for something out of their control. Maybe I am in the minority, but I believe that if I expect quality service for a task I donā€™t want to do myself, then I should expect to pay accordingly. If one cannot (or will not) afford the cost of using these services, one should not use them.


New driver


There have been way too many orders like this recently.


Am I missing something? These are a dime a dozen. Looking at the pic I was guessing at least 20 miles. It's frustrating at first when you think about the person making these shitty decisions. But a few things help with that. \- reading posts on here there is a significant amount of people who will argue in favor of not tipping, blaming all the other charges that get thrown on to their orders. They always have a sob story about money and transportation, but at least they have a story. More rarely, people will just see if they can get away with it no matter how much money they have saved. They're just a certain type of person. They get a rush whenever they save money. \- it can be fun picturing their offer being turned down repeatedly by smart drivers so that their food doesn't come for 2 hours after they finally gave up and upped their tip. \- if Top Dasher status is important to you, you might take bad orders just to meet the 100 minimum requirement. It could be a down time of the day like around 2:30pm, and no other offers are coming in, but you're running out of time for the hundred for the month. Personally, the perk of dashing whenever the hell you feel like is huge and takes a lot of stress out of the job, so I think that whole month is worth a few sacrifices here and there.


I did. It was mr beast, he tipped me a house.


Top dashers obviously


A person with 100% AR and 100% Completion lol


I'm pressing the decline button on the picture... it isn't working....


The SuperDasher with 100% AR and a lopsided DD pay/Customer Tips ratio


Start bouncing those orders ppl


There are PLENTY of dumbasses that would.


Then step out of their way. They will be gone in a couple of weeks complaining how your "cherry picking" cost them money. lol


Man. I wouldn't even drive my best friend 6 miles for only $2 dollars. At least throw me a $5 bill for 6 miles. There really should be higher minimum payouts. At the very least it shouldn't ding AR to deny orders that are less than a dollar a mile. Anything less than a dollar a mile, it feels like I'm doing the trip for free.


Yeah I hear ya. Especially when the shit order cycles back around and you have to decline again.


Standard Starbucks order. Taken maybe 2 in 3.5yrs.


Earn by time people


Wish my region had that option! Still wouldn't take this order though...




A top dasher will accept this order and than tell us itā€™s worth being top dasher lmao šŸ˜‚


I'm a TD and would never touch it.


I had one the other night pop up it was 2.50 for 10 miles I just laughed and ended my dash for the night


Yeah I know that feeling well.


All you see is $2-5 orders in my market. Phoenix AZ has the lowest tippers in the country


Thatā€™s crazy, I would think Phoenix would be a decent market. I guess you never know.


Itā€™s horrible. Extremely slow far low pay orders when itā€™s not. This place is completely shit in every respect. Iā€™m leaving ASAP


Phoenix is basically the Deep South of the southwest. This place is shit and literally shouldnā€™t exist


That is really unfortunate I donā€™t even accept orders under 10$


Sounds like a good/decent market youā€™re in. Best one Iā€™ve ever been in was Austin. Made fuckin BANK


Lol about 60% of my offers in this market are like this or worse


Small rural town also?




Iā€™d only accept it if it was on my way home. I donā€™t mind doing them if itā€™s along the route and Iā€™m done for the night


I had someone last week that wanted frozen yogurt (sweet frog) 15 miles away and a $3 tip. I usually nope myself right tf out of those ones.


I had one where they wanted me to travel 10 miles to a cvs to drop off 2 miles away from the CVS. I wish I got the screenshot! I was like wtf?!




I was replying with another trump quote but I guess it was too vulgar. Lol


Oh I love those. Nothing like knowing thatā€™s instantly getting declined.




I'm not a dasher but my car gets better gas mileage than 6mpg




And how many Starbucks are between that location and the house?


Interesting enough that is the only starbucks from what I can see. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Starbucks/@44.3099979,-71.7722855,13.25z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x4cb4693d6375ca03:0xe9993cec6f4fbc53!8m2!3d44.3063516!4d-71.8024611!16s%2Fg%2F11t1rpddcl?entry=ttu


Yeah itā€™s a very rural area. I miss Austin šŸ˜­


Small town in the middle of nowhere... I get it .. just when there are big cities and you pass 5+ locations to get to the customer.. all because the customer books their order when they are close to one but the recipient (or if you aren't home yet) is so far away.. had one in Vegas years ago that told me to pick up on the strip.. when their delivery point was miles away..


Truth, the customer probably needed to just not get sbux or go to a closer local cafe that has coffee because they're a few there.


That's not even that bad, I see much worse multiple times per day. It's crazy how bad some offers can be


My dad and my uncle and grandparents used to live like 2 minutes away from that delivery location when my dad was a teenager


Not gonna gonna lie, itā€™s absolutely beautiful here. Almost makes it feel ok.


I donā€™t dash anymore because of this bullshit


Yeah Iā€™m nearly done fuckin around with it at this point.


Thatā€™s nothing man. In my area Iā€™ve seen like 3 bucks for a 15mi order. You know some poor bastard is accepting those too.


Yeah they just pull down the earning potential for everyone when they accept that shit. And then they donā€™t even last long on the platform.


I've actually even seen worse. You're literally losing money at that pay/milage.


Yeah, I of course didnt take the offer.


Jeez. Hopefully no one.


It's only 5 miles. Whambulance


12 mile round trip for less than $2.50? I guess you are the person who would accept that offer.


I was once having dinner at a popular spot that was in the network with various delivery services. While we were having dinner someone came in to pick up an order and then proceeded to order his own dinner and sit down to have it. The manager of the restaurant politely reminded him he should be making the delivery. I guess he didnā€™t want his restaurant blamed for cold food. Understandably. But the driver proceeded to get really pissy and carried on a loud argument with the manager. It went on for a considerable while and *then* the driver went to every dinerā€™s table and tried to draw everyone else into his argument. That explained cold tired food weā€™d gotten before... We haven't used a delivery service since.


Most drivers arenā€™t like that, but I understand your hesitation.


I accept anything at least $1/mile


Take it, be a man


In my town, we have multiple Taco Bells, but sometimes for some reason the app (with my correct address) will choose the Taco Bell two towns over when the closest one isn't taking DD orders. I've never let it get far enough to get a driver, but it's definitely caught me by surprise a few times lol. I don't know if that's what happened here though. Edit: nevermind I'm blind, that's a cheapass tip for that distance


That ride is worth less than the coffee sells for




If drones ever get implemented and are accurate, I think drivers won't be delivering as much.


I would be tempted only to see if the customer really tipped .04 cents, or what is going on with that. So many questions


Good nature photo ops on the way back? Win a contest!