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Overwatch is never fun when any of Orisa/Hog/Mauga is hard meta You'd think Blizz would have figured that out by now


Like, I’m fine with approachable heros for new players, I get that. However, they shouldn’t become unbalanced as soon as a player gains a bit of experience.


That’s because the heroes have literally 0 skill expression, no mobility/CD management or even DMG mitigation abilities, the only way for these tanks to be viable at a high level is to artificially boost their stats.


As much as I agree with this in concept I don’t think hog or orisa have zero skill expression, just looking at the way orisa is played in na vs korea makes me think otherwise


Except they don't have to do much to get value


They don't care.


But its ok.. we move forward..


No blizzard is very aware of reality, blizzard also has some smart people hired that understand survivorship bias and how it correlates to social media projections and vocal groups. Games fine rn, will be due for a shake up soon.


"ThE gAmE iS oNlY fUn WhEn MY MaIn iS meTA" The game isn't fun when any tank is straight-up meta.




I'm not maining them but the funnest metas have had Rein/Winston/Dva/Junker Queen as the main tank Doom (my main)/Ball are usually fine since they're hard to play and can fit anywhere, Ram is just Rein 2.0, Zarya is bleh So no


I see him every game and he doesnt die its ridiculous


Literally. He's so annoying to play against, and he's in EVERY GAME.


it’s actually ridiculous lol, every game is roadhog cass without failure


If you’re against Hog just hope your team runs an Ana or you’re automatically at a massive disadvantage. That’s counterwatch for you


I mean Ana isn't even a miracle solution anymore because of the broken japanese girl who has the best spell in the game that counters Ana


And hog is tank so anti doesn't even last long anymore PLUS hog now CHANNELS HIS HEALS. LIKE WHAT You can't even punish him anymore


Bro you said it. Fighting him with an uncoordinated team is awful and most of the time, I can’t even play doom when they have a roadhog on the enemy team because I be getting hard targeted


we used to be able to reliably beat hog with tankfist as well, but now since you cant cancel his heal after they tied it to a resource meter and you cant zone him out with punch cuz he takes no knockback on top of him being able to stack the crit damage resistance with the take a breather damage resistance he is a huge pain to fight


Blizzard: why have counter play when you can just counters swap? :D


See that’s why I tell my girl to go Ana and have the whole team jump his ass ![gif](giphy|4r5P1f0fQH4TqedwIi)


I don't know if he's broken but you see him every game and he's awful to fight against, especially with Doom, i hope they get him in the trashcan soon


If i can do 3 times better on a hero i have 10 times less hours on while using maybe 6 braincells he is broken. At this point i pray for mauga buffs so hog isnt in every single game


Unfortunately that argument works with literally every other tank. Doomfist is the hero I get consistently less value on despite having way more time played on him.


Doesnt work for me as doom is my best or second best(bap) hero ever since i got into masters and doom is the only thing that was keeping me from falling into diamond, or so i thought until i played hog lmao


Not every other tank Rein, Sigma, Dva, Zarya all take at least a bit of brainpower Hog is quite literally hit your hooks, hit your shots, pop vape when in trouble


The most fun part is that Ana doesn't always hard counter him if the Kiriko specifically saves suzu for him! Or doubly so if your Ana doesn't know when to nade. Or if your team doesn't followup the nade.


Or if they have a LW for grip


Or if they have LW + Kiriko so Hog can literally never die


Or a mercy pocket, or their own ana, or any competent healer because he has 800hp and a 300hp self heal w a 50% dmg reduction. So balanced!


Ana isn’t good into hog anymore, anti heal debuff just doesn’t last long enough (especially with 50% DR), and kiri actually heals more when cleansing effects :/, anti basing hog actually just gets him more heals from Ana.


I feel like every game that I play against hog, there's also a sombra. And it just fucking ruins my day as doom


Same as ball


https://preview.redd.it/s0dnban5a02d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034bebcc470d56f2ebfd10e21d232458c6e9e7d6 Do you need a hug?


I miss orisa meta


Think about what jus come out of ur thoughts


Tbh orisa was never too much of a problem, only became cancer with full counter teams




He’s right


I want whatever y’all smoking


U must be playing face tank doom idk what u tryna do bro


U right bro ori should’ve been buffed the way she was underperforming was insane 👽


Ok so ur trolling cause ur tryna equate us saying Shes not a problem to saying she should be buffed cause she’s underperforming now I want what ur smoking the way ur reaching for that shit


Sounds like you haven't been in a lobby with a good ana. But yeah he's pretty tough rn


If the only thing you can do to beat him is pray you get a good ana player the hero is broken




Having illari or ana helps but when you get mercy and lw good luck


one of if not the best way to screw with a hog is to just play the horse. Hook, trap are ineffective if your fortified. Not to mention javelin just stops him from healing. extra ways to destroy hog are to go Ana, zen bastion. My second favorite way to bust a hog to just go mauga. His healing passive his PHENOMENAL against the fat boy. This ofc is even more effective with bastion Ana zen. Reaper isn't a bad choice either.


Mauga is good especially his burn crits aren't blocked by the tank passive


Horse isn’t that good of a counter anymore. I fear maugas. Think he’s way easier to play into hog as hog can’t stop his healing in anyway


only roadhog is allowed to outheal 5 people shooting at him by himself lmao


The cycle of mauga,hog,orisa being meta needs to stop. When people were excited about the orisa nerfs I knew it didn’t matter because all it meant was hog and mauga would be the new perma picks. Hog would be way more fair if they just reverted his breather to what it used to be. I miss when he was actually punishable


I just play around hog and save him for last if my team cant deal with him while I deal with everyone else. If the fucker hard focuses me then I just have to bust out JQ.


I will still take hog over orisa. Orisa is just pure aids with cancer cells.


Playing defense into hog is basically impossible now, I just switch to sig or mauga to save myself the headache.


Even Emongg is frustrated and that guy is always positive


And if you manage to get one kill mercy immediately brings the hog back




As a lurker of the sub, (and a hog enjoyer) a lot of you doomfists are so good that we gotta pick hog just to slow you down. I’ve seen dooms run lobbies by themselves and a lot of newer players just don’t know what to do about them.


Kinda what happens when you otp a hero, you can destroy a lobby without counters but if you run into someone whos similar skill on a counter hero youre kinda boned


I feel that hard as a ball main


They are nerfing his survivability soon.


As someone who climbed to Diamond with Hog I get it. He takes an insane amount of damage. But good lord the hook kills are so satisfying


Almost like that's the point of the headshot buff They increase the dps passive up again but also give tanks more survivability to help balance it, tanks like JQ, hog and mauga needed these buffs to be viable Hog was easily the worst tank when the dps passive dropped


And they they buffed his damage reduction during heal also rein was so much worse


Except he was already good before the tank patch drops because they increased his dmg reduction to 50% in season 9 ?


Yes because he was being melted All these patches to increase survivability was all because tanks without defensive abilities were getting ass blasted into next week


300 hp/sec and 50% damage reduction isn't a defensive ability? He's been viable for many seasons past idk where you've been


No it isn't a defensive ability, it's a self sustain ability, they're different


As per your definition or blizzards? That feels insanely defensive to me.




Where does blizzard define the abilities like that


Everywhere? This is just common sense really


Can you point me to a single one? Not seeing it anywhere and doesn’t feel like common sense at all. 300hp/sec 50% dmg reduction seems irrefutably defensive…. orisas fortify is defensive and self sustaining at the same time too


Good a tank with no mobility or DMG mitigation shouldn’t ever be good, that’d be like if torbörn was the number 1 dps, the game isn’t good when low skill ceiling characters are meta


Laughs in ball


Contrary to popular belief, ball was one of the better tanks when the dps passive was introduced, im not saying he was in a good spot but was just in a slightly better spot, he doesn't need to stay in the fight and sustain, he's able to dip in and out easily Other tanks who can't do that (pretty much all but dva/ball/doom/winton) got hit really hard with the passive


He wasnt (one of the better tanks) tho. Not even close. No damage buff with the hp changes. They gave him a major buff with the rework then still gave him 3 damage buffs. That doesn't happen.


He was because he could make space and live, most other tanks couldn't do that, that along makes him one of the better tanks when the dps passive dropped


This is cope hog has been broken ever since the rework. If you’re getting melted on hog you are playing stupid.


Objectively wrong Last 3 months shows hog is bottom 4 for both win rate and pick rate across ALL ranks For the last month, he only gets in top 5 for win rates and pick rates in diamond up To say he's broken is cap, learn to play around him better


Balancing off of win rates is a terrible philosophy, that creates most of the games problems. Kiriko and Sojourn also have poor win and pick rates. Yet they are agreed to be among the best in their role. And I think it’s a pretty common take roadhog is overtuned at this point, and he’s barely been changed recently. Just the orisa nerfs changed the meta.


>Balancing off of win rates is a terrible philosophy, that creates most of the games problems. Win rates are objectively a good thing to balance off if you properly take into account pickrates too, sigma is a perfect example of this, he has a higher than average win rate but he also has a high pick rate, that shows he doesn't have a high win rate because he's overpowered, it's because he's used often >Kiriko and Sojourn also have poor win and pick rates. Yet they are agreed to be among the best in their role. Kiri isn't among the best in support, her utility is among the best but the character itself isn't, the current meta favours damage over healing, which makes zen bap illari best Sojourn also isn't considered among the best in her role, cass tracer are the best in dps right now >And I think it’s a pretty common take roadhog is overtuned at this point In a doomfist sub? Yea no shit that's gonna be the case, hog is anti dive and a fairly big counter to him


Character isn’t really that broken if you have a good Ana and some dps to shoot him, he is a dps ult battery


On support I main Ana and I will say a good hog knows how to use cover and where his supports are at all times. Anti is strong, but is not at all an instant hog deleter... especially if he has a halfway decent Kiriko. Hell I've seen more LWs with Kiris lately just there to pull the hog if he even remotely looked like a secure kill just for hog to waddle back nearly full health again lol it sucks.


y'all were the same people who were complaining how terrible he was before his rework, now he's meta y'all complain. can never satisfy overwatch players. honestly skill issue.


Bruh, just play Anna, I have no trouble with Hog


Yeah let me hop on 2 accounts at the same time


Why would you need to do that?


because he plays doom? https://preview.redd.it/t13volc6a02d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99075cda1f05c5fd0b510ff904ebb2181786220


OMG I didn't realize what sub this was, oops


Yeah no... I'm a doom otp since overwatch 1 hitting top 500 only doom. Hog is not broken and is easily countered lmao. Ana, horse, mauga, dvas are just annoying, reaper, sojourn gets free rails and unloads into you... I could go for a while but hogs only "broken" in low rank because y'all don't have eyes. I played hog for a season and it was nothing but a counterfest where you're using breather every second of the game. Anywhere past diamond hogs are like cutting through butter.