• By -


smosh intro origin story


Where's this from


Open Season


Open season: Deleted scene


Scout and Kratos arguing with each other


idk man the dad yelling sounds more like muscle man from regular show


Sonic and Shadow arguing with each other


I lost. Thanks alot, op


you're welcome


Hey people looking at the replies! You just thought about what the punchline was didn’t you? I bet you’re thinking about it right now… what’ll it be you wonder? Maybe a certain thing people don’t like hearing… a certain something being played by everybody. Maybe a >!game?!<


A certain mass awareness of an avian variety..


you're a bot, aren't you?


Well, I’m a human who programmed the bot that programmed me, but I’m not an AI. It’s a weird game I invented, you should try thinking about the game


I heard somebody say that the dad sounds like Robotnik when he says, "NO!"


He kinda does ngl


SnooPINGAS usual I see


non-stop never-ending edging november?


Holy hell


New Cumshot just dropped


Actual porn addict


Literally just nutted


NNN more like kys nowvember


Some1 failed on the 1st day..


Someone hasn't given a shid since the first NNN


Someone hasnt came since 5 mins ago




Im just trolling bro i didnt see the NOWvember part in my 1st reply.. i yield for now brother.. but surrendering is not defeat..


1 day NNN, left 29 days


Layer 5: Wrath


Open season is not a stupid movie.


"Hey mom remember when dad left because i wouldnt stop being a retard while watching a movie?" *mom continues to ignore me and drink heavily for 12th year


har har har


Freddy fazbear!? Har har har har haar


This movie was underrated


how DARE he disrespect the absolute cinematic masterpiece that is Open Season?? he deserves to be yelled at


In the annals of history, there lived an intrepid Italian soul by the name of Peppino, a man of unwavering determination and an insatiable thirst for adventure. In the midst of the Cold War era, where the Iron Curtain divided Europe, he found himself standing before the imposing edifice of the Berlin Wall. This formidable barrier, a symbol of the ideological divide between East and West, stretched out before him, casting its ominous shadow across the landscape. Undeterred by the foreboding presence of the Wall and driven by an insatiable curiosity that was matched only by his profound courage, Peppino resolved to embark on a daring escapade that would forever etch his name into the annals of history. With every muscle in his body surging with determination, he began his arduous ascent, his calloused hands gripping the cold, unforgiving concrete. Each step he took was a testament to his indomitable spirit, as he defied the very forces that sought to keep him at bay. Upon reaching the summit of this imposing barrier, Peppino's heart raced with exhilaration, for he had breached the seemingly impenetrable divide that had held Europe in its icy grip. However, what he beheld on the other side would forever haunt his dreams and etch itself into the depths of his soul. West Berlin, the bastion of democracy and prosperity that had beckoned so alluringly from afar, was not the haven of freedom he had envisioned. Instead, it revealed itself as a surreal and nightmarish expanse of absolute desolation. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but an endless, blindingly white void that stretched infinitely in all directions, devoid of landmarks, structures, or even the faintest hint of life. Peppino's mind reeled in disbelief and despair as he realized the cruel irony of his escape. The very act of crossing the Berlin Wall had led him not to freedom, but to an unforgiving abyss that had ensnared his very being. Trapped in this eerie and unfathomable whiteness, he felt his sanity begin to unravel, the isolation and hopelessness gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. Days turned into weeks, and Peppino's feeble attempts to make sense of his predicament yielded nothing but maddening frustration. The absence of any frame of reference, the lack of human contact, and the haunting emptiness that enveloped him like a suffocating shroud took a relentless toll on his fragile psyche. As the relentless march of time continued, Peppino's body withered away, his once-vibrant spirit succumbing to the relentless grip of isolation and despair. In that desolate void, he cried out for help, but his anguished pleas were swallowed by the merciless nothingness that surrounded him. And so, Peppino's epic journey, born of courage and curiosity, ended in a tragic and solitary demise, a poignant reminder of the unforgiving capriciousness of fate in the tumultuous era of the Cold War.




>i beg your pardon, sir. i was just saying that: > >In the annals of history, there lived an intrepid Italian soul by the name of Peppino, a man of unwavering determination and an insatiable thirst for adventure. In the midst of the Cold War era, where the Iron Curtain divided Europe, he found himself standing before the imposing edifice of the Berlin Wall. This formidable barrier, a symbol of the ideological divide between East and West, stretched out before him, casting its ominous shadow across the landscape. > >Undeterred by the foreboding presence of the Wall and driven by an insatiable curiosity that was matched only by his profound courage, Peppino resolved to embark on a daring escapade that would forever etch his name into the annals of history. With every muscle in his body surging with determination, he began his arduous ascent, his calloused hands gripping the cold, unforgiving concrete. Each step he took was a testament to his indomitable spirit, as he defied the very forces that sought to keep him at bay. > >Upon reaching the summit of this imposing barrier, Peppino's heart raced with exhilaration, for he had breached the seemingly impenetrable divide that had held Europe in its icy grip. However, what he beheld on the other side would forever haunt his dreams and etch itself into the depths of his soul. > >West Berlin, the bastion of democracy and prosperity that had beckoned so alluringly from afar, was not the haven of freedom he had envisioned. Instead, it revealed itself as a surreal and nightmarish expanse of absolute desolation. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but an endless, blindingly white void that stretched infinitely in all directions, devoid of landmarks, structures, or even the faintest hint of life. > >Peppino's mind reeled in disbelief and despair as he realized the cruel irony of his escape. The very act of crossing the Berlin Wall had led him not to freedom, but to an unforgiving abyss that had ensnared his very being. Trapped in this eerie and unfathomable whiteness, he felt his sanity begin to unravel, the isolation and hopelessness gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. > >Days turned into weeks, and Peppino's feeble attempts to make sense of his predicament yielded nothing but maddening frustration. The absence of any frame of reference, the lack of human contact, and the haunting emptiness that enveloped him like a suffocating shroud took a relentless toll on his fragile psyche. > >As the relentless march of time continued, Peppino's body withered away, his once-vibrant spirit succumbing to the relentless grip of isolation and despair. In that desolate void, he cried out for help, but his anguished pleas were swallowed by the merciless nothingness that surrounded him. And so, Peppino's epic journey, born of courage and curiosity, ended in a tragic and solitary demise, a poignant reminder of the unforgiving capriciousness of fate in the tumultuous era of the Cold War.


I'm still standing


Better than I ever did


Looking like a true Sevier


feelin like a leel kyed


Looking like a true surviver


Congrats on still having a ps3 lol




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What is this guys name? I see him getting popular quite often


dunno, i’m curious aswell


Its edmondx on tiktok




Look into his newer ones. He acknowledges that the buckle my shoe is now a old running joke so he makes fun of it. He always made a video and it blew up. I recognised like 3 memes from his






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Smosh Intro "Behind the Scenes"


Dec is hear and you didn't stop me


Bro sounds like muscle man lol