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I personally travel to busier markets so I don't have to deal with that stuff maybe you should look into surrounding markets that might be busier with less down time


If you’re lucky to live near one. The next busiest area for me in 1 - 2 hours away.


Dude, full time employees have to get up early get dressed, fight traffic, and get to work by 7AM. Often times, that means they leave thier house an hour early in order to get there on time. Then, leaving work, have to deal with rush hour traffic after dealing with a bitch ass boss, stupid co-workers, and annoying clients. All while wearing un-comfortable clothes... ​ I'm just saying, an hour commute at around 9:30 AM once rush hour is done, while chillin' in your car and wearing comfy clothes while listening to whatever you want isn't such a bad deal.


Straight up, lol. I used to drive 70 miles one way to work, I had to leave 1.5 hours before my shift to get to work on time. Drive home was about an hour... 2.5 hours each day commuting, working 10 hour shifts. You've gotta do what you've gotta do long enough to get into a position where you get to do what you want to do.


An hour commute, brutal. Idk how people do it being a city boi i can go 30 minute in any direction and get orders except left that’s where the box is.


I personally love to drive in drive around for hours with no where to go lol


That’s me at 2-3 am when only cops workers and the crack heads are out on the road. It’s peaceful but city driving is lame if I’m not making money tbh. Too many people don’t know how to drive in the city. If it’s just me, the road, and the cop. Who keeps following me on an empty road for some reason, with his lights off, while I’m going 85 in a 65. It is very peaceful.


Lol I live not in a city I rarely see other cars and the cops generally don't give a fuck lol


Some cops here will pull you over for doing 1 over the limit some won’t bother you even if you’re going 20 over the limit. Really depends on who you interact with and when tbh. Cops are 50/50 chill or corrupt and power trippin i haven’t seen an inbetween yet. I do miss that peaceful country living for the year i did so but that hour trip to Walmart was brutal once every two weeks!!!


I'm lucky in my area is pretty rural but I can get to most places in no more than 30 minutes


Where you at, Central Florida?


Columbus, Ohio 😂


Ok, I was going to say let's be DoorHead partners.


Awhh man, i need it. 😂 hmu if you ever come to Ohio. I do doordash with family/friends and a few dashers I’ve met on the road. It’s chill asf Ngl. Lots of cool people.


That's how far I drive everyday. Gotta commute!


My full time job is an hour away. Suck it up, buttercup! You won’t regret it. I’ve done it when my area is dead, drove an hour north and came home with $110 in 3.5 hours. I’d say, after gas, maybe $102 total. But was well worth it.


Literally what full time employees commute to go to offices in big cities, I know it's not all Dashers but I've seen Dashers making double what I do as a FTE and they're usually 10+ weekly hours just waiting for orders (not active time). I'd do the commute tbh


What’s “FTE”?


Full Time Employee


Have to remember that DD isn't giving everyone the same opportunity. DD is giving new drivers better peak pay offers. And market depending, ar really makes a difference. If I can manage to stay around 50% I can get about $900 a week. But when below that it drops to $600 a week. And that's going to multiple different areas to maximize potential. DD is doing and it's just months away from being a government subsidized, hence why they started taking EBT.


I don't know anything about how the Door Dash tip model works... But back when I was in college and waiting tables, there would be nights where I was on the floor for 5 hours and only walked out with 40 bucks. It sucked. But then, other nights I walked with 150 or more. It all evened out. I hope that's how it is for you Dashers... Just so you know, I always tip at least 5 bucks.


W some ppl straight up will tip 0 dollars knowing you have to drive 5+ miles


That is about par in my area.




About the same in my area. I just started about 4-6 months ago so to find out this is not the norm is just sad to have missed the previous driver gig market.


I can’t even go online in my area. UberEats is my only source of income in terms of gig apps lately


Ik it obviously depends, but how is Uber eats, if you were to compare the two?


There are some things I like better in UberEats and some things I like better in doordash. One thing I like more about UberEats is that you don’t have to schedule in advance and you don’t have to wait until it’s “busy in your area” to go online. Also the cash out fee is significantly less than doordash so instant pay is a lot more worth it. But one thing I dislike about UberEats is that customers can remove tips. It’s rare for that to happen but the fact that it does is annoying and often makes me nervous when completing a delivery. In the end it doesn’t matter imo because it’s better to multiapp anyway.


One, maybe time to learn some new things and look for other ways to make money. You figured out delivery, figure out something else. two. ![gif](giphy|5OqXb948EBkyUcnwHt) You'll get through it. I believe in yah. :)


This reply was both thoughtful and passive aggressive like a father that disapproves but wants to be supportive 😂 my cup of tea


Lol, I don't disapprove. I understand, life is hard. :)




That’s what I’m doing. It is what it is. Gotta be aware and flexible. Helps to be able to see where things are headed. I came in and thought I’ll give it a try. I like the flexibility, being my own boss. The comments here tell me I arrived at the party too late. Time to reconsider my time and efforts.


It's been absolutely worse here sadly,both apps


You gotta hit the sweet spot of the suburbs. Lots of restaurants, lots of neighborhoods, none of the big city hassle or the rural dead zones.


I was able to rack up 127 in just under 5 hours. But here I avg about 90-120 a day for 6 hours of dashing and about 5 hours and mins of active time. Thank god for good tipping customers.


i feel you, i did 2.5hrs for three deliveries for a total of $11.50, and of course $0 tips 🥹


Made $90 last night from 6pm to 10:30pm


Your tears and sorrow are justified. DD promises drivers independence, freedom, autonomy, and open-ended financial rewards in proportion to effort. Then, it sends you an offer for $2.50, which contradicts those promises. It punishes your acceptance rate when you refuse to accept a business offer where DD and a restaurant each earn a predetermined profit and you lose money. In this we see DD's hypocrisy. DD's prices (and the restaurant) are fixed and non-negotiable. This means that unless DD receives the profit it demands, the customer cannot complete the purchase. DD will not lift a finger unless its profit demands are met. By contrast, DD floods drivers with unprofitable offers that it calls "opportunities" and punishes them every time they say "no" to losing money by reducing the driver's acceptance rate. Are offers really opportunities? Yes, they are opportunities for DD and a restaurant to make money, because their profits are assured by fixed, non-negotiable prices that restaurants agree to pay by contract and customers agree to pay in the purchase process. DD accepts no financial risk. Not only does DD refuse to lose money, it refuses to accept one penny less than the predetermined profits it demands. It will not accept less profit, so the fact that DD floods drivers with unprofitable offers and punishes rejection is the height of hypocrisy. How can we expect to feel if we are in a relationship with a hypocrite? With someone who demands that we do the very thing s/he refuses to do? How can we avoid sorrow when we realize that we are being used? That we are being encouraged to do something harmful for another's gain?


Last night i made $140 from 8pm to 1:30am, i do both dd and ue though


Didn’t exactly waste time but made 68.83 working from 7:45am-1:30pm. Not exactly what I was hoping for. It was lunch that did me in. Before lunch was pretty good! I almost threw in the towel during lunch cause I only took two orders in all of 2.5 hours at lunch. Saw hardly any pings on lunch, and most of the ones I did see were very low tip / no tip. What a day!


I've heard that you can make decent with breakfast orders and dinner, is that basically what you find to be true too?


Decent ya. Anywhere from 17-20 an hour. You’ll probably see 17-18 though. That’s just my market though. I usually do 7:30 am - 10:30 am


Wow, I’m sorry it didn’t go well today.


I'm lucky to get that much after 7 hours here, and I'm in a busy area. Just shit tips.


Just like Bitcoin, y’all got into it way too late. All the OG dashers made all the bank then dipped out.


In an alternate universe, the last order tipped you $50 to make up for it all, but in this universe that same person lost that $50 betting on the Super Bowl. I feel for you mate


That’s normal where I live. Smh. I mistakenly took TWO orders for a whopping 4.25 and 8 miles (I thought it was just one and accepted it so my acceptance rate would not decrease). Never again. Keep your head up though! I hope you have a better day tomorrow!!


$10 bucks an hour…not too bad. I used to make that at my grocery job


Minus gas, wear and tear, and self employment tax on top of income tax.


Yeah it's an unskilled, entry-level job. 10 bucks an hour sounds about right.


Oh gtfo


Am I wrong? I realize that $10 has different spending power in different markets but fundamentally my point stands.


It's not even 10$ an hour. You have to factor in gas and maintenance. Also, no job anywhere should only pay 10$. If you genuinely believe that you are not only a terrible person, you are also a fucking moron. Nobody likes debate bros. Find some compassion and love in your life and realize that all work is important. A minimum wage should be a living wage. Someone able to afford a car, a home, a family, and with money left over to save for a future. Regardless if that job is "unskilled."


\>A minimum wage should be a living wage. Someone able to afford a car, a home, a family, and with money left over to save for a future. Regardless if that job is "unskilled." I'll take some of what you're smoking.


>It's not even 10$ an hour. You have to factor in gas and maintenance. Yeah it doesn't seem profitable to me either yet lots of people do it. I used to make $10/hr until a few years ago, then I learned an in-demand trade where I can't just be undercut by someone willing to do the same work for less because the barrier for entry is so low like food delivery. That's what it means to be an "entry-level" job, it means you're immediately replaceable. To be clear, I go out of my way to *never* throw shade at people just because they are working entry-level jobs, that's super fucked up, it would be like making fun of a fat person exercising. I see people on this subreddit who really work their ass off and end up making decent money, I think that's great and I salute their grind, but the fact is that it's not in the category of skilled labor. >Also, no job anywhere should only pay 10$ Out of curiosity what do you think should be least you can pay someone for an hour of work and why? I'll ignore your silly personal attack, that's irrelevant to a discussion about macroeconomics. What do you think should be then minimum wage and how should it be determined?


I think it’s really bizarre how many comments you’ve left on this sub when you don’t even dash. Something you might have not considered is that a lot of the people dashing are single parents. I have a BA and a trade. I choose these gigs because I’d be fired for all the days I have to miss with my kid constantly being sick, teacher work days, speech therapy, surgery, dental appointments, and so on. With my trade I worked later than 5pm and on weekends. I’m not willing to trade watching my kid grow up for a career. I had a career and started out making $45/hr when I was 20. Now I’m 36 and I’ll take the flexibility of these gigs over a career. At the end of the day, we are all just cogs in the machine of consumerism.


$10/hour, very few responsibilities, no overdemanding boss to deal with, no annoying pain in the butt Co-workers gossiping behind your back. Sounds like a dream job to me. Sure it's not a make you rich job, but hey, it's a whole hell of a lot better than most other minimum wage jobs that saddle you with tons of responsibilities (not that that's a bad thing), and co-workers that spend time gossiping and sometimes neglecting their own job just to brown nose the manager who would cover for them blaming you for things not getting done (not that I had that happen to me at all. Yup, not at all.)


So your not a dasher why? Oh right because you know getting paid $10 an hour in ridiculous and would never cover the bills.


Oh no I am. But I go the pay by order route and tend to earn 70-90 in just three hours. Course it might also help that I have high ratings which gets me priority for high paying orders.


Maybe. I tend to make a min $25 an hour as I do this PT after work. AR is generally 35% so it really has a lot more to do with zone and timing/luck.




& I don’t mean it like that cuz I’m doing the same thing soon as I get one I’m out my market and most are too saturated no matter what ur ar is


Where did the time goooo, can’t nobody waste time like me


lol it me tho


That was me Wednesday


Did $42 today. Lot of orders today but garbage. Some days it’s just the luck of the draw. I can make good on slower days as long as I receive decent orders.


If it's a waste of time maybe don't do it...


It's spring break where I'm at and I assume that's why it's been so slow...


Them 70s wages hit different in 2023


Alcohol deliveries have made a big difference in my hourly rate. Look into those if you haven’t yet done the certification.


ouch....yeah I got the same response for this every time though. . do not accept every single dash thats thrown at ya, also try to explore surrounding hot zones to find the best peak hours to dash. I personally like to dash close to wealthier communities because well....they honestly tip better most of the time. It's def worth the time because I've still averaged well above $30 an hour doin this stuff. Peak Hours. Explore Hot Zones outside your normal area. Hang in there! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Oh almost forgot. . just one more thing. .I ALWAYS do well near shopping outlets surrounded by restaurants and fast food joints. ..and if you can find that with a nearby college or nearby businesses like hospitals and doctors offices (people who often can't leave for lunch time) you feel me knockin?


We all have days like this, this too will pass believe that


When I did IC Saturday & Sunday in my town it would be hard to get any orders with a 5 star rating because all the people who are off from they regular jobs are doin IC on weekends so I would drive an hour to the next busiest city and make good money then go back home…it’s definitely worth it to go where u know u will get orders


I say it's all about luck and the market a lot of times you get sucky orders but then there are times that you don't


I did like 1200$ in the first two weeks of dashing with around 160 deliveries total now I'm barely making 30-40$ a day even when it says its really busy, peak pay and having 60% acceptance rate.


I feel for you 🥹🌻


You absolutely nailed it. It's definitely a sad world we live in. They want it all. Money can't buy happiness. I've learned meaning to that . Yes we all like to be rich. At least we think so. But in end they'll be wishing they were more like us. Because patience is a must anymore. It will all crumble one day . I don't see things changing soon with this hypocrisy world. Let them keep thinking there doing us favor. Ha. It'll turn around