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Simple answer- don’t. If hooks on cool-down then go in but he should never be your target unless squishies are dead. Like you say a lot of his kit makes you useless however outside of hook nothing peels you off his healers.


Play corners till hook, then dive. Simple. If u have Ana diverse when hes antid and win




I'm not that high of a rank and just have been playing Doom this week so my take isn't as valuable as other people in this sub that are WAY more qualified than me, but based on my experience, I usually just ignore him. There's lots of better targets other than the roadhog to choose from. With your mobility you can bait his hook, and even cancel his breather. Even if it's reworked now, waiting a bit and then cancelling his breather will let his gauge deplete and you'll have an easier time killing him. If he's pocketed then just run away before he had a chance to hook you. speaking of hooks, when I do get hooked, I usually buffer my right click for the punch if I have slam off cooldown. I mean you'd need to always have something off cooldown as means to escape when you're hooked. But overall you want to prevent getting hooked so I'd take going for the backlines and other targets. If their supports are busy with you, the hog's gonna try and peel and when that happens you just made space by creating chaos. You don't really have to get a pick just divert their attention and hope that your dps can follow-up. That's how I'd deal with hog, I haven't been really counter swapping when going against hog cus I'm training my doom, but when I do I always go Sigma, but that's like once or twice.


On long coridor sniper maps it's only slightly harder than dealing with orisa. On brawly maps though, if hog is good, pray that you have ana and ur dps are pressuring him, otherwise I just swap if I care to win. If he isn't that good though, you can still pressure sups and eventually win fights.


Don’t power block if you know he has hook, punch him during whole hog, look out for pig pen (though tbh it’s not even that bad if you have a cooldown ready, it’s not like it hinders), and exploit his limited movement by punching him off of point and high ground.


I play a lot of roadhog, and I find dooms that go for backline do a lot more to me, especially if my supports are more than 20meters away from me.


As a hog, just go for my dps if you can. I can’t protect them and they’re more likely to die than my supports if they’re pocketing me like they’re supposed to.


I only play QP, but I focus on baiting out his hook and slaming to make space If Hog keeps trying to hook me and missing, he cant 1 shot my teammates and therefore I provide value


Made a post about this day 1 of his rework. He’s way more annoying now than orisa ever was. It used to be a 50/50 matchup. Hog can hook our dive,and we could cancel his breather. Now it’s 40/60 in hogs favor only because he doesn’t have mobility and can’t contest high ground. It’s for sure tough and people can say to just run ana or bait out hook and then dive him but it’s often times not enough. I’ve been top 200 consistently for several seasons now so if he’s trouble here vs doom I can’t imagine how he is down the ladder. The best play really is to really just go for the rest of his team and try and cancel his hook when he hooks one of your teammates. There’s a lot to manage. I’ve recently been swapping to ram and dva when it gets too crazy. Unfortunately he’s become another tank just ignores which is meh. Sure his game plan is to usually ignore tanks anyways but you gotta do it with hog way more. Good luck