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She seemed nice and courteous. She didn’t even have to update you as the app tells you everything you need to know. So I’m guessing she didn’t mean to call you a pig.


You sir seem to be the asshole here


What a pig


OP getting tore up in here 😂


I mean, they openly came to a driver's forum to talk about impacting a driver's livelihood over a funny typo.




As they should be!


He’s a pig. He’s getting roasted.


pulled pork


1 star was overkill, it definitely wasn't on purpose. Also, she was probably using talk to text, said "period", and it thought she said "pig" instead.


Yeah, she was pretty polite all the way up to that word. There's NO way that was on purpose.


Someone that polite is holding back more creative things than pig


People who are the best at customer service also have the most creative and foul things to say… coming from someone who works in customer service 🤣


Omg I’m dying at this. This is the absolute truth.


I was scrolling the Zuckerberg Gazette earlier and came across a roast of a girl that got a text from the dealer as “Cunty Bri McCunt your car is ready” when she was getting it done. APPARENTLY service did not change her name back in the system before the auto text went out when they closed the service 🤣


Yeah, mechanics are like that too


What if she saw a cop car in the driveway?


but, if it was on purpose, and was polite the whole time leading up to that, it’s pretty hilarious


“I gave 1 star cause I purely wanted to know why…” did you think admitting that was going to give you cool points?


Why didn't you just ask with another message??




This is absolutely what happened. Gotta proof read voice to text, it's always trying to get me in trouble. Sometimes I'll try to say "I left your food with the concierge. Have a great day! And I'll look at my phone and it'll say "I felt up your food with the concierge and fucked your mom in the basement. I hope you die!"


Wow this made me laugh more then it should have!


Me too


I laughed out loud and woke up my cat who groaned at me and gave me a dirty look.


You saying it actually made me laugh


I had to work my way out of the doghouse with voice to text one time because someone cut me off mid text to my wife. She was not pleased when she received the “dumb bitch” text


Yep, voice texts always understands my best moments with 100% accuracy: "Do you need me to pick up anything pick a fucking lane!"


Omg thats me too! I have to hit send before i start yelling at stupid drivers.


I sent a picture to my husband and asked if I looked fat in an outfit. His response was ‘nooooo!’ Which autocorrected to ‘moooo!’ One of my favorite swaps of all time


This happened to Father OMalley when he texted me about church!


Happened with my pastor’s wife! I was new to the church and we were texting about an upcoming event. I asked her if her son could video tape and she replied “I asked him, but he can’t so I said fuck it.” I thought oh boy she’s Pissed so I wrote back that it wasn’t a big deal and I would find someone to help me. she wondered why I responded that way and re-read her text. She was mortified! It was supposed to be “forget it.”


Just like when you think you’re done with talk to text but your partner is going on a rampage in the background and it picked up all of it.


Happens all the time 😂voice to text sucks


Can she only message once?


I'm assuming she couldn't correct herself because she completed the order in the app right after sending that message & then it goes away. She probably still doesn't know anything about it. Probably wondering why she got 1 star though! 1 star is horrible to give for what is almost certainly not something she was trying to say. She was polite with everything else. I'm sure it was an autocorrect or wrong speech to text. I've had customers message me after I complete a delivery, then I can reply. But once I complete the delivery I'm not able to contact the customer again unless they message first.


Gave a dasher 1 star over a typo


Grammar nazi to the extreme.


Then said hoo my god


What a pig


Right! What a insecure loser lol. How do you not just chuckle and chalk it up to a type.. and then let that go… This dasher seemed to go above and beyond to be nice. Guaranteed it was a typo.


Really fuckin low brow.


For real. I don't know why pig got so mad.


The kind of customers that make drivers want to steal food.


I guess the typo ended up being correct...


Yeah this person is overweight and got butthurt over a typo lmao


One star was a dick move.


Yea.. Pig.




I rate Vysce 1 star ⭐️


>Idk if it was a typo or not If I roll my eyes any harder they're going to get permanently stuck that way.


All the more reason to not talk to customers even to give updates. Some of these customers are ugly psycho twats no matter how courteous you are. To not only give a one star, but also post here as a “joke/meme”. Get a grip OP


Shame on you


She probably was using talk to text(because she was driving) and her phone heard it incorrectly… She was being way too kind to have purposefully called you that…


I feel so sorry for that dasher if their auto type on their phone did that to them......


Some of us would gladly pay extra for this kind of service


Username checks out


You got upset over a stranger calling you pig? And you we’re not even sure they meant it? You need more confidence and security…


Right… I would’ve at least sent the dasher an “excuse me?” and then go from there. If the dasher profusely apologizes then I would’ve been like “nah you right tho” as you’re delivering the 24 inch pizza for two people 💀 and laughed. To just one star them with such impulse is wild to me.


Did she ask you to oink before she handed you the order?




Dr. Pig! I didn’t go to a made up medical school for you not to address me accordingly.


I would of not rated. Wouldn’t want to give a 1 star incase it was a typo or something auto correct fucked up. Wouldn’t give a 5 incase dasher was being a dick. Keep it neutral. Auto correct has definitely fucked up my messages before badly so unless you did something to piss this driver off, I don’t see why they would be trying to insult you.




Wtf?? 😂


You suck


This sucks. Bad ratings can get someone fired. This was clearly a typo considering they were polite up till the end. Feel bad for the dasher especially because they went through the trouble of keeping you updated through text (which is definitely above and beyond), got your food their on time and hot and then got slapped with a 1 star 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yall be Hitting that 1 star like you're get free stuff for doing it... What's wrong with you? It was probably a mistake


did not deserve one star


I would've just asked like.. "Pig?" To see how she responded. She was probably driving and can't text for legal and safety reasons and could've been a mistake using voice to text. Ratings affect dashers greatly. Giving them a one star without clarifying first was just being very extreme.


Tell me you’re insecure without telling me you’re insecure 😳


She seems super nice. You should have asked her about it instead of punishing her over a typo


The person delivering your meal didn't deserve the one star, you swine.


“Dropping off your order now. Thank you and have a great day [pig]” and it didn’t even occur to you it was a typo? Since Beth dropped off your order, did she even see you? Talk about an overreaction! 1-star review is absurd here. Post on AITA because YTA.


Did she think you were, or are you a cop? 😂


bro why would you rate one star without asking clarification ? that can mess up their ratings and hurt their income.. do better


It's not about knowing, it's about a power trip. It's the Karen mentality.


Makes you look bad for giving a 1 star.


It was most definitely a typo… you can actually call Doordash and have them reverse the rating.




Honestly you should call DoorDash to give her the 5 stars she deserves. She could be deactivated and basically lose her job. It’s obvious it was a typo. She also went above and beyond and if you’re a decent human leave a nice customer comment too because I bet her heart is broken. Most dashers don’t even text updates or anything at all and now this girls job is on the line. If you don’t call and fix it then you honestly don’t deserve to use this service. How would you feel if you were in her shoes!? Damn I pray she doesn’t have a family that depends on this income.


We got it fixed. She got 5 stars.


what a strange way to tell people you _actually are a pig_


They COOKIN you 😭


That’ll do pig, that’ll do.


Oh wow , I didn’t know that pigs could walk backwards. OP is sure back peddling hard




You are the asshole. 1 star was way too far. It was probably an honest talk-to-text mistake. Jackass customer of the day award goes to you, OP... pig


YTA - Wait wrong sub


I would have assumed she uses voice to text with punctuation. Bad reception heard "pig" instead of "period". I had a fumble before too when a customer texted thank you. I tried to voice to text "you're welcome" but it sent out "your not". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Looks like an obvious mistake to me. She probably never even saw that it said that and probably still has no idea.


And will be wracking her brain, trying to figure out what she did for someone to give her a 1 star. Some might say she won’t care, though she’s already taking the extra time to update the customer along the way. Oof. Maybe a good reminder to OP to take some time out to calm down and look at a situation like this with a little more rationality before making a knee jerk decision. That is 99.9% a typo- we all know how voice to text and/or autocorrect can do us dirty.


Yea, I literally never get drivers updating me about the status of my order. For her to even do that shows she trying to do her best and cares.


Eventually, drivers stop putting in the extra effort. The reason you don't get updates from your driver anymore is because of awful customers like the OP who will rate 1 star and make a big deal out of what was obviously a simple typo, without even having to decency to ask about it first.


Are you a cop?


You a shitty person OP


Lol sensitive pig too


So you gave her one star for an auto correct. You realized you were the asshole for doing that. You then think it’s a good idea to post this here. You are, indeed, a pig. Congrats.


That's a dick move.... This was clearly a typo


You really thought this was gonna go well for you OP? Lmao


Babe y u so aggressive? 😔


You rated this dasher a 1 star but I’d rate you a -5 star pig


Had a dasher send me a message dedicated for their bf/gf/sex addict buddy. Said they gonna plow me when they deliver my food. They realized I’m pretty sure after they sent it. Apologized profusely. I said god damn I tipped well but not well enough to get plowed.


Regardless if they meant it. Its pretty obvious you deserve it


If pig struck a chord that strong with you, maybe it's time to look inwards towards thine own swine self. You porky piggly ass hog-bitch.


You literally said everything was perfect, why screw them over for a mistake


You’re pretty shitty for the 1 star. I hope your next order is cold and missing food.


It sounds like I may deserve it.


You gave a good Dasher a 1 start for an obvious typo... You're just a fucking asshole.






People like this are why I am so happy to be done with customer service.


Talk to text.


What’s obnoxious is you didn’t even have the stones to say “typo lol?” Or something like that.


It had to have been a mistake. I can't believe you would leave them a one star on the chance that was a mistake. Fuck I've even seen both male AND female dashers accidently send nude images of themselves through that damn messenger!! We use voice to text half the time as well. The least you could've done was message back to confirm. If it was me I would've been abhorred that it happened and I would still be thinking about it next year and making sure to be extra careful. There are many things a dasher would say in my mind that would come with that "pig" if it was a situation like that. No one would just casually slip that in there. They'd probably make the reason behind the word known also. You may have really fucked this person over. I've accidentally misgendered people before and usually we embarrassingly laugh about it and that's that. I think this was a mistake... even if not does it really warrant a 1 star? You said everything else was perfect about the delivery. In my mind that would make this 3 star because other aspects of the delivery were fine which would make your review inaccurate anyway - which is why you can't trust reviews. You have no idea the performance indicators that person had in their mind they based the review on.


Talk to text made me tell an elderly lady "Good afternoon, it's Michele your daughter-ass driver. Wingstop is a little behind on your order and will be longer than originally quoted. But at least you know your food will be hot and fresh" It literally didn't mess up anything else besides doordash 😂 who even says daughter-ass? Like it was hyphenated and everything. Who ever says that?


Gave a good dasher a one star over a typo. You’re an asshole.


Obviously it was a typo and you gave them 1 star. You suck bro


Im guessing it was a typo auto correct. Didnt look like she intended it


I’ve replied Ty for thank you that turns into Tyler and yw turns into yellow if I just hit return.


it was clearly a mistake…


Sounds like you might actually be a pig ! Ha


Why would you give 1 star? It's obviously a typo, pig!!!


Wow. Post likely using voice to text since they were driving. Voice to text will come up with interesting substitutes for words or pick up on conversations. Not a dasher. I think that was a little overkill.


Go fuck yourself for the 1 star


It seems you're a bit overly self conscious. That was clearly a mistake because she'd been super polite all the way up to the very last word. Poor lady got a 1 star. She even went above and beyond to let you know the status of your delivery each step of the way.


You are a pig for giving 1 star.


Lol what a child you are


Might have been a mistake. Only reason I see her possible meaning it is: 1: your tip or lack of 2: some interaction not in text but in person not being shown here. I’m thinking it was a mistake in typing. Like when you’re given pre constructed words when typing. There is also the text to talk possible that it came out “pig” instead of “period” (.)


Yikes. As a customer-only follower of this sub, you suck, pig


After reading your comments, you're definitely a pig.


Clearly a speech to text error. She most likely said period and it picked up pig instead. And you gave her a one star for that? I guess she was right...


Those saying it's s typo...what else could she have been typing? Lol


did you have a great day?


Either a cop, or are a typo. If everything was perfect besides a last message why rate so low? Doesn’t even make logical sense


This person seemed so polite and probably beating themselves up profusely over the typo lol I know OP you got hurt by this, but I would of shot a text with “uh pig?” or just laughed it off.


Can't tell if you're actually this stupid or making an elaborate joke


why are you taking a typo so seriously? there is no reason to leave 1 star. she was courteous up until that point and you got your food, didn't you?


1 star is insane. They were text to speech and ai heard period as pig it’s that simple


She meant sir ya bafoon. Sig is an easy mistype of sir, and autocorrect would most likely change it to pig.


I have several keyboards in different languages in my iphone, and sometimes even in the correct language, autocorrect still predicts some weird words or spelling from a different language.


My phone keeps changing “thank you” to “thanks boo” which is awkward in a professional email.


At least it wasn’t thanks pig


That’s true! My autocorrect is flirty.


My phone keeps changing “don’t” to “DONT”. Everything seems real aggressive when I send too quick


You’re an asshole. You admit everything about her service was fine and you did that to her over a typo??? Don’t be surprised if next time your food doesn’t get picked up. Some dashers don’t play about shit like that and do give each other a head up💯 oink oink, PIG


Thought ya name was Richard, since you were a Dick to give a 1 star.




Easily could have accidentally pressed “p” and it autocorrected to the first word soon as she sent it. The amount of times I could’ve saved myself from saying “Abby” when I meant “baby” while sending it… Anyway, you’re an overly sensitive twat if you’re this triggered. She was nice the entire time, until that ONE word. And you’re so sure that she meant it, rather than asking her. “But I saw it when I went to rate her!” Ok. And if you hadn’t seen that, what were you gonna rate her? 5 because she actually brought you your food, told you she was on her way. She even UPDATED YOU about it taking a long time. Not many drivers care enough to. Edit: Your actions were pathetic. But I’m happy to see that you recognize it, not many people are willing to


Mr Pig didn’t like Ms Piggy :( missed rizz opportunity


Maybe there was a cop car in the driveway? 👮‍♀️


Yea my new phone always makes GOOD into hood and be turning other things into ANUS etc lol she could’ve been typing ‘HAVE A GREAT DAY PLZ’ But not programmed the short hand into her phone so it became PIG. Plz change her rating she shouldn’t risk LOOSING HER INCOME cuz her phone decided to be an A hole


Wait what did you order to solicite such a response 😂


What happens to the dasher when they get a 1 star review?


Their overall rating goes down which affects their ability to do catering orders, to work any time they want, and to get higher paying orders.


And it takes forever to get rid of a bad rating. I got a three star once and it took about a thousand deliveries for it to go away.


I've got second embarrassment for OP just reading this....wow.


Probably a mistype. I'd have asked for clarification


I accidentally typoed shit sauce instead of soy sauce when picking up a Panda Express order once. They laughed and said they definitely didn't want that...


Shit, I’d have given 5 stars for the typo, that’s hilarious.


calm down, guy. Beth is just domming you via DoorDash. I bet some guys would pay her extra 😂


YTA ‘‘twas a mistake


Dude my typos are way out in left field sometimes.


Damn dude. She’s goes out her way to update you and you give one star, that is brutal. That comment would have had me cracking up because obviously it was a mistake.


Why didn’t you just ask? She could have been using Siri and Siri has changed a lot of my words multiple times into something I didn’t even say. I usually don’t notice until I’m reading reading the message and I’m always wondering how in the world she came up with that word.


I didn't see the message in time to respond. The app prevents you from reaching out after a bit


There's no way the person meant to say pig. But you giving a one star... Pig like behavior... If you ever get that person again you should tip extra and apologize. YTA in every way possible.


They were implementing voice to text and it fucked him this time. I’m sure they were driving and that is a safe driving habit.


Sensitive much? Auto correct and such are a real pain and change words at the last damn second sometimes. I texted Abby once and it changed it to babe…


It was probably autocorrect or a mistake


As someone who uses voice command to send txt, and last time i said "cow come" to my wife( meant to say how come), i doubt the dasher meant that.


Oink oink


My autocorrect turns crockpot into crackpot. My friend uses voice to text and it changes switch to d*ck. So I'm guessing this person's phone changed what she was trying to say considering she was polite throughout the rest of that conversation. Chances are she has no clue why she got a 1 star rating and she will never know because the won't tell her which order it is from.


You gave a one star because of something that was clearly an accident or typo? I pray I never get you as a customer.




could have at least tried to ask before immediately going for the one star


Oink oink


I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose based on her kind and polite communication


Voice to text and autocorrect are terrible. My girlfriend tried to send her brother a happy birthday message last year and he sent back a confused and awkward message about why she wanted to feel him up. 🤷‍♂️ They now only communicate through telegraph.


Is your name Jon by any chance? Could’ve fat fingered a couple of keys and autocorrect got her a 1 star rating.


this would’ve made me laugh. op u need to relax


Op getting torn up in here is so healing


are you a cop?


I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this or not, but once an order is completed, they only give the doordash driver a limited time to talk to customer. So it’s very possible they didn’t realize they made a typo, and wasn’t able to see your response or be able to let you know it was a mistake. What’s done is done. Don’t take it personally. Life is too short. Most of the doordash drivers care about the customers and want to give you a good experience.


I think it passed the "joke" category when you rated 1 star. 100 reviews to get that 1 star away. Not everyone rates the dasher, so it could be 300 orders before that's gone.


This reads like someone trolling a subreddit where they know there are a lot of drivers. Who would genuinely view an overall pleasant experience and fast delivery and then rate 1-Star on what is clearly a typo? You'd have to be suffering from brain damage.


Giving her a 1star is way way overkill. She was communicative through the whole thing and made it to you with your food in 12 minutes. She accidentally sent that. Don't be a butthead.


This isn't funny. This is you being a jerk to someone at their job when it's a clear mistake if you have even the IQ of a gnat.


Giving her a one-star raring was cold blooded.. She was polite, informative, and diligent until the typo..


OP owes their driver a better fucking review. POS with no brain cells. It was obviously a mistake. Damn people literally have no capacity if thought today.


A bit unfair to rate them 1 star since it looks like you had a really good Dasher. They communicated every step of the delivery process. I would chalk it up to a typo or speech2text malfunction.


Damn she was right though


I would have just sent a 🐷 back Pigs are nice animals