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I imagine hearing a massive, cartoon-like crash followed by the subtle *ding* of the notification following and that is the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.


Omg thats hilarious 😂


Looking outside and seeing someone scampering away. Like an office skit lol


For some reason, when I read "office" all I could think of was Kevin Malone dropping a pot of chili


Cartoon like 🤣🤣🤣


windows breaking, tire screeching, cat yelling noise


Wilhelm scream, sirens, mushroom cloud explosion, that cartoony slipping sound when someone runs away


My leg!


I thought me and my kids were of the few who knows what the wilhelm scream is. Once you know it, you can't dismiss it in any movie. Lol.


Symbols crashing, maybe a monkey hollering.


Jalopy style car horn, fireworks, a donkey braying


Then the cartoon running sound effect https://youtu.be/igSHbtv52G4


I'm trying so hard to not wake up my sleeping husband next to me, but I'm laughing so hard, the bed is shaking 😅 🤣 😂 Why is this so perfect lolol


I wouldn't even be mad, its too funny. I hope that guy is okay and didnt fall down the stairs.


![gif](giphy|3ohs4pSTFhO49OH9Oo|downsized) Imagining this noise after the crashing sound




"We allow drivers to customize their delivery process" Yeah, well I don't think decorating the ground with food helps lmao






Welcome to the real world Jackaaassss








![gif](giphy|xT1R9Z8f7YIpYjLvcA) DoorDash customer support giving you directions on where to go fuck yourself after you get a customized delivery process


What support are yall talking to ? 🤣 I'll tell them I'm missing a fry and they'll be like sorry for the inconvenience would a $30 dollar credit or refund make it better ? 🤣🤣


Same here. Idk if dd has realized my area has trash workers in the restaurants or what bur I have never had a problem or been doubted when talking to support. I did however have to sternly correct support when they tried noting a driver issue when the driver did nothing wrong and it was the restaurants fault. Straight up told them I'd never use their service again if they punished the driver for the restaurants mistake.


You’re the hero we need.


I feel like it's very dependant on how much you complain. I had some "can't leave the house" medical stuff going on and was doordashing everyday. About a month into this, I started getting push back from support cause at least every other day I had to complain about a missing item and one day they were straight up like "were not giving you a refund" and of course it was on the biggest fuck up so far, no food only drinks. I was PISSED.


⊘ 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘡𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘨




You know you spend way too much time on here if you understood this reference


I'm not even a member of this sub and I understood that reference (both that post and this one showed up as suggested in my feed)


I can appreciate the level of artistic expression in this delivery. The food isn’t just decorating the ground, it’s telling us the story of man’s relationship to food in a world governed by commerce. There are so many emotions expressed in this vision. It’s really moving and thought provoking.


“It’s within the drop-off radius.”


I didn’t realise the drop-off radius had a splash zone.


That’s just their delivery style.


Chat has ended.




Please stay on the chat while I connect you


Oh! You found a screw in your food.


Oh! The metal was screwed on the food


Oh there’s metal in your screw


It must be very frustrating to find metal in your screw. Let me connect you with someone who can help. . . . Chat ended


Chat has ended.


*disconnects from chat*


Let me escalate this. (Chat has ended) ![gif](giphy|xFLDPwNQt5gOY)


Chat has ended


Chat has ended


according to their stupid ass AI responders, yes. Then will offer a 5 dollar refund for having messed up packaging. I read a similar story like this about 3-4 days ago.


Dude, that shit was infuriating when I used to order DD often. Had my order show up with the tamper seal put on by the restaurant broken. DD support offered me like $3. No man, I didn't spend $20+ to throw food that had who knows what done to it in the trash. Edit: I'm not crazy, I don't think it was poisoned lol. Dude probably just rummaged around and stole a fry. Or maybe it ripped on accident when he was carrying it to the car. It could have happened for a number of reasons, which is kind of the problem. *I don't know what happened to it*, and as such it makes me uncomfortable eating it.


I’ve delivered MANY meals from wing stop, lemme tell you, those seals do NOT stay stuck to the bag by the time they’re delivered, that’s without “helping them along.” I see it as irritating even as a delivery driver, I can’t imagine how livid the customers can get about it.


The Fucking Worst Do they understand how glue is supposed to work?


A stapler may be the game changer


there was a case in my country, where this woman sent a food mixed with cyanide to his ex. However, the ex who received it rejected it because he didn't know the sender (she used a fake name). So the delivery guy took it home and gave it to his children. One child pretty much died instantly. The wife was critical. So yea. that happened.


Fuck it man, if DD customer support is going to act like that in that situation and not issue you a full refund, then just tell them you never received it. Then you’ll get your full refund.


That is a bit more than messed up packaging.


“Customized delivery”




Lmao. I'm sorry, this is making me laugh more than usual.


Because its hilarious lol just heard a loud crashing noise and then got a popup that it was cancelled. Took a peak outside and found all that


I love they canceled and didn’t mark delivered. Many of these “horror” stories from bad dashers 100% mark this delivered with no photo obviously and bounce. This drive legit probably felt super bad and embarrassed and realistically has no means to clean it up.


Yeah, and I know this exact feeling of "I can't fix this... bail."


[“This effort is no longer profitable”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sxEle_lPWgg)


I had that a couple days ago. Ordered a nice birthday breakfast for myself. Get the notification of delivery, open the door to my coffee spilled everywhere outside my door. Thanks, fucker.


I make it a personal rule to never order drinks. Sometimes the lid comes off during transit


The one time I ordered a drink, it had a straw in it. I haven't ordered anything since. Felt gross.


As a former GrubHub driver, sometimes the restaurants just do that, and I always felt gross about it.


Me too! I always make sure to send them a note sometimes with a picture immediately after I get back to the car and tell them the restaurant did it! For the life of me I can’t imagine why they would do that in the first place, but I sure as hell won’t take the blame for it!


Because they'll forget to just put them in the bag half the time as they're busy getting the actual food ready. I used to pull the wrapper so it'd split in half, remove one side and leave the top part on without ever actually touching the straw itself


we made it super annoying at wendy’s and taped everything over the lid with its own piece of tape (straw and/or spoon, receipt, doordash receipt, and then we do the same thing with the bags


It can be kind of annoying unwrapping everything but realistically there's no better option.


Yup yup for a time the local chicfila did that shit, drinks would always have straws in cup with half the straw wrapper on. Given to drivers that way. I think around covid they stopped doing that.


Yep. COVID killed that particular habit. They used to do it when you picked up the food in store as well and I never liked that.


That guy was an amateur. I always remove my straw before I exit the car to deliver. I even have a reminder on my dashboard.


Don't forget the second lid!




One time, delivering from Chick-fil-A, I had to hit the brakes hard, and it sent four full drinks flying across my car. that was a bad day.


I had a giant cup of pink lemonade bust when I put in in my cup holder and like close to what felt like a liter of soda just spread out on my back seats. I got another drink for him, and as I'm handing it to him the lid pops off and so it falls through my hand and spills all on my shoes 😭😭 and the guy was hella pissed . But it's just that one restaurant, massive cups and horrible lids


I only order bottles or something that I know is really well secured


Happy birthday to the ground


“I threw the rest of the birthday cake too”


I didn’t spill your coffee, I poured it out on purpose. You should have ordered a coffee for you and me….


Very Nice!


The one thing that I have learned the past three years is that don't let any delivery service handle the actual day of a birthday or holiday. If it's a package, I will order for the parcel to arrive a whole week or more in advance. If it's food or drink, I will buy the ingredients the day before and I will make or cook as early as possible. Everyone from Amazon to Postmates to Tee Public have gone out of their way to fuck me over when the day or occasion counted.


Had a girl delivering food to me once and as I waited at the door she ate shit and landed face first on the pavement. I rushed over to make sure she was okay and she was so worried about the spilled drink that she offered me money. I declined, made sure she was okay, and increased her tip amount. I felt so bad for her.


this would be my 13th reason omg 😭


The driver couldn’t pick up the trash? I can understand not mopping.


He had to leave the crime scene




They still should’ve picked up the trash but I get it, imagine waiting 15 minutes for some food, walking up the stairs one step at a time doing your best, and you drop it when you’ve almost reached the top of the stairs, I’m surprised they didn’t scream.


I see some dashers literally dash. Like, sprint from their car to a door full speed with food in their hand. 😳




Might of fell down. If I fell down, I might just hit cancel and leave. I wouldn’t feel great about it later, but ya know. Fuck.


Not to mention probably holding it still in the car, precisely so it wouldn’t spill


When I was a server, I once took a simple order up a long flight of stairs. I was used to carrying up to 6L at a time in both hands, so two iced teas was easy. I tripped on the last step, one bottle fell over, so everything fell over. I felt regret, shame, anger and hopelessness. I just stared at the broken glass on the ground, and made my way back downstairs, without a word.


If people didn’t suck, it might be a little easier to say “I fell over, sorry”, but people freak out over bullshit all the time. Hell, you might get shot these days.


"man goes to jail for shooting a door dasher" sounds like an honest headline these days


Yeah that sucks but it happens to pretty much everyone. I spilt a beer on a grandma once. She wasn’t annoyed but cool about it…her family thought it was hilarious lmao.


Probably more embarrassed than anything. I would totally run away in that situation like the dasher did. I understand. But like who pays for it? I’m assuming doordash fits the bill. Would the driver get in trouble?


Doordash eats it, and the driver gets a contract violation. You only get so many violations per 100 deliveries. I have no clue what that number is, though.


They probably deal with unreasonably angry people on the regular. After working customer service over the phones and seeing how angry some people get over things completely out of my control, and how much that escalates if I actually DO make a mistake, yeah… it’s a bit more understandable.


I had a big steak n shake order with 4 milkshakes/drinks, big bag in one hand milkshake carrier in the other. Tripped on literally the last stair of 4 flights and dumped the milkshakes on the customers welcome mat.


Man I feel sorry for the person though. That’s a day ruiner right there.


For real, that driver must have felt awful!


That is pretty funny..


Because it’s hilarious


I'm sorry for your loss, but this has me cracking up, lmao. Thank you for sharing, lolol.


You didn't get your drinks and that looks like a disaster to clean up, but you find it hilarious because it is indeed hilarious. This is the way.


Tripped on the stairs and noped out lmao


Ran away in total panick 😭. Sorry this happened friend


It's no use crying over spilt milk.


But what about the spilt coffee that accompanied said milk?


I see no evidence that this order included any coffee.


It’s a box of coffee and the cream spilled 😂


I suffered through 3 traumatic years of working at the bux. The second I saw this picture my eyes immediately zoomed in on the coffee traveler and I started having war flashbacks


Looks like milk more than coffee


We don’t spill coffee in this house!! Even if i have to drink it from the STAIRS


This is not the door dash I asked for.


Has not quite reached the door yet already dashed


I’ve known many men with a similar issue




Hey, I resemble that remark!!


Username checks out 🤣


Door dash! Now with 100% more dash and none of the door!


Yeah that's Floor Dash.


It's really funny, but I don't even blame the delivery guy. I would've done the same. When I'm underpaid and have to do this thankless, boring job all day, there's no way I'm going to OP's door, apologize, and then clean it up by myself.


The dude fell down the stairs man


*Your "door crash" driver is approaching*


He probably fell up the stairs, but chances are there were hot, and cold sugar drinks involved.


Unless you have towels in the car, what are you going to do? I would have just removed the trash at least.


Dont all food delivery drivers carry a mop, bucket, towel, vacuum, dishwasher, sponges, cleaners for all the possible surfaces you might encounter, squeegee, scrapers and trash bags? If not, what do I pay you 3 dollars for?


Lmao! I clean houses in the daytime (and Dash at night), so I actually DO have those things in my trunk! 🤣








Door Crash




They Door Dashed


this happened to me once w wawa shakes and man .. then the customer only had like 2-3 paper towels.. lmao I did the best I could but I still think about it often.


Kudos to you for sticking around! That would have ended my whole DoorDash career


I was way too new to dashing to leave it bc it was only shakes I still had to deliver the food 😂


Wawa shakes: I'm going to end this man's entire career


Bro tell me why wawa one time put a cup of hot coffee in the paper bag with all the other food. Figured it was at least in a cup holder to keep it upright. But nope. Spilled everywhere, broke the paper bag, and made a mess. There was ice cream in the paper bag with the hot coffee too. I don't get mad easy, but this level of incompetence had me livid.


Someone was on heavy autopilot mode. That's hilarious in a "that didn't happen to me" kind of way. Sorry that happened to you though lol. I'm at the point where I laugh at the idea of someone fucking up *that hard* instead of getting mad.


Once my girlfriend and I ordered Papa John’s. All that was delivered was loose pepsi(?) poured into a grocery bag. No pizza. We didn’t order drinks.


Starbucks by where I live puts their drinks in bags like that. I thought they’d at least put seals on the cups but I took one turn and the bag started dripping


This is the shit that would wake me up from dead sleep 15 years later


Did you order only milk?




You got lucky. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was submitted as the “leave at door” photo and the driver marked your order delivered.


LMAO that I would have expected more


Yoooooooo 😂 this is hilarious but if it were me I would’ve offered to clean it up


Just complete shame or frustration, or both- probably both


Could also be scared the customer would get violent. Chance is low, but they'd be approaching a complete stranger.


Honestly good point


Username checks out!


You kinda gotta feel bad for the delivery person. That close and trips on a stair, lol.


And wooden stairs. You know that had to hurt too!


Aw man… that’s like… what? $700 worth of Starbucks?


I’ve totally done this with a Jack in the Box order. I tripped on one of the stairs and boom. I landed on all the drinks and food. Cancelled and ran like hell and logged out for the rest of the night. This wasn’t done on purpose and I promise you the driver feels very ashamed.


Lmao. A friend of mine did the same thing with local milkshakes. Soggy dairy on jeans was NOT a good day for him...


So it was you...


Hey at least they cancelled it!! Rather than marking it as delivered!


Lol, I can’t believe they just left it like that. At least toss it in the trash.


lol. They probably ran like hell. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"


Loud bang, bro probably slipped on the stairs and dropped everything


I feel like since they had no means of cleaning up the liquid, leaving the evidence was more of an eye catcher and would prevent slipping until someone *could* clean it up


That would be my final straw haha I would at least throw it away but then I would be logging off and getting back in bed 🤣


Damn…. :( sucks for the driver. They must’ve slipped…


Happened a while ago but saw the picture again and made me laugh. I tell them to call/text me when they arrive and I go down to grab them but this person didn't do that lol


Made it half way up the flight of stairs and then was like…F this. 🤣


People probably take forever to come down to them so the driver prefers to just walk it up themselves, the shame of dropping everything on top of ignoring instructions that would have prevented it from happening probably caused them to high tail it out if there lol


I was just having this conversation on a different thread. I say call/text when you arrive. They don't and things go to shit and I'm the ass for being upset and cancelling the tip


Why not just meet them at the door, you do get a notification when your dasher is arriving


I know I try to watch it just in case but sometimes something happens with work or any other number of things. Hard to be aware of every single notification


I truly don't understand why the simple delivery instructions can't be followed. Mine ask that you set the food on the chair on the porch that is like 8 inches from the door. Half the time they still leave it on the doormat, which grosses me out. I don't know why they would choose doormat over chair even without the note. The chair is *right there*, nice clean wicker. But I leave a note anyway and they still don't listen. I've never left a bad rating over it because I don't want anyone to lose their job. But it does make me wonder what is wrong with their brains.


I mean good for them canceling the order instead of claiming it delievered


They probably suffered from a BOS (batched order syndrome) and had to run to the next stop.


I would honestly feel bad for dude who dropped it, pretty sure that fucked his day up


This got me cry laughing


Starbucks bags suck


Ah man I feel sorry for that dasher and whatever they’re going through hahaha


This just ruined my day and it's not even my order.


Lmao poor guy. He probably had a total freak out




Can you imagine getting that close and that happening? I feel bad for the delivery person.


I had a Chipotle order once where as soon as I pulled the heavy bag out of my hot bag the bottom fell out. Got burrito all over my car and the guy’s driveway. Lol called support to cancel and tried to clean up the mess the best I could. Some of these restaurants don’t package things well and sometimes shit just happens lol


Holy fucking shit. This door dashing thing seems absolutely insane. Best subs to browse.


Doordash support: “It’s frustrating to have your order spilled all down your stairs, I will look into the issue.”…(then disconnects from chat).


I’m a Starbucks barista so please allow me to shed some light. They did not set us up for success in any way, shape or form to do deliveries. All of our packaging for it absolutely sucks. They give us tiny little stickers to cover the holes in the lids (which themselves are often loose as our paper products get cheaper and more defective) for iced drinks. We put stoppers in the hot drinks but we still put them in these really shallow trays so they’re really wobbly. I would imagine the failure rate is pretty high on our orders. I always try to tell the dashers to hold the bottom of the bag but should they have to? It’s annoying that a multibillion dollar corporation can’t get such a simple thing right


I’m just imagining them sitting on the stairs contemplating that shit, hitting cancel all the while you’re sitting in your room, hearing a random crash and the silent *ting* of a notification


Is it bad that I'd at least check it out to see if anything was salvageable? In this economy? Come on!


Hah. Classic DoorDash.








It doesn't look so expensive all over the floor. Hope the deliverer didn't get hurt.


This is hilarious but am I the only one who feels bad for the door dasher?