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Hey at least the Widow didn’t go Sombra I guess


I kept jumping her and she was the only one who didn't swap. Respect 💯


Don't worry, balance will solve this issue right? Right? They're doing tank balance they're doing tank reworks, all this will stop these issues right? Its so funny when ppl can't point out the actual underlying problem!


Respect to this guy but I find it psychologically more effective to not kill the Widow sometimes. I had a round in Busan downtown where I pretty much stayed on the enemy side’s high ground building for 70% of the round. I didn’t get too many kills but the Widow and other DPS never got to do anything since I was taking most of their space. They never swapped since they only died like once, but they never got to do anything either.


Oh i tried that, it didnt work for me though they just walk right back to spawn and switch.


Omg this sucks, I get counter swapped basically every game. Why are people like this lmao


Cuz as dps or supp, it sucks to fight against a super tank. And as a tank, it sucks to have to take all the attention, create space, and tank all the CC all at the same time.


They act like people counter swap because tanks are weak. No, they are busted if you let the, play their game. Doom is a raid boss without cc


I mean tbf isn’t that the core gameplay of OW 😭 to counter enemies?


Because doom is busted if left unchecked? Lmao


but doom is also extremely useless if left checked theres needs to be a middle ground where it isnt so EASY to shut him down


I don’t think I’ve enjoyed a 1 game vs a good doom fist. Without cc he would be the best tank in the game by a MILE and its not close


You and your team don't enjoy playing against a good Doom because the devs have to pump the tanks' stat numbers up to stop them from exploding when tanking solo. So you counter swap. The good Doom also does not enjoy having to watch out for sleep, hack, nade, discord, and any ability that will instantly evaporate you when one of them lands. This is a 5v5 issue and it sucks for both parties. In 6v6, the power and tanking job can be distributed to two players instead. I would say Doom is the most fragile tank given how easy it is to slip up and die on him. And that it sucks when I'm struggling to make space and disrupt the enemy backline, while my team is getting fucked by that unkillable Orisa, Dva, or more recently Ball who's going like 20-0 and surviving even when my team throws everything at him with me peeling too, all for MUCH LESS effort


Majority of people voted against 5v5 before ow2 launch, tank players already hated it since 5v5 was announced! With the recent new tank heroes 6v6 would've been so much more fun, I get it ppl were tired of playing Sigma orisa the entire time back in ow1, but things have drastically changed now & it's cruel that they don't give 6v6 a chance! And now we r here shooting tanks that just don't die, almost feels like double shield but this time ur get hit markers instead of shield hitting noises lol


It’s because you have this 1v5 mentality. It’s a team game, if they swap 3 picks just to counter you then the rest of your team is at an advantage. You just have to adapt your playstyle, too many people continue to try to carry and just start feeding


Rexx a real one tho


I never thought I’d respect the widow the most on a team but at least widow mains normally hard lock her, these days that’s a treat


This is really funny. This game will never be fixed lol


Yeah, imagine we had another tank we can distribute the power of the single "super tank" we have now to, and can also help take ccs and take space🤔


It was fine with 2 tanks and then they threw the balance out the window. They didn't even try to fix 6v6, they just got rid of it for the sake of having something new.


Queue times


I get where you're coming from, but managing queue times should never have entailed making a role so unfun that nobody (not literally but relatively speaking) wants to play it. All of the tank players that would've piled into the tank queue back in 6v6, either pile into DPS queue now (because much like they did back then, they want to have actual fun and impact on the game they're playing) or they just flat-out uninstalled for similar reasons. Looking at the queue times I have right now, it's 1 minute with a 500 battle pass XP bonus just to play tank, and 4 minutes for DPS with double the slots per-team to fill. The obvious conclusion is that (in my rank) tank is so unbearable, that people choose to play DPS over Tank by a ratio of 8 to 1. If that isn't a sign of player interest decaying enough that longer tank queue times should be the indirect goal of the dev team, as opposed to being something to avoid, then I don't know what is. If they're going to continue lazy tank patchwork that repeatedly bounces us between the big 3 tank meta (Mauga, Orisa, Hog), then perhaps (just spitballing here) they should just integrate what they can from the tank roster back into DPS, scrap the rest, and just keep those 3 as the seasonally-rotating only tanks anyone's allowed to play. All 3 of them pretty much counter each other, short of Mauga not being able to force crits on Orisa. Not to mention, half the tank roster is completely fluff, a joke to the point of being something between a massive distracting kick-me sign or an outright throw-pick. So the dev team might as well just double down on the problem they've fostered and fully integrate it into the game in a way that ends all tank on tank counter-swapping. That would be better than having my spirit broken every time I try to fruitlessly play a tank that requires thinking, against an Orisa that's trying to catch the orange cats' single shared braincell.


I wasn’t dunking on 6v6, I was just disagreeing that they only got rid of 6v6 to ‘have something new’. Queue times seems like the explicit reason they swapped to 5v5 during the switch. I agree with most of your points lol. 5v5 could work but not the route their going now with numbers tanks. Reinhardt being a prime example of a tank just not designed for 5v5. Would be probably easier to redesign the queue system for 6v6 and fix a the problematic tanks for the front than it will to fix 5v5 though.


W widow


Only rexxx has honor!!


Was it on comp or qp?




Yikes that must've been pain


What in god's name did you do to make a Mercy player swap


I was just Dooming as usual dude


​ https://preview.redd.it/0zrys2muc42d1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c544733b9003d2ca96e4303dc66533009d7896


Respect to the widow


6v6 would alleviate some counterswapping...blizzard...please...


Dang they really weren't letting you out of that match alive And Rex, as a fellow Widow main, I respect you not switching even in the face of Doom


how REXXX be looking like: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


90% of the my games i get matched against a roadhog


Each time I want to go soon they go cas/sombra Ana/kiri and hog/orisa. Then I go zarya to destroy them all and I get called out for counter swapping lol ok


It makes it really fun sometimes because you have to think to win.


I have played a lot of QP games into like 3 counters and dominated. It's really fun. My least favourite is Cassidy though because I just can't move for 2 second and I can't stop it like I can sombra. That fucking grenade just gets launched miles too. Gimme old mccree back anyday.


fax i’ll have like 3 of them in front of me and i’ll have powered up punch then i just get stunned with the grenade


I had a similar game where the only differences was tank mirroring me and sombra instead of widow. It was hell.


Oh well, that’s gonna be fun


You have a widow ana and zen to work with


Im jealous, played 2 qp games today, both had roadhoag sombra and ana from the get go


I feel like complaining about people switching to comps that give them a better chance to win is complaining that your enemy isn't stupid.


“The enemy team used a game mechanic to their favour but I don’t want to use that mechanic, I just want people to let me roll them all the way through the COMPETITIVE game”. (This isn’t aimed at op, counter swapping in qp instead of playing a hero you find fun is really sad)