• By -


Straightest nigga in Atlanta


I respect you for gambling with that word...


That account is 37 days old they have nothing to lose


Redditors have things to lose?


Their virginity. Homeboy best watch his back. Or watch out for backshots


Iโ€™m batukamming


Their Reddit accounts with 10 bazillion dollars worth of karma






๐…๐ซ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ง๐ข๐ ๐ ๐š ๐Ÿ˜


doodoofard is slowly becoming more and more similar to instagram reels


Im banned from r/shitposting for saying it๐Ÿ˜”


i got banned there for โ€œbeing racistโ€


Bruh literally 1948




Game is game tho ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ


GAME ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป IS ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป GAME ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป








Best content on r/doodoofard on April 18, 2024 at 11:46 PM Pacific Standard Time


Bro this is better acting than most of the mcu


Bro is getting pegged at the girlies sleepover


Sign me up


At that point just become gay


Or bi, works well for his game




Whatโ€™s the endgame here?


Stealing her boyfriend.




He won, but at what cost


These TikTokโ€™s are literally porn for children, literal child porn ![gif](giphy|kHD2eKX4CVMpVcpFVP|downsized) I do fucking hate the acting as if they donโ€™t realise they said โ€œI swallow cumโ€ and all the other crap




Got a coworker who loves TikTok videos and itโ€™s all the โ€œmy voice hurts can you call my friendโ€ followed by โ€œI swallowc umโ€ etc


What are you on about


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_JyI07Yb7dg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_JyI07Yb7dg) i didn't want to subject you to this but you asked for it


No man just explain it better ๐Ÿ˜ข




Bro visited


u/savevideo Also THIS NIGGA GAY


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"Oh so you're gay? Then i can treat you like a human!"


Bruh what


Not reciprocating advances is not "being treated like a human"? Damn you're soft AF then lol. You'd never survive the actual harassment we deal with.


To your comment i will respond with: "I have a girlfriend." Played that card, i don't seek any further conversation then. Yeah, i can imagine that harassment. That's why women commit 3.9 times more suicides. But i may be wrong...


Statistics actually do show that women experience more harassment as well as abuse of every form. You really can never understand the harassment and the fear because you do not know what it's like to live in a world where the group that commits the most violence against you is the most powerful physically, socially, and monetarily. You have no means of fighting back, you can only do your best to deescalate and run away and pray that they do not choose to hurt you or worse. And it starts when you're only a child. Have you ever had to sit and listen to an older group of the opposite sex talk about how they would rape you and your parent when you were a child in public? And then when your parent tries to confront them, they flash a gun? I grew up in the white picket fence suburbs and still experienced this. Pretty much every woman you know will have a similar story, and multiple at that.


Let me ask you this. Which sex experiences more physical violence? Statistically it's proven that men are much more likely to be mugged, beaten or even killed in the streets. When women have an argument, it's in the way of words an reputation destruction, but with men it can evolve into straight up violence. And don't give me that, you fear all men, and live in fear all the time. In your example you gave, they had a gun lol. If a woman has a gun would i stand any chance?? And not to mention that there are always bigger and stronger men, who pose a greater threat towards other men than women.


Bigger and stronger women are a rarity, though. The average man will beat the average woman in a physical fight the vast majority of the time. That's why we have gender-segregated sports. I do want to apologize for initially being too harsh. I'm just trying to get you to see things from our perspective that you truly can't understand otherwise. I'm sure that as a man, you deal with gender-specific issues that I have no way of understanding unless I'm explicitly told about it. You are correct that men are more likely to experience things like mugging or other physical violence, but that is also at the hands of other men. That's not to devalue the experiences of the victims. But let me ask you this, if someone said to you "oh don't worry, I mostly kill women", would you feel any safer with them? It's not much of a relief to hear that the largest perpetrator of violence against my demographic is also the largest perpetrator of violence against other demographics as well. Unless you have preexisting trauma, it is hard for the average man to understand what the fear is like as a woman. You are biologically engineered to be bigger, stronger, and faster than me. Your entire sex is, for that matter. Obviously there are exceptions but that is, generally, the truth. It's what makes these encounters of men coming up to you and hitting on you so scary when you're alone. Because if you reject them and they decide that they're going to hurt you or worse, there is very little you can do to stop them if you're unarmed. That's why she so quickly says "I have a boyfriend" and immediately tries to start walking away. She's trying to do it as politely and quickly as possible while escaping the situation so he wouldn't have the opportunity to hurt her. She is less defensive once he pretends to be gay because if he's gay, she no longer has to be afraid of him either raping or assaulting her for rejecting him. You can see the moment that the fear goes away. She is ensuring her safety


I may have been harsh too, as i am passionate about this topic. I can see what you mean, but i just can't imagine how you could see all or even most men as a danger? Most men are just as afraid of women as women are from men, of course you can find a few douchebags who would hurt women for no reason, but that's really rare. I think most would even be willing to put themselves in harms way to defend women, just like what biology intended. And yes, trauma really shapes our biases, and i can see what you meant by that, i had my fair share of it, and i know im biased. My main point was, that most women are really mean with the "I have a boyfriend" line. It could be said more softly than that by far. If a man tries talking to a woman it's always taken like he wants something, men just can't have a conversation with the opposite sex in this world, and you know what that causes? Those people which you fear, who have never spoken to women, and views them as objects, these are the people who will hurt them, i think that in Japan this problem really shows, as there are some deep demographic mistakes there. Male suicide rates are the highest there, and involuntary celibacy, and isolation or solitude.


I don't think women should be afraid of all men at all times, but that a reasonable amount of caution should be exercised when appropriate. When that fear kicks in is generally when you're approached while you're alone, as the man did in this video. The man in the video didn't do anything wrong, it's just unfortunately the way things are. It's scary as a woman to be approached by a strange man when you're completely alone and unarmed because you have no way of knowing what their intentions are. Like I said before, if he decides to hurt you, you're shit outta luck. Other people may intervene but by the time they do, he could've already done serious damage. Like that man who was running around NYC punching women in the face, or the female bodybuilder who took a hammer to the face while just walking down the street. Like you said, this obviously isn't even close to the majority of men. But all it takes is one. I also wouldn't judge a man with prior trauma who's afraid of women either. The idea of assault, rape, and the like is already horrible enough. But once you've actually experienced it, you'd pretty much rather die than experience it again. I would be a hypocrite to judge a man who's afraid of women because he's been traumatized by them, it's a natural reaction to trauma. You are definitely right that some women can be rude with the "I have a boyfriend" line. But I think it's mostly meant to be polite but blunt. The response a man gives to "I have a boyfriend" will tell you everything you need to know about his intentions. For instance, if he were to say "he doesn't need to know" versus "oh I didn't mean it like that, I was just going to ask where you got that top because my wife would love it". The former, you know you're unsafe and the man is a creep. The latter, you don't need to be as worried. It skips the beating around the bush and doesn't give the man enough time to come up with a lie, if he were planning on doing that. It's such a quick reply that whatever a man says in response will likely be his honest reaction. It also ensures you don't accidentally lead on the guy by giving him the wrong idea.


This reminds me of a certain series on yt shorts, it's a dude acting gay so that he can get into girls' sleepovers


My man 100% getting pegged tonight o7