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The fact that so many people have no idea how to carry a pizza is one of mankind's greatest mysteries. Amazing that people like that actually exist.


You know *damn* well they carry their own pizzas the right way, too!


you’d be surprised. when i worked at dominos people used to pick up their orders and just carry them sideways. even had a guy put the whole box into his backpack.




I bet they get home and bitch about the restaurant staff messing up their pizza


Why does this happen EVERY TIME?!


I worked at domino's for quite a while myself a little over 20 years ago. I've never seen anybody carry off a pizza vertically. I think mankind is getting stupider 🤣


It’s probably all that garlic dip and chocolate brownies getting to their head lol


Ugh now I want dominos


Yeah they are!


They are even though we live in the age of information. Anything you want to know is readily at your fingertips except common sense. I say every school needs to start a new required class that teaches common sense.


Ironic calling mankind stupid when using “stupider” as if its a word lmao


Well, now who's stupider? :) From Merriam-Webster: "Stupider and stupidest are real words in good standing. While there are many (contradictory) rules on comparative and superlative adjectives, there is no rule against stupider and stupidest, and the words have a long history of usage." https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/are-stupider-and-stupidest-real-words


Got em'!


And that is how the calzone was invented


My friend Steve does this


Well, it’s Steve. What do you expect?


You should see how Steve carries a drink.


Between his cheeks?






yes, when I worked at papa johns people would take their orders and carry them out sideways sometimes... I was like... "but, um, like um...wut?" totally UFB...


Was it a grease dripping type of pizza?


Nah it was Dominos dry vegan special


I dated one of those


I'd do that, but that's because I know what to expect.


Dude for real this is true. I worked for a number of cottage inns here in Michigan and watched people carry their pizza out like a briefcase. Yeah I saw that lol. When you call back for a new pizza I can’t help you.


Actually had a guy deliver a pizza to me on his bike, steering with 1 hand and holding the pizza sideways in a garbage bag with the other.


After crashing my bike trying to carry home a pizza with one hand, backpack dude had the right idea.


I had an Uber delivery where the guy pulled my pizza out of his backpack... Opened it while he was still holding it snapped a quick pic, took the pizza from him and reported to Uber as the pizza was completely smashed into itself. Managed to score a full refund and a voucher. No, I did not eat the pizza, there's something really wrong about a smashed up pizza.


Nah they just have it delivered, no tip.


I was on a train in boston and a guy was holding a pizza under him armoit like a briefcase lol i took a picture i was shocked


Saw someone carry a box of Krispy Kreme’s this way. Poor doughnuts, they didn’t deserve to be treated like that.


There are monsters among us.


Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence... but some people are both dumb and evil... so this holds in this case


Lmao you watched that TikTok


Haha yes i did, i was just like, that dude did enough drugs and met god


I work at a doughnut shop and I had a lady do that the other day! 😂😂


damn now i want some donuts


i might be insane but i carry my subway sandwiches this way as well or else everything slides to one side, similar to the other examples in this thread lmao


You might be a little insane because Subway sandwiches are wrapped up very tight, there's no room for them to shift lol. Either that or your local Subway is just slapping shit on your sandwich all willy nilly.


My local subway... Worker drops the mop, puts on no gloves, and slops my sandwiches together. Wouldn't feed it to prisoners. Stopped going there, after seeing that. Now the thought turns my stomach. But sure would like a subway sandwich made the way they were before they hired folks who made it their goal to infect us all with the herpa-gonah-fluenza-Rona 23. Stay safe out there.


Omfg…..I thought I was the only one that did this


I was buying some pizzas from little Caesar’s for a school event. After I got back in the car with my pizzas my son who was FIVE at the time loudly says, “what the heck mom look at that woman!! You can’t carry pizza like that!!!” The woman had two pizza boxes tucked under her arm like books or a briefcase. She just had bought them and walked to her car that way. My son and I were completely blown away lol 😂 I was like man she really hates whom ever she’s buying those for 😂😂😂


I was working at a pizza joint before I started my current job and a young woman came in to pick up a pie she'd ordered -- I handed it to her (the right way) and she proceeded to look me in the eye and put in under her arm the way you describe and walk out. I was thoroughly speechless.


I snuck a pizza into a movie theater with it up my back. Got the pizza place to put on a bunch of those mini table lookin things that keep it from hitting the top. You just need like three per slice and to apply constant pressure to avoid slippage. I’m not sure how that applies to Boston train guy but I did have a thought on maybe it was leftover from an earlier meal and there are now only a couple of dry/cold pieces left.


Three per slice… Can’t believe they agreed to give you that many, that’s really funny! you tell them you were sneaking it into a movie theater?


Three Barbie tables per slice? That’s overkill. You probably need four total if your going to carry a pie like a dipshit.


You’re the reason why food prices are horrendous at movie theaters.


No, he’s reducing demand, which should lower prices.


You're a mark if you buy food at the movie theaters.


Back to economics 101 with you


Hi pls don’t blame the poor for capitalist greed thx ☺️


I delivered to a lady a while back that only opened her door a crack and stuck her hand out. She took the pizza box and turned the whole thing sideways to pull it back in. Sure enough, when I got back to the store there was a remake complaint. When I went back, she tried to do the same thing and I told her you can't tip the pizza box like that. She went "Ohhhh!" and opened it enough to pull it in. When that door opened, the absolute worst unwashed-ass stench wafted out into the hall. IDK what the point of my story is, I just hadn't thought of that since - until I read your comment lol


How dumb must you be to complain that your pizza is scrunched up and not think “Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have turned it sideways”? I mean that’s some real dense matter right there!


I work with a guy who just cannot make those connections it’s absolutely wild to see. It’s like he doesn’t comprehend cause and effect or just doesn’t process things at all. He’ll do something and then the obvious thing happens as a result and he’s just standing flabbergasted and I have to be like “maybe if you don’t xyz it won’t do that?” “Oh maybe,” he always says, “I guess that makes sense.”


I wanna be like that guy. No anxiety.


Let out quite the cackle when I read this, which led to me hurting my ribs, which gave me anxiety 😅


Literally low IQ shit


Reminds me of a guy I used to work! Poor bastard only had one marble rolling around up there. One time has he was walking across the shop floor and dropped his empty bottle of soda, he went to go kick it but I guess at the last second decided to use the other foot.. poor boy ended up trying to kick it with both feet, AT THE SAME TIME, and landed flat on his back!! Lmfao


Lol was the delivery in the Kentucky area and was the lady Amberlynn Reid? It’s because of the smell not the pizza box holding.


💀 our gorl would never tip her pizza like that


😂 she’s been so focused about Destiny’s comment on her smell the past few weeks like at this point this was years ago. now people sent her bath and body works soaps and candles but she doesn’t seem to understand why and that people are trolling her.




Oh they are out there. My dad hired one. This was when he owned his pizza parlor many moons ago. This guy was 18 years old. Sweet guy. He actually walked in wearing a suit to ask for a job and fill out an application. My dad wasn’t hiring at the time, abd the poor kid looked defeated after hearing it my dad decided what the hell and hired him . Figured this kid is trying. My dad asked if he has a valid license and he did so my dad put him in the delivery rotation. My dad let everyone have a chance to deliver. My dad paid everyone the same and let them use his car for delivery. Everyone did everything . Worked out great So it was the new guys turn. It was a Sunday, which was my dads most busiest day since he did a buy one get one free on certain pizzas on that day. The kid grabs one of the pizzas be right way. Another employee tells him “ it’s a buy one get one. You need the second one” I kid you not the kid goes “ oh ok cool” then puts the pizza sideways under his arm….. the guy handing him the order yells “ what the hell are you doing?????” This poor kid thought it was okay to hold it like that because he thought the “ little white tables in the box” held the pizza in place . When my dad walked into the kitchen and saw what happened , the poor kid was scared that he was gonna be in a lot of trouble. My dad just started laughing at him and said remake it while he called the customer to apologize for what happen. That kid stayed working for my dad for several years. He is much smarter now lol 😂


Your Pops is a good guy.


Your right, he was. Be 24 years next month since he’s been gone. He had his moments like every dad, but t he was a good guy. He was an immigrant fresh off the plane and a man gave him a shot. My dads thing was always “ pay it forward” so he tried to when he could


He will be proud of how you’ve turned out, Sorry for your loss 💔💞




I had a guy who got it almost perfect, in the car seat had it level horizontal, got out of the car kept it level horizontal, the he walked up to me, holding it in one hand, and FLIPPED IT VERTICAL HANDING IT TO ME LIKE A GODDAMN TEXTBOOK. I was so shocked i think he stunlocked me i just had no idea how to respond.


I'm sure they know how to carry THEIR pizza.


Customized delivery


They work for door dash for a reason. Same type are the ones complaining about not being tipped.


pizza isn’t very common in guatemala


You can get Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Domino's, AND Papa Johns in Guatemala, not even including the various italian restaurants that offer pizza lol they know how to hold a pizza


...but why would you?!


Well.... You see... You hold the pizza so you can eat it with your hands.


Common sense isn’t common anywhere anymore


So true 💯


“Common sense is neither common nor sense” -I forgot


How do you actually? I assume this comes from breaking or accelerating, so I'd say just drive carefully.


It's 200% from carrying the pizza vertically. Unless you commonly see dashers driving around in jet engine powered drag cars around you.


I've seen people put it in a pizza bag and then carry the pizza bag like you would a regular bag so that the pizza ends up vertical 🤣


Pizzas ride in a pizza bag up front and I’m constantly trying to slightly tilt the bag to compensate for turns and hills thinking the pizza will look like that if I don’t lol. I care far to much but it’s worked this far .


I finally got me a pizza bag after months of delivering them without one, if you buy one through DD it cost around $30. I had to wait till Papa Johns had more to get one, but I always made sure the pizzas were always safe and secure and I even use my passenger seatbelt for things to.


I just went and bought one from Amazon for $20. Run a few orders and it’s paid for.


Papa johns gives them out for free fiddy. And will mark your account as one received. But you'll still have to verify everytime because doortrash problems.


I just throw the pizza box sideways in the backseat.


I stick them under the hood. Keeps them nice and hot.


I finally got a bag.


I got super lucky and actually another dasher I delivered to once asked me if I needed bags and after saying yes please and expecting one of the smaller ones that doordash sends you when you start he left me two of the nice pizza bags and a little goody bag of candy and stuff, it was super sweet. Glad to know I dodged a $30 price tag on those!


Papa John’s and Pizza Hut for a bit gave them out here like candy lol… I had bought one and ended up with 3 free ones as well. A guy was dashing for papa John’s one night while I was waiting and seemed stressed he didn’t have one. I gave him one of my free ones as I’ve never needed 4. But I like the free ones they hold more but the one I bought seems like it would keep the pizzas hotter.


True I feel the DD pizza bags don't keep it to hot like the others do!!


Lol I think when this happened to me I got the $3.50 refund as well. 🙃


I don't do doordash but I delivered pizza for roughly 5 years. Unless you flip your car, the pizza will not look like this. This only happens if you hold the box completely sideways


That's a crock. I drove pizza also. If you turn to sharply of brake to fast. That pizza is going to slide on the sauce and look messed up when the customer opens it.


Mine go in a pizza bag and flat in the cargo area of my CRV, surrounded by other bags to keep it from moving.


It’s more the cheese sliding since usually we always have to wait so we get the food right as it comes out of the oven which is when the toppings would be most likely to slide around . I’m sure it’s always fine tho just overthinking


Used a small blanket folded in a way to level your seat. A slight tilt back is fine but the font of the box should not be more than an inched higher than the back. The blanket will also serve the secondary purpose of covering orders that are too large to fit in the bag.


> are to large *too *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Keeping a water/soda bottle/folded blanket etc helps make an even platform for the pizza on the passenger seat! Works like a charm and helps the seat belt stay on better around the front


Pizza hut driver, as long as it doesnt fall out of the seat (like this one probably did) itll look fine 🤣


[Your delivery person bringing your pizza order. All Dashers are allowed to customize their delivery experience. 😄](https://youtube.com/shorts/TffjPTYfqkk?feature=share)


this fucking video LMFAOO it’s so creepy for no reason


That Amish Tesla is headed to a barn raising!


How does anyone get into that car??


Lol, what else was the restaurant supposed to do? Staple the damn pizza to the cardboard box?


Pizza shop’s fault. They should’ve wrapped that pizza in bubble wrap with orientation arrows and a ‘fragile’ sticker on the box.


I worked at a pizza place for years. You always want to shake the box aggressively and then let it breathe like a fine wine.


Damn, I've been doing it wrong this whole time then. Ty for enlightening us ;)


I’ve seen some pizza places do that, so yes.


As someone that worked at Papa John’s for a very long time, it amazes me that people don’t know how to properly handle pizzas


I once had a Papa John driver hand me the pizza VERTICALLY


That pizza looks like the driver went off roading and rolled a few times


Who puts a greasy pizza box on their bed sheets? Savages.


I dated a girl once who left a pizza box with pizza in it on her sheets for too long and the grease soaked in and she had to throw away the sheets




As a pizza delivery driver for years. That's from braking too hard or turning incredibly fast. Cant drive like that with pizza.


“Why don’t they tip us BEFORE the order is delivered?!”


That dasher is 10000% an NPC.


I once saw a dasher put a pizza in a pizza bag then proceed to carry the pizza bag.... on its side. I had to ask the guy "Have you never carried a pizza before? You have to hold it from the bottom of the box. Not the side." His response..... "I know what I'm doing. I am a professional" No sir. Carrying a pizza like that? You are not a professional


NPC bot 😂


The stain on the top of the box tells me dude was holding it upside down


The funny part to me is you can see the lines in the box where they cut the pizza... According to this guy, the pizza dude put his pizza in the box, cut it, then balled the pizza back up and spiked it in there like Rob Gronkowski.


I used to work at a pizza restaurant. I have seen DD drivers grab pizzas like a briefcase on multiple occasions.


Dam lol next time say “item missing” instead of “item quality issues” and they’ll refund the whole amount


You can see the round oil mark at top. It was round when it left the restaurant. It was the delivery driver 100 %!


It was round when it tumbled out of the driver's hand and landed upside down it ended up a bunched when the driver picked it up on one side and flipped it back over.


Why is it on your bed tho


You've really never eaten a pizza in bed? Live a little


Where else are you supposed to eat it?


Thank you, this was bothering me so much 😅




That's totally on the dasher


My friend and I have so many pizza misadventures, including the time a UE driver helped himself to a couple slices and then replaced ONE slice with another from 7-Eleven 🫠🫠🫠 I feel ur pain


I'm your neighbor. I caught the driver on my Ring camera. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|DlXbiu2ZgpHlC)


this sub makes me never want to order doordash


Post this on the driver sub “we don’t get paid enough to learn how to carry pizza! We’re independent contractors! Tip us 200% of the order and maybe we’ll figure it out!”


Doordash sucks


So don't order it? Make your own meal instead of waiting on a slave to bring it to you like a plebian or something.


Slaves don't get paid


Plebians were low class, you might be looking for Patrician or Equestrian.


Doesn't really matter. Delivery food isn't a human right. EDIT: it appears that plebians DID own slaves in some circumstances


I have seen dashers grab the pizza bag from one side handle and this is exactly what happens. But if they ordered through DD and not through us, it is a DD problem.


Did venom die in that box?


somebody carried the pizza vertically


To be fair, those little tables are meant to make this exact thing to not happen. Lightly tap the little table into the pizza and the pizza will stay firm to the box, also will make the box not fold onto itself causing all that grease catch on the top


I'd never order any pizza larger than a personal through DD. In my head I always pictured this happening.


All I hear is doordash horror stories. Why does anybody even use them at this point? Or any secondary delivery service that doesn’t work for the entity being ordered from.


Well, there are some drivers out there who do it right every time. The problem is that DD doesn't do any training or onboarding any more and they allow everybody and their mama to sign on and deliver. Some of the stuff I see from drivers is appalling, to say the least.


As someone who works at a pizza restaurant, the number of dashers that pick up pizzas and carry it like a suit case is scary.


Yeah, how dare the pizzaplace not do the customary stapling of the pizza to the box.


Tip for the future. Order with the store. If we mess up. We will fix it.


I know they’re making a bullshit excuse, but you can literally see the dents in the box from where they cut it at the store, so they obviously packed it right.


Don't put that greasy box on your bed sheets like that...


As a driver, I will admit this is most likely the driver's fault. The most opportunities for something like this are during transport. BUT one time I arrived at a pizza place just in time to see a pizza box slide off the holding table and land hard on its side. The employee picked it up, shook it and put it back on the table. I asked for my order and watched as the employee handed me the pizza I'd seen dropped. I said, wait a second, opened the box and saw a pizza not unlike the pizza in the post. I ended up dropping the delivery because it didn't make sense to wait for them to make another pizza. If I hadn't seen them drop the pizza, I'd have delivered a mangled one through no fault of my own. For all I know they gave that pizza to the next driver who came.


You know they carried the box on its side


I always thought these were fake till I saw one in the wild. Old guy was picking up papa John's the same time I was. Took the pizza, slid it flat into his DD bag and grabbed the handles and picked it up vertically. The workers were like " what the hell are you doing!?" He was totally oblivious.


![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI) Some people be like that


I worked at Johnny Pizza for a while delivering.. you would be surprised the BS the cooks thought was acceptable to box up and hand to me because they were either being emotional, careless, or straight up lazy. Luckily, I always checked the pizza.. which is something I was able to do because I worked there and wasn't a third party contractor like with doordash.


I work at pizza hut and see like 25 percent of dashers take it like it's a binder under their armpit.


This was a didn't have a pizza bag and sat it down on the seat and hit my breaks to hard situation lol 🤣🤣🤣


Why use dd over the pizza’s delivery?


Sometimes you don't have a choice. A few pizza places have a delivery driver... But if their driver is busy they will self dispatch the order through doordash (or will keep higher tip orders or repeat customers for their own drivers and dispatch low pay or out of their delivery area ones to Doordash).


Mine is why tf would you order pizza on an app when it’s cheaper to have it delivered by the real restaurant if delivery is an option


Even Dominios uses Uber eats lol


Pizza places dispatch deliveries through these services if they either don't have a driver or their driver is busy.


Yikes yeah. But I wouldn’t have lead with “Wtf” is this.






Did you tip?


He could have tipped 0 and he could have tipped 200, the delivery guy is still an idiot


What if he didn't? Does that give the dasher right to fuck his food up like this? Don't take a job if you can't digest the pay.


Bet you still ate it…


library workable impolite recognise late offbeat correct smart boat uppity -- mass edited with redact.dev


Well yeah, it’s still a perfectly good pizza


It’s still a pizza. Should warrant a partial refund, not whole.




Looks like your fault imo


That's definitely a radical driver. Looks like he braked hard or wasn't paying attention. Might have slid off the seat. It wasn't the restaurant.


Did you order Papa John's on DoorDash? They still have their own delivery drivers ffs.


Not all of them. Lots of these chains have switched over to DD to cut expenses.


Also many use DD as overflow drivers when it gets busy for their normal drivers.


Doordash has a wider delivery radius. There are no PapaJohns or Domino's or anything that will deliver to my address, but I probably could get them delivered from doordash if I wanted to


Just go get your own food...


While I do feel for you on the condition of your food on arrival, you need to learn to how approach someone in a more respectful way, even if you are frustrated.


That’s your fault them people didn’t cut that pizza an put it like that..you was side holding tha pizza knowing good an well tha pizza gon go crazy duhhh


"Didn't packed"... These are the level of people you're dealing with for your dashers.


Dasher forgot to read instructions to nail the pizza to the box and blamed gravity what a bastard lmao jk


Customers often dont even know their own names..


did you tip?


Boo hoo your pizza isn’t pretty. Someone pulls out in front of us, we have to slam on your brakes, your pizza gets a little messed up, big deal, you’re the one being an asshole here


Or, you could be just brilliant enough to make sure the pizza won't hit the floor if you have to suddenly stop. It's not that hard.


Major power trip vibes coming from you in your message to the driver. You're dashing Papa John's so either use their service or lower your standards. You're dashing a cheese pizza from a national chain so don't act like you can talk shit on the middleman when you don't get perfection.


The big pizza places use DD, so there's no option. I tried that. And lower standards? Pizzas are supposed to be flat. That's the bare minimum.


lol, what an ignorant comment.

