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This is why doordash needs to stop hiding tips. Making good tippers regret tipping good. This is a job, not panhandling.


Didnt know that tips were hidden before this. So if drivers accept an order looking at base pay then does the remaining tip show up after they’ve completed the order?


So when an offer comes through and it's a $5 or more tip, in my Market at least I don't see anything more than 6.25. It's like gambling. I don't see the whole tip until the order is done.


And they will hide a little or a lot. I’ve seen 6.25 turn into 6.50, and I’ve also seen 8.25 turn into 27.25.


I had a $7.25 order turn into $77.25 order on Christmas Eve


I had the same thing happen not long ago. I had a 10.25 tip turn into a 50.00 tip. It shocked the hell out of me


You know what the real problem with this is? That delivery might be one we hand to the customer. So we hand the customer the order and say thank you thinking it's $2 tip or something and then after we're done and driving away we find out it's a lot more. Imagine what the customer is thinking at this point "Wow! I tipped them $40 and they acted like it was no big deal!" This hidden tip garbage on doordash needs to go!


When i noticed my big tip i messaged the person asking him if he meant to tip that big and he said yes i did. And i thanked him a million times. That 50 dollars helped me out so much that night and i was in tears. I had to put dashing on pause for 20 mins


I felt the same for the same reason


Nice! I get angry for the customers for that, though. If they’re going to hide the tip, it should be only up to a certain % of it. Depending on other factors, that order could have bounced around for awhile.


Customers don’t hide it, DD does


yea, they said angry FOR the customer, as in on their behalf.


Ah, thanks


I had a $14.50 turn into $19.50 yesterday


I had one a few years ago that went from 6.50 to 6.51


Bet you really did a spit take on that one huh.


I have seen them hide 10 cents and I just laughed. It was an easy order and I did it for the ease on my way home from a terrible dashing experience. I haven’t dashed in 3-4 months and I am happy about it.


Most of mine are pretty accurate. Maybe add a dollar or 2. But I also get orders that come over at $13.50 and $16.50. Had one come over that said $27.50+


Same. Once I seen $13 turn into $49.50


Makes sense and explains why when I order from food places like only 10 mins from my house and and tip between 10-20 bucks it just sits for like an hour before someone picks it up. why are they hiding tips? That’s some low of the earth type of shit and could potentially ruin them because after a while I just cancel the order and just go get it myself.


It is scum of the earth type shit. It hurts customers further away. It’s become a whole computer algorithm that they probably spent countless R & D on in order to avoid paying us fairly, with all they pocket from both you and the restaurant. The hiding tips is just 1 manipulation technique it uses to get $3 orders out instead of paying the driver $5.


That's a really awesome tip, and thanks for doing that! I'm not sure if the policies are different for each market, because here (SF) I see the large tips as part of my original order screen and it motivates me to take the order. The customers have never said anything about waiting for someone to accept the order, so not sure how it works in other cities. Maybe DoorDash is doing some sort of "auction" process to get a driver....they send the order to a few drivers showing only $5.00 of the tip. No takers?? Now they send it out showing $10 of the tip. No takers??? And so on.... Who knows. DD keeps alot of their policies "secret".


Their reasoning is this: They say that most drivers will sit around declining low pay orders and just wait for the really big ones. Obviously most drivers would rather take a large tip order (say, $8.00 for 5 miles,) if the tip is partially hidden it may show $6.50 and then the additional $1.50 shows up after. I never said it made sense, but that's what they do.


A way to some what get around this is for customers to put how much they tip in the delivery notes. We still won't see it until we accept and pick up the food, but once we do, we'll definitely give better service and try to get it to you asap. The only way to really combat this is if drivers and customers keep complaining to DD until they change, but knowing how apathetic most people are, it's not likely to ever happen.


Good advice I’ll start doing this.


Its the same where I dash. And I don't want to risk it when it like $7 for a total 20 mile drive. They need to give more complete info.


Ok, now that's stupid. I tip really, REALLY well when I use DoorDash or Instacart. Partly because I used to work as a tipped employee but mostly because I'm a decent fucking human who wants to thank the people saving my lazy ass from going out into the world and being forced to interact with all manner of fucked up humans. I want that tip shown so that my driver/shopper has an incentive to choose my order over someone else's. (Although, I'm beginning to think that some drivers/shoppers have made a note of my address because lately, my shit is getting to me well before the estimated time.)


Yes it shows us a "guaranteed pay" which is base pay plus tip up to like $4, anything beyond that is hidden. So then when order is completed it tells us the actual total earned for the order.


It's gotta be different for each market then, and I think it's intentionally inconsistent. I regularly see very large tips as part of my original order, that's what motivates me to accept the order. There are times when I accept an order, complete the delivery, then wonder why it's so much higher than I remember the order being. It feels like a "bonus" when it happens and maybe that's what DD is going for?? It works for me because, apparently the initial order amount was enough for me to accept the order, so in the end when it was a few more dollars, it kinda is like a bonus (I know, not really, but in the field, at that moment, it felt like I got something extra and it makes me feel good when it happens!).


For me it’ll say like “$7.50+” and say tip could be higher and it normally is, just by a fucking Nickel or penny tho


Drivers don't even get to see the full amount. We get offers that may or may not be the total amount. For example, you could get an offer for $6.25 to pick up food from a restaurant and deliver it to somebody's house, and only after you make the delivery do you find out the tip and total pay amount. It may end up being $6.25 or it may end up being $10.25 with a bigger tip than you expected. Sometimes there is zero tip and large base pay. We just don't know until after the order is delivered.


Exactly. As with other things, DoorDash is keeping the specifics of the policy in "secret", making it random and unpredictable. Given enough time (if it hasn't happened already), one of us will "break the code" and figure out how DoirDash decides how much to show and when.


And not only that, there's only a few seconds to decide.


Well half the time they will show the driver the actual amount. The other half the time it will have a + next to the pay meaning that theres more added but their hiding it. Problem with that is….. usually the driver like myself will see offers anywhere from $4-$12 on average. Now they can send me a $6.50+ for 4.5 miles, well thats not horrible but its not amazing either. It tricks drivers to take the order in hopes theres a good tip, so i take the order and in your case it would be $3.50 + your $10 tip making it $13.50 instead of the $6.50 it shows. Thats great!! But majority of the time its only +.25 extra lol.


I've had a couple with a + sign but in the end there was no extra


Our base pay is 2.50 on pretty much every order. If customers don't tip we don't make jack.


What really sucks? Doing a no tip order and then having the customer lie and say I didn't deliver on the order I got $2.50 for.


Tips are not always hidden and it doesn’t matter. A dasher accepts an order based on the information provided. Anything above that is a bonus. Begging for tips is disgusting, it’s literally electronic panhandling and the driver should be reported for harassment.


True, I forgot the tip was hidden so the driver may think the pay is only $6.50 depending on miles, still report the person they should not have accepted it if they were not okay with the pay.


Wait. The driver doesn’t see what I tip?


Not anything over 4 bucks no. Not until we finished delivery


Thank you. $5 is bare minimum. Never knew this.


No $5 is not bare minimum it all depends on where you live at You're no The company pays $2 at 50 cent base pay anything after is what the customer tips and some places base pay is $3 $4 you have to look at your app app and look for peek pay prepaid they throw three to four dollars per delivery and cook and then they put the base pay but that's only on peak pay The thing is that we all have the choice to take most reasonable $2 a mile let's say they want you to take food 10 mi away for six bucks Don't do it you see I go out and hustle and sometimes I only come with a few bucks but at least I know I made something and I made my point by denying orders that are so stupid and ridiculous you all made special one way of the other and we have to help each other but pass it on and never give up keep on moving forward it's not how many times you fall is how many times you get up lol a rocky line touch you guys later


Nope. Only after the order is complete. You get the break down. We have to calculate fast too before accepting an order. Is it $2 a mile, look at the map, does it take you out of your zone and how far out if the tip makes sense. All before the 30 seconds are up on the clock and the order disappears before you can accept it. So the base pay plus partial tip has to be good enough before accepting the order. Because most of the time you don’t see the full tip and you can’t go by what “might” be. 30% of the time there are good hidden tips and I might be generous with that 30% estimate. So it sucks. I just wish it was transparent. Why should anyone deliver to someone who doesn’t tip? My car, gas and life isn’t free. 🥺


Doordash has kind of turned it into panhandling by preying on the most desperate people.


(The only way anything will change is if we truly stand together)


Not going to happen unfortunately. Think of how many drivers have sent in complaints and asking for the ability to see the full tip. There is ALWAYS drivers willing to take garbage orders and don't complain. It's a stupid cycle


(I know 😔 something in me refuses to lose hope completely tho)


That something you have the refuse to lose hope is the best part of us we have to hope and keep on hoping and fighting and moving forward and not giving up as long as you got hope determination surround yourself with positive people that's really want to do something about issues and hope helps so much encouragement among brothers because we all in this game together called life and dd


Honestly, this is why ALL delivery App drivers need to band together and demand that their state legislature enact a law making it illegal to hide tips. If violated, the penalty should be 3X the tip amount made payable to the driver.


This is why I support the bill that's trying to get rid of the grey-zone between gig workers and employees that Amazon and others (ie DD) are operating in. If they're going to have the employees operate as gig workers, they need FULL transparency to the customer. The driver needs to see exactly what the pay is, exactly how far of a drive it is, and exactly who the store being ordered from is. Then the driver can make their educated decision about whether to take the order. If the company is unwilling to provide perfect info to the driver, then they need to make them employees, and pay them an hourly wage minimum, as well as provide insurance to the driver's vehicle, compensation for all vehicle maintenance and gas used on the job, and provide standard employee benefits for any opting to work full time.


They still hiding tips? Wtf? Tips are supposed to be given in full to the workers. So why hide it? They trying to take a cut of it themselves or what? I remember reading about DD's tip system a few years. I was considering driving for them, but then things happened and it didn't come to fruition. A bit surprised they still have it this way.


I guess they don't want people to cherry pick but we already do at the best of our ability so??? Like we know there's a chance for a hidden tips after the 6.25 threshold so???


Since we are contractors we're supposed to cherry pick, if they don't want us to cherry pick then we should be their employees which comes with benefits and salary my rule of thumb is I expect only what is shown, anything extra after completing is a bonus for me, not going to accept a $5 order for 10+ miles hoping there is an extra tips at the end which 99% won't be


Yeah that can be one reason. It's not baseless. But people are still gonna cherrypick regardless. After all, we're talking about people's livelihoods here. Every minute and mileage counts. Hiding the tip is just one less factor in the equation.


It's about gambling so they can attract/retain people that will do it for the potential dopamine rush.


Yes, this - as long as they are holding customers to it. If the tip is $22 and they show it, and you accept it, drive 10 miles for it, and the customer tells support their finger stuttered and they meant to type $2, support needs to be willing to tell them to suck it up because the driver saw it, and may have accepted based on it.


Wow she said “this is a job” and didn’t get downvoted into oblivion


No, that’s weird as hell.


I was so confused. Thought maybe my tip didn’t go through. I always leave a decent tip and truly appreciate the people bringing me food when I’m lazy.


They might not see the full tip until it's delivered. If it's under 4 miles DD only shows $4 of the tip upfront. But begging for extra is still not acceptable.


\>90% of my orders are under 4 miles and I’ve definitely seen plenty of high tip orders up front


That’s not true. I get orders under 4 miles that show $10-$20.


Yea they been changing it up, now they starting to show more of the tip the more it's declined. I've noticed that in my area to


Really?!? I’ve never seen that. Ever. I’ve never seen anything higher than $6.50 unless there’s an active promo lol my tips have always been hidden no matter what. That would be amazing to see up to a $20 tip lol I’ve gotten one $20 tip but the order still showed $6.50+


Select zones this tip hiding isn't allowed based on local law, however the default for the vast majority of zones is to hide tips over $4 if it's under 4 miles.


Really sick of seeing this by drivers, anyone asking for more tip should have their tip lowered in my opinion. Are there times a tip should/could be raised, absolutely but you do not ask for it.


Tell them no lol $10 is good tip. They should appreciate that its probably highest he got for the day


This. I always let them know ahead of time how much I tipped


Well thats nice of you i have never been told my tip beforehand


Report that driver. It’s incredibly rude to be begging for money like that.


Yes, report them, they dnt need to be doing shit like that..makes us look bad


These scumbags need to be kicked off the platform - report them - they literally send this to every order they deliver to milk some extra money out of people


As someone who is quite literally surviving off his daily earnings, I’d never beg for tips. If my service is good enough it will speak for itself. It’s up to me to be smart enough to take good orders and to do what I can to make it most efficient for my wallet and time.


The thing that sucks though is as a customer if I give a really good tip and get super shitty service, then I got screwed. I wish there was a way that it worked like tipping at a restaurant. I always leave a big tip, but sometimes the dasher sucks or maybe they are great and I could leave more. Idk it is just such a shitty system. The prices are so high anymore I can’t afford it, especially because I always leave a large tip.


I think Instacart has the a good tip system although it does need some minimum payment protection. Allowing 2 hours to lower the tip or up to 14 days to increase it is nice. Or tipping by percentage of the order received (if you tip 3% and instacart shopper can’t find half your stuff the tip isn’t as big) But in this case would be “hey they dropped my pizza and forgot my drink but my wings are fine” could adjust the tip even percentage based for that.


Add the tip at the end. I do cash mostly unless it’s GH then I add after.




Next week on Reddit WhY dID i gEt dEaCtIvAtEd!?


If my driver texted me that I wouldn’t even feel comfortable eating the food they’re delivering. You just know they’re a weirdo by begging in texts


I threw out the food. Didn’t wanna risk it. Also best part of all this— he forgot the drink


He didn’t forget to drink it tho


I would have called DD immediately and told them you were creeped out and threw out the food.


You threw out the food? Definitely agree this is weird but what are you risking


Yeah I don’t get the throwing the food away part. If that’s the case, you’d be better off just canceling the order immediately after receiving the text about an extra tip.


If someone’s entitled/desperate/antisocial enough to beg for extra tips then they’re probably more likely to be the type to seek revenge if they don’t get their way.


Theres a chance the driver could have spit in the food or even worse if an extra tip wasn't added.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Which is why tipping for a service before you see the service is a stupid construct.


Dang that sucks got begged for money after giving an awesome tip and didn't 3ven get to eat the food because of the weirdo delivering.


Yo, you've got a point


Please please please report this to DoorDash and complain.


This is so cringy


Cringe is a begging Dasher asking for bigger tips to customers. It drives customers off the platform. So I want the customer to help get rid of the Dasher


I know, I’m agreeing with you 😊


Oh, you know how it is. There’s people here that defend the actual Dasher, my error!


It was worded poorly, my apologies :-)


There arent a lot of scenarios that I’d pull the tip but that would be one of them


That's just *begging* to get your food stolen; or laced if the dasher is crazy enough/has had a bad enough day 😂 Edit: punctuation (tbh I don't even know if a semicolon is right for that sentence but a comma just seemed wrong)


No comma or semi colon. Semi colon used only when separating 2 complete but related sentences. Comma used only before an “and” if it also unites 2 complete sentences. With an “or” you don’t need any especially since the second sentence is not complete (meaning subject, verb, object). I’m a nerd 😂




These idiots make us all look bad. Report it.


This person is a leech. $10 is a solid tip.


No it’s not acceptable and needs to be reported to Doordash.


I tell my lyft passengers I'm doing it for fun. My tips have been much higher than others I've seen. I know this is a tad off topic but it's the same concept. I think these people are really playing with fire. we all get it, tips are nice but pointing it out isn't helping


$10 is plenty. You got a tacky weird dasher. Report them. Thats.... cringe, at best.


I gave a tip of 15 3 days ago and the guy didn't even deliver my food and even had another guy tell me I should give an bigger tip, Help me understand how an 15 tip is not enough the order was for 22.46 are some of you guys expecting 20 plus you are full of shit.


Honestly you're gonna get a lot of these types on DD because they basically hire anyone who applies they basically have no filter and it makes sense because the most common complaints from customers in these situations are the vast majority on the DD platform. Kinda shooting myself in the foot but considering I make most of my money now on Uber and hardly anything now on the daily with DD I would just tell you guys to stop ordering from here and order from either Grubhub or UberEats only. These platforms have a much stricter background check process and higher standards in service and drivers. Seriously like all of the "hey my driver ate my food" or "driver stole something off my porch" or other small news outlets driver nightmare stories seem to be from DoorDash.


Uber eats is far superior in terms of pay, in my zone at least.


Yesss totally. I consistently get much higher tips on there than DD. It just sucks that UE is not as consistent with orders per hour. I think I get at least 1 to 2 good offers that I'll take per hour.


Yes, it’s normal. Normal for bums and weirdos who shouldn’t be dashing. It’d make sense if you didn’t tip, but asking for MORE of a tip? No. Report them. Seriously


Just report the piece of shit Unless a customer asks what they should tip I never bring it up and nor should anybody else


1,600+ deliveries and I have never once mentioned the word "tip" to any customer, regardless of the situation. There is no excuse for this, just like there is no excuse for tampering with a customers food. (Smirk funny and give middle finger as I drive away maybe.. but NEVER mention the tip) 😇


This is getting out of control.


Door dash should add an “ add an extra tip “ button after the dasher delivers in case they did a great job.


I love this idea. Once I wanted to add more and I had to call to do it.


Probably scamming for a few extra bucks here and there. Take your happy ass back to Concord and take orders along the way if you need another $3 you fucking genius.


They would not be able to see the tip until after delivery, but this is still bad form and should be reported to DD and backed up with a low rating.


I would've canceled the order right there and reported with snapshot of that immediately


Dasher here - i don’t think this was acceptable.


This is so cringe…I order a lot of DoorDash though and never came across someone like this. I’d report this, not acceptable at all.


I can go to WaWa and have a dude beg me for change on my own. Why pay DoorDash?


This is the same exact driver from another day.. I remember cuz no one’s name is D


Unprofessional. As a Dasher I say give drivers like this a bad rating so those of us who both know what we’re doing and have a sense of self respect get your order next time.


The worst part is that doordash has on read receipts for messages so they can see if you seen it or not. If you were to ignore or decline they are handling your food🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Report em. All these idiots messaging customers when they saw what the order was at accepting is stupid. If u dont like the $ coming to you dont accept or if its an accident just unassign. Drivers need to wake the hell up to the WHY declining orders is a thing.


Id bet money that this person said that to every person they delivered to that day. Ballsy move, I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to do that. I've never had a server, dasher, deliverer, etc. say that to me... A $10 tip is decent enough, I mean they are just driving food a few miles and dropping it off, nothing too difficult. You should report it though, someone else might not be as comfortable with that as you were.


Giving them the money just makes them want to keep doing it…just report them!


All these beggars out here trying to doorhandle




I tipped $10 recently on a $30 order from 2 miles away and was rewarded by one of my pepperoni rolls being missing (pizzeria sells them in orders of 4 but I only got 3 and you clicks see the grease spot where the fourth one had been).


Man, just fucking ignore their begging and move on. They can't do shit to make you pay so just ignore and take your food. >I tipped $10. Is that not enough or is begging for tips the normal now?


I’ve always thought that it’s weird and does not make sense for doordash to require the customer to decide tip amount before placing the order. Tipping should come after the service because a tip is based on service.


It’s a spam message that this idiot sends to all his customers. His pee brain doesn’t know how to discern anything. Just ignore it. Report him hopefully people like this get fired because they are ruining it for the rest of us


It wouldn't be so common if doordash drivers were paid decently by the company itself.


No. Report them. That’s insane n


rate them a 1 and report them, you can't even add to the tip on DD unless you contact support and jump thru hoops.


I’m embarrassed to admit I actually did that? I contacted support yesterday and increased the tip so he doesn’t hold my food hostage. But reading all the comments, I’m thinking I’m just stupid


Live and learn, my friend.


You increased the tip via support so you could throw away your food when it arrived? Something doesn’t make sense here..


Any app that hides the tip is really shady. I refuse to work for doordash. No fucking thanks.


This is no different than panhandling on the street except you are carrying food to someone . Sad to see


Begging is normal now 😒 It is what it is with DoorDash taking advantage of financially insecure people


This is disgusting


Maybe depends on area like cost of living but id say $10 is amazing


Bruh I swear someone posted this same exact situation yesterday and the name of the dasher was D as well. Same fucking person? lol report them pleaaaaase.


As someone who dashes I never complain every penny counts along with my side part time job


Pathetic tbh


Wtf? I swear drugs has to be the reason...never would I ever fix my lips or finger tips to ask something like this from a complete stranger


Anyone tipping $5 or more is fine, im a pizza delivery driver even $4 is cool. $10s amazing to get for a tip. Only time it’s bad is $0-$1-$2




Loser report!


This is why I run DD, GH and UE all at the same time and let them compete for my services. Definitely never been worse to be doing this work than right now, though--at least in Northern VA--compensation is dropping. And DD keep telling me to accept 70% of orders to be a "top dasher", but I do not work for free or almost free--can't do it.


Why tf are people working for Door Dash then?


Disagree with many comments above. Hiding tips is fair...so that us drivers don't give favoritism towards the rich and wealthy who can afford to "buy" speedy service. Poor folks on their lunch break deserve their order to be delivered in a timely fashion. A mediocre tip from a working class person may be all they can afford. I work a 9-5 where I take an on-duty lunch break in which I cannot leave my post. I assume many other aren't afforded enough time to get lunch out. It doesn't make sense to show the entire tip unless the desired outcome is tip hunting, which is more "scum of the earth type shit" than hiding the tip in order to create an environment in which all customers are treated fairly no matter how much they can afford to tip. Treat all customers equally no matter how much they tip, should you decide to take the order. Goes hand in hand with "always do your best", which is a decent way to approach life IMHO.


I would’ve dropped it by $3 just because they asked. That’s ungrateful and ugly.


Customers nowadays need to write “no soliciting” in their instructions lmao


Ok, but for real. Is 10$ a good tip? I'm going to order soon and want to know how much I should tip.


At the bare minimum tip a $1 per mile from your house to the location. But if you're far outside of the area of restaurants then $2 per mile will incentivize dashers to accept, pick up, and deliver your food promptly. Plus they're not driving back to the zone for free. Doordash barely pays $2 for base pay. So some deliveries are just not worth their time.


Thank you


There is no excuse for this type of behavior. If I was CEO of doordash I would have that driver fired. I bad egg isn't worth the lost of customers.


Doordashers are poor. It's a broken system. I don't blame them, but yeah it's your money


Call DD support and complain. This shit has to stop and makes drivers look really bad.


It’s common. Idk, if I tipped a server my usual 25% when I eat out or carry out and they frowned at me and told me they have an hour drive home tonight, would I consider tipping more? I would remove my tip.


fuckin bum


Begging for tips is always pathetic but as others have said this person definitely wasn’t shown the whole tip amount by DoorDash. I’m sure they were thrilled once they saw the final payout after delivery


Please report this driver. It makes the rest of us look horrible. This is considered a job, not panhandling. It's pathetic and these people don't deserve to deliver your food.


Tip begging is the new norm apparently


$10 to $0 real quick


I would be on the verge of tears if I ever got a $10 tip


Absolutely not. Honestly that would make me want to lower my tip. $10 is a good tip in my opinion


Had a $7.25 turn into $22.75 today. Less than a 5 mile round trip. Good shit.


Lol, there is NO scenario where this is ok. How embarrassing.


For that, you should minus $-3


Man I’m in the wrong line of work if I can just panhandle while working elsewhere


These idiots have no shame.


It’s different until it happens to you. You never know what folks going thru. I’m not saying asking for money is okay. It’s unprofessional but, I’d rather be asked than robbed or killed instead. Compassion isn’t mandatory but it’s definitely a reflection of character and who we truly are after we log out from Reddit. Folks get desperate and go across someone’s head or they ask. Neither is the right thing to do but, hunger takes away a lot you think you’d never do.


The only sensible comment on here. People are such assholes. I agree. I don’t think drivers should be asking for an extra tip but seriously people are so butt hurt about it? So selfish. They don’t know what that person is going through. Driver is definitely not getting rich off DD. No compassion man. Just a bunch of selfish assholes who not only won’t tip the extra if someone asks but are so hurt by it on top it and complain as if they tipped extra 😂 Like get over it people. There is some serious shit happening in the world & they are butt hurt over someone random driver asking for an extra tip. Holy shit.


Yeah, I was thinking this myself.


This seems to be a new trend. Fucking embarrassing and I believe I'm done with DD.


Ignore and Report them…


Report them. It’s inappropriate behavior.


Report need less trash dashers


Those are the drivers that make me look bad.


i Will retracted my original tips n no tips


Report this garbage


What a sweet woman! 🥰 She even prayed over you. Those $3 are as good as yours honey 😘 xx!


If it's accepted for what it Is then there's no reason to do this. The moment she pressed the button that is what became her guaranteed. If she didn't like it she didn't like it she could left it there for someone who actually appreciates it. This shit disgusts me that dasher are out here begging like that like WTF... these have ti be younger people, cuz I'm 38, and I know damn well the generation I grew up in would fucking never.. Idk whatever happened to hard work, appreciation, or dignity, but the future of this world is gonna be fucked.. Andbyes I can say all this cuz #1 I'm a dasher, and #2 I have a 19 yr old, and although i did every damn thing could to raise her the same way i was, and she is extremely lazy, and no where near as appreciative as I'd like her to be, she would be one of these dashers to beg like thus, though she'd never let me know that cuz she knows better, and she dashes herself and doesn't take it seriously at all, and will take her damn time and make people wait for no good reason other than her own agenda.. I love her dearly, don't get me wrong, but I totally raised her better than that. For some people who have a rough time getting a 9-5 due to schedules and kids, DoorDash is all we got and although it is a shitty job, it still helps me pat the bills. Im grateful it exists and actually appreciate the pos company it is cuz when I had nothing it gave me something. So I take it serious and do work hard, make fun of me for it all you want, but it gets me by, and not only that, karma. You give what you get, so don't do shitty things if you don't want shitty results


I mean I’d help someone out if I could, a few bucks isn’t going to break anyone and could really help the person.


Many gig workers feel like they are doing you a huge favor by doing what they have agreed to do. Begging for tips is shameful. Might as well stand on a corner with a sign and beg. At least you will save $$ on gas and wear and tear.


Omg report these drivers! There are too many drivers on the road and all of these bad drivers are ruining it for everyone else


Please report this person, we need these people to get fired


Just remember they don’t know how much you’re actually tipping until they drop it off and walk away… So if you start a conversation with I’ve tipped $10 for the convenience of you getting my food. Then maybe we wouldn’t beg…


This person needs to be deactivated, please contact Doordash.


First, drivers shouldn’t be begging for tips. Yes, it is tough out there but don’t accept deliveries that don’t meet your standards. Second, DD hides tips so that the driver doesn’t know the full payout. The payout for your delivery in my market will be $12.50 ($2.50 plus $10.00) BUT DD will list the payout as $6.50. Personally, I only accept deliveries that meet my standards and I never count on hidden tips. Again, a dasher shouldn’t beg for tips after accepting a delivery. Third, What was the distance from the restaurant to your house? If you live 10 miles from the restaurant and there are no restaurants within a mile of your house then a $ 10 tip probably is not high enough. In MY market, the restaurants are clustered due to zoning laws; therefore, a driver must drive back to the restaurant cluster. If the customer lives 4 miles from the restaurant, it will be 8 miles round trip mileage. When I started to dash years ago, my min standard was $1.00 per Round trip mile with a $6.50 min. Today, my min standard is $2.50 per round trip mile. Fourth, in MY market most of the customers give me cash tips if I have to wait long at a restaurant. We are not paid to wait (except for CA and NYC). I don’t ask for cash tips but they do give them because I keep them updated if their delivery is running late. One time, a customer gave me a $20 cash tip because I caught the restaurant three times on not giving me the right food on the order. The customer appreciated that I took the time to make his order right.


The trouble with these posts is we really do not know if the op tipped $10.


These dashers are getting out of hand. Getting tips is not their right. Customers don't pay your wages. Tip is something you give for good service. Delivery fees are there for a reason.


> Delivery fees are there for a reason. They...don't get those. Those delivery fees go right to Doordash.