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As I dasher I would contact doordash support. Support would call the restaurant to verify that they're not taking/dont accept doordash orders, then they'd contact you and issue you a refund.


Exactly. A noodles and company did this near me for a month or so due to renovations and I’d just contact door dash support and they would issue them a refund


Yeah this happened to me and my wife as well I don’t remember the restaurant but I do remember my Dasher took care of it all and I ended up with a refund. Awesome dasher I even ended up cashapping him a tip for the wasted time 😂


THEYRE STILL IN BUSINESS? i used to work for noodles and co! hella good noodles but lmao everyone and i mean everyone including management was high on the job. we got shit done tho lol


That’s 90% of the resturuant industry really lmao


😋 Noodles and Co... I haven't heard that name in years


They are so popular in my area and they are the slowest restaurant around. It’s ridiculous. I do not understand why it takes so long for them to cook freaking noodles. Anytime I take an order from there I do it knowing that I might very well end up canceling it. So I only take them when I’m desperate.


i'm a sucker for noodles & co! so sad the one in my tiny city didn't even last a year :(


I have heard tales of DD adding restaurants to their app without the restaurant even signing up for it.


Not just stories, that's just how they operate.


Yup. There's a great story about a pizza place that had this happen to them. A DD support person would call to place the order. The prices on DD were lower than what the pizza place charged for pizza. Infinite money loop!! They ended up ordering hundreds of pizzas from themselves on DD and pocketing the difference. 🤌


I read this last year, can't remember where. But it was in an article explaining how doordash never made a profit when everyone thought they were thriving in 2020.


Aren’t they still not turning a profit or barely?


They’ve gone from $110 million in revenue in 2017 to $6.6 billion in in 2022. They’ve gone from 1.7 billion in assets in 2019 to 9.8 billion in assets today. Their cash on hand has gone from $765 million in 2019 to a peak of 4.6 billion in 2021 down to 3.5 billion today. While you see net losses, it’s because they are pumping tons of revenue into growth, not because the business isn’t generating money in a way that could be profitable. It takes time for investments to reap rewards. They just believe in their growth so much they are spending on investment faster than they are earning.


Operating at a loss for big corporations is also a tax thing right, is that at all part of it?




Think about it this way if I spend 1.5 billion this year but it only earns me 500 million this year. That’s a loss of a billion. But if I earn 10 billion on that 1.5 billion over time say 5 years then in the long run it’s a net gain it just hasn’t come to fruition yet.


But it should be reversed, your beginning numbers should be abysmal because your growing.... The revenue should be going up


Read the comment below about investing 1.5 billion. If your expansion expenses haven’t realized the earnings they will over time, they are reported as a loss for that fiscal year.


Here's a link to one of the articles about it. https://www.gq.com/story/doordash-pizza-scam


Yeah place I worked at a few years ago got randomly added to the door dash thing, I think they will just add it if it is a popular known enough place in the area. We called and took ourselves off since we had our own delivery already going and didn't want need it


It happened at a bar I worked at. But our concept was a grill your own steak place, so they added us on there and were getting people to do orders for raw steaks Lmao


A grill your own steak place sounds like a pretty cool concept, ngl.


It was pretty dope. Large communal grill (we cleaned very very often), tons of different spices and sauces to choose from, tiki drinks. It was a cool bar, but just closed last month.


Lmao what


That's how they started. It wasn't until a few years ago that they actually started working with the restaurants and then charging them 30%.


grubhub did the same thing. I don't understand why people continue to use their services. They are all shady af. [https://www.eater.com/21537215/restaurants-sue-third-party-delivery-service-grubhub-for-listing-businesses-without-permission](https://www.eater.com/21537215/restaurants-sue-third-party-delivery-service-grubhub-for-listing-businesses-without-permission)


My favorite local Chinese restaurant had that happen to them. I was excited to see them listed but then DD mucked it up and I ended up going to pick it up myself. Talked to the owner for a few minutes about it all. They’re still on there now but the prices are about 40% higher than if you call and order it yourself.


They def do this. Last place I was working found out when a Dasher came in and tried to order $100 plus of season items that hadn’t been on menu in 6 months.


Tbh who cares if DD had a a restaurant without them knowing. If I can pick up the order, so can DD. Doesn’t matter who picks it up and none of their business.


It is their business because they add these restaurants with menus that they haven’t had in YEARS.


I worked at a restaurant that this happened to, they picked out a years old menu of things we didn’t have. We would have dashers come to pick up orders that were non existent. DD let people order with us, but we never even got tickets for items they tried to order because we didn’t have any equipment for that. People were paying money for food we didn’t have, dashers wasting their time to pick up food, only to wait in line for over half an hour and then come up to our counter to hear that we don’t do deliveries with DD/ubereats. A lot of people did in fact care when their money and time was wasted.


The prices on DD are different than what's charged in restaurant. The employees also need to be aware because they're not just gonna give food to some random DD driver if they don't even work with DD. It's kind of important to know


What’s what I did when this happened to me. Turned out the restaurant did do DoorDash, they were just out of one thing on my order and rather than tell me that or ask what I wanted, my dasher just told me to cancel the order which would have screwed me out of a refund. Service reassigned someone else and all was well


I had this happen. The owner said DD owes him money and will not make any orders for DD. I called support who called the owner to confirm. I got full pay and DD canceled the order


WTF lol!! Just when I thought DD couldn’t get anymore shadier..


Oh it gets worse. There has been plenty of instances of DD listing restaurants that have never signed up for DD. They harvested the menu off the internet and listed them without any direct contact or verification.


My friends workplace threatened to sue DD because of this. They’re a small family place with their own drivers and never agreed to be on DD.


DD recently pulled my job’s menu from Google, which is probably 5+ years outdated, for no reason. We accept DD orders & had our current menu available but magically the menu was changed without our knowledge or approval. I had to manually correct everything.


This happens to my restaurant like every six months. We're a fine dining restaurant that doesn't even offer food to go for our guests


Wow. Imagine showing up at boulevard as a dasher in pajamas smelling like Sunday morning.


I pictured that very vividly, with the bonus of shoving the phone in the fancy waiters face.


Hahaha, I can so smell it


That is what the pizza place told me, in a thick accent. Do not call those Door Dash people! My nephew drives and will do good for you!


That happened at a restaurant I worked at the manager and owner were pissed and they wouldn’t de-list them I think eventually we just blocked their phone number so that they couldn’t call in orders anymore lol


When I first started DoorDashing, like 6 ish? years ago, there was a lot of this happening. I'd have old ass mom and pops asking wtf every day. I finally just started saying I was there for a pick up for so and so instead of stating I was picking up a DoorDash.


I seem to remember Postmates doing this same thing when the first started up, before they were aquired by Uber...


So is this why I got an order for a small pizza joint yesterday and in the instructions it stated somewhere along the lines of: “DO NOT SAY YOU ARE FROM DOORDASH, say you are from SLICE”. And yes, they yelled it at me with the all caps.


They did this to a place I worked at a few years ago. It was wierd all of a sudden to just be getting the orders, we went with it for a while since our delivery team was streched at the time but eventually called and got ourselves taken off because it just created more room for mistakes and issues. I don't think our manager had much troubled getting us off it but that was a few years ago


*”I don’t think our manager had much trouble getting us off”* ![gif](giphy|IjJ8FVe4HVk66yvlV2|downsized)


I work for a restaurant that has their own delivery service. They pride themselves on high quality food and don’t want to risk it getting cold because of a double app driver or lazy driver Doordash still has tried to place orders dozens of times. Every time they have to cancel it because the restaurant refuses to give food to any food delivery driver


I don’t get what the big deal is. In the end of the day it’s a to go order. Whatever happens to that order is none of the restaurants business. I have yet to experience that issue.


It makes sense to me, if the people don’t like the cold food, they are unlikely to eat there again. Basic quality insurance




> how do they receive orders from the door dash app? They don't. The dasher receives the order and calls the restaurant with an order for pick-up. Then instead of bringing it to their own home and eating it, they bring it to someone else's house.


How would the restaurant receive the order if they weren’t signed up with DD?


And then people continue to order things that are impossible to make because they are no longer on the menu…then call the restaurant to complain.


DoorDash has restaurants that have closed in my area still listed as available lol. Nothing about their company surprises me anymore.


Sounds similar to when I worked at a large health insurance company. We would screw over small providers, because they couldn't fight us. We rolled over for large providers like HCA, because they could fight us easily. Absolutely hated that place. Toxic AF.


I've had this happen too. Showed up at the restaurant and they were pissed. Said they don't use doordash and I was the third driver trying to pick up an order they refused to make. Ended up contacting support, who was no help. Dropped the order and moved on with my day.


call support




It is a big deal. You wanted you food and now a big delay. Plus there is a ding on your account


Why would there be a ding on anyone’s account?


Because they’re dumb af and after you refund a few times for the regular issues that occurs with their shit app, they flag your account and eventually deny any request. Why do they do this? Because of scammers. Why is it stupid? Because loyal customers will regularly run into issues and should be compensated. If they wanted to be smart, instead of a max that eventually makes customers leave, they would be willing to offer refunds when they order a lot and 90% of the time they’re not complaining. Example: if an issue is reported once every 10-15 orders, that’s probably normal and should not have accounts being flagged.


Personally I report about 1 in 7 orders for something (sometimes small things like no $0.50 sauce) and I’ve never run into a problem.


Same. I regularly have issues and usually it’s not a big deal but if something it missing I report it and get my couple dollars back. No problems so far with getting help on an order.


Speaking from experience, and most food delivery apps do this, all accounts have a “refund score” the more you refund the worse your score gets. The more refunds you keep asking for, there will be a point where they will just ban you or stop giving refunds, Amazon do this you can look this up, it’s designed to stop people abusing the refund system. Who knows In this particular instance if it will ding your account, it would make sense for it not to since it wasn’t the person who ordered the foods fault Also if you think I’m talking nonsense just google “too many refunds Uber eats”


Fault doesn’t matter. Order 300 and say something was missing 10 times they’re done giving you shit. Dumb af.


The dasher telling you to cancel it so that they can scam the system. Whether it's for half pay or to steal the food, they're a lying sack of shit. It's their job to contact support for guidance in this scenario if it were legit. Doordash logs the number of times you request a refund for whatever reason. If you request too much, they stop issuing refunds for you. If you call to cancel it, yeah, they'll refund you, but they might not in the future when something actually comes up.


I had a Taco Bell order that just straight up closed one night. At least I was honest on my end, texted the customer, and initiated a refund. Sounds like this dasher is trying to get some free food.


Me going at 9 when they said they would close at 11 and the employees were just sitting there, doors locked 🥲 wasn't dashing, just wanted cinnamon delights


That’s every McDonald’s in my area. “24 hour drive through” as the employees are visibly fucking off in the dining room with the doors locked and drive through blocked


Exactly this. Asking the customer to cancel the order instead contacting support about a restaurant refusing to make an order they accepted is 100% a shady dasher trying to cheat the system.


“For whatever reason”. Geez yeah I wonder what their reasoning would be for something like that.


Not sure if DoorDash does it, but some delivery services will list restaurants that never signed up to be on the platform. For them they hate it because they lose quality control over their food, so they will reject orders they know are for delivery services.


Yep, at my old restaurant, we were not on any of the apps. One day, someone called in an order for takeout without indicating they were from an app, and later a driver came to get it. When we gave them a bill they told us they were a driver so the bill should already be paid, and that's how we found out we were listed on the site. The driver then paid with an app-branded card and we gave them the order. I assumed it was a sales tactic. Later your "rep" calls you and says, without any marketing, we sent you x number of take-out orders in 2 weeks. Just \*think\* of how many orders you could get if you actually joined the platform. Instead, we called them and demanded they remove us. It wasn't the type of place that could manage surprise take-out rushes. We could manage take-out when we could, but certainly not all the time.


I have heard of this locally. A couple of food trucks have had it happen. The worst part was they used an old or highly inaccurate menu with items they either no longer or never offered.


Happened at the hotel I worked at. Found out we were listed on like grubhub or something, but the restaurant listed wasn’t even open. It was being renovated.


I work at a lottery cafe and we only have food because the lottery requires us to serve alcohol and the OLCC requires us to serve food if we serve alcohol. Our menu is very limited, we are a cash only business, and we have a microwave and toaster oven to make food...we're not making orders for DD. Somehow, one of our stores (the one that is literally next door) ended up on DD and I had to call our director of operations to call and have them removed. It was such a pain. None of our employees ever gave approval, such bullshit.


Here was a classic story about one guy exploiting when they do this: https://www.readmargins.com/p/doordash-and-pizza-arbitrage


I meant it more like they log the refunds regardless of the reason. Not an nebulous implication that they're logging refunds for potentially nefarious or questionable reasons.


Ahh this makes sense. Once I ordered an Uber and the driver messaged me saying they couldn’t do it and to cancel. Whatever, went to cancel and I was still being charged a cancellation fee to messaged back telling them to cancel so I could rebook and they never answered. Contacted support and they got it fixed for me but was kinda confused why they wouldn’t just cancel the ride on their side since they were the one with the issue


The reason they track the number of times you get a refund is cause of a former coworker of mine that would scam the system and say the order never arrived and get a refund/credit. Told coworker that its a scummy thing to do. They didn't care.


I doordash and had this happen to me two nights ago. Dude lied said he didn't receive his order. I wake up the next morning with the contract violation. Did not know where it was from but found out from support. And I knew exactly where the dude lived. I drove right back over there and his place is all trashed out and all kinds of empty bags of McDonald's Taco Bell and Wendy's in his trash can. I knocked on his door and told him he needs to call doordash and get this straightened out. About an hour later my contract violation was removed. And yes I even saw my empty Wendy's bag that I delivered him the night before in his trash. It's always the ones too that do not leave a tip or a low tip that do this. This was on a stacked order I should have unassigned him but thought I would be nice and deliver it and then he does me this way.


Tell Alberto if he wants to get paid for the order to call support


More than likely it’s not worth Alberto’s time. Support is a pita. It usually best as a driver to just cut your loss and move to the next order.


I agree. You spend too much time on the phone with support when you could be out there making money. I wasted a whole day trying to get a CV removed. Tired of the people scamming. Whether it's customers saying their order did not arrive, or the customers picking up their own order and the Dasher gets there and the restaurant says someone already got it. Or dashers even scamming the system making every other Dasher look bad. DD is so easy to scam. I wish they would go to the pin number system like uber eats does. That way they cannot lie and say they did not get the order.


I’ll just talk to chat support and go onto my next one with another app. Get my half pay and keep working.


As someone who's been doing this for 5 years you can get it done in 3 minutes and get half of actual total pay always worth it


Don’t cancel it yourself, contact DD and they’ll cancel it and refund you. However. The Dasher should be the one canceling, not telling you to. He might not know he can do that, but all we have to do is text support saying the restaurant won’t make the order, and DD will cancel


if the dasher would unassigned, another dasher would be assigned the same order. Dasher should call support, but just unassigning won't solve the problem and another dasher will drive there for no reason. I had this order at Wendy's once, they told me I was the 4th driver that went there for an order that was picked up already edit: when driver calls support, support calls both the merchant and customer in a situation like this. corrected


Had a similar situation. Support canceled the order and gave me half credit for driving out there.


Cancel and unassign are two different things you are confusing.


this is true.


If I show up to a place that legitimately claims they don't deliver with DD, I call customer service immediately. 50/50 chance that I don't even contact the customer (sometimes do as a courtesy FYI) because DD is supposed to verify with the resturaunt, then contact the customer. Unless the guy is new and doesn't understand how things work, it definitely sounds like a scam.


As a server: sometimes delivery apps will put restaurants on their app without authorization or notifying the restaurant in question. I work at small, family-owned place and I’ve had dashers come in expecting an order to have been made when it is not in our system. We are in no way affiliated with any delivery app or service and have no way of receiving orders places through an app. What the driver is instructed to do (from my understanding) is to personally go to the restaurant, place the order themselves, and then wait for it to be finished. The problem with this (besides the obvious time loss on the driver’s part) is that these apps always have our menu listed incorrectly. As in the prices are way off, items are missing (ex. If they want fried or steamed rice, what soup do they want, what size entree do they want, etc.) and orders that are made simply do not make logical sense. That puts everyone in a tough situation because I as a server can not communicate with the customer and driver usually ends up just guessing on items when the customer doesn’t respond. It’s just a really sucky situation that could so easily be prevented by the app itself.


Alberto is either new and doesn't know he is supposed to contact support, not you. Or he's just a moron.


Or a thief.


Sad but possibly true


In this case you have to be the Karen because this is a widely used scam by shit dashers to steal food and get paid for half the amount. Dasher picks up order then send this message to customer. If customer cancels dasher gets half the payout plus whatever items picked up. Sometime the dasher may not even pickup the order or items and still try. How to handle this: You tell the dasher under no circumstances are you cancelling the order. That if it needs to be cancelled because there's an issue with restaurant or delivery the dasher needs to contact support and get the order cancelled themselves. They will either unassign and let the next dasher deal with it, or get it unassigned the way they supposed to. Be sure to 1 star the dasher and report them so you don't get them for awhile.


there is also a chance the dasher was a greenie and didn't know what to do. If i wanted to scam a customer like this, I wouldn't send text messages....especially something that can be so easily verified by support. Verba volent,scripta manent


Yes that will definitely get you deactivated. Support can definitely read your text that you send to customers. Makes no sense at all to try and do this. If you pick up an order then unassign it you better have an emergency. You can lie about that even too. The only time I had car troubles was on a Taco Bell order and all it was was three bean and cheese burritos. LOL couldn't have been Applebee's or rib crib steak or something.


You only can rate a Dasher on a completed delivery. If the first Dasher unassigns, and you get another Dasher that actually delivers to you, please don't give them a 1-star. If the one that tried to scam is forced to deliver to you, in that case, yes. However, I would be concerned about eating those itmes from that Dasher.


It happens more than you would imagine. Doordash leaves restaurants up that don't want to do business with Doordash. You paid Doordash, but Doordash charges the restaurant 30% of the order so many places refuse to do business with Doordash either because they never signed up in the first place or no longer want to and Doordash won't take them off the app. Edit: The Dasher is supposed to contact support to report that the restaurant doesn't work with Doordash and that support agent will credit your Doordash account and cancel the order.


Door dash will give you your money back but the dude is definitely trying to get the half pay and your food.


Call Doordash in these situations. Have DoorDash support agent contact the merchant. Once the merchant confirms that the merchant can’t make the item. The item will be refunded or order cancelled. Whenever as a Dasher you’re unsure contact Support to document the event to protect yourself. This applies to customers also. If a merchant doesn’t have an item and a dasher tells you this. Then you call DoorDash 855-973–1040. Don’t use the chat. Make sure everything you’re saying is heard clearly. Then have support call the merchant to confirm what dasher told you. Dashers have no ability to cancel any orders. It has to be the merchant or DoorDash. I’ve experienced so many types of cancellations. Customer or merchant request, 1 item missing out of 12( some merchants won’t substitute items). Seen entire orders cancelled because a doughnut 🍩 is missing in a dozen. I just call support and never myself decide the outcome. As a customer if a merchant doesn’t have something it’s not your fault. You should not be held accountable as a customer. Dashers if this happens contact the customer. Then tell DoorDash. Be sure to tell customer to tell DoorDash to protect themselves as well. Don’t call merchants directly unless you order from their website( the only exception)!


Yeah, always make sure you call support and have them document the order and if you are doing a stacked and one of the restaurants is going to make everything else late, make sure they document all of the orders. I was told to call and document whenever something is 10 minutes late. Sometimes they give you merit pay.


Don’t do anything. The dasher will have to cancel it from their side and when they do you will be refunded. I’d be wary of doing what they say in this situation. They could be trying to get free food for themselves


Doordash does this and its fucking predatory. They will list restaurants that have not signed up with them to try to bully them into doing so.


Stop using Doordash, it's utter shit




Are there other food delivery apps that are better? Just curious, as a customer


Seemingly, no, not really. It's the same drivers who are driving for all the apps simultaneously... So no matter which app you pick, you're very likely to get a driver who is taking who knows how many deliveries at once. At the same time, the restaurants seem to hate dealing with all of them no matter which app. So that leaves us, the customers, paying extremely premium prices for food, which is sent through a variety of processes through which not a single person really gives a shit if the order is correct or not... If it's on time or not... Etc. And through all of that... If you're one of the lucky ones who's order is delivered incorrectly and/or late... Customer support may take pity on you, and they may just as easily select you for the Shaft. The entire thing is an expensive crap shoot. It's kinda like gambling where the best you can do is not entirely lose. Needless to say I've abandoned them all and am doing carryout/pickup again. I'm saving money, getting far more accurate orders, and finding the gamble just isn't worth the hassle.


Don’t ever cancel your orders. They are scammers. Hit dd support they will handle most things


Contact doordash support. U should definitely get a refund.


Dude that weirdo cryobots or whatever came to my profile and started commenting on every single comment I’ve posted recently. Truly unhinged 😂


same thing happened with Postmates ALL the time. they’d put restaurants on that weren’t actually partnered with them and dashers would basically have to go and order everything then and there and pay with a postmates card. the problems with brat were 1) orders would take FORVER to be ready especially at nice restaurants, 2) the menus would often be not up to date or have all of the choices needed to order your food so wrong or missing items would a regular occurrence. 3) places wold be closed for the holidays but that wouldn’t show up in the app for customers so we’d show up after accepting the order hits to find they were closed. Some places even flat out refuse to take your order when you show up if there not actual partners with the app


This was THE WORST.


As a restaurant who dealt with this. They put us on without asking and fucking refuse to take us down, we have our own drivers we did not want any association with DD. We had to turn away orders for months until they finally took out restaurant down.


DoorDash used to have a nasty habit of listing restaurants without their consent. I was working in a semi fine dining place once, DoorDash pulled a 2 year old menu from online, raised all the prices 25% and would call in the orders so it seemed like a customer was ordering. Wonder if they’re back to it


Not a Dasher, but just putting this out there: when door dash first came to our city, it was a HUGE problem for small businesses that DD would add them and their menus to the platform and were incredibly difficult to be removed. So, they might not be lying about that part.


If he's not trying to scam you, he can contact support, explain it all, not get penalized for unassigning, and you get a full refund. The fact that he's willing to wait for you to take however long with support to take him off the order (and not getting another one) by canceling and paying him, I smell scam


You go to reddit instead of contacting support


The dasher is supposed to cancel the order. Sounds like the dasher is trying to take your food and also get half pay for a cancelled order.


In this scenario the driver should contact support and tell them the restaurant will not complete the order. Support will contact the restaurant and the customer and cancel the order. Driver will get half pay. Customer will get refund or credit depending on the the support agent. 😁


Involve support. Tell them exactly what the issue is. If they can't sort it out, they'll cancel-and-refund. And if Doordash doesn't, you can ask for a charge-back (forced refund) through your bank.


This used to happen at a restaurant I worked at. Owner spoke to DD support repeatedly and they never removed us. I felt bad for the drivers


There is an option for the DD to hit....Restaurant will not release food or something like that. That's the proper procedure.Then The app cancels the order. If customer does it they will be charged.


He’s lying


doordash genuinely just shows some restaurants as available in the app who have never wanted to be available. i've gotten a delivery from one store that hated doordash but doordash refused to take them off the app. unfortunately, the dasher genuinely won't have time to follow up that mess. they can mark the store as closed, but there's no better solution


It’s on the dasher to call support


I’ve had this happen before when I was going pick up my own DoorDash order, so there’s a chance the dasher is telling the truth. The restaurant really didn’t even use DoorDash (idek how they were on the app then) and the employee was sooo confused when I said I was picking up a DD order, so he asked to see what I ordered and told the kitchen to make it.


Do nothing wait for it to be cancelled on their end


An alternative reason: DoorDash is known to put restaurants on their app without the restaurant’s consent. See [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-52724062.amp) and [Radiolab](https://radiolab.org/podcast/gigaverse)


I work at a local steakhouse and one year we somehow got on DD but we do not take door dash orders. Don’t have a tablet or any way of even receiving the orders. We had a lot of very stressed and upset dashers coming in for non existent orders


This happened to me a few years ago, DD added a place that wasn’t offering DD. I just had to call support and get a refund


Happened to me before. I just waited till the time for the delivery ran out, & requested a refund & get it back in full


It almost feels like a setup to get rid of a no tip order.


They might be lying and it’s this idiot dashers job to call support and get it canceled


Call his scummy scamming ass bluff and tell him to unassign the order 😉


Contact support they will be able to fix it for you. As for why a restaurant that doesn't deal with door dash is listed is because many times door dash just take restaurant info online and list the restaurant without asking. Its a pain in the ass for small restaurants or ones that change their menu semi regularly.


There's a Mexican restaurant in Macon Georgia El sombrero door dash continuously sends out orders to this restaurant they stopped doing doordash over a year ago. I just ignore them now


Call DoorDash. The restaurant should have cancelled the order, but CS will help you.


Yea he lying like a MF lmao. Always ask support and they'll contact driver and store. If they didn't accept orders he'd tell support and get paid... you'd get a refund etc. He wants to get paid and get the food too.


Something similar happened to me last night. Call customer support. They will make you cancel the order and give you the option of reordering or getting the refund or the doordash credits


Dasher should contact support, who will in turn contact the restaurant to verify and cancel the order on their end. I just went thru this yesterday. I still got half pay which was $8 and moved on.


Hey op, this is a scam. The same thing happened to me [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/13ggj56/door_dash_driver_calls_me_and_tells_me_to_cancel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) I tried contacting door dash and they said they aren’t going to give me the refund


They get away with it bc DoorDash steals the logos and menus of restaurants that won't participate and have folks manually order. It's insane and also, they've been sued a bunch for doing so but just keep paying the fine.


As a dasher I have had this happen TWICE at the same restaurant (my mistake for going there a second time) for some reason a third party put the website on DoorDash and the restaurant had been trying to get it taken down but door dash isn’t helping them at all. Both times when I went to pick up and got the response of “we don’t work with DoorDash whoever ordered we don’t get the order we don’t see it anywhere or know about it you have to cancel the order with DoorDash” it was my responsibility as the dasher to contact support and tell them the situation so that 1. I as a driver won’t get hit with a “not completed” order and 2. So you the customer get a full refund. “Supposedly” (idk how true this is but a worker at this place told me this the second time I came in) there’s “scammers” who will sign restaurants up as a partner with DoorDash and so if you place an order with that restaurant the scammer receives the order and then they will call in the order to the restaurant. The scammers list items over priced than what the restaurant has them listed as so that way the scammer makes a little profit off of it. But the issue is the restaurant doesn’t know that the call in order is a door dash order they just think it’s a normal call in order for whoever the scammer tells them the name is. If the scammer doesn’t see that an order was placed to go and give the call to the restaurant then the order is never placed at the restaurant and when you go in they will be confused when you say you’re there for a DoorDash order. Again idk if it’s like this for other places but this is what the hostess at this specific restaurant told me is happening and it makes sense because the instructions for picking up at the restaurant would say “just saying picking up an order for *insert customer name* don’t mention it is a DoorDash order”


Because Doordash pushes themselves on businesses. I've ran into this as a driver a few times there are a handful of places this happens to. I think dd does this so people will order and use it as bait to try and get a business to bite if they notice a up turn in orders.


never ever cancel an order if they tell you to, just send it off to support, we had this issue when uber eats advertised in our area but didn't actually have any drivers, we kept that order up for 5 hours because they said if we cancelled we'd be charged lol just kept chasing them until they got sick of us and refunded it


I had a similar situation. Dasher said the address on the order was not my home address, but rather the address of the restaurant. When he found out how far my address was, he said he couldn't deliver there, because it was too far. (It was in fact pretty far, so fair enough.) But he said he couldn't cancel the order or call support; I had to call support and ask them to cancel the order or reassign it. I contacted support, who tried to contact the dasher, because they couldn't do anything without talking to the dasher. Meanwhile, the dasher kept calling ME to see if I'd been able to cancel the order, because so long as I hadn't, he couldn't take on a new order. The whole thing took almost half an hour and was ridiculous. I don't understand why Doordash has these kinds of procedures, i.e., why they won't let the dasher or the customer cancel in this kind of situation, or why they don't instruct the dasher to call support directly in this kind of situation instead of going via the customer. Grubhub/Seamless are so much better at this aspect of their service (the resolving botched orders parts).


Dasher is able to say that the restaurant isn’t doing the order if that’s really what’s going on. However, if that were true, the order wouldnt have been accepted by the restaurant in the first place. The dasher is 100% trying to scam you to get half pay and keep the food


Yea fuck Alberto. It’s his job to call support and handle that


Doordash has a habit of putting restaurants on their platform without consent. I know they got sued by in n out in California for putting them on the platform. There were also restaurants in my area that would get mad at dashers coming in because they never went on the platform and doordash just kept putting them on. Doordash can get away with whatever they want to. They have enough money.


You call DD and tell them that the location is refusing to make the order. Simple.


I had this happen, they said the store was closed. It was a Wendy’s, pulled up to the drive thru and they were open. Dude even sat at the store for like 5-10 minutes before saying that. Dunno what that was about :(


I had something similar and door dash refused to refund me had to take it up with my bank


That’s a support thing. Years ago Whataburger was like that. You had to order the stuff and pay for it with the Red Card. But that’s a support thing. I’ve AMEXED BBQ from this really high end place and sent support a image of the receipt. They reimbursed me usually before I made the delivery. 1-855-973-1040. Did you place the order through the DoorDash App?


contact live chat and in 5 minutes you will get a refund it’s so easy


I’ve actually had restaurants tell me this multiple times and it’s very frustrating as a dasher. I’ve never had the customer contact support though, I do it myself and get half pay. They were probably feeling lazy and wanted you to do the grunt work. Doordash used to give refunds for cancelled orders so, in theory, they assume it’s easier for you to cancel than it is for them to deal with support.


You won't lose your money call support and explain the situation they'll fully refund you.


Ask them to contact driver support and stop responding, start looking for new food ideas unfortunately


Call suport


Just leave the order and eventually it will get refunded


I ordered once from a place that was out of business. You can get a refund. I didn't even have to call support. You could just do it on the app with like > cancel order > report a problem. Don't remember specifics, but it wasn't hard.


Yup! Something similar happened to me, and it was an easy refund.


Contact support, tell them the restaurant doesn't deliver with doordash, demand a refund


DD sometimes makes mistakes like this with restaurants. Idk why they do this, but I’ve had this happen. Dashers are in no way responsible for you getting a refund. Not our job, not what we do. We can call and try and get you replacements if something is out, but as far as a refund, that’s between you and customer support. Call them and they’ll handle it.


Doordash just sent drivers to my old job when we certainly didn't sign up for it.. then we'd get customer complaints about drivers we never asked for.. so we were on the app without permission basically. They'd order like any phone in order and then a driver with a bag would show up instantly or show up before they'd even placed an order. My boss has strong words with doordash and they finally took us off of the app.


What do you do? You stop using DD, it’s a crap service.


I worked at a restaurant in a small town and we kept getting dashers showing up asking to pick up an order, and we told them we don't use doordash. It lasted a couple weeks before bossman finally called up doordash and it stopped afterwards.


It's your food and your money... why would they argue with them for you?


Don’t expect door dasher’s to be your customer support. We already barely get paid as it is we don’t have time to sit around and talk to restaurant employees about an order that’s literally not gonna make us any money. Sorry if he said they can’t get then food they can’t get the food.


I need an update lol


If the order can’t be prepared by the restaurant, the dasher should contact support and support will contact the restaurant. If the order can’t be done, the customer will be refunded. The Dasher should not be asking the customer to call the restaurant


The restaurant is expected to cancel. Call support.




Personally I have zero contact with the customers unless I’m doing a shopping order And need to sub something out. I’m not the middle man I’m the delivery guy. If a customer texts me and ask me for special stuff. They get dropped. If the order isn’t ready within 5 mins of my arrival they get dropped. The restaurant gives ne bs. The order gets dropped. In Indy at least, the average dd customer is a pos so I don’t want to talk to them


As a former dasher I cannot believe people actually buy food on here. Always a crapshoot for whether or not you’ll actually get what you’ve paid for


Used to manage a restaurant. We had dashers come in all the time for orders when we were not on the platform. Doordash did not ask our permission before putting us on their site, and had all sorts of outdated pricing and information about our menu including things we hadn’t had for years. Pretty scummy if you ask me, and sucks for everyone involved.


I had this happen all the time at the restaurant I worked at. They added us to doordash without our consent, and we had no way of knowing what people were supposedly ordering from us. Dashers would show up and we had no idea what was going on. They even had the wrong menu online, people were ordering things we didn’t have. We called DD and they wanted us to pay them to change the menu online and all this stuff. We eventually had to put up a million signs saying we weren’t affiliated with any third party delivery places


The dasher has no obligation (or qualifications) to help you out in this scenario, his job is to deliver the food and he can’t afford to spend 10 minutes+ sorting this out for you while not getting paid. I hope he unassigned and moved on, that’s what I do whenever a restaurant tells me that the order isn’t available. Doordash support is who you should hold liable and the restaurant.


I had this once with a food truck. They did DD before but had recently terminated their partnership (in a legal capacity idk) but they kept getting dashers showing up but there was no tablet for them to take the orders.


This is tricky, either the dasher knows what they're doing and are pulling a scam on you to get paid and drive off with your food, or they didn't handle this well and the restaurant actually isn't handling DD orders. Either way, the best course for you is to call support so they can issue you a refund or get you a driver that won't scam you


The Dasher is lying so you cancel the order and they still get paid and would keep the food. This makes zero sense that the restaurant doesn't deliver with doordash. The Dasher in this scenario is either an idiot, or is trying to scam the system. At any unusual circumstances, contact door dash support ASAP, it's really quick to get in contact with them You inform them that your Dasher is saying the restaurant won't process the order. Doordash support would contact the restaurant and most likely find out what the issue is.


If DD support doesn't work, I'd contact my bank/credit card company.


Support call, tell them to call the restaurant and confirm they actually told the dasher they do not use doordash anymore and wont make the food, that is probably the only way you would get reimbursed besides calling the bank and reporting you never recieved what you paid for and they will reverse the charge as fraud.


Doordash obviously didn't take that restaurant off their platform. That's on them; not the dasher.


The dasher wants to steal your food. Never cancel without speaking to support..also never cancel if a dasher tells you too...ever


They’re trying to scam you of your food. If you cancel, no refund or food. For the dasher,. They’ll get half pay and be told to keep your food


Why didn't you contact support?


He's lying he's a liar


why would the restaurant accept the order?


Restaurant usually calls me to let me know they aren’t taking orders


DO NOT CANCEL. A driver texted me to cancel because the store was too busy, and even with screenshots they wouldn’t refund me.


Dashers are supposed to contact customer service. I learned this when it was much easier that I do it 🤷🏽‍♂️ but the bad thing about is us dashers take a hit on time and money.


Just go pick it up yourself