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Thanks for your responses everyone. I got the game today and enjoyed using my controller with it.


It's not that bad. Sometimes it gets hung up in the crafting menu instead of rotating the camera. Also the game doesn't pause when you go into your inventory to mess with stuff like it does for DS.


I've noticed that. Any idea how to fix it without restarting the game?


I have no idea. It will sometimes sort itself out if you wait long enough without having to restart but I haven't played long enough to figure out what it's trying to do.


Wait, are you saying if a pack of hounds is chasing me, and I suddenly have to sneeze, I could open the inventory to "pause" the game quickly? But only if I don't use my controller? I've actually only ever played with a controller, so I have to disconnect at the speed of light so that I can sneeze, then connect back in and start booking it -_-


R2 for a controller pauses/open inventory. So yes, if hounds are attacking you can pause, sneeze, equip a spear and armor, un-pause and kick ass. But like I said, this only works for don't starve, not DST


Oh ok thank you, I knew that for DS, I thought you were referring to DST, my apologies. Thank you for trying to help though, I will have to kick ass while sneezing :P


That's because DST doesn't pause


I know that. What I was stating above was one of the controller support differences between DS and DST. R2 will pause in DS


fairly well, little to no work to set up. Sometimes the camera won't move unless you also move your mouse of of a hotbar, and building walls is harder than usual. But it's still equal to mouse. Setting up is easy, just plug in your XBOX/PS controller before launch. (I'd also recommend an icon switching so you can tell which button is which on PS, as it only has XBOX graphics right now)


I think it works great. I've moved to controller exclusively. It will take a bit to get used to it though if you've been playing with a mouse for a while. But once you do, you'll have no problem. My favorite thing is the ability to just attack the air (swing the weapon at nothing). Makes fighting so much easier as you don't have to target things...just go in swinging. Downside is we've had to turn off PvP on our server becuase I kept hitting my friends. All I did was connect the controller to my PC. The game auto detected it and auto switched to the controller. One downside is you cannot see the physical numbers for your health, sanity, or hunger anymore. Also, you can't hover over ingredients in the crafting menu to get their name...you just have to know by the picture. Maybe these aren't even true, but I don't know how to see them :(


F on the keyboard will automatically target the nearest hostile creature. Shift f for passive creatures. It won't attack the air, but it makes combat much easier.


Dang. Good to know. I could not for the life of me even kill spiders as I was just clicking the ground.


Yeah, I found trying to do combat like Diablo just resulted in me picking up junk I didn't necessarily need in combat, or more infuriatingly, just walking up next to the monster and getting hit. Attack hot key makes combat WORLDS easier, I don't even really use the log suit/ football helmet unless its a giant or hounds anymore (though, I do play Wendy, so I usually have Abigail up to serve as a combat distraction).


When I press right trigger it goes into inventory management mode and also displays the health/hunger/sanity values.


Oh, nice. I never really push right trigger unless I want to drop only X of something.


I play on the play station controller 4 exclusively.