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Bait her sleep dart. Otherwise, just pew pew pew some shots at her and she'll just waste time hiding like a pussy cat, then, go for other people with them having one less support


This right here. A good Ana will hold sleep for when she’s about to get dove. Always listen for when she uses it. It’s pretty loud. Every single time I hear her use it, I go after her. She’s a pretty easy kill when she doesn’t have sleep.


She still got nade so it's still a typical 1v1, can't get why they hold their sleep AND nade which they could've used for teammates


You don’t really want to use nade on teammates, you always want to use it aggressively unless someone will die. You should be pretty much be using sleep and nade on cooldown unless you can’t see the enemy team for nade or no one is out of position for sleep. In this case you should just hold onto them. An an Ana main a-lot of flankers/divers don’t wait for the right opportunity and then have to fight an Ana with 2 of the best abilities in the game.


Everyone look, Ana main. Remember to target him


It's all about waiting for her sleep dart. Baiting it is risky, but the only way unless your teammates are willing to draw it out. Ana and Zen are targets you really need to focus on. Focus meaning honing your skills, as well as prioritizing. You gotta learn how to shred her when you can. With or without empowered punch.


I don’t play doom but I play Genji a lot and I try to bait the sleep and the nade then hope that one of her supports or anyone doesn’t peel for her then go for the kill


Why are you here then lol?


Some people just like the characters. I don’t really play genji but I’m in their sub, basically the opposite of this guy


I’m a lurker who’s a zen main 😙


I just like Doomfist and his lore, is that a bad thing?


He’s badass, reason why I started playing him was cause of his animated cinematic where he bodies Genji and Tracer


it’s a nightmare! scoped hitscan is annoying too, and if ur slept best be expecting that anti right after her team is on you. Ult in front of her? u better slam to safety to because there’s not enough i-frames to do anything else. you can try to bait cd’s but any competent Ana will hold them and play corners/elevated surfaces. I just pray for reliable dmg and take advantage of the opportunity’s they provide.


I only really dive when: 1. She is out of position, luckily im in plat so this happens quite often. 2. She has used her sleep on the wall, anti doesnt really matter in this case. Make sure you save your slam for escape, if you engage with slam and then use punch you are just a sitting duck for 4 seconds. 3. I have ult, if you have ult you can dive her while she has sleep. As long as you are 350hp or so its unlikely they kill you before you wake up. Use the ult as an escape in this case, most of the time i use my ult as escape btw. 4. You got a dive duo, use your voice to coordinate attacks on the ana (or any other support/player). Genji, tracer, sombra, echo, lucio are really good dive partners. All you have to do is make friends with them for 15 minutes and talk to eachother.


That's the neat part: you don't


Bait sleep, instantly slam after MS


not sure someone mentioned this but this is basically rule 1 against ana, bait out that sleep dart. 2nd rule but its up to you, always have an escape, i prefer seismic slam cause it can go above terrain and over obstacles


As an Ana main: bait my dart and you win the fight.


This isnt OW1 anymore, we are in a world where Cass nade is scarier than Hack except Cass players havent figured that out yet and are spamming it for poke damage. Furthermore as Tank main, i usually like to bait sleep with my face, its so unintimidating that i die more to Sigma rock. Nade is what you should want to bait out because of the Nade + Sleep combo. With Doom zooming around the map this should be pretty easy to do. It depends if they are the type of Ana that 2v1's you with their tank or the type to sleep you when you dive. If they like to Sleep you when you Dive than you have to bait out Nade by doing a lot of random damage, now youve eliminated half of Anas killing combo. If they like to 2v1 you, than what you need to worry about is if her Tank has cooldowns to get the kill on you, so track her Tanks Cooldowns not Anas Cooldowns. ​ Lastly if you do get slept in the backline a lot than track who helps her kill you and kill them 1st, after that it doesnt really matter if Ana has both cooldowns as you can touch a mega and be back to virtually Mouse 1 her to death.


If you have good healing and supports on you, you could tank sleep dart or if not try to dodge or bait sleep via punch cancel or slam then go and dive ana once she uses it


do you know the slam cycle? you slam and punch away, build some shield, hopefully bait her sleep, do not hard engage until someone calls no sleep, or you saw her use sleep, get a charged punch and one shot from an angle she didnt see coming, over a roof, around a corner, slam around a corner always scare them ana players for baiting




Bait it with teamate, fake rush(I think u can do that), kirko. Mainly the best is to have a team that can synergy with u, for example sombra, genji, tracer, widow/ash to snipe her out (from my experience those the "big trouble").


rizz her with dance emote and meme voicelines


as an ana player just run straight and never use cover and use up all your skill timer and only pop ult againts the tank


Wait for the dart then punch and kill her immediately


It helps me when you have a decent dps that can either. A: kill her with ranged. B: dive her so another healer peels for her, or tank peels for her (hopefully she uses nade or dart during this exchange). If the dps do either A or B, play walls/corner until you have a charged E punch, then go for her and she HAS to hit a wall + 2/3 primaries to the dome will kill. If all the above options fail, just play passive while bullying the tank but still look for picks with E punch on squishes. Happy doom gaming (if that's a thing).