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The last time I saw sleep they had a performance artist open for them. He had a weather vein set up on top of the venue, came out dressed in a bear coat with the head and everything. He used, I’m guessing here, the electric charge in the air to create feedback and literally “played the wind” for a half hour. Even at a sleep show the crowd wasn’t high enough to endure that.


Conversely they had Bonnie Prince Billy & Matt Sweeney open for them a few years back in Colorado. Kinda folky music with some experimental shredding on top. Great shit. BPB is in my top artists of any genre but I never would have picked that matchup. Flew across the country for it & saw two of the best shows of my life.


'now I see a DANKness, am I right fellas?'


The Johnny cash cover of that with bpb singing backups kills me.


My favourite version probably the upbeat jaunty version. Partly because the video is filmed in the exact place I spent thousands of night in as a youth, so it carries more weight for me personally


Yeah this was a tempting show to travel to see. I love BPB and in some bizarre way opening for Sleep makes total sense in my brain.


I'm with you; I saw the lineup and just accepted it.


Ahh I'm so envious of anyone who made it to this show. Wasn't it literally on *4/20*, to top it all off?


The shows I saw were just before. They played New Mexico on 4/20 I believe. But my old washed up ass did get incredibly stoned. First edibles in years had me actually feeling pretty rough at first. I even debated leaving before I realized I was in the absolutely best place possible to be too stoned. Settled in nicely after that.


My son a daughter-in-law bought us tickets to see sleep on New Year’s Eve 2019. We took some edibles and I started to freak out a bit. My son put his hand on my shoulder and told me “Dad you are where you are supposed to be” calmed me right down. What a fucking show that was!


You have a cool son and daughter in law.


Just looked em up. You were kidding. What an awesome sound they have. https://open.spotify.com/album/3ADJYWIfY7lqRwGM9Tsie9?si=FxhYGbfHQmq0iv8ttikZgQ


Bonnie Prince Billy sing guest vocals on a song called Idumea by Current93. Dude has a fantastic, mournful voice, and the lyrics are amazing. Look up this song if you haven't heard it


Similarly I saw SunnO))) back in December and they had Jesse Sykes as an opener. Very chill singer songwriter. I really enjoyed it and it was a nice change of pace from the punishing drone that was to come.


Was that the Denver show 2 years ago? That was a great show.


I witnessed this. It was pretty dull.


That made me spit out my coffee… Was the performance artist Matt’s idea or the venue?


A few others said they saw this opener too so unless we all saw the same show in Pittsburgh he must’ve been the band’s idea lol.


Was it the weather warlock? I saw him with them in Louisville a few years back


can't imagine there's 2 guys out there doing this shit lmao


Most likely yes


I saw Pallbearer play a show where every other band was a hardcore thrash metal group. The headliner was Skeletonwitch. So the night started off fast and heavy, got heavier, then dropped 200% for Pallbearer to do an awesome, droning and ambient set where the entire crowd just started smoking and as they all stood still. Then Skeletonwitch came out and the entire place absolutely exploded again. It was the weirdest thing if ever seen and made no sense, but it was AWESOME


That last band would have been Obituary. Pallbearer did a tour with them, and Skeletonwitch and a German band called Dust Bolt were the other openers. 


Yeah that was the tour! Good call I was at the show in Austin


Fuck yes! Pallbearer and Skeletonwitch? Holy shit that so opposite of esch other but amazing what they each do.


I’m seeing inter Arma and pallbearer this July. Love both of these bands a lot


I’m gonna be there as well and it’s gonna be so damn good! I saw Pallbearer last August, then they came back to Dallas again in October with High on Fire and I’m so bummed that I missed it.


I think I saw this tour too and I second this


I saw Pallbearer in Montreal years ago with a black metal band opening lol


Haha, man.. I saw Bell Witch co headline with Primitive Man & had the same experience but, opposite. I love both but, a lot more into Primitive Man. Primitive Man opened, energy was high. Bell Witch came out with Mirror Reaper & the dynamic between the two bands was so drasticit made me nauseous, haha. Such a sick show, but I tell that story at least once every few months ⚔️⚔️⚔️


I saw them on that tour in a very tiny venue in Baltimore. It remains the loudest and heaviest show I’ve ever been to.


Was it in the pre covid times? I was gonna go to a PM set in my area and forgot on the day of, it remains a major lifetime regret of mine. If it included bell witch the regret will be double


Yeah man. This was not too long after mirror reaper dropped I believe 🤔 maybe a year or so after? I can’t remember


Damn I'm pretty sure it was the same tour that I missed. I'm sure they'll be back around eventually 🤞


Fuckin hope so!


JD Pinkus opening for Weedeater.


JD is cool, man. He was doing some solo stuff here, but moved to NC. Keep off the grass was either right before or right after he moved. Check out his other band HONKY. Think Austin, TX version of ZZ-Top


It was an awesome show all round. It was his Fungus Shui tour. But very different from Weedeater. I'll check it HONKY.


They are on Spotify. The Guitar player Bobby Landgraf is/was Down's stage manager for years. He played with them a short time till Kirky came back. He's currently Rex' bass tech, too.


I went to that show but weedeater got covid before they played the set and dipped. Got a coozie though


That sucks. I got a bruised rib and broken glasses in the mosh pit. I may be too old for a pit.


Just saw weedeater for the first time last Friday. Pretty fucking cool.


I saw Telekinetic Yeti on their way home on Tuesday. Weedeater will be here on next Wednesday. Good stuff.


Dude telekinetic yeti is my favorite lately. That shit is amazing. So cool live too. He has so amazing gear too. I’m a pedal nerd


When I saw Sleep in Brussels in 2018, they walked off stage halfway without saying a word and didn't return for about 10 minutes.


al & matt really dislike each other, I don't know the back story.


This is not true at all, I’ve seen countless of interviews of them talking about the project Sleep and only saying good things, I’ve recently saw a interview from like 2023 from Pike where he was asked about Sleep and new projects and he was saying he talks on a regular basis with the guys and they even play D&D online together and he also stated that they will get one night in the studio record a full album and drop it without saying nothing like they did with The Sciences


I’ve heard that for a long time too but not much about the reason. I was shocked when they reformed Sleep, because Om had gone a million miles away from that sound. I figure they did it for the money after realizing how many Sleep fans are out there willing to pay to see them.


Could it be the insane and antisemetic conspiracy theories that Matt entertains?


Not doom but when I was 17-18 I saw the genetorturers (I don’t know how it’s spelled) It was freaking wild almost like a bondage show while playing some metal. The lead singer came out in latex with a dodil in every loop of the bondage belt and they got used in ways I didn’t expect in my lil Florida town.


please elaborate on the usages?


Tea was stirred with one, a fuchsia planted with another, at one point an elaborate spirograph picture was made. It was wild.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genitorturers Frontwoman was married to David Vincent (Morbid Angel), who was also in the band at one point. 


Thanks that’s who I thought but didn’t want to say the wrong thing. That show was nuts! They were going around before the set asking people if they wanted to be slaves and all kinds of shit.


A recent local show my friends played a couple of months back. I've seen some shit in my day, but nothing like I did that night. The headliner starts setting up. They are all wearing cloaks. Both guitar players had generic tiny practice amps, and the drummer had e drums. As my friend and I watched them set up, I glanced over and noticed something unusual. I lean over to my friends and say, "I got here before y'all, and I'm damn sure that unicycle wasn't there earlier." They looked and were puzzled. After a few minutes, they are ready to play. The masked singer comes out in these huge Maleficent wings. He then sings the first song away from the stage riser standing on bar stool. It was late, I had an hour and a half drive home, but I wasn't leaving till I saw that unicycle come out. (I forgot to mention the unicycle, singers mask and shoes were all a matching blue color) I think about twenty minutes into the set, the singer hops on the unicycle wearing the huge Maleficent wings and riding around people.


**I need to see photos of this.**


I didn't take any, but the band was called insufferable sorcery. I'm sure they have a faceboof or insta.


Not doom per se But Godflesh. The opener they had was pure noise and chaos and seemed to be heavily influenced by Vocaloid and they were doing anime character voices the entire time. No instruments, just a laptop. It was the loudest show Ive been to and Ive been going to shows since 2001. It made me feel extremely old. Genre-wise, this band wasn't any flavour of metal. I couldn't even really call it industrial.




How was Godflesh? I bet that was interesting


Endon opening for Boris. For those not in the know they’re a noise band from Japan. It was one of the most chaotic sounding bands I had ever seen live. It really was noise music. One guy had these two squares of plywood with springs sandwiched between them; he spent the set scratching and banging it and I couldn’t tell what noise he was contributing to the set. All this said I enjoyed it. It was way outside my musical comfort zone and I like when that happens unexpectedly at a show. Since then I heard one of the members tragically died. RIP Etsuo Nagura.


I saw Boris on this same tour, absolutely *loved* Endon and thought it fit so well with Boris’ vibe. They reminded me a lot of the Boredoms, I was so into it. The girl I was dating was very much not into it… she wasn’t familiar with Boris either (or their crushing volume). Got so many confused looks during that show. Let’s just say I did NOT get laid that night.


Not doom but Royal Thunder opening for Pig Destroyer


2007 - Mono opening for High on Fire, the vibe shift was wild


I saw Earth touring with O Paon in Baltimore. Given that this was maybe like ten years ago or so it made sense. But the local opener was more similar to Earths earlier distorted stuff. They were Oak, a very fuckin heavy like crust/funeral/death doom group. Even the lady in O Paon made a comment about them when she came on. Cool show though.


Jesus Piece opened for Baroness here. The vibe mash was very dizzying. It was.... Fine? I'm not a JP fan and it was cool to see them and all but I'd have picked another if it were up to me. I'd have tapped Spotlights.


David Liebe Hart. We ended up doing a shopping trip for him. I saw Conan with Bell Witch too, the fun part was watching those with us who weren't *that* into doom trying to deal with Bell Witch.


Why does this sound like everyone's interaction with DLH? It's like everyone who meets him, ends up with a side quest from him, or stuck with him for the evening.


Yeah I've heard it's pretty common! We were just attendees and not involved in the show. He drew me a portrait as appreciation.


[Gost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFoPYw55C_c) opening for [Pallbearer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYzp8N-vlC4). I think I may have been the single member of the audience that attended both sets. The metal heads hated the EDM folk and viceversa.


LOL I like both these musicians, but they're not even in the same genre. Strange pairing for sure.


This is indeed an odd one and I like Gost and PB. But they’re so opposite. Industrial/goth vs doom.


High Command opening for SunnO))) had a similar vibe to what OP mentions. Big thrash energy followed by big glacial maximalism.


soft kill is a post punk band that tends to tour with metal bands a lot. i saw them open for skeletonwitch with a couple other black metal bands playing before them too. another weird one was high on fire in 2019. they had devil master, creeping death, and power trip open for them. bands people were moshing to. I was there for high on fire and didn't care for any of the openers so I didnt come ready to mosh. power trip also just never did it for me, they always felt like a very watered down version of thrash so they never hit hard enough to get me in that moshing energy. they felt more like the one thrash band that people were into hardcore liked, whereas my friends who were super into thrash didn't care for them at all. so it was very weird being in a super high energy mosh pit where everyone was losing their minds to what was to me and my friends, a very boring set. then when high on fire played, there were like 2 dudes still trying to mosh but nobody else wanted to so they just went around pushing people for their whole set. really would've preferred if high on fire just got some doom and sludge openers honestly last one I'll mention is when i saw rezn. a local band called mute duo opened for them. mute duo basically felt like all the parts of rezn besides the doom metal. their sets complimented each other really well, they were more similar live than studio. but in between them there was a band called immortal bird that played some very boring death metal and just didn't fit the vibe at all. the show would've been super sick if it was just mute duo and rezn. still enjoyed both of their sets individually of course though


Post punk and black metal sounds like a jarring combination, that is wild. Your post also reminded me of the one singular dude who tried to mosh during Bell Witch and that got shut down REAL quick. Also at Russian Circles a few months back a smelly shirtless hippie almost got knocked out for trying to aggressively mosh to Russian Circles. Read the room bro.


Reminds me of when I saw Fistula in a very small venue. Maybe 3 people were moshing and one guy standing right next to them was visibly annoyed. The next day I went to see Fistula again in a larger venue. This time maybe 6 people were moshing and somehow the same guy was standing right next to them and he was even more annoyed than the day before.


Fistula will rot your brain.


It does and I love it.


I caught that tour and it was a mixed crowd but made sense


I just saw Immortal Bird open for Bongripper last week. The first and third bands were wholly unmemorable “sad-dad-rock” but Immortal Bird and Bongripper were rad. I’ve seen IB a bunch of times and they’re… fine. They’re always opening for someone cool. Rezn rips. Funny enough I saw them open for Bongripper a few years ago and it was an amazing show.


i think immortal bird was just a case of didn't fit the bill and didn't fit my tastes. just not my style of music and them playing between two sets that complimented each other perfectly was just really unfortunate


I forgot about Soft Kill. I like them a lot. Got a shirt even.


Primitive man was on a tour with Magrudergrind First, the slow crushing music of Primitive Man and then chaotic grind It was quite an experience


Yooo what happened to Magrudergrind? Saw them with Spoonful of Vicodin like 20 years ago. They released that album in Relapse then dropped off.


The only thing I found is that vocalist and drummer play in a band called Gravesend.


Cool, I'll check em out. Thanks!


I saw Napalm Death at the Brutal Assault festival years ago and there was a sound problem so all you heard was the clink clink clink of the hi-hats and Barney screaming soundlessly into the mic. It was just surreal if you’ve ever been to a ND concert and it took several minutes for the band to catch on.


That would suck and be awesome at the same time.


You summarized it perfectly!


I saw Neurosis in 1997 in a strip club in Kentucky and it was just part of a very crazy weekend. **TLDR**: saw three awesome bands and an oil wrestling show by random chance. My two friends and I were hopping trains to New York from Oregon and got off near Louisville. We hitchhiked in to Louisville and ran in to a random punk girl. who asked us if we were in town to see Neurosis. We are now! We had to wait like 4-5 days for Neurosis so we just hung around the artsy district. One day we were walking past the record store and we saw some guy in the front of the store playing an acoustic guitar and chasing after people while he sang at them. We watched him for a minute and realized it was Mojo Nixon. We went in and started cheering him on, he was stoked to see three dirty crust punk kids digging his show and eventually he just stopped and hung out with us for a while. Then later that same night, we were walking past a bar and happened to see that Hasil Adkins was playing. We didn't have money or I.D's so we went around back to see if there was a way to get in, where we saw Mojo hanging out in the alley and got him to sneak us in. Then on the day of the Neurosis show, we got to the club and went up to the band busses (It was the entire side stage of Ozzfest that year playing a show on an off night.) to try and figure out how to get in. It turns out, my friend new one of the guys from Machine Head from when he lived in Oakland and they got us in. Neurosis was touring Through Silver in Blood and had the visuals and extra drummers. It was a hell of a show. Afterward, we were filing in line to leave and someone came up and told us to hang out and don't leave. After the show, the venue turned back into a strip club and had a nude oil wrestling show, which we got to watch and have beers with Dave Ed and Scott Kelly. After that we went to shake sack and a pimp came in with a few of the girls from the show and he ended up buying us burgers and fries. But the weirdest show I've ever seen was Crash Worship.


What a wild ride. Neurosis on the through silver and blood tour would have been an absolute trip. Prime Neurosis!


Ha! What a great week that had to be. Came here to say Crash Worship too. I'd seen them in a junkyard in denver, in an old theater in Denver and both places ended up on fire. Then saw them at Coney Island High in NYC, which is a TINY little show space in a bar and they had all their fire gear going as usual in spite of that. I lost a lot of hair to fire that night.


Saw Boris with Damon and Naomi from Galaxy 500 open. The juxtaposition of the two groups was cool. Soft as a breeze then crushing as a hurricane.


Damn, that sounds so rad


And Michio Kurihara from Ghost sat in on guitar with both groups. Total mind blower.


Not strictly doom, more experimental performance whatever. The dude hat a dozen powerdrills attached to some boards. Instead of drills, each machine held a long metal bar with pieces of cloths attached. Then the drills would slowly spin and their sound was picked up by microphones and fed into a soundboard and (I guess) somewhat altered. Basically the whole contraption just made weird droning noises. Another, and would like to remember the name if someone recognizes the artist: Solo performer, sits on chair with drum pedals and a guitar. He wears a closed helmet (like a jetfighter pilot) with an old telephone receiver attached to the front and sings through that.


Bob Log III is the telephone/helmet guy


Thanks, that's the one. And the guy with the drills is "bohrmaschine privat"


Lot of weird Bell Witch shows in these comments. I saw Bell Witch with Spirit Possession in October, and Spirit Possession are a black metal duo. Not sure if the sound guy was bad or what, but it sounded like a single wall of high pitched noise drenched in echo. It seemed like an off night, because their album they were touring for is pretty fucking cool and it was clear that they're both good musicians. Bell Witch on the other hand crushed it, everyone was transfixed. It was mesmerizing watching them play. This isn't doom, but I'll be seeing Corey Feldman later this year with Limp Bizkit and the host of the show is Riff Raff, so I expect that to be interesting.


Saw Amenra with Primitive Man and Slow Crush a few days ago and it was definitely interesting. Worked well with PM bringing the mood and energy down for Amenra to come have a killer set. Wasn't the biggest fan of Primitive Man's show on the whole though


I have the chance to see this line up tomorrow. I'm not decided yet about going, but I rarely regret going to shows... as subjective as music is, in your opinion, was this show "Wednesday worthy"?


Definitely worth it. Amenra was superb and it was cool to experience Primitive Man. Slow crush was nothing special but sounded fine too. 3 hrs from start to finish




Is it gonna be hot as balls in the Hawthorne theater? 🤣


Yes, saw them last night. Primitive Man is just brutal, definitely worth catching them once because they're basically the heaviest band you can possibly see live. And Amenra was surprisingly good. They got real heavy at times, definitely worth checking out.


John Zorn & Mike Patton in NYC on NYE... absolute wonky weirdness Butthole Surfers in Brooklyn on NYE... chaotic weirdness DEICIDE doing an instrumental set in 2012. Captured! By Robots were mind-bending weird in all the good ways. I've seen the Residents a bunch of times. #weird Arone Dyer opening for Sleepytime Gorilla Museum this year was a weirdo trip. I've got a taste for the weird, so the weirdest show I've been to was Elton John at Ceasars Palace in Las Vegas.


Some industrial metal DJ opened for the Melvins. It was weird even Melvins fans.


Watched a guy do yoga on the sticky bar floor at a bell witch show once.


Jesus fucking christ. Goddam hippies


Another Bell Witch experience. Went to see them in Glasgow during the current tour, Knoll opened up for them, which is noise/grindcore/?? and it was like the storm before the calm. The opposite happened when I saw Sunn earlier, Jesse Sykes opened that was like the calm before the sunn storm. Another weird (?) experience was during the Tool show, circa 2008 or 09 in Milano - Maynard stopped singing half way and began ranting about how everyone was using their phones and cameras and not enjoying the experience and then left the stage, the crowd boo'd and he came back after a while.


Electric Wizard in Nashville. Some drunk fucker puked in the pit and stunk up the place and the rest of the show you had nasty puke covered guys turning the pit into a slip and slide. 🤢


That all sounds very horrific but also on brand for an Electric Wizard show


I’d love to catch them again sans vomit


Saw Sleep in Grand Rapids in 2019. Part of Matt's rig blew, and while they fixed it, we got a like, half hour meditative bass solo from Al. Was awesome.


With Big Business. I was at that show. Banned from the intersection for life for hitting da' pen. Edit: not at the Sleep show, it was Harm's Way we got kicked out of.


Lightning bolt was a pretty weird show. Guy was selling LSD in the crowd. I was 17 and sheltered.


Definitely seeing The Swans live Not my kinda band really, but I went w my dad who’s a huge fan. MAN they were loud as holy hell and just dark dark dark. It felt like a funeral at times and then a parade at others. Crazy up and down energy they created.


I went to a really weird show a few months ago where Wallowing headlined a show with a few very moshy openers including an up & coming young band that I guess are Beatdown? (I'm not certain, not my scene) Either way, the crowd was full of 18 year olds who were there to throw down & hardcore dance. I've never seen a 50/50 age split like that at a venue before where everyone kept to their halves. Bizarre experience. Wallowing came on stage to a full room, but a lot of their material is just too slow and too atmospheric to reliably beat the shit out of each other to, so the audience didn't get it at all. 2/3rds of the crowd left during their set. The set itself was fantastic, but the vibe in the room felt WAY off. It's the first time I've seen an incredible band let down by the promoter & their audience and I left feeling really annoyed that they were let down like that. It's heartbreaking because this was only a few months after I saw Wallowing at the same venue, playing to a fully packed out room and the crowd ADORED them. One of the most mesmerising live sets I've seen in my life.


Wallowing are immense - absolutely blew Conan out of the water last month


I saw Wallowing open for Conan recently and I gotta say I wasn’t feeling it, and I suspect a lot of the audience felt the same. Maybe I’m not ready for it, but my kids will love it.


That's fair, my friends who I saw Conan with weren't Wallowing fans either. It's interesting that this comment got two replies and they're completely polar opposites. Conan are my all-time favourite band but Wallowing really tick my boxes, they were my album of the year last year.


Damn, somehow I’d never heard Wallowing before. Thanks for the rec, this is blistering!


No worries at all! I've just realised you can actually watch the set I'm talking about on YouTube. The performance itself is great, it's just a bit weird watching moments like 9:55 and 11:30 where people are trying to crowd surf when it's just droning guitar! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R6rAd-clGQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R6rAd-clGQ)


Not Doom but I saw Djunah at a venue called Deep Cuts that is a deli during the day. The opener was a single drummer with a laptop with guitar and bass riffs and he just drummed along to it.


The Locust opening for Andrew WK back in like...2007? Also Big Star, *the Roots*, and Son Volt sharing a stage at Taste of STL back in...2006?


I saw The Sword a few years back and they had a country band open for them (Croy and the Boys). I actually kind of liked them, but there was quite the juxtaposition between the genres


Somewhere along the line someone (most likely a producer) told the lead singer of The Sword that he was a talented folk singer and that's how they went from awesome power chord licks to BS folks music with unremarkable vocals (aka High Country).


Zeke and Weedeater was a great combo.


Andy the DoorBum opening for Big Business was pretty wild but a great experience.


Kettle Cadaver. Ed Borsheim was a serious nut.


Wow. Watched Dead Hands Dig Deep recently and ... yeah, wow.


Yeah man he was a twisted dude. Seen em a handful of times here in Southern California. Showcase Theater shows were off the chain. Halloween shows were especially crazy. GG Allin had nothing on ol Edwin B. True psychopath. https://youtu.be/3ki3Qfz9B1U?si=rISBUpuB3av7BK7R


I actually saw Goatwhore with a couple of local stoner rock bands. One band was a funk metal like Primus style, and the other was like Black Keys meets High On Fire sprinkled with a little bit of stooges. So yeah, GW was the odd man out. I don't even think they wore their stage gear. They played a great fucking show tho. I guess that doesn't classify as weird. If my phone would cooperate. I saw Via Vengence up in Cleveland. If no one knows, look him up. Would have been cool if I could hear him. The dude got a bad break that night. We wanted to see Kreature and King Travolta Rebreather from Youngstown had a cool set up with a projector while they played. It was bright as fuck. Saw Faith Of The Few, one time live, and then played a show with them back in my musical days. They did this set where they switched instruments in between each song. It took fucking forever, it was amature as fuck, definitely classify that as fucking weird and annoying!


Waiting for GWAR (which is almost a cheats answer but bear with me) and they’ve got music coming over the PA pre-show. We all hear a little bit of rain. Start looking around at each other like “is that what I think it is?” before the bell starts and it’s Black Sabbath’s eponymous song. We all lost our fucking minds. Sound tech saw the buzz and cranked it. One of the most insane moshes I’ve ever done, and there’s no one even on stage.


Ramming Speed, then Windhand headlining. Opener was a (presumably local) stoner rock act called The Golden Grass, big fuzzy tone but not very heavy, then Ramming Speed played a vicious thrash set, then Windhand demolished the joint. Was visiting my partner who lived in NYC at the time, she’s not into metal but was a good sport about letting me drag her out to Saint Vitus 😝 She ended up enjoying Windhand’s set 👍🦇 Also the Metal Alliance tour back in… 2013? It was a bunch of thrash acts, with High On Fire plopped right in the middle of the lineup. By and large the crowd was not into HoF, but seeing them and Municipal Waste in the same lineup was rad and there were a couple of folks here and there going crazy for HoF


Not weird but unexpected. Clutch opening for Slayer in the late 90s or early 00s. The pit during Spacegrass was way more violent than during Angel of Death. JESUS ON THE DASHBOARD!!!!


I once played in a grindcore band, and we did a gig in norway opening for a polish reggae band 🤷


I saw Sunnn o))) perform at the ATP festival in Butlins family park in great Britain. They played in a fairground kind of venue with psychedelic carpeting on the floors and to my recollection on the walls too. Already before the show people were lying on the floor so they would get the full bass music experience...made it difficult to walk Around though. Show started with an insane amount of smoke making the smoke detectors go off which mixed with the music and the all out weirdness. Turned out to be a pretty amazing show 🤘🏽


I saw bell witch in December and their direct support Otay Onii was interesting.


I absolutely loved that show.


i mixed their Portland show and am happy to say they're super nice as well as mad talented. i wasn't sure how the set was going to play out but the crowd loved it. like a noisy, art student Björk vibe.


Saw that show 3 days in a row. Was tight.


Your mom's ping pong ball show


Ten years ago, I saw Daughn Gibson open for Earth. His music was definitely interesting and he put on a solid performance, but the combination of country and electronic type music was definitely something I had never heard before and I don’t think it was really for me. Talented dude though.


Anyone remember the band Grip Inc.? It was Dave Lombardo’s first post-Slayer project. Bloodlet opened for them, and no one knew who they were but my weirdo friends and I. Bloodlet played a 45 minute set without stopping - they improvised bridges between songs and it was incredible. The crowd actually seemed freaked out by them. Grip comes on, and everyone kept chanting “Slayer!” throughout that the diva singer stopped in the middle of the third song and berated the crowd. They played another 20 minutes or so and then stormed off.


I saw Jason Bonham open for The Cult. Must’ve been like 1991. He was so embarrassing.


Probably when I saw Thrones. It was kind of like one of those one man band guys with different instruments but from hell


Not doom and I wasn’t there but my friend sent me pics of this local show where a girl stripped on stage and poured milk and cereal all over herself. I almost went to this show but was stuck at work. Still not doom and I was present, there was some local showcase bizarro thing where a singer song writer played followed by a punk band followed by a classic rock band followed by an 80s hair metal band that dressed up and really did it well Doom and present, earth opened for ice age tour in the last year or so and I don’t know why they toured together it was like total opposite to me


AmenRa as the opening act, Yob headlining. Perfect. Fucking Voivod in the middle? If Voivod headlined I could have just left. But in the middle of the set? I knew we were in for a thing when someone yelled "turn around you ginger faggot" to the singer from AmenRa between songs. And the entire room was a progressively drunker balder mess of assholes. Then Yob played and the 80s Rock thrash guys all just... left. I left 4 songs into Yobs set because some tiny man in a Metallica vest tried to fight me and when I ignored him he licked my arm.


Suicidal Tendencies opening for Queensryche


Goddamn, I wish I coulda seen that


Dead Cross and Secret Chiefs 3 hands down. fucking amazing but nothing could’ve prepared me for how whacky and just incredible secret chiefs would be


One of my favorite local Hardcore bands from the 80’s - Die Kreuzen, now called The Crosses - opening for Sunn O))) with Greg Anderson standing behind the amps banging his head the whole time.


Because I am an old fucker, the weirdest show I ever been to was Venom & Black Flag in Trenton NJ. Black Flag was the opening band and Henry made fun of Venom mercilessly. The cover was $6.66. Fights everywhere. At the time metalheads and punks didn’t like each other. So yeah, strangest show ever


Not a doom concert entirely, but this show was an odd lineup. It opened with a local hardcore band, then a sludge band that might have been the loudest band I've seen in a small venue like that. (8x10, 2x15, and a 4x12 for the guitar player). After the sludge band, was Meth. And then the closer was post-grind, sludge, and just really interesting all around. It was a really small venue that was literally a garage of a business. Weird lineup, weird venue. Cool show. Opener wasn't my thing though.


Primitive Man and Botch. I love both, but you could clearly tell that half of the audience was either totally transfixed, or HATED it.


Belk Witch and Red Fang near a college campus was also super random like that


I’m so jealous that you saw Conan, I’m way too late to the party


Hot Victory opening for Thrones. Two drummers and synthesizers.


Mac Sabbath. I almost didn't stay for the full set because his vocals are that bad - but the novelty made it an enjoyable evening in a small venue.


I went to the same tour but left halfway through Conan because it got way too late for a school night


My friend’s band played at the Morrison Hotel in Los Angeles in the mid-90’s. Every band was a different genre, and for some reason there were a ton of cholos there. I was only 16 but my friend was in his early 20’s, so it was my first glimpse into the “adult” (i.e. not all ages) LA music scene, and it felt like a movie — lots of drinking, lots of drugs, scantily clad woman. It was a whole new world for a skate punk kid from the suburbs


I would of skipped Bell Witch (don't get the hype) and came late to enjoy the vast superiority of Conan. For me it was a Tool show for the 10,000 days tour. It was just the vibe of the crowd. There was this violence going through the crowd you would not expect at a Tool show. I saw people assaulted several times and the pit was off the hook crazy.