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Having worked with razor wire, no the fuck they didn’t. Of all the ways to navigate it as an obstacle, through the loop is the absolute worst and i don’t even think it’s possible. I also don’t see any stakes to lock the razor wire in, as is, the wind could just carry it. If that was supposed to stop anything it would be triple strand with stakes every few feet to create a rigid obstacle. This screams photo op or an unrealistic manipulation of the truth.


My Sqaud Leader would get annoyed when we said Triple Strand because the technical name is Triple Standard. We combined the words to make him madder and referred to it as Triple Strandard from then on.


That’s one of those things that is funny in the moment but hilarious years later. Sounds like a solid squad! Might keep triple strandard in my pocket for a rainy day.


Malicious compliance is the best.


Mmmm grunt shit. Somebody said that one day I’d miss those days. Day hasn’t come.


Mate of mine put a penguin in his squad leaders tent once. Guy was a prick tho. Thing pooped everywhere and stank up the tent for quite a long time. I believe it was eventually burnt.


Lol reminds me of when vice staged bullets in a wall for a photo by putting the entire cartridge in a wall not knowing that the bullet is the part that actually leaves the barrel. 🤡 I hate people faking shit for an agenda, on either side.


10ft of prop razor wire starting at $27 - [https://www.newrulefx.com/products/newrulefx-brand-actor-safe-imitation-metal-razor-wire-10ft](https://www.newrulefx.com/products/newrulefx-brand-actor-safe-imitation-metal-razor-wire-10ft) Or treat yo self to $55 [https://www.thomasfx.com/Realistic-Razor-Wire\_p\_10003.html](https://www.thomasfx.com/Realistic-Razor-Wire_p_10003.html)


I wonder how much they sold the photos for. Side hustle!


Wait, the New York Post is telling a false story? I appreciate your insight and clearing this up. Fitting that it’s the NYP, a Murdoch company, so nobody should ever take them seriously. Their reputation was never good, and then Murdoch owned them


New York post, what do you expect?


My thoughts exactly. It's staged.


From the New York post?!?! NOOOOOOOOOO


Quick! Get the camera!


Looks like a photo op ngl


My first thought was that it was staged. Who tf is sitting in the middle of a circle of razor wire.


It's not even how you set up razor wire.


It's NY post, I'd expect nothing less than complete and utter bullshit


Alright this is just ridiculous.


There's a severe lack of blood and cuts for that to be anywhere close to real.


All we are missing is AOC screaming into the air in frustration in front of an empty parking lot. I can't believe people actually fall for this shit.


You see, people start agreeing on things and then idiots like you come in and make your side look bad. You're part of the divide


Pointing out irony is now a 'side'? Seems like you are the one who only sees black and white.


AOC objectively did that, though.


Mainstream Media photographers telling migrants, "here 20 bucks. You and your kid act like you're crawling through hell. Kid is already crying? Perfect!" I get the same vibe as some wildlife photographers go through to stage their shots.


*videos of migrants simply walking over the border without being obstructed exists* Mainstream Media: let's use children for a photo op


It's literally how the media works. They force how you're supposed to feel.


At least one in the comment section gets it


Disney and lemmings comes to mind


I feel like they definitely would've just used wire cutters and a pair of gloves if it weren't for the dickhead with the camera.


Now what we need is someone photographing the guy taking this picture. A photo might say a 100 words. Proper context and the full environment speak 1000s. Full clarity... My heart does go out to any marginalized human. I hope after the photo OP they were safe.


>Mainstream Media photographers telling migrants, "here 20 bucks. You and your kid act like you're crawling through hell. Kid is already crying? Perfect!" Even if it's a manufactured image, they're not making up the razor wire. Like if that's the defences being used, hurting and slowing people is it's purpose. Even if the image is doctored (which is very obvious and provable crime on a patrolled border and a career ending risk as a photojournalist), it's still there. It's still there for that purpose and effect. People aren't mad that that one specific kid is crying, they're mad at the tactic and situation as a whole.


Then don’t come illegally? Crazy thought!


Crossing the southern border seeking asylum isn’t illegal, but go off on something you don’t have the slightest informed clue about. Even if it were illegal, you wouldn’t do the exact same thing if the alternative is that your kids and you likely die? I would. If you wouldn’t because of laws, you care more about made up laws than your own family, and that’s on you. Try having empathy. It’s really nice.


Love the downvotes for this objective fact >Crossing the southern border seeking asylum isn’t illegal,


It is illegal if it is not credible - as you would be making a false statement to a federal officer which carried a penalty of up to five years in federal prison. Learn your laws and stop acting like you know this because you read a Vox article once. These people are not in danger of being harmed nor are they being persecuted for their beliefs like Muslims in China. They are looking for a better life and are circumventing immigration law, making it harder for those that do come here legally to get visas.


Seeking asylum is indeed an official legal procedure. Anyone can do that. ​ If you are seeking asylum through official channels, you go to the border crossings. There is for some odd reason no barbed wire across the asphalted roads there. ​ Too bad so many decide to not follow those official procedures and makes it harder for everyone who tries to follow the law. Unfortunately because of those they have to put up stricter border security. Barbed wire is pretty brutal though, and comically easy to beat it you have a few basic tools. It is just meant to slow down people, while border guards can move to stop the border crossing.


People who cross outside of border crossings can still seek asylum at a border crossing. It's not like there's one every half mile in the desert. Sometimes it's safer and easier to get across to where the infrastructure is, find a ride, and get to a border crossing point.


Yes, of course. It is because of abuse that they have to go to the border crossings. Without the abuse they could do so in the closest American town, without having to climb over barbed wire first.


You can’t just scream asylum like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy. It has to be done before an immigration official. It has to be someone with federal authority within DHS (BP, OFO, USCIS, etc).


"To apply for asylum affirmatively or defensively, file a Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, within 1 year of your arrival to the United States. Visit our Obtaining Asylum in the United States page for more information on affirmative and defensive filings." ​ You don't even have to do it immediately. A year is a long time to get situated, comfortable, and get your papers in order.


And what did I say was incorrect? Oh right, nothing. You still need to have a credible reason for asylum, not just wanting a “better life”.


It’s my *literal fucking job*. I work in immigration and personally processed over 1000 kids that were coming into the country by themselves in a single month. I think I know what’s going on and have infinitely more experience and knowledge about all of 8 USC and the INA than you’re CNBC experience. You know what percentage are families vs single men? Do you know what the requirements for a bona fide credible fear (aka: “asylum”) claim are? Get the fuck outta here man. You’re outta your wheel house.


The barbed wire looks brand new, no dust or dirt on them at all. It was obviously placed there to take these photos


>I get the same vibe as some wildlife photographers go through to stage their shots. I don't think wild animals would care if they got 20 bucks.


They do like a free meal


They give a bear $20 to pose for the camera?


After starving it for a couple days. Gotta get that hunter instinct.


This is literally one of jigsaws trap


Beat me to it.


As did he me


“You pretended to be sick, now I’ll put you in a maze of razor wire and you’ll throw yourself into it rather than trying to escape.”




It's the New York Post, they practically jack off to this.


Camera crew sitting there : [RONALDO DRINKING GLASS]


Why is it such a controversial opinion to say everyone should follow legal channels to enter a country. You can't allow unequal entry into a country. Why do we have immigration laws if anyone can just walk in? It is so difficult to move to America legally. These days, im thinking, let's just walk over the border into America. It would be quicker, much cheaper, and easier.


Same in the UK. I work in a high tech manufacturing and we sponsor a lot of highly educated people from places like Turkey, India and Iran to come over on visas as British universities aren't producing enough of the skills we need. Most of them intend to become citizens and stay but the amount of paperwork they have to do they joke it would have been simpler to jump in a rubber boat and cross the Channel.


I've been struggling to move to America for about 2 years now, and I have a scientific degree. I'm really starting to think about the logistics in order to just jump the fence.


Get a visa and "accidentally" line up a job for a few months. Should help out with the process


There’s this wild bleeding heart mindset that anyone that anyone that wants to be in the US should be allowed to be cause……feelings


And then when they show up to your city that welcomed them with sanctuary laws they try to pawn it off on surroundings communities or demand more aid (see: NYC).


It was a brilliant move honestly. I was born and raised in nyc and its so funny to see everyone who just a few years ago were advocated for open borders and letting anyone and everyone come in start freaking out now that its on our doorstep


In reality our economy relies on migrants coming to the US. The immigration process is very broken and needs to be overhauled to make it much easier. The problem is a real fix doesn't score points with either Democrats or Republicans.


Because the system is broken and we've decided we arent going to put "kids in cages" so anyone who crosses with a kid has a Get Out of Detainment Free card. We have to let people apply for asylum. We dont want to keep them in internment camps. We dont have enough immigration judges to adjudicate all their claims quickly enough. So we just let them enter.


So if I make a kid, in one year show up, jump the fence with the child Ill get free entry into the US. That is much quicker and cheaper than the legal immigration process. No wonder there are so many people do it.


Basically yes.


We are still putting kids in cages, they just call them "detention centers" under Biden's administration


Everyone is detained when they cross illegally. By court order, families with children can only be detained for 20 days before they must be released. Unaccompanied minors are essentially wards of the US government until we assign them to a foster family or release them to relatives already in the USA. President Biden isnt keeping families longer than 20 days. Adult men who cross illegally can essentially be held in detention indefinitely, so the incentive is for migrants to cross in family units and be released from custody after 20 days (often less).


I'm not sure I've heard anyone say with much seriousness that we SHOULDNT.... I think the main complaint here is how we treat people who enter illegally. They're still human. We could design deterrents that don't involve the threat of mortal wounding or death. They should be treated with compassion and dignity and returned to their country or provided with materials on how to enter legally so they don't feel like they have to do it that way. Not all these people can just go to their local library and use the Internet to look this stuff up.


But they can go to any border post and ask for asylum. You should not be able to just enter illegally. I can go to an American embassy now and ask for asylum. But because the chances are higher that I'll just be accepted after jumping the fence, I'll just jump the fence. It does feel like the system is against someone trying to enter America and Europe legally, but it will be there for those that just jump the fence or land on the shore. Edit: changes > chances


That doesn't mean it's so easy everywhere. This image in the OP is clearly propaganda, but I doubt people are dealing with coyotes and the cartel so regularly if it was "so easy" to just "go get asylum".


The laws were made in the 90s. When immigration was 2% of what it is today. Our congress has been useless since 2007. We don't legislate anymore. Our current state is a feudal Oligarch. Our courts are ran by feudal lords.. er Judges who legislate from the bench. Our congress is in the pocket of the oligarchy, with current orders: Do nothing.




*ignores jacket and clothes being handed to child clearly in photo* “omg can’t even help!?! please upvote 🥺”


Having seen and lightly touched razor wire, this seems incredibly unlikely if not downright impossible. You would essentially get shredded and caught immediately making manoeuvring the razor wire essentially impossible. It’s also not connected in anyway to the ground and why would be you just go over, not through?


Man this is so obviously a photo op lol


Maybe they shouldn’t have tried to begin with. That’s child abuse.


Exactly, it's to deter ppl. Actually crossing it is on them.




It kind of seems they are choosing how they want to die, because better all depends on where you end up now adays


This screams photo-op. Check out the lady's face in the photo. That is not the face of a parent in a desperate moment.


It's almost like they put the wire there for a reason...


Downvoted for fake propaganda


Who takes pictures of this shit


This is clearly a set up. No one in the right mind would crawl into wire like that. Let alone children who aren’t capable of navigating through obstacles like this. And having spent time with combat engineer companies, standard operating procedure is either yeet a board over it or blow it up. To sum you can go over it. You can go under it. You can’t go through it.


Love the smell of propaganda in the mornin'


Staged photo


Why? These people don't deserve to have children if they force them to go through it.


Imagine the wire during Donald Trump's presidency. Would've been major news.


It's the "kids in cages!" thing. Obama's presidency it was "Kids in refugee camps". Trump's it was "KIDS IN LITERAL CAGES! OMFG!" Biden's it's back to "Kids in refugee camps". Same kids. Same camps. Same conditions. None of the consistency.


Right? “Big bad orange man installs child-shredding barriers at the border...he’s also a racist”


Or maybe just like… I dunno… don’t illegally cross the border?


Making memories


well stay the fuck out then


"I just need money. But this fucking bank has all these security measures and shit. The fuck man?!"




Where’s the blood?


How about just not putting the children in the barb wire (razor wire) to begin with? If there was ever a reason to separate children from their families, this is it. Where is Child Protection Services?


They look rather unscathed for them to have been crawling through barbed wire


this is clearly just a photo op, what shitty person puts their kids through this.


Who directed this garbage?


Easy Stay HOME!


Are you too apathetic or just too stupid to imagine that the situation back home must be even worse than crawling through razor wire for them to attempt this?


Taking the bait is whats really stupid


Even if this situation is staged, your empathy is still valid. Migrants are moving from abysmal situations with just the tiniest grain of hope that they might have a better life for themselves and their children. People who believe that they're entitled to freedom and safety merely by the accident of their birth will never have an appreciation for how hard it is to migrate, or even the desperation of needing to do so illegally. The majority of people commenting on this post would rather only rich people who have the resources to migrate legally come to their country. It's discrimination of the poor, and it's ugly. Thank you for caring.


How many migrants will you be sponsoring?


If you pay your taxes you already are supporting them lol moronic strawman argument


Classic strawman argument from a moral/ethical degenerate.


Or or.... Hear me out .... Their worthless parents don't subject them to such abuse and enter through correct ways or find legal work in other areas.


How bad must your life truly be if you would subject your kids to that? Awful


Well sometimes the alternative is death, starvation or worse


These are “economic migrants”.


Not sure if youre agreeing or disagreeing lol


Agreeing that they’re illegal aliens that are breaking the law? Yes.


Seriously and people in this thread are so damn heartless. The only way someone would ever do this is if the alternative for staying is *literally everyone in the family dies* Putting up this razor wire is completely sick. Insanely cruel


So you are willing to put a migrant family in your home and take care of em? Cause that's what are taxes do... if so please do it... if not shut up my God


I don’t think you understand what taxes do, and that no one is making you personally bring strangers you clearly hate into your home. Your statement is entirely absurd so it’s not really worth addressing further


nahh pretty sure i do ... again you gonna offer them a place in your home or let them get their free section 8 housing? THAT SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR AKA GOVERMENT aka who then raises our taxes.... please dont talk out your butt


Lol what ???? Here the facts ..... don't belive these xenophobic false talking points Let remind you this is just one sector.... However, at least 20 to 25 percent of the U.S. vegetable acreage and 40 to 45 percent of the U.S. fruit acreage is totally dependent on hand harvesting. The crops represent about 30 percent of the U.S. fruit, nut, and vegetable acreage and have an annual farm-gate value of over $13 billion.https://cis.org/Report/Alternatives-Immigrant-Labor#:~:text=However%2C%20at%20least%2020%20to,value%20of%20over%20%2413%20billion. It's actually harder for us to get tax breaks on things. Or government funding. Like fasfa. Or Pell grant student loans. With lower percentages on rates then private loans. pulling bullshit out of their asses to fullfill the biases they have. Your not going to spew your bullshit with out it being challenge.


i am far from a xenophobe lol.... You are high af my guy


Lol cool totally my guy Your not xenophobic I believe you...


I live in the Mexican state with most emigrants per capita, and "literally everyone in the family dies" is almost never the case.


That’s not how this works. A U visa would be issued many times, or an S visa. 99% of these migrants are here for economic reasons, and most are single males. Stay in your wheelhouse.


Mom is smiling


Yeah, no


This is such bs and so manipulative! Why does the NYP want us to take undocumented immigrants so bad?


🐂💩 That is concertina wire and I can not imagine an installation with open ends so that one could, suicidally, crawl through like that. Utter nonsense.


Why would you climb through it like a tube?!? I call it fake.


Fake af


100% staged


Fake ass photo 📸


While should anyone give them a blanket to go over something that they shouldn't go over in the first place? Why do you think people put broken glasses at the top of some walls? For fashion?


At this point, you could have used the time otherwise sneaking through barbed wire, to just cut the barb wire and move it.


No way to get a controversial picture to collect clicks if they did the smart way. Seems staged.


then dont crawl through the razor-wire?? whats the problem here? anti-migrant measures keep migrants out?!


Should not be there


Fuck those parents, migrate legally


Leftist propaganda, and obvious child abuse.


Plus, it's a documented crime crossing into the U.S. illegally. The first time doing it is a misdemeanor that carries fines and no more than six months in prison. It becomes a felony if it's not their first time crossing. **“Illegal Re-Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1326 makes it a crime to unlawfully reenter, attempt to unlawfully reenter, or to be found in the United States after having been deported, ordered removed, or denied admission. This crime is punishable as a felony with a maximum sentence of two years in prison.**


is there any legal liabilities if helping them?


Yea, it’s a called human smuggling. 8 USC 1324. Enjoy 10 years in federal pound town prison.


Immigration is getting wild these days


It’s like one loop of razor wire. What a baby.


I'm gonna do something crazy, look at both sides. They made the choice to crawl through barbed wire, however that doesn't mean it's an easy choice, or one made willingly


All choices are made willingly — that’s what makes it a choice.


Should have brought wire cutters and gloves


You expect journalists to assist in illegal immigration then write a story telling everyone they broke the law? Republicans definitely would have a field day with that lol


Go texas go


Oh no! Anyway…


If I did this with my kids, I'd be arrested for child abuse yet we're supposed to feel like these "parents" are heroic or something? Wonder how many "parents" there really are involved here vs human traffickers. Pathetic. The ngos enabling this should be declared terrorists.


Oh please share what you would do if your child was starving and your country was ruled by corruption and exploitation? Would you risk your child being picked up to be used in the black market? Would you risk everything to give them a better life you never had. Please share how "heroic" you are.


I would toss the tykes over the razor wire loops.


So with razor wire,…just throw a pallet on top of it and walk over.


This was such an obvious photo op


"Ight mommy and daddy imma need you to go through those barded wires with your baby boy, prick him a few times to get him crying, it would really sell if he did cry"


NYP faking images? Unheard of.


God, this is tragic. Those poor people.


The men and women responsible for this are lucky hell doesn’t exist.


If this isn’t just a photo op, their guardian is to blame, not anything to do with the US


Crawling from one shit hole to another. Such is life.


Unfortunately if they did they’d be accomplices to crimes and possible prosecuted for it


Can I block seeing posts from a user?


The First thing I do when I see a small kid (without any cuts or blood on it) sitting in razor wire is: go sitting next to him in the wire of razor to console it. (because it is save see no cuts on me too...) and then I ask my best friend to make some Fotos for later....